english work



english work of a planet that we need to invent

Transcript of english work

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The planet from outside has the shape of a diamond and

at the top it’s the real shiny diamond and then comes the king

and his family sit, the blue one is for the king that shoes the

colour of the planet (blue), the purple is for the queen, it is that

colour because is the night s colour and green one shoes the

day lights colour that is the son s seat. There is a layer that

always moving, that protects the planet from it s enemies. It’s

like their atmosphere from outside you just see the diamond,

but when you enter you can breathe and you see animals and

plants. For them a piece of soil, it’s nothing, but for us it’s a lot

because it’s made of diamonds.

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Their name in general is REALIS, like for us is humans. Men´s

hair its like ours, just like humans hair. They have lots of

muscles everywhere and in the bottom they got a tale. They

got 3 eyes: one sees in colour, other one sees through the

walls and the last one sees during the night. They´ve got 4

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arms because men work a lot. Women have three eyes too,

for the same reasons of men. They got 4 arms, but 2 of them

are for caring the babies and the other two are for anything

else. Also they have a kind of a kangaroo’s bagon their

tummies, because they have lots of babies. They are small

and short in size, 1m approx. they are always happy but they

are afraid of sweets.

Realis eat just one time at the day that is in lunch time; but in

lunch they have: breakfast, lunch, tee time and dinner. Also

they have little snacks during the day. When they have dirty

clothes the go a little closer to de layer of air, that is always

blowing, and that blows the rubbish and make it disappear.

They love practicing sports they practice every sport you can

think of and even they invented more, women cook; they love

to cook peanuts. Girls love to paint and draw; they have a

very good imagination. Boys practice sports and men work 10

hours per day.

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There are three kinds of tree; the rarity tree, and the real tree.

The rarity tree it’s got a shape of diamond at the top, and it’s

got a normal trunk. The real tree it’s a big tree, and there is

only one in the world. This tree puts a seed after 1000 and

when this tree puts seed, it dies. This tree grows after 10

years; it’s difficult to explain the shape.

There are 3 kinds of flowers: treasure plant, diamond plant

and the sun flower plant. The treasure plant it’s like a normal

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plant (flower), but at the top it’s got a small diamond. The

diamond plant it’s got two levees down and a big diamond on

this two levees. The sun flower is like a spiral, and this is from

were realis get their jus (sunflower jus). The sun flower and

the rarity tree, they both got a diamond on their trunks.

The rivers are like ours but this river got shine things. There is

only one river that goes all around this world

The colour of the sky during the day is green and during the night is

purple. They call “treed” to summer, “freez” to winter, “mid” to spring

and “middis” to autumn. The seasons change every 2 months and

their normal weather is a little bit hot, but with wind, they call it “the

nice weather”. Their planet is a little bit far away from the sun, so

when is very, very hot it will be very strange. It had never snowed

there and there is always wind there because of their layer.

Sometimes is hot, but never so much, they have good plants

because it rains.

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The houses were a little bit like our houses, but the electricity

was from a little diamond that is connected to the master

diamond. The house colour is decided by the inhabitants. The

houses are made of diamond. They always have 3 floor and 5

windows. At the top of the door there is a diamond that you

use to knock the door (knocker).

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Monomonkey: they are type of a monkey, but they have their

mouth on their tummy and from there they eat. They have

antennas for calling anybody and when they talk they omit omit

strange sounds for talking. They see in black and white; they

have diamonds on their chest. They are the typical animal of

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this planet because they are the most reproduce there and they

are very intelligent. Their skin colour is in black and white.

Shakira: they are type of a sheep, but with 3 legs, they have

circles all around their tummy. They love to dance and shakira

means dance. Their eyes look to different ways at the time and

they see everything in golden and silver colour, they are also of

that. They have 2 arms.

Mag: this animal is a magic animal, it’s a type of a rabbit and he

has a colourful horn. He is colourful, he sees in colours and he

makes magic to make the nature grow. He is always happy, so

when he is happy more plants grow; and when he is angry the

real plant dies, (but just one time in their whole life had dies).

All this animals were not born from their mums and dads like it’s

used to be here in the planet earth, they are born from a kind of

ant hive. The people recognize from where the different kind of

animals are born because on this ant have are different shapes.

For the monomonckey there is a diamond shape, for shakira

there is a circle shape and for mag there is a hexagon shape.

When there is an animal reproducing the shape turns on with a

light and this last fir 1 month.

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The money in this planet is very different from our money. Their

many got drawings on them, and those drawings are the

animals and the plants of this planet. The most expensive bill is

the one with the real plant, and then the one with the

monomonckey, sunflower plant, shakira, rarity tree, diamond

plant, mag and the last one, the cheaper one is the treasure

plant. They recognize the money with the drawings, not like us

that we recognize them with the numbers that are on the bills

and the coins.

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There is only 1 school for each city. Every school is big and

they are the same. There the teachers teach how they

reproduce, how animals reproduce and how do they live and all

about nature. The teachers are only men, and the women cook

the school´s food and they clean. Girls learn to draw there and

bows learn to practice sports. Windows are unbreakable and

every school is called “DIAPAND SCHOOL”.

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They have 8 months and they have the names of some plants,

animals and the names of the inhabitants. They have 4 seasons

that change every 2 months and they have a song for the months:

Realis, real, treasure months they are! Shakira, monomoncky, mag, they are more! Rarity, sunflower, her we are These are all, our months!

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Day 1:

We started our adventure when we got into the

rocket. Our trip was going on very good, up to

when we crushed with an invisible thing that

attracted us and we enter to an unknown planet.

It had a diamond shape colour blue and that

invisible thing were we crushed was a layer of wind that

protected the planet from their enemies. We landed on soil,

but that soil was full of diamonds. We thought we were

milliners and we took some.

We walked and walk and walked until we found houses

so we knocked the door, but nobody opened, but then one of

us saw a knocker, but with a diamond shape and then

someone came to open us. It was a woman with 3 eyes, 4

arms and plaids made of diamonds. She spoke a type of

English, but with some different words. She was called

Zenovia and she was very kind with us. First she asked us

what we were, so we told her that we were from another

planet and she said “ok” and let us come in. she told us that

the planet was called Diapand and that the language they

speak is “wakalanda”, English with some different words and

that they were realis, not humans and she showed us their

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planet flag. Zenovia explained us everything about the outside

of the planet.

We told her that we were hungry and she said we were

lucky because the breakfast, lunch, dinner all in one was

getting ready because they eat just one time at the day

without counting the mini snacks.

Then when the day finished her husband and children

arrived and they let us sleep that night with them and that we

have to get asleep quickly because the next day we were

going to the main city.

Day 2:

When we woke up Zenovia told us to dress up quickly

because we were going to the main city, when we finished we

started our trip very fast. During the trip we stopped to eat and

here children showed us the shiny river that is a river that

goes around the whole world and we also played a game of

the months, but we didn’t understand and they explained us.

We arrived there at night and the sky colour was purple

(during the day is green) and went to sleep to a house that

they rented week before. The night there was very


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Day 3:

We woke up with the children’s noises because they were

getting ready to go to school and the dad was going to work.

We stayed alone with Zenovia and she explained us how

were the schools, what do they learn there and how was

men’s work. We cook with her and did sunflower juice with

peanuts. Then we went for a walked and we saw a hole where

were lots of strange animals: Shakira, Monomonckey & Mag.

Those were their names. Zenovia explained us everything

about they. We ate a little bit late and then we went to see

Rose and Carl and James and Amy to the school. Rose and

Amy were drawing beautiful drawings and Carl and James

were practising a sport we didn’t know so we did it and we got

very tired. Then we went to sleep.

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Day 4:

This day was kind of similar to yesterday, but instead of

going to see the children to school we went to see Jorge to

work. He worked 10 hours per day and his work was very

difficult, even difficult to be explained. When we were walking

there to see Jorge Zenovia explained us how were the plants

and also the real plant next to the kings. Jorge finished at mid

day and went with us to go and take the children from school

because they have to go back to their real home and we ate

when we went. This trip was shorter, but we also arrived at

night so we just arrived to sleep. We couldn’t sleep well

because we knew the next day we were going back to the

planet Earth.

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Day 5:

When we woke up Jorge, Rose, Carl, James, Amy and

Zenovia were in the door of our bedroom each one with a

present: Rose with a drawing she made, Carl with a leave of a

diamond plant, James with his favourite ball of his favourite

sport, Amy with one of her diamond plaids she cut when she

was little and Zenovia with peanuts just cooked. We thought

that we’ve got more confidence so we asked them something

personal, what it means the “kangaroo bag” in the women’s

tummies and what does it mean each of their 3 eyes and they

with happiness answered. They offered us that when we

come back we can stay with them and we appreciated their

offer. It was time to go home and they and us got sad

because we were leaving, but we had to so we went. We

knew we had REAL friends in that planet.