English Kelompok Fix

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background Lately, teenagers and young adults want to seek and show their identity to society. They do almost everything to become the part of it. Need to be accepted and treated equal as another person at their ages, make teenagers try hard to adopt popular culture that they think fit in the current era. They want to show that they could follow the current trend and because the trend is always changing, they often feel unsatisfy. This can make them consume and buy things without think. Consumerism can affects and grows stronger in their lifestyle and makes them a person with very consumer lifestyle. Teen is an age which someone start looking for their identity. They bulid their behavior to become what they think ideal. This makes teenagers easily possessed by products advertising and commercials that they could often see in some mass media or market. As we see, today there are a lot of products in the market that mark teenagers as their main target. It proves that nowadays teenagers become very consumer. Consumerism includes the whole society, not only highschool but also college students. College students can be said as a 1



Transcript of English Kelompok Fix


INTRODUCTIONA. BackgroundLately, teenagers and young adults want to seek and show their identity to society. They do almost everything to become the part of it. Need to be accepted and treated equal as another person at their ages, make teenagers try hard to adopt popular culture that they think fit in the current era. They want to show that they could follow the current trend and because the trend is always changing, they often feel unsatisfy. This can make them consume and buy things without think. Consumerism can affects and grows stronger in their lifestyle and makes them a person with very consumer lifestyle.

Teen is an age which someone start looking for their identity. They bulid their behavior to become what they think ideal. This makes teenagers easily possessed by products advertising and commercials that they could often see in some mass media or market. As we see, today there are a lot of products in the market that mark teenagers as their main target. It proves that nowadays teenagers become very consumer. Consumerism includes the whole society, not only highschool but also college students. College students can be said as a bunch of teenagers that are starting to enter their early adult life. Students should fill the time by adding the knowledge, skills, and expertise, as well as fill their activities with a variety of positive activities, but college life has established a typical lifestyle among students and social cultural change that makes each individual maintain the pattern in consumption. Students who are part of the teenage years, shall be deemed to follow the changing times and got the "label" that lifts their self esteem when purchased and wore items with famous brands. It will not be a problem for students who are indeed wealthy. For students who have middle-low economic status it would be another problem. Students who are in middle-low class also follow the consumer lifestyles due to the demands of the association. The condition eventually will also complicate them because their financials are not well organized. This led to more and more students today are only concerned with appearances. When many students apply consumer lifestyles, life on campus is getting away from it actual functions. Students who are likely to have more wealth being easily swayed to meet such consumer lifestyles.

Needs of students are paying tuition, buying shoes, bags, books, stationery and supplies other lectures. But based on the views of researchers in fact students using money out of necessity, like go watch movie, karaoke, eating in expensive places, shopping for trinkets, have more than one mobile phone, easily persuaded by advertisements and the goods or services offered by the sales. Of course the above proves that the students have been affected by the pattern of consumer life, consciously or not, they've grown accustomed to consume everything that they may not need. These things didn't turn out regardless of the outside cultural influences and modernization. Before globalization and modernization, there are still many student-oriented to the future. But now, in fact the student turns in terms of dress, social reasons, the use of money and other things that become exaggerated, even beyond its needs. Occurs the process of imitation of Western culture that are considered more attractive compared to the culture itself by gaze. So being limited to on mode, though expected by modernization is the rationality and intelligent way of thinking. But the fact that occur not as expected. Going even further and further from what is expected of the modernization.In the era of globalization the consumerist lifestyle doesnt exist because of itself but instead deliberately created, in addition to enriching the owner of mega industries in foreign countries is also to launch an achievement of the objectives of globalization that is the same feeling, where the cultures of the various corners of the world was unified into a single unified culture format, which is the main offender in Western culture. Its impact will be long if consumer lifestyles is not immediately minimilized. In the real sector, employers increasingly depressed local products because imported goods flow by the new Government to meet the demand in the country already liked the brand out. And with a variety of problems make the Consumer Behavior of College Students into a very interesting discussion of themes to be studied and discussed and promoted to be the theme of this research paper. B. Problems1. What are the factors that influence the occurrence of consumerist behavior among college students

2. What are the factors supporting the occurrence of consumerist behavior among college students?

3. How college students fulfil their needs that often overload and very consumer?

4. What is the impact from consumerism?C. Research Methods1. To find the factors that influence the occurrence of consumerist behavior among college students.2. To find the factors supporting the occurrence of consumerist behavior among college students.3. To know how college students fulfil their needs that often overload and very consumer.4. To know what is the impact from consumerism.CHAPTER II

THEORYA. Understanding Consumer and ConsumerismConsumerism is a doctrine or ideology wherein a person or group to implement and run the process of discharging the goods produced is excessive, unconscious, and sustainable. If a consumer makes kekonsumtifannya as a lifestyle, then that person has a savvy consumerism.

Peter n. Stearns revealed that we live in a world that is characterized by consumerism. The term consumerism, according to Stearns:

Consumerism is best defined by seeing how it emerged.but obviously we need some preliminary sense of what we are talking about. Consumerism describes a society in which many people formulate their goals in life partly through acquiring goods that they clearly do not need for subsistence or for traditional display. They become enmeshed in the process of acquisition shopping and take some of their identity from a posessionof new things that they buy and exhibit. In this society , a host of institutions both encourage and serve consumerism.. from eager shopkeepers trying to lure customers into buying more than they need to produce designer employed toput new twists on established models, to advertisers seeking ti create new needs.

Lubis (in Lina & Rasyid, 1997) define consumer as perilaku membeli atau memakai suatu barang yang tidak lagi didasarkan pada pertimbangan rasional, melainkan adanya keinginanan yang sudah tidak rasional lagi. The definition of consumer according to Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen (YLK) is kecenderungan manusia untuk menggunakan konsumsi tanpa batas. The definition of the concept of actual consumer behavior is very varied. But consumer behavior is essentially buying or using goods without consideration of rational or not on the basis of needs.Cahyana (1995) define consumerist as tindakan yang dilakukan dalam mengkonsumsi berbagai macam barang kebutuhan.Howell dan Dpboye (Munandar, 2001), declare that consumer is a part of activity that consume some goods done by the consumer. Then, Echols and Shadly (Yuriani, 1994) define consumer as bentuk kata sifat yang berasal dari consumer yang berarti memakai produk, baik barang-barang industri maupun jasa.

B. Consumerist Behavior Indicator According to Sumartono (2002), the definition of the concept of consumer behavior is extremely varied, but in essence the estuary of understanding consumer behaviour is rational to buy without any consideration or not on the basis of basic necessities. And operationally, indicators of consumer behaviour, namely:

1. Buy The Product Because Of The Lure Of Prizes.

Individuals buying an item because of the prizes that offered if buying such items.2. Buy The Product Because Of Its Packaging Attractive.

Students very easily persuaded consumers to buy products that are neatly wrapped and decorated in attractive colours. It means the motivation to buy such products just because the product is wrapped in a neat and attractive.

3. Purchase The Product In Order To Maintain The Appearance And Prestige.

The student has the desire of consumers to buy high, because in most cases the student has a characteristic in the dress, the dress, hairstyle, and so on with the goal of keeping the students always look that can attract the attention of others. Students spend a lot more money to bolster the appearance of self.

4. Buying Products on Price Considerations (Rather Than On The Basis Of Benefit Or Usefulness).

Student consumer tends to behave as indicated by the presence of luxury life so tend to use everything that is considered the most luxurious.

5. Buy The Product Just Simply to Keep The Status Symbol.

Students have the ability to buy high both in dress, dress, hairstyle, and so on so that it can support the exclusive nature of the items are expensive and gives the impression of coming from a higher social class. With the purchase of a product can give a status symbol that looks cooler in the eyes of others.

6. Put The Product Because Of The Element Of Conformity Model That Advertises.

Students are more likely mimicking the behavior of the characters they idolized in the form of using everything that can be used to cast their idols.

7. The Emergence of Assessment That Buying Products with Expensive Price Will Cause A High Confidence.

Students are strongly encouraged to try a product because they believed what was said by the ads that can foster a sense of confidence. Cross and Cross (in Hurlock 1999) also added that by purchasing products that they think can enhance your physical appearance, they will be more confident.

8. Try More Than Two Similar Products (Different Brand).

Students will tend to use the same type of product with a brand other than the previous product he uses, although the product is not yet running out on her.

C. Consumer Patterns in teenagers According to Koentjaraningrat, the Indonesian nation belonged to people who lived lavishly. He compared the life pattern of the West with the pattern of Indonesian life. When the West gets more money, usually the money will stay at for savings, but if the Indonesian people had more money they would be spending his money for treats his friends at the restaurant. This extravagant lifestyle is quite a prominent style among the people of Indonesia.

Research results from a number of experts, in general there are differences in consumption patterns between men and women. There are properties that differ between men and women in the conduct of buying. The difference is:MenWomen

a.Easily get lured by the seller. b.Often get Sering tertipu karena tidak sabaran dalam memilih barang. c.Have a shame feeling if enter the shop and not buy a thing. d.Not quite enjoy shopping activity.a.Prefer colours and shapes, not the function and technical aspect. b.Hard to get lured by the seller.

c.Prefers romantic things rather than objectivity.d.Quickly feel the shops atmosphere. e.More likely to do shopping activity even if its just window shopping.

D. Factors Influencing Consumer BehaviorAssuari (1987) suggests that consumer behavior may occur because of some reasons as follows:

1. Want To Look Different From The Others

Teenagers make purchases or usage with the intent to show that he is different from the others.

2. The Bandwagon

Somebody buy something just to imitate others and follow the fashions that are currently outstanding.

Then Stanton (1996) says that there are psychological forces that affect the behavior of consumer, namely:

1. A Learning Experience

The key to understanding consumer behavior lies in the ability to interpret and predict consumer learning process.

2. The Personality

Personality is defined as a pattern of traits of someone who be a deciding factor in the behavior of the response was.

3. The Concept Of The Self Or Self Image

The concept itself is influenced by psychological and physical needs are taken from birth and learn during the process of self development. Usually people choose a product and a brand that fits with the concept itself.

E. Consumer Behaviour aspectsLina and Rashid (1997) mention three aspects of the behavior of consumer, namely [12]:

1. Aspects Of The Impulsive Buyer

Aspects of impulsive buyers are purchasing based on impulse in the individual who appears suddenly.

2. Purchase Irrational Aspects

Aspects of irrational purchases are purchases made out of necessity, but because of the prestige in order to name him as modern or follow fashion.

3. Excessive Or Wasteful Aspects Of Purchase

Purchase extravagant or excessive aspect is the purchase of a product is excessive is done by consumers. F. TheoryTo analyze consumerism, few theories could be used:

1. The Theory Of The Production Of Karl Mark

This theory portrays a contradiction between the workers and the employers. In it is found the concept of commodity fetishism and ideology, reifikasi. It is directed at the figure most responsible for searches in the manufacture of imaging and consumerism phenomena and commodities indicated and the pattern of exile community is going.

2. Post Structuralism Theory

Study shows consumption behavior of structuralism is run by definition is happening. From a structural perspective, that is consumed is a sign (message, image) and not merely a commodity. From there can be defined a relationship everything with all commodities and signs. With structuralism even can also reach the subconscious logic in the form code and sign.CHAPTER III

RESEARCH METHODSA. Research TypeThis research use qualitative method. Qualitative research is the research to examine the perspectives of participants with strategies that are interactive and flexible. Qualitative research is aimed at understanding social phenomena from the viewpoint of participants.B. Data Collection TechniquesData collection techniques in the study based on the data source being used is as follows:

1. InterviewActivities to obtain information by providing the framework and outline of trees that will be asked in the interview process (Moleong, 2004). Interview done by preparing the outline of questions to be put to the respondents as well as certain parties to acquire the appropriate information and data relevant to the study.

2. ObservationsThe technique of data collection by way of observing how they work and their activities both in rent house or on campus, as well as books as the literature related to this research.C. Data Source1. Primary DataThe data is derived from the original source directly, which will respond to or provide a description in the research. As for its specifications are consumer behavior that has college students, 5 informant (1 man and 4 women) but don't want to put in writing its name in this research.

2. Secondary Data

Data obtained from archives, books relating to consumer behavior among students and a result of consumer behavior is referred to as supporting data.D. LocationThis research takes place at Sebelas Maret University, FISIP Sosiologi. We held this research there because there are many of students could be our respondents and fit into our category.E. RespondentSebelas Maret University, Fisip Sosiologi students.CHAPTER IV


A. The Factors That Influence The Occurrence of Consumerist Behavior Among College Students:

1. Studentss behavior that always follow the latest trends create consumerism among college students. Many of them waste their money just for some things that they dont really need.2. Advance technology made students always appear different with the latest products.3. Consumer behaviors among college students are identical with their existences in society.4. Human nature, human always unsatisfies with all what belong to them.5. Western culture that grow strong within their personality.

B. The Factors Supporting The Occurrence of Consumerist Behavior Among College Students:

1. Financial balance from their parents that Segi materiil dari orang tua mereka yang mencukupi sehingga ini memudahkan mahasiswa mewujudkan semua keinginan mereka sekalipun itu bukan kebutuhan primer.

2. Many department stores that spread around the city as way for students to show their existences. The sale and discount could influence stundents to become consumer.3. Mass Media or commercials could lure students into buy products. Most of commercials are packed with interesting and attractive appearance that could make students to buy their products.C. Ways College Students Fulfil Their Needs That Led Into Consumerism:

1. By a part time job, with the money their received to fulfil their consumer needs.

2. Build their own company which sells products by the internet.3. Saving some of their lunch money.

D. The Impact from Consumerism.

Positive Impacts:

1. Makes students satisfiy with what all they have.

2. Bisa selalu mengetahui perkembangan terbaru yang terjadi di dunia.

3. Psychologycally, it could increase their self esteem.4. Consumerism could change social dynamism that increase productivity.Negative Impacts:

1. Makes students become more lavish.

2. Crime rates among college students are more likely increase.3. Changes their lifestyles to become unfit with their local culture.

4. Creates imbalance in nature.

5. Could create unequality in society.



A. ConclusionStudents tend to become consumerist because of some factors: Studentss behavior that always follow the latest trends, advanced technology, consumerist behavior, human nature, and western culture. The factors that supporting the occurrence of consumerist behavior are financial, sale or discount products at department store, commercials and mass media.The impacts of consumerism are:

Positive Impacts: Makes students satisfiy with what all they have, always knows the latest news from around the world, psychologycally, it could increase studentss self esteem, consumerism could change social dynamism that increase productivity.

Negative Impacts: Makes students become more lavish, crime rates among college students are more likely increase, changes their lifestyles to become unfit with their local culture, creates imbalance in nature, could create unequality in society. B. AdviceStudents are actually legitimate in buying or consumes an item. However, it shouldnt be done in excess. Consumer behavior cant be avoid, particularly in this globlalisasi era. The important thing is hitting it so as not to affect students ' lives and burdening.

Students also should pay more attention to their learning activities. Because it took a big charge to pay for tuition fees, the student shouldnt too often spend their money for things that are not too important.


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