enriching lives - Redsky Creative Ltd · Sheffcare creates a compassionate environment where...

Annual Review 2011/2012 enriching lives

Transcript of enriching lives - Redsky Creative Ltd · Sheffcare creates a compassionate environment where...

Page 1: enriching lives - Redsky Creative Ltd · Sheffcare creates a compassionate environment where individuals are treated in a respectful and dignified manner. What lifts Sheffcare above

Annual Review2011/2012


Page 2: enriching lives - Redsky Creative Ltd · Sheffcare creates a compassionate environment where individuals are treated in a respectful and dignified manner. What lifts Sheffcare above

A warm welcome to our Sheffcare annualreview. As you read through it I trust you willappreciate the success our organisation hasachieved this year, and more importantly atrue sense of the quality of care we provide. 


The most significant outcome of thepast 12 months is the recognition ofour high standard of achievementsthrough excellent CQC reports, anindependent measure reflecting thehard work and dedication of our careworker teams in each of our elevencare homes. Running residential carehomes and caring for people is easilyone of the most rewardingoccupations and it is a thrill to seethe quality of care afforded eachindividual within our homes.

How do you measure quality of care?Sheffcare creates a compassionateenvironment where individuals aretreated in a respectful and dignifiedmanner. What lifts Sheffcare aboveand beyond other care providers isits dedication to provide its residentswith a genuine home and a senseof family surrounding them. This forme is a true measure of the qualityof care we offer, where teammembers afford the time to offercompanionship, and take genuineinterest in individuals, providingengaging activities, and through this,enrich their lives.

High occupancy levels and increaseddementia care capacity clearlyprovide an improved return on ourinvestment, but this is only part of thestory. Our success also enables us tocare for more people, and those whoare in greater need. This is why westrive for growth, and why successmeans so much to us. It provides anopportunity to invest in our future.

It continues to be a delight for me tosupport, and observe the skills andabilities of our team of caring,dedicated staff, who share with methe reward of satisfaction whichcomes through offering both practicalsupport and human compassion tothose who need it most.

Steve HustlerChair of Board

Steve Hustler tookover as Chair ofthe Board inMay 2011

Page 3: enriching lives - Redsky Creative Ltd · Sheffcare creates a compassionate environment where individuals are treated in a respectful and dignified manner. What lifts Sheffcare above

Expansion of dementia servicesA key feature of this past year has been the successfulintroduction of four new dementia services which reflectedthe changing demands of our customers and commissioners.We have developed residential dementia services at thefollowing care homes Deerlands, Housteads, Knowle Hill andBurnt Tree Croft. We have also expanded our dementia daycare services at Cotleigh.

Day CareAlongside this we have streamlined our day care provisionin line with demand for this type of service. This has resultedin a reduced number of day care services. However we areconfident that the level of day care provision is now linkedto demand in a more sustainable manner.

New Ways of WorkingWe have reviewed our ways of working here at Sheffcareover the past year and taken steps to ensure that we areworking in a way which best meets the needs of our residents.This has resulted in a change in shift patterns which ensuresmore continuity of care for our residents. In addition we haverefreshed the image of Sheffcare to more accurately reflectthe work we do.

SustainabilitySheffcare has a long and proud heritage and for the past19 years has served the people of Sheffield by providingcompassionate care services which focus upon the needsof the individual. Managing Sheffcare to ensure financialsustainability will ensure that the charity has a bright future


Page 4: enriching lives - Redsky Creative Ltd · Sheffcare creates a compassionate environment where individuals are treated in a respectful and dignified manner. What lifts Sheffcare above

We are delighted to announce that our serviceuser results this year, as in other years,demonstrate that people who use ourservices are very happy with them

97% of residents were satisfied or very satisfied with theservice they were receiving

100% of residents stated that they werebeing treated with dignity and respect

98% of residents were satisfied orvery satisfied with the friendlinessof the staff

98% of residents were satisfiedor very satisfied with the qualityof care

99% of relatives were satisfied orvery satisfied that their familymember was being treatedwith dignity and respect

98% of relatives weresatisfied or very satisfiedthat their familymember’s care needswere being met

Service User Results

Page 5: enriching lives - Redsky Creative Ltd · Sheffcare creates a compassionate environment where individuals are treated in a respectful and dignified manner. What lifts Sheffcare above

What do people say wholive with us?

Its the next bestthing to home

I have choices allthe time

We couldn’tbe any safer

Staff areexcellent

The staff are lovelyand caring people

The staff giveme the helpI need

I am lookedafter verywell

Page 6: enriching lives - Redsky Creative Ltd · Sheffcare creates a compassionate environment where individuals are treated in a respectful and dignified manner. What lifts Sheffcare above

What do our relatives say?Without exceptionthe staff arecaring. We haveno worries at all

It is marvellous here.My relative is happyand that makesme happy

I have noworries orconcernsaboutthe caregiven

I think (myparent) is verywell lookedafter by peoplewho knowthem well

Page 7: enriching lives - Redsky Creative Ltd · Sheffcare creates a compassionate environment where individuals are treated in a respectful and dignified manner. What lifts Sheffcare above

I have noworries orconcernsaboutthe caregiven

The Care Quality Commission have inspected themajority of our homes and we are proud to saythat we are fully compliant

Care QualityCommission

Standards of treating peoplewith respect and involvingthem in their care

Standards of providingcare, treatment &support which meetspeople's needs

Standards of caring forpeople safely & protectingthem from harm

Standards of management

Standards ofstaffing

Page 8: enriching lives - Redsky Creative Ltd · Sheffcare creates a compassionate environment where individuals are treated in a respectful and dignified manner. What lifts Sheffcare above

£0.16 Interest

£0.40 Managing thebusiness - office costs

£8.70 care and comfort

£0.74 Premises - Buildingand maintenance costs

How we spenteach £10

Sheffcare Funds

Page 9: enriching lives - Redsky Creative Ltd · Sheffcare creates a compassionate environment where individuals are treated in a respectful and dignified manner. What lifts Sheffcare above

Looking To The FutureDeveloping Dementia ServicesThis will continue to be a keyfocus for Sheffcare over thecoming months and years tomeet the changing needs ofolder people within Sheffield.

Home CareHere at Sheffcare we recognisethat some people would ratherhave their care delivered withintheir own home and would liketo remain within their ownhomes for as long as possible.

In response to this we will bedeveloping a home careservice to enhance our rangeof care services

Building New ServicesWe also propose to developour sites at Cotleigh, GrangeCrescent and Midhurst toincrease our number ofresidential care beds.

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Our ResidentialHome andDay CareCentres1 Burnt Tree Croft

190 St Philips RdS3 7JY0114 275 7873

2 Castelayn2 Leighton DriveS14 1ST0114 239 8429

3 Cotleigh31 Four Wells DriveS12 4JB0114 263 3800

4 Deerlands48 Margetson RoadS5 9LS0114 221 3258

5 Grange Crescent47 Grange CrescentS11 8AY0114 255 5539

6 Hawkhills11 Stanwood RoadS6 5JE0114 234 5469

7 Housteads1 Richmond Park GroveS13 8HX0114 269 2469

8 Knowle HillStreetfieldsS20 4TB0114 248 3594

9 Midhurst Road21 Midhurst RoadS6 1EY0114 285 5345





Page 11: enriching lives - Redsky Creative Ltd · Sheffcare creates a compassionate environment where individuals are treated in a respectful and dignified manner. What lifts Sheffcare above

10 Paddock Hill625 Gleadless RoadS2 2BT0114 239 1449

11 Springwood611 Herries RoadS5 8TN0114 232 5472


2 3











Parson Cross Residential Home

Residential Home andDay Care Provider

Page 12: enriching lives - Redsky Creative Ltd · Sheffcare creates a compassionate environment where individuals are treated in a respectful and dignified manner. What lifts Sheffcare above

Person Centredrecognising the needs of our customers, deliveringthe highest possible service and enriching lives

Professional and Responsibleworking with openness, honesty and integrity, bringingcredit to Sheffcare

Equality of Opportunityrecognising and respecting the diversity of our staffand our customers

Continuous Improvementalways seeking to do things better

Positive State of Mindseeing problems as opportunities, taking the initiativeand stretching performance levels

Sheffcare values

A leading SheffieldBased Charity

SheffCare LtdKnowle House4 Norfolk Park RoadSheffield S2 3QETel: (0114) 2808888Fax: (0114) 2808889

SheffCare Ltd
