English 2 Portfolio

Composition II Final Portfolio Caitlin Coletti Karen Redding English 1102 Final Portfolio English 1102 Final Portfolio Title Table of Contents


My English Portfolio

Transcript of English 2 Portfolio

Page 1: English 2 Portfolio

Composition II Final Portfolio

Caitlin ColettiKaren ReddingEnglish 1102

Final Portfolio

English 1102 Final Portfolio Title Table of Contents

Page 2: English 2 Portfolio

Analytical Cover Letter....................................................................................#1 Quality Comparison.......................................................................................# Successful Paper (The original final draft submitted to me) ........................# Successful Paper (The original final draft submitted to me).........................#“What’s the Difference?” Paragraphs Revision Samples..........................................................................................# Least Successful Paper (with mark-up) .......................................................# Successful Paper (new final version) ...................................................#Successful Paper (with mark-up) .......................................................# Successful Paper (new final version) ...................................................# Essay (with mark-up) .............................................................#(new final version) ........................................................#

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December 6, 2011

Dear Mrs. Redding,

My name is Caitlin Coletti and I am a Sophomore at Gainesville State

College. As I read my first assignments of the semester in English 1102, I see how

much I have improved as a writer. with the completion of my final portfolio, you

can see how much I have learned and improved as an English student. I may not be

the best writer but I certainly have learned a lot and have improved and built on the

skills that I have obtained in previous english courses.

I most certainly appreciated your constructive criticism and your

encouragement throughout the writing process. Despite my lack of understanding

you helped me to understand what it was I needed to do. I have never had an

english teacher who was so understanding and willing to help. I do not believe that

my papers are perfect; however, they are significantly improved.

I have used editing and critiquing skills that I have learned to improve my

essays. Though difficult, it made me think of how to get out of the cookie cutter

essay. Doing a portfolio for the final exam was a great alternative and new to me. I

have never done one before, but it showed me how to make my essays even better

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for future classes. I have obtained a skill that I will always be able to use.

It was challenging comparing the two essays because they were in fact

different subjects; however, through correct observation I was able to see my

writing style and how I could improve upon that. Again, my papers will not be

perfect because my eyes are not perfect; however, I think that they will be

significantly improved upon. Thank you, for reviewing my English 1102 Portfolio.

I have learned a great deal and this is a class that I can use for the future.


Caitlin M. Coletti

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America's Continuous Progression Throughout Time


The United States of America, a country who has built their reputation on their

progression through time. Through military, slavery, civil rights, prohibition, war, feminine

rights, and other social issues the United States has been able to continually progress throughout

time. The United States has had their fair share of warfare and conflict; however, throughout the

trials and tribulations a stronger and more educated nation was built upon what the people and

country went through .

During the Cold War new military war tactics were being used for experimentation

purposes. In “The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist” Robert S. Mulliken, a professor at the

University of Chicago writes about his personal experience in the military. He never

truly “fough”t because he believed there was no “true cause” and many young men have the

same view point. Mulliken then states because of the lack of awareness of the cause of fighting

that good strong military leaders are needed for men like him. He states that it is imperative for

men who are blindly in the military to have a good leader so they can establish a sense of why

they are there and to see how important their purpose is. Today, good leaders are still needed in

the military especially with what is going on in the middle east. With the tenth anniversary of the

terrorist attacks the importance of a strong military is emphasized even more (9). There are

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usually two reasons for those who go into the military because of their true patriotism and

wanting to fight to defend and protect. However, many go into the service for a source of

income, and of course that makes sense too they will always have a job to feed their families.

For the majority, however, those who serve in the military are doing so to defend and protect

their country and their rights because they see how important it is. Nevertheless, because of

those going into the military strong leaders are needed because war never truly ends even with

America’s progression.

War will never truly end. The Cold war begun in the 1950s and never truly “ended” until

the 1990s. War is something that continues, it isn’t just something you learn from and never do

again. A war can end but the true conflict might not be settled and continues through out time. In

the 1950s during the Bay of Pigs with Cuba there was a conflict and it “ended” but to this day

the United States has zero to little contact with Cuba. Therefore, did war end? Is peace

something that America can strive for? It is wanted but with war and how it cycles it will never

truly end and true “peace” will not be achieved. The world in which we live in today is not

perfect, therefore not having war would be a part of a perfect world but who is striving for

perfection? Thus America continues to progress even with the continuation of war.

“Who Would Know Better Than The Girls in White?” Is an article written by Emily

Johnson about how World War II nurses contributed to advertising and America’s progression.

These women were taking america to a new level in the medical field and were portrayed as

trusted advisers and willing and able professionals and frequently pictured them performing

skilled work in the hospital and medical systems (Johnson). It was new that women could work

in the field but now they were the face of it this showed how America was progressing. By

simply having pictures taken of them for magazines and articles while doing their job that it was

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a new way of advertising for America after World War II. Women’s rights were taking

off through this as well. These Nurses represented two things through their advertisement,

medical “authority” and feminine progression. This was a big stepping stone for women and

for the medical field it was a side that had never been shown. America in the 1940s was coming

along way after finishing world war II. The progression of Women’s rights took a leap then and

continued throughout the 20th century (Johnson).

Women were being shown in a more “important side” of life in Post war advertising.

They were no longer the face of health, beauty and medicinal products as they still are today.

They were the face for American warfare and how people perceived it. This took people’s

perception and spun it around. Women weren’t the face of war up to this point and still are not.

Previously, when female nurses were shown in a war setting it was showing them being in a

maternal “incompetent” role. Being a nurse was no laughing matter it was a serious role that

played a pivotal role in society and contributes to what it is today. The post world war II

advertising helped the nurses role easier and taken seriously. People were able to see what these

women were doing and how pivotal it was in contributing to the society and community

(Johnson). Essentially they were the crutches for warfare because they helped with the healing


In conclusion, throughout the readings of these two articles it is shown that America has

progressed through war. Post world war II and nursing advertisement and through the 1950s and

the Cold War. Coming to the conclusion that war will never truly end and that women can play a

large role in war America can continue to progress and move forward and that is exactly what

they did. America is a pioneer for rights and progression for the country and its people.

What things that are being “carried” in O’Brien’s work, and by whom?

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In the novel, The Things They Carried, stories and descriptions of young men in the

vietnam war are shared. Initially when picking up the book, one may think it is just a regular

story or compilation of thoughts from one soldier to a particular audience. On the contrary, once

the reading has begun one may see that the things being carried are no longer just physical or

materialistic items. These men in the story are carrying emotional and mental burdens of love,

fear, guilt, and even confusion. Through the use of writing and story telling, Tim O’Brien is able

to share and use writing as an outlet. Through the description of each soldier the reader is able to

understand and comprehend the importance of the things they carried.

In the novel, The Things They Carried, Tim O’Brien is the narrator of the story. These

stories are his personal recollections of his participation in the Vietnam War. Tim O’Brien is an

interesting character who makes it known through his writing that his obligations to his family

and home influenced him to be a soldier. Writing is a way for him to express feelings about the

war and what happened back in Vietnam and the burdens that he continues to carry. O’Brien is

carrying the guilt of war and his painful memories that he and his friends once experienced. His

point of view shapes how he handles current situations and what he is dealt with in life.

Eventually, O’Brien comes to terms with feelings and writing has been a coping mechanism for

him and what he experienced as a young soldier.

Jimmy Cross, a young soldier and leutienant in the novel often represents confusion. His

entrance into the war is without reason idea of why he is there other than that his friends joined

as well. Throughout the novel, Jimmy Cross continues to show uncertainty and confusion for his

actions in life. Jimmy Cross is often showing that he is carrying guilt. The death of Ted

Lavender bears heavily on Jimmy’s heart. Right before Ted Lavender dies; Jimmy was distracted

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by Martha a girl from home. He realized that this particular distraction was imperative to get rid

of. He later burns pictures and letters from Martha. His guilt from this experience stays with him

for the rest of his life. As the Christ Figure in the novel Cross bears the grief of Lavender’s death

that others cannot hold. He later makes a personal sacrifice, by burning the letters from Martha

so that her presence will no longer confuse him. Cross makes these sacrifices in a Christ-like

perspective so that he can protect his fellow men better than he could have done before.

Mitchell Sanders is a man that has a strong sense of justice and loyalty. When Cross

leads the troops into the sewage field where Kiowa eventually dies Sanders refuses to forgive

him because he thinks Kiowa should have known better. Sanders also believes that a good war

story often lacks a moral and that sometimes a story should just be a story. He believes in

sticking to the facts. He focuses on the soldiers’ experience, which he thinks is more relevant and

applicable. Sanders who presents the stories that constitute “The Things They Carried” not to

teach a morals but to portray an experience and is an interpreter for O’Brien.

In conclusion, Tim O’Brien’s novel has literal and metaphorical uses for “carrying”.

Some of the characters hold onto guilt, grief, fear, love, and hope while others carry pictures,

letters, bibles, and other materialistic goods that they hold near to them. These men in the story

are carrying emotional and mental burdens of love, fear, guilt, and even confusion. Through the

use of writing and story telling, Tim O’Brien is able to share and use writing as an outlet.

Through the description of each soldier the reader is able to understand and comprehend the

importance of the things they carried.

Comparison Essay of Little Red Riding Hood and Freeway


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One of the most solid fairy tales of almost every generation is Little Red Riding Hood,

and it has been appreciated by populace of every age. What was profound, while reading

Perrault’s version of Little Red Riding Hood, or Grimm’s Little Red Cap; both were exact at

every place in the story line yet the endings differed. That factor was staggering; the conclusion

of Grimm’s version was happier and light hearted. Yet in Perrault’s version the main character

Little Red Riding Hood dies after the wolf’s deception. In the Grimm’s version, the storyline is

parallel, conversely the grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood are consumed. Time passes

and a hunter treads by and cuts them out of the wolf’s corpse. To ensure the wolf’s death, he is

filled with rocks to outweigh him. Continuing the epic adventure, Little Red Riding Hood and

her grandmother are prepared for the oblivion of the next wolf and drowning him. What is

humorous is Grimm’s version had the more enhanced and gripping ending. The story’s morale

implies that children, especially attractive ones, ought to acquire precautions with strangers,

because they may in fact be the prey of the predator. This story is the perfect example of a

parasitic relationship, one party benefits and the other does not. Nonetheless, in many instances

the predator can seem like the most harmless and attack where least expected. Unfortunately, it

is these placid beings that are sometimes the most treacherous, as interpreted the film adaptation


More differences are illustrated than similarities between the original fairy tale and the

film adaptation Freeway. Reese Witherspoon’s character, and the figurative Little Red Riding

hood, Vanessa, is a poor, illiterate, teenage girl living in the slums of Los Angeles. The First

contradiction is the setting, although Vanessa has a home like Riding Hood, it is traumatized by

substance and abuse. After her mother’s arrest, she flees to stay with her grandmother in

Shockton. Bob Wolverton, a serial killer and rapist known as the “I-5 killer", abducts her after

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car breaks down, and obliges to transport her to grandmother's house. Wolverton eventually

reveals his true temperament and becomes Vanessa’s attempted murderer. After gaining control

of the situation Vanessa escapes, after shooting Wolverton and injuring him. Vanessa is then

incarcerated and questioned by two detectives. Bob survives with much handicapped damage,

loss of his eye, and a disfiguring face. While Vanessa was on trial, everyone assumed that Bob

was the prey.

Vanessa is sent to a permanent incarceration and acquires friends who plot her escape.

Later on the detectives reexamine the case, and begin to sense Vanessa’s innocence. They then

search Wolverton's home, where they find evidence such as pornography in the locked shed

beside the house, that leads to the idea that he was the predator. And the past is unlocked;

Wolverton's wife commited suicide after the discovery of his pornography and his double

lifestyle. During his entrance home, Wolverton notices the police and he then flees to Vanessa’s

grandmothers. Vanessa finds her grandmother dead when she arrives and finds “I-5 killer” with a

gun ready for his prey. After much struggle, Vanessa murders him. The detectives, who were

aware of her innocence, wait to appeal all of her previous charges.

There are several more differences between the film and fairytale. Vanessa’s

environment is far more hostile than Riding Hood’s. Vanessa has to learn to defend and provide

for herself which is a much more modern contemporary thought in the production of this film.

The protagonist, a figurative wolf (a predator), a serial killer played by the A-list actor, Kiefer

Sutherland. The similarity between the two is this, both Riding Hood characters are both tricked

by the charm and their naivety of their own characteristics. In the film, Vanessa acquires self

defense which is not done in the fairytale. In the Grimm’s version a huntsman rescues the

grandmother and Riding Hood, and the film production no one rescues Vanessa. In the Grimm’s

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version the grandmother and Riding Hood deceive the wolf to his own suicide, while in the film

she gets her revenge on false imprisonment and eventually obtaining the opportunity to kill him.

Throughout the film several events, themes, motifs, and rhetorical strategy were recognized in

order to compare and contrast the theatrical production over literary work itself.

The similarities of the film and fairytale are that of a heroine and a villain nature. Several

of the main characteristics are kept true, the red basket and several other characteristics. In both

the Grimm’s (unlike the Perrault’s version) and the film production the wolf figure dies in the

end after being taken down by the antagonist. In both versions the heroine, in this case the

antagonist, must help provide for the grandmother. In order to prove her strength and the fact

that she is capable of individuality she must set the goal for herself so she can overcome the

pessimistic obstacles of life.

It is believed that the movie Freeway uses the symbolism and themes of the original

fairytale, but the film was an intense adaptation to recur thought and evoke feelings into the

audience. The film is not appropriate for all ages. Fairy tales are defined by subtly intimidating

and provoking feelings into the reader while instilling morale. Freeway, based on the classic tale

of Little Red Riding Hood, is no exception. It includes family dysfunction, street violence and

even abuse. It uses many contemporary ideals such as Vanessa, being stronger than the weak

timid girl in the original fairytale. Vanessa stands up to Wolverton, shooting him in the face

during their first confrontation of the movie, and is mixed with moments of clever wit, humor,

and climax of confrontation. However if not for the assignment, I would not have connected the

two and been able to see the literary devices instilled within the productions.

In finality, the original fairy tale is preferred because it teaches the lesson or morals

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needed to be taught to the younger generation, in a childlike manner. The conventional point of

view is to dis-way the audience of stereotyping Vanessa via the character she represents. She

deserves vengeance and wallow in it. Vanessa is in fact a villain though, a young woman with a

terrible life of repeated criminal acts, and numerous foster home. The audience is almost forced

to pity her and her situation. Although this can create an accurate perception of life, and what it

may not be, it is the moral compass and the example that it should be for the younger generation.

For being a male, which is in touch with what is preferred, the original story is the one that holds

true. It may lack violence, suspense, verbose arguing; however the original story line of Little

Red Riding Hood stays true to many generations today and it appropriate for all ages.

This being discussed, the film stays true to many of the original tales. Yet, the whole

perception may be skewed by a true believer in what Red Riding Hood had to offer. The more

appropriate version is more appealing to those morally aligned and intact with what children

should be taught at an early age. With seeing the film and reading and being informed with the

moral of the story, the film is no comparison to the beloved fairytale that is enjoyed still to this

day. The conflict, complication, climax, falling action and revolution; all key parts in the film

are both suspenseful and entertaining. However, with the suspense and Hollywood’s spin it takes

away the fruitfulness of what the original character was trying to portray within her journey, and

makes it a personal journey of triumph. Yet I felt that it was not of that nature, the original was to

focus on Red’s morale not what she has overcome with the horrible cards that life has dealt her.

The film was more self-centered and the original tale was not of that nature.

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Comparison and Contrast of My Strong and Weak Essays

I believe that there is a significant difference in my essays. In this English class I believe

that I have improved my writing skills significantly. I have also learned how to understand what

the essay is asking of me. It was a challenge at first; however, I learned to build on each essay

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every week. The prompts were no longer a sheet of paper telling you what you have to write on.

They were open for interpretation and it was a progression of writing. Therefore, through the

passing of time through this class my papers got better with the better understanding of what it

was the essay was asking of me.

In what I consider to be my least successful essay, I partially didn’t have confidence in

my writing. I felt as if my essay wasn’t flowing well. I have always been a good english student

but papers certainly have been my weak point when I came to college. Even though I am very

good at keeping my papers organized I felt as if this one lacked organization. It was a compare

and contrast essay and I felt that the articles in which I was comparing was very difficult so it

didn’t flow with organization well.

In what I consider to be my strongest and most successful essay I had a full

understanding of what I was supposed to do. The assignment as a whole I thoroughly enjoyed

because I had to come up with a series of questions pertaining to a work in which we read. My

favorite work was Tim O’Brien’s “The Things they Carried.” My question was “What things

that are being “carried” in O’Brien’s work, and by whom?” In my essay I went in depth with

each character explainging what it was they were carrying emotional, physically, and mentally. I

felt it was my strongest piece because I fully understood the work and the question. I understood

how to answer it in such a manner to fulfill my essay prompt.

In both my essays I was well organized and knew exactly what it was that I was saying. I

believe that in the sense of organization skills that both essays were well organized. It was easy

to tell that I knew how to tactle each sub-topic of the prompt. However, the differences seem to

be that in my confidence in writing. I believe that in the O’Brien essay one can tell that I was

confident in what I believed and saw. In my first essay, I am not at all sure that full

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understanding and comprehension was present while writing the paper.

America's Continuous Progression Throughout Time


The United States of America, a country who has built their reputation on their

progression through time. Through military, slavery, civil rights, prohibition, war, feminine

rights, and other social issues the United States has been able to continually progress throughout

time. The United States has had their fair share of warfare and conflict; however, throughout the

trials and tribulations a stronger and more educated nation was built upon what the people and

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country went through [I believe I had a good Introduction for this essay] .

During the Cold War new military war tactics were being used for experimentation

purposes. In “The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist” Robert S. Mulliken, a professor at the

University of Chicago writes about his personal experience in the military. He never

truly “fough”t because he believed there was no “true cause” and many young men have the

same view point. Mulliken then states because of the lack of awareness of the cause of fighting

that good strong military leaders are needed for men like him. He states that it is imperative for

men who are blindly in the military to have a good leader so they can establish a sense of why

they are there and to see how important their purpose is.[Poor Transition, I believe. Doesn’t

Flow well. Perhaps I can just make it a new paragraph. Otherwise I think I have good content]

Today, good leaders are still needed in the military especially with what is going on in the

middle east. With the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks the importance of a strong military

is emphasized even more (9). There are usually two reasons for those who go into the military

because of their true patriotism and wanting to fight to defend and protect. However, many go

into the service for a source of income, and of course that makes sense too they will always have

a job to feed their families. For the majority, however, those who serve in the military are doing

so to defend and protect their country and their rights because they see how important it is.

Nevertheless, because of those going into the military strong leaders are needed because war

never truly ends even with America’s progression.

War will never truly end [Poor Introduction Sentence]. The Cold war begun in the 1950s

and never truly “ended” until the 1990s. War is something that continues, it isn’t just something

you learn from and never do again. A war can end but the true conflict might not be settled and

continues through out time. In the 1950s during the Bay of Pigs with Cuba there was a conflict

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and it “ended” but to this day the United States has zero to little contact with Cuba. Therefore,

did war end? Is peace something that America can strive for? It is wanted but with war and how

it cycles it will never truly end and true “peace” will not be achieved. The world in which we

live in today is not perfect, therefore not having war would be a part of a perfect world but who

is striving for perfection? Thus America continues to progress even with the continuation of war.

“Who Would Know Better Than The Girls in White?” Is an article written by Emily

Johnson about how World War II nurses contributed to advertising and America’s progression.

These women were taking america to a new level in the medical field and were portrayed as

trusted advisers and willing and able professionals and frequently pictured them performing

skilled work in the hospital and medical systems (Johnson). It was new that women could work

in the field but now they were the face of it this showed how America was progressing. By

simply having pictures taken of them for magazines and articles while doing their job that it was

a new way of advertising for America after World War II. Women’s rights were taking

off through this as well. These Nurses represented two things through their advertisement,

medical “authority” and feminine progression. This was a big stepping stone for women and

for the medical field it was a side that had never been shown. America in the 1940s was coming

along way after finishing world war II. The progression of Women’s rights took a leap then and

continued throughout the 20th century (Johnson).

Women were being shown in a more “important side” of life in Post war advertising.

They were no longer the face of health, beauty and medicinal products as they still are today.

They were the face for American warfare and how people perceived it. This took people’s

perception and spun it around. Women weren’t the face of war up to this point and still are not.

Previously, when female nurses were shown in a war setting it was showing them being in a

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maternal “incompetent” role. Being a nurse was no laughing matter it was a serious role that

played a pivotal role in society and contributes to what it is today. The post world war II

advertising helped the nurses role easier and taken seriously. People were able to see what these

women were doing and how pivotal it was in contributing to the society and community

(Johnson). Essentially they were the crutches for warfare because they helped with the healing


In conclusion, throughout the readings of these two articles it is shown that America has

progressed through war. Post world war II and nursing advertisement and through the 1950s and

the Cold War [This first part of the conclusion isn’t strong]. Coming to the conclusion that war

will never truly end and that women can play a large role in war America can continue to

progress and move forward and that is exactly what they did. America is a pioneer for rights and

progression for the country and its people [ Perhaps a stronger conclusion to end the essay well].

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Comparison Essay of Little Red Riding Hood and Freeway


One of the most solid [poor choice using “solid”] fairy tales of almost every generation is

Little Red Riding Hood, and it has been appreciated by populace of every age. What was

profound, while reading Perrault’s version of Little Red Riding Hood, or Grimm’s Little Red

Cap; both were exact at every place in the story line yet the endings differed. That factor was

staggering; the conclusion of Grimm’s version was happier and light hearted. Yet in Perrault’s

version the main character Little Red Riding Hood dies after the wolf’s deception. In the

Grimm’s version, the storyline is parallel, conversely the grandmother and Little Red Riding

Hood are consumed. Time passes and a hunter treads by and cuts them out of the wolf’s corpse.

To ensure the wolf’s death, he is filled with rocks to outweigh him. Continuing the epic

adventure, Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother are prepared for the oblivion of the next

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wolf and drowning him. What is humorous is Grimm’s version had the more enhanced and

gripping ending. The story’s morale implies that children, especially attractive ones, ought to

acquire precautions with strangers, because they may in fact be the prey of the predator. This

story is the perfect example of a parasitic relationship, one party benefits and the other does not.

Nonetheless, in many instances the predator can seem like the most harmless and attack where

least expected. Unfortunately, it is these placid beings that are sometimes the most treacherous,

as interpreted the film adaptation Freeway [This intro is more of an analysis of the stories. Yet

when continuing to read the essay my introduction makes sense with the rest of my essay].

More differences are illustrated than similarities between the original fairy tale and the

film adaptation Freeway. Reese Witherspoon’s character, and the figurative Little Red Riding

hood, Vanessa, is a poor, illiterate, teenage girl living in the slums of Los Angeles. The First

contradiction is the setting, although Vanessa has a home like Riding Hood, it is traumatized by

substance and abuse. After her mother’s arrest, she flees to stay with her grandmother in

Shockton. Bob Wolverton, a serial killer and rapist known as the “I-5 killer", abducts her after

car breaks down, and obliges to transport her to grandmother's house. Wolverton eventually

reveals his true temperament and becomes Vanessa’s attempted murderer. After gaining control

of the situation Vanessa escapes, after shooting Wolverton and injuring him. Vanessa is then

incarcerated and questioned by two detectives. Bob survives with much handicapped damage,

loss of his eye, and a disfiguring face. While Vanessa was on trial, everyone assumed that Bob

was the prey [More plot summary than contrasting].

Vanessa is sent to a permanent incarceration and acquires friends who plot her escape.

Later on the detectives reexamine the case, and begin to sense Vanessa’s innocence. They then

search Wolverton's home, where they find evidence such as pornography in the locked shed

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beside the house, that leads to the idea that he was the predator. And the past is unlocked;

Wolverton's wife commited suicide after the discovery of his pornography and his double

lifestyle. During his entrance home, Wolverton notices the police and he then flees to Vanessa’s

grandmothers. Vanessa finds her grandmother dead when she arrives and finds “I-5 killer” with a

gun ready for his prey. After much struggle, Vanessa murders him. The detectives, who were

aware of her innocence, wait to appeal all of her previous charges.

There are several more differences between the film and fairytale [Compare and Contrast

starts here]. Vanessa’s environment is far more hostile than Riding Hood’s. Vanessa has to learn

to defend and provide for herself which is a much more modern contemporary thought in the

production of this film. The protagonist, a figurative wolf (a predator), a serial killer played by

the A-list actor, Kiefer Sutherland. The similarity between the two is this, both Riding Hood

characters are both tricked by the charm and their naivety of their own characteristics. In the

film, Vanessa acquires self defense which is not done in the fairytale. In the Grimm’s version a

huntsman rescues the grandmother and Riding Hood, and the film production no one rescues

Vanessa. In the Grimm’s version the grandmother and Riding Hood deceive the wolf to his own

suicide, while in the film she gets her revenge on false imprisonment and eventually obtaining

the opportunity to kill him. Throughout the film several events, themes, motifs, and rhetorical

strategy were recognized in order to compare and contrast the theatrical production over literary

work itself.

The similarities of the film and fairytale are that of a heroine and a villain nature. Several

of the main characteristics are kept true, the red basket and several other characteristics. In both

the Grimm’s (unlike the Perrault’s version) and the film production the wolf figure dies in the

end after being taken down by the antagonist. In both versions the heroine, in this case the

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antagonist, must help provide for the grandmother. In order to prove her strength and the fact

that she is capable of individuality she must set the goal for herself so she can overcome the

pessimistic obstacles of life.

It is believed that the movie Freeway uses the symbolism and themes of the original

fairytale, but the film was an intense adaptation to recur thought and evoke feelings into the

audience. The film is not appropriate for all ages. Fairy tales are defined by subtly intimidating

and provoking feelings into the reader while instilling morale. Freeway, based on the classic tale

of Little Red Riding Hood, is no exception. It includes family dysfunction, street violence and

even abuse. It uses many contemporary ideals such as Vanessa, being stronger than the weak

timid girl in the original fairytale. Vanessa stands up to Wolverton, shooting him in the face

during their first confrontation of the movie, and is mixed with moments of clever wit, humor,

and climax of confrontation. However if not for the assignment, I would not have connected the

two and been able to see the literary devices instilled within the productions.

In finality, the original fairy tale is preferred because it teaches the lesson or morals

needed to be taught to the younger generation, in a childlike manner. The conventional point of

view is to dis-way the audience of stereotyping Vanessa via the character she represents. She

deserves vengeance and wallow in it. Vanessa is in fact a villain though, a young woman with a

terrible life of repeated criminal acts, and numerous foster home. The audience is almost forced

to pity her and her situation. Although this can create an accurate perception of life, and what it

may not be, it is the moral compass and the example that it should be for the younger generation.

For being a male, which is in touch with what is preferred, the original story is the one that holds

true. It may lack violence, suspense, verbose arguing; however the original story line of Little

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Red Riding Hood stays true to many generations today and it appropriate for all ages.

This being discussed, the film stays true to many of the original tales. Yet, the whole

perception may be skewed by a true believer in what Red Riding Hood had to offer. The more

appropriate version is more appealing to those morally aligned and intact with what children

should be taught at an early age. With seeing the film and reading and being informed with the

moral of the story, the film is no comparison to the beloved fairytale that is enjoyed still to this

day. The conflict, complication, climax, falling action and revolution; all key parts in the film

are both suspenseful and entertaining. However, with the suspense and Hollywood’s spin it takes

away the fruitfulness of what the original character was trying to portray within her journey, and

makes it a personal journey of triumph. Yet I felt that it was not of that nature, the original was to

focus on Red’s morale not what she has overcome with the horrible cards that life has dealt her.

The film was more self-centered and the original tale was not of that nature.

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What things that are being “carried” in O’Brien’s work, and by whom?


In the novel, The Things They Carried, stories and descriptions of young men in the

Vietnam War are shared. Initially when picking up the book, one may think it is just a regular

story or compilation of thoughts from one soldier to a particular audience. On the contrary, once

the reading has begun one may see that the things being carried are no longer just physical or

materialistic items. These men in the story are carrying emotional and mental burdens of love,

fear, guilt, and even confusion. Through the use of writing and story telling, Tim O’Brien is able

to share and use writing as an outlet. Through the description of each soldier the reader is able to

understand and comprehend the importance of the things they carried [I think I had a really

strong introduction paragraph].

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In the novel, The Things They Carried, Tim O’Brien is the narrator of the story. These

stories are his personal recollections of his participation in the Vietnam War. Tim O’Brien is an

interesting character who makes it known through his writing that his obligations to his family

and home influenced him to be a soldier. Writing is a way for him to express feelings about the

war and what happened back in Vietnam and the burdens that he continues to carry. O’Brien is

carrying the guilt of war and his painful memories that he and his friends once experienced. His

point of view shapes how he handles current situations and what he is dealt with in life.

Eventually, O’Brien comes to terms with feelings and writing has been a coping mechanism for

him and what he experienced as a young soldier.

Jimmy Cross, a young soldier and leutienant in the novel often represents confusion. His

entrance into the war is without reason idea of why he is there other than that his friends joined

as well. Throughout the novel, Jimmy Cross continues to show uncertainty and confusion for his

actions in life. Jimmy Cross is often showing that he is carrying guilt. The death of Ted

Lavender bears heavily on Jimmy’s heart. Right before Ted Lavender dies; Jimmy was distracted

by Martha a girl from home [Maybe too much “fat”.]. He realized that this particular distraction

was imperative to get rid of. He later burns pictures and letters from Martha. His guilt from this

experience stays with him for the rest of his life. As the Christ Figure in the novel Cross bears

the grief of Lavender’s death that others cannot hold. He later makes a personal sacrifice, by

burning the letters from Martha so that her presence will no longer confuse him. Cross makes

these sacrifices in a Christ-like perspective so that he can protect his fellow men better than he

could have done before.

Mitchell Sanders is a man that has a strong sense of justice and loyalty. When Cross

leads the troops into the sewage field where Kiowa eventually dies Sanders refuses to forgive

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him because he thinks Kiowa should have known better. Sanders also believes that a good war

story often lacks a moral and that sometimes a story should just be a story. He believes in

sticking to the facts. He focuses on the soldiers’ experience, which he thinks is more relevant and

applicable. Sanders who presents the stories that constitute “The Things They Carried” not to

teach a morals but to portray an experience and is an interpreter for O’Brien.

In conclusion, Tim O’Brien’s novel has literal and metaphorical uses for “carrying”.

Some of the characters hold onto guilt, grief, fear, love, and hope while others carry pictures,

letters, bibles, and other materialistic goods that they hold near to them. These men in the story

are carrying emotional and mental burdens of love, fear, guilt, and even confusion [Maybe a

cleaner conclusion is needed]. Through the use of writing and story telling, Tim O’Brien is able

to share and use writing as an outlet. Through the description of each soldier the reader is able to

understand and comprehend the importance of the things they carried.

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America's Continuous Progression Throughout Time


The United States of America, a country who has built their reputation on their

progression through time. Through military, slavery, civil rights, prohibition, war, feminine

rights, and other social issues the United States has been able to continually progress throughout

time. The United States has had their fair share of warfare and conflict; however, throughout the

trials and tribulations a stronger and more educated nation was built upon what the people and

country went through .

During the Cold War new military war tactics were being used for experimentation

purposes. In “The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist” Robert S. Mulliken, a professor at the

University of Chicago writes about his personal experience in the military. He never

truly “fough”t because he believed there was no “true cause” and many young men have the

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same view point. Mulliken then states because of the lack of awareness of the cause of fighting

that good strong military leaders are needed for men like him. He states that it is imperative for

men who are blindly in the military to have a good leader so they can establish a sense of why

they are there and to see how important their purpose is.

Today, good leaders are still needed in the military especially with what is going on in

the middle east. With the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks the importance of a strong

military is emphasized even more (9). There are usually two reasons for those who go into the

military because of their true patriotism and wanting to fight to defend and protect. However,

many go into the service for a source of

income, and of course that makes sense too they will always have a job to feed their families.

For the majority, however, those who serve in the military are doing so to defend and protect

their country and their rights because they see how important it is. Nevertheless, because of

those going into the military strong leaders are needed because war never truly ends even with

America’s progression.

War will never truly end. The Cold war begun in the 1950s and never truly “ended” until

the 1990s. War is something that continues, it isn’t just something you learn from and never do

again. A war can end but the true conflict might not be settled and continues through out time. In

the 1950s during the Bay of Pigs with Cuba there was a conflict and it “ended” but to this day

the United States has zero to little contact with Cuba. Therefore, did war end? Is peace

something that America can strive for? It is wanted but with war and how it cycles it will never

truly end and true “peace” will not be achieved. The world in which we live in today is not

perfect, therefore not having war would be a part of a perfect world but who is striving for

perfection? Thus America continues to progress even with the continuation of war.

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“Who Would Know Better Than The Girls in White?” Is an article written by Emily

Johnson about how World War II nurses contributed to advertising and America’s progression.

These women were taking america to a new level in the medical field and were portrayed as

trusted advisers and willing and able professionals and frequently pictured them performing

skilled work in the hospital and medical systems (Johnson). It was new that women could work

in the field but now they were the face of it this showed how America was progressing. By

simply having pictures taken of them for magazines and articles while doing their job that it was

a new way of advertising for America after World War II. Women’s rights were taking

off through this as well. These Nurses represented two things through their advertisement,

medical “authority” and feminine progression. This was a big stepping stone for women and

for the medical field it was a side that had never been shown. America in the 1940s was coming

along way after finishing world war II. The progression of Women’s rights took a leap then and

continued throughout the 20th century (Johnson).

Women were being shown in a more “important side” of life in Post war advertising.

They were no longer the face of health, beauty and medicinal products as they still are today.

They were the face for American warfare and how people perceived it. This took people’s

perception and spun it around. Women weren’t the face of war up to this point and still are not.

Previously, when female nurses were shown in a war setting it was showing them being in a

maternal “incompetent” role. Being a nurse was no laughing matter it was a serious role that

played a pivotal role in society and contributes to what it is today. The post world war II

advertising helped the nurses role easier and taken seriously. People were able to see what these

women were doing and how pivotal it was in contributing to the society and community

(Johnson). Essentially they were the crutches for warfare because they helped with the healing

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In conclusion, throughout the readings of these two articles it is shown that America has

progressed through war. Post world war II and nursing advertisement and through the 1950s and

the Cold War. Coming to the conclusion that war will never truly end and that women can play

alarge role in war America can continue to progress and move forward and that is exactly what

they did. America is a pioneer for rights and progression for the country and its people.

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What things that are being “carried” in O’Brien’s work, and by whom?


In the novel, The Things They Carried, stories and descriptions of young men in the

Vietnam War are shared. Initially when picking up the book, one may think it is just a regular

story or compilation of thoughts from one soldier to a particular audience. On the contrary, once

the reading has begun one may see that the things being carried are no longer just physical or

materialistic items. These men in the story are carrying emotional and mental burdens of love,

fear, guilt, and even confusion. Through the use of writing and story telling, Tim O’Brien is able

to share and use writing as an outlet. Through the description of each soldier the reader is able to

understand and comprehend the importance of the things they carried.

In the novel, The Things They Carried, Tim O’Brien is the narrator of the story. These

stories are his personal recollections of his participation in the Vietnam War. Tim O’Brien is an

interesting character who makes it known through his writing that his obligations to his family

and home influenced him to be a soldier. Writing is a way for him to express feelings about the

war and what happened back in Vietnam and the burdens that he continues to carry. O’Brien is

carrying the guilt of war and his painful memories that he and his friends once experienced. His

point of view shapes how he handles current situations and what he is dealt with in life.

Eventually, O’Brien comes to terms with feelings and writing has been a coping mechanism for

him and what he experienced as a young soldier.

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Jimmy Cross, a young soldier and leutienant in the novel often represents confusion. His

entrance into the war is without reason idea of why he is there other than that his friends joined

as well. Throughout the novel, Jimmy Cross continues to show uncertainty and confusion for his

actions in life. Jimmy Cross is often showing that he is carrying guilt. The death of Ted

Lavender bears heavily on Jimmy’s heart. Right before Ted Lavender dies; Jimmy was distracted

by Martha a girl from home. He realized that this particular distraction was imperative to get rid

of. He later burns pictures and letters from Martha. His guilt from this experience stays with him

for the rest of his life. As the Christ Figure in the novel Cross bears the grief of Lavender’s death

that others cannot hold. He later makes a personal sacrifice, by burning the letters from Martha

so that her presence will no longer confuse him. Cross makes these sacrifices in a Christ-like

perspective so that he can protect his fellow men better than he could have done before.

Mitchell Sanders is a man that has a strong sense of justice and loyalty. When Cross

leads the troops into the sewage field where Kiowa eventually dies Sanders refuses to forgive

him because he thinks Kiowa should have known better. Sanders also believes that a good war

story often lacks a moral and that sometimes a story should just be a story. He believes in

sticking to the facts. He focuses on the soldiers’ experience, which he thinks is more relevant and

applicable. Sanders who presents the stories that constitute “The Things They Carried” not to

teach a morals but to portray an experience and is an interpreter for O’Brien.

In conclusion, Tim O’Brien’s novel has literal and metaphorical uses for “carrying”.

Some of the characters hold onto guilt, grief, fear, love, and hope while others carry pictures,

letters, bibles, and other materialistic goods that they hold near to them. These men in the story

are carrying emotional and mental burdens of love, fear, guilt, and even confusion [Maybe a

cleaner conclusion is needed]. Through the use of writing and story telling, Tim O’Brien is able

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to share and use writing as an outlet. Through the description of each soldier the reader is able to

understand and comprehend the importance of the things they carried.

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Comparison Essay of Little Red Riding Hood and Freeway


One of the most well known fairy tales of almost every generation is Little Red Riding

Hood, and it has been appreciated by populace of every age. What was profound, while reading

Perrault’s version of Little Red Riding Hood, or Grimm’s Little Red Cap; both were exact at

every place in the story line yet the endings differed. That factor was staggering; the conclusion

of Grimm’s version was happier and light hearted. Yet in Perrault’s version the main character

Little Red Riding Hood dies after the wolf’s deception. In the Grimm’s version, the storyline is

parallel, conversely the grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood are consumed. Time passes

and a hunter treads by and cuts them out of the wolf’s corpse. To ensure the wolf’s death, he is

filled with rocks to outweigh him. Continuing the epic adventure, Little Red Riding Hood and

her grandmother are prepared for the oblivion of the next wolf and drowning him. What is

humorous is Grimm’s version had the more enhanced and gripping ending. The story’s morale

implies that children, especially attractive ones, ought to acquire precautions with strangers,

because they may in fact be the prey of the predator. This story is the perfect example of a

parasitic relationship, one party benefits and the other does not. Nonetheless, in many instances

the predator can seem like the most harmless and attack where least expected. Unfortunately, it

is these placid beings that are sometimes the most treacherous, as interpreted the film adaptation


More differences are illustrated than similarities between the original fairy tale and the

film adaptation Freeway. Reese Witherspoon’s character, and the figurative Little Red Riding

hood, Vanessa, is a poor, illiterate, teenage girl living in the slums of Los Angeles. The First

contradiction is the setting, although Vanessa has a home like Riding Hood, it is traumatized by

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substance and abuse. After her mother’s arrest, she flees to stay with her grandmother in

Shockton. Bob Wolverton, a serial killer and rapist known as the “I-5 killer", abducts her after

car breaks down, and obliges to transport her to grandmother's house. Wolverton eventually

reveals his true temperament and becomes Vanessa’s attempted murderer. After gaining control

of the situation Vanessa escapes, after shooting Wolverton and injuring him. Vanessa is then

incarcerated and questioned by two detectives. Bob survives with much handicapped damage,

loss of his eye, and a disfiguring face. While Vanessa was on trial, everyone assumed that Bob

was the prey.

Vanessa is sent to a permanent incarceration and acquires friends who plot her escape.

Later on the detectives reexamine the case, and begin to sense Vanessa’s innocence. They then

search Wolverton's home, where they find evidence such as pornography in the locked shed

beside the house, that leads to the idea that he was the predator. And the past is unlocked;

Wolverton's wife commited suicide after the discovery of his pornography and his double

lifestyle. During his entrance home, Wolverton notices the police and he then flees to Vanessa’s

grandmothers. Vanessa finds her grandmother dead when she arrives and finds “I-5 killer” with a

gun ready for his prey. After much struggle, Vanessa murders him. The detectives, who were

aware of her innocence, wait to appeal all of her previous charges.

There are several more differences between the film and fairytale. Vanessa’s

environment is far more hostile than Riding Hood’s. Vanessa has to learn to defend and provide

for herself which is a much more modern contemporary thought in the production of this film.

The protagonist, a figurative wolf (a predator), a serial killer played by the A-list actor, Kiefer

Sutherland. The similarity between the two is this, both Riding Hood characters are both tricked

by the charm and their naivety of their own characteristics. In the film, Vanessa acquires self

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defense which is not done in the fairytale. In the Grimm’s version a huntsman rescues the

grandmother and Riding Hood, and the film production no one rescues Vanessa. In the Grimm’s

version the grandmother and Riding Hood deceive the wolf to his own suicide, while in the film

she gets her revenge on false imprisonment and eventually obtaining the opportunity to kill him.

Throughout the film several events, themes, motifs, and rhetorical strategy were recognized in

order to compare and contrast the theatrical production over literary work itself.

The similarities of the film and fairytale are that of a heroine and a villain nature. Several

of the main characteristics are kept true, the red basket and several other characteristics. In both

the Grimm’s (unlike the Perrault’s version) and the film production the wolf figure dies in the

end after being taken down by the antagonist. In both versions the heroine, in this case the

antagonist, must help provide for the grandmother. In order to prove her strength and the fact

that she is capable of individuality she must set the goal for herself so she can overcome the

pessimistic obstacles of life.

It is believed that the movie Freeway uses the symbolism and themes of the original

fairytale, but the film was an intense adaptation to recur thought and evoke feelings into the

audience. The film is not appropriate for all ages. Fairy tales are defined by subtly intimidating

and provoking feelings into the reader while instilling morale. Freeway, based on the classic tale

of Little Red Riding Hood, is no exception. It includes family dysfunction, street violence and

even abuse. It uses many contemporary ideals such as Vanessa, being stronger than the weak

timid girl in the original fairytale. Vanessa stands up to Wolverton, shooting him in the face

during their first confrontation of the movie, and is mixed with moments of clever wit, humor,

and climax of confrontation. However if not for the assignment, I would not have connected the

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two and been able to see the literary devices instilled within the productions.

In finality, the original fairy tale is preferred because it teaches the lesson or morals

needed to be taught to the younger generation, in a childlike manner. The conventional point of

view is to dis-way the audience of stereotyping Vanessa via the character she represents. She

deserves vengeance and wallow in it. Vanessa is in fact a villain though, a young woman with a

terrible life of repeated criminal acts, and numerous foster home. The audience is almost forced

to pity her and her situation. Although this can create an accurate perception of life, and what it

may not be, it is the moral compass and the example that it should be for the younger generation.

For being a male, which is in touch with what is preferred, the original story is the one that holds

true. It may lack violence, suspense, verbose arguing; however the original story line of Little

Red Riding Hood stays true to many generations today and it appropriate for all ages.

This being discussed, the film stays true to many of the original tales. Yet, the whole

perception may be skewed by a true believer in what Red Riding Hood had to offer. The more

appropriate version is more appealing to those morally aligned and intact with what children

should be taught at an early age. With seeing the film and reading and being informed with the

moral of the story, the film is no comparison to the beloved fairytale that is enjoyed still to this

day. The conflict, complication, climax, falling action and revolution; all key parts in the film

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