Engagement in social media integrated healthcare ACHE 2015

Employee Engagement in #SocialMedia Integrated #HealthCare Deb Nystrom, REVELN Consulting American College Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Michigan & Ohio chapters Tuesday, October 6, 2015 Sandusky, Ohio Sustaining Conversation

Transcript of Engagement in social media integrated healthcare ACHE 2015

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EmployeeEngagement in

#SocialMedia Integrated


Deb Nystrom, REVELN Consulting

American College Healthcare Executives

(ACHE) Michigan & Ohio chapters

Tuesday, October 6, 2015 Sandusky, Ohio

Sustaining Conversations

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About you

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Change ConsultantLeadership & Team CoachREVELN.comEngage, Focus, PlanSocial MediaDPPEE

Deb NystromREVELN ConsultingSocial Media Learning Lab

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DPPEEDataPurposePlanEngage / ExecuteEvaluate

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DATA – Social Media is Mainstream

“It’s about the conversation.”

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7 DATA Current in 2015

“Suus non ut Difficile”

Social Media University, Global (SMUG)

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• September 2015• Cyberchondria• So how can we use

Dr. Google correctly?

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• Mayoclinic.org• WebMD.com• Medlineplus.gov• NHS.uk

Source: http://whatshappeningtz.com/dr-google/

Reference: http://time.com/4025756/google-health-issues-doctor/?xid=homepage

Trusted Websites for Medical Information

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From 35 Social Media ThesesMayo Clinic

Electronic tools ... facilitate broader ...overcoming inertia and friction.You can hear a lot just by listening.As I (Investment) approaches zero, ROI approaches infinity.

Social media were about relationships, not technology, & still are....neglecting social media’s power can cripple an organization.Social media strategies can help make a product, service or experience better.

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PURPOSE ~ Blogging in History

40,000 Year Old Blog, AustraliaRock engraving, PetroglyphEssence of this blog is a primal human drive to

Tell a story State opinions Sell wares

Share newsHave ConversationsAsk questions

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PURPOSE“As with all social media initiatives, prior to launching our account we did our homework.”“We never join a social network for the sake of joining...”We evaluated our resources and brainstormed a series of campaigns.”

~ #UMSocial @Umich, Snapchat Blog Post

~ Remarkable (P, S, E), customers will create content for you (35 Theses)

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Social media platforms may be new, but the strategic implementation of successful

communications is not.


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PURPOSE1) Tell a story2) State opinions3) Sell wares4) Share news5) Have Conversations6) Ask Questions

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Invite, Connect, Engage, Sustain

Example of a Plan

The Mayo Clinic

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“Transform” at the Mayo Clinic

Social media microsharing => creative thinking to 50,000 without cost / logistics of a 50,000-person seminar

2009 conference run by Mayo’s Center for Innovation400 participantsIncluded the inventor of Swiffer at P & G, people from IDEO, GE, IBM, MIT, Media Lab, Massachusetts General Hospital, and the Darden School of Business

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The Mayo StoryPeople wouldn’t have had that special feeling of “I got to participate in something amazing” if it weren’t for microsharing. It extended creative thinking to the whole organization

without the cost and logistical headaches of a 50,000-person seminar.

~ The New Social Learning, Tony Bingham and Marcia Conner, 2010

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Mayo staffers Not at the conference Advocate for new ideas and innovations Carry ideas forward for development and possible implementation

Self- appointedconnectors and


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More about MicrosharingMany of these tools are self-initiated and self-administrated. With Twitter, we can pick what #hashtags to follow. (Birds of a Feather, Open Space Technology)It is simpler to use. You make a smaller commitment before getting engaged.

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PLAN4 Ways to Drive Change

1. Culture, Social Dynamics2. Psychology – What drives new

behavior3. Loosen, Let Go of Top Down

Controls4. Show how digital works with

IRL events / offline world

~ McKinsey, Digital Hive

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Source: McKinsey Digital Hive

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Senior executives at new-deal companies assume collective, not individual, responsibility for results

by building interdependencies between the various parts of their organization, motivating themselves to engage with one another rather than work in isolation.

ENGAGEStrategic Agility

~ The New Deal at the Top by Yves L. Doz and Mikko Kosonen, Harvard Business Review June


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• Results, ROI • Size Matters

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Evaluate – ROISize matters in the ROI debateReturn on Investment of “your mother”ROI is NOT about the metric tool – rather the mechanic using it.So many in healthcare are using social media incorrectly

Medium to Large organizationTeach, educate, care for and supportSelling / Listening

THEN connect, teach, educate, engage, co-create => affects ROI

The ROI of Social Media in Healthcare, MedCityNews.com

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When I am able to connect someone with a non-healing wound with one of our wound centers that can help them heal and possibly save them from amputation, infection and ultimately and untimely death, that is the ROI of social media.Nothing makes me prouder than the fact that we have been able to do this and prove to hospitals that social media marketing works.

Photo: Alex Proimos, Flickr CC

The ROI of Social Media in Healthcare, MedCityNews.com

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REVELN.comBlog Handout: Leaders and Best, Engaging in Social Media Integrated Healthcare

@SoMediaLearnLab@RevelnConsultsLinkedIn: Deborah Nystrom