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  • 7/31/2019 Eng Nkea Oil Gas Energy




  • 7/31/2019 Eng Nkea Oil Gas Energy


    Dato Sri

    Peter Chin Fah Kui

    Minister o Energy,Green Technologyand Water

    Energ is an important actor to Malasias economic growth,

    constituting about 20 per cent o the nations Gross Domestic Product

    GDP. The Government plans to increase diversication o the energ

    industr, step up exploration or new oil and gas resources, enhance

    production rom known reserves, and encourage the use o alternative

    energ sources such as solar, hdro-electric and even nuclear. The

    energ sectors contributions to our GNI are expected to rise rom RM110

    billion in 2009 to RM241 billion in 2020. Hence, the energ sector needs

    to be more efcient and resilient to be able to deliver adequate and

    reliable energ suppl to support our countrs rapid growth against

    a backdrop o depleting energ resources as well as escalating and

    volatile energ prices.

    Malaysia has made rapid progress moving rom an agrarian economy intoan industrial economy and now, moving towards a green economy. One othe main reasons or our success is the Governments ocus on providingexcellent inrastructure to support and promote economic growth. We haveto ensure that the inrastructure is present and well-maintained.

    Malaysias direction towards a green economy is an essential part o theETP, along with the assurance o sustainable and sucient energy supply toall at reasonable and aordable prices. The Renewable Energy Act, as theoundation catalyst or the nations renewable energy generation, is alignedwith the Malaysian Governments aim o achieving 5.5 per cent renewable

    energy in Malaysias total energy mix by 2015. Malaysia is now ready to jointhe league o economies that have eco-riendly and survivable businessthrough the Governments direct participation in promoting consumption ogreen, ecient and environmental-riendly products.

    Moving orward, the national vision on energy is set to leverage on greentechnology to achieve sustainable development and contribute to a highincome economy. The proposed vision captures the potential impact ogreen technology in ensuring a higher quality o lie or Malaysians whileensuring that economic growth is sustainable without the over-depletion oits natural resources. Such a state o aairs would also ensure recognition oMalaysia as a responsible global player in the green technology sphere andlow carbon economy.


    NKEA: Oil, Gas and Energ Ministers Message

  • 7/31/2019 Eng Nkea Oil Gas Energy








    109.6 241.0
















    E & P Down-stream

    OFSE Energy TotalEPPs



    Multiplier TotalGNI




    2020 GNI contribution

    (RM billion)

    12 EPPs, two business opportunities, baseline growth and multiplier effect will deliverRM131.4 billion incremental GNI impact by 2020

    Exhibit 2.1

    To meet this target, the OGE NKEA will ocus on our key thrusts:

    sustaining oil and gas production, enhancing downstreamgrowth, making Malaysia the number one Asian hub or oil ield

    services and building a sustainable energy platorm or growth.

    The OGE NKEA Lab in 2010 identiied 12 Entry Point Projects (EPPs)

    as well as two business opportunity thrusts. Combined, they are

    projected to deliver RM131.4 billion in Gross National Income

    (GNI) and create an additional 52,300 jobs in the OGE sectors. A

    signiicant proportion o these jobs will be highly-skilled, with an

    estimated 21,000 (40 per cent) or qualiied proessionals such as

    engineers and geologists.

    Oil, Gas and Energ

    The Oil, Gas and Energy (OGE) National Key Economic Area (NKEA)is targeting ve per cent annual growth or the sector rom 2010

    to 2020. This is ambitious, particularly against a backdrop o

    the natural two percent decline o oil and gas production

    Beyond sustaining the production o oil and gas, the OGE NKEA

    will also ocus on growing the downstream area o the sector,providing insulation against price shocks in the global commodity

    market. It will also be responsible or building a sustainable energy

    platorm or the rakyat and business.

    Over the course o 2011, signiicant strides have been made in the

    sector, notably the approval o the Petroleum Income Tax Act (PITA)

    Amendment Bill, which aims to incentivize exploration o marginal

    oil and gas ields. Signiicant investments have been made by

    major industry players such as Shell, ExxonMobil, Petronas, Dialog

    Group and Royal Vopak in line with the our strategic thrusts

    o the NKEA. Dedicated bodies such as the Malaysia Petroleum

    Resources Corporation (MPRC) have been set up to streamline

    cooperation between the government and private sectors.



  • 7/31/2019 Eng Nkea Oil Gas Energy


    NkEa Oil, Gs nd Energy kPI (Quntittive)

    No. KPI Target





    Method 1 Method 2 Method 3

    % %

    EPP #1 Addition resources

    million stock tank barrel (mmstb)

    72 141 196% 100% 1.0

    EPP #2 Production rom marginal elds

    thousand barrel o oil equivalent per day (kboed)

    3.5 3.5 99% 99% 0.5

    Production rom marginal elds (oil)

    thousand barrel per day (kbd)

    3.5 3.5 99% 99% 0.5

    EPP #3 Number o explored wells 32 33 103% 100% 1.0

    EPP #4 Committed amount o land-based oil

    storage capacity million cubic metre

    7,000,000 7,300,000 104% 100% 1.0

    Number o oil trading companies based in Malaysia 2 5 250% 100% 1.0

    EPP #5 Number o additional conrmed gas requirement


    140 139 99% 99% 0.5

    EPP #6

    and #8

    Amount o investments made by OFSE MNCs

    RM million

    320 454 142% 100% 1.0

    Number o MNC or JVs between local OFSE

    companies with global MNCs

    2 2 100% 100% 1.0

    EPP #7 Number o successul merger o abricators 1 1 100% 100% 1.0

    EPP #9 Percentage reduction in electricity bill or top 120

    government entities against electricity bill or the


    3% 3% 100% 100% 1.0

    Market share o 5-star appliances

    1. Rerigerator

    13% 13% 101% 100% 1.0

    2. Air-conditioner 8% 9% 107% 100% 1.0

    3. Chiller 35% 11% 32% 31% 0.0

    EPP #10 Amount o grid-connected solar power

    generation capacity installed (MW)

    24 2.55 11% 11% 0.0

    EPP #12 Generated electrity capacity (MW) 300 300 100% 100% 1.0

    109% 90% 78%

    2011 Ke Perormance Indicators

    Exhibit 2.2

    Method 1 provides a refection o the actual KPI achievement. I a KPI surpasses its targets signicantly,the nal results will be presented as a large percentage, surpassing the 100 per cent limit.

    Method 2 has been ormulated to accommodate or KPI achievements with signicant quantitativeresults. Under this method, any achievement above 100 per cent is capped.

    Method 3 represents a simple refection o the KPI achievement. KPI targets that were met or exceededare graded 1, those achieving over hal o their targets are graded 0.5, and those with less than hal their

    targets are graded 0.

    * Inormation kept

    condential at request

    o involved parties


    NKEA: Oil, Gas and Energ Overview

  • 7/31/2019 Eng Nkea Oil Gas Energy


    Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) uses methods such as gas or

    chemical injection or thermal fooding to increase the amount o

    oil recovered rom the underground reservoirs rom a range o 20

    to 35 per cent (industry norms) to 30 to 50 per cent.

    PETRONAS has a three-pronged strategy to ensure that EOR

    techniques are deployed in Malaysia to extract more oil rom the

    nations oil elds. Firstly, PETRONAS, where necessary, will review

    the production sharing contract (PSC) terms and introduce new

    petroleum arrangements to incentivise the implementation o

    EOR techniques.

    Secondly, PETRONAS will ensure that companies with specialised

    EOR expertise are aware o the opportunities in Malaysia and areattracted to operate here. Thirdly, PETRONAS will use its role as the

    industry regulator to ensure that the most innovative methods

    and technologies are being disseminated and deployed to reduce

    capital and operating costs.

    AchievementsThere has been signicant development in this EPP in 2011. In

    January, ExxonMobil committed to invest over RM10 billion in EOR

    techniques. The investments will be made to rejuvenate mature

    acilities and undertake enhanced oil recovery activities in the

    Tapis eld. The Telok project, oshore Peninsular Malaysia, is being

    developed under a Gas Production Sharing Contract to provide

    additional supplies or Malaysias power and industrial needs and

    will promote organic growth o the natural gas sector.

    On 16 January 2012, Shell Malaysia and PETRONAS signed two

    new PSCs or enhanced oil recovery (EOR) projects oshore

    Sarawak and Sabah. These contracts will see investments o over

    US$12 billion to extend the lie and increase the recovery actor o

    the Baram Delta and North Sabah elds, located oshore Sarawak

    and Sabah, respectively. The average recovery actor in these elds

    is expected to increase rom 36 per cent to 50 per cent.

    Shell Malaysia has committed investment o RM5.1 billion into

    projects to upgrade, expand and build their acilities in upstream,

    midstream and downstream across Malaysia. These projects

    include the expansion o the Shell MDS wax plant in Bintulu, a

    new diesel processing unit at the Shell Renery in Port Dickson,and the Gumusut deepwater development oshore Sabah.

    Moving ForwardSigniicant investment in 2011 on EOR techniques ensured

    that the Key Perormance Indices (KPIs) or this EPP were met,

    and signiicantly surpassed. To ensure that targets in 2012 are

    met, additional ocus is needed to ensure that the investment

    committed in the best EOR techniques or the remainder o the oil

    and gas ields in Malaysia is realised.

    In addition to this, the expansion o Shell MDS wax was completed

    at the end o 2011, while the new diesel processing unit at Shell

    Reinery in Port Dickson has already been commissioned. The

    Gumusut deepwater development is still in progress and is

    expected to be ready by 2013.

    Rejuvenating Existing Fields Through

    Enhanced Oil Recovery

    EPP 1

    EOR techniques can improve oil recovery rates a range o 20 to 35 per cent to 30 to 50 per cent

    Entry Point Projects



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    A signicant proportion o Malaysias remaining resources lay

    in elds with less than 30 million barrels o recoverable oil.Developing these elds in an economically attractive manner is

    oten challenging, as they need the same expensive inrastructure

    as large elds, while the expected revenue streams are smaller

    due to the smaller reserve sizes.

    Over 2011, PETRONAS and relevant stakeholders have reviewed

    the PSC terms and introduced new petroleum agreements

    to ensure that operators o these small elds receive enough

    economic incentives to make their investment attractive.

    Signicant work has also been done to attract exploration and

    production (E&P) operators that specialise in small elds as well

    as acilitating collaboration between players to allow sharing o

    acilities and other synergistic measures to improve the economics

    o small eld development.AchievementsIn June 2011, the Petroleum Income Tax Act Bill Amendment was

    read and approved in Dewan Rakyat and later in July 2011, it was

    approved by Dewan Negara. The amendments will introduce new

    tax incentives or the oil and gas sector to unlock and monetise

    stranded oil and gas resources.

    Developing Small Fields ThroughInnovative Solutions

    The ve new incentives introduced under PITA are:

    An investment tax allowance o up to 60 to 100 per cent ocapital expenditure to be deducted against statutory income to

    encourage the development o capital intensive projects in the

    area o enhanced oil recovery, high carbon dioxide gas elds,

    high pressure high temperature, deepwater and inrastructure

    projects or petroleum operations

    The tax rate o 38 per cent currently or marginal oil eld

    development would be reduced to 25 per cent to improve

    commercial viability o the development

    Accelerated capital allowance o up to ve years rom 10 years,

    where ull utilisation o capital cost deducted could improve

    project viability

    Qualiying exploration expenditure transer between

    non-contiguous petroleum agreements with the same

    partnerships or sole proprietor to enhance contractors

    risk-taking attitude, which could encourage higher levels o

    exploration activity

    Waiver o export duty on oil produced and exported rom

    marginal eld development to improve project viability

    In addition to this, in January PETRONAS awarded a risk

    service contract or its Berantai marginal eld to a consortium

    consisting o, Kencana Energy Sdn Bhd, Sapura Energy Ventures

    Sdn Bhd (now Sapura Kencana Petroleum Bhd) and Petroac

    Energy Developments Sdn Bhd. Petroac Energy, with a 50

    per cent equity stake will lead the project, while Kencana and

    Sapura each take a 25 per cent stake. The partners are expectedto invest around RM2.56 billion in the development and are

    scheduled to complete the rst phase o oil wells in 2012.

    In August, PETRONAS awarded the Balai Cluster marginal oil

    eld oshore Sarawak to a venture involving Dialog Group,

    Australias ROC Oil Co and PETRONAS Carigali. Production rom

    all the elds in the cluster was planned to be online within 24

    months rom commencement o the development programme.

    Moving ForwardTo bolster production o crude oil and gas and maintain production

    at 650,000 barrels per day, additional licences to develop marginal

    ields will be awarded by PETRONAS in 2012. Having been passed,

    the Petroleum Income Tax Act will be utilised to incentivise newplayers to enter the marginal ield development segment.

    EPP 2

    PETRONAS awarding a risk service contract to the Berantai marginal

    eld consortium


    NKEA: Oil, Gas and Energ EPP 1 EPP 2

  • 7/31/2019 Eng Nkea Oil Gas Energy


    Dialog Group Berhad is leading a consortium to develop an Independent

    Deepwater Petroleum Terminal Project at Pengerang, Johor

    It has been determined that there are remaining resources that

    have not yet been discovered. However, these elds are likelyto be high risk, as the low hanging ruits in shallow waters are

    already in production.

    To ensure that the necessary exploration investments are made,

    PETRONAS, where necessary, will review the PSC terms and/or

    introduce new petroleum arrangements, and review specic

    processes to expedite uture exploration work.

    AchievementsIn March 2010, successul drilling o the NC3 wildcat well and

    a subsequent appraisal well brought signicant discovery or

    PETRONAS in Block SK316 with early estimation o 2.6 trillion

    standard cubic eet (tsc) o net gas in place. Production

    fow test results o the wells demonstrate that the eld istechnically producible.

    Intensiying Exploration Activities

    The Spaoh-1 well o 3,000m drilling depth, located in Block

    SK306, shows similar promise. It was drilled in December 2010and ound both oil and gas. The preliminary evaluation indicates

    around 100 million barrels (mmstb) o oil and 0.2 tsc o gas in

    place, respectively. Currently, the well is being prepared or

    production testing.

    Moving ForwardIn the next three years, over 50 exploration wells are expected

    to be drilled oshore Malaysia by PETRONAS and its production

    sharing contractors.

    (more on next page)

    In Southeast Asia, Singapore has traditionally had a signicant

    presence in the oil storage industry, with a total o 10 million

    barrels o independent storage capacity. In addition, by 2007

    it had built a signicant trading business worth more than RM1

    trillion in physical oil trade and RM2 trillion in derivative trade.

    With port locations on major shipping routes or crude oil and

    rened products, close proximity to Singapore, signicant land

    availability and deepwater marine accessibility, Malaysia is well

    placed to complement Singapore in this industry.

    AchievementsDialog Group Berhad is leading a consortium comprising o

    the State Government o Johor and Royal Vopak to develop

    an Independent Deepwater Petroleum Terminal Project at

    Pengerang, Johor with a total petroleum storage capacity o

    about ve million cubic metres.

    The terminal will have an initial storage capacity o approximately

    1.3 million cubic metres and is expected to be commissioned in

    2014. Department o Environment has approved the projects

    detailed environmental impact assessment and currently

    earthworks reclamation are in progress.

    In addition to this, Zhuhai Winbase has teamed up through

    a joint venture with RG Gas and Chemical (M) Sdn Bhd to

    develop Labuan oil storage terminal in Pulau Daat. This hub will

    provide land-based logistics and support services such as tank

    arms, oil terminals, container yards, abrication yards as well as

    complementing marine support logistics in Labuan.

    The rst phase o the project, would involve the building o a

    storage tank terminal, with a capacity o 300,000 cubic metres.

    The remaining three phases would include building a 1.5 million

    cubic metres storage tank terminal, engineering abrication

    yards like jacket platorms and other acilities, including waterstorage acilities.

    Earthworks are currently in progress and expected to be

    completed by end o December 2011. Construction o storage

    tanks will begin in the second quarter o 2012.

    In addition to this, Tanjong Agas Supply Base and Marine

    Services Sdn Bhd (TASBMS) is the concessionaire and project

    company to develop the Tanjong Agas Oil & Gas and Logistics

    Industrial Park on 4,260 acres o land in Tanjung Agas, Pekan,

    Pahang Darul Makmur.

    Building Regional Oil Storage and Trading Hub

    EPP 3

    EPP 4



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    The lack o gas supply, driven by declining domestic gas

    production, is cited to have resulted in limited additionalinvestment rom new industries, e.g. glass and plastics

    manuacturers and semiconductor waer manuacturers, as well

    as preventing current industrial diesel and liqueed petroleum

    gas (LPG) users rom switching to more competitively priced

    natural gas. It is estimated that there would be more than 500

    million standard cubic eet per day (mmscd) o additional

    latent gas demand by 2020.

    Domestic gas supply, including imports rom Indonesia and the

    Joint Development Area with Thailand, is expected to decline at

    12 per cent per year in the coming decade. Furthermore, there

    is insucient gas supply in the region to support additional

    piped gas imports into Malaysia. To meet this growing latent gas

    demand, a liqueed natural gas (LNG) regasication terminalwill be built to treat imported LNG. To make gas imports

    economically easible, the gas will be sold at a liberalised and

    unsubsidised price.

    Malaysia-based Muhibbah Engineering Bhd in concert with

    Perunding Ranhill Worley has been awarded a contract or

    the Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Installation and

    Commissioning alliance or an LNG regasication unit, island

    berth and subsea pipeline o the LNG Regasication Project rom

    PETRONAS Gas Berhad.

    The contract is valued at approximately RM1.07 billion, under

    which the consortium will undertake the construction o the

    LNG regasication unit, island berth and subsea pipeline. These

    acilities will be constructed near the Sungai Udang Port, Melakawith a capacity to send out 3.8 million tonnes o gas per annum.

    Unlocking Latent Gas Demand

    AchievementsPETRONAS is embarking on the countrys rst regasication

    terminal in Melaka. The acility is designed to receive, store and

    vaporize LNG with a maximum capacity o 3.8 million tonnes per

    annum (mtpa) (up to 530 mmscd). Its Jetty Regasication Unit will

    regasiy the LNG (into its gaseous orm) and the natural gas will be

    transported to demand centres through the existing Peninsular

    Gas Utilisation network. The project is estimated to be ready or

    commissioning by third quarter 2012, ahead o schedule which

    projected the rst phase to be operational in 2013.

    In December 2011, PETRONAS Gas Bhd set up a code o conduct

    which denes standards o behaviour and disclosure in respect

    o the provision o third-party access to the gas transportation

    system operated by the company in Peninsular Malaysia.Designed to provide a ramework and a clear third-party access

    regime through wide, transparent and uniorm principles to allow

    entities to gain access to the gas transportation system, the code

    will also ensure transparency, and air and equitable practices in

    all transactions within the gas transportation system.

    Moving ForwardThe ocus in 2012 will be to ensure that the regasiication terminal

    is commissioned in Q3 2012. This, coupled with PETRONASs set

    up o a code o conduct marks the beginning o the liberalisation

    o the natural gas market in Malaysia. Eorts to bring the sale o

    natural gas by PETRONAS up to market prices will also continue.

    The Tanjong Agas Industrial Park will accommodate the operations

    and activities within the oil and gas and maritime industries suchas shipyards, abrication yards, supply/logistics bases, a crude oil

    and petroleum storage terminal and a LNG/gas receiving and

    storage terminal. It will introduce support services and acilities

    such as port and marine services, a centralized integrated utility

    waste management plant, an oil and gas college, a ve-star

    mariners centre and business park. This park is projected to have a

    storage capacity o two million cubic metres.

    Vitol has signed an agreement with MISC Berhad to extend

    their current storage acility in Tanjung Bin, Johor. This project is

    expected to be commissioned in April 2012 with a base capacity

    o 841,000 cubic metres. Tanjung Pelepas Port has also committed

    to invest in expanding its existing storage acility, which has

    a capacity o 3.25 million cubic metres. In Tanjung Langsat,a consortium comprising o Dialog Group, MISC Berhad and

    Tragura will expand their existing storage acility to targeted

    capacity o 1.027 million cubic metres by 2014.

    epp 4 (continued from previous page)

    Moving ForwardOver 2011, several large corporations and consortiums havecommitted to construct and expand on petroleum storage

    terminals. The ocus in 2012 will be ensuring that these projects

    are implemented, with several slated to be commissioned over

    the course o the year. In addition to this, we will work to ensure

    that plans or uture phases o these acilities are realized.

    EPP 5


    NKEA: Oil, Gas and Energ EPP 3 EPP 5

  • 7/31/2019 Eng Nkea Oil Gas Energy


    Malaysia can be positioned as a cost-competitive and strategic base or installation activities in the AP region

    Attracting Multinational Companiesto Bring a Sizeable Share o their GlobalOperations to Malaysia

    Malaysia aims to attract 10 to 20 major

    international companies in the Oil

    Field Services and Equipment (OFSE)

    industry to bring approximately 10 per

    cent o their business operations to

    Malaysia. This translates to around 40

    per cent o their regional activities and

    would mean positioning Malaysia as a

    cost-competitive base or engineering,

    procurement and construction as well as

    a strategic base or installation activities

    in the Asia-Paciic region.

    In April 2011 the Malaysia Petroleum

    Resources Corporation (MPRC) was

    established under the Prime Ministers

    Department. Its main objective is to

    make Malaysia an oil and gas hub by

    2017. The organisation will acilitate

    cross-border investments and assist

    Malaysian oil and gas companies

    through the identiication o suitable

    markets and opportunities abroad.

    MPRCs Board o Directors consists o

    representatives rom PEMANDU, Malaysia

    Industrial Development Corporation

    (MIDA) and PETRONAS amongst others.

    AchievementsMPRC and Labuan Financial Services

    Authority (LFSA) have recently announced

    the Global Incentives For Trading (GIFT)

    programme. The GIFT programme is

    established to encourage global petroleum

    trading companies to use Malaysia as a

    platorm to enter the Asia Pacic market.

    To date, ve companies namely

    PETRONAS, Dialog Group Bhd, YTL Power

    International Bhd, UK-based BB Energy

    and Rotterdam group, Vitol Trading, have

    signed up or this programme and wereawarded a trading license each.

    The key incentives oered are:

    Flat corporate tax rate o three per cent

    o chargeable income

    100 per cent exemption on director

    ees paid to non-Malaysian director

    50 per cent exemption on gross

    employment income or non-Malaysian

    proessional traders and others in

    managerial capacity o the Labuan

    International Trading Companies.

    In July 2011, Schlumberger inaugurated

    the WesternGeco Penang Product Centre

    (WPPC) dedicated to the manuacturing

    and support o State-o-the-Art marine

    and land seismic equipment. By the end o

    2012, the WPPC will employ approximately

    300 people, combining local talent with

    international experience and expertise to

    integrate manuacturing capabilities with

    engineering resources and supply chain

    support through leveraging opportunitiesin Malaysia and across the region.

    Moving ForwardMPRC targets to have at least our more

    companies signed up by the end o 2012

    or its GIFT programme. MPRC will conduct

    international road shows in Houston,

    EPP 6

    Geneva and London to promote the GIFT

    programme and attract international

    oil traders to locate their operations in

    Malaysia. It also targets to win the bid as

    the host o the annual Oshore Technology

    Conerence, the worlds oremost event or

    the development o oshore resources

    in the ields o drilling, exploration,

    production, and environmental protection.

    It aims to host the conerence by 2014.

    The downstream industry o oil and gas will

    be kept driven by two key actors namely

    high oil prices, which have improved

    industry margins hence improving

    the economics or oil ield services &

    equipment business, as well as the shittowards more exploration and production

    activities in geologically-complex ields

    which increases demand or OFSE. Both

    o these actors are expected to continue

    to drive growth in the Malaysian OFSE

    industry over the coming years.



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    There are ve major oshore structure abricators in Malaysia,

    none o which has the required scale or track record to ecientlycompete with major regional players. Industry players say that

    there is a need or consolidation within the industry to match the

    scale and eciency o major regional players.

    Consolidating the many companies operating within the

    industry would require PETRONAS to award licenses to only a

    limited number o domestic abricators, who are open to such


    AchievementsIn September, Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Holdings

    Bhd (MMHE) made an oer to acquire Sime Darbys Pasir Gudang

    abrication yard. The acquisition, worth some RM393.5 million,

    Consolidating Domestic Fabricators

    is expected to be completed by Q1 2012, which will make MMHE

    the largest abricator in the country with its yard size increasing to488 acres. Its capacity will also increase to 69,700 metric tonnes

    per year.

    Moving ForwardDiscussions between OFSE players in Malaysia are underway,

    and in 2012 we target two additional mergers or acquisitions o

    domestic abricators.

    Developing Capabilities and Capacity ThroughStrategic Partnerships and Joint Ventures

    At present there are considerable gaps in the domestic OFSE

    industry, with Malaysian companies lacking capabilities and

    experience particularly in engineering and installation, limiting

    their ability to gain a strong share in the regional market. This

    EPP aims to incentivise domestic companies to orm joint

    ventures with world class companies to build their capabilitiesand track records.

    AchievementsBureau Veritas, a global leader in conormity assessment and

    certication services recently acquired Scientige Sdn Bhd,

    a Malaysian based company specialising in asset integrity

    management services.Through this strategic acquisition, Bureau Veritas will strengthen

    its local presence by enhancing technology and knowledge

    transers as well as expediting the level o in-house competency.

    The new organisation will serve as the heart o the technical

    operations in the South East Asia region, providing services to

    Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei and Indonesia.

    In 2011, Sapuracrest Petroleum Berhad and Kencana Petroleum

    Berhad laid out plans to merge. The merger, worth RM11.85

    billion, will create Malaysias largest integrated oil and gas service

    provider by assets. The merger is expected to be completed by

    Q1 2012, and SapuraCrest Kencana Petroleum Bhd will become

    the ourth largest provider in the world by assets.

    In addition to this, there were a number o strategic partnerships

    between local companies and international players. For example,

    Dialog Group and the Johor State Government ormed a

    consortium with Royal Vopak (rom the Netherlands) to develop

    an oil terminal in Pengerang, Johor. Partnerships between Petroac

    (UK), Kencana Petroleum and Sapuracrest Petroleum (both

    Malaysian) as well as between ROC Oil (Australia), Dialog Group

    and Petronas Carigali (both Malaysian) were ormed to develop

    marginal oil elds.

    Moving ForwardThe target or 2012 will be or two additional joint ventures.Strategic partnerships oer opportunities or domestic companies to orm joint

    ventures with world class companies to build capabilities

    EPP 7

    EPP 8


    NKEA: Oil, Gas and Energ EPP 6 EPP 8

  • 7/31/2019 Eng Nkea Oil Gas Energy


    SAVE, or Sustainability Achieved via Energy Eciency, is spearheaded by the Ministry o Energy,

    Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA)

    On average, Malaysia is 34 per cent more

    energy-intensive than its peer countries.We will ocus on ve relevant levers to

    improve energy eciency in Malaysia:

    The Government will lead by example1.

    on energy-eciency practices and


    Stimulate sales o energy-ecient2.


    The Government will work with3.

    Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) to make

    co-generation economically viable

    Regulate better insulated buildings4.

    Stimulate the sale o energy-ecient5.vehicles

    AchievementsSAVE, or Sustainability Achieved via

    Energy Eciency, is a programme

    spearheaded by the Ministry o Energy,

    Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA),

    to improve energy eciency in Malaysia

    through ve initiatives. It was launched in

    July 2011.

    This one-o initiative is to stimulate

    sales o energy-ecient appliances

    by providing rebates or rerigerators,air-conditioners and chillers to

    qualied consumers. The programme

    is implemented through collaboration

    between KeTTHA and utility companies

    (TNB , Sarawak Electricity Bhd, Sabah

    Electricity Sdn Bhd) with participating

    appliance and equipment manuacturers

    as well as retailers throughout Malaysia to

    reach the targeted groups.

    100,000 rebate vouchers or ve-star

    rated rerigerators worth RM200 each,

    and 65,000 vouchers or ve-star rated

    air conditioners worth RM100 each havebeen allocated to states across Malaysia.

    To date, about 12.4 per cent and 7.1 per

    cent o market share o ve-star rated

    energy ecient rerigerators and air-

    conditioners respectively have been

    recorded through the initiatives being

    implemented, with total energy saving

    accumulation o 66.3 GWh.

    In March, it was announced that Faber

    Group Berhad will spearhead the pilot

    project or the Energy PerormanceManagement System (EPMS) or

    government entities. Faber has

    commenced and completed energy audits

    at ve hospitals in the northern states o

    Peninsular Malaysia. Implementation o

    zero and low cost measures are expected

    to be completed by December 2011.

    To stimulate the use o uel ecient cars,

    the import duty on all hybrid cars has

    been exempted, bringing the cost o

    hybrid models such as the Toyota Prius

    and Honda Insight to more competitive

    levels. Sales o hybrid cars are expected

    to achieve record highs in 2011. This

    exemption was extended to the end

    o 2013 in the recent Budget 2012


    Moving ForwardPromotion o awareness in eiciency o

    energy utilisation will be increased in

    2012 onwards. This is targeted at creatingthe right public attitude in terms o using

    energy more wisely and eiciently.

    In the meantime the eicient management

    o energy programmes (Energy

    Perormance Contracting) in 120 top-

    energy-using government buildings will

    be urther explored or implementation

    in all government buildings and private


    Improving Energy EciencyEPP 9



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    PM Dato Sri Najib Razak on a si te visit

    Wind and solar hybrid plant at Pulau Perhentian Kecil. Photo courtesy o Tenaga Nasional Berhad

    By 2020, solar power is expected

    to contribute to a minimum o 220megawatts, as per the target under

    the National Renewable Energy Policy.

    Thereore, between 2015 and 2020,

    Peninsular Malaysia will need to build

    approximately our gigawatts o additional

    power capacity to meet rising demand

    while maintaining a healthy power reserve


    A regulatory ramework needs to be

    developed, both or the eed-in tari

    (FiT) mechanism as well as or any solar

    power plants that may come on stream

    once the cost o centralised solar powergeneration has reached parity with that o

    gas. Secondly, adequate business models

    need to be developed, including nancing,

    public-private partnerships and the role o

    the Government, the incumbent generator,

    TNB, and private operators. Finally, skills

    and learning need to be built in the orm

    o small amounts o solar generation by

    leveraging the FiT mechanism which was

    launched on 1 December 2011.

    AchievementsThe Malaysia FiT programme will

    be managed by Sustainable EnergyDevelopment Authority (SEDA), a statutory

    body under the Ministry o Energy, Green

    Technology and Water (KeTTHA). SEDA

    is a dedicated and ocussed agency that

    serves as a one-stop Renewable Energy

    (RE) centre.

    As o 28 April 2011, both the RE Bill and

    the SEDA Bill were passed by the Dewan


    SEDA started its operations on 1

    September 2011 and its ocial portal was

    also launched.

    Building Up Renewable Energyand Solar Power Capacity

    Applications or the FiT opened on

    1 December 2011, with quota or solar

    photovoltaic cells o 150MW, biomass

    (including solid waste) o 240MW, biogas

    (including landll) o 90MW and small

    hydro o 150MW oered to any interested

    party through an open online application

    system. The quota allocation or solar

    photovoltaic up until 2014 was almost ully

    applied or within 24 hours o its launch,

    whilst applications or quota allocationor biomass, biogas and small hydro have

    been similarly encouraging.

    Cypark Resources Berhad (CRB) will

    spearhead an initiative to build an RE

    park on 26 hectares o remediated landll

    in Pajam, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. The

    proposed RE park involves the integration

    o three potential resources available at

    the landlls i.e. solar, landll gas (biogas),

    and waste (biocell) into a scalable

    renewable energy project capable o

    generating up to 10 megawatts o power

    in Pajam landll alone.

    This project will be carried out through

    the private investment initiative o CRB.

    In December 2011, CRB was designated

    as one o the FiT approved holders, and

    will be allowed to sell solar energy back

    to TNB.

    Moving ForwardIn 2012 the target is to encourage

    individuals and households to install solar

    cells in their properties through the FiTcampaign. This will incentivise local solar

    cell manuacturers to urther exploit the

    growth in the local solar market, in the

    meantime, other sources o renewable

    energy such as biomass, biogas & small

    hydroelectricity will be continuously

    promoted. The possibility o ramping up

    the FiT system has been considered, but

    will be subject to signiicant consultation

    with the public. SEDA is in discussions

    with banks in Malaysia to streamline

    applications and draw up a ramework

    to inance solar and renewable energy

    investment projects.

    EPP 10


    NKEA: Oil, Gas and Energ EPP 9 EPP 10

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    EPP 12 explores Malaysias hydroelectricity potential. Photo o Kenyir Dam courtesy o Tenaga Nasional Berhad

    A projected increase in demand or energy, coupled with the

    Prime Ministers conditional commitment to reduce Malaysiascarbon intensity by up to 40 per cent in 2020 as compared to

    2005 levels has orced the government to reconsider the energy

    generation mix in Malaysia.

    Malaysias energy consumption level, relative to the size o the

    population and economy, is signicantly higher than its peers.

    To meet growing demand, an additional 6,000 Megawatts o

    electricity generating capacity is expected between 2015 and

    2020, with additional capacity required beyond 2020.

    Given the longer lead time or nuclear power projects than

    conventional non-nuclear power projects, the earliest a nuclear

    power plant can realistically be expected to be operational is in 2021.

    Deploying Nuclear Energyor Power Generation

    AchievementsTo spearhead this initiative, the Malaysia Nuclear Power

    Corporation (MNPC) has been ormed to lead the planning

    based on the current development timeline o 11 to 12 years,

    rom pre-project to commissioning. Dr Mohd Zamzam bin

    Jaaar has been appointed the Chie Executive Ocer o this

    newly established entity.

    Moving ForwardMNPC has since started its easibility study and is expected to

    submit a detailed report to the Government in early 2013.

    Sarawaks hydroelectricity potential is virtually untapped: only 0.6

    per cent o the estimated 20 gigawatts o potential power capacity

    is currently being developed (based on the study carried out by

    the SAMA Consultancy in the 1980s or the State Government o


    There are approximately 25 terawatt hours o latent power demand

    rom industries operating in Sarawak, Sabah and the neighbouring

    countries o Brunei Darussalam and West Kalimantan, Indonesia.

    AchievementsThe Bakun Hydroelectric power purchase agreement, signed

    between Sarawak Hidro Sdn Bhd owned by the Federal Treasury

    Tapping Malaysias Hydroelectricity Potential

    and state-owned Sarawak Energy Berhad, sets the base tari at

    6.25 sen per kilowatt-hour (kWh) with an annual tari hike o 1.5

    per cent.

    Moving ForwardDiscussions are underway to ensure that energy generated

    in Bakun is ully utilised. Further eorts in the hydroelectricity

    segment will ocus on developing small hydro power producers

    and getting them eed-in approved holder status in order to sell

    their electricity back to the utility companies via the FiT.

    EPP 11

    EPP 12



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    In 2011, two additional business opportunities were includedunder the OGE NKEA, the Renery And Petrochemical Integrated

    Development (RAPID) Project as well as the Sabah Ammonia

    Urea (SAMUR) Project. Both these projects are spearheaded

    by PETRONAS, and will be monitored in the OGE Steering


    Business Opportunit 1

    Process Improvements

    Global benchmarks o rening and petrochemical acilities

    demonstrate that signicant process improvements can

    be expected with these types o acilities over time. These

    improvements typically translate into eciency gains o 0.5 per

    cent per year representing an additional GNI contribution o RM3.4 billion. Improvement o overall processes and structure in the

    electricity generation sector is expected to add RM 1.5 billion o

    GNI contribution.

    Business Opportunit 2

    Economic Growth

    Malaysia has targeted a GNI growth o 5.9 per cent per annum.

    Achieving this is expected to raise consumption by 3 per cent and

    will have a knock-on eect on the oil, gas and energy sector. The

    increased consumption will require an additional two gigawatts

    o installed capacity to be built at a cost o RM9.6 billion, creating

    an estimated 2,500 jobs and adding RM11.2 billion to GNI. Theadditional transmission and distribution o this energy will create

    a urther RM5.6 billion GNI and require an investment o RM12.4


    Business Opportunit 3

    Project RAPID (Renery and PetrochemicalIntegrated Development)

    PETRONAS is spearheading the development o Project RAPID

    (Renery And Petrochemical Integrated Development) in

    Pengerang, Johor. Still at the detailed easibility study stage,

    RAPID will comprise a crude oil renery with a rening capacity

    o 300,000 barrels-per-day, a naphtha cracker with a combined

    annual production capacity o approximately three milliontonnes o ethylene, propylene, C4 and C5 olens and a urther

    development o about 22 mini petrochemical complexes.

    RAPID will be the largest green-ield investment within the AsiaPaciic region. RAPID is set to leverage on opportunities opened up

    by global mega trends in technological advancements, increasing

    consumer awareness and aluence. Through this project,

    PETRONAS is set to urther expand and diversiy its petrochemical

    business through volume growth, a more diversiied product

    base and more importantly, a greater ocus on premium specialty

    chemicals industry in the vibrant Asia Paciic market.

    RAPIDs project easibility is expected to be completed by December

    2011 and i approved, earthworks will start by Q2 2012.

    Business Opportunit 4

    Project SAMUR (Sabah Ammonia Urea)Sabah Ammonia Urea (SAMUR) Project is a project by Petronas

    Chemicals Group Berhad (PCG) to build an Ammonia Urea

    Complex in Sipitang Oil and Gas Industrial Park (SOGIP), Sabah.

    This project is one o the strategic developments in supporting

    the oil and gas industry or Sabah and will consist o an ammonia

    plant, a urea plant and a granulation plant, as well as integrated

    utility units and jetty acilities. The ammonia plant will produce

    2,100 metric tonnes per day (mtpd) o liquid ammonia while the

    urea plant will produce 3,500 mtpd o granulated urea.

    Construction is expected to start in Q2 2012 with completion

    targeted in 2015.

    Business Opportunities


    NKEA: Oil, Gas and Energ EPP 11 EPP 12 and Business Opportunities

  • 7/31/2019 Eng Nkea Oil Gas Energy


    2020 Trget

    Incremental GNI Impact RM131.4 billion

    Additional Jobs 52,300

    Criticl trgets for 2012

    To ensure enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques are implemented in existing oil elds

    Malaysia to win the bid as the host o Oshore Technology Conerence

    Energy Perormance Contract (EPC) implementation in all top 120 government buildings

    GIFT international promotion to attract at least our trading companies to be based in Malaysia

    To ensure commissioning o regassication terminal by Q3

    To enhance discovery o new wells by PETRONAS

    To increase production rom marginal oil elds

    To increase investment rom Multinational Companies into OFSE industries

    Increasing the penetration rate o SAVE awareness

    Ensure two mergers or acquisitions between oshore structure abricators

    To ensure two additional partnerships or joint ventures in the OFSE industry

    To ensure the Feed In Tari (FiT) allocation or biomass, biogas and small hydroelectricity are ully utilised

    Summar o Oil, Gas and Energ NKEA



  • 7/31/2019 Eng Nkea Oil Gas Energy


    H e r e a n d N o w i n M a l a y s i a

    Earl Child Care andEducation in Malasia

    knowledge, as well as create better

    career pathways or these teachers.

    The project, spearheaded by SEGi, is

    open to Malaysian teachers in service

    at registered private pre-schools.

    This training programme was

    interesting and interactive. There

    were many workshops, group

    projects and module presentations,

    and were excellent opportunities to

    practice the skills acquired during

    the training sessions, said Haryani.

    She pointed out, Good training and

    skills transer can only take you so

    ar. One needs to have the passion

    and interest and I strongly believe

    we must love what we do to perorm

    our best.

    The other consortium members

    o the ECCE Cluster include the

    Institute o Early Years Development,

    Kolej Dika, TAJ International College,

    Institute CECE, Ala International

    College (REAL Education Group),

    The Childrens House, and Kirkby

    International College.

    In November 2010, Haryani

    Kamaruddin, a preschool teacher,

    decided she needed additional

    training to become a better educator.

    She wanted to be part o Malaysias

    vision to raise the levels o pre-schooleducation and increase the number o

    children receiving such an education.

    Haryani was one o the many early

    childcare educators and minders

    in Malaysia that did not have the

    related qualiication needed or their

    current roles.

    She signed up or an Early Child

    Care and Education (ECCE) Training

    held over three weeks. This three-

    week training is managed by the

    Early Child Care and Education(ECCE) Training Centre Cluster. This

    cluster was set up to support the

    Governments objectives to raise the

    number o students enrolled in pre-

    schools and childcare centres.

    The aim o the ECCE Cluster is to train

    218,500 ECCE educators by 2020,

    heighten the teacher-workorce

    Good trining nd

    sills trnsfer cn

    only te you so fr.

    One needs to hvethe pssion nd the

    interest nd I strongly

    believe we must

    love wht we do to

    perform t our best
