English Irregular Verbs With Pronunciation

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Transcript of English Irregular Verbs With Pronunciation

  • 8/18/2019 English Irregular Verbs With Pronunciation


    English irregular verbs with pronunciation.

    Infinitivo (To) Pasado simple(Simple past)

    Participio pasado(Past participle)


    Arise Arose Arisen Surgir, levantarse

    Awake Awoke Awoken Despertarse

    Be Was/Were / Been Ser/estar

    Bear Bore Borne/Born / Soportar, dar a luz

    Beat Beat Beaten Golpear

    Beco e Beca e Beco e !legar a ser

    Begin Began Begun E pezar

    Bend Bent Bent Doblar

    Bet Bet Bet Apostar

    Bind Bound Bound Atar, encuadernar

    Bid Bid Bid "u#ar

    Bite Bit Bitten $order

    Bleed Bled Bled Sangrar

    Blow Blew Blown Soplar

    Break Broke Broken %o per

    Breed Bred Bred &riar

    Bring Brought Brought 'raer, llevar

    Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast %adiar

    Build Built Built Edi(icar

    Burn Burnt/Burned / Burnt/Burned / )ue ar

    Burst Burst Burst %eventar

    Bu* Bought Bought &o prar

    &ast &ast &ast Arro#ar, e itir

  • 8/18/2019 English Irregular Verbs With Pronunciation


    Catch Caught Caught Coger

    Come Came Come Venir

    Cost Cost Cost Costar

    Cut Cut Cut Cortar

    Choose Chose Chosen Elegir

    Cling Clung Clung Agarrarse

    Creep Crept Crept Arrastrarse

    Deal Dealt Dealt Tratar, negociar

    Dig Dug Dug Cavar, excavar

    Do Did Done Hacer

    Draw Drew Drawn Dibujar

    Dream Dreamt/Dreamed / Dreamt/Dreamed / o!ar

    Drin" Dran" Drun" #eber

    Drive Drove Driven Conducir

    Eat Ate Eaten Comer $all $ell $allen Caer

    $eed $ed $ed Alimentar

    $eel $elt $elt entir

    $ight $ought $ought %uchar

    $ind $ound $ound Encontrar

    $lee $led $led Huir

    $l& $lew $lown Volar

    $orbid $orbade $orbidden 'rohibir

    $orget $orgot $orgotten (lvidar

    $orgive $orgave $orgiven 'erdonar

    $ree)e $ro)e $ro)en Helar

    *et *ot *ot/*otten / (btener, lograr

    *ive *ave *iven Dar

  • 8/18/2019 English Irregular Verbs With Pronunciation


    *o +ent *one r

    *row *rew *rown Crecer

    *rind *round *round -oler

    Hang Hung Hung Colgar

    Have Had Had Haber o Tener

    Hear Heard Heard (ir

    Hide Hid Hidden Esconder, ocultar

    Hit Hit Hit *olpear

    Hold Held Held ujetar, agarrar

    Hurt Hurt Hurt Herir

    .eep .ept .ept Conservar, mantener

    .now .new .nown aber, conocer

    .neel .nelt .nelt Arrodillarse

    .nit .nit .nit Hacer punto

    %a& %aid %aid 'oner, tender

    %ead %ed %ed %iderar, conducir %ean %eant %eant Apo&arse

    %eap %eapt %eapt #rincar

    %earn %earnt/%earned / %earnt/%earned / Aprender

    %eave %e t %e t Dejar, abandonar

    %end %ent %ent 'restar

    %et %et %et 'ermitir

    %ie %a& %ain Echarse

    %ight %it %it Encender

    %ose %ost %ost 'erder

    -a"e -ade -ade Hacer, abricar

    -ean -eant -eant igni icar

    -eet -et -et Encontrarse 0con1

    -ista"e -istoo" -ista"en E2uivocar0se1

  • 8/18/2019 English Irregular Verbs With Pronunciation


    (vercome (vercame (vercome Vencer

    'a& 'aid 'aid 'agar

    'ut 'ut 'ut 'oner

    3ead 3ead 3ead %eer

    3ide 3ode 3idden -ontar

    3ing 3ang 3ung llamar, timbrar

    3ise 3ose 3isen %evantarse

    3un 3an 3un Correr

    a& aid aid Decir

    ee aw een Ver

    ell old old Vender

    end ent ent Enviar

    et et et 'oner, colocar

    ew ewed ewed/ ewn / Coser

    ha"e hoo" ha"en acudir, agitar

    hear hore horn Es2uilar hine hone hone #rillar

    hoot hot hot Disparar

    how howed hown -ostrar

    hrin" hran" hrun" Encogerse

    hut hut hut Cerrar

    in" an" un" Hundir, sumirse

    it at at entarse

    leep lept lept Dormir

    lide lid lid 3esbalar

    mell melt melt (ler

    ow owed owed/ own embrar

    pea" po"e po"en Hablar

    peed ped ped Acelerar

  • 8/18/2019 English Irregular Verbs With Pronunciation


    pell pelt pelt Deletrear

    pend pent pent *astar

    pill pilt/ pilled pilt/ pilled Derramar

    pin pun pun Hilar

    pit pat pat Escupir

    plit plit plit 'artir, rajar

    poil poilt/ poiled poilt/ poiled Estropear

    pread pread pread Extender

    pring prang prung altar

    tand tood tood Estar de pie

    teal tole tolen 3obar

    tic" tuc" tuc" 'egar, engomar

    ting tung tung 'icar, pun)ar

    tin" tan"/ tun" tun" Apestar

    tride trode tridden Dar )ancadas

    tri"e truc" truc" *olpear wear wore worn 4urar

    weat weat weat udar

    weep wept wept #arrer

    well welled wollen Hinchar

    wim wam wum 5adar

    wing wung wung Columpiarse

    Ta"e Too" Ta"en Coger

    Teach Taught Taught Ense!ar

    Tear Tore Torn 3asgar

    Tell Told Told Decir, contar

    Thin" Thought Thought 'ensar

    Throw Threw Thrown Arrojar, tirar

    Thrust Thrust Thrust ntroducir

  • 8/18/2019 English Irregular Verbs With Pronunciation


    Thread Trod Trodden 'isar, hollar

    6nderstand 6nderstood 6nderstood Entender

    6ndergo 6nderwent 6ndergone su rir

    6nderta"e 6ndertoo" 6nderta"en Emprender

    +a"e +o"e +o"en Despertarse

    +ear +ore +orn %levar puesto

    +eave +ove +oven Tejer

    +et +et +et -ojar

    +in +on +on *anar

    +ind +ound +ound Enrrollar

    +ithdraw +ithdrew +ithdrawn 3etirar0se1

    +ring +rung +rung torcer

    +rite +rote +ritten Escribir