English Learners and Immigrant Students (DOE-LM)...

English Learners and Immigrant Students (DOE-LM) Version 11.05.13 Page 1 Purpose The purpose of this data collection is to gather student information on English learners and immigrant students enrolled on November 1 of the collection year. This report consolidates all data needs of the Office of English Learning & Migrant Education. Audience This is a REQUIRED collection for: Public schools (Traditional and Charter) NEW THIS YEAR: Also required for Nonpublic schools participating in the CHOICE Scholarship program for the current school year. This is an optional collection for: Accredited Nonpublic Schools (Fully Accredited and Freeway) not participating in Choice NEW THIS YEAR: THESE SCHOOLS MUST REQUEST PARTICIPATION: Email [email protected] with your request, your School ID (and diocese ID if applicable), and an assurance that all eligible students will be submitted. Collection Year: 2013 - 2014 Table of Contents Purpose ................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Audience ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Collection Year: 2013 - 2014 ................................................................................................................................................... 1 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Instructions ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Collection Phases .................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Conflicts................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Data Layout and File Formats ................................................................................................................................................. 3 Example Data File Formats ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 Comma Delimited Format ................................................................................................................................................... 8 Positional Format ................................................................................................................................................................ 9 E(x)tensible Markup Language (XML) Format .................................................................................................................... 9 Common Scenarios ................................................................................................................................................................. 9 General Scenarios ............................................................................................................................................................... 9 English Learner Scenarios ................................................................................................................................................. 10 Immigrant Student Scenarios............................................................................................................................................ 10 Scenarios for Unusual Assessment Situations UPDATED.................................................................................................. 11 Frequently Asked Questions ................................................................................................................................................. 11

Transcript of English Learners and Immigrant Students (DOE-LM)...

English Learners and Immigrant Students (DOE-LM) Version 11.05.13

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The purpose of this data collection is to gather student information on English learners and immigrant students enrolled on November 1 of the collection year. This report consolidates all data needs of the Office of English Learning & Migrant Education.


This is a REQUIRED collection for: Public schools (Traditional and Charter) NEW THIS YEAR: Also required for Nonpublic schools participating in the CHOICE Scholarship program for the

current school year. This is an optional collection for:

Accredited Nonpublic Schools (Fully Accredited and Freeway) not participating in Choice NEW THIS YEAR: THESE SCHOOLS MUST REQUEST PARTICIPATION: Email [email protected] with your request, your School ID (and diocese ID if applicable), and an assurance that all eligible students will be submitted.

Collection Year: 2013 - 2014

Table of Contents Purpose ................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

Audience ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1

Collection Year: 2013 - 2014 ................................................................................................................................................... 1

Definitions ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2

Instructions ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2

Collection Phases .................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Conflicts................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Data Layout and File Formats ................................................................................................................................................. 3

Example Data File Formats ..................................................................................................................................................... 8

Comma Delimited Format ................................................................................................................................................... 8

Positional Format ................................................................................................................................................................ 9

E(x)tensible Markup Language (XML) Format .................................................................................................................... 9

Common Scenarios ................................................................................................................................................................. 9

General Scenarios ............................................................................................................................................................... 9

English Learner Scenarios ................................................................................................................................................. 10

Immigrant Student Scenarios ............................................................................................................................................ 10

Scenarios for Unusual Assessment Situations UPDATED .................................................................................................. 11

Frequently Asked Questions ................................................................................................................................................. 11

English Learners and Immigrant Students (DOE-LM) Version 11.05.13

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Counting Students ............................................................................................................................................................. 11

Other Specific Reporting Questions .................................................................................................................................. 12

References ............................................................................................................................................................................ 13

Document Change History .................................................................................................................................................... 13


English learner (EL): a student for whom at least one of the following is true based on the student’s original Home Language Survey (HLS) :

1. The native language of the student is other than English; 2. The language most often spoken by the student is other than English; 3. The language spoken most often by the student in the student’s home is other than English.

Students that have a language other than English on their original HLS will continue to be submitted in this data collection for as long as the student is enrolled and under age 22. Even after a student scores two consecutive level 5’s and is re-classified as fluent English proficient (FEP), the student will still continue to be submitted to the DOE-LM each year. For current limited English proficient (LEP) and reclassified fluent English proficient (FEP) public school students not yet in formal monitoring, English language proficiency assessment data should reflect the results of either the previous spring (2013 Annual LAS Links Assessment) or current school year’s test (LAS Links Placement Test) only. Data must be collected for all English learners enrolled in the school/corporation, independent of a student’s participation in a language development program. Immigrant student: A student aged 3-21 (as of November 1, 2013), who was not born in any U.S. State (or U.S. territory, such as Puerto Rico) and has not been attending one or more schools in any one or more states for more than three full academic years (three years includes kindergarten and home schooling, but not preschool). An immigrant student need not be an English Learner to be included in this collection. Native English-speaking immigrant students should be reported using Code 6 (Immigrant student who is a Native English Speaker), in Field 4, English Language Proficiency Level. and Code 7 (N/A) for Field 5, Instrument Used.

NOTE: Immigrant status is NOT AFFECTED by the age at which the student came to the United States.

Original Home Language Survey (HLS): Refers to the HLS completed the first time a student enrolls in an Indiana school corporation (i.e. typically kindergarten or first grade, or when a student moves to Indiana from out of state.)


Submit the data on all English learners and immigrant students enrolled on November 1, 2013. The required data should be collected, combined into a file, and submitted to the Indiana Department of Education through the Application Center. The file may be any of the formats contained in this document. This file must contain all the fields in the order described in the data layout below. An input screen is available in the Application Center, under Data Transfer > Input Forms > English Learners, for users that have data transfer privileges. This screen will also allow submitted student data to be edited and deleted. In order to assist you with your submission, we will provide a "starter download" (Administration > Retrieve Data, File Type: "Language Minority – DOE Source"). Real Time (DOE-RT) data, in conjunction with DOE-LM data from last fall, will enable us to provide you with a DOE-LM file with many of the fields pre-populated. We will also provide you with an interactive report (the LM Verification Report) of students previously reported for the DOE-LM collection who have been submitted by your school in Real Time data but not in your current DOE-LM submission (Data Verification > Reports > LM/ELL/Immigrant > LM Verification Report). Each student listed will need to be

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addressed either by submitting an LM record, correcting your Real Time data or verifying that the student is not eligible for the DOE-LM collection (i.e., was previously submitted in error).

STEP 1 – View Your LM-STN RECONCILIATION REPORT as soon as collection opens! The single biggest mistake people made last year was not being aware of all of their students submitted via the STN Collection with non-English languages.

All students with a Non-English language on their original Home Language Survey for at least one of the three questions must be submitted on the DOE-LM. During the Submission-with-Signoff phase, the LM-STN Reconciliation Report will provide a list of students that (a) were enrolled at your school on November 1 based on Real Time (RT) or Enrollment & Mobility (EM), and (b) have a Non-English language reported in their STN data, but (c) have not been included in your LM submission. These students must be cleared from the list before Signoff will be allowed. Students may be removed from the list by (a) correcting their RT or EM data, (b) correcting their STN data, or (c) submitting an LM record.

NOTE CHANGE: For the 2014 Collection, reporting of Foreign Exchange students is REQUIRED. LAS Links Placement Tests are required for all foreign exchange students who have a language other than, or in addition to,


Collection Phases

The required Submission period begins on November 18, 2013, and ends December 20, 2013, which is the due date for this collection. Submission will continue with Signoff available beginning December 2, 2013. Any Public or Choice School with neither English Learners nor Immigrant students to submit must mark the "No Records" checkbox and Signoff. (Late submissions from delinquent schools will be accepted January 2-10, 2014, which is the final date for late submissions. The submission of late data after December 20 will require a written explanation and plan of correction from the superintendent of the noncompliant corporation. A list of delinquent schools will also be turned over to the Office of Accreditation.) When a collection closes and the data are considered final by the state, no corrections or additions are allowed.


A student should be counted only once, by the school where the student is receiving an education on November 1. These conflicts, while few, need to be resolved quickly and accurately. A submission of an student already submitted by another school will fail. If this occurs and you have verified that your record was correct, you can obtain contact information for the submitter of the other record in STN Lookup. Work with them to resolve the conflict.

Data Layout and File Formats

Field Order

Fieldname Description Length Data Field Specification and Requirements


1 A

School Number 4 State-Assigned School ID Required Field: Yes

School building where the student is located.

2 B

Student Test Number (STN) 9 Official Student Test Number (STN) assigned to student Required Field: Yes

All but the first record will fail if an STN appears in the same file more than once. Note: The STN must exist in the STN Lookup.


Grade Level 2 Allowable Codes Are: PK = Pre-Kindergarten Ages 3-5 (for immigrant students only) KG = Kindergarten 01 = Grade 1 02 = Grade 2 03 = Grade 3 04 = Grade 4 05 = Grade 5 06 = Grade 6

The reported grade level must exist in this schools grade span as reported on the DOE-MF Master File/School Directory. Pre-Kindergarten (PK) students should only be reported on DOE-LM if they are Immigrant students (i.e., of non-U.S. origin). See Field 6.

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Field Order

Fieldname Description Length Data Field Specification and Requirements



07 = Grade 7 08 = Grade 8 09 = Grade 9 10 = Grade 10 11 = Grade 11 12 = Grade 12 13 = Grade 12+/Adult Required Field: Yes

Grade 13: These may be students who received Certificates of Completion or Course Completion and who have returned for further education and possibly to earn a regular or other diploma. These may be special education students who return for further education after their intended graduation year.

4 D

English Language Proficiency Level

1 What is the attained proficiency level in the English language? Allowable Codes Are: NEW! 0 = Student is PK (PK students are not assessed.) 1 = Level 1 – Beginner (LEP) 2 = Level 2 – Early Intermediate (LEP) 3 = Level 3 – Intermediate (LEP) 4 = Level 4 – Advanced (LEP) 5 = Level 5 – Fluent (FEP) 6 = Native English Speaker (Immigrant only) 7 = IEP prohibits testing (ISTAR students) NOTE: If LAS Links Placement Test was used, convert LAS Links Placement Test results to Proficiency Levels as follows: "Not Proficient" = Level 1 or 2 "Approaching Proficiency" = Level 3 or 4 "Proficient" = Level 5 NOTE: All students must have a proficiency level. See FAQ #10 below for more information. Required Field: Yes

Levels 1-4 are Limited English Proficient (LEP) Level 1 (Beginner): Students performing at this level of English language proficiency begin to demonstrate receptive or productive English skills. They are able to respond to some simple communication tasks. Level 2 (Early Intermediate): Students performing at this level of English language proficiency respond with increasing ease to more varied communication tasks. Level 3 (Intermediate): Students performing at this level of English proficiency tailor the English language skills they have been taught to meet their immediate communication and learning needs. They are able to understand and be understood in many basic social situations (while exhibiting many errors of convention) and need support in academic language. Level 4 (Advanced): Students performing at this level of English language proficiency combine elements of the English language in complex, cognitively demanding situations and are able to use English as a means for learning in other academic areas, although some minor errors of conventions are still evident. Level 5 (Fluent English Proficient): Students performing at this level of English language proficiency communicate effectively with various audiences on a wide range of familiar and new topics to meet social and academic demands. Students speak, understand, read, write, and comprehend in English without difficulty and display academic achievement comparable to native English-speaking peers. In order to attain the English proficiency level of their native English-speaking peers, further linguistic enhancement and refinement are necessary. Level 5 allowed for FEP students only. 6 = Native English Speaker: This code is used only for immigrant students from English speaking countries (i.e., England, Australia). The definition of immigrant is provided in the Purpose section at the beginning of this document. 7- IEP Prohibits Testing: This code is used for students with a severe cognitive disability (i.e. ISTAR students) where the IEP specifically excludes all forms of state standardized testing

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Field Order

Fieldname Description Length Data Field Specification and Requirements


5 E

Instrument Used

1 What is the instrument used to measure the English proficiency level? Allowable Codes Are: 1 = Woodcock - Munoz 2 = Language Assessment Scales (LAS) 3 = Idea Proficiency Test (IPT) 4 = Other Nonpublic Assessment: LAS Links not funded by State DOE or other ELP assessment completed by Nonpublic School [NOTE CHANGE] 5 = LAS Links Annual Assessment (Spring 2012) 6 = LAS Links Placement Test/Pre-LAS 2000 (Fall 2012) 7 = N/A (For use with Proficiency Level codes 0 [NEW for PK], 5, 6 or 7) 8 = Not assessed as required, without external cause. 9 = Not assessed, With Cause (due to uncontrollable circumstances – See Field Notes for this Code at right.). Required Field: Yes

Previous spring or current school year test only (refer to Purpose section) Non-Public: Codes 1 – 9 are accepted for students in non-public schools. Public and Charter Schools: Codes 4, 5, 6, 7 8 and 9 are accepted on students to reflect testing conducted in Spring 2013 or Fall 2013. (Codes 1, 2, and 3 are no longer accepted for public schools and Choice Voucher nonpublic schools.) 4 = Nonpublic LAS Links Not Funded by State DOE or other ELP assessment- ONLY to be used where a student was assessed by a non-Choice, Nonpublic school with LAS Links that was not provided through the DOE or another ELP assessment. (LAS Links assessments completed by Public and Choice Voucher schools should still be submitted as Code 5.) 6 = LAS Links Placement Test/Pre-LAS 2000 - Pre-LAS 2000 is for Kindergarteners. Code 6 may also be used for LAS Links Placement Test administered in the spring of 2013 for students entering school after the LAS Links Annual Assessment window has closed. 7 = N/A Not Applicable – Code 7 is accepted for FEP students not included in proficiency testing (e.g. Pre-K students, former LEP students, bilingual students, native English speakers, and students whose IEP prohibits assessment). 8 = Not Assessed as Required, Without Cause – Student assessment was not completed and none of the allowable causes listed below apply. 9 = Not Assessed, With Cause – Allowable causes are limited to:

Student was out of state thoughout Assessment Window.

Student was expelled/suspended throughout Assessment Window.

School Closed due to snow, floods, etc. throughout Assessment Window.

6 F

Non-U.S. Origin 1 Was the student born outside of the U.S. or what are considered U.S. territories such as Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Marshall Islands or Guam? Allowable Codes Are: Y = Yes N = No Required Field: Yes

For English learners born within the U.S. or its territories, submit N (No).

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Field Order

Fieldname Description Length Data Field Specification and Requirements


7 G

Country of Origin 3 Code for the country from which the student originated. Allowable Codes Are: 001 – 194 Required Field: YES, if the student has a Non-U.S. Origin value of ‘Y’. Required Field: No (leave blank if "Non-U.S. Origin is "N")

Please see the Country of Origin Codes table to identify the correct code for each student. (See References section below.) Code 194 indicates a country not listed. Provide the name in the “Other Country” field.

8 H

Other Country 20 Name of the country of origin if country code is “194 - Other”. Required Field: Yes, if the country of origin was coded as 194 - Other.

If the country from which the student originated cannot be found in the Country of Origin Codes table, then a country code of 194 is used to indicate “Other” country and the country name is given in this field.

9 I

Length of U.S. Enrollment 1 How long has the immigrant student been enrolled in U.S. schools excluding time in Prekindergarten? (Dates in parentheses indicate initial enrollment dates in U.S. schools that correspond with the length of enrollment calculation, assuming the student attended continuously.) Allowable Codes Are: 0, 1, 2, 3, 7 0 = First year – after Nov 1, 2012 or Prekindergarten students 1 = One year or 162-323 days enrolled (11/2/11 - 11/1/12) 2 = Two years or 324-485 days enrolled (11/2/10 – 11/1/11) 3 = Three years or 486 days or more Enrolled (prior to 11/2/10) 7 = Not applicable, student is not an immigrant student (as defined above). Required Field: Yes

Length of enrollment (less than three years in K-12) is used to determine qualification as an ‘immigrant student’ if the student was also born outside of the U.S.

Length of enrollment is cumulative and does not start over for students with interrupted schooling in the U.S. Codes 4, 5 and 6 are intentionally omitted. Tracking beyond three years is no longer required. NOTE: Immigrant Students with Code 3 do not need to be submitted for the LM unless they have a Language Code other than English (Language Code 211) Code 7 is for ALL NON-IMMIGRANT STUDENTS who are being submitted only because of their EL status.

10 J

Foreign Exchange 1 Is the student a foreign exchange student? Allowable Codes Are: Y = Yes N = No Required Field: Yes

NOTE: Reporting of Foreign Exchange students is required.


Instructional Program 1 What English Language education instructional program is providing service? Allowable Codes Are: 1 = Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) 2 = ESL program 3 = Pull-out ESL 4 = Content-based ESL 5 = Regular education program 6 = ESOL 7 = Sheltered English 8 = Structured Immersion

1. Transitional Bilingual Education: TBE is an instructional program in which subjects are taught through two languages--English and the native language of the English learners -- and English is taught as a second language. English language skills, grade promotion and graduation requirements are emphasized and L1 is used as a tool to learn content. The primary purpose of these programs is to facilitate the LEP student's transition to an all-English instructional environment while receiving academic subject instruction in the native language to the extent necessary. As proficiency in English increases, instruction through L1 decreases. Transitional bilingual education programs vary in the amount of native language instruction provided and the duration of the program (U.S. General Accounting Office, 1994). TBE programs may be early-exit or late-exit, depending on the amount of time a child may spend in the

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Field Order

Fieldname Description Length Data Field Specification and Requirements


program. This instruction program may be provided via several methods, including both pull-out and push-in.

2. ESL: English as a second language (ESL) is an educational approach in which English learners are instructed in the use of the English language. Their instruction is based on a special curriculum that typically involves little or no use of the native language, focuses on language (as opposed to content) and is usually taught during specific school periods. For the rest of the school day, students may be placed in mainstream classrooms, an immersion program, or a bilingual education program. Every bilingual education program has an ESL component (U.S. General Accounting Office, 1994). This instruction program may be provided via several methods, including both pull-out and push-in.

3. Pull-out ESL: A program in which LEP students are "pulled out" of the regular, mainstream classrooms for special instruction in English as a second language (Baker, 2000). This instruction program may be provided via several methods, including both pull-out and push-in.

4. Content-based ESL: This approach to teaching English as a second language makes use of instructional materials, learning tasks, and classroom techniques from academic content areas as the vehicle for developing language, content, cognitive and study skills. English is used as the medium of instruction (Crandall, 1992). This instruction program may be provided via several methods, including both pull-out and push-in. 5. Regular education program: This code is appropriate for the following situations:

A student who has attained the English proficiency level of fluent and performs well within the school district’s regular education program.

An LEP student whose parents have declined English language development services.

An English learner served solely through the special education program (not receiving English development services), due to a documented severe cognitive disability.

Native English speaking immigrants.

6. ESOL: English language development (ELD) means instruction designed specifically for English learners to develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in English. This type of instruction is also known as “English as a second language” (ESL), “teaching English to speakers of other languages” (TESOL), or “English for speakers of other languages” (ESOL). ELD, ESL, TESOL or ESOL standards are a version of English language arts standards that have been crafted to address the specific developmental stages of

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Field Order

Fieldname Description Length Data Field Specification and Requirements



Required Field: YES

students learning English. This instruction program may be provided via several methods, including both pull-out and push-in.

7. Sheltered English: An instructional approach used to make academic instruction in English understandable to English learners to help them acquire proficiency in English while at the same time achieving in content areas. Sheltered English instruction differs from ESL in that English is not taught as a language with a focus on learning the language. Rather, content knowledge and skills are the goals. In the sheltered classroom, teachers use simplified language, physical activities, visual aids, and the environment to teach vocabulary for concept development in mathematics, science, social studies and other subjects (National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education, 1987). This instruction program may be provided via several methods, including both pull-out and push-in.

8. Structured Immersion: In this program, English learners receive all of their subject matter instruction in their second language. The teacher uses a simplified form of the second language. Students may use their native language in class; however, the teacher uses only the second language (Snow, 1986). The goal is to help minority language students acquire proficiency in English while at the same time achieving in content areas. This instruction program may be provided via several methods, including both pull-out and push-in.

12 L

High Ability (Gifted & Talented) Participant

1 Does the student participate in a High Ability (Gifted and Talented) program? Allowable Codes Are: Y = Yes N = No Required Field: YES

Yes if the student was identified through corporation multifaceted student assessment plan and is served in high ability programming.

13 M

ESEA Title I Program 1 What Title I program is providing service to the student? Allowable Codes Are: 1 = Regular Title I, Part A program 2 = Migrant Title I, Part C program 3 = Both regular Title I, Part A program &

Migrant Title I, Part C program 4 = None Required Field: Yes

1 = Regular Title I, Part A: A student receiving services through a regular Title I school wide or targeted assistance program (mostly at elementary) 2 = Migrant Title I, Part C: A student who has been identified as migrant with a valid Certificate of Eligibility (COE), as determined by the IDOE Office of English Learning and Migrant Education and receiving services through a Title I, C Migrant Education Program 3 = Both Title I, Part A and Migrant Title I, Part C: A student receiving services through both 1 and 2. 4 = None: A student not participating in Title I and not identified as migrant.

Example Data File Formats

The following section contains example data files in the allowed comma delimited, positional, and XML formats. Note that the data used in these examples are not meant to be an example of what your data will look like.

Comma Delimited Format 0001,000102001,PK,2,3,Y,001,,1,N,2,N,2



English Learners and Immigrant Students (DOE-LM) Version 11.05.13

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Positional Format

Field Field Name Begin End 1 School Number 1 4

2 Student Test Number (STN) 5 13

3 Grade Level 14 15

4 English Language Proficiency Level 16 16

5 Instrument Used 17 17

6 Non-U.S. Origin 18 18

7 Country of Origin 19 21

8 Other Country 22 41

9 Length of U.S. Enrollment 42 42

10 Foreign Exchange 43 43

11 Instructional Program 47 47

12 Gifted & Talented Participant 48 48

13 ESEA Title I Program 49 49

E(x)tensible Markup Language (XML) Format <XIF_LMData>

<Corporation Id=”8800”>

<School Id=”0001”>

<Student STN=”000102001”>

<Demographics EnglishProficiencyLevel=”2”

InstrumentUsed=”3” NonUSOrigin=”Y” CountryOfOrigin=”001” OtherCountry=””

LengthOfEnrollment=”1” ForeignExchange=”N”


GiftedTalented=”N” ESEATitleIProgram=”2” />

<SchoolUse Grade=”PK”/>


<Student STN=”000102002”>

<Demographics EnglishProficiencyLevel=”1”

InstrumentUsed=”2” NonUSOrigin=”N” CountryOfOrigin=”194”


LengthOfEnrollment=”2” ForeignExchange=”N”


GiftedTalented=”N” ESEATitleIProgram=”2” />

<SchoolUse Grade=”10”/>


</School >

<School Id=”0002”>

<Student STN=”000202001”>

<Demographics EnglishProficiencyLevel=”5”

InstrumentUsed=”3” NonUSOrigin=”N” CountryOfOrigin=”” OtherCountry=””

LengthOfEnrollment=”” ForeignExchange=”N”


GiftedTalented=”Y” ESEATitleIProgram=”1” />

<SchoolUse Grade=”02”/>





Common Scenarios

General Scenarios . Scenario 1: Parent/Guardian did not indicate a language other than English on the original HLS and the student is not an immigrant student. Reporting Result: Do not report a student who did not indicate a language other than English on the original HLS and is not an immigrant student. If a school does not have any students to report, Data Verification > Collection Management > Language Minority, then check the “No Records” box for the appropriate school.

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NOTE CHANGE! Scenario 2: Prekindergarten Students Reporting Result: Prekindergarten (PK) students should only be reported if they meet the definition of an immigrant student. Because prekindergarten students are not required to be tested for English proficiency, use new code 0 for Field 4, English Proficiency Level, and code 7 "N/A" in Field 5, Instrument Used.

Scenario 3: Immigrant student completes some schooling in the United States, leaves and continues education outside of the United States, then returns and re-enrolls. Reporting Result: In Field 9, Length of U.S. Enrollment, length of enrollment is calculated cumulatively including all schooling in the United States. This does not start over upon re-enrollment.

English Learner Scenarios Scenario 4: New student that has not been tested. Reporting Result: Any newly enrolled public school or nonpublic Choice voucher school students with a language other than English indicated on the original HLS to any of the three questions MUST be given the LAS Links Placement Test (or Pre-LAS 2000 for Kindergarten). Further, parents must be notified of the results and of available English language development services within 30 days if the student enrolled at the beginning of the regular school year, or within two weeks if the student enrolled after the start of the beginning of the regular school year, as required in Section 1112 (g) of NCLB. Materials may be ordered through the CTB Help Desk at (800) 282-1132. Scenario 5: Student who identified a language other than English on the original HLS but was born in the United States. Reporting Result: . U.S.-born students who indicate a language other than English on the original HLS but have only attended school in the United States should be reported in Field 9, Length of U.S. Enrollment, as Code 7 to indicate, "Not applicable." Scenario 6: Student has been tested on the LAS Links Placement Test and found to be Proficient (P). Reporting Result: Students that test initially as Proficient (P) on the LAS Links Placement Test should be reported on DOE-LM as Proficiency Level 5, FEP, and will not participate in any further language assessments, but will continue to be reported each year on the DOE-LM by your school until they graduate or move to another school. Students previously identified as Level 1-4, LEP on the LAS Links Placement Test must take the summative LAS Links Annual Assessment in the spring and will continue to be assessed on an annual basis until attaining two consecutive overall scores of Level 5 (FEP) . Scenario 7: LEP student for whom parents have declined services. Reporting Results: While a parent has the right to refuse English language development services for their student, a parent cannot refuse the Annual LAS Links Assessment, as required by federal law [Section 1111 (7)]. All students that have ever been identified as LEP, regardless of whether their parents have accepted or declined services, are required to be reported in this collection. For students whose parents have refused services: In Field 12, Instructional Program, use Code 5, Regular Education Program. While the student’s parent has refused English language development services, these students should still receive basic instructional accommodations documented within an Individual Learning Plan (ILP). Scenario 8: Student's IEP prohibits English Language Proficiency assessment (e.g., LAS Links) Reporting Result: English Proficiency Level will be Code 7- IEP Prohibits Testing (ISTAR Students) Instrument Used will be Code 7 (N/A). If an identified special education student does not participate in the annual LAS Links assessment due to a severe cognitive disability, the student is still required to receive English language development services.

Immigrant Student Scenarios Scenario 9: Foreign-born student brought to the United States For foreign-born (immigrant) students who entered the United States, the student's length of U.S. enrollment should be calculated according to the student's time in U.S. schools. For example, for a student born in India who is now in kindergarten, the length of U.S. enrollment for that student should be reported as "0" (for First year). A foreign-born student must also be in their first three years of U.S. schooling to be considered an immigrant student.

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Scenario 10: Student born in an English-speaking country other than the United States, and speaks only English. Reporting Result: If the student fits the definition of "Immigrant Student" provided at the beginning of this document, the student should be included in this submission. Such a student would be reported in the English Language Proficiency Level field as Code 6, Native English Speaker and Instrument Used would be 7 "N/A". Scenario 11: Student born overseas to U.S. military personnel. Reporting Result: Such a student should be counted as “immigrant” and included in the count of immigrant students utilized for funding purposes for the Title III immigrant children and youth program if the student meets the criteria of aged 3 through 21; not born in any State; and has not been attending one or more schools in any one or more States for more than 3 full academic years and meets the definition of limited English proficient

Scenarios for Unusual Assessment Situations UPDATED

LM Scenario For Proficiency Level (Field 4) For Instrument Used (Field 5)

A. Student had LAS Links submitted but incomplete due to student inability [EXCEPT if Student's IEP prohibits Assessment – then see Scenario C below]

UPDATED See FAQ 10, below

UPDATED Code 8 – Not assessed as required, without cause.

B. Student had no Overall LAS Links Proficiency Level due to uncontrollable circumstances (e.g., flood or snow prevented administration of part of assessment, student was expelled, suspended or out of the state throughout the Assessment Window)

UPDATED See FAQ 10, below

UPDATED Code 9 – Not assessed as required, with cause.

C. Student's IEP prohibits Assessment but LAS Links test booklet submitted

7 = IEP prohibits testing (IEP) [same as in previous years]

7 = N/A

D. Students simply Not Assessed as Required (none of the allowed reasons given in Scenario B apply)

UPDATED See FAQ 10, below

UPDATED Code 8 – Not assessed as required, without cause.

E. Public/Charter Student assessed with LAS Links at Nonpublic, Non-Choice school last spring (DOE data does not include these LAS Links results)

Report Proficiency Level from printed LAS Links results

Report using Instrument Code 4 "Nonpublic LAS Links Not Funded by State DOE"

Frequently Asked Questions

Counting Students

1. Q. Should foreign exchange students be reported on the LM report and should the students be assessed for their

English proficiency level? A. NOTE CHANGE! Yes, Foreign Exchange students are to be included in the LM if they meet the definitions of English

Learner or Immigrant Student at the beginning of this document. If a foreign exchange student has a language other than English identified on the Home Language Survey, then a LAS Links Placement test must be administered within 30 days of the beginning of the school year or two weeks after enrollment. (For more information see: Memo regarding Foreign Exchange Students. Foreign exchange students should be identified on the DOE-LM in Field 10.

2. Q. How should a student who entered the U.S. prior to starting Kindergarten be reported on Field 9 (Length of U.S. Enrollment)? A. For foreign-born (immigrant) students, the student’s length of U.S. enrollment should be calculated according to the

student’s time in U.S. schools. For example, a student born in India now in Kindergarten should be reported as “0” (First year) for the length of U.S. enrollment. A student who attended Kindergarten and first grade at your school or another school in the United States and is now enrolled in 2

nd grade should be reported as “2” (having completed two years).

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3. Q. Are students with a hearing impairment who rely on American Sign Language (ASL) for communication

considered to be limited English proficient (LEP) for purposes of Title III? A. No, a student with a hearing impairment who comes from a household where English is the native language would not be

considered LEP for Title III purposes. A student with a hearing impairment who comes from a household where the native language is not English, however, could be considered LEP if s/he meets the definition of LEP established by the federal regulations.

Other Specific Reporting Questions

4. Q. Our school has a student who has recently moved to the United States and has only very recently started learning English and is a “beginner” for English proficiency status even though we haven’t formally tested the student’s proficiency level. Because we know that student is a “beginner,” can we code the instrument used to test the student’s proficiency level as “other”? A. No. “Other” is not appropriate for the instrument used to test the student. Students must be given the LAS Links

Placement Test and it is required for any student with a language other than English on the original Home Language Survey. The LAS Links Placement test must be administered and parents must be notified of the result within 30 days of the beginning of the school year or within two weeks after the test is administered if the student enrolled after the school year started. Materials may be ordered anytime by public schools during the school year and can be done through the CTB Help Desk at (800) 382-9962. Please note that nonpublic schools not receiving Choice vouchers are not required to use LAS Links but must administer an English proficiency assessment to be able to report on DOE-LM.

5. Q. In Field 9 (Length of Enrollment), what is the difference between first year and one year?

A. First year means that the current or reporting year is the first year that a student has been enrolled in school in the United States, whereas one year indicates that a student was enrolled in school in the United States for at least one year at some point in time before the current school year.

6. Q. There is a new student at our school and there is no code for the student’s native language. How should I

complete Field 11 (Native Language Code). A. NOTE CHANGE! Please submit a Language Code Addition Request using this link HERE. If you need further assistance,

please email [email protected].

7. Q. How should students who are Amish and speak Pennsylvania Dutch be counted on the LM report? A. If a language other than English is indicated on the original HLS for the student , the student should be tested with the

same English proficiency assessment process as all other language minority students. Based on the results of the assessment, the student will be assigned a level of proficiency 1-5 (Field 4).

8. Q. Our school has some students whose first language was other than English, but the students have been fluent

since before beginning their education with us. How should we code Field 5 (Instrument Used)? A. Fluency is determined by a State-approved English proficiency assessment. Please ensure that all students with a

language other than English on the original Home Language Survey are given an English proficiency assessment (LAS Links), as administering the assessment is a federal requirement set forth by No Child Left Behind, regardless of whether the student appears fluent when starting school. If one of the assessments listed in Field 5 were not used, please select “other.” Please continue to report these students appropriately. All Public schools (including charters) and Nonpublic schools accepting Choice vouchers are required to use LAS Links.

9. Q. The instructional programs listed in Field 11 pertain to instruction during the school day. How should assistance

that is provided after school be reported?

A. Please provide a code that matches the language instruction program that is provided during the day. Please keep in mind that Limited English Proficient (LEP) students with English proficiency levels of 1-4 are required to be provided English development services during the regular school day, except for students whose parents have declined English development services, or native English speaking immigrants.

10. NEW! What if an LEP student (or first year Level 5) does not participate in the annual assessment with cause (i.e.

moves outside of Indiana, expulsion/suspension, weather-related closings) that year but later returns in his/her academic career? Do we assess this student and using which method—placement or annual? A. Missed One Year/Assessment - If the student only missed one academic year and/or LAS links annual assessment, then

you can use the previous annual assessment data to determine services for the student. You do not have to give another placement test and you will include this student in the next upcoming LAS links annual administration. If the student was a first year Level 5 prior to moving away and then scored a 5 on the next consecutive assessment, which doesn’t necessarily have to be consecutive years as long as it was consecutive assessments, then this student will enter the 2 year formal monitoring period and will no longer be assessed with LAS links. Missed More than One Year/Assessment - If the student missed two or more academic years and/or LAS links annual assessments, then administer a new LAS links placement test to obtain an accurate score. Use the score from this

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placement test to determine services. If the student scores as NP/AP (not proficient/approaching proficiency), then the student is still considered LEP and needs to be classified as an English learner. If the student scores as P (proficient), then reclassify the student as FEP and exit the student from the language instruction program. No formal monitoring will need to take place in this specific situation


Office of English Learning & Migrant Education website IDOE- Title III and NESP (English Learners) Learning Connection Community (Login Required) Language Codes Country of Origin Codes

Document Change History

The following section contains a history of changes made to the English Learners and Immigrant Students (DOE-LM) document from the prior version.

Version Change History 11.05.13 Audience – Nonpublic Choice Schools now required to submit LM

Audience – Other nonpublics must request participation Definitions – Immigrant status not affected by age of entry into US. Important Reminder Added to review LM-STN Reconciliation Report ASAP Foreign Exchange students must be submitted & if EL, assessed with LAS Links Placement Updated from Collection Windows to Collection Phases Collection Window: Dates updated EL Proficiency Level – New Code 0 for ALL PK students EL Proficiency Level – Code 8 for Incomplete Assessments removed Instrument Used – Code 4 now only for ELP assessments completed by Nonpublic schools Instrument Used – Code 7 "N/A" now used for ALL PK since assessment is not reported Instrument Used – Code 8 now only for students not assessed WITHOUT allowed cause Instrument Used – Code 9 now only for students not assessed WITH allowed cause Length of US Enrollment – Period in days added for Codes 1-3 Length of US Enrollment – Code 7 now applies to ALL Non-Immigrant students Foreign Exchange – Note added that reporting Foreign Exchange students is required Instructional Program – Note added re methods of provision where applicable Scenarios duplicating information provided in FAQs removed Scenario 2 updated to reflect changes in reporting of PK students Scenario 5 simplified Scenario removed re not reporting students brought to US before age 3 – no longer applies Scenario 9 – broadened to include all Immigrant students without regard to age at entry Scenario 10 – added that Instrument would be 7 "N/A" for English-only Immigrant student Scenarios for Unusual Assessment Situations updated to reflect changes in Codes FAQs – FAQs for issues addressed elsewhere removed FAQ #1 – FAQ re Foreign Exchange students updated FAQ #2 – References to age at time of arrival to US removed for Immigrant Students FAQ #4 – Clarified, with guidance for Nonpublic Choice schools updated FAQ #6 – Process for requesting New Language Code changed, link added. FAQ #8 – Edited for clarity, and change regarding status of Choice schools FAQ #9 – Edited for clarity FAQ #10 – NEW - Important new guidance for students not assessed Links updated as needed

Start of 2013-2014 Collection 11.16.12 Audience: Optional for Accredited and Choice Nonpublic Schools

Definitions: English Learner, definition updated Definitions: Home Language Survey, definition added Instructions: LM-STN Reconciliation Report added Collection Window: Dates updated Grade Level: PK reporting now required only if Immigrant Student English Proficiency – Code 8 added English Proficiency – Reference to "Levels of Proficiency" table removed Instrument Used – Use of Code 4 "Other" modified & explained Instrument Used – Code 9 "Assessment Incomplete" added Foreign Exchange – Required field but submitting FE students is optional ESEA Title I Program – Notes expanded for clarification Scenarios 1, 2 replaced; scenarios 3, 5-9, updated "Scenarios for Unusual Assessment Situations" added

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Version Change History FAQs repeating guidance given in Scenarios removed FAQs 1, 3, 7, updated Links updated

Start of 2012-2013 Collection 12.12.11 Changes for posting to learning Connection

10.14.11 Dates and web links updated Changed "English Language Learner" to "English Learner" Changed "ELL" to "EL" Proficiency Level Code 7 added for student whose IEP prohibits testing Length of US Enrollment – Note added re Code 3 Length of US Enrollment – Code 7 rephrased for clarity Field "Native Language Code" removed from this collection Scenario regarding Language Codes removed (formerly #9) Scenario added for reporting student whose IEP prohibits testing (new #9)

Start of 2011-2012 Collection

10.15.10 Dates updated for 10-11 Collection In Scenario 5, CTB phone number updated In field "Length of U.S. Enrollment" blank no longer allowed Removed reference to inclusion of LAS Links data in provided download

08.06.10 Dates updated for 10-11 Collection Audience: This is now a required collection for freeway schools Instructions, new "Starter File" explained Instructions, new report, Students Expected on LM but Not Yet Submitted, explained Reference to Conflict Resolution functionality removed; resolution procedure described STN field (2) notes changed, if STN is repeated in file, all but first record with STN will fail STN field (2) notes, reference to PE removed Grade Level field, Grade 13 clarified Former field 4, ELL Status, removed (will be calculated from Proficiency) References to ELL Status changed to refer to English Language Proficiency In Instrument Used field, code added for students not assessed as required Non-U.S. Origin field notes, reference to collecting via STN Lookup removed Country of Origin field notes, reference to collecting via STN Lookup removed Other Country field notes, reference to collecting via STN Lookup removed Native Language Code field notes, reference to collecting via STN Lookup removed Native Language Code field notes, addressed use of "English - Not USA" Former field 14, Special Education Participation, removed Scenario 5: Statement that student must be assessed in order to be submitted removed Scenario 7: Note added regarding requirement to continue to submit fluent students File Format examples updated to reflect elimination of ELL Status & Special Ed fields Links updated as needed

Start of 2010-2011 Collection

10.08.09 Change History re Proficiency Level note corrected to show it is in Field 5 Field 15 changed from "Gifted & Talented" to "High Ability" Updated Hyperlinks for Language & Country Codes and FAQs Dead Links in Field 13 removed Reference to mailing signed paper report removed Link to additional guidance for Field 10 added in Notes column

09.04.09 Scenario 13 changed (born overseas to U.S. military personnel reported as "immigrant") Change History re Field 10 corrected (Codes 4, 5 & 6 eliminated as of 2009-2010)

06.18.09 Changed Purpose and Instructions for a count date for students enrolled on October 1, 2009. Removed the requirements for the printable report and mailing address. Added ELL Conflicts to the Instructions. Note changed for fields 7, 8, 9 and 12. These data fields will be collected on the STN Lookup in 2010-11 School year. Updated all relevant instances of "Language Minority" to "English Language Learner" Dates updated for 2009-2010 collection Corrected directions to Input form in Instructions Added clarifications to codes in Field 4, ELL Status (formerly LM Status) Added Note to Field 5 re identifying Proficiency Level when using LAS Links Placement Test Removed "(Immigrant)" from field name for Field 7 "Non-U.S. Origin" Updated reference to location of Country of Origin Codes table in Field 8 Added clarification to Field 10, Length of US Enrollment, re date ranges provided with Codes Field 10 now uses Code 3 instead of Codes 4, 5 & 6 Added definition of "Native Language" to Field 12; revised examples based on frequency Updated reference to location of Language Code table in Field 12 "Levels of English Proficiency & Corresponding Student Actions" table added to References Changed layout of Positional File Format Added Data Audits Section

Start of 09-10 Collection

09.16.08 Corrected dates in Field 10, Length of U.S. Enrollment

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Version Change History 07.28.08 Updated Office name in Notes for Field 12

Clarified testing responsibilities for public vs. nonpublic schools in Scenario 5 Revised Scenario 7 regarding fluent students

07.24.08 Removed Field 17 from File Format examples Removed Language and Country of Origin Codes from Layout and added link to their new location on DOE-LM Reference and Resource webpage in Reference section.

07.17.08 Collection dates updated for 2008-2009 Collection "Division of Language Minority and Migrant Programs" updated to new designation, "Office of English Language Learning & Migrant Education" Note added to Field 3, Grade Level, regarding reporting PK Field 17 Time in Program for LEP removed Dates in Field 10 Length of U.S. Enrollment and Field 6 Instrument Used updated Reference to Scenario in Field 12 removed. Office mailing address updated in References Link to Office website added under References Reference to "message center" in Instructions changed to "Data Verification" Under Audience, Freeway schools removed and reference to using Collection Management added Reference to definition of "Immigrant" in Fields 4 & 5 now refer to Purpose section Clarification of Field 15 Gifted & Talented added in field notes Scenarios expanded into three categories to include necessary information from FAQs Change history for languages updated

Start of 08-09 Collection

01.10.08 Language code 152 added

09.13.07 Signoff period ending date changed

09.07.07 Field 17, optional. Notes changed for Excel users Language code 301 changed

08.13.07 Language code 612 added Signoff period added, requires returned report with signature

07.02.07 Language code 479 added

06.27.07 Notes on Field 6 changed to Spring 2007 or Fall 2007

04.24.07 Language code 038 and 601 added

03.29.07 Date changes for 07-08 collection – moved from Spring to Fall collection period Definitions changed in paragraph 2 and 3, current limited English proficient (LEP) and Native English speaking immigrant student Field 13 Instructional Program, notes changed on Regular education program Scenario #3 removed combined with scenario #1 XML tag changed from Grade Level to Grade

Start of 07-08 Collection

03.05.07 Field 4 - code 3 emphasizes immigrant only Field 10 - allowable codes and notes changed to clarify length of enrollment Field 17 - Code 0 added for students who refuse services Common scenarios added for military and adopted students. Frequently asked questions updated on the STN home page.

02.08.07 Field 4, added code 3 native English speaker added notes on code 3. Field 6, changed notes Field 12, added code 211 English –USA added notes for code 211 and changed codes on 999 Other. Add Common Scenarios Section for code 211.

02.02.07 Field 10, added code 7 for Not applicable.

01.31.07 General instructions changed (1st paragraph).

Field 4 changed from current year data to most current data available, note section added information for clarification of Level 5 and LEP students. Field 5 added code 6 Native English speaker. Additional notes. Field 6 added codes 6 and 7. Additional and updated notes. Field 10 changed to first year and one year. Field 12 added 999 for allowable values. Field 13 added notes on code 5. Field 17 required for all students, 1 for students that are not LEP. Note added. Language Code 520 changed from Latvia to Latvia.

01.17.07 Language code 073 added not 074.

01.10.07 Language code 074 added. Reference to Frequently Asked Questions.

01.02.07 Instructions revised. Date change on length of US Enrollment.

10.03.06 New language code 441

09.20.06 Length of US enrollment changed.

08.24.06 Field 10 and Field 17 specification and notes changed

08.14.06 Field 10 Length of US Enrollment changed from Y/N to 1 and 2 for less than 3 years or more than three years. Field 17 added, required by EDEN

06.11.06 Instrument used, field 6 code 5 added and changed for 06-07 school year

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Version Change History Native Language code, field 12, note on assistance. Clarification of immigrant students added to instructions. Reporting No LM Students changed under Audience. Non US origin, field 7 Marshall Islands added.

Start of 06-07 Collection

01.11.06 Instructional programs definitions change. Tutoring sessions are no longer included as an instructional program. ESL breaks down into categories of Pull-out and content based. Sheltered English and Structured Immersion are additional instructional programs. These changes reflect federal definitions.

10.31.05 Language code 436 added.

09.08.05 No trial submission. Language code 83 added. Dates changed for 2005-2006 SY.

Start of 05-06 Collection

03.04.05 Reference section added. Field 16 note section added. Instructions provided for input form.

02.02.05 First paragraph, #3 changed to “spoken by student”

01.11.05 Audience section added.

01.10.05 Collection dates revised. Change history section added for new Language codes. SU, UG, GR removed from Grade Level. Field 4 and 5 have revised notes about proficiency levels.

03.17.04 Original Version Start of 04-05 Collection