Entity Configuration Gradebook - Skyward...Gradebook Grades in Family/Student Access. If this option...

Entity Configuration Gradebook Gradebook Common Options GPA/Class Rank Options Additional Display Options Gradebook Options Grade Calculations in Family/Student Access

Transcript of Entity Configuration Gradebook - Skyward...Gradebook Grades in Family/Student Access. If this option...

Page 1: Entity Configuration Gradebook - Skyward...Gradebook Grades in Family/Student Access. If this option is not selected, only posted grades will display. Do not show Grade Adjustments

Entity Configuration


Gradebook Common Options

GPA/Class Rank Options

Additional Display Options

Gradebook Options

Grade Calculations in Family/Student Access

Page 2: Entity Configuration Gradebook - Skyward...Gradebook Grades in Family/Student Access. If this option is not selected, only posted grades will display. Do not show Grade Adjustments

Gradebook Common Options

GPA/Class Rank Options

Additional Display Option

Gradebook Options

Grade Calculations in Family/Student Access

Gradebook will display the GPA and grades for the current year. Gradebook requires a

separate module purchase by the district.

Gradebook Entity Configuration is found by navigating to Student Management>Families>

Family Access>Setup>Configuration>Entity Configuration or Student Management>

Students>Student Access>Setup>Configuration>Entity Configuration.

Page 3: Entity Configuration Gradebook - Skyward...Gradebook Grades in Family/Student Access. If this option is not selected, only posted grades will display. Do not show Grade Adjustments

You will click on the Edit next to Gradebook.

Above are the options available in the Gradebook Entity Configuration.

Common Options

Do not display Assignments as missing based on due date – If this option is

selected, only missing assignments flagged as ‘missing’ in the gradebook will display

listed in the missing assignment area.

Do not display Assignments as missing until ___ days past the due date –

This option will give teachers a grace period to score the assignment before it

displays as missing in Family/Student Access.

Post a Wall Message to Family/Student Access when Gradebook Grades are

Posted – When a grade is sent from the gradebook to the office (Secondary or

Standards Gradeooks with Term Grades calculated), a message will display on the

guardian’s Family Access Wall indicating the grade for a class has been posted.

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Area A is a sample of the message that display on the Wall when grades are posted.

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GPA/Class Rank Options

Do not Show Gradebook for Certain Grade Levels – If this option is selected,

gradebook information will not display for the selected grade levels.

You can select the Grade Levels by clicking on the Grade Levels hyperlink. After you

select the Grade Level(s), you will click on Hide.

Display GPA – This option will display a GPA/Class Rank link within Family/Student


If selecting to display GPA, you can select the GPA Types that will display by clicking

on the GPA Types button.

Display Class Rank – If this option is selected and if class rank has been posted to

the student record, it will display in the gradebook area of Family/Student Access.

Display GPA Value Used In The Last Ranking – This option will display the GPA

value that was used when the rank was last run.

Display Current Year GPA Only - If this option is selected, only the current year

GPA will display in Family/Student Access.

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GPA/Rank in Family/Student Access

A guardian/student can view the GPA/Rank information by clicking on GPA/Class Rank

link. In the example above, the option to ‘Display Current Year GPA Only’ has been selected

in the Entity Configuration. If you choose to allow guardians/students the ability to view

prior year GPA information, it will display in a list below the current year GPA.

Area A displays the Cumulative GPA with the option selected to ‘Display GPA Value

Used in the Last Ranking’ in the Entity Configuration. With this option selected the

student in the above example has a Cumulative GPA displaying as a 3.238, without

the option the Cumulative GPA displays as 3.281.

Area B displays the student’s Class Rank. A guardian/student can only view the

Class Rank if the option to ‘Display Class Rank’ has been selected in the Entity


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Additional Display Options

Display Staff Email Address – If this option is selected, a guardian/student can

see the email address by clicking on the staff member’s name.

Display message on Grading screen – The message entered in this area will

display at the top of the Gradebook screen in Family/Student Access.

Do not display Dropped Classes – If this option is selected dropped classes will

not display in the list of classes in Family/Student Access. If you do not select this

option, the dropped classes will display with (dropped) next to the course name.

Show Grade Bucket Description on mouse-over of Column Heading – This

option will display the description of the grade bucket when a guardian/student

hovers over the column heading for a grade bucket.

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Additional Display Options in Family/Student Access

Area A demonstrates where the Grading Message will display if you select the option

to ‘Display message on Grading screen’ within the Entity Configuration.

Area B displays the Staff email address when the guardian/student clicks on the

Staff name. A Guardian/Student will only see the email address if you select the

option to ‘Display Staff Email Address’ in the Entity Configuration of Family/Student


Area C is an example of the option ‘Show Grade Bucket Descriptions on mouse-over

of Column Headings.’ In the example above, the guardian hovered over the S1

column heading and the description of Semester 1 displays.

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Gradebook Options

Display Skyward Gradebook Grades – You can select this option to display

Gradebook Grades in Family/Student Access. If this option is not selected, only

posted grades will display.

Do not show Grade Adjustments – Some districts allow teachers to raise or lower

a student’s term, semester and/or final grade before a grade is posted to print on a

report card. If you are allowing teachers to enter theses grade adjustments, this

option can be checked to prevent them from displaying in Family/Student Access.

Do not show Assignment/Event Detail when using Term Grades – If this

option is selected, no assignments or events will display when clicking on the grade

mark or progress report icon in Family/Student Access.

Do not show Subject/Skill Detail when using Term Grades – If this option is

selected, the subject/skills within a Standards Gradebook will not display if the

Academic Area is setup to calculate a Term Grade.

Do not show the Gradebook’s Final Grade, only show Posted Final Grade –

This option will only display the posted Final Grade in Family/Student Access. A

Guardian/Student will not see the current final grade that displays in the gradebook

throughout the year.

Do not Show Percent when using Proficiency Grading on Benchmarks –

Selecting this option will hide the percentage that is calculated when teachers are

attaching Benchmarks/Academic Standards to assignment and using proficiency

grading to grade them.

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Post Gradebook assignment comments – This option can be selected to display

students’ assignment comments on the assignment detail screen in Family/Student


Show Progress Report icon on Gradebook Display instead of calculated

grade – If this option is selected, guardians/students will click on a green icon to see

the current grade. When this option is not selected, the grade mark earned in the

class with display.

Display Link to view Grade Marks on Progress Detail popup – If this option is

selected, guardians/students can click on a link to view the grade marks and percent

ranges assigned to each grade mark.

Display Grade Marks on Class Progress Detail popup – This option will

automatically display the Grade Marks on the progress detail screen for the class.

Display % Earned in Subjects, Skills and Events for Standards Gradebooks –

Selecting this option will display the percent earned of subject, skills and events if a

percent is being calculated for these Academic Areas in a Standards Gradebook.

Show midterm grades for Gradebook classes – If this option is selected, a

midterm column will display in Family/Student Access. The midterm grade will not be

a clickable link. Guardians/Students can see the midterm assignments by clicking on

the term grade.

Only show Posted grades – This option will only be available if you select the

option to ‘Show midterm grades for Gradebook classes.’ Selecting this option will

prevent midterm grade from displaying until they have been posted by the teacher.

Always Display Assignment/Events Based on Control Set Dates – If this

option is selected, assignments/events will display on the progress detail screen

based on the start and end dates of the class’s control set as opposed to the grading

period dates.

Do not show Expected Levels of Performance – This option will hide the color

coding scales set up to display the different district defined Expected Levels of

Performance if they have been attached by the teacher.

Show Points Earned and Possible for Grades using Variable Scale – This

option will show the amount of points earned and points possible for grades that are

using a scale other than a 100 point percentage scale. Variable Scale Grading would

need to be set up in order for this setting to be applicable.

Show Class Assignment/Event High/Low Scores on Assignment/Event

Popup – If this option is selected, guardians/students will be able to see the highest

score and lowest score earned by the class on the assignment/event when clicking

on an individual assignment/event.

Show Class Assignment/Event Average Score on Assignment/Event Popup –

This option allows guardians/students to see the average score earned by the class

on the assignment/event when clicking on an individual assignment/event.

Show Class Assignment/Event Median Score on Assignment/Event Popup –

If this option is selected, guardians/students will be able to see the median score

earned by the class on the assignment/event when clicking on an individual


Display Popup Message Before Displaying Assignment/Event Detail Popup –

The message entered will display when a guardian/student clicks on an

assignment/event in Family/Student Access.

Show a Posted Grade before the end of the posting period – Selecting this

option will show the grade that has been posted to print on the report card before

the grade posting period has ended.

Do not show Posted Grade until ___ days past the posting window end date

– If this option is selected, the posted grade will display once the specified number of

days has past.

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Do not show Posted Subject/Skill Grades until ___ days past the posting

window/grading period end date – This option allows you to determine when

subject and skill grades will display in Family/Student Access for classes using the

Standards Gradebook.

Do not display Athletic Grade Bucket – An athletic grade bucket can be turned on

for the purpose of keeping track of athletic eligibility grades. This setting only applies

if the athletic grade bucket is in use. This option will allows you to determine if the

athletic grade column should display in Family/Student Access.

Do not show both Secondary and Standards Gradebooks – If the entity is using

both Standards and Secondary Gradebooks, this option will allow you to hide either

the Secondary or Standards Gradebooks from displaying in the gradebook area.

Default display for all Standards Courses – You can determine if the gradebook

information for a course using a Standards Gradebook should default as Expanded

or Collapsed when a guardian/students view the information.

Default display for all Subjects – This option allows you to determine if a course

using a Standards Gradebook should default the Subjects as Expanded or

Collapsed when viewing the gradebook information.

Default display for all Skills – You can determine if a course using a Standards

Gradebook should default the Skills as Expanded or Collapsed when a

guardian/student views the information in Family/Student Access.

Default display for all Events – This option allows you to determine if the events

attached to the Standards Gradebook are Expanded or Collapsed when a

guardian/student views the gradebook information.

Display Entity Contact For this Application – If this option is selected, a ‘Contact

Us’ link will display in Student Access. Entity Contacts for the entity are setup by

going to Student Management>Advanced Features>System Contacts.

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Secondary Gradebook in Family/Student Access

Area A displays the information for the selected class. Guardians/Students can view

this information by clicking on the Course Name.

Area B is a sample of the midterm column. This column will only display if you have

selected the option to ‘Show midterm grades for Gradebook classes’ in the Entity

Configuration of Family/Student Access.

Area C allows you to click on the Grade or Progress Report Icon to view the

Progress Detail information for the class.

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Progress Detail for a Secondary Gradebook

Area A displays the Grade Mark link a guardian/student can click on to see the

grading scale. Guardians/Students will only see this link if you have selected the

option to ‘Display Link to view Grade Marks on Progress Detail popup’ in the Entity

Configuration of Family/Student Access.

Area B allows a guardian/student to view more information regarding the selected


Area C displays the grading scale used by the class. Guardians/Students will only be

able to see the grading scale if you have selected to ‘Display Grade Marks on Class

Progress Detail popup’ within the Entity Configuration for Family/Student Access.

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Assignment Detail for a Secondary Gradebook

Guardians/Students can view the Assignment Detail by clicking on an assignment within

the course Progress Detail screen.

Area A displays the assignment Average. Guardians/Students can only see the

Class Average if the option to ‘Show Class Assignment/Event Average Score on

Assignment/Event Popup’ is selected in the Entity Configuration of Family/Student


Area B shows the class Median for the assignment. The Median value will only

display if the option to ‘Show Class Assignment/Event Median Score on the

Assignment/Event Popup’ is selected in the Entity Configuration.

Area C displays the High and Low assignment score. Guardians/Students can only

see the High/Low value if the option to ‘Show Class Assignment/Event High/Slow

Score on Assignment/Event Popup’ is selected within the Entity Configuration of

Family/Student Access.

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Standards Gradebook in Family/Student Access

Guardians/Students can click on the Subject Grade Mark to view the Progress Detail in a

Standards Gradebook. The book icon displays when there are no subject/skill grades

present for the grading period.

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Progress Detail for a Standards Gradebook

Guardians/Students can view the Progress Detail by clicking on the grade mark being

earned in the class.

Area A displays the Grade Mark link a guardian/student can click on to see the

grading scale(s). Guardians/Students will only see this link if you have selected the

option to ‘Display Link to view Grade Marks on Progress Detail popup’ in the Entity

Configuration of Family/Student Access.

Area B allows the guardian/student to view the percentage earned in each of the

subjects and skills. The percentage will display only if you have selected the option

to ‘Display % Earned in Subjects, Skills and Events for Standards Gradebooks’ within

the Entity Configuration.

Area C displays the grading scale(s) used by the class. Guardians/Students will only

be able to see the grading scale if you have selected to ‘Display Grade Marks on

Class Progress Detail popup’ within the Entity Configuration for Family/Student


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Skill Progress Details for a Standards Gradebook

Guardians/Students can view the events attached to a skill by clicking on the Show Events

next to the skill.

Area A displays the Grade Mark link a guardian/student can click on to see the

grading scale(s). Guardians/Students will only see this link if you have selected the

option to ‘Display Link to view Grade Marks on Progress Detail popup’ in the Entity

Configuration of Family/Student Access.

Area B allows the guardian/students to click on the Events to view grading


Area C allows the guardian/student to view the percentage earned in each of the

events attached to a skill. The percentage will display only if you have selected the

option to ‘Display % Earned in Subjects, Skills and Events for Standards Gradebooks’

within the Entity Configuration.

Area D displays the grading scale(s) used by the class. Guardians/Students will only

be able to see the grading scale if you have selected to ‘Display Grade Marks on

Class Progress Detail popup’ within the Entity Configuration for Family/Student


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Event Detail for a Standards Gradebook

The Event Detail can be seen in Family/Student Access by clicking on the Event.

Area A allows the guardian/student to view the comment attached to the event.

These comments can only be seen if you have selected the option to ‘Post Gradebook

assignment comments’ within the Entity Configuration of Family/Student Access.

Area B displays the event Average. Guardians/Students can only see the Class

Average if the option to ‘Show Class Assignment/Event Average Score on

Assignment/Event Popup’ is selected in the Entity Configuration of Family/Student


Area C shows the class Median for the event. The Median value will only display if

the option to ‘Show Class Assignment/Event Median Score on the Assignment/Event

Popup’ is selected in the Entity Configuration.

Area D displays the High and Low assignment score. Guardians/Students can only

see the High/Low value if the option to ‘Show Class Assignment/Event High/Slow

Score on Assignment/Event Popup’ is selected within the Entity Configuration of

Family/Student Access.

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Grade Calculations in Family/Student Access

Grades in Family/Student Access are calculated based upon the Assignments/Events

posted to Family/Student Access. If an assignment/event is not posted to

Family/Student Access, it will not be calculating in the grade displayed in Family/Student


When a teacher is creating an assignment/event, they must select the options to Post to

Family Access and Post to Student Access. Any assignment/event that counts towards

the student’s overall grade for the course should have the option selected to Post to Family

Access and Post to Student Access.


If the grades in Gradebook and Family/Student Access do not match, the ‘Post to

Family/Student Access’ should be the first thing that you check!

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There is an option within the Gradebook Configuration that will force all

assignments/events to post to Family/Student Access.

You will find this option by navigating to Student Management>Educator Access


You will select Entity Setup.

The option you will select is Force all Assignments/Events to Post to Family/Student

Access. When this option is selected, the Post to Family Access and Post to Student Access

option will automatically be checked when creating an assignment/event. The teacher will

not be able to uncheck these options in the gradebook.