Engleski A2 pitanje 2

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Transcript of Engleski A2 pitanje 2

  • 8/13/2019 Engleski A2 pitanje 2


    1. What information about a hotel can you expect in a good brochure?

    - The name of the hotel,- Category (hostel, 3-star hotel)

    - Location (the distance from the city center, beach, airport, rail stations (transport

    points); tourist attractions, places of interests)- Transportation (the means of transportation ho to get there and about local transport)

    - !eneral description (d"cor, architecture style of the building, general style)

    - #otel facilities (simming pools, bar, gym, sauna )

    - Types of rooms (single, double, suite)- $oom facilities (mini bar, air conditioning, terrace)

    - %rices and discounts (for children, students, season)

    - Target group (perfect place for students, pairs, seniors)- &ptional e'cursions and other sport and other actiities

    - logans

    2. Describe one luxurious hotel in detail

    * +ao u brosuri da ga opisemo opsti stil hotela, facilities, cilna grupa (bas odredeni

    hotel da opisemo).

    3. Describe one unusual hotel in detail

    * %re/entacia sa casoa.

    4. Facilities in a luxurious hotel

    - 0ndoor1outdoor simming pools, bar, sauna, restaurant, gym, souenir shop, par2ing,tennis and golf court,

    5. What can be coered by trael insurance?

    - efore he starts his trip, traeler is obliged to ta2e out insurance policy hich contains

    set of rules hen he can as2 to get his money bac2. #e can do that if he has to cut short

    his trip because of inury or illness; if his baggage is mislaid insurance company ill giehim some money for emergency purchases; if his ourney may hae to be cancelled for

    reasons beyond his control; for loss of any personal property; if he is responsible for

    accidental inury to a third party; loss of personal money, traeler4s che5ues or traeltic2ets; for delayed flight1boat1train.

    !. Features of the trael brochure style

    - logans in titles and subtitles

    - Combination of positie adecties and nouns (collocations) pictures5ue countryside,

    scenic drie, dramatic mountains, lush garden- 6a2ing suggestions or giing adice of hat to see and do (if you need rela'ation, if

    you are a souenir-hunting), plus target group or moods and needs of traeler

    - 0mperaties (try, e'plore, discoer, enoy, don4t miss)

  • 8/13/2019 Engleski A2 pitanje 2


  • 8/13/2019 Engleski A2 pitanje 2


    14. (ypes of promotion in tourism and ho% suitable these are for hotels/airlines/themepar$s/festials/insurance?

    - #otels eb-sites, T=, commission to selling agents,

    - Children4s par2 T= commercial, leaflets, billboards, 0nternet, press-conference

    - 7irlines T=, 0nternet* :odati ode a2o ima os, meni samo oo pise ali e malo.

    15. Fie stages of selling a pac$age tour successfully

    >. 8irst impressions count

    ?. 0dentify the needs of the prospectie client3. ales staff ill point out the releant features of trael pac2ages and their adantages

    @. Closing the sale the client ma2es a commitment of some 2ind; stay in contact

    A. +eep up some form of post-sale contact in a different ays

    * Te't u staro 2ni/i na >A?. str.

    1!. (ypes of holidays and types of special interest holidays


  • 8/13/2019 Engleski A2 pitanje 2


    - Tourism causes pollution and enironmental damages because of ne hotels and

    buildings, cultural degradation,

    2). ustainable tourism basic rules

    - Ising resources sustainably- $educing oer-consumption and aste

    - 6aintaining diersity

    - 0ntegrating tourism into planning- upporting local economies

    - 0noling local communities

    - Consulting sta2eholders and the public

    - Training staff- 6ar2eting tourism responsibly

    - Inderta2ing research

    J To ta2e care of nature1enironment, economy and people.

    * I staro 2ni/i na >E>. str. e oo nabroano.

    21. #ositie impact of tourism on nature culture and economy

    - &n nature helps promote conseration of ildlife and natural resources such as rain

    forest; helps generate funding for maintaining animal preseres and marine par2s throughentrance charges and guide fees; it can reduce pollution, use of green energy; proide the

    guidelines about trash, promote the use of public transport; tourism can raise aareness

    of enironmental problem.- Culture Tourism can help preseration of cultural heritage by proiding money

    necessary for this (through ta'es, entrance fees, campaigns); some customs or crafts

    may be presered because they are popular ith tourists, but ould disappear otherise.- Fconomy Tourism creates obs, tourist may buy local food, souenirs and other

    products; infrastructure may deelop because of tourism hich can also boost other

    branches of economy; building ne hotels can bring profit to construction industry and

    furniture industry.

    22. 0egatie impact of tourism on nature culture and economy

    - &n nature oeruse of ater and electricity; pollution (air traffic, rented cars, rubbish,

    use of shampoos and detergents); shore erosion; erosion of footpaths; cruise ships

    damage delicate sea bottom life ith their anchors; some species of animals or plants are

    disturbed or destroyed by tourists.- Culture disturb local people; distort local culture; primitie customs may be presered

    for the sa2e of tourism; places of cultural interest may be damaged1destroyed because of

    hotels1infrastructure; dates of festials and other eents can be shifted because of highseason; disrespect1misunderstanding of culture; the change of profession of local people.

    - Fconomy The cost of building ne infrastructure usually falls on the goernment, so it

    has to come out of ta' reenues. Kobs created by tourism are often seasonal and poorlypaid, yet tourism can push up local property prices and the cost of goods and serices.

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    6oney generated by tourism does not alays benefit the local community, as some of it

    lea2s out to huge international companies, such as hotel chains. :estinations dependent

    on tourism can be adersely affected by eents such as terrorism, natural disasters andeconomic recession.

    23. ,o% to be a responsible hotel o%ner

    - Ising green energy; choosing a suitable site that ill not harm nature; limit the use of

    ater (laundry, pools); ta2e care of garbage, ater cleaning system, aste disposal. Train

    and than employ local people; buy local food1furniture1decorations; sell local souenirs.%ay attention on a site of the hotel; gie guidelines about local culture (customs,

    language; e'cursions here guests can meet locals and their life).

    24. ,o% to be a responsible tour operator

    - #e chooses accommodation, choose hotels that cares about sustainability, do businessith small local hotels; monitor1limit the number of tourists;

    - %roides a tour rep; train tour reps so that he1she may proides guidelines or adice onenironmentally-friendly behaior or put it on a eb-site; limit paper editions of their

    brochures; cooperates ith local organi/ations;- &rgani/e e'cursions here tourists meet locals.

    25. ,o% to be a responsible traeler

    - To be aare of nature (garbage); don4t 2ill animals or harm plants; don4t use shampoo

    (e'cept enironmentally-friendly); don4t set the forest on fire; use public transport, notrented car; buy local food, souenirs; respect holy places, religious customs; respect

    patriotism; respect language

    2!. etters of enuiry their structure and phrases used

    - The letter of in5uiry is a letter here you as2 about something and you re5uest some


    - 8irst paragraph 0dentify yourself and, if appropriate, your position, and your institution

    or firm.- econd par riefly e'plain hy you are riting and ho you ill use the re5uested

    information. &ffer to 2eep the response confidential if such an offer seems reasonable.

    - Third par List the specific information you need. 3.

    0n reply to your letter of 0 am sending you .

    0f you hae any further 5uestions please do not hesitate to contact me.0 am riting to en5uire about

  • 8/13/2019 Engleski A2 pitanje 2


    0 am interested in

    0 ould be grateful if you could send me the latest brochure1the details about

    0 loo2 forard to hearing from you soon.

    2". oering letters their structure and phrases used

    - 7 coering letter or motiation letter is a letter of introducing attached to resume or C=.

    - #eader senders address and other information, the recipients contact information, and

    the date sent after either the senders or the recipients address.- &pening paragraph 0ndicate the position you apply for and the ay you hae learned

    about the acancy. (In reply to the advertisement of 20 Feb. 2013 in Politika I would

    apply for the position of the receptionist in)

    - econd par your bac2ground and attitude to ob. (I have recently graduated from theollege of !ourism" #elgrade and I am eager to gain work e$perience.)

    - Third par indicate hat you hae enclosed. (Please find enclosed my % and a letter of

    recommendation&the copy of my diploma.)- Last par indicate that you are loo2ing forard to hearing from them. (!hank you very

    much for your consideration. I look forward to receiving your reply.)

    - Fnd the letter1mail ith>. str., ta2o e ona re2la ali se ne nala/i se sto e odenaedeno.

    2'. (he influence of economic and social factors technology and politics on tourism

    - ocial connected ith e'pectations of society +freer to trael on your on, -tradition

    girls are forbidden to trael alone.

    - Technology ? ays of influence > transportation (ne types of trains, plains), ? 0nternet (mar2eting, boo2ing system reolutioni/ed, computers and mobile phones).

    - %olitics aries ays

    9egatie in communism decline of pilgrimages; politics can decrease number oftourists; problem to obtain isas; economic crisis; disposable income if there is no

    disposable income than there is no tourism.

    %ositie politics may increase number of tourists; in communism monuments in+ragueac instead of churches; didn4t care about old buildings so they stayed intact.

  • 8/13/2019 Engleski A2 pitanje 2


    * Te't ummer holiday u noo 2ni/i na ?D. str.

    3). (elephoning language examples of different situations

    - 7nsering the phone

    - 0ntroducing yourself- 7s2ing to spea2 ith someone

    - Connecting someone

    - 6a2ing special re5uests- Ta2ing a message for someone

    - Leaing a message ith someone

    - Confirming information

    - 8inishing a conersation

    * 0 ono sto e ona daala na casu /a le2ciu Telephoning.

    31. 6oo$ing procedure the tas$s of a trael agent

    >. &nce the client has signed the boo2ing form, you must collect the appropriate deposit

    payment. 0f the client pays in cash or by che5ue, you should issue a receipt according tooffice procedure and than forard this payment to the tour operator concerned.

    ?. 0t is important for the client to ta2e out insurance. 0f the tour operator4s insurance is

    chosen, ma2e sure the boo2ing form is correctly completed and then add the premium tothe deposit.

    3. &nce the boo2ing form has been signed, it should be sent to the tour operator

    immediately. hen the tour operator receies the boo2ing form, all the details such asflight reserations or hotel rooms ill be confirmed.

    * &o e i/ te'ta oo2ing procedure u noo 2ni/i na 3@. str, ali proerite da li e to toM

    32. (our operator+s responsibilities hotel contracting

    - deciding ho many holidays to sell each season and the resorts1countries to use

    - isiting resorts to ascertain accommodation 5uality and suitability

    - liaising ith coach operators, airlines, hoteliers and resort reps

    - agreeing serice leels, contracts and costs

    - confirming customer names ith airlines1hotels

    - collecting, ealuating and responding (as appropriate) to customer feedbac2

    - using mar2et research information to guide decisions

    - producing brochures and 0nternet-based information- proiding pricing information

    - mar2eting holidays to clients ia trael agents, ebsites, brochures and teleision


    - handling boo2ings, inoicing and issuing of tic2ets

    - predicting profits or number of boo2ings.

    * &o e sa neta a ima i u staro 2ni/i na @3. str.

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    - #otel contracting

    >. riefing couriers, inspecting hotel noticeborads to ma2e sure material is ell


    ?. artering for room rates; increases in room allocations, upgrades, added e'tras (ine,

    fruit, floers), improed child reductions, long-stay deals and contributions toards

    adertising.3. 7nother ay of getting a better deal from hoteliers is to introduce a ne section to the

    brochure hich promotes a top hotel in each resort, and use this as a bargaining tool, or

    gie out aards to tempt them to gie better discounts.

    * &o e i/ te'ta u noo 2ni/i #otel contracting na 3N. str.