English 2 ALA Final Portfolio 2013

English 2 ALA Final Portfolio 2013 According to Merriam Webster, a portfolio is “a selection of a student’s work that is compiled over a period of time and used for assessing performance or progress.” Your final assignment for English 2 ALA is to assemble and present a Google site portfolio that shows your growth and mastery of skills in reading, writing, and critical thinking. This site needs to be academic in nature and not reveal any sensitive or personal information about you. Although not required, we STRONGLY encourage you to create a sitemap for your site before you begin building it. You need to be able to wrap your mind around the whole concept and anticipate its appearance before you begin creating small sections of it. See the forest first, and then plant the trees. Requirements Your portfolio should include: a “home page” with a blurb about who you are as a student at CHS in the ALA. an “about me” tab that has an academic resume (curriculum vitae) tabs for each course you have taken in ALA o Your English 2 section should include the following artifacts: project proposal annotated bibliography 1 English 2 writing sample 1 English 2 non-writing sample (i.e. Inferno storyboard or Keynote, Word Girl video, etc.) 1 writing sample (non-English class) 1 non-writing sample (non-English class) (i.e. Egg-drop video or experiment) When given a choice of what to include, be selective. The purpose here is to show your growth and mastery of skills in reading, writing, and critical thinking. o Each artifact must include a description of the assignment and the process undertaken to complete the assignment. If the assignment was completed with a group, be sure to explain your role within the project. The descriptions should be complete, but concise, and written in your own words - do not copy prompts or instructions from teacher handouts. a thorough and thoughtful reflection about what you learned in the process. Digital Presentation Tips: Make sure your site is visually pleasing (use a good combination of text, images, sound, video) Design a product that is professional and clean. Use consistent design and layout (set expectations about where to find things and meet them consistently among/across pages). Organize in a way that makes sense to the viewer. (Remember the “two click” principle.) While you must have certain tabs, how you choose to organize and present information within those tabs is up to you. Refer to previous tip. Presentation You will be expected to present. Keep in mind that your audience may be extended beyond our classroom to administrators, other ALA teachers, parents, community members, etc. Evaluation Complete portfolios (all required elements included) will be evaluated in a holistic manner. Note: This means that portfolios that are missing components will not be evaluated until they are complete. Portfolios that are not submitted on time will receive a late penalty (10% per day late). Summative Reflection Paper (Due separately in hard copy form the day the portfolio is due.) As a separate document, you must write a one-page, double-spaced summative reflection of the entire portfolio process, focusing on what you have learned, your overall strengths and weaknesses, your short and long-term goals for the program, and suggestions you may have about the portfolio assignment for future ALA students. Your reflections should be scholarly, thorough, thoughtful, and sincere. Because this is one page, refrain from using a four line heading. Use only your name and the title of the paper on the first line (i.e. Groucho Marx Final Thoughts and Reflections) and then begin the essay on line two. Make sure to organize using a paragraph structure. Just because this is one page does not mean that you abandon organization and logical discussion.


Final Portfolio 2013

Transcript of English 2 ALA Final Portfolio 2013

Page 1: English 2 ALA Final Portfolio 2013

English 2 ALA Final Portfolio 2013

According to Merriam Webster, a portfolio is “a selection of a student’s work that is compiled over a period of time and used for assessing performance or progress.” Your final assignment for English 2 ALA is to assemble and present a Google site portfolio that shows your growth and mastery of skills in reading, writing, and critical thinking. This site needs to be academic in nature and not reveal any sensitive or personal information about you. Although not required, we STRONGLY encourage you to create a sitemap for your site before you begin building it. You need to be able to wrap your mind around the whole concept and anticipate its appearance before you begin creating small sections of it. See the forest first, and then plant the trees.

Requirements – Your portfolio should include: a “home page” with a blurb about who you are as a student at CHS in the ALA.

an “about me” tab that has an academic resume (curriculum vitae)

tabs for each course you have taken in ALA o Your English 2 section should include the following artifacts:

project proposal annotated bibliography 1 English 2 writing sample 1 English 2 non-writing sample (i.e. Inferno storyboard or Keynote, Word Girl video, etc.) 1 writing sample (non-English class) 1 non-writing sample (non-English class) (i.e. Egg-drop video or experiment) When given a choice of what to include, be selective. The purpose here is to show your growth and mastery of skills in reading, writing, and critical thinking.

o Each artifact must include a description of the assignment and the process undertaken to complete the assignment. If

the assignment was completed with a group, be sure to explain your role within the project. The descriptions should be complete, but concise, and written in your own words - do not copy prompts or instructions from teacher handouts.

a thorough and thoughtful reflection about what you learned in the process.

Digital Presentation Tips: Make sure your site is visually pleasing (use a good combination of text, images, sound, video)

Design a product that is professional and clean.

Use consistent design and layout (set expectations about where to find things and meet them consistently among/across pages).

Organize in a way that makes sense to the viewer. (Remember the “two click” principle.) While you must have certain tabs, how you choose to organize and present information within those tabs is up to you. Refer to previous tip.

Presentation You will be expected to present. Keep in mind that your audience may be extended beyond our classroom to administrators, other ALA teachers, parents, community members, etc.

Evaluation Complete portfolios (all required elements included) will be evaluated in a holistic manner. Note: This means that portfolios that are missing components will not be evaluated until they are complete. Portfolios that are not submitted on time will receive a late penalty (10% per day late).

Summative Reflection Paper (Due separately in hard copy form the day the portfolio is due.) As a separate document, you must write a one-page, double-spaced summative reflection of the entire portfolio process, focusing on what you have learned, your overall strengths and weaknesses, your short and long-term goals for the program, and suggestions you may have about the portfolio assignment for future ALA students. Your reflections should be scholarly, thorough, thoughtful, and sincere. Because this is one page, refrain from using a four line heading. Use only your name and the title of the paper on the first line (i.e. Groucho Marx – Final Thoughts and Reflections) and then begin the essay on line two. Make sure to organize using a paragraph structure. Just because this is one page does not mean that you abandon organization and logical discussion.