Enterprise JavaBeans™ (EJB™) Architecture Scalability/Load Test

BOF-1303, EJB™ Scalability/Load Test 1 Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB ) Architecture Scalability/Load Test Ted Osborne [email protected] RSW Software, Inc. www.rswsoftware.com



Transcript of Enterprise JavaBeans™ (EJB™) Architecture Scalability/Load Test

Page 1: Enterprise JavaBeans™ (EJB™) Architecture Scalability/Load Test

BOF-1303, EJB™ Scalability/Load Test1

Enterprise JavaBeans™ (EJB™) Architecture Scalability/Load Test

Ted [email protected] Software, Inc.www.rswsoftware.com

Page 2: Enterprise JavaBeans™ (EJB™) Architecture Scalability/Load Test

BOF-1303, EJB™ Scalability/Load Test [email protected] http://www.ejbtest.com/2


• The Current Landscape: Performance Testing & EJBs

• Example Case Study using EJB-test• Survey EJB Performance Test

Strategies & Techniques

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Performance Testing & EJBs

Presentation tier Data tierMiddle tier

: web client

: webclient

: client

: EJB server

: webclient


: web server



: database server

: client

: client

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Our "OrderEntry" Example

WebLogic 5.1.0 : EJB server

Cloudscape : database


orderentry.jar: Session EJB

product.jar: Entity EJB

vendor.jar: Entity EJB

customer.jar: Entity EJB



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Strategy:1. Create Java driver "client" for EJB under test

• Goal: time method requests on EJB's interface (business methods)

• Automate code generation through Java Reflection API & EJB code patterns

2. Simulate load using that client• Run the client in multithreaded load generator• Map in data from tables (or use generated data)

3. Aggregate log data• Response times• Exceptions• Data: actual vs. expected

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Select the EJB to be tested from the

Jars in your classpath

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EJB-test automatically

generates a Java Test Client specific to the

selected EJB and optimized for WebLogic or WebSphere

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The automatically generated Java Test

Client times the method calls to the

selected EJB

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BOF-1303, EJB™ Scalability/Load Test [email protected] http://www.ejbtest.com/9

Define the load to execute and run the


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Select the results to view

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Select the response time data to view

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Compare 2 test executions

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OEVendor vs. OELoad

• A simple response time comparison reveals which bean is the bottleneck

• Potential sources of bottleneck:– Design– Deployment– Environment

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Comparing EJB Deployments


ejb-jar.xml:37 <trans-attribute>Supports


ejb-jar.xml:37 <trans-attribute>Required

weblogic-cmp-rdbms-jar.xml:29 <transaction-isolation>TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE

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Strategies & Techniques

• Load Testing• Data-driven Load Testing• Multithreaded & Multi-JVM Loads• Distributed Load Testing• Scenario (Multi-bean) Testing• Other Interesting EJB Tests

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EJB Load Testing

• Objective – Measure EJB's ability to server increasing

number of client requests– Most Common Metrics

• Transactions per Second (TPS)—throughput• Response time—client-side

– Other Interesting Metrics• Error rate (exceptions)• Correctness (expected vs. actual values)• Method-level response times

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Data-driven EJB Load Testing

• Objective – Test EJBs with realistic data sets

• Approach– Particular data combinations often comprise a

"use-case"– Data set triggers business rules or call graphs

of interest– Automation Leverage: Data from CSV "maps"

into a static client driver• Hurdles

– Marrying clients to data sets

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EJB Load Testing System Topology

: client host

B : test client

Data tierMiddle tier

: EJB server


: database server

Test client threads each

time their calls to the EJB's


B : client thread


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Multithreaded & Multi-JVM Load Generation

• Objective– Better simulation of load

• Approach– Multithreaded load generation simulates a

multi-client load (concurrent requests)– Dividing load across JVMs creates multiple

socket connections to server

• Hurdles– Thread safety & execution coordination

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Distributed Load Testing

• Objective– Generate a load simulation that is large

enough• Approach

– Distribute client JVMs across multiple machines

• Hurdles– Still have thread safety and client coordination– Aggregating result logs– Client execution environment

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Distributed Load Testing Nirvana

: EJB-test server

EJB Servers

: EJB server



Client Hosts

: client host

: test client

: test client

: test client

: client host

: test client

: test client

: test client

: client host

: test client

: test client

: test client

: EJB server




Servlet engine

AutoGen™ code


SyncLoad ™


: NT host

: browser

: Solaris host

: browser

: NT host

: browser

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Other Interesting EJB Tests

• Stress Testing• Mixed/Randomized Loads• Scenario Testing• Security Testing• Configuration Testing

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Anatomy of an EJB Test Client Driver

2 Lookup Home Interface in JNDI Tree

java.lang.Object homeObject = jndi.lookup("OECustomer");com.testmybeans.customer.CustomerHome home = (com.testmybeans.customer.CustomerHome) javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow((org.omg.CORBA.Object) homeObject, com.testmybeans.customer.CustomerHome.class);

java.lang.Object homeObject = jndi.lookup("OECustomer");com.testmybeans.customer.CustomerHome home = (com.testmybeans.customer.CustomerHome) javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject.narrow((org.omg.CORBA.Object) homeObject, com.testmybeans.customer.CustomerHome.class);


Get JNDI InitialContext

//[WebSphere302 getInitialContext] public static Context getInitialContext(String urlName) throws javax.naming.NamingException { Hashtable env = new Hashtable(); env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "iiop://" + urlName); env.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "com.ibm.ejs.ns.jndi.CNInitialContextFactory"); env.put("javax.naming.Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY", "com.ibm.ejs.ns.jndi.CNInitialContextFactory"); InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(env); return ctx; }

//[WebSphere302 getInitialContext] public static Context getInitialContext(String urlName) throws javax.naming.NamingException { Hashtable env = new Hashtable(); env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "iiop://" + urlName); env.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "com.ibm.ejs.ns.jndi.CNInitialContextFactory"); env.put("javax.naming.Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY", "com.ibm.ejs.ns.jndi.CNInitialContextFactory"); InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(env); return ctx; }

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Anatomy of an EJB Test Client Driver


Get a Bean Instance

if (m_ds.getRule().equals("Data table")) h = home.findByPrimaryKey(pkey0);else h = home.create(arg0);

if (m_ds.getRule().equals("Data table")) h = home.findByPrimaryKey(pkey0);else h = home.create(arg0);


Log Results

timer.start (m_cSetters, "setCustomerAddress", sValue);h.setCustomerAddress(sValue);timer.stopAndLog();

timer.start (m_cSetters, "setCustomerAddress", sValue);h.setCustomerAddress(sValue);timer.stopAndLog();4

timer.start(m_cSetters, "setCustomerAddress", sValue);h.setCustomerAddress(sValue);timer.stopAndLog();

timer.start(m_cSetters, "setCustomerAddress", sValue);h.setCustomerAddress(sValue);timer.stopAndLog();

Exercise Bean's Business Methods

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