English habits and ways By Kotova Kate. Holidays and Customs Imagine you are in a medium-sized...

English habits and ways By Kotova Kate

Transcript of English habits and ways By Kotova Kate. Holidays and Customs Imagine you are in a medium-sized...

Page 1: English habits and ways By Kotova Kate. Holidays and Customs Imagine you are in a medium-sized English town. It is Saturday morning in April and the market.

English habits and ways

By Kotova Kate

Page 2: English habits and ways By Kotova Kate. Holidays and Customs Imagine you are in a medium-sized English town. It is Saturday morning in April and the market.

Holidays and Customs Imagine you are in a

medium-sized English town. It is Saturday morning in April and the market place is full of noise. You hear the sound of music, at least one accordion, a drum, tin whistle and fiddle. As you come closer you see an interesting sight. There are some men dressed in white clothes but decorated in the strangest way with bright ribbons, flowers and small bells. They dance, leaping into the air, stamping their

feet, and perform the most complicated pattern of movements. They perform a morris dance* and what they are doing is anything up to eight hundred years old. Now you are at the seaside. It is the and of July and the school holidays have just begun. There is a strange little red and white stripped tent, and sitting in front of it on the sand, a whole crowd of little children laughing and shouting. They are watching a puppet theatre,

Page 3: English habits and ways By Kotova Kate. Holidays and Customs Imagine you are in a medium-sized English town. It is Saturday morning in April and the market.

Holidays and Customs

Punch and Judy*. Mr. Punch in his bright red clothes is, as usual, hitting Judy over the head with the stick, while Toby, the dog, patiently watches. There are just two examples of customs, which, despite television and other social changes, are alive and well in England. There are many, many more, some of them so local that they are only known in the villages where they take place. Many villages have maypoles which are decorated in early summer and around which children dance.

In the matter of holidays the British are less well-off than other Europeans. Most people have only three weeks paid holiday per year, and the bank holidays put Britain

at the bottom of the list of Common Market countries as far as public holidays are concerned. British “bank holidays” are New Year’s Day*, Good Friday*, Easter Monday*, May Day*, Spring Bank Holiday*, Christmas Day* and Boxing day*. Only when the UK joined the E.E.C. did the New Year’s Day become a public holiday. The patron saints days* are not celebrated with a holiday. They are St. David’s Day* (March 1st) in Wales, St. George’s Day* (April 23rd) in England and St. Andrew’s Day* (November 30th) in Scotland. Only Ireland, both North and South, Has a holiday on St. Patrick’s Day* (March 17th).

Page 4: English habits and ways By Kotova Kate. Holidays and Customs Imagine you are in a medium-sized English town. It is Saturday morning in April and the market.


Morris dance – моррис (народный театрализованный танец; исполняется во время майских празднеств, мужчины в средневековых костюмах с колокольчиками, трещотками и т.п. изображают легендарных героев)

Punch and Judy – «Панч и Джуди» (традиционное уличное кукольное представление типа русского Петрушки; его главные действующие лица: горбун Панч с крючковатым носом – воплощение оптимизма, Джуди, его жена, неряшливая и нескладная)

New Year’s Day – Новый год Good Friday – Великая пятница Easter Monday – первый понедельник после Пасхи May Day – день первого мая Spring Bank Holiday – весенний день отдыха (в мае или начале июня) Summer Bank Holiday – летний день отдыха (в августе или сентябре) Christmas Day – Рождество (25 декабря)

Page 5: English habits and ways By Kotova Kate. Holidays and Customs Imagine you are in a medium-sized English town. It is Saturday morning in April and the market.


Boxing Day – день рождественских подарков (26 декабря) The patron saints days – дни святых, считающихся

покровителями той или иной части Великобритании St. David’s Day – день св. Давида (национальный день

Уэльса, 1 марта) St. George’s Day – день св. Георгия (национальный день

Англии, 23 апреля) St. Andrew’s Day – день св. Андрея (национальный

праздник Шотландии, 30 ноября) St. Patrick’s Day - день св. Патрика (национальный

праздник Ирландии, 17 марта)

Page 6: English habits and ways By Kotova Kate. Holidays and Customs Imagine you are in a medium-sized English town. It is Saturday morning in April and the market.

Ghosts and Witches Hallowe’en means “holy evening”, and takes place

on 31st October. Although it is a much more important festival in the United States than Britain, it is celebrated by many people in the UK. It is particularly connected witches and ghosts.

At parties people dress up in strange costumes and pretend they are witches. They cut horrible faces in potatoes and other vegetables and put a candle inside, which shines through the eyes. People may play difficult games such as trying to eat an apple from a bucket of water without using their hands.

In recent years children dressed in white sheets knock on doors at Hallowe’en and ask if you would like a “trick” or a “treat”. If you give them something nice, a “treat”, they go away. However, if you don’t, they play a “trick” on you, such as making a lot of noise or spilling flour on your front doorstep!

Page 7: English habits and ways By Kotova Kate. Holidays and Customs Imagine you are in a medium-sized English town. It is Saturday morning in April and the market.

Guy Fawkes’ night In 1605 King James I was on the throne. As a

Protestant, he was very unpopular with Roman Catholics. Some of them planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament on 5th November of that year, when the King was going to open Parliament. Under the House of Lords they stored thirty-six barrels of gunpowder, which were to be exploded by a man called Guy Fawkes. However, one of the plotters spoke about these plans and Fawkes was discovered, arrested and later hanged. Since that day the English traditionally celebrate 5th November by burning a dummy, made of straw and old clothes, on a bonfire, at the same time letting of fireworks.

This dummy is called a “guy” (like Guy Fawkes) and children can often be seen on the pavements before 5th November saying, “Penny for the guy”. If they collect enough money they can buy some fireworks.

Page 8: English habits and ways By Kotova Kate. Holidays and Customs Imagine you are in a medium-sized English town. It is Saturday morning in April and the market.

Christmas If you try to catch a train on 24th of December you may

have difficulty in finding a seat. This is the day when many people are travelling home to be with their families on Christmas Day, 25th December. For most British families, this is the most important festival of the year, it combines the Christian celebration of the birth of Christ with the traditional festivities of winter.

On the Sunday before Christmas many churches hold a carol service where special hymns are sung. Sometimes carol singers can be heard on the streets as they collect money for charity. People are reminded of Charles Dickens’ story “Christmas Carol”. Most families decorate their houses with brightly-coloured paper or holly, and they usually have a Christmas tree in the corner of the front room, glittering with coloured lights and decorations.

There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas but perhaps the most important one is the giving of presents. Family members wrap up

Page 9: English habits and ways By Kotova Kate. Holidays and Customs Imagine you are in a medium-sized English town. It is Saturday morning in April and the market.

Christmas their gifts and leave them at the bottom of the Christmas tree to

be found on Christmas morning. Children leave a long sock or stocking at the end of their beds on Christmas Eve , 24th December, hoping that Father Christmas will come down the chimney during the night and bring them small presents, fruit and nuts. They are usually not disappointed! At some time on Christmas Day the family will sit down to a big turkey dinner followed by Christmas pudding. They will probably pull a cracker with another member of the family. It will make a loud crack and a coloured hat , small toy and joke will fall out!

Latter in the afternoon they may watch the Queen on television as she delivers her traditional Christmas message to the UK and the Commonwealth. If they have room for even more food they may enjoy a piece of Christmas cake or eat a hot mince pie. 26th December is also a public holiday, Boxing Day, and this is the time to visit friends and relatives or watch football.

Page 10: English habits and ways By Kotova Kate. Holidays and Customs Imagine you are in a medium-sized English town. It is Saturday morning in April and the market.

Hogmanay and First Footing At midnight on 31st December throughout Great Britain people

celebrate the coming of the new year, by holding hands in a large circle and singing the song:

Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And auld lang syne? For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne, We’ll take a cup of kindness yet, For auld lang syne!.. “For auld lang syne” means “in memory of past times” and the


Page 11: English habits and ways By Kotova Kate. Holidays and Customs Imagine you are in a medium-sized English town. It is Saturday morning in April and the market.

Hogmanay and First Footing were written by Scotland’s most famous poet, Robert Burns. He

wrote much of his poetry in the Scots dialect of English. New Year’s Eve is a more important festival in Scotland than it is in

England, and it even has a special name. It is not clear where the word “Hogmanay” comes from, but it is connected with the provision of food and drink for all visitors to your home on 31st December.

It was believed that the first person to visit one’s house on New Year’s Day could bring good or bad luck. Therefore, people tried to arrange for the person of their own choice to be standing outside their houses ready to be let in the moment midnight had come. Usually a dark-complexioned man was chosen, and never a woman, for she would bring bad luck. The first footer was required to carry three articles: a piece of coal to wish warmth, a piece of bread to wish food, and a silver coin to wish wealth. In parts of northern England this pleasing custom is still observed.

Page 12: English habits and ways By Kotova Kate. Holidays and Customs Imagine you are in a medium-sized English town. It is Saturday morning in April and the market.

Easter Although the Christian religion gave the world Easter as we know

it today, the celebration owes its name and many of its customs and symbols to a pagan festival called Eostre. Eostre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of springtime and sunrise, got her name from the word east , where the sun rises. Every spring northern European peoples celebrated the festival of Eostre to honour the awakening of new life in nature. Christians related the rising of the sun to the resurrection of Jesus and their own spiritual rebirth.

Many modern Easter symbols come from pagan times. The egg, for instance, was a fertility symbol long before the Christian era. The ancient Persians, Greeks and Chinese exchanged eggs at their spring festivals. In Christians times the egg took on a new meaning symbolizing the tomb from which Christ rose. The ancient custom of dyeing eggs at Easter time is still very popular.

The Easter bunny also originated in pre-Christian fertility lore. The rabbit was the most fertile animal our ancestors knew, so they selected it as a symbol of new life. Today, children enjoy eating candy bunnies and listening to stories about the Easter bunny, who supposedly brings Easter eggs in a fancy basket.

Page 13: English habits and ways By Kotova Kate. Holidays and Customs Imagine you are in a medium-sized English town. It is Saturday morning in April and the market.

May Day Celebrations The beautiful springtime festival of May Day is observed

in every nation, each according to its own customs and traditions, In most countries on May 1st a new life begins for both nature and man.

May Day is more important in Northern Europe than in warmer countries farther south. People grow tired of snow and ice and short winter days to which May Day signifies an end. The people of Belgium welcome spring with parades and fairs. Holland celebrates with tulip festivals and in Switzerland people offer up special May Day prayers. In France people buy flowers at sidewalk stands. They wear them and give them to their friends for luck.

Page 14: English habits and ways By Kotova Kate. Holidays and Customs Imagine you are in a medium-sized English town. It is Saturday morning in April and the market.

May Day Celebrations As summer comes, Britain likes to celebrate the

end of winter. Much of this celebrations is connected with dancing, which is performed to encourage life and growth and drive away harmful spirits. Children may be seen dancing round the Maypole on village greens, weaving their brightly-coloured scarves into a beautiful pattern. Morris men dance all day long on May 1st waving their white handkerchiefs to drive away the evil spirits and welcome in the new ones.

Page 15: English habits and ways By Kotova Kate. Holidays and Customs Imagine you are in a medium-sized English town. It is Saturday morning in April and the market.

Tea The English know how to make tea and what it does

for you. Seven cups of it wake you up in the morning; nine cups will put you to sleep at night.

If you are hot, tea will cool you off, and if you are cold, it will warm you up.

If you take it in the middle of the morning, it will stimulate you for further work; if you drink it in the afternoon, it will relax you for further thought. Then, of course, you should drink lots of it in off-hours. In England they say jokingly: “The test of good tea is simple. If a spoon stands up in it, then it is strong enough; if the spoon starts to wobble, it is a feeble makeshift”.