Entrepreneurship in the Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: the...

Entrepreneurship in the Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: the determinants and consequences for the municipal development Mario Duarte Canever 1 André Carraro 2 Volnei Krause Kohls 3 Morgan Yuri Oliveira Teles 4 Abstract: This paper is about the links between entrepreneurship determinants, entrepreneurship rate and entrepreneurship consequences. A model relating demographic, cultural, economical and institutional antecedents to entrepreneurship rate and to economic and social regional performance is proposed and tested using Rio Grande do Sul municipal data. The results support the view that institutional, economical and demographic variables shape entrepreneurship rate. Moreover support was also found for the fact that the entrepreneurship rate impacts the development of localities. Unlike other researches our results also suggest that the entrepreneurship rate mediates the effects of other variables on the regional economic and social performance. This result has important implications for establishing regional development policies because if the interest is to enhance economic and social development the best practice is to improve the entrepreneurship antecedents rather than only stimulate more people to start new business. Key-words: Entrepreneurship, local development, new firm formation, economic growth. Resumo: Este artigo trata das relações entre a taxa de empreendedorismo, seus determinantes e consequências. O modelo que relaciona antecedentes demográficos, culturais, econômicos e institucionais do empreendedorismo com a taxa de formação 1 Dr. Prof. Adjunto, Depto de Ciências Sociais Agrárias, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel). E-mail: [email protected] 2 Dr. Prof. Adjunto, Depto de Economia, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel). E-mail: [email protected] 3 Dr. Prof. Associado, Depto de Ciências Sociais Agrárias, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel). E-mail: E-mail: [email protected] 4 E-mail: [email protected]

Transcript of Entrepreneurship in the Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: the...

Entrepreneurship in the Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil:the determinants and consequences

for the municipal development

Mario Duarte Canever1

André Carraro2

Volnei Krause Kohls3

Morgan Yuri Oliveira Teles4

Abstract: This paper is about the links between entrepreneurship determinants,entrepreneurship rate and entrepreneurship consequences. A model relatingdemographic, cultural, economical and institutional antecedents to entrepreneurshiprate and to economic and social regional performance is proposed and tested usingRio Grande do Sul municipal data. The results support the view that institutional,economical and demographic variables shape entrepreneurship rate. Moreoversupport was also found for the fact that the entrepreneurship rate impacts thedevelopment of localities. Unlike other researches our results also suggest that theentrepreneurship rate mediates the effects of other variables on the regional economicand social performance. This result has important implications for establishingregional development policies because if the interest is to enhance economic and social development the best practice is to improve the entrepreneurship antecedents ratherthan only stimulate more people to start new business.

Key-words: Entrepreneurship, local development, new firm formation,economic growth.

Resumo: Este artigo trata das relações entre a taxa de empreendedorismo, seusdeterminantes e consequências. O modelo que relaciona antecedentes demográficos,culturais, econômicos e institucionais do empreendedorismo com a taxa de formação

1 Dr. Prof. Adjunto, Depto de Ciências Sociais Agrárias, Universidade Federal de Pelotas(UFPel). E-mail: [email protected]

2 Dr. Prof. Adjunto, Depto de Economia, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel). E-mail: [email protected]

3 Dr. Prof. Associado, Depto de Ciências Sociais Agrárias, Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel). E-mail: E-mail: [email protected]

4 E-mail: [email protected]

de novas empresas e com a renda per capita e o índice de desenvolvimento humanofoi proposto e testado usando dados municipais do estado do Rio Grande do Sul.Evidências foram encontradas de que variáveis institucionais, econômicas edemográficas determinam a taxa de empreendedorismo. Além disso, encontramossuporte para a relação - taxa de empreendedorismo e nível de desenvolvimentomunicipal. Porém, diferente de outras pesquisas, os resultados deste trabalho sugerem que a taxa de empreendedorismo, além de exercer efeitos diretos na renda per capita eno índice de desenvolvimento humano, tem efeitos indiretos. Este resultado temimportância para o estabelecimento de políticas de desenvolvimento regional, vistoque, se o interesse é fortalecer o desempenho regional, a melhor maneira é estimular os fatores que determinam a criação de empresas, mais do que somente estimular maispessoas a iniciarem novos negócios.

Palavras-chave: Empreendedorismo, desenvolvimento local, formação de novas firmas, desenvolvimento econômico.

Classificação JEL: R11.

1. Introduction

Entrepreneurship is generally assumed to be an important aspect of themodern societies and therefore many people are interested in its understanding.Most of the interest is observed in the policy maker and academic communities.Policy makers in general are interested in promoting entrepreneurial activitiesfor boosting economic development, while academics are focused on discovering the underlying mechanism which links entrepreneurship to development and to establish the theoretical base for the phenomenon. Although much has beeninvestigated, there is a certain research rarity concerning the causes of theentrepreneurship and its consequences for the development due to conceptualand methodological limitations (WENNEKERS and THURIK, 1999; VAN STEL et al., 2005). Both, entrepreneurship and development are complex phenomena,difficult for measuring and their concepts may vary in meaning according to thedifferent theoretical milieus under consideration. As a consequence the progressof the theory and tests become a complex and difficult task.

The links between development and entrepreneurship have been proposed inthe last century, mostly by Schumpeter (1934). Apart from Schumpeter, others authors also have emphasized the relationship between entrepreneurial activity anddevelopment, especially the economic progress (BARRETO, 1989; KIRCHHO, 1994;VAN STEL and SOTOREY, 2004, AUDRETSCH and KEILBACH, 2004). Researcheswere also elaborated to examine why countries and regions within a country differ interms of entrepreneurial and development levels (SHANE 1992; PENNINGS et al.

RESR, Piracicaba, SP, vol. 48, nº 01, p. 85-108, jan/mar 2010 – Impressa em março 2010

Entrepreneurship in the Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: the determinants and consequences for the municipal development


1998). Others have examined how different societies differ in terms of theirentrepreneurial behavior based on their cultural values (see for example ADLER, 1997; KEMELGOR, 2002). Many others argue that the entrepreneurship and developmentis a more complex phenomena which is conditioned by cultural factors, but also bypolitical, institutional and individual factors (REYNOLDS, 1991; BYGRAVE andHOFER, 1991; HANSEMARK, 1998; BARON, 2004)

In general, it has been observed an increased effort for incorporating theentrepreneurship as a central element for establishing public and private policiesat developed and in development countries (MYTELKA and SMITH, 2001;TODARO, 2000; PORTER, 2000; ROCHA, 2005). Researchers are constantlyproposing new contends and ways of analyzing the links betweenentrepreneurship and development, but frameworks which empirically test theentrepreneurship determinants and consequences all together are still scarce.Our goal is to investigate the direct and indirect relations betweenentrepreneurship determinants, entrepreneurship rate and entrepreneurshipconsequences at the local level. This is in contrast to using separated analysis thatproduced equivocal results and led to a hiatus in the entrepreneurship research.To accomplish this goal we propose a model which explicitly links the localeconomic, demographic, institutional and cultural characteristics to its per capitanew firm formation rate and to its economical and human development levels.

The data were collected for 467 municipalities existent in the state of the RioGrande do Sul, Brazil. This state has two distinct regions in terms of income leveland development. The north region, which comprises circa of 80% of themunicipalities and 50% of the total area is considered more developed and moredynamic. The south region located in the border of Uruguay and Argentina isconsidered less dynamic and poorer. Up to now many reasons were proposed asthe cause of the disparity, but no study investigated the entrepreneurship as apossible cause of the disparity. Given this characteristic the Rio Grande do Sul’sdata seems to be appropriated to illustrate our framework.

In the sequel of this paper, we first present some of the general issues related to theentrepreneurship and development. Then, the model and the methodological issuesare presented. Finally, we describe and discuss the results from our empirical study.

2. Entrepreneurship Capital

2.1 Theoretical Underpinning

While it has become widely acknowledged that entrepreneurship has animportant role in the economy of both developed and in development countries,there is little consensus about what actually constitutes entrepreneurship. Abroad array of definitions has appeared, but there is no generally accepted

RESR, Piracicaba, SP, vol. 48, nº 01, p. 85-108, jan/mar 2010 – Impressa em março 2010

Mario Duarte Canever, André Carraro, Volnei Krause Kohls,Morgan Yuri Oliveira Teles e Yony Sampaio


definition of entrepreneurship because it reflects a multidimensional concept(AUDRETSCH and KEILBACH, 2004). In an economic perspective it can be saidthat the entrepreneur is someone who specializes in taking responsibility for andmaking decisions that affect the location, form, and the use of goods, resources orinstitutions (AUDRETSCH and KEILBACH, 2004). Then a compelling view of the entrepreneurship is that it relates to the perception of new economicopportunities and the subsequent introduction of new ideas in the market. Aspointed out by Audretsch and Keilbach (2004), as entrepreneurs are agents ofchange, the entrepreneurship is about the process of change.

Despite the extensive effort realized to characterizing entrepreneurship, a differentbut related issue is how to measure it. One approach associate entrepreneurship to thenumber of people leading firms (EVANS and JOVANOVIC, 1989; BLANCHFLOWERand OSVALD, 1998). To this approach, the self-employment rate is one of the most usedindicator (GLAESER, 2007). Other approaches associate entrepreneurship to newproduct development (FELDMAN, 2003), or to the founding of new firms (KERR andNANDA, 2007; ROSENTHAL and STRANGE, 2008). On this article, we follow this latertradition and associate the entrepreneurship to the rate of new firm formation. This wayof measuring entrepreneurship considers the ability of regional’s people to create newfirms and is closer to the entrepreneurship dimension we want to capture in this study.

In a regional perspective a recently growing literature has sought todetermine the causes of firm creation variation, and has identified a number offactors that contribute to the differences in formation. The effects that contributeto new firm creation are said to come from both the demand and supply side(ACS and ARMINGTON, 2004; SUTARIA & HICKS, 2004). If in one hand a seriesof studies have tried to identify the antecedents of the entrepreneurship, on theother hand the entrepreneurship has also been considered an endogenouspromoter of the development (REYNOLDS et al., 1994; MORRIS, 1998; PORTER,2000; ACS and STOREY, 2004). A key argument is that the entrepreneur helps the economy because it transforms resources into products and services with addedvalue. That is, the final added value is larger than the summed input values.

The Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter was one of the first to elaborate anddemonstrate the impacts of entrepreneurship on development (SCHUMPETER,1934). For him, the development is result of innovative creation generated byentrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are all those who are able of making good resourcescombination and take responsibility for the future of the business. After Schumpeterthe economic development theory evolved via the neoclassical school of thought,which highlighted the roles of capital and labor (See SOLOW, 1956). Romer (1986)added to the neoclassical production function the investments in human capital,education and R&D, what gave rise to the endogenous growth theory5. Morerecently, a new series of works have emerged, suggesting a new variable not

RESR, Piracicaba, SP, vol. 48, nº 01, p. 85-108, jan/mar 2010 – Impressa em março 2010

Entrepreneurship in the Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: the determinants and consequences for the municipal development


5 See Romer (1990), Grossman e Helpman (1991); Aghion e Howitt (1998).

included in the Solow’s pioneering model: the Schumpeterian entrepreneur(GARTNER and CARTER 2003; AUDRETSCH e KEILBACH, 2007). For theseauthors, entrepreneurship, understood as the ability of economic agents to createnew business should be included in the economic growth models via a new form ofcapital: The entrepreneurial capital.

Their proposal was not denying the Solow’s model, but progress upon it bydistinguishing the physical, human and entrepreneurial capital. Unlike thetypical view of entrepreneurship as an action, process or professional activity,the reasoning of this research line is to consider entrepreneurship as a capitalstock (HOFSTEDE, 2001). Using a typical Cobb-Douglas function, the production function would now be seen in the following form:

Y K L R E ei i i i i i= ab d f g e

Where K represents physical capital, L the labor force, R is the knowledgecapital and E represents the entrepreneurial capital. The subscript i representsdifferent regions.

The opening of new firms (entrepreneurial capital) would be formally linkedto economic growth by, at least, three distinct ways (AUDRETSCH e KEILBACH,2007). First, the entrepreneurial capital has an important role for thedissemination of the knowledge generated by investments on Research andDevelopment (R&D). Romer (1990), Lucas (1988) and Grossman and Helpman(1991) already emphasized the importance of the knowledge spillover in theendogenous growth models. However, little was said about the mechanism bywhich knowledge is widespread in society. If it is true that a system of innovation(R&D) is based on research (R) and developing (D), also seems to be true that thedissemination of knowledge generated by research investments needs anentrepreneur to transform them into inventions. In other words, if in theSchumpeter’s model was the innovative entrepreneur the responsible forbreaking the circular flow of income, in the endogenous growth model theentrepreneurial capital is also responsible for the diffusion of the innovation.

A second way of linking the entrepreneurial capital to economics growth occursby the effect of competition. Both microeconomic models (VARIAN, 1992), andPorter’s competitive model (1990), emphasized that knowledge is more widespreadon competitive than in monopolist markets. Empirical studies also have foundevidence of a positive relationship between economic growth and increasedcompetition (FELDMAN and AUDRETSCH, 1999; GLAESER, et al., 1992).

Finally, the presence of a large entrepreneurial capital in a region not onlyaffects economic growth via competition, but also promotes the industrialdiversification. Since Jacobs (1969), is known the advantages brought by scopeeconomies, complementarities and positive externality generated by a certainlevel of industrial diversification within a city.

RESR, Piracicaba, SP, vol. 48, nº 01, p. 85-108, jan/mar 2010 – Impressa em março 2010

Mario Duarte Canever, André Carraro, Volnei Krause Kohls,Morgan Yuri Oliveira Teles e Yony Sampaio


2.2 Entrepreneurship Antecedents and Consequences

In a regional perspective a recently growing literature has sought to determinethe causes of firm creation variation, and has identified a number of factors thatcontribute to the differences in formation. The effects that contribute to new firmcreation are said to come from both the demand side via increased localpopulation, income e business activity, and from supply side via improved qualityof the local labor market, better business climate, tax rates and scale economies(ACS and ARMINGTON, 2004). However, there is no consensus about whichfactors really matter for stimulating new firm formation rate. The studies use a vastrange of explanatory variables and, indeed often, they find contradictory results(SUTARIA & HICKS, 2004). Without enter into this controversy, in this study wefocus on economical, demographical, institutional e ethno-cultural factors that canpush or pull the regional rate of new firm formation.

Among the economic factors, a rich literature exists that shed some light on therole of unemployment on the new firm creation. The existence of a situation of highdesocupation encourages or even urges many people to start their own business as amean of subsistence. An unoccupied/unemployed person is more willing to becomeself employed than an employed person (HANSEMARK, 1998). Then, firms creation is pushed by large supply of unemployed individuals (positive influence), but highunemployment may also pulls the entrepreneurship down because weak demand(negative influence) (AUDRETSCH, 1993; STOREY, 1991). Therefore, theunemployment can both pulls the new firm formation down or pushes it up. Thefinal balance is dependent from the magnitude of these two effects.

The role of income and population growth on the new firm formation has alsobeen somewhat controversial. Income growth, for example, is expected to positivelyinfluence the entry rate because it improves the consumption power for locals. Oncenew firms are created, however, the returns on new investments (new firms) arelikely to fall, what desestimulate the subsequent creation of new firms because theleft opportunities are probably less profitable. Then, the effect of income increases on new firm formation is also complex and may depends on the level of the absoluteincome, on delayed effects and locals propensity to spend. Similarly, the effects ofthe population growth on new firm formation are controversial. Armington and Acs(2002) found a positive relation, while Ausdretch and Frischt (1994) and Garofoli(1994) failed to find any significant relation.

Furthermore, studies proposed by Ilmakunnas et al. (1999) and Wennekers et al. (2005) suggested that the rate of new firm formation may also be associated tothe degree of economic disparity. Income inequality may pull or pushentrepreneurship by the very limited alternatives for those at the basis of thesocial pyramid. So, to make a better living, many individuals risk their saves as away to survive. Income disparity is also likely to create a more differentiateddemand for goods and services, which may push more birth of firms.

RESR, Piracicaba, SP, vol. 48, nº 01, p. 85-108, jan/mar 2010 – Impressa em março 2010

Entrepreneurship in the Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: the determinants and consequences for the municipal development


Demographic factor also play a role on the new firm formation rate. Forexample, the spatial distance among people and enterprises may act as arestriction for the entrepreneurship. Some prior studies have attempted to assessthe potential for positive effects from spillovers using either population densityor establishment density. Regions with high population density, i.e. low spatialdistance among people are considered to facilitate the entrepreneurship due tobetter capabilities for the smoothly flow of knowledge (ACS e VARGA, 2005). Thetype of knowledge most important for the entrepreneurial activity is the tacitknowledge, which is normally not yet coded and available for everyone. The tacit knowledge transmission is usually facilitated with the approximation betweenspeaker (promoters) and listener (users), which can be persons or enterprises(POLANYI, 1967). Arenius and Minniti (2005) and Reynolds (2005) also call theattention for the fact that densely populated regions tend to facilitate theinteractions among potential entrepreneurs, which otherwise would not haveany chance to perceive business opportunities. The approximation of firms andclients reduce the transaction costs, increases the potential for idea exchangesand may provide the stimulus for new firm creation.

Since the appearance of the endogenous growth theory (ROMER, 1986 and1990) education is recognized as a key determinant of the entrepreneurialactivity (WENNEKERS et al., 2002; LEE et al., 2004; ARENIUS and DE CLERCQ,2005). The education level affects the entrepreneurship in two ways: First, theeducation level influences the capability of citizens of perceiving opportunitiesand subsequently becoming an entrepreneur. That is, business opportunities arerecognized by some individuals, but not by others based on knowledgedifferential (ARENIUS and DE CLERCQ, 2005). Obviously, well educated people possess better information exchange capability and greater potential forintellectual elaboration (see similar argument on COHEN e LEVINTHAL, 1990).Second, education is assumed to stimulate creativity and autonomy, which canraise the entrepreneurial spirit of a population. In this sense the entrepreneurialaction observed in a locality is positively influenced by the education level of itspopulation, which needs recursive waves of investments for supporting thedevelopment trends or new development cycles.

In cross-national studies realized for comparing the variations in new firmformation rates in various countries (see REYNOLDS et al, 1994 for a summary) itwas unequivocally defined the importance of the actual business structure forpromoting new firm start-up. For example, the regional presence of a strongsmall establishment segment was strongly associated to the new entries acrossthe various studies presented on the special issue of the Regional Studies in 1994.This, possibly, is associated to the learning process acquired by the newentrepreneurs in contact with the vast opportunities brought by the presence ofsmall enterprises, resulting in lower risk perception and reduced entrance costs.Chinitz (1961) already called our attention for the role played by the small

RESR, Piracicaba, SP, vol. 48, nº 01, p. 85-108, jan/mar 2010 – Impressa em março 2010

Mario Duarte Canever, André Carraro, Volnei Krause Kohls,Morgan Yuri Oliveira Teles e Yony Sampaio


enterprises on the differences of the entrepreneurial activity among cities. Forhim, cities with large integrated enterprises – Pittsburg – depress externalsupplier development because they impose too many requirements and providelower opportunities for profitable entrance. On the other hand, cities populatedby small enterprises – New York – are likely to promote entrepreneurshipbecause the entry costs are lower and the opportunities are more profitable. Inthe same vein, Armington and Acs (2002) presented a similar argument for justifythe negative effect of firm’s size on new firm formation rate.

A less emphasized aspect on the literature is the role of government andinstitutions on new firm creation. Institutions have been recognized as an importantelement for establishing entrepreneurship policy since long time, but only recentstudies systematically investigate these issues. Baumol (1990) argued that the supplyof entrepreneurs and the nature of their motives undergo no significant change fromone period to another. For him what matters are institutions, that is, the rules of thegame. For North (2005) the institutional environment determines the formal andinformal rules of the game, which places constraints on human action, and, possibly,reduces uncertainty. Thus, institutions (and the policies that shape them) are crucial indetermining entrepreneurial behavior. Entrepreneurship is the mechanism.Institutions - such as the policy environment - are what allocate entrepreneurial efforts toward productive or unproductive activities. According to McMullen et al. (2008) theindividual decision to become an entrepreneur is embedded in a conjoint ofinstitutions that influences both the motivation and uncertainty intrinsic in anyentrepreneurial action. Therefore, bureaucracy, taxation, property rights or any othergovernmental intervention are factors that can interfere in the entrepreneurial action.

Furthermore, entrepreneurship is also associated to culture. Culture isdefined as a set of shared values, beliefs, and expected behaviors (HOFSTEDE,2001) that shape political institutions, social and technical systems and also theentrepreneurial action. For example, cultures that value and rewardentrepreneurial behavior such as risk taking and independent thinking are likelyto better develop creativity and radical innovation than cultures that reinforceconformity, group interests and control (HOFSTEDE, 2001). A number ofresearches have intended to capture the effects of cultural differences on national entrepreneurship based on culturally influenced dimensions such asindividualism, power-distance, and masculinity (SCHEINBERG &MacMILLAN, 1988; SHANE et al., 1991). Overall, these researches provide twoinsights into the role of culture on entrepreneurship. The first is that differentcultures emphasize different motivational needs. The second is that differentculture is likely to influence the rates of entrepreneurship by creating differentsupply of potential entrepreneurs (GEORGE and ZAHRA, 2002).

If in one hand a series of studies have tried to identify the antecedents of theentrepreneurship, on the other hand the entrepreneurship has also beenconsidered an endogenous promoter of the development (REYNOLDS et al.,

RESR, Piracicaba, SP, vol. 48, nº 01, p. 85-108, jan/mar 2010 – Impressa em março 2010

Entrepreneurship in the Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: the determinants and consequences for the municipal development


1994; MORRIS, 1998; PORTER, 2000; ACS and STOREY, 2004). A key argument isthat the entrepreneur helps the economy because it transforms resources intoproducts and services with added value. That is, the final added value is largerthan the summed input values. Even when an entrepreneur is involved withproducts and services not entirely innovative, i. e., his/her products and servicesare already known, the creation of a new firm strengthen the regional economybecause it can reduce costs and prices and stimulate quality and competitiveness(DISNEY et al., 2003). De Meza (2002), argues that even when a entrepreneur failshis/her initiative can affect positively the economy first by saving others to investin the same business, second by stimulating others to identify what has beenwrong, and third by serving as learning process for future start ups. Although not all entrepreneurial initiatives extract innovative dividends to the economy, highlevels of entrepreneurial activity in a determined region may increase efficiencyand contributes for the continuous economy restructuring.

According to Birch (1981) regions with greater amount of entrepreneurialactivity tend to create more employment opportunities and consequently bettersocial development. Late, others tested the association betweenentrepreneurship and social development and confirmed the positivity of theassociation mainly when the entrepreneurship activity is based on small tomedian enterprises (OECD, 1996; REYNOLDS et al., 2001). These researches,therefore, gave substance to the Schumpeter’s ideas about development. ForSchumpeter the development is endogenous and depends on changes inducedby entrepreneurs. These empirical studies endorsed the relevant role of theentrepreneurial activity not only for promoting increases on the output of aneconomy, but also for promoting changes in the life standard of the population.

Therefore, according to the literature, both economic developmentunderstood as the increase in the standard of living of a nation’s populationusually measured by the disposable per capita income, and the humandevelopment which includes the environment where people can develop theirfull potential and lead productive, creative lives in accord with their needs andinterests may be affected by the entrepreneurship.

3. Model, data and methodological procedures

In this section we present the model and discuss our data. Figure 1 illustratesour model and presents the reasoning which gives substance to the causes of thenew firm creation and their consequences. In this regard, data on economical,demographical, institutional and ethnic-cultural variables are used as firmcreation determinants. Moreover, data on per capita income and humandevelopment indices are used as consequence of the new firm creation.

RESR, Piracicaba, SP, vol. 48, nº 01, p. 85-108, jan/mar 2010 – Impressa em março 2010

Mario Duarte Canever, André Carraro, Volnei Krause Kohls,Morgan Yuri Oliveira Teles e Yony Sampaio


We make use of the Rio Grande do Sul’s counties data for testing our model.Rio Grande do Sul is the Brazil’s most southern state; has an area of approximately300,000 km2 and around 10 million inhabitants. This state has two distinct regionsin terms of income level and development. The north region, which comprisescirca of 80% of the counties and 50% of the total area is considered more developedand more dynamic. The south region located in the border of Uruguay andArgentina is considered less dynamic and poorer. Up to now many reasons wereproposed as the cause of the disparity, but no study investigated theentrepreneurship as a possible cause of the disparity. Given this characteristic theRio Grande do Sul’s data seems to be appropriated to illustrate our framework.

In 2000 there were 496 counties in Rio Grande do Sul, but only 467 countieswere considered in the analysis because the other 29 were created late on the 90’sand the Brazilian Geographic and Statistical Bureau (IBGE) included theirinformation in their respective mother’s county6. The variables used for testingour model, their definitions and sources are presented below.

Our major depend variable is new firm formation rate (ENTRE), which isdefined as the average new firm formation over a period of two years (1999-2000)registered in the State Business Office (JUCERGS) in relation to the adultpopulation (? 25 years of age). Other dependent variables used in the model were the county per capita income (GDP) as a proxy for the economic developmentand a socio-economic development index (IDESE) for measuring the humandevelopment level. These variables are taken from the Foundation of Economicsand Statistics (FEE) over the period 2000-2005. IDESE is an index similar to theHuman Development Index (HDI) developed by the United Nations

RESR, Piracicaba, SP, vol. 48, nº 01, p. 85-108, jan/mar 2010 – Impressa em março 2010

Entrepreneurship in the Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: the determinants and consequences for the municipal development


Figura 1. The model

Source: Prepared by the authors.





New firmcreation





6 One county (Triunfo) was considered outlier and not included in the analysis because itcontradicts all trends observed on the entire data set. Triunfo is a small county, just 22thousand inhabitants, with a major petrochemical complex.

Development Programme (UNDP). FEE estimates the IDESE for every county inthe state considering a composition of four groups of variables: Education7,Housing and sanitation8, Health9 and Income10.

As new firm creation is determined by a wide range of variables we haveselected a portfolio of determinants for testing our model. First, in economicterms we use the Gini index (GINI) for 2000 as a proxy for the effects of incomedisparity on new start-ups. The unemployment rate (UNEMP) of people above18 years old for the two-year period prior to our start-up measurement periodwas used for testing the effects of the lack of employment opportunity onentrepreneurship. Income growth (INCGRO) measured by the averageincreases of personal income in the municipality from 1991 to 2000 was used tocapture the influences of the disposable income in the entrepreneurship.

Relevant demographic factors included in the analysis were the average annualnumber of establishments over a period of two years (1997-1998) in each county inrelation to its population (1000 inhabitants) and to its area in squared kilometer(ESTINTEN). This is in contrast to prior studies, which, generally, assessed thepotential for positive effects from spillovers using either population density orestablishment density, measured as the number of units per unit of area. By mixingthis two indexes we intent to capture the real communication opportunities forknowledge spillovers via a proxy for establishment intensity per unit of area.Furthermore, we use the population growth (POPGRO) measured as the differencein the county population between 1991 and 2000 for capture the supply and demand influences of a growing population on the firm formation. The third variable usedwas education (EDU). EDU is a factor extracted from three variables throughPrincipal Component Analysis. This factor was extracted from the proportion of thecounty’s population who had accessed university in 1991, the average number ofyear at school for the adult population (? 25 years) in 1991 and the county’s per capitaexpenses with education also for 1991. The technique is used here for parsimony and to ward off multicollinearity. The last demographic factor considered in the analysisis the variation in the average number of year at school (VAREDU) for each county’sadult population (? 25 years) between 1991 and 2000.

RESR, Piracicaba, SP, vol. 48, nº 01, p. 85-108, jan/mar 2010 – Impressa em março 2010

Mario Duarte Canever, André Carraro, Volnei Krause Kohls,Morgan Yuri Oliveira Teles e Yony Sampaio


7 Derives from the rate of illiterate among people with 15 or more years, percentage ofstudents that give up school in the fundamental school (first 8 years), percentage offailure at fundamental school, and percentage of young (scholar age) who attend thehigh school.

8 Derives from the average number of people per households, county’s proportion ofhouseholds with clean water, and county’s proportion of households connect to thecloacal and sanitation devices.

9 Results from the percentage of children born with less than the normal weight,mortality rate under five years of life, and the life expectation at birth.

10 Includes the county’s GDP per capita and the total of the GDP that is appropriated bythe local population.

Relevant institutional variables include the county’s percentage of the totalpopulation (average for 1991 and 2000) who received 50% or more of their totalincome from direct transferences from the government (GOVTRANS). Thesetransferences are comprised by retirement pension, social security systems, among others social help programmes. A final factor is regarded with the participation ofthe micro and small enterprises (MIC) on the total number of enterprises existentin each locality. MIC is measured as the proportion of enterprises with less than 50employees in each county for the years1997 and 1998.

As the state of Rio Grande do Sul is formed by two distinct colonization regions(the north “Serra” mostly colonized by Italians and Germans immigrants, whilethe south “Campanha” by Portuguese or Brazilians with Portuguese ascendants),we included a dummy (SOUTNOR) - value 1 for southern counties within themeso-regions Centro Ocidental, Centro Oriental, Sudeste Rio-grandense eSudoeste Rio-grandense and value 0 for all other counties in the sample.

The southern region of the state was the first to be more intensivelypopulated. In the 19th century, cattle ranching and the production of dried salted meat transformed the region into the dynamic center of the state economy. Large landholdings were the norm on the fields of the Campanha, and the production ofdried salted meat (called charque, a word later adopted in English-speakingcountries as beef jerky, or jerked beef) was basically carried out by African slavesand their descendants. On the last quarter of the 19th century immigrants fromseveral European countries, mainly Italy and Germany, started to establishresidence on the northern part of the state, the Serra (Hills). In this region, smalllandholdings and free labor were the norm, and its production was gearedtoward the domestic market of the Province.

The contrast between these regions, which was already pronounced in thebeginning of the 20th century, persisted to the recent days. In the Serra region, the oldimmigrant colonies modernized their production and became worldwide industrialexporters. Meanwhile, in the Campanha region, modernization was more restricted,which resulted in a reduced performance compared to the rest of the state. Therefore,the dummy (SOUTNOR) intents to measure any possible ethnic-cultural impact overentrepreneurship resulted from the different settlers in the province.

Path analysis was used to estimate the relations between entrepreneurshipdeterminants, entrepreneurship rate and entrepreneurship consequences. Theanalyses were performed with Lisrel 8.5 (JORESKOG and SORBOM, 2001) basedon the maximum likelihood estimation. The effects of variables on other variables can be denoted by their standardized regression (beta) coefficients or pathcoefficients. Path analysis allows the research to decompose the correlationbetween an exogenous and an endogenous variable, or between twoendogenous variables, into the following components: (1) direct effect of onevariable upon the other variable; (2) indirect effects via mediating variables; (3)unanalyzed effects due to correlated causes; and (4) spurious effects due to

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Entrepreneurship in the Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: the determinants and consequences for the municipal development


common causes. In this study, we are particularly interested in the causal part ofthe correlation coefficient, i. e., in the observed direct and indirect effectsbetween variables. The advantage of path analysis for testing our modelcompared to other methods is its ability to model mediating variables, whichfacilitates the estimation of indirect effects.

4. Results and Discussion

Figure 2 shows the output for the model adjusted for GDP and IDESE for200211; here we limit ourselves to a presentation of the standardized paths linking the entrepreneurship to its determinants and consequences. Correlationsbetween variables, means and standard deviations are displayed in Table 1. Wealso present the fit statistics and relevant diagnostic information for possiblefurther modification to improve the model.

RESR, Piracicaba, SP, vol. 48, nº 01, p. 85-108, jan/mar 2010 – Impressa em março 2010

Mario Duarte Canever, André Carraro, Volnei Krause Kohls,Morgan Yuri Oliveira Teles e Yony Sampaio


Figure 2. The basic model

Notes: * parameters not significant at p =0.05 Source: Prepared by the authors.













11 We run the same model for 2001 and 2003 and obtained very similar results. Theparameters signs, significance levels and the model’s goodness of fit remained coherentwith the adjusted model for 2002.

The first thing to note on this model is its overall fit. For example, the NormalTheory Weighted Least Squares Chi-Square value comes to 1086.08 which with18 degrees of freedom yields highly significant results (p < 0.01), implying thatthe model is not adequate. But, as caution should be taken because the chi-square test is very sensitive to sample size, other measures are considered to assessoverall model fit. Among them, RMSEA = 0.36 is well above 0.1, indicating a highdiscrepancy between the implied covariance in the model and observedcovariance in the data. The GFI and AGFI assess the correspondence betweenobserved and hypothesized covariance. A good GFI should be 0.90 or higher, and a good AGFI should be near 0.90 or higher. In our models both indexes are wellbellow the expected values. The NFI indicates the extent to which the modelimproves fit compared to a random model, and a value greater than 0.80 isconsidered indicative of good fit. Our model NFI is below the threshold level andtherefore shows a bad fit. In general, all these results suggest that our model fitsbadly the data

Table 1. Descriptive Statistic and Correlation Matrix

Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1. Log ENTRE -2,373 0,283

2. GINI 0,521 0,059 -,015

3. UNEMP -0,225 4,650 ,045 ,064

4. INCGRO 0,514 0,288 -,184 ,030 -,064

5. ESTINTEN 0,206 0,253 ,347 -,409 -,015 ,038

6. POPGRO 0,045 0,191 ,601 -,080 ,068 -,225 ,334

7. EDU 0,000 1,000 ,478 ,138 ,060 -,236 ,071 ,273

8. VAREDU 0,841 0,237 ,356 ,159 ,007 ,017 ,126 ,297 ,076

9. GOVTRANS 11,494 3,232 -,204 ,445 ,019 -,066 -,387 -,188 -,035 -,023

10. SOUTNOR 0,150 0,357 ,043 ,338 ,036 -,193 -,237 ,039 ,040 ,103 ,296

11. MIC0-50 0,018 0,013 ,315 ,230 ,094 -,273 -,039 ,126 ,300 ,001 ,108 ,077

12. Log GDP 02 3,864 0,182 ,365 -,126 ,003 -,053 ,124 ,230 ,334 ,176 -,396 -,062 -,026

13. IDESE 02 0,676 0,642 ,531 ,087 ,085 -,223 ,122 ,272 ,685 ,145 -,145 ,027 ,355 ,333

n = 467Source: Prepared by the authors.

Improvement in fit is attained by the addition of model parameters or byeliminating non-significant variables. By looking at the modification indexprovided by on Lisrel output some suggestions are given, which can reduceconsiderable the size of the chi-square. It is suggested that adding direct pathsfrom the entrepreneurship determinants to the entrepreneurship consequences

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Entrepreneurship in the Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: the determinants and consequences for the municipal development


will adjust the model to the data. Furthermore, the model also improves byremoving non related variables.

Inspection of the non-significant variables shows that UNEMP andSOUTNOR are not relevant for predicting entrepreneurship. Additionally, as the correlation between GINI and ENTRE is close to zero and not significant see onTable 2, the significant path between these two variables raised concerns aboutpotential multicollinearity in the data. Indeed the inclusion of GINI resulted inwrong signs and magnitudes of regression coefficient estimates, andconsequently in incorrect conclusions about this parameter. Therefore, GINI andthe other two variables were removed from further analysis.

Figure 3 displays the adjusted model for 2002 with the changes describedabove and with the additional direct paths from entrepreneurship antecedents tothe entrepreneurship consequences. According to the modification indices addingdirect paths from EDU to GDP02 and to IDESE02 yields a considerable reduction inthe discrepancy between the covariance matrix implied by the model to the sample covariance matrix. The positive sign of these parameters make conceptual sense,since they imply that the per capita income and the human development index for2002 is likely to be greater in counties which the population had better education in1991. Modification index also suggests adding paths from ESTINTEN,GOVTRANS and MIC0-50 to GDP02. Although is difficult to know the signal of theserelationship in advance, in an economical sense, is quite obvious that laggedvariation of these variables can have impacts on the county’s per capita income. Inthe same vein, it is reasonable to accept that MIC00-50 can affect IDESE02, althoughits signal is also difficult to predict in advance.

While there are still a few large modification indices, none of them are as largeas the ones for the original model. Moreover, they all relate to paths reflectingcovariances among the exogenous variables, which cannot be substantivelyjustified in the present case. Indeed, the modified model shows that while therehas been a loss of 10 degrees of freedom, this has been more than compensated bythe large reduction in the value of the chi-square statistic. The chi-square difference test D2 is equal to 1072.19, which is highly significant p < 0.001 and shows that theadded paths contributed significantly for improving the model fit. Finally, themodel overall and goodness of fit measurement unanimously indicates anexcellent fit of the model. The Normal Theory Weighted Least Squares Chi-Squarevalue equals to 14.90, df = 8 and p-value = 0.061, while RMSEA = 0.043, NFI =0.974, GFI = 0.994 and AGFI = 0.960.

RESR, Piracicaba, SP, vol. 48, nº 01, p. 85-108, jan/mar 2010 – Impressa em março 2010

Mario Duarte Canever, André Carraro, Volnei Krause Kohls,Morgan Yuri Oliveira Teles e Yony Sampaio


There are a number of insightful results reported by our study which suggeststhat economical, institutional and demographic variables shape the per capitaformation of enterprises in a locality. Furthermore, we were able to show that thenew formation rate of enterprises has positive consequences for the society in theform of better per capita income and human development indexes. Additionallythe results shows substantial indirect effects of the entrepreneurship antecedentson GDP per capita and IDESE mediated by the intervening variable ENTRE.

Regarding the direct effects ESTINTEN, EDU, MICO-50, POPGRO andVAREDU have positive influence on the new firm formation rate, while INCGROand GOVTRANS are negatively associated. The positive association of ESTINTENto ENTRE suggests that the external economies generated by a high per capitasupply of firms per unit of area will result in a higher rate of new firm formation. Inan environment highly populated by firms in relation to people possibly creates apositive societal environment for entrepreneurs’ formation, i.e., the externaleconomies favor the entrepreneurial capability. Young potential entrepreneursmay perceive in their neighborhood an active entrepreneurial activity and mayfind on it an example and a stimulus for engaging as entrepreneurs too. A relatedfactor also responsible for facilitate new entrepreneurs is a low level of barriers toenter. Therefore, a local business structure with no dominant large firms mayfacilitate the new firm formation via fewer barriers to entry and moreopportunities for knowledge spillovers. Figure 3 shows a positive parameter fromMICO-50 to ENTRE indicating that a higher presence of micro and small enterprisesin a precedent period incentives new blood to enter in the business.

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Entrepreneurship in the Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: the determinants and consequences for the municipal development


Figure 3. How entrepreneurship affects income and human development

Note: All parameters are significant at p < 0.05.Source: Prepared by the authors.











The social structure is another fundamental factor for the understanding ofthe entrepreneurship. The population growth indeed affects the formation ofnew firm. It may increases either the supply of potential founders of newbusinesses or the demand for consumer services and goods, which createsopportunities for entrepreneurs. The 0.50 value estimated for the growingpopulation from 1991 to 2000 for the standardized coefficient indicates that alocality with a population growth that is one standard deviation greater than themean will be likely to have firm start-up rates that are 0.50 of a standard deviationhigher than the mean. Similarly, municipalities that have made greater pastinvestment on education (EDU) and that have faster improvement on educationlevel (VAREDU) measured by the average number of year at school by the adultpopulation attained higher new business formation rates. Therefore, the moreserious a city treats its educational policy; higher will be its human capital forsupporting high levels of entrepreneurship.

The governmental structure also affects the regional entrepreneurship. Thegovernment action in the form of direct transferences to the population,generally intended to improve welfare, reduces the entrepreneurship impetus.In a situation where the income needed for living is guaranteed, individualsmaximize their time on leisure activities, instead of entrepreneurial activities. Inthis perspective the government action is not neutral. Therefore, if the objectiveis to boost development, it is necessary attention on the side effects caused by thegovernment actions on the entrepreneurship. Furthermore, an increase in thegovernmental transferences not necessarily improves welfare. Contrarily, theresults obtained in this study show an inverse relationship betweengovernmental transferences and per capita income. Direct governmentaltransferences might be associated to political bargain and inefficient allocation,which helps to reproduce the initial poverty condition rather than alleviate it.

The parameter on income growth is negative, which is inconsistent withresults from Reynolds (1994) and Keeble and Walker (1994). A possibleexplanation for the negative effect is related to the level of the initial counties’ percapita income. Those cities with lower income level on the beginning of theperiod i.e., 1991 may also present higher per capita income growth, whatsignalizes a type of catch-up growth. With increases in the development thoseinitial poorer and less developed cities may tend to reduce the number ofmarginal entrepreneurs who may become more productive employed in otherfirms compared to if they are running a small store. A second possibleexplanation is the incentives received by faster growing regions fromgovernment, for example to optimize their business scale around largercompanies, which in turn provide better job opportunities for the localpopulation and reduces their propensity to start a new business. This fact may beparticularly important in the case of entrepreneurship for necessity.

RESR, Piracicaba, SP, vol. 48, nº 01, p. 85-108, jan/mar 2010 – Impressa em março 2010

Mario Duarte Canever, André Carraro, Volnei Krause Kohls,Morgan Yuri Oliveira Teles e Yony Sampaio


An important result of our study is the find that entrepreneurship indeedinfluences both the economic and human development. But, a more insightfulaspect is that new firm formation mediates the effects of a series of other variables on economic and human development. POPGRO and EDU presented thelargest positive indirect effect, while GOVTRANS the largest negative indirecteffect on GDP02 and IDESE02 (Table 2). This suggests that new firm formation ratemediates the effects of the economic, institutional and demographic variables onthe regional performance. For example, as population growth (POPGRO),increases the rate of new firm creation (ENTRE) that in turn causes bettereconomic (GDP) and human development (IDESE) levels for the locals. Then, agrowing population causes higher opportunities for entrepreneurs and,therefore, cities may present higher rate of new firm formation, which in terncauses better economic and social performance. Similarly, the indirect effect ofEDU on GDP02 and IDESE02 represents, respectively, more than 23% and 24% ofits total effect on these variables meaning that better education improvesentrepreneurship which in turn affect development.

Table 2. Standardized Total and Indirect Effects

tceffE f

o ep
































GDP02 -0.018 -0.161 0.121 0.213 0.032 -0.337 -0.299 0.241

IDESE02 -0.021 -0.030* 0.143 0.496 0.038 -0.159 0.100 0.287

IndirectGDP02 -0.018 0.035 0.121 0.055 0.032 -0.043 0.043 -

IDESE02 -0.021 -0.030* 0.143 0.124 0.038 -0.159 -0.075 0.089

* Parameter not significant at p = 0.05Source: Prepared by the authors.

Finally, we were able to show that the entrepreneurship affects humandevelopment via economic progress. Theorists as diverse as Reynolds et al. (1994) and Acs e Storey (2004) shared results of the importance of entrepreneurship forimproving the level of the local income. Beyond the economical effects wedemonstrate that changes in the entrepreneurial activity will cause subsequently changes in the human development via increases in the economic status. There is a causal relation between entrepreneurship and human development mediatedby the income level of a region as can be seen in the last column of Table 2. This is a very significant effect (t = 4.29) and comprises more than 30% of the effects ofnew firm formation on human development index. Therefore, theentrepreneurial activity promotes economical gains, which in turn promotessocial gains in the form of better salaries and better social infra-structures.

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Entrepreneurship in the Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: the determinants and consequences for the municipal development


5. Conclusion

Among its many dimensions, the main focus of the current paper has beenthe relations between new firms birth its causes and consequences. Weintroduced a rather stylized model which explicitly linked various variables toform the theoretical foundation for the analytical analysis. Such an analysis wascarried out by resorting to Rio Grande do Sul data on a set of 467 municipalities.The paper finds evidence for Rio Grande do Sul to support the view thateconomical institutional and demographic variables shape new firms birth rate.We did not find any role for city unemployment, ethnic-cultural background and income disparity in explaining patters of entry across cities, however.

On the other hand, we do find that local education progress and educationinvestment variables are very important for new start-ups. This suggests thatpeople and their human capital are probably the crucial ingredients for most new entrepreneurs. But, evidence on the demand side appeared to matter as well.Population growth was the most important regional characteristics to affect newfirm formation rate. The income growth and the governmental transferences tothe population appeared to have a negative relation. While this outcomes areprovocative, we remain cautious about the strength of these findings, and wehope that future research will uncover other identification strategies for theseresults.

We also find significant evidence on the importance of the local intensity ofbusiness in the area. This result suggests that higher number of establishment per person per area influences later growth through the increased productiveexternality generated by contact possibilities. The regional presence of a strongsmall establishment segment was also related to new firm formation confirmingthe studies of Reynolds et al. (1994) about the importance of the actual businessstructure for promoting new firm start-up.

Remarkably, however, was the find that the entrepreneurial activity in aregion may mediate the effects of other variables on the regional economic andsocial performance. This result has important implications for establishingregional development policies because if the interest is to enhance economic andsocial development the best practice is to improve the entrepreneurshipantecedents rather than only stimulate more people to start new business. Thepositive association between entrepreneurship rate and economic and humandevelopment also indicates that policies set for improving the entrepreneurshipimpetus and the quality of the entrepreneurship may have significant impacts inthe population welfare.

RESR, Piracicaba, SP, vol. 48, nº 01, p. 85-108, jan/mar 2010 – Impressa em março 2010

Mario Duarte Canever, André Carraro, Volnei Krause Kohls,Morgan Yuri Oliveira Teles e Yony Sampaio


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Entrepreneurship in the Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: the determinants and consequences for the municipal development