ENG 102-Research Paper Proposal

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  • 8/10/2019 ENG 102-Research Paper Proposal


    Sarah Reyner

    November 17, 2012

    ENG 102

    Research Paper Proposal

    High obesity rates among the lower classes is a statistic that seems

    contradictory, yet it is a growing epidemic in the United States. The problem is that the

    relationship between the two players cannot be distinguished by any scientific or

    systematic means. There is an infinite amount of causes but we must ask ourselves

    what is the main agent that has triggered the significant differences between the

    impoverished and the rest of the general public. Due to increased processed and

    decreased natural food availability and cultural cues, obesity in America has grown to be

    a rampant disaster. A solution and plan of action is critical because obesity is growing

    to be one of the most viscous killers of U.S. citizens, especially within the hunger

    stricken. Before we can formulate ways to halt the high trends of obesity in the neediest

    classes, we need to look at the large picture and dissect all contributing variables and

    then determine which are the most significant stimulants.

    There are numerous political, scientific, educational, and social figures who have

    invested a great deal of time, money, and interest into this cause. The American

    Department of Agriculture has been a sort of team captain in research and case studies.

  • 8/10/2019 ENG 102-Research Paper Proposal


    Funded by the U.S. government, this department has conducted a great amount of

    scientific and social investigations and aided in mapping out the nutritional division

    between low income neighborhoods and the more affluent households. Many

    contributing factors have been determined as a result of their case studies, but again,

    we cannot point our fingers at one trigger and ignore the minor ones. By using their

    research I will be able to see the issue from every perspective and how each factor

    contributes to the continuous rise in U.S. body mass.

    As previously stated, this is not a cause and effect ordeal. I, as a researcher

    and author will have to look at every dimension and attempt to unravel the complexity of

    the situation by determining which has the most affect. I will do this by investigating

    additional studies of obesity trends and other cultural trends that could be potential

    factors. I will be seeking first hand experience; someone who has seen both affluent

    and impoverished periods. It would be useful to inquire if they noticed any nutritional or

    differences and whether they received any physical side effects as a result.

    I may not be able to solve the contradictory riddle of the obese amongst the

    hungry, but by identifying several root causes and solutions I will be able to decipher

    several roads that need to be traveled to reach the ultimate goal of improvement. I do

    not expect to have a mapped out answer to my question, but I intend on identifying what

    approaches are the most plausible.

  • 8/10/2019 ENG 102-Research Paper Proposal
