Enter The Mind Vortex Copyright © 2015 ... an awesome amount of ... the point I’m making here is...

Enter The Mind Vortex Copyright © 2015 ManifestationIntelligence.com All Rights Reserved

Transcript of Enter The Mind Vortex Copyright © 2015 ... an awesome amount of ... the point I’m making here is...

Enter The Mind Vortex Copyright © 2015 ManifestationIntelligence.com All Rights Reserved

Enter The Mind Vortex Copyright © 2015 ManifestationIntelligence.com All Rights Reserved

Your Mind Explored - Introduction

Hi everyone,

This is Kads Adams and today I want to talk to you about some amazing secrets of the mind

so you can manifest more of what you want!

I think it’s easy to underestimate the mind though because we got it for free at birth. And it

tends to be that the things we get for free, we take for granted, so we don’t really realise

their true value or significance to us.

The things we pay for (like the TV, cars and clothing) are actually very cheap and can be

replaced at any time. But the things we got for free like our mind, happiness, love, friends

and family, hearts to feel and eyes to see - are priceless - and the most important things in


Once we realise how amazing and priceless our minds really are, we should learn to respect

it and treat it as a prized asset. But once you do that and get to TRUE grips with it's amazing

power, an awesome amount of inner and outer prosperity is yours!

As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, my story was that I used to work in a tough job in London, UK

and I was desperate for a way out. I never gave up hope though because I always thought to

myself that there’s many people way worse off and if I worked at it, I’d find a way out. And

the secret I found was that the mind IS the secret.

Actually, I first got interested in the power of the mind when I was a kid, and since then I’ve

been hooked. But it only really broke through to the next level when I discovered the

amazing secrets of the mind and had to do some serious soul searching to change my

situation. My first proper business started off in fact as a mind training one and from there

the sky has been the limit.

You should take this little guide as an example of the amazing mind power manifesting

knowledge which is out there.

And at the end of this e-book, I’ll also talk about each of these points through video so you

can get a proper understanding of what things are really about.

Let’s begin!

Enter The Mind Vortex Copyright © 2015 ManifestationIntelligence.com All Rights Reserved

And once that’ done, remember to view my story and how the Laws Of Mind® system can really help

you – the course is basically me giving you a full video series and comprehensive

worksheets/training guide to work every area of manifestation and give you the full lowdown once

and for all.

To view the text version with information on the course, go here.

To view the Laws Of Mind video presentation, go here.

If you need a payment plan, go here.

Me talking about the mysteries of the mind and manifestation on the Gili Islands, off Bali, Indonesia.

Enter The Mind Vortex Copyright © 2015 ManifestationIntelligence.com All Rights Reserved

I’ve also shot manifestation videos in Singapore and Edinburgh, Scotland, talking about the mysteries

and secrets of true manifestation and how you can achieve more of the things you want with the

power of the mind. This information goes way deeper than simple things like the law of attraction

and is a really comprehensive and interactive guide to success that I think you’ll love.

The main benefit is that you get someone experienced with manifestation to teach you the ins and

outs in person. There’s so much hype and myths nowadays that its clear to me a video course like

this is really needed to help people. This is by far the best information on manifesting that ties all the

loose ends together and explains things from the point of view of the true secret – which is the Laws

Of Mind®

Anyway, let’s get on to the information in this guide which will really help you too!

Enter The Mind Vortex Copyright © 2015 ManifestationIntelligence.com All Rights Reserved

Enter The Mind Vortex Video

The video that goes with this e-book and builds on top of it is here:


Enter The Mind Vortex Copyright © 2015 ManifestationIntelligence.com All Rights Reserved

Secret 1 – The Mind Can Enter Super-Conscious

States For Hyper Manifestation

When you think of the mind, what do you think of? Do you think of the brain? Or

consciousness? Or awareness? Or a bit of everything along these lines?

For me, when I think of the mind, I think of consciousness linked to an infinite ocean of

subconscious potential, and data and information all around us that’s been processed by the

mind. The mind is doing billions of calculations every second – and it’s the most advanced

supercomputer in the world.

The amazing thing is that you can enhance its power really quickly on top of that and bring

yourself to a level of hyper manifesting by following a few simple principles. It’s weird to

think that a lump of fat in our heads (called our “brain”) can have such a weird quantum-

binding effect on the reality around us, but it’s true.

One state of mind you might have heard of before is The Zone. The Zone is basically a state

of hyper manifesting, where things go amazingly well and your able to access more of your

subconscious mind.

Enter The Mind Vortex Copyright © 2015 ManifestationIntelligence.com All Rights Reserved

When in The Zone, you’re able to access and connect to your subconscious mind better and

achieve more of what you want.

The Zone basically is an amazing state of mind where you're living in the moment, have clear

concentration and are in a sort of amazing flow state. You basically end up doing the right

thing, in the right order and get more of what you want.

The amazing thing is that getting into these peak mental states can be done with a bit of


So how do we get into something like The Zone? Well, theres lots of variables here that are

way too numerous to mention here, but essentially, when you learn to live in the moment

more and live a joyous life, full of your passions and genuine interests, it becomes easier to

access The Zone.

Take this as a very basic introduction and there’s a lot more to be said here about accessing

peak mental states. A change in your mental state can shift your confidence, your happiness

and so many other things. It can completely alter how you see the world and everything in


Enter The Mind Vortex Copyright © 2015 ManifestationIntelligence.com All Rights Reserved

Secret 2 – The language of your subconscious

mind is thinking and imagination – use those to

re-program your mind for manifesting

Forget Windows, Mac, Linux or any other operating system out there - these are nothing

compared to the awesome operating system and super computer you got for free which is


Your mind has the most efficient operating system of all - and it's based on the language of

the subconscious. Your subconscious mind processes everything that happens in your life,

and changing things around in the subconscious can totally take your life to a new level.

Trillions upon trillions of calculations across billions of glial cells are done every day.

Now why I do say this anyway? Well, the point I’m making here is that your mind is pretty

darn powerful and it’s so easy to underestimate it.

Enter The Mind Vortex Copyright © 2015 ManifestationIntelligence.com All Rights Reserved

Things like:








The most valuable and intensive activity of the mind is THINKING and IMAGINING - these

are the highest functions that the mind can do. As a conscious being, you can think literally

anything in the whole entire universe.

You can think more thoughts than the number of atoms in the universe, and you don't need

to be some Einstein to realise that is a pretty BIG number!

The fact that you can think and imagine literally anything you want, shows how much more

powerful your mind and brain is compared to anything else out there. To come up with

thoughts by itself is such an easy thing to underestimate but it’s so powerful it’s crazy.

The ability to think and imagine is what separates you from all the other things and objects

out there. To truly unlock this amazing power is one of the biggest and greatest keys to


And the amazing thing is that your subconscious mind gives you more thoughts and ability

to bind your thoughts over time. This means thoughts can get more powerful and create

physical outcomes that can change your life.

The power of imagination is best explained in my video over here:


Its best to watch this video to get a full understand of this e-book and what its all about.

Enter The Mind Vortex Copyright © 2015 ManifestationIntelligence.com All Rights Reserved

Secret 3 – You Can Program Your Mind

For Higher States of bliss, happiness,

joy, confidence, better relationships

and then some (and you don't need to

eat brown rice all day or sit in a cave)

Programs, programs, programs are one of the things that makes you what you are.

Obviously we have an inner core part of us that's beyond programming, like our true human

nature, our soul level, genetics and biology, but the programs we install on top of that make

up so much of our behaviour and thinking.

The important thing to realise here is that the mind is a computer - and if you program it the

right way, you manifest. It's as simple and as straight forward as that. If you aren't

manifesting what you want in life, it's because your mind has been programmed the wrong

Enter The Mind Vortex Copyright © 2015 ManifestationIntelligence.com All Rights Reserved


So how do we change our programming? What tools are out there we can use?

Well...there's hundreds of tools you can use and if you noticed with this download too, we

gave you a few free high quality mp3s to help you program your mind on top of what you

have. These cost quite a lot to make but we're giving you them away as we want you to get

amazing results. And yes…please email us and write back about your results! I want to hear

from you and love getting your feedback!

Examples of tool to change your programming:






TV, radio, newspapers

Books, Magazines

Movies, music

Facebook, Youtube, Twitter

Friends and family

Colleagues at work or school

The internet, blogging

All forms of advertising, everywhere and anywhere

…..the list goes ON and ON.

Basically, anything that can affect the mind can influence your programming and how you

feel about yourself and the world around you. So, if you want to change your life, just be

aware that everything around you is affecting your perceptions of the world and your

beliefs. This in turn can affect your manifesting and results in so many ways.


Things like newspapers and radio are sometimes good for lowering people’s confidence and

self-esteem, because it can be filled with negativity or bad mindsets that can affect the way

you see things as well. The same goes for something like television or huge chunks of the


That's not to say you can't watch or read these things, but the chances of you getting

Enter The Mind Vortex Copyright © 2015 ManifestationIntelligence.com All Rights Reserved

through sometimes without at least some negativity penetrating your mind is pretty


As another thing, one of the biggest influences on your level of happiness and confidence

without a doubt are your friends and family. We can all be affected by what others say

whether we like it or not. We all like to think we aren't affected by what others say, but the

truth is different. Whatever someone says to you can sometimes affect you deep inside, in

your heart or stomach. We can shrug it off as not being hurtful but our emotions and

feelings tell us the true story.

Things like music may seem harmless but are actually full of subliminal and provocative

suggestions all the time. These affect your subconscious and can create changes in your

happiness and confidence subtley.

And the list of influences and their affects goes on and on….

Enter The Mind Vortex Copyright © 2015 ManifestationIntelligence.com All Rights Reserved

Secret 4 - The Inner Mind-Mirror At


What this is about is: what you genuinely think is true will become true for you. This is weird

but its 100% true and it can turn your life around when you really and properly understand

what it means.

It took me years to figure this out. I thought I understood what it meant at first but didn’t

realise there with other levels of meaning. Also, you need to be ACTIVELY speaking, thinking

and living that truth for it to actually be there - otherwise it’s not really real and simply a

fairy tale.

Put another way, if you're not actively thinking your life is improving, getting better and

your becoming more happier by the day, you aren't. You'll either stay where you are or -

more likely - you'll go backwards, because social programming and all the other nasties in

the environment will negatively affect your thinking.

So, it's pretty much up to you. If you want to change your life around, you need to actively

Enter The Mind Vortex Copyright © 2015 ManifestationIntelligence.com All Rights Reserved

think of increase and other thoughts of abundance.


If you think you're getting better at something, you are

If you think you'll achieve XYZ and keep that faith the whole time, you will

If you think your bank balance is increasing, improving and getting better, it will

The important thing is to always and continually think these things - and that means actively

and deliberately thinking these new thoughts. If you’re only thinking it once in a while and

thinking negative things the rest of the time, you want build enough creative manifestation

momentum to make your goal come about.

Many people familiar with the law of attraction don't even know these basics and it's no

wonder considering all the hype out there. The truth is though, you don't get enough

manifesting momentum through thought alone, and you need to do certain things to

enhance the power of your thoughts so they become more powerful. This is where the Laws

Of Mind® comes in - you get to enhance the power of your thoughts by building your mind

power in a totally natural way. This is manifestation from its root and cause level.

And the amazing thing is, once you unlock your mind power, you don't actually have to do

anything else. You don't need to do all the LOA principles consciously and actively along the

time, because you'll automatically be pushed to apply them by default.

IF you’ve seen our introduction video, you’ll remember that MIND is the secret, and not

attraction. When you get to fully understanding THE MIND, which is your amazing mental

juggernaut, that's when your manifesting can go into hyper drive.

Enter The Mind Vortex Copyright © 2015 ManifestationIntelligence.com All Rights Reserved

Enter The Mind Vortex Video

The video that goes with this e-book is here:


That’s it for now!

I hope you’ve learned a few things about the Mind Vortex. It can help open up your mind

and be sure to check out the video above to make sure you fully understand this awesome


Kads Adams and the ManifestationIntelligence.com Team