English 1


Transcript of English 1

Page 1: English 1



NAME: Brandon Liaw Jun Quan

STUDENT ID NO: 0323467


ENGLISH 1 (ELG 30505)




Page 2: English 1

Pre-writing ( draft )

Sketching isn't really hard for beginners or for people who was trying to

do their artwork. Tons of people usually have problems creating an attractive

sketch. However, it really takes time to practise for creating an stunning

sketch. I do believe that no one in this world was born a winner, practise

makes perfection. Sketching is a rough or unfinished drawings or painting,

often made to assist in making a more finished picture. In my mind, I found

that sketching is so much useful for me and my respective courses. I have the

opportunities to learn the skills of sketching an edit can be apply for other

drawing subjects. For me I going for quantity surveyor in my degree year. I get

to understand the way how architecture student do their work by sketching

and designing the buildings. This process essay will be about the process of

sketching a kitchen utensil.

I have chosen a Faber branded Multi-cooker as my kitchen utensil.This

Faber branded multi-cooker is mainly made for those who cant cook because

it’s convenient and easy to use. The body part of this cooker is made by

stainless steel. The handle of the cooker is made by plastics so that it easy to

carry around and you don't get your hand burnt. The main switch of the

cooker is on the right side of the with red colour on it. Next, there’s a mode

switch where you can choose to either boil the water or used for cooking the

noodles. After that, there’s a base unit on the bottom of the cooker in order to

receive current and it’s 360 rotational. You can actually feel the metal body of

the cooker, it’s bit cold sometimes when its in a room temperature. It produces

weird clanging sound when you hit the metal part of the cooker. It’s tasteless

and metallic smell . This material indeed is useful for everyday life, it can used

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to cook instant noodles, eggs, meats, vegetable, etc. The reason why I

selected this material as my kitchen utensil sketches it is because I have one

in my hostel. I brought it from my hometown. It is useful enough for me to

prepare my breakfast everyday.

Before you start doing the sketches, there will be some drawing tools

you need to finish this sketch. Firstly, you will be a Super-bonded Dolphin

Platinum 2B Pencil for the drawings and tissue for doing the shading part

according to the lighting condition of the object whether which part should be

black or bright. Besides that, prepare the eraser for correction, a ruler for

measuring the length of the cooker whether it’s balance or not. You will also

need a sketch book or drawing book , tracing paper , 0.5 Pilot mechanical

pencil, Artline Calligraphy Pen 1.0. In order to finish this attractive sketch. I

need a clear and tidy workplace and my mind have to remain peace and calm

to begin my sketch. For me personally, it takes a lot of patiences for me to

finish a sketch.

When you are sketching, please make sure that do not use too much

force on the paper, you may spoil the art and the surface of the paper. One of

the good tricks of sketching is to use different line weights or thicknesses.

Basically you use thicker lines for edges further from the eye, and thin or

dotted lines for edges closer to you. But there’s a tips for you to become

better, is that practise your drawing with pen. The idea here is that drawing

with a pen forces you to think before your draw, and as you cannot erase your

work, and you will then draw with a determined solution in mind. In other

words, drawing with a pen trains your mind to think the design solution

through before you actually put it on paper. It will make you a much better

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This sketches takes me about 45 minutes to finish it together with the

drawing and shading of the layout. I think I never had problem in sketching

because I have been to art classes before. The only reason why it took so

long to finish this sketch it is because that i haven’t work on my sketching

skills for a long time due to SPM examinations. After finishing this sketch , I

felt more self esteem about my sketching skills. In a nutshell , I would

probably do this again because it’s so much fun isn't ? Life couldn't be any

better without art!

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Process Writing:

Sketching isn't really hard for beginners or for people who was trying to

do their artwork. Tons of people usually have problems creating an attractive

sketch. However, it really takes time to practice for creating an stunning

sketch. I do believe that no one in this world was born a winner, practice

makes perfection. Sketching is a rough or unfinished drawings or painting,

often made to assist in making a more finished picture. In my mind, I found

that sketching is so much useful for me and my respective courses. I have the

opportunities to learn the skills of sketching an edit can be apply for other

drawing subjects.I get to understand the way how architecture student do their

work by sketching and designing the buildings. This process essay will be

about the process of sketching a kitchen utensil.

I have chosen a Faber branded Multi-cooker as my kitchen utensil. This

Faber branded multi-cooker is mainly made for those who cant cook because

it’s convenient and easy to use. The body part of this cooker is made by

stainless steel. The handle of the cooker is made by plastics so that it easy to

carry around and you don't get your hand burnt. The main switch of the

cooker is on the right side of the with red colour on it. Next, there’s a mode

switch where you can choose to either boil the water or used for cooking the

noodles. After that, there’s a base unit on the bottom of the cooker in order to

receive current and it’s 360 rotational. You can actually feel the metal body of

the cooker, it’s bit cold sometimes when its in a room temperature. It produces

weird clanging sound when you hit the metal part of the cooker. It’s tasteless

and metallic smell . This material indeed is useful for everyday life, it can used

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to cook instant noodles, eggs, meats, vegetable, etc. The reason why I

selected this material as my kitchen utensil sketches it is because I have one

in my hostel. I brought it from my hometown. It is useful enough for me to

prepare my breakfast everyday.

Before you start doing the sketches, you will need to get the right

materials because it’s difficult to sketch when u get the wrong materials.

Firstly, you will need a HB pencil which are used for sketching thin, straight,

non-blend-able lines. Next, a Super-bonded Dolphin Platinum 2B Pencil which

are used for making smudged and blurry lines and for shading your sketch

and use good quality art paper for better sketching experience. Besides that,

prepare the eraser for correction, a ruler for measuring the length of the

cooker whether it’s balance or not. You will also need a 0.5 Pilot mechanical

pencil, Artline Calligraphy Pen 1.0 to do some contouring. In order to finish

this attractive sketch. I need a clear and tidy workplace and my mind have to

remain peace and calm to begin my sketch. For me personally, it takes a lot of

patience for me to finish a sketch.

When you are sketching, please make sure that do not use too much

force on the paper, you may spoil the art and the surface of the paper. It is

also important that you find the sources of the light and determine where you

sketch the lightest and where you sketch the darkest. One of the good tricks

of sketching is to use different line weights or thicknesses. Basically you use

thicker lines for edges further from the eye, and thin or dotted lines for edges

closer to you. But there’s a tips for you to become better, is that practice your

drawing with pen. The idea here is that drawing with a pen forces you to think

before your draw, and as you cannot erase your work, and you will then draw

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with a determined solution in mind. In other words, drawing with a pen trains

your mind to think the design solution through before you actually put it on

paper. It will make you a much better designer.

This sketches takes me about 45 minutes to finish it together with the

drawing and shading of the layout. I think I never had problem in sketching

because I have been to art classes before. The only reason why it took so

long to finish this sketch it is because that I haven’t work on my sketching

skills for a long time due to SPM examinations. After finishing this sketch, I felt

more self esteem about my sketching skills. In a nutshell, I would probably do

this again because it’s so much fun isn't ? Life couldn't be any better without
