Engery Badge EN



CHF 1098 CHF 1298 Home/Office Home/Office CHF 180 CHF 249 Krishnamurti Mobile Body & Car to be purchased from: 15m 15m 1m 2m in Holz

Transcript of Engery Badge EN

Page 1: Engery Badge EN

CHF 29.90

RayGuard® productsThe products have been on the market for over 10 years and have resulted in rising demand from people with so-called electro-sensitivity (symptoms include indefin-able inner nervousness, ringing in the ears, migraines, extreme tiredness, over-acidification of the body and much more). The larger products are well-suited to harmonising entire houses, apartments and other residential dwellings. Leading businesses can provide their employees with a pleasant working environment straightaway with the RayGuard office model. We will be happy to offer you advice and let you borrow test devices to try out before you decide to go ahead with a bigger investment. We offer the following products:

Current discussionPeople who are interested, health-conscious and who would like to research the situation for themselves can find a wealth of information available on the internet. The majority of scientists accepts the current permissible radiation exposure limits. A growing community is, however, increasingly battling for these radiation limits to be adjusted downwards, to give themselves a greater measure of protection. As with an unbalanced diet and an insufficient intake of water, physical complaints and damage only appear much later. The consequent complications are, however, seldom associated with the actual triggers. Nowadays we rely far too heavily on treating the symptoms instead of investigating the causal links. In any case, it is sensible to take preventative action.

E n E r g y B a d g E Absorbs and transforms radiation frequencies.Do yourself a favour, protect yourself ...

Body & Car1m

CHF 180


CHF 249


CHF 1098

Home/Office in Holz


CHF 1298










The individual problem is directly connected to the world problem and I believe that we do not place enough emphasis on the power of individual thoughts and acts.


Cizen Inc. sports & health Monbijoustrasse 22 CH-3011 Bern [email protected] avantgarde-energetic.com Phone 031 371 46 24

to be purchased from:

Page 2: Engery Badge EN

Energetic Programming developed by Penergetic®

Energetic programming starts from the assumption that it is not matter that produces the effect, but its energetic information. Over generations, Penergetic International AG developed a nature-oriented, physical procedure for transmitting this sort of information, a procedure that is resource-friendly. Penergetic used a scientific basis and many tests to determine the energetic value, which this Energy Badge is modelled on. Similarly to a sound recorder that can play back a recording, the Energy Badge continuously „plays back“ the mimicked energetic value and thus promotes your well-being.

Human Firewall Technology developed by RayGuard®

The minerals used (quartz) absorb energy and then emit it again. The energy given off is changed into light, heat and a high frequency vortex. The Energy Badge is thereby encompassed by its own electromagnetic field. This field interacts with us and transmits certain specific information, as a kind of mini-transmitter. According to ancient knowledge of crystal healing, this interaction can be used to convert various frequencies that are emitted by today‘s antennae.

Nano Mandala Artwork developed and © by Avantgarde Energetic®

With reference to colour theory, each of the three badge types was harmonised with four over-arching colour variations. The combination, which is selected as intuitively as possible, makes the Energy Badge into an individual jewel.

... und erfrischt den Geist.

LUCKYRAY gives you serenity ...

and refreshes the spirit.


and sharpens the concentration.


and supports the joy of life.


and cheers up the mood.


SYNAPTICO reinforces your presence ...

and refreshes the spirit.


and sharpens the concentration.


and supports the joy of life.


and cheers up the mood.


PATRON provides you protection ...

and refreshes the spirit.


and sharpens the concentration.


and supports the joy of life.


and cheers up the mood.


Energy BadgeYour companion in the frequency jungle Today there are over four billion mobile phone users world- wide, which amounts to about two thirds of the world‘s population. Transmission masts can already be found everywhere, while digital mobile communications started becoming widespread only 15 years ago. The debate on whether mobile phone radiation is dangerous to humans has been around for approximately the same length of time. The Energy Badge was developed both for those affected by electro-sensitivity and in terms of the general need to take preventative protection measures. We rely specifically on the synthesis of three core aspects. While RayGuard® incorporates quartz, which has been used to counteract the effects of various forms of radiation since the year dot, Penergetic®contributes its physical-energetic programming methods, in order to enhance the overall effect. The synthesis is channelled in the proprietary Avantgarde Energetic®design, which assigns an important role to symbolism and colouring

... call it magic

Body scanning methods and medical opinionIn complementary medicine, body scanning methods are some of the most important diagnostic proce- dures for revealing energy imbalances within the body. Two of the most commonly-used procedures are the „System Prognos“ and the „System Amsat-HC“. In his report, Dr. M. Doepp (on the board of the German Society for Energy and Information Medicine) demonstrates the effect of telephoning on the body and its functions. After applying both procedures he comes to the conclusion that the functions normally reduced during telephoning are largely neutralised by using the Energy Badge. Merely holding the Energy Badge in one‘s hand or on the thymus gland produces higher amounts of body energy.

made in switzerland


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