Entrepreneurs' guide to managing human resources

ENTREPRENEURS' GUIDE TO MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES Simple 10 principles for managing HR 11/28/2013 (Dr. T.K. Jain’s series for entrepreneurs) Dr. Trilok Kumar Jain



Transcript of Entrepreneurs' guide to managing human resources

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ENTREPRENEURS' GUIDE TO MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES Simple 10 principles for managing HR 11/28/2013 (Dr. T.K. Jain’s series for entrepreneurs) Dr. Trilok Kumar Jain

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by : Trilok Kumar Jain

Dean, ISBM Suresh Gyan Vihar

University, Jaipur, India

[email protected]

Mobile : 9414430763

Author of book on: Human Resource


for whom?

Are you an entrepreneur? - this will help you

thow who have become entrepreneurs

those who aspire to be entrepreneurs

those who aspire to train entrepreneurs

thow who aspire to support entrepreneurs

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Entrepreneurship is all about managing team and

transforming team to out-performing organisations.

Entrepreneurship is to convert 2+2=4 to 2+2=5. This is

not easy. It is to reinforce and build commitment among

the employees. It is to build their sense of commitment.

It is to create aspirations among them. The task of

entrepreneur is not just to manage enterprise; it is also

to support the entire team during their personal

difficulties also. The entrepreneur of tomorrow will have

to go beyond the typical roles of a manager and extend a

helping hand of a friend, philosopher and guide to the


It would be wrong to treat employees as employees only.

It would be better to elevate the employees as partners

in progress, partners in growth and partners in

organisation's profits. Organisations will be able to grow

if they are able to have people who aspire to change the

organisation as per changing times.

Organisations are build on five fundamentals : -

a. shared beliefs & culture: organisation is a belief

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system. You have to believe in your organisation and its

eternity. You have to have faith in the work of the

organisation. You have to trust your organisation. You

have to bring the best out of yourself for the organisation

because you have to believe that it is for a good cause.

Beliefs have to be shared, discussed and evolved,

organisation has to be built around beliefs. As an

entrepreneur, you have to create a culture of excellence

and re-create it. You have to create a system where

people are able to support each other and are able to

develop a culture of mutual support and teamwork. It

also means a well established hierarchy, division of work,

clarity in roles and mutual support. Take honey-bees for

example, they are great organsation – because they work

in a culture of excellence. Take Geese for example, they

develop leaders, and leaders help others and give way to

others to take leadership roles.

b. ideas : the ideas differentiate organisation from other

organiation, products from other products, services from

other services. The ideas build the reasons for the

existance of the organisation

c. process innovations: Innovations are the way through

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which the organisations are able to improve their

working constantly and bring out the best from the

teams. The collective synergies are possible due to these

innovations and processes.

d. superordinate goals : organisations create

superordinate goals - more important goals than our

individual goals. Employees pursue these goals vigorously

and love them. The employees must imbibe these goals

and follow them religiously.

f. systems and procedures : Organisations create systems

to ensure stability, fairness, transparency,

professionalism, stability, order, and discipline. These

systems are created and re-created regularly and they

give the backbone to the organisation.

10 Principles that will help you manage your HR

1. Recruit Carefully

People will tell you to adopt objective tests, written tests,

and aptitude tests for recruitment. You may adopt these.

But more important than these are the detailed

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personal interviews and assignments. You can judge

employee on the basis of his score in written test. Its not

his capability, but its his willingness, his commitment and

his aspirations that will help you the most. So more than

the objective tests, you have to rely on subjective tests -

your own ability to judge people. You have to invest your

time with the candidate and see that you are able to

explore the person thoroughly. Probe deeply and ask

questions like Why, what for, how, to know about the

psychology of the employee. Recruiting good employees

will enable you to take the organisation to rocket hights.

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2. Orient Thoroughly

Before putting an employee to task, give him orientation.

Its about briefing them about your philosophy, your

ideals, your beliefs and your mission. The employees

must be glued to your way of working before he starts

working. He must really respect the organisation as a

great place - not because it is looking great, but because

of its soul - which is in the shared vision that you are able

to create.

3. Place Properly

Square peg in square hole, round peg in round hole. Put

the employees in the jobs for which they are best suited.

Place employees carefully. Give them assignments that

can enable them to work great. Every employee is not fit

for every assignment. Give employees the assignments in

which they will enjoy the most and will exert extra

efforts. Every employee can put in at least 100% more

efforts in some or other sector - provided the work is

related to his passions. Identify the areas where the

employee will click. Periodically assess and re-assess and

rotate employees to check their suitability. Identify the

hidden potential of the employees.

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4. Train Judiciously

Training is an investment. But before sending the

employee for training - ensure that employee is going to

stay in your organisation. First take a feedback from

other employees that this employee will become your

asset and will work here - then decide to send him for

training. Employees must aspire for training and let the

employee approach you for a training programme. Send

the employees only if you are sure that the employee is

really hungry for the training programme. Training has

following costs : - 1. cost of training 2. cost of employee

(his manhours) 3. cost of replacing employee 4. cost of

travel and other related costs.

Training must generate returns after training. The returns

will be possible only if there is proper planning before

training. I have seen in public sector that an employee is

given training in X and given assignment of Y. His training

gives him no help in his job. This cannot be tolerated by

an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur has to ensure that

each training is reflected in the performance of the


There are some practical suggestions: -

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a. give online training to the employee - so that there is

no man-hour loss

b. give shorter duration trainings rather than long

duration training

c. give practical training rahter than theoretical training

d. give on the job training rather than off the job training

5. Appraise Regularly

Only public sector organisation can afford to not to have

performance appraisal system in place. Entrepreneurs

have to establish a fair, transparent, effective

performance appraisal and periodically assess the

performance of the employee.

6. Motivate Daily

Motivation must be a regular process. You can avoid

food for a day or two. You can avoid water for a day or

two. You can avoid other work for a day or two.

Motivation is a constant process. Motivation can come

from various modes, a few examples are as follows : -

a. rewarding good employees

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b. sharing a good book on motivation with the


c. sharing a good example

d. sharing your personal achievement with the


e. sharing success stories

f. just a supportive smile

g. motivational talk by some outsider

h. attending webinar by motivational speaker

i. reading and sharing e-magazine on inspiration and

motivation (take for example IU e Magazine).

7. Fire Rarely

Entrepreneurs generally command very high power in

organisations and they are widely respected, but they

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should not use their power negatively too often. It is

human to make mistakes and employees will make

mistakes. Entrepreneurs must give them a chance to

make mistakes. They have to be tolerant to the small

losses that are caused due to mistakes by employees.

8. Know Personally

Entrepreneurs must know the employees personally, and

must be prepared to extend a helping hand to the

employees in all their difficulties. If you know that an

employee is facing financial difficulties, extend your

helping hand to the employee so that the employee

remains loyal to you for ever. If you know that an

employee is going to have some personal engagements,

do enable him to execute his personal responsibilities. It

would be great of employees if you call them and greet

them on their important days (like birthday, anniversary

etc.). Knowing employees personally will enable you to

manager your organisation better.

9. Share the Profits Annually

Convert your employees into business partners. Share

you profits – in the form of bonus, profit sharing plans

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etc. These will help the employees to change their

perspective from being employee to being owner. Once

their perception changes from being employees to being

owners, they will become the true pillers of your

organisation. Organisations are built on such pillers, who

care for the organisation and are passionate for its

success. As an entrepreneur, you have to spark the

entrepreneur in every employee and convert him into

your mirror – for some or other segment of the business


10. Gift Lavishly

Employees expect the entrepreneurs to give lavish gifts

during new year, Diwali or other such occasions. The

entrepreneurs must show their generosity by giving gifts

that the employees would always love to preserve and

show off. Gifts connect the entrepreneurs to the families

of the employees and it creates a sense of belonging

among the employees.

Pl. do read my other articles also - which are freely available on the net : -

10 Point Orientation Programme for the Future Entrepreneurs

Beginners Guide to Career Enrichment

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