English Lesson Plan for First Term

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Transcript of English Lesson Plan for First Term

  • 7/25/2019 English Lesson Plan for First Term



    Football- sports

    Stage ProcedreDiscussion:


    Ask the learners to return to their small groups from the

    start of the lesson to compare their answers from the

    discussion with the players ideas.Role play:


    Tell the learners that before they do the role play, they

    have to do a visualisation eercise. Tell the learners the

    date !"# years in the future$. Tell them that they are like

    the %remier &eague players and have moved to 'ngland

    !or another 'nglish speaking country$ to work and have

    become really successful. Role play: preparation (and out

    ): *uture selves Ask the learners to look at the future+

    selves uestions and think about the uestions. There is

    no need for the students to make notes, but they can if

    they want.Role pla! Tell the learners that they are going to take part in a role

    play interview for a popular weekly maga-ine. Role play

    Tell the learners that before they do the role play, they

    have to do a visualisation eercise. Tell the learners the

    date !"# years in the future$. Tell them that they are like

    the %remier &eague players and have moved to 'ngland

    !or another 'nglish speaking country$ to work and have

    become really successful. Role play: preparation (and out

    ): *uture selves Ask the learners to look at the future+selves uestions and think about the uestions. There is

    no need for the students to make notes, but they can if

    they want. The maga-ine in your country runs a feature

    on successful epats !people living abroad$. our learners

    are going to take turns playing /ournalists or their future

    selves. Tell the /ournalists that they can use the uestions

    on the future+selves handout or they can make them up.

    Ask the learners to watch the video on %remier 0kills

    'nglish. This is a 1uency activity so it is important that

    you give your learners time to repeat the role play, eachtime, swapping between reporter and successful epat.

    2ive each learner the opportunity to play the /ournalist

    and epat 3 times. 4e sure to have your learners swap

    partners each time. 5f you have room, you can arrange

    the chairs in your classroom into two rows with learners

    facing one another. This way, you can have one set of

    students move left and the whole class will have new

    partnersRole play:


    6eep the feedback focused on the future+selves. Ask

    learners who has the most interesting future plans.

  • 7/25/2019 English Lesson Plan for First Term


    All abot "e

    Stage Procedre%reparation 7 8rite up three sentences on the board about


    9se or adapt the following: 5ve got an older sister. *

    week 5 went ice+skating. 5 really like going swimming.

    7 Tell students that these sentences are about me .'licit uestions they need to ask to nd out more about

    these facts, e.g., (ow old is your sister; 8hats her

    name; 8ho did you go ice+skating with; Did you fall

    over; (ow often do you go swimming; (ow many lengths

    do usually you swim; etc.

    8rite up the uestions on the board.

    5nvite students to ask me these, and other, uestions.

    Answer their uestions and eplain that if a uestion isvery personal you can respond with 5d rather not answer

    that uestion. ou could drill this response as students

    may need to use it later in the lesson

    . 7 'licit

  • 7/25/2019 English Lesson Plan for First Term


    Feedbac# 'plain that they can ask you anything they like but that

    if a uestion is very personal you might respond with 5d

    rather not answer that uestion

    $lass %or&als


    To set up a class /ournal with a group7 To build the writing habit, by doing several /ournal writing activities duringthe class7 To read what other students have written in response to the tasks set

    7 To re1ect on learning and to discuss this in class7 To discuss class attitudes to error and correction, and establish thecorrection guidelines for the teacher.

    Procedre". Breating a front cover 7 9se the /ournals that students have

    brought with them, or give thestudents /ournals that you havebrought, which could be made bystapling a number of AC sheetstogether, preferably with a colourfulcard cover. 7 n the front cover,students draw a @shield and, in eachuadrant of the shield, they drawimages of things that they identifywith in some way. The rst uadrantmight represent theirneighbourhoodEhome. The secondone could be their hobbies. The thirdone a place that they have visited Elike very much and the fourth onecould represent a favourite personEpet E belonging. 7 nce they have

    nished, they swap /ournals, anddescribe their shields to their

  • 7/25/2019 English Lesson Plan for First Term



    ). rst page of the /ournal 0et students a personalised writingtask. 5f you often start a course bywriting a personal letter to thestudents, they could read your letterat this point, and write a reply to it intheir /ournal. ou can ask them toinclude similar information to you. 75f you are introducing the /ournalslater in the course, you could set upa personalised task like this: 8ritethe list below on the board. 3 thingsthat you en/oy doing 3 people that

    are important to you 3 places thatyouve been to E would like to go to 3things you did last weekend 3 thingsyou own which are important to you3 items of clothing that you like Fwhat is their @history; 3 lms E booksE T programmes that you like, andwhy you like them. 7 Ask students tochoose ", ) or 3 categories to includeon the rst page of their /ournals.

    They should write as muchinformation as they can in about "#minutes. %lay some backgroundmusic while students are writing.

    &earning uestionnaire: second page ofthe /ournal

    7 0tudents turn to page ) of the/ournal.Dictate the following sentence stemsto the students. They have to writethe sentences and complete them, sothat they are true for themselves. 5think that learning 'nglish is= Themost diGcult to me about 'nglishis= The easiest thing is... The best

    way to remember vocabulary is... 5will get better at speaking if 5... ne

  • 7/25/2019 English Lesson Plan for First Term


    way for me to improve my 'nglish athome is to... 5 want to speak 'nglishin order to... 7 nce they havenished, set up a pyramid discussionas below: *irstly, students comparetheir ideas in pairs, and add newones to the list if they want.0econdly, the pairs /oin up to makegroups of four. *inally, conductfeedback as a whole class

    Sa)e t*e +ater

    I&trodct'o&This lesson looks at the causes of water shortages locally and internationallyand learners will produce a poster giving advice on saving water in the

    home or in the school. &earners are encouraged to ask uestions aboutwater conservation in their area and to write to their local authorities withtheir uestions !optional activity$. This lesson is suitable for teens who are inelementary level and should be around H#+ I# minutes long.ProcedreDaily activities with water bingo !cut ups and boards$ This rst stageintroduces daily activities that involve water and provides vocabulary for thediscussions in later stages.Preparat'o&7 Bopy and cut out worksheet A so have enough to give one game board toeach learner. 7 Bopy worksheet 4 and cut out two sets of J picture cards pergroup of C learners.

    I& class7 Divide the class into groups of 3 or C.7 2ive each player a board from worksheet A with C pictures on it !gameboards A+D$.2ive learners enough time to look at the pictures and decide what ishappening. 5ndividuals should ask their group before asking the teacher forhelp.7 %ut a pile of loose cards from worksheet 4 face down in the centre !)copies of the picture cards is best between C players$7 The rst player picks up a card and the others have to nd out if its one of

    their pictures by asking a uestion such as K5s she watering the garden;L!they can use he or she$7 %layers take turns to ask until the person holding the picture says KyesL.7 8hen the player with the picture answers KyesL, the player who asked theright uestion wins the card and puts it on their board. That person takesthe net picture and the others ask them the uestions