Engineering culture

Engineering Culture


Engineering culture and building the engineering culture.

Transcript of Engineering culture

  • 1. Engineering Culture
  • 2. What? We are human, and humans are social by nature, every socialites have untold practices good or bad which are not inherited by them via genome and by which external world identify them as a cult or tribe
  • 3. Ahhh Crap! It is proven that socialites like to share and even on net(facebook, google+, twitter n) Culture is the framework for shared values respected and valued by the practitioners of it
  • 4. Culture! Damn! I need success Socialites and humans in general love and like to taste success at its core and in pursuit of it Culture act as an enabler of success but it does not cause success, it work as a framework
  • 5. Oh no! Yet Another Framework Framework is an enabler or a tool to mitigate the risks of known failure and so the culture is
  • 6. Who provides the framework? Its you You know the best when you failed You know what sucks
  • 7. Embrace failure Generally humans are taught how not to fail and sometimes this process creates deep scars of fear of failure in our mind Get rid of the fear factors for failing Celebrate failure because it helps you not to fail again and enlighten you by the facts of what sucks Do not hide it embrace it and share it It is always good and smarter to learn from others failure Create fail-sheets and announce and share your failures and context and be happy
  • 8. Happiness We all want to be happy Happiness comes from celebration Celebrate whenever possible even a successful git push could be celebrated Give yourself a treat it helps Life is short enjoy every bit of it, so every action you execute is a candidate for celebration as you done it for a cause and human with good intentions and motivation always do stuff for a good cause.. so celebrate it and create a joyous environment you like to participate into
  • 9. Motivation-Action- Celebration Motivation-Action-Celebration are the agile iteration of happiness for continuous delivery of help towards the success
  • 10. Help We are human and not machine, we have feelings hence falls victim of emotions thus we need help at times Become leader by offering help be the servant leader Giving at first hand ensures the savings for future when you might need it badly Offering help is practicing the knowledge you have and to measure it against the context
  • 11. Measure-data-facts Measure against your values Let your decisions comes from the measured-data aka facts Let facts kick-in into your decision but you should not concentrate on collecting it, take help of automated tools or automate process to get it collected for you
  • 12. Embrace Automation Cult is all about practicing your culture even without noticing it, let it be an automated process induced in your act Put effort in automating your daily acts and refine it continuously, it will become your characteristics without any effort You are helping others in process automation by writing software so start it at home first, walk the talk
  • 13. You have a culture now Embrace failure Celebration is important even failures, it help reduce the fear-factors and creates the platform for ideation Enjoy the work, success will follow you Motivation-Action-Celebration help you achieve your goal Offer help and be the servant leader Let decision comes from the fact, measure your acts against the values you value Embrace automation even for simplest of acts you practice
  • 14. Valuables needs to be protected So your culture Value your culture and you are the custodian of it Respect it, practice it and earn respect for it Walk the talk Your culture helps you to scale, as we all needs to scale as we grow with time To scale you need more practitioner of culture to become a more prominent cult
  • 15. Scaling != hiring Scaling without capacity planning is not a wise decision Fall back to the facts, identify your needs for scaling Identification of root cause is important to know what you need to scale Plan the capacity your are looking at and why, you will come up with numbers you need Simply adding resources does not work, plan for assimilation and integration time with your culture Keep your 20% more time for offering help and trouble-shooting(read grooming) phase
  • 16. Scaling != hiring Communicate your values Provides visuals of your practices and processes, it help in memorizing it instead of providing documents to read Finest of steels can only be produced under pressure, so put your new resource under pressure and measure where and when he snaps, you know the strength and weakness now (load-test on staging server) Embrace failure help him/her get read of fear factors Guide him/her to work on weakness, be the servant leader(performance tuning is always good with facts) Create short-term, mid-term and long-term measurable goals for him/her and measure against your values
  • 17. Nothing is fail-proof Be prepared to fail Need monitoring, so watch for signs Signals are everywhere we need to catch the right signal at right time Fall back to your values, seen faltered, watch it, it could be the sign Start fixing with you Then offer your help to others proactively Communicate and with empathy you will get the root cause, we are humans
  • 18. Agility There is nothing called perfect Be agile, change is inevitable so practice it Rinse-n-repeat is a continuous process
  • 19. You have it You have the culture You need to protect it You need to scale with it You need to change it You need to transform it You own it You create the boundaries to help you not to fall in pits You have the framework
  • 20. ? Its you Its all about you All that matters is you
  • 21. Thank You Goutam Dey @dgoutam