Eng 153 Outline March 2015

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Transcript of Eng 153 Outline March 2015

  • 8/9/2019 Eng 153 Outline March 2015


    Universidad del Turabo en Yabucoa

    Course Guide

    Deanship of General Studies – Department of LanguagesSemester 20!02 "T 22

    Course Codi#cation$ English 153  Course Title$ Advanced

    Communicative English

    %eference$ 3877 Section$ 701Credits$ 3Da& ' (our$ Tuesday – Thurssday Class hours$ !:00 pm 7:!" am 

    %oom$ 10"

    "re)re*uirements+ Co)re*uirements and other re*uirements$ E#$ 15!

    "rofessor$ %ayd&e Cru' (ivera   ,)mail


    Telephone - .Universit&/$ +787, !--!0--   Cellular -

    ."rofessor/$ +787, .333-10

    1ce (our$ Tuesday .:30 pm.:5" pm

     A. Course Description The purpose o/ this course is to introduce students to the process o/ essayriting* tudents ill learn to analy'e essays2 ho to organi'e ideas2 support athesis statement2 use appropriate grammar2 and apply the cohesive elements o/riting*

    3 General b4ectives(ein/orce and epand the a4ility to read2 to thin2 and to rite essayso46ectively*

    C. Speci#c b4ectives  y the end o/ the course2 students ill 4e a4le to:

    1 denti/y the three parts o/ an introduction*! denti/y and rite a thesis statement*3 9iscuss and apply the structure o/ an essay*. ncorporate the dierent levels o/ outlining*5 ;rovide dierent alternatives o/ concluding paragraphs*- ummari'e and

  • 8/9/2019 Eng 153 Outline March 2015


    1 Computer! n /ocus3 EnglishDpanish 9ictionary. nternet ources5 @ideos- Tet4oo

    73 Course Content DistributionD8T, T(,6,S 8CT9:9T9,S;ST%8T,G9,S ,:8LU8T9<

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    ntroduction o/ Course

    Eploring theEssay

    ♦ Collect tudents in/ormation2Fvervie

    o/ the course +ylla4us9iscussion,2  ntroduction to Griting +rie/revie o/   the process o/ paragraph  development,H (evie paragraphs structure♦ Eploring the Essay: Ghat is an

    essayI=ee> -2

    .6arch A)8pril 2/

    %oly Gee +#o Class,

    =ee> -A .8pril B)/

    Griting thentroduction


    ♦ Griting the ntroduction: thehoo2  thesis statement and topicsentence2  supporting sentences and theconclusion  o/ a paragraph*♦ Group "ractice: Grite thesis  statements in class♦ =sing an outline2 Grite $eneraland  peciJc Futlines2 GritingAssignments  +$roup Gor,

    8ssignment -: p* !1!5 o/ the tet4oo

    =ee> -? .8pril ?)@/

    #arrative Essays ♦ s /or narrativeessays2  denti/y and rite the narrativehoo and  the thesis statement♦ "artial Test -

    8ssignment -2$ ;age!1!7

    =ee> -! .8pril 2)2A/

    #arrative Essays ♦ ree


  • 8/9/2019 Eng 153 Outline March 2015


      (elationship Gords -@ .8pril 2+ A0/


    ♦ Comparative ,ssa&s$ Eamplesand

    9evelopment o/ ComparisonEssays  ;atterns o/ organi'ation: locand  ;oint 4y;oint Bethod♦ rainstorming Tips$ @enn9iagram and  Kist Eercises2 Essay Griting2Getting  %ead& for 6idterm

    8ssignment -?: ;ages-!70

    =ee> -B .6a& !+ B/

    Cause EectEssays

    ♦ Cause) ,Eect ,ssa&s29eveloping Cause  and Eect Essays♦ 6idterm


    =ee> - .6a& 2+ ?/

    Cause EectEssays

    ♦ Cause) ,Eect ,ssa&s$ Griting a  ummary2 The Futline2 andConnectors♦ (evie /or ;artial Test  "artial Test -2

    "artial Test -2

    =ee> - .6a& + 2/


    ♦ Ghat is an 8rgumentative,ssa&2  Eamples and 9eveloping2Futline♦  %evieF for 7inal Test;7inal

    Test,3 ,valuation

    ,valuation Criteria 8mount :alue Total =eigh ./Class Gor andAssignments

    . !5 100 15L

    ;artial Test M1 1 100 100 !0LBidterm 1 100 100 !0L;artial Test M! 1 100 100 !0L>inal Test 1 100 100 !5L


    G3 Grade Distribution

    100"0 A8"80 7"70 C-"-0 95"0 >

  • 8/9/2019 Eng 153 Outline March 2015
