English Club. October 17 and 24. Class

UNIT 4. My network Aim: To be able to describe people’s personalities.

Transcript of English Club. October 17 and 24. Class

UNIT 4. My networkAim: To be able to describe people’s personalities.

WARM-UP1. Describe what you have recenly done during

the week.2. Talk about your future plans and events.3. Talk about the kind of peope you like to go out

with and how they are like.

Previous nowledge:Describe the following people’s characteristics. More than two adjectives can be used.


Mark: Hello Cindy, it’s been a while since we don’t

see each other.

Cindy: I got married last year.

Mark: Good, what’s your husband like?, I mean,

what’s his personality like?

Cindy: He is lovely, demanding, shy, but

sometimes he is boring.

Mark: I see.

Cindy: by the way, who are you living with?

Mark: I live with my boss.

Cindy: With your boss?, how’s he or she like?

Mark: She’s very grumpy, lazy and tiring but she is


Conversation strategies: In conversation, I mean is used to introduce a statement in which you will provide the meaning of what you previously said.





Listen to and watch the following videos, take notes and answer to you tutor’s questions :


PRACTICE Review this vocabulary, practice the pronuncation and intonation of these words and give a two-word desription and synonym of each of these words.

ProductionWatch the following video, take notes and answer to the questions made by your tutor:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxjsWwgPjwM


Create a synchronic and immediate dialogue with your peers in which you pretend to be a teller who say to them what their future boyfriend or girlfriend’s personalities are like. Besides of telling them their future. Take into account your mate’s zodiacal sign.

Create a synchronic and immediate

dialogue with your peers in which

you pretend to be a teller who say to

them what their future boyfriend or

girlfriend’s personalities are like

besides of telling them their future.

Take into account your mate’s

zodiacal sign.

HOMEWORKLook the following words up in a dictionary:



Aim: To make students be able to narrate situations they lived in the past

Warm up

Previous knowledge:

• What do you know about the topic?• Tell me some verbs in past tense.• Describe what you did using past tense.

Past tense:

There are many tenses, present, past, future, etc., at this time, we are going to talk about the past tense which is

used to speak of things you lived, imagined, happened and lived, and to

talk about hypotheses and wishes.

GrammarReview the following material with

your tutor:http://


Note: regular verbs end in ed.Example:

Play: Played.Study: studied.







Practice the following verbs and listen to the videos, answer all the questions

made by your tutor

Production: Create 30 sentences to express things from the past, use the vocabulary and



Create a dialogue in which one of you will be the Police Reporter and the other person will be a victim of theft or violation, use the

past tense to talk about what happened and how you survived.

Homework Listen to the following video, take notes about it and prepare a speech about the

video’s content and expressions that were used by the narrator, (past tense):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTMPo416Emw