ENT - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeoagp who is the Hawaiian Consul couldnt get up tho...

Vol I TOPICS OF THE DAY Our medicine men havo roceivod anothor slap iu the face as to their acquirements by the statement in last nights Star that in connection with public discussion in the Lon- don ¬ Times aud other English tech ¬ nical journals over celebratpcl or woll known signatures It will striko all the people here as peculiar and strange that in all considora tion of the subjoct of fattening and increasing food fish with sowago there is not a hint montion or sug- gestion ¬ that disease could thus bo communicatod Dr Surmann has written a letter to the Board of Health through its prosidont WO Smith alleging that our recent opidomic was cholera nostras or cholorino and not Asiatic cholera The learned goutlo- - man may be quito right Wo hope so But on careful perusal of his letter wo find the following The infection was due to such spooifio causes abovo outlinod Nothing can bo found abovo but the follow- ing ¬ mystic uttoraqce cholera nos- tras ¬ is caused by an acuto infection of tho body with a specific organic poison which iu almost all cases takes an opidomic form How that can be styled a or oven such specifications puzzles the ordinary lay intellect Possibly it has ovon puzzled tho Board and its medioal members The best government Hawaii has ever had according to tho lato 7 L Stevens is iu difficulties Two years and a half of it have given us over a million moro of debt i o CO por cent on what we had before under tho monarchy reduced our treasury balance from about S300 000 to loss than 50000 and saddled us with military permanontoxponsos aloue aggregating 60000 odd a year moro than the whole royal family the orown lauds revenue their military and incidentals used to cost So now wo havo to either raise the taxes in fresh shape or grant an opium license or both W O Smith will not go to America for wisdom iu tho business but will seek Now Zealand and Australia as his source of inspiration One of tho most remarkable state ¬ ments in regard to Chinese coolio immigration is made in the Star in describing Wray Taylors system of booking them After three years aro up however tho laborer is uot obliged to leave by a single condi- tion ¬ By tho thorough Bystom now adopted it will bo an easy mattor to catch up with them if they attempt to enter anything else after thoir contracts havo ox pirod Tho law obligos them to leave if they do not re contraot to agricultural occupation But the Star and others seem to know moro than tho law as in its present state of being carried out they probably do Filibusters again I Aud this timo from Boston Homo and foreign correspondents please note Tho interesting young goutloman of Ohi oagp who is the Hawaiian Consul couldnt get up tho filibuster expedi ¬ tion thoro that ho had prophesiod about aud rather than lose his Job ho has got now an annexation-oum-Gubarecognitio- sohomo afoot This rubbish ought to bo put a stop to Tho only business so called Hawaiian Consuls iu tho States seem to have bosidos drawing compensa ¬ tion is to start or indorso filibustor yarns Tho following stntemont published by tho Advertiser under tho heading Chicago Sept 2 is no doubt as falso as tho rest Concluded on 4th Page COPYRIGHT APPLIED POK HONOLULU H I SATUKDAY OCTOBER 19 1895 Oceanic Steamship Co AuslraliBn Mail Seraco Far San Francisco Tho Now and Fine Al 8ted Steamship MONOWAI Of thn Qccanlo Steamship Company will bo duo at Honolulu Irom Byunoy and Auckland on or about Tov 1 4ttL And will leave for tho above port with Malls nnd Passcngcri on or about that dnto For Sydney Auckland Tho Now nnd Fine Al Steel Steamship ALAMEDA Of tho Oceanlo Steamship Company will bo duo nt Honolulu from San Francisco on or nbont - Oct S4tllf And will havo prompt despntch with Malls and Passengers for tho abovo ports Tho undersigned aro now prepared to issue Through Tickets to All Points in the United Slates tiW- - For further particulars regarding Freight nnd Passago apply to Wm C IRWIN CO Ld General Agents Oceanic Steamship Co TIME TABLE LOCAL LINE S S AUSTRALIA Arrlvo Honolulu from S F Leave Honolulu for S F Oct 21 Oct 20 Nov 15 Nov 20 THROUGH LINE From San Francisco From Sydnoy for for Sydney San Francisco Arrive Honolulu Lcaie Honolulu Alamoila Oct 21 Mariposa Oct 17 OAHU RAILWAY k LAND CO S TIME TABLE From and Aftor October 21 1895 - i ti 35 2 TRAINS a S eg jyi ag i gS S 51 g t go g 1 J AM AM lM lM Leave Honolulu 640 015 145 610 Lcavo 1eurl City 710 958 228 563 Lcavo Kwn Hill 810 1019 249 014 Arrive Wnlmino 1051 321 049 K TRAINS tig KB ag 8 J S iz K P- - I AM AM lM lM Leuvo Wnlanuo 644 132 047 Leave En a Mill 719 DUO 207 422 Lenvo lcnrl City 760 948 233 4B3 Arrivo Honolulu 82J 1030 311 521 fin HnnilnvK tnilli islll kftvu Waiiumo nt 317 p m Instead o 132 p hi iirrhing In Honolulu at 520 pm Freight Trains will curry rassonitor nccora inodatloiiH r C Smith Ocncral Passenger Ticket Agent 0 1 Dbnison Supoiintciulont Wm G Irwin Go LIMITED Wm G Invln Presldont Manager Clans Sprookels Vloe Presldont W M GlUard Scorptnry Treasurer Theo O Portor Auditor suqakItactors AND Commission Agents Aorms OF TUB Oceanic Steamship Compy Of Ban Frnnhlspo finl Subscribe for the Independent 60 cunt per month WiMers Steamship Co TIME TABLE O U WIGHT Pro S 11 KOBE Sec Cnpt J A KING PoitSupt Stmr KWAU ClARKE Commander Will leave Honolulu at 2 r t touching at Lthulna Jlnaliiru liny nnd Makona tho same day JIabukona ICawaihao nnd Inu pahoflioo tho following day arriving nt Hllo tho same evening LEAVES HONOLULU FildftV Oct 18 Tuesday Oct 2 Friday Nov 8 Tuosday Nov 10 Friday Nov m TufBlayDcC 1 Friday Deo 20 ABEIVES HONOLULU Friday Oct if Tupsdav Nov 6 Frldnv Nv Ifi Tiih day Nov 20 Friday Dee 0 Tuesday Deo 17 Friday Dec 27 Iteturulng will leavo Hllo nt 1 oclock r M touching nt Laupahoehoe Maliu kona and Kualhao sumo day Makena Maalaca Buy and Lahalnu tho following day arriving nt Honolulu tho nftornoons of Tuosdays anH Friday irar- - No Freight wlllbo rccoived after 12 noon on day of ealllng Stmr OLAUDINE OAJIEKON Commander Will leave Honolulu Tuesdays at 6 r m touching at Kahulul Hana Uamoa and Kipahuln Maul lU turnlng arrives nt Honolulu Sunday nftornoons Will oll at Nuu Knupo on second trip of each month OF No Freight will bo received after 4 r m on day of sailing This Company will reserves the right to make changes in tho time of dopartuie and arrival of its Steamers nlthrut notice nnd it will not bo responsible fornny conse quenccs arising th refmm ConBigneas must bout tho Landings to rccelvo their freight this Company will not hold itself responsible for freight after It has been landed Lire Stock only nt owners risk This Company will cot be responsible for Money or valuubles of passongars unless placed In t ha crlrp orPurscn 3p- - Passengers are requested to par chnso Tickets before embarking Those failing to do so will be subject to an addi tiounl chargo of twenty flvn por cent Business Cards ANTONH ROSA Attobnet-at-La- Kaahumanu Street Honolulu PAUL NEUMANN Counsellor and Attorney-at-La- Merchant Street Honolulu JOHN NOTT Plumbino Tin CorpER and Sheet IibN Work King Street Honolulu GONSALVES CO Wholesale Grocers and Wine Merchants 225 Queen Street Honolulu E B THOMAS Contractor and Builder Building Materials for Biile Estimates Furulshod H F BERTELMANN CONTRAOrOR AND BUILDER All kinds of Itopalring and Qoneral Carpon try Estimates on Buildings Furnished AliEN ROBINSON Dealers in Luuber and Coal and Buildino Materials or All Kinds Queen Sheet Honolulu WIIM1IHIIIH ENT A 5 Cent Fare to Punahou MZoxiey ITirst Buy a Lot from us nnd innku your rout pay for your house Wo will build you on our tract nt Punahou a House according to your own plans and specifications Tho monthly instalments to bo paid aro arranged to suit you In tho end your ront will havo paid for your llouso and Lot nnd you will own it instead of the landlord owning you Qoods USTeixzt I Lots aro 75x125 They ure onsily accessible from tho Boro tania street car lino Thoy are high and dry and the air is brac- ing ¬ No germs can exist nor can you suffer from want of drain ago Nor will you at any timo bo put to inconvonionco by bad drain ago or unpleasant odors from othor lands Health is the first characteristic second tho panoramic view of tho city the harbor and tho soa third tho unoquallod cooling breozo fourth tho splendid folingo and tho scont of tho night blooming corcus Xjoceitiori- - Tlxird I Tho Lots aro opposite Punahou College facing Punahou and Makiki streets and Wilder nvonuo Whore you make your ar- rangements ¬ is at our Office 503 Port street near King streot f BRUCE WARING 00 k The Standard Stallion- - 21702 Eeoord 215 -- OhampionHa-waiian Booord i- - 22112 M IltOMITKU 2303 Hiro of Creole 215 Eagle 219 Apex 220 Transit 22fiki Wnlkcr 223J Wales 227Hi Cliico 221 am of tliu lams ol llrll lluntiiiv 217 Vigor 228 UtACEf Ham of Creole 215 V fULUi BULL 75 Klrool Georgetown 21C ZoH2174iBessle217J fiS others besides S3 sires of CO nnd 18 dams of 70 2 S0 performers PlUIItlE BIBD 228i Dam of Flight 229 dam of Fleet 218 Fleet of 5 225 ami dams lale 222 Golitn 221 uiuiui--- ii oimiu mm 221K Fleet 2 1 MAIIY2M2 Trial Dam of Apex 220 ¬ sire of 5 In 230 dam of 3 in 230 Orace dnm of Creole 215 yj FLAXTAIL 8131 Biro of 2 nnd dams of 9 trotters nnd 2 pacers Dam of 228 Sire Mouroo KIAXTA1L 8132 225 Pralrio I CHIEF Vlcct Sterl- ing Sire of 2S0 nuddamsof 9 DAUailTEU DESGllirTION TERMS UltKULK iu tho pauiest fastest and bost bred that has ever been iiii into tho Hawaiian Islands Ho reduced his record of 220 to 218 in Potalama al Angus 21 1801 ills aiming his wliolo Hed in tho first heat again to 2U5 in Stockton Cal September 23 lbJl winning tho first beat in 210 fourth heat in 219 and fifth heat in 2IUi proving that ho Is a remarkably Game as well o speedy race hori o Creole by Prompter out of Grace by Duccancer shows that he Is capable of getting a mark of 210 i of the earnest stallions seen this year and being game is ono of tlio bost formed ond remarkably intelligent1 Brteder and ijporfj mnti i cjit 25 JSVj He is 1BJ4 hands high and of powerful build throughout His color Is flossy bluok wih one whlto bind foot His disposition is all that could bo de- sired ¬ and his acIon superb He is a suro foal gotter Y- 3- fSO usual return privilege Will nmko tho at tho CLUB STABLES CO Bishop Company Glaus Spreckels Co Honolulu Hawaii Islands ESTAUMSIIKI IN 18CH Transaot n leneral Hanking and Kx chango Business Loans 111 ado on ap¬ proved security Bills Discounted Com ¬ mercial Credits Granted Deposits ro celved on ourront account subject to check Letters of Credit Issued on tho principal oitios of the world AI1KNTS ok Tbe Liverpool and London and Globo Insurance Company tt and Sid II A Ifareiily Hotel KKOUBE - Prop Per Day I 200 Per Week lyOO SPECIAL MONTHLY KATKS Tim Bost ot Attendance the Bost Situation and th FlnnRt Mal In Mil Olty ULUK BULL In Bird IOWA 628 MAID ol Falrosc210 1 Slil 220J4 Lctty No 100 Prudcus QUEEN list FASHION 11123011st TINSLEY lrluco22g Dan E111 prcss229iUi AND stallion then as and ono besjdea TKKM8 with bcason I T BAJtfKlHllRS 1 Honolulu - - - H I Issue Bight and Timo Bills of Exchange Also Commercial and Travelers Letters of Croditontho Principal Parts of tho World Purchase Approved Bills Make Loans on Accoptablo Socurity liccclvo Deposits on Open Account and allow Interest on Torni Deposits Attend Promptly to Collections A Qoneral Banking Businoen Trans ¬ acted REMOVAL JOHN PHILLIPS Has removed his Plumbing Business iroro King street to tho premlseson KCotol Street Kumierly ocoupled by Wdreu Wire1 BIIv

Transcript of ENT - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeoagp who is the Hawaiian Consul couldnt get up tho...

Page 1: ENT - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeoagp who is the Hawaiian Consul couldnt get up tho filibuster expedi¬ tion thoro that ho had prophesiod about aud rather than lose

Vol I


Our medicine men havo roceivodanothor slap iu the face as to theiracquirements by the statement inlast nights Star that in connectionwith public discussion in the Lon-


Times aud other English tech ¬

nical journals over celebratpcl orwoll known signatures It willstriko all the people here as peculiarand strange that in all considoration of the subjoct of fattening andincreasing food fish with sowagothere is not a hint montion or sug-


that disease could thus bocommunicatod

Dr Surmann has written a letterto the Board of Health through itsprosidont WO Smith alleging thatour recent opidomic was choleranostras or cholorino and notAsiatic cholera The learned goutlo- -

man may be quito right Wo hopeso But on careful perusal of hisletter wo find the following Theinfection was due to such spooifiocauses abovo outlinod Nothingcan bo found abovo but the follow-


mystic uttoraqce cholera nos-


is caused by an acuto infectionof tho body with a specific organicpoison which iu almost all casestakes an opidomic form How thatcan be styled a or oven suchspecifications puzzles the ordinarylay intellect Possibly it has ovonpuzzled tho Board and its medioalmembers

The best government Hawaii hasever had according to tho lato 7

L Stevens is iu difficulties Twoyears and a half of it have given usover a million moro of debt i o CO

por cent on what we had beforeunder tho monarchy reduced ourtreasury balance from about S300

000 to loss than 50000 and saddledus with military permanontoxponsosaloue aggregating 60000 odd ayear moro than the whole royalfamily the orown lauds revenuetheir military and incidentals usedto cost So now wo havo to eitherraise the taxes in fresh shape orgrant an opium license or bothW O Smith will not go to Americafor wisdom iu tho business but willseek Now Zealand and Australia ashis source of inspiration

One of tho most remarkable state¬

ments in regard to Chinese coolioimmigration is made in the Star indescribing Wray Taylors system ofbooking them After three yearsaro up however tho laborer is uotobliged to leave by a single condi-


By tho thoroughBystom now adopted it will bo aneasy mattor to catch up with themif they attempt to enter anythingelse after thoir contracts havo ox

pirod Tho law obligos them toleave if they do not re contraot toagricultural occupation But theStar and others seem to know moro

than tho law as in its presentstate of being carried out theyprobably do

Filibusters again I Aud this timo

from Boston Homo and foreigncorrespondents please note Thointeresting young goutloman of Ohioagp who is the Hawaiian Consul

couldnt get up tho filibuster expedi ¬

tion thoro that ho had prophesiodabout aud rather than lose his Jobho has got now an annexation-oum-Gubarecognitio-

sohomo afootThis rubbish ought to bo put a stopto Tho only business so calledHawaiian Consuls iu tho States seemto have bosidos drawing compensa ¬

tion is to start or indorso filibustoryarns Tho following stntemontpublished by tho Advertiser undertho heading Chicago Sept 2 is nodoubt as falso as tho rest

Concluded on 4th Page


Oceanic Steamship Co

AuslraliBn Mail Seraco

Far San FranciscoTho Now and Fine Al 8ted Steamship

MONOWAIOf thn Qccanlo Steamship Company willbo duo at Honolulu Irom Byunoy andAuckland on or about

Tov 1 4ttLAnd will leave for tho above port withMalls nnd Passcngcri on or about thatdnto

For Sydney AucklandTho Now nnd Fine Al Steel Steamship

ALAMEDAOf tho Oceanlo Steamship Company willbo duo nt Honolulu from San Francisco onor nbont

- Oct S4tllfAnd will havo prompt despntch with Mallsand Passengers for tho abovo ports

Tho undersigned aro now preparedto issue

Through Tickets to All Points in the

United Slates

tiW- - For further particulars regardingFreight nnd Passago apply to

Wm C IRWIN CO LdGeneral Agents

Oceanic Steamship Co



S S AUSTRALIAArrlvo Honolulu

from S FLeave Honolulu

for S FOct 21 Oct 20Nov 15 Nov 20

THROUGH LINEFrom San Francisco From Sydnoy for

for Sydney San Francisco

Arrive Honolulu Lcaie Honolulu

Alamoila Oct 21 Mariposa Oct 17


TIME TABLEFrom and Aftor October 21 1895

- i

ti 3 5 2TRAINS a S eg

jyi ag i gSS 51 g

t go g 1 J

AM AM lM lMLeave Honolulu 640 015 145 610Lcavo 1eurl City 710 958 228 563Lcavo Kwn Hill 810 1019 249 014Arrive Wnlmino 1051 321 049


TRAINS tig KB ag8 J S izK P- - I

AM AM lM lMLeuvo Wnlanuo 644 132 047Leave En a Mill 719 DUO 207 422Lenvo lcnrl City 760 948 233 4B3Arrivo Honolulu 82J 1030 311 521

fin HnnilnvK tnilli islll kftvu Waiiumo nt 317p m Instead o 132 p hi iirrhing In Honoluluat 520 pm

Freight Trains will curry rassonitor nccorainodatloiiH r C Smith

Ocncral Passenger Ticket Agent0 1 Dbnison Supoiintciulont


Wm G Invln Presldont ManagerClans Sprookels Vloe PresldontW M GlUard Scorptnry TreasurerTheo O Portor Auditor


Commission AgentsAorms OF TUB

Oceanic Steamship CompyOf Ban Frnnhlspo finl

Subscribe for the Independent 60cunt per month

WiMers Steamship Co


O U WIGHT Pro S 11 KOBE SecCnpt J A KING PoitSupt

Stmr KWAUClARKE Commander

Will leave Honolulu at 2 r t touching atLthulna Jlnaliiru liny nnd Makona thosame day JIabukona ICawaihao nnd Inupahoflioo tho following day arriving ntHllo tho same evening


FildftV Oct 18Tuesday Oct 2Friday Nov 8Tuosday Nov 10Friday Nov mTufBlayDcC 1

Friday Deo 20


Friday Oct ifTupsdav Nov 6Frldnv Nv IfiTiih day Nov 20Friday Dee 0Tuesday Deo 17Friday Dec 27

Iteturulng will leavo Hllo nt 1 oclockr M touching nt Laupahoehoe Maliukona and Kualhao sumo day MakenaMaalaca Buy and Lahalnu tho followingday arriving nt Honolulu tho nftornoonsof Tuosdays anH Friday

irar- - No Freight wlllbo rccoived after 12noon on day of ealllng


Will leave Honolulu Tuesdays at 6 r mtouching at Kahulul Hana Uamoa andKipahuln Maul lU turnlng arrives ntHonolulu Sunday nftornoons

Will oll at Nuu Knupo on second tripof each month

OF No Freight will bo received after 4r m on day of sailing

This Company will reserves the right tomake changes in tho time of dopartuie andarrival of its Steamers nlthrut notice nndit will not bo responsible fornny consequenccs arising th refmm

ConBigneas must bout tho Landings torccelvo their freight this Company willnot hold itself responsible for freight afterIt has been landed

Lire Stock only nt owners riskThis Company will cot be responsible for

Money or valuubles of passongars unlessplaced In t ha crlrp orPurscn

3p-- Passengers are requested to parchnso Tickets before embarking Thosefailing to do so will be subject to an additiounl chargo of twenty flvn por cent

Business Cards



Kaahumanu Street Honolulu


Counsellor and Attorney-at-La-

Merchant Street Honolulu


Plumbino Tin CorpER and SheetIibN Work

King Street Honolulu


Wholesale Grocers and Wine


225 Queen Street Honolulu


Contractor and Builder

Building Materials for Biile EstimatesFurulshod



All kinds of Itopalring and Qoneral Carpontry Estimates on Buildings



Dealers in Luuber and Coal andBuildino Materials or

All Kinds

Queen Sheet Honolulu


ENTA 5 Cent Fare to Punahou

MZoxiey ITirstBuy a Lot from us nnd innku your rout pay for your house

Wo will build you on our tract nt Punahou a House according toyour own plans and specifications Tho monthly instalments tobo paid aro arranged to suit you In tho end your ront will havopaid for your llouso and Lot nnd you will own it instead of thelandlord owning you

Qoods USTeixzt I

Lots aro 75x125 They ure onsily accessible from tho Borotania street car lino Thoy are high and dry and the air is brac-ing


No germs can exist nor can you suffer from want of drainago Nor will you at any timo bo put to inconvonionco by baddrain ago or unpleasant odors from othor lands Health is thefirst characteristic second tho panoramic view of tho city theharbor and tho soa third tho unoquallod cooling breozo fourththo splendid folingo and tho scont of tho night blooming corcus

Xjoceitiori- - Tlxird I

Tho Lots aro opposite Punahou College facing Punahou andMakiki streets and Wilder nvonuo Whore you make your ar-rangements


is at our Office 503 Port street near King streot f



The Standard Stallion- -

21702Eeoord 215

-- OhampionHa-waiian Booord i- - 22112


Hiro of Creole 215 Eagle219 Apex 220 Transit22fiki Wnlkcr 223JWales 227Hi Cliico 221am of tliu lams ol llrlllluntiiiv 217 Vigor 228

UtACEfHam of Creole 215


fULUi BULL 75Klrool Georgetown 21CZoH2174iBessle217J

fiS others besides S3sires of CO nnd 18 dams of70 2 S0 performers

PlUIItlE BIBD 228iDam of Flight 229 damof Fleet 218 Fleet

of 5

225 ami dams

lale 222 Golitn 221uiuiui--- ii oimiu mm221KFleet 2 1


Dam of Apex 220 ¬

sire of 5 In 230dam of 3 in 230 Oracednm of Creole 215


FLAXTAIL 8131Biro of 2 nnd damsof 9 trotters nnd 2 pacers

Dam of228









Sire of 2S0nuddamsof 9


DESGllirTION TERMSUltKULK iu tho pauiest fastest and bost bred that has ever been iiii

into tho Hawaiian Islands Ho reduced his record of 220 to 218 in Potalamaal Angus 21 1801 ills aiming his wliolo Hed in tho first heat again to 2U5 in

Stockton Cal September 23 lbJl winning tho first beat in 210 fourth heat in 219and fifth heat in 2IUi proving that ho Is a remarkably Game as well o speedy racehori o Creole by Prompter out of Grace by Duccancer shows that he Is capable ofgetting a mark of 210 i of the earnest stallions seen this year andbeing game is ono of tlio bost formed ond remarkably intelligent1 Brteder and ijporfjmnti i cjit 25 JSVj He is 1BJ4 hands high and of powerful build throughout Hiscolor Is flossy bluok wih one whlto bind foot His disposition is all that could bo de-sired


and his acIon superb He is a suro foal gotter

Y- 3- fSO usual return privilege Will nmko tho at tho


Bishop Company Glaus Spreckels Co

Honolulu Hawaii IslandsESTAUMSIIKI IN 18CH

Transaot n leneral Hanking and Kxchango Business Loans 111 ado on ap¬

proved security Bills Discounted Com ¬

mercial Credits Granted Deposits rocelved on ourront account subject tocheck Letters of Credit Issued on thoprincipal oitios of the world


Tbe Liverpool and London and Globo

Insurance Company





A Ifareiily HotelKKOUBE - Prop

Per Day I 200Per Week lyOO


Tim Bost ot Attendance the Bost Situationand th FlnnRt Mal In Mil Olty




IOWA 628



Slil 220J4


No 100








Dan E111






and ono besjdea

TKKM8 with bcason



BAJtfKlHllRS 1

Honolulu - - - H I

Issue Bight and Timo Bills of ExchangeAlso Commercial and Travelers Letters ofCroditontho Principal Parts of tho World

Purchase Approved Bills

Make Loans on Accoptablo Socurityliccclvo Deposits on Open Account and

allow Interest on Torni DepositsAttend Promptly to Collections

A Qoneral Banking Businoen Trans ¬



JOHN PHILLIPSHas removed his Plumbing Business iroro

King street to tho premlseson

KCotol StreetKumierly ocoupled by Wdreu

Wire1 BIIv

Page 2: ENT - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeoagp who is the Hawaiian Consul couldnt get up tho filibuster expedi¬ tion thoro that ho had prophesiod about aud rather than lose

laknwiiMffcaKrtK rJnimiMmifMvtmiammamuBi0llS -- - r -






Excopt Sunday

At llBrUo Hall Konia Stroot

fJF Telephone 841 Jj-Qainst the wrong that needs resistance

For the right that needs assistanceFor the future in the distance

And the qood that we can do

Jam in the place whereof I am demandedof conscience to speak the truth and the tntthI speak impugn it who to list


Per Month anywhere In tho Ha ¬

waiian Islands 60Per Year 0 00Per Year postpaid to Foreign Coun-


f 8 00

Payablo Invariably in AdvanceAdvertisements unaccompanied by spo

clflo Instructions Inserted till ordered outAdvertisements discontinued boforo ox

plratlon of specified poriod will bo chargedas If continued for lull term

Address all communications to tho Edi¬

torial Department to Edmund NorrloBusiness letters should be addressed totho Manaeer

EDMUND NOBBIE - - EditoraO KENYON - - Co EditorF J TESTA - - - Manngor

Residing in Honolulu



Por two or three dajB thoro haveybeon rumors along the water frontthat there was funny business goingon with tho light house departmentThe story ran that tho lights wereextinguished aftor certain hoursbut having juBt a little faith left inMr Doles government wo couldnot credit that in their insane fearthey would tamper with tho systemof lights depended upon by our inter-

-island steamers and the oceanmail carriers

Our sleuths have investigated andfind that for over two weeks thegrooa range light has not been light-ed


much to tho annoyance of ourisland steamers one of which thoJames Makee was forced to remainoutside for several hours We alsounderstand that tho Mariposa fail-


to pick up the light had tostand out into the Molokai channeluntil daylight

Our system of lights is publishedin navigators books and on chartsand the lights are depended uponby those who go down to the seain ships and nothing but unavoid-able


accident should interfero withtheir lighting Maritime law de¬

mands that any contemplatedchange in light house service orbuoys should be advertised for suf-


period to give notice to theworld of such changes

The President of the Board ofHealth with his well known regardfor the proprieties of his office bansaid that the light was extinguishedto prevent island steamers fromslipping into port during quaran-tine


but as the light was burningup to two weeks ago and quaran-tine


has been raised our sleuth wasnot satisfied with this oxcuso for sograve a step ono that endangeredlives and property

Tho pilot boat crows have saidthat thoy wore suro of all night inas tho pilots bad been instructednot to board vessels off tho harborat night until further orders

This conflict of statements loadsus to believe that tho filibuster scarois responsible for the tamperingwith the range lights to our harborand tho query arises whether mari ¬

time powers may not properly takeexception to the pauioky conditionof tho best government those isl-


over had

Following precedents in litiga-tion


as to rights of porsons thomaritime powers might ask that aguardian be appointed to takoohargo of tho affairs of Mr Stevensgovernment


Tho dissatisfaction whioh has ox

istod among tho Japauoso residentshero for a considerable poriod hasat last takou practical form in mootings momorial and protests

Tho official missionary organtries to make light of tho mattorand puts off tho complaints of thJapauoso iu an off hand mannerby taking its refuge in tho storootvpoP phrase tho first allosiatico ofof this country is duo to the UnitedStates

Wo havo nevor yot boeu awarethat an iudepoudout country withtho vory best government thoworld over saw owos allogiauce toany other power If its dos itceases to bo independent Butwo do hold that every obligationontored into through treaties andother contraots by a country oughtto religiously observed if tho coun-try


is to obtain an honored positionin the family of nations

There has at all times boon an in-


on tho part of tho Repub-lic


to evade treaty obligations ThoGovernment is now being calleddown by certain powers who aro intho habit of protecting their sub-


residing in other countrieswith which they havo treatiesJapan will not be behind hand iufollowing the example of tho UnitedStatoB Great Britain and otherpowers but will jealously watchover and protect tho interests ofhor subjects who came to Hawaiiunder special treaty stipulations

Tho late representative of Japanto Hawaii Mr Fujii forced theGovernment here to recognize ourtreaty and it was through his deter-mined


attitudo that tho Constitutionof tho Republic places tho Japaneseapparently at least on an equalfooting with subjects of the mostfavored nation His protest againsta further introduction df Ohiuesocoolies had its effect during his stayAs soon as he left preparations weremade and are now being carried outfor an unlimited importation ofChinese

Tho Hawaiian Government placeditself under solemn obligations todiscontinue tho introduction of Chi ¬

nese when the Japan Hawaii troatywas signed It has apparently for-gotten


that promise and tho resultmay yot bo that it will be unpleas-antly


reminded of it Tho Japaneseliving here havo made excellent citi-


and they would not be truesons of their progressive empire ifthoy did not know their rights andwore not ready to defend them- - TheJapanese in Hawaii cannot boignored and they dont propose tobe so either


The fight between tho other news-papers


has got to be three corneredTho Bullotin is now going for thoAdvertisers scalp as wo 11 as thoStars Tho public dont fool inter-ested


except to know when tho rowis going to bo finished

The Bulletin doesnt liko to becompared oveu by insinuation to aNova Scotia wood chopper It oxposes the Advertisers geographicalwant of information in consoquencoBut what tho public wants to knowis why a Nova Scotian wood chop ¬

per isnt as good in his way as theword choppers on both tho Adver¬

tiser and tho Bullotin

Tho Advertiser contains this morn-


a letter from the Hilo TeachersUnion In it is a paragraph on acortaiu paper read boforo it by ateacher who says the hardworkodfomalo assistant must be respect-fully


dressed on tho stroot ovoryday What does this moan Whydo thoy want them dressed on thostroot Couldnt it bo dono athomo and why oh I why do thoythink that auyone who performs tho


r T

drossiug wouldnt do it respectfully Wouldnt salad drossiug bogood

Tho tolophono lino botwoon Knliuku and Kahaua this island wasbroken down by somo unknown poreons early Thursday morningOkolohao is mado at tho lattorplace and distributed around in thovicinity all the way to Kahuku Itis thought that the distillers of thisliquor fearing that thoy might havobeen detected tore down the lino iuordor to insuro safety

Tho Advertisor has tho abovo asouudiug information this morning

Though how okolohao is to bo madosafoly with a broken tolophono linowo aro not told Tho Advertisorshould either give tho recipo or telltho polico to uso somo other modoof locomotion than a tolophouo wirewhon thoy go detecting okolehaodistilleries

Tho Aniorlcan Loaguo

A businoss mooting of tho Ameri-


League was hold last ovouingIt was decidocl that League shall bobrought to a strict business basisand notice will be issued that mem ¬

bers in arrears with their dues whodont pay up within thirty days willbo stricken from tho roll Thismeasure has bocomo nocossary onaccount of a cortain contingent al ¬

ways ready to accept and use thoadvantages of membership in thoLeague but always unwilling to digup

A resolution relating to unem-ployed


merabors of military com ¬

panies and tho Leaguo was intro-duced


and tho Government will botold noxt week that it is tho senti ¬

ment of tho Leaguo that men whohave been found ready to stand bythe Government during its troublesshould have precedence in publicemployment before strangers re-


landed ou the beachOther matters woro attended to

Tho meeting was well attended

A full lino of Sowing Cotton justopened up at L B Kerrs on Queenstreet All nurubora and colors onhand Call oarly and get what youneed

Office of the Boaed of HealthHonolulu H I Oct 19 1895

All bills on account of expensesfor suppression ol cholera for sup-plies


furnished up to and includingdate are ordered to be prosontqd atthe Office of tho Board of Healthnot later than 12 oolock noon Octo-


21 1895 to be audited for pay¬

ment To ensure prompt paymentall bills must havo thereon tho ap-


of tho officer who incurredthe same

WTLLIAM O SMITH100 lt President Board of Health

Office of the Boabd of HealthHonolulu H L Oct 16 1895

Tho Regulation of tho Board ofHealth relating to tho quarantiningof island vessels at tho port ofHonolulu has been rescinded

Tho Regulation forbidding thomaking of Poi in that portion ofHonolulu lying between tho Nuuanu stream and Liliha streot hasalso been rescinded

By order of tho Board of HealthWILLIAM O SMITH

98 2t President Board of Health


UNDERSIGNED IS NOT TO BETHEBeared out of town by choleraHouse Painting and lapor Hanging arohis specialities and 023 is tolophono num ¬

ber through which communications can boestablished If you want good work donoby a professional palnlor call around andsatisfaction will bo given


FainterCornor of Berotanla and Fort Streets


A Iftxnaily HotelT KBOUSE - Prop

Per Day 200Per Week 1200

SPECIAL MONTHLY RATESTho Best of Atteudanco tho Best Situation

nd tli Kliit Mb1 In thl Olty


Timely Topics

Honolulu Sept SO 1895

All ovor tho world nt present

questions of hygiono nro tho

main issuos of tho day Whilo

tho learned scientists of Europo

aro devoting their timo and

skill to find romedics which

can destroy tho disoaso brooding

gorms tho diseases go on and

cholora dipthoria and typhoid

ravago cities and countries

Whonovor a disease bocomos

epidemic it is bocauso tho gorm

found conditions which suitod

it and in which it felt at homo

and ready for businoss Tho

sanitary conditions of tho town

and of tho homo becomes of

vital importance Honolulu is

having a tasto of a cholera opi

domic and it behooves every-



to do his host in placing

ovory homo in tho best sanitary

condition possibleWhon tho general house-cleanin- g

which will tako placo noxtMonday is ovor many house ¬

keepers will find somo house-


furnituro which needs renowal and others missing bothas to utility and convenience

Wo call attontion to day toour Oil Stovos Tho DiotzStove which wo carry in stockhas gained a groat reputationovorywhoro Tho one wo espe-


recommend is tho mostcompjoto oil stovo ovor offeredin the market It is perfectlysafo for tho user of it and itwill answer all purposes in awell rogulatod household Fivoquarts of oil is sufficient to bumton to twolvo hours In tonminutes a half galldn water canbo boiled It will fry and boilbake or hroil at tho same timoYou can boil potatoes and bakobiscuit at tho same tinao Inton minutos you can broil asteak to perfection and in anhour and a half you can roastan eight pound turkey Oncotriod tho Diotz Oil Stove willbo found tho vory thing for thohousokcopor and the pricobrings it within tho roach ofovorybody

Tho Wator Coolors which wo

havo on hand aro tho vorythings for rostaurants saloonsschools and storos Aftor thowator is hoiled fill tho coolerwith it and oven without ico itwill koop a pleasant tomporaturo Larco families will findthoso highly ornamental coolorsof groat advantago and a groatsaving in regard to ico

What howovor is moro usoful than a Monarch Bicycle InSan Francisco and other placesmail and paper carriers busi ¬

ness men and professional monuso tho Monarch and havowithin tho diamond urrangod aloathor bag vory oasily fixedwhich will contain papor docu-ment


lunches and clothing anddo sorvico as tho saddlo bags do totho horsoman Tho Monarch istho most solid and host appointedwheel introduced horo and canho purchased on tho installmentplan

Tlio Hawaiian Hardware Go Ld

307 Fort StreetOpposite Spreelm Blonlr



BazaarW F REYNOLDS Proprietor


AbsolutelyGash Basis -


Domestic Sewing Machines

Domestic Paper Patterns

Remington Typewriters


Newsdealer StationerMUBIOAIi INSTRUMENTS

Etc Etc Etc Etc

Hollister Drug Co



Metropolitan Meat Go81 KING BTREET

G J Wallhu - - Manages

Wholcsnle andRetail

BUTCHERSNavy Contractors

Benson Smith Co




Engines and Launches


They cannot bo surpassed for MotlyePower


JOS TICKLERSolo Agent Nnuann Street

Bruce Waring Co

Real Estate Dealers

G03 Fort St noar King



Parties wlshlne to illnnnsn of llmlrProperties nro Invited to call on us



Jeweler Watchmaker


Particular attention paid to all kinds ofRepairs

Campbell Blook Merchant Street




Page 3: ENT - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeoagp who is the Hawaiian Consul couldnt get up tho filibuster expedi¬ tion thoro that ho had prophesiod about aud rather than lose




L- -


Tho Titno Is out

Tho Kilohona Artmoot this ovoning

Looguo will

A passongor train loft for Ewa at1 oolock this afternoon

Tho Btoainur Kuuai will leave onAlondoy on hor regular route

Tho Jamos Makeo Waialoale andMoltolii arrived this morning

Ed Dowsott 1b a guost on boardtho Bennington on her trip toKauai

Minister Hatohvaluable time toconcorts

N devoting hisarranging band

Paul Neumann was onofishermen who loft in iholast ovening

of thoLohua

Some changes havo been made intho Oahu It It Cos tiuio tablopublished elsewhere

Certain Japanese aro koIuk intotho pottery business using Hawaiianolay Somo very artistio work hasboon turnod out

Tho Hawaiian Itelief Associationwill ineot at 10 a m on tho thirdThursday of ovory mouth at thorosidenco of Mrs S 0 Allen

Bills on account of expenses in-


during tho cholora opidomicby tho govornment aro ordered tobo prosontod before 12 oclock noonon Monday tho 21st

Samuel Parker arrived in thoJOnau after a prolonged stay at hisranch on Hawaii Tho gonial gontleman looks excellent and has donoa great deal of hunting

Charles Browstor a well knownomployoo of Wildors S S Co wasarrested yesterday on a chargo ofhaving forged tho signature of thocompany to a money order

A Portuguese was strickou lastevening on Fort street with para-lyses


He was taken to tho policestation aud caro for by Dr EmersonIt is understood that ho survivedtho stroke

There aro prospoots of a footballname borne arranged on Thanksgiving Day botwoon tho Punahouteam and tho H A A C Fourteaohors will play with tho Puna-hou



Tho land commission hold itsfirst mooting yesterday aftornoonaud made1 arrangements for tho pre-liminary


work to bo dono Thatwill probably bo tho last heard ofthe commission

Tho band will play at EmmaSquare this aftornoon Tho firstpioco on tho programme is AlbertCunhas march Our Bloomer Girlswhich is very popular both hero andin San Francisco

Tho finest lino ofdressed and undressed

Kid Gloves infor evening

or visiting use can bo found at N SSaohs Silk Glovos and Silk Miltsin all colors aud lengths can boXouud at N S Saohs 520 Fort street

Wo publish elsewhere tho elegantinonu for to nights dinner at ThoRichelieu whioh is Mrs A Froimanns own creation She is doingeverything possible to make thoopening of hor hotel a grand success

Tho Oahu It It Co hasits popular excursions to

Waianao Two trains wero dis-


to dav and to morrow atrain will leave Houolulu at 915 am and return to tho city at 5 p m

A foreign schooner was seen offKauai when tho Keauhou passodby Filibusters or opium Can-


tho admirals on tho Lohua bosent to investigate with their guns

lancos and other contrivaucos ofwar

In season or out of soaBon ovoryfamily Bhould havo a bottlo of DiahnnmA Mixture in tho house Thorois none bettor than Dwiquts whichhas boon dispousod by the HollistekPharmacy for tho last twentyyears

During tho absonco of W OSmith Mr Hatoh will act as Attor- -

uoy Genoral and President of thoBoard of Health besides attendingto his own oflico as Minister ofForeign Affairs aud baudmaslor-in- -


Our thrifty housowivos cheerfullyacknowledge that L B Korr givosbettor valuo in Housekeeping Goodsthan any store in town SheetingMosquito Netting Bodsproad Ta-


Cloths Napkins Glass ClothsTowels oto sold on tho principle ofsmall profits and quick returns

Sam Kamaka tho ox boss of Wil ¬

der S S Cos sailors and laborersdied yostorday It will bo difficultto replace big Sam who waB au ex-


in yanking au ovorloadodsailor on board oxaotly one minutobefore sailing time Sam was vory

Eopular and his vfriouds will miss

Tho Louvro is now in running or-der


and Messrs Woltors andKlommo tho propriotorp have boonbusy oxtonding their hospitality totho tumorous patrons who called into seo tho now nHtablishmejt Theyexpect all their friends to tako awalk up Nuuauu street thin evoningaud satnplo tho fiuo liquors kept attho Louvrq

To closo thoui out Shirt Waistsformerly soiling at 150 each havobeen reduced to 1 and Pith Hatswhich wore soiling at 2 from thison will bo sold at 1 oaoli Callearly boforn tho supply is ex¬

hausted A Barnes Now ItopublioBuilding King strpot

Tho Saratoga will bo visited by anumbor of pooplo to morrow whowill onjoy tho fiuo bathing of thoplace and tho finer hospitality ofMessrs Carver aud Rid Saratogais loss than three minutes walkfrom tho Bishop switch on thoWaikiki road All microbes havobeon chained the ocean has boonboilod and ovorything is pure

Its mighty strange to Beo howsomo pooplo can walk around in thohot tropical buu clothed in heavyblack clothes and a tall plug hatUowovor mot folks aro more sensi-ble


and wear suits mado of LightSorgo or Tweeds bought at L BKerrs on Queen btreet Ho sells asiuglo yard at wholesalo prices

Tho funeral of tho lato SamuelLouisson will take placo from thoMasonic Temple at 3 p m to-


Owing to a misstatementin a morning paper several peopledesiring to show tho last honors tothe uocoasou navo boon puzzieuFrionds aud acquaintances are in-


to bo at tho Temple at 3oclock


An Elegant Banco

Tho managors of tho Lei IlimaClub excelled thomsolvos last ovoniug iu tho arrangements for thodanco given by tho club at tho In ¬

dependence Hall Tho hall wasbeautifully decorated aud brilliantlylighted and thoro wore just enoughguests to make the dancing com- -

fortablo and pleasant Botweondaucos instrumental musio was fur-


Tho dancing music wasfuruishod by tho Kawaiahau ClubSupper and light refreshments woreBorvod during the evening Mosdamos Paul Neumann David Day ¬

ton and J N Wright acted as hostessos and mado oerybody feol athomo Tho comuiittoo on arrange ¬

ments consisted of James Holt JrJ M Sims and Thomas CumminsBosides a largo number of sociotypeople several officers from tho US S Olympia wero presents Thodanco which was pronounced a groatsuccess finished shortly after mid-


Thoro was a gouoral requestfor an encore

A Small Excitomont

The quiot air of Chinatown hadquito a breeze at noon to day A

youug native boy who ovideutly hadiudulgod in too much paki had gotinto a row in a Chinoso restauranton Hotel street A uurabor of Chi ¬

nese jumped ou tho boy who show ¬

ed himself as a veritablo Sullivanand knocked tho long tailed hoathouh around iu a most hcioutific man-


Ho would however havo suc-


to superior numbers if DrMonsarrat who was passing byhadnt interforod Tho polieo arriv-


and poaco reiguod agaiu Nobody hurt and no arrests

AiOhinoso baggage express how-


took part iu the oxoitomontand a livoly runaway rosultod Thohorse succeeded in knocking thocart agaiust ovory tolophono postdamaging it considerably but wasfinally stopped outsido tho Pan ¬

theon Fortunately none of thenumerous carriages around at mattime of tho day woro run into

Ko onforcomont to tho Ohurch

Tho Right Roverond Bishop ofPanopolis will return by the Aus-


after his o Weird visit to RomeTho Bishop will bo accompanied byFathor Pamphilius a brother to tholato lamented Father Damiou Fa ¬

thor Sylvostor who wont away withtho Bishop will also return bring ¬

ing with him a youug deaoou fortho mission Four lay brothors fortho leper sottlemout aud four sistors for tho soliools aro also oxpeoledto arrivo by tho Australia

Ring up 811 if you havo anythingto say to Tub lNWPKvneNT

The Richelieu

Saturday Oct 19From B30 to 730 P M






TortuoSA ADE

a la Bordelaiso

toissonSauco Tartaro


Grevollo Croquettes Sauco TomatoRoman Punch


Dindo Sauco CauuorgoLEOUMES

Pureo do PommesPetits Pois a la francaiBO

Tomatos Asporges a la Mayonnaise


Crome glacoa la Vauillo Ohocolat

Quatro MeudiantsCafo Noire Roquefort

To Waianae


Saturdays and Sundays

Trains will Jcava on Saturdays at0 15 a m nnd 1 15 r m Arriving In Hono ¬

lulu nt3ll r m and 520 r m

Train will loavo on Sundays at 015a m Arriving In Honolulu at u r m

Round Trip Tickets

1st OIubb 1752d Class 125

F C SMITHGeneral PaBsengor and Ticket Agent

100 tf


Steamship Co





Saturday Oot 26thAT 4 OCLOCK P M

The nnilorslpned ore now prepared toIssue Through Tickets from thin City to allpoints In the United Statos

2T For further particulars regardingFrolght or Passage apply to

Wm a IRWIN k CO Ld100 0t Gonoral Agonts

Seattle Draughtp-p--p-


inilltiEx 8 B Mlowcra

Bost Beer in HonoluluAT TUB

CRITERION SALOONFort near Hotel Streets

O J McCarthy Manager

If you dont got your paperup 841 Thr Independent

The Scare is OverNow wo oxpoct to soo tho Ladies nnd thoirFamilies onco more Wo havo folt lonolywithout thorn So to induco thorn to callon us somo moro as tho Schooh aro aboutto open wo hnvo resolved to roduco thoPricos for

Boys Suits and OutfittingGirls Hats and Dress Material

Stockings Etc Etc EtcAnd ovorything necccossary to havo tho liltloonos appear in tho Finest and Latost Stylosat tho School opening to sucli Prices aswill dofy comparison

Oome and See TbemM S LEVY


EJ22 c c--

A-ULS trSbliSL






Insurance Company of North America




Oldest Firo Insuranco Company in tho United Statos

Losses Paid Since Organization - - 8143944813Policies Issued Against Loss by Firo on All Glasses of

Desirablo Proporty at Lowest Rates

H LOSE Agent for the Hawaiian IslandsKMm

Why Pay MoreFor a Poor Potuto whon wo offor

3vraiai Potatoesat Your Door -

Thoy uro way alioad of any brought to this market and arosoiling at one half tho cost

ESP Wo thorn Pitusn Eveuy Monday Mouning and inquantity to supply all ordors

Henry Davis Co

Satis Souci

Tho most lovely spot on Oahu isSans Souci This favorito soasidorosort which has boon immortalizedby tho pon of Robort L Stovonsonwho rosided there for months isonly four miles from Honolulu andwithin oasy roaoh of tho tramcarsTho surroundings and bathing atthis famous rosort aro suporior to

found iu tho HawaiianIslands Cottacos and board oanbo obtained on easy torms Thotable sot by tho manager is bettorthan any offered horo at other ¬

For pienies bathiug partiesand outings tho bost accommodationcan bo seourod by giving notice totho mnnngor


From and after this dato Mn FJ Testa is alone authorized to colloot monios for this papor and norocoipt will be valid unless signedbv him or his duly authorizedageul8 Edmund Nonmn

Publisher auct PropnotorIndependent

Honolulu October 15 1895


Fort Street








SOB Port Street


Fresh- -

From Pearl Harbor



HRMcINTYRESGrocery Store




UDBCKIBKltS AUE ItKSPEOTFUIiIiYnotified that all subscriptions aro pay

able strictly In advance by the monthquarter or year

V 3 TESTA1Vtr Mner

Page 4: ENT - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeoagp who is the Hawaiian Consul couldnt get up tho filibuster expedi¬ tion thoro that ho had prophesiod about aud rather than lose

Ufcd- -

tLi- -


mmm fchaMMiMWHMaM w wrmaamnmiii tiWM

Ed Hoffichlaegent

Kug Street opposite CastleCooke

Household Sewing Machine




Wines Liquors Beers

or THE 1110 U EST anADE

CAKFETS and rugs

Baby Carriages a Specialty

Inspect the Selected 8 took ol

Ed HOFFSOHLAEGER COKing Street opposite Onstle Cooke

Anchor SaloonCorner King and Nuuanu Sts

W M GcMUNonAM - - MnnogorHi

Headquarters or Mechanics and Laborers


Fredricksbnrg Dranght Beer


Bole Agents for tho Renowned

Long Life II



forPerEvory AustraliaCall and be convinced

MilOysters Cocktails

Empire SaloonCorner Nnuanu and Hotel Bts

0 T Day Manager

Cliiie Whs LipmaifisPORTERS Etc ON DRAUGHT

Half-and-Ha- lf on DraughtMoBK AY3HK S

Handmade Sour MashA SPECIALTY



S I SHAW Proprietor

Comer King and Nauana Streets

Choice LiquorsAND- -

Fine Beers 1


Seattle - Draught

Ex S S Mlowera

Best Beer la HonoluluAT TUB

CRITERION SALOONFort near Hotel Btreots

0 J MoOabthy - - Manager


Life andMarine


Enquire of



Telephone fffl P 0 321


Carriage Manufactory

123 A 130 Fort Btreot

Carriage BuilderAND REPAIRER

Blacksmith in 81 Its Branches

Orders from the ohr Island in BnlldlngTrimming Pulntlng Ktc Etc

promptly attended to

W W WRIGHT ProprietorBuccessor to G West

T B MURRAY321 323 King Street

The Leading


Carriage and

Wagnn Manufacturer


Will furnish everything wife sieniiiboaia and boilers

No Ball Bearing Axles Around This Sbnp

TRlKPHoNlf r7v -- t

Received per k S -- BeiicAnother Lot ol


Ladies DressesAnd a lot of Irresistible -

Silk Four-in-Ha- nd TIphAt20o each or 225 por Dozen A few

cases of

Fan Sn Mineral WaierFully equal if not superior to Appolllnaris

A BARlSnSNw Rnpnhlin Tttillillnc Klnc fltroot



Opposite 0 R L Depot on King Street

Groceries aud ProvisionsIce Houso Goods Fish Vegetables Frozen

Oysters Etc received by overysteamer from San Fran-




California Fruit MarketCorner King and Alakea Btreots



From Ban Franclsoo with

Fresh Fruits OystersSalmon Poultry

Etc Etc Etc


THE UNDERBIGNED IS NOT TO BEscared ont of town by rholttta

House Painting and Puper Hnnglng arehis specialities and iUi is tolmhono num-ber


through which communications cm noestablished If yon want good work doneby a professional palnler call around midsatisfaction wl 1 bo given


FainterCorner of Beretnnia nml Knrt Blrifts


Records Colleotor CopyistTRANSLATOR IN

English and HawaiianReal EstatoAgent Typewriter Stamp

Doaler Parcbaslng UommlsBionand Advertising Agent Etc

U Office No 327 King btreet theformer private ofune of E B Thomas

lliee II3 m



General MerchandiseAND


Agenfs for Lloyds

Canadian Australian Steamship Line

British Foreign Marine Insurance Co

Northern Assurance Co Fire and Life

Canadian Pacific Railway Co

Pioneer Lino of Packet from Liverpool


General AgHDi for Hawaiian Islands

Rooms 12 SpreckelB Block Honolulu H I

Royal insurance company of LiverpoolALUANvH VasUKANUIS COMPANY OK LONDON

alliance makinh and general assdranoe company ofLondon

sun insurance company op san Franciscowilhelma ok maodeburo general insurance company

northwestern marine and like insurance company ofMilwaukee

sun lute insurance company op canada

Lif Fir ana Ma w Kisks Taken at Reasonable Rates

Telephone 92


P O Box 145


Groceries Provisions and FeedNew and Fresh Goods received by every packet trom California Eastern

States and European Markets

Standard Grade of Cnned Vegetables Fruits and Fishlife Gc ods delivered to any part of thf Olty -- n


Do You Want








Good Fresh SallQOn

I Plain on Fancy ln Barrels



LEWIS3111 Fort Street


Manufacturers Shoe Co



Brewer Blook



i Boots Shoes

516 Foet StkisetHonolulu H I

The Independent 50c per Month

Conthutrd from hi Pane


lliero are commercial intntomtHin Chicago representing several million dollars of capital which havofor six months past beou consider ¬

ing portnauont investments in thoHawaiian Islands Thcso invest ¬

ments would havo been made lastsummer if tho pormanoucy of thoDoln Government could havo beenassured This ansurancq could notbo givou owing to tho fact announced by President Dole aud hisfriends that although their requestfor annexation had onco boon re ¬

fused by tho United States they in ¬

tended to renew it as soon as a nowadministration came into powor

Tho only thing noticeable is thatthe Advertiser dares to hint thatthere is no assurance of tho perma ¬

nency of tho Dole GovernmentWhat are wo coming to

It is a fact that tho Bullotin haBcharged us with inconsistency towards tho Board of Health in itstreatment of our recent epidemicNay moro it even tried to inako outthat wo usod it as political capitalAnd that wo first denied it wasAsiatic pholora aud houndod downthe other papers thereby presuma-bly


meaning it for raising a scareAlso that we further said it wasAsiatio cholera Now wo havo neveryot expressed an opinion as to thoform of the disoaso or its namo Inanything in that way wo havo sim ¬

ply takou tho statements of thomost reliable medicine mon that thoBoard could find Now howeverafter tho epidemic seoms to havodied out tho Bulletin editorially en-dorses


Dr Surmanns opinion thattho diseaso was not Asiatio oholoraYet no paper did moro to causoscare amongst tho public whilo thodiseaso was in our midst than thoBulletin and always with tho state ¬

ment Aniatio oholora Our actionwas consistent Wo didnt carowhat tho disoaso was it was amongus It was fatal Wo simply praisedtho Board of Health for what it diddo aud asked its members to resignbecause under their regime it hadmade its appearance and it seomod

and still does Eoom that theywore responsible for its having ap-peared


owing to their politicalviews having induced them tonegleot to keep their employees upto tho strict mark of that vigilantduty which ought to be tho standardof a Board of Health

Mary Elloaa LunchMy sweethoart is a daisyBut it almost set mo crazyWhou I took tho sylph liko beauty

out to lunchMy bill it was appallingSoon tho sheriff will be calliugWith her from start to finish it was

Munch munch munchChorus

With her from start to finish it wasMunch munch munch

Sho ato candy by tho poundOh you bet with her aroundA dagos stock of goodies would

lessen very quickPlate followod plate of creamWhile I sat as in a dreamFor figuring on tho reokoning mad

moSick siok sick

CnonusFiguring on tho reckoning mado him

Sick sick siok6ho ate two kinds of molonWhen I said now Mary EllenI fear this great variety will siokon

you a bitAs a bunch of Boston ohipsPassed through hor ruby lipsSho smilingly mado onswor it will

Nit nit nitChorus

Shosmilingly mado answerit willNit nit nit

So tho fairly wont on oatingAnd my heart was loudly boatingAs I thought of Hums colossal I

would surely havo to payBut I said to hor politelySomething olso dear whon she

quietlySaid thank you Im not hungry

To day dty dayChorus

Said thank you Im not hungryTo day day day

Jay Bee in Oincinnatti South West

A full lino of Sowing Ootdon juatoponod up at L B Kerrs on Queonstreet All numbors and colors onhaud Call early and got What youneod