engl 152 syllabus 2013-2014

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Transcript of engl 152 syllabus 2013-2014

  • 7/27/2019 engl 152 syllabus 2013-2014


    Universidad del Turabo en Yabucoa

    Centro Educacin y Tecnologa Asuntos Acadmicos


    School of Human and Social SciencesDeanship of General Studies Department of Languages

    Semester201401 PT 122Course Code: ENGL 152


    Reference:4092 Section: 702 Credits: 3 Day and Time: MW 7:30-9:59 PM Classroom:


    Pre-requisites: ENGL 097 or Placement ExamProfessor: Ricardo Snchez Reyes email:[email protected] / [email protected]

    University Phone: (787) 266-2066 Professor's cel. number: (787) 408-2739

    Office Hours: Wednesday 6:30-7:29 PM

    Course Description

    This course develops and strengthens students listening, speaking, reading, and writing

    proficiency in English. It includes grammar, vocabulary expansion, reading skills, writing

    mechanics, sentence writing and descriptive, narrative, opinion, and cause/effect paragraphs.

    Course Objectives:

    1. Strengthen language proficiency in English through listening, speaking, reading, and

    writing to successfully perform in an academic environment and other social settings.

    2. Demonstrate mastery of grammar, sentence construction, and writing mechanics to

    develop effective paragraphs.3. Apply English grammar to construct coherent written and oral expressions.

    4. Enrich vocabulary and reading skills to transition into writing paragraphs.

    5. Comprehend and analyze reading materials, such as: paragraphs, essays, articles, amongothers.

    6. Utilize and expand vocabulary through oral and written communication.7. Construct simple and compound sentences.


    Blanchard, K. & Bonesteel, L. (2010). From Reading to Writing 2:White Plains, NY: Pearson


  • 7/27/2019 engl 152 syllabus 2013-2014



    This course will use the following materials : Textbook, Bilingual Dictionary (Spanish/English),

    laptop computer, and image projector.


    Students will engage in class discussions through oral discussions, presentations, lectures, and

    hands-on writing skills practice. Instruction will be delivered through PowerPoint presentations,

    lectures, online material, and assignments will be given to reinforce the writing process from pre-

    writing to the final draft. Student will also conduct guided writing assignments with the professoruntil the final drafts are produced. Additionally, there will be class exams and a departmental

    final exam.

    Thematic Sequence and Educational Strategies

    The following course outline will be used as a guideline:

    Date Topics Strategies / Activities Assessment

    Oct. 16 Introduction to Course / Unit 1: All in

    the Family (Chapter 1)

    Lecture / Group Discussions Written/oral exercises

    Oct. 21 Unit 1: Chapter 2 Lecture / Group Discussions Written/oral exercises

    Oct. 23 Unit 2: Chapter 3 Lecture / Group Discussions Written/oral exercises

    Oct. 28 Unit 2: Chapter 4 Lecture / Group Discussions Writing a Topic Sentenc

    Oct. 30 Unit 3: Chapters 5-6 Lecture / Group Discussions Writing Supporting andConcluding Sentences

    Nov. 4 Review / Partial Exam #1 Lecture/ Group Discussions Partial Exam # 1

    Nov. 6 Unit 4: Chapter 7 Lecture / Group Discussions Paragraph writing

    Nov. 11 Unit 4: Chapter 8 Lecture / Group Discussions Written/oral exercises

    Nov. 13 Unit 5: Chapters 9-10 Lecture / Group Discussions Written/oral exercises

    Nov. 18 Mid-term Exam Lecture / Group Discussions Partial Exam #2

    Nov. 20 Unit 6: Chapters 11-12 Lecture/ Group Discussions Written/oral exercises

    Nov. 25 Unit 7: Chapter 13-14 Lecture/ Group Discussions Written/oral exercises

    Nov. 27 Review / Partial Exam # 2 Lecture/ Group Discussions Partial Exam # 3

    Dec. 2 Unit 8: Chapters 15 Lecture/ Group Discussions Written/oral exercises

    Dec. 4 Unit 8: Chapter 16 Lecture/ Group Discussions Written/oral exercises

    Dec. 4 Review Lecture/ Group Discussions Written/oral exercises

    Dec. 9 Final Exam Departmental Departmental Final Exam

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    Evaluation Criteria Quantity Value Totals Weight (%)

    Partial Exam 1 1 100 100 20%

    Partial Exam 2 1 100 100 20%

    Departamental Mid-term Exam 1 100 100 20%

    Final Departmental Exam 1 100 100 20%

    Class participation and Assignments, 100 100 20%

    Total 500 500 100%

    Grading: The grade you earn will be based on the outcome of the above five criteria.

    90-100% = A

    80-89% = B70-79% = C

    60-69 = D0-59% = F


    Academic Honesty: Academic dishonesty / plagiarism will receive an F. All

    references must also be properly cited.

    Absences: Attendance affects your grade. More than three (3) unexcused absences may

    seriously impact your ability to pass this course.

    Lateness : Please be on time for class. Arriving very late to class, will be considered an


    Cell-Phone: Please turn off your cell-phone or place it on vibrate. If you have an

    emergency and have to answer it, quietly go outside of the class.

    Missed Assignments/Quizzes/Exams: Missed assignments will receive a reduction of

    one letter grade for each class it is late. (Example: One class late, an A becomes a B.

    Two classes late an A becomes a C. You will only be allowed to make up any

    missed quiz or exam if you have a legitimate excuse which can be documented.


    Folse, K., Muchmore-Vokoun, A & Vestri Solomon, E. (2010) Great Paragraphs.Third Ed. Houghton-Mifflin.

    Freeman Y. and Freeman, D. (1998). ESL/EFL Teaching: Principles for Success.

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    Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

    Hosler, M. (2005).English made easy. New York: McGraw Hill.

    Lester, M. (2008). McGraw Hills essential ESL grammar: A handbook for intermediate and

    advanced ESL students. NY: McGraw-Hill.

    Yates, J. (2006). Practice makes perfect: English vocabulary for beginning ESL learners.

    New York: McGraw-Hill.

    Translation Help / Pronunciation Practice:



    Writing Help Online:




    Interactive Writing & Grammar Practice:


