ENIT introduction

1 faire grandir nos partenaires TARBES NATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING

Transcript of ENIT introduction

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1faire grandir nos partenairesTARBESNATIONAL


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Now more than ever, support for innovation and proximity to companies are at the heart of our mission.

In this context, enit is asked about its competen-cies, specifically its ability to anticipate develop-ments and drive its actions towards progress. Aware of the stakes, the logic of the development of enit has consisted not only of preparing its future engi-neers in line with the needs of companies, but also of taking into account permanently and support-ing the reality of its economic environment. There-fore, in addition to the ability of our establishment to put in place new training corresponding to new professions, enit is planning to expand and adapt research and technology transfer to these new re-quirements.

The creation of technical resource centres in our areas of expertise demonstrates the willingness to change our school to increase its performance and its suitability to meet the needs of companies.

Evidently, one of the keys to the success of the enit strategy is strengthening its academic alliances and expanding its industrial partnerships in order to enable us to “DeSiGn tHe FUtURe tOGetHeR”.

Talal Masri - Director of enit

CHIFFRES CLÉS///////////////////////////////////////////////

A school in a class of its own:

• Has existed for more than 50 years (it was created in 1963)

• More than 5,000 engineers trained

• An average of 1,100 students at any one time

• 200 to 250 new MEng graduates each year

• 600 internships in businesses each year

• More than 3,000 partner companies

• A research laboratory where more than 100 people work

• 3 million euros spent on research

• 5 agreements to award joint diplomas


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9% Energy

11% Construction, public works

44%Transport(aeronautics, rail,automobile etc.)

17% Consultancy companiesand design companies

9% Quality, security

6% Projectmanagement

11% Office procedures, production control

21% Research anddevelopment

17% Production, operation

WAYS TO OBTAIN AN ENIT DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERING:• Initial training: Student status: BAC, BAC+2 yrs HE, BAC+3 yrs HE Apprentice status: BAC+2 yrs HE and an employment contract• Continuing education: BAC+2 or equivalent + 1 preparatory course• Accreditation of prior learning: BAC+2 and professional experience


Authorised by the Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs ,(CTI) - French En-gineering Accreditation Institution, the National School of Engineering of Tarbes trains versatile engineers in mechanical and industrial engineering.

Its graduates are sought after for activities such as studying, calculation, design, realisation and implementation of products and systems, indus-trialisation, team management, project management and production equipment, while respecting human factors, the environment, standards and security.

ENIT has a training course of five years in accordance with European standards: organisation of the course into semesters, evaluation by ECTS, diploma supplement, granting of the ENIT diploma in engineering confer-ring the Master’s degree -MEng -

• 50 research professors participate in the training with the provision of outstanding facilities shared between training, research and development.

• Active participation of external speakers from the world of industry as part of the training cycle in the form of courses, conference and project support.

Training for engineers which focuses on the issues of companies and also promotes a real approach to students’ future professions. The course consists of three periods of immersion in industry (two in-ternships and one project at the end of the course), comprising 30% of the course total.

Areas of activity/////////////////////////////////////

Quality training which responds perfectly to the needs of companies. 90% of graduates are hired within six months of finishing their five-year MEng course.

SERVICE or department////////////////////////A strong link between

training and research//////////////////////////////////////////////


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Reliability of materials and/or interfaces and

study of their durability.



Improving the performance of complex systems in terms of their interoperability, reactivity, degree of intelligence, degree of mobility

and degree of autonomy.


Improving the functioning and control of sociotechnical systems.

These systems simultaneously involve human actors and a range

of technological resources.



Mechanical behaviour of materials and structures/optimisation of

manufacturing processes.


• More than 160 PhD graduates

• More than 20 professors qualified to supervise research,

• Partnerships in regional, national and European projects with an annual budget of 3 million euros.

l’enitAT THE HEART OF INNOVATION AND RESEARCH//////////////////////////////////////E N I T u s e s i ts s k i l ls a n d r e s o u r c e s to s u p p o rt t h e s o c i o ec o n o m i c fa b r i c o f i ts pa rt n e r s i n t h e i r e f fo rts to m a k e t ec h n o lo g i c a l p r o g r e s s o n a day-to - day bas i s .

The Production Engineering LaboratoryIn synergy with training, the transfer of technology and industrial development, ENIT also carries out multidisciplinary research through its Production Engi-neering Laboratory (PEL).

This laboratory brings together more than 100 people (research professors, senior lecturers, PhD students, engi-neers) who are involved in research and innovation in the fields of automa-tion, electrical engineering, information technology, materials, mechanics and the science and technology of produc-tion.

A STRONG, DYNAMIC PARTNERSHIP/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////This research is most commonly carried out within the scope of col-laborative projects between universities and industry. Within this con-text, PEL has developed a network of partnerships in different areas: rail, aeronautics, health, construction, services. This research largely finds its applications in the cluster themes of “aeronautics, space and embedded systems”. They give rise to numerous national and interna-tional collaboration projects.

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TECHNOLOGICAL PLATFORMS FOR INNOVATION AND INDUSTRIAL PARTNERS/////////////////////ENIT combines complementary and remarkable skills with extensive  experimentation and testing resources in a limited area  making them available to researchers, students and industrial partners.

SERVING THE PARTNERSHIPS/////////////////////////////

The integration of power: PRIMESPRIMES is a platform for research into the in-tegration of power, energy management and its storage components bringing together unique resources for prototyping and testing electronic power components intended to be integrated into the means of transport of to-morrow.

The materials and procedures: CRTCI and Metallicadour

Dedicated to the materials, composite struc-tures and metallurgy industries, they illustrate the willingness of ENIT to propose a range of collaborative tools to its partners in the socio-economic world, enabling the sharing of ex-pertise, finalised innovation and technological research.

Expertise in the resource and skill centres (RSC)

The resource and skill centres provide part-ners with the means to test and characterise materials and structures in addition to soft-ware development resources and skills.



“My work as part of the Interfaces and Functional Materials team in the PEL relates to the physicochemical and mechanical per-formance of adhesive interfaces in multilayer systems (bonded assemblies, coatings, functional polymers, micro-structured and nano-structured composites, power electronics packaging) and focuses on the durability of these interfaces.

The majority of the scientific problems addressed through my research have their origin or pur-pose in the industrial world and are conducted through collabo-rative projects to address scien-tific and technological issues on a national and international level. This anchoring in social reality enables me to convey the experience I have acquired to students at ENIT during different stages of their studies (courses, intern-ships, projects). It also helps provide them with high-performance and scalable tools grouped in unique technology platforms.

My various missions at ENIT allow me to implement a synergy be-tween research, development and training on a day-to-day level to contribute to the development of the country and the profes-sional integration of an ENIT engineer”.


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6 Le choix de la polyvalenceA STRATEGY CONFIRMED BY PARTNERSHIPS//////////////////////////Since its creation, ENIT has focused on developing high-quality partnerships with companies. These take the form of internships, projects carried out at the end of a student’s studies, assessment, research and innovative collaboration work.

Employee training /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////ENIT is a publicly authorised professional body providing continuing education. As such, it offers continuing education qualifications and diplomas which are eligible for different funding systems (such as Fongécif, CPF, Fontanet etc.).

To obtain an ENIT diploma in engineering:• For accreditation of prior learning for employees with

a level of Bac+2 years of higher education justifying at least three years of experience in a management posi-tion or similar,

• For continuing training of diploma students with a re-sumption of studies of two years for employees with a level of Bac+2 years of higher education justifying at least three years of experience.

To acquire or strengthen employee skills:• Continuous skills training in engineering professions

(materials, mechanics, manufacture, maintenance, industrialisation, management, project management etc.), provided intra-company or inter-company, created à la carte or on description.

Internships Added value ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////The internships, organised in project groups with defined ob-jectives and regular follow-ups, aim to provide real added value to the company while reinforcing the professional skills of our students.

Examples of internships

• Continuous improvement (LEAN),• Structuring and launch of a production line,• Design and mechanical calculations for aeronautic

parts of the Catia V5,• Realisation of a CND-automated line.

The promotion of companies and professions ///////////////////////////////////////////ENIT focuses on facilitating the professional integration of its pu-pils through day-to-day relationships maintained with the compa-nies to promote their professions and get to know their needs.• The companies forum, organised each year, brings

together more than forty companies (international groups and SMEs)

• Industrial conferences hosted by engineers or HRDs where the companies and their jobs can be presented.

• The ENIT Association of Engineers (ANIENIT) ensures the promotion of ENIT graduates with companies.

Talent recruitment ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////• The employment service and professional integration of the

school disseminates the companies’ vacancies to our students and graduates,

• The recruitment of apprentices by the companies (training by apprenticeship for a period of three years),

• NEW ! Professionalisation contract through the recruitment of student engineers in their final year.

The technical solution /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ENIT focuses its expertise on different areas such as:• Mechanics, materials and surfaces,• Information and decision-making technologies for com-

panies, interoperability of the systems,• Power electronics and the management and conversion

of energy,• Machining.

On the basis of its high-tech platforms, ENIT provides expertise within an appropriate timeframe in order to respond to compa-nies’ problems.

Examples of expertise• Fatigue tests on riveted assemblies,• Determination of the hardness of chrome parts,• Study of the laser cutting of titanium parts,• Implementation of multi-stress tests (temperature,

pressure, humidity),• Observation by means of scanning electron microscopy.

Research Promoting innovation /////////////////////////////////The Production Engineering Laboratory provides companies with research through contracts which enable extensive studies to be carried out on a scientific problem and guarantee that the work will remain confidential. Companies can benefit from research tax credits and access to innovation support.


JeAn-JACQUeS LiBOURnet - HRD AT ENTREPOSE (VINCI GROUP). The ENIT business forum is the only one in which it participates in France. “The right people in the right jobs at the right time. ENIT prepares students for winning management with general, contemporary training, ideal for combining know-how and self-management skills. This is why its recruitment service is now working in Bigorre. These are young people prepared for an operational context. We are challenged by these people on the ground and their interesting courses”.


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THE EUROPEAN PROJECT SEMESTER////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////This original programme (EPS) for engineering students includes 16 universities in 13 countries across Europe. For one semester, students will follow courses and carry out group work on industrial projects entirely in English. The  only school in France to offer this, ENIT plays host to between 15 and 20 students each semes-ter and sends some of its students to the institutions in the network.

SEMESTER STUDYING ABROAD//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////ENIT strongly advises its students to spend a semes-ter studying at a higher education institution abroad. The courses taken are then validated as an integral part of their course. To this end, in 2012 the college put in place its own mechanism providing financial as-sistance for international student mobility. In parallel with this, each year the college welcomes a number of foreign students for a semester, particularly within the framework of the collaboration programmes with Latin America (FITEC programmes).

THE DOUBLE DIPLOMA/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////In order to give their career path international reach, ENIT students have the option to obtain a double di-

ploma by completing part of their course in one of five partner institutions abroad. ENIT has also established an additional agreement with a Canadian institution enabling French students to obtain a Canadian Mas-ter’s in Professional Engineering.

THE INTERNSHIPS AND THE END OF STUDY PROJECTS////ENIT enables its students to complete their internships in the second and third years and their End of Study Projects abroad. Interns who try an international ad-venture regularly go to England, Germany, Spain, South Africa, Indonesia, Australia, the United States and the Netherlands.

MOBILITY AMONG RESEARCH PROFESSORS/////////////The research professors in the Production Engineering Laboratory carry out teaching or research assignments in the foreign partner institutions and collaborate on international research programmes. The college also welcomes numerous foreign researchers who come to learn within the PEL or to participate in teaching.

INTERNATIONALISM IN THE SCHOOL////////////////////Aware of the global challenges every engineer now faces, ENIT promotes international mobility amongst its students and researchers. It anchors its policy of international cooperation through the signing of cooperation agreements. It has established partnerships with 84 universities in 28 countries.


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Double diplomaArgentina



S6 internshipSouth Africa

EuropeanProject SemesterPoland

End of Study ProjectAustralia

BCI* Programme Canada

Bilateral agreementSouth KoreaBRAFITEC



Study semester

Internship and ESP

Double diploma

Research professor mobility

European Project Semester

Bureau de Coopération Interuniversitaire [Inter-university Cooperation Office]


INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY//////////////////////

“Thanks to ENIT, I was able to complete an EPS in Valencia, Spain, and a double diploma at the University of Cuyo Mendoza in Argentina. These two experiences very much complimented one another. Integrating an EPS programme enabled me to improve my English and develop skills such as project management. In turn, the year I spent in Argentina to complete my double diploma allowed me to live totally immersed in a foreign country. While there I studied a course which focused on industrial engineering and completed an internship with a large vineyard where I was able to discover new working methods. Strengthened by these experiences, I now speak three languages fluently and want to become a business engineer. International study is a real opportunity for a student and a real advantage for the future!”


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Double diplomaArgentina



S6 internshipSouth Africa

EuropeanProject SemesterPoland

End of Study ProjectAustralia

BCI* Programme Canada

Bilateral agreementSouth KoreaBRAFITEC



Study semester

Internship and ESP

Double diploma

Research professor mobility

European Project Semester

Bureau de Coopération Interuniversitaire [Inter-university Cooperation Office]

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A campus where you can live wELL////

Maintaining cohesion////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////At ENIT, the Students’ Union plays an important role in the integration of new students and cohesion between the dif-ferent academic years.

A real part of the community life of the school, the students take turns to organise numerous student clubs. Every year they organise dozens of events (sporting events, music events, etc.) which enable them to meet, get to know one another better and develop a spirit of cohesion and mutual support.

A WELL INTEGRATED CAMPUS/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////The second campus in the Midi-Pyrenees region, Tarbes offers its 5700 students a privileged quality of life:• 25 minutes from Pau,• 1h 30 from Toulouse,• near to Spain, • 1h from ski pistes, • 1h 30 from the beaches on the Basque and

Landes coasts,At the heart of a diversified industrial network.

CITIZEN ENGAGEMENT////////////////////////////////////////////////////////• The student associations are very much involved in

the life of their town. Each September, they organise a big food drive in partnership with Banque Alimentaire 65 and run eco-friendly activities like annual Echez River clean-ups.

• Every year, the students participate in the 4L Trophy, a humanitarian raid which helps to get school supplies to disadvantaged children in Morocco.

• ENIT is also partnered with the Bouchons d’Amour association, which provides support for disabled people.

• Engineers Without Borders, Tarbes: created by the students as part of a supervised project, the association works on both awareness projects and projects to educate people about sustainable development.

The ongoing projects include the implementation of a carbon audit for the Tarbes campus and the in-stallation of solar panels in Senegal in partnership with the Ethiopiques 65 association.


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TEL ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////05 62 44 27 00

GENERALMANAGEMENT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[email protected]

DEPARTMENT OF TRAININGAND STUDENT LIFE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Admissions : [email protected] Training: [email protected]

DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL AFFAIRS//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[email protected]

DEPARTMENT OFINTERNATIONAL RELATIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////[email protected]


Do not hesitate to contact us////////////////////


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The town of Tarbes is served by//////////////////////////////////////////////////////

• tarbes–Lourdes–Pyrénées Airport just a few kilo-metres from the campus

• Motorway A64: tarbes Ouest [tarbes West] exit

• the tGV [high-speed train] line between Paris and tarbes

National School of Mechanical Engineering //////////

47, avenue d’Azereix BP 1629 - 65016 TARBES Cedex - France Tel: 33(0)5 62 44 27 00 - Fax : 33(0)5 62 44 27 27 Website: www.enit.fr