Energy Sources and How We Utilse Them

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  • 8/9/2019 Energy Sources and How We Utilse Them



    World Energy Supply, are a combination of resources by which various nations of the world use to meet

    their everyday energy needs. Energy happens to be the basis of industrial civilization; without energy,

    modern life would cease to exist. During the 1970s the world began a painful adjustment to thevulnerability of energy supplies. In the long run, conserving energy resources may provide the time

    needed to develop new sources of energy, such as hydrogen fuel cells, or to further develop alternativeenergy sources, such as solar energy and wind energy. While this development occurs, however, the

    world will continue to be vulnerable to disruptions in the supply of oil, which, after World War II (1939-1945), became the most favoured energy source.


    Ability to give useful energy Easy to transport, store, and use Gives a steady flow of energy for a long time


    Petroleum (crude oil) and natural gas are found in commercial quantities in sedimentary basins

    in more than 50 countries in all parts of the world. The largest deposits are in the Middle East, whichcontains more than half the known oil reserves and almost one-third of the known natural-gas reserves.

    The United States contains only about 2% of the known oil reserves and 3% of the known natural-gasreserves.

    This form of energy is the most widely used source of energy since after it was discovered in 1857.Petroleum, or crude oil, naturally occurring oily, bituminous liquid composed of various organic

    chemicals. It is found in large quantities below the surface of Earth and is used as a fuel and as a rawmaterial in the chemical industry. Modern industrial societies use it primarily to achieve a degree of

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    mobility on land, at sea, and in the air, that was barely imaginable less than 100 years ago. In addition,

    petroleum and its derivatives are used in the manufacture of medicines and fertilizers, foodstuffs,plastics, building materials, paints, and cloth and to generate electricity.


    Geothermal energy, , is based on the fact that the earth is hotter the deeper one drills below the surface.Water and steam circulating through deep hot rocks, if brought to the surface, can be used to drive a

    turbine to produce electricity or can be piped through buildings as heat. Some geothermal energy systems

    use naturally occurring supplies of geothermal water and steam, whereas other systems pump water downto the deep hot rocks. Although theoretically limitless, in most habitable areas of the world this

    subterranean energy source lies so deep that drilling holes to tap it is very expensive.This form of energy is mainly applied in generating of electricity, geothermal water could be used directlyin spas (balneology), to heat greenhouses (agriculture), and to speed the growth of fish and prawns

    (aquaculture). The heat from geothermal water is used for industrial processes and for space heating in

    homes and other buildings. People in over 35 countries have developed geothermal water for suchpurposes.

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    Coal is a general term for a wide variety of solid materials that are high in carbon content. Most coal is

    burned by electric utility companies to produce steam to turn their generators. Some coal is used infactories to provide heat for buildings and industrial processes. A special, high-quality coal is turned into

    metallurgical coke for use in making steel.

    86% of the coal used in the United States is burned by electric power plants to produce electricity. When

    burned, coal generates energy in the form of heat. In a power plant that uses coal as fuel, this heatconverts water into steam, which is pressurized to spin the shaft of a turbine. This spinning shaft drives a

    generator that converts the mechanical energy of the rotation into electric power.

    Coal is also used in the steel industry. The steel industry uses coal by first heating it and converting it into

    coke, a hard substance consisting of nearly pure carbon. The coke is combined with iron ore and

    limestone. Then the mixture is heated to produce iron. Other industries use different coal gases given offduring the coke-forming process to make fertilizers, solvents, medicine, pesticides, and other products.

    Fuel companies convert coal into easily transportable gas or liquid fuels. Coal-based vapor fuels areproduced through the process ofgasification. Gasification may be accomplished either at the site of thecoalmine or in processing plants. In processing plants, the coal is heated in the presence of steam and

    oxygen to producesynthesis gas, a mixture of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and methane used directly as

    fuel or refined into cleaner-burning gas.

    On-site gasification is accomplished by controlled, incomplete burning of an underground coal bed while

    adding air and steam. To do this, workers ignite the coal bed, pump air and steam underground into theburning coal, and then pump the resulting gases from the ground. Once the gases are withdrawn, they may be burned to produce heat or generate electricity. Or they may be used in synthetic gases to produce

    chemicals or to help create liquid fuels.

    Liquefaction processes convert coal into a liquid fuel that has a composition similar to that of crude petroleum. Coal can be liquefied either by direct or indirect processes. However, because coal is a

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    hydrogen-deficient hydrocarbon, any process used to convert coal to liquid or other alternative fuels must

    add hydrogen.


    Synthetic fuels do not occur in nature but are made from natural materials. Gasohol, for example, is a

    mixture of gasoline and alcohol made from sugars produced by living plants. Although making various

    types of fuel from coal is possible, the large-scale production of fuel from coal will likely be limited byhigh costs and pollution problems, some of which are not yet known. The manufacture of alcohol fuels in

    large quantities will likely be restricted to regions, such as parts of Brazil, where a combination of low-

    cost labour and land, plus a long growing season, make it economical. Thus, synthetic fuels are unlikelyto make an important contribution to the worlds energy supply anytime soon.

    Like petroleum-based fuels, synthetic fuels can be used in a variety of applications in transportation,

    manufacturing, businesses, and homes. Because producing synthetic fuels is more costly than refiningpetroleum, however, the use of synthetic fuels is not widespread.

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    Nuclear energy is generated by the splitting, or fissioning, of atoms of uranium or heavierelements. The fission process releases heat, which is used to produce steam to drive a turbine to generateelectricity. The operation of a nuclear reactor and the related electricity-generating equipment is only one

    part of an interconnected set of activities. The production of a reliable supply of electricity from nuclearfission requires mining, milling, and transporting uranium; enriching uranium (increasing the percentage

    of the uranium isotope U-235) and packing it in appropriate form; building and maintaining the reactorand associated generating equipment; and treating and disposing of spent fuel. These activities require

    extremely sophisticated and interactive industrial processes and many specialized skills.

    Nuclear reactors are moxt widely used to generate electricity. But of recent, public opposition, high

    construction costs, strct building and operating regulations, and high cost for waste disposal makenuclear power plants much more expensive to build and operate than plants that burn fossil fuels

    In some industrialized countries, the electric power industry is being restructured to break up monopolies(the provision of a commodity or service by a single seller or producer) at the generation level. Because

    this trend is pressuring nuclear plant owners to cut operating expenses and become more competitive, the

    nuclear power industry in the United States and other western countries may continue to decline ifexisting nuclear power plants are unable to adapt to changing market conditions.


    Solar energy does not refer to a single energy technology but rather covers a diverse set ofrenewable energy technologies that are powered by the Suns heat. Some solar energy technologies, suchas heating with solar panels, utilize sunlight directly. Other types of solar energy, such as hydroelectric

    energy and fuels from biomass (wood, crop residues, and dung), rely on the Suns ability to evaporate

    water and grow plant material, respectively. The common feature of solar energy technologies is that,unlike oil, gas, coal, and present forms of nuclear power, solar energy is inexhaustible. Solar energy can

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    be divided into three main groupsheating and cooling applications, electricity generation, and fuels

    from biomass.

    Heating and Cooling.

    The Sun has been used for heating for centuries. The Mesa Verde cliff dwellings in Colorado,which date from AD600, were constructed with rock projections that provide shade from the high (and

    hot) summer Sun but allow the rays of the lower winter Sun to penetrate. Today a design with few or no

    moving parts that takes advantage of the Sun is called passive solar heating. Beginning in the late 1970s,architects increasingly became familiar with passive solar techniques. In the future, more and more new

    buildings will be designed to capture the Suns winter rays and keep out the summer rays.

    Active solar heating and solar hot-water heating are variations on one theme, differing principally in costand scale. A typical active solar-heating unit consists of tubes installed in panels that are mounted on a

    roof. Water (or sometimes another fluid) flowing through the tubes is heated by the Sun and is then used

    as a source of hot water and heat for the building. Although the number of active solar-heating

    installations has grown rapidly since the 1970s, the industry has encountered simple installation andmaintenance problems, involving such commonplace occurrences as water leakage and air blockage in thetubes. Solar cooling requires a higher technology installation in which a fluid is cooled by being heated to

    an intermediate temperature so that it can be used to drive a refrigeration cycle. To date, relatively fewcommercial installations have been made.

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    Waterpower, power derived from the fall of water from a higher to a lower level, and extracted by meansof waterwheels or hydraulic turbines. Waterpower is a natural resource, available wherever a sufficientvolume of steady water flow exists. The development of waterpower today requires extensive

    construction, including storage lakes, dams, bypass canals, and the installation of large turbines and

    electric generating equipment. Because the development of hydroelectric power requires a large capitalinvestment, it is often uneconomical for a region where coal or oil is cheap, even though the cost of fuelfor a steam-powered generating plant is higher than the cost of running a hydroelectric plant. However,

    increasing environmental concerns are focusing attention on renewable energy sources such as water

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    Wind Energy, energy contained in the force of the winds blowing across Earths surface. Whenharnessed, wind energy can be converted into mechanical energy for performing work such as pumping

    water, grinding grain, and milling lumber. By connecting a spinning rotor (an assembly of blades attached

    to a hub) to an electric generator, modern wind turbines convert wind energy, which turns the rotor, intoelectrical energy.

    Wind is created when air that has been warmed over sun-heated land rises, leaving a vacuum in the space

    it once occupied. Cooler surrounding air then rushes in to fill the vacuum. This movement of rushing airis what we know as wind.

    Egyptians may have been the first to capture wind energy when they sailed boats up the Nile River

    beginning around the 4th century BC. For centuries afterward, wind-powered sailing vessels plied theworld's seas and oceans, serving as the principal form of commercial transport. Wind energy has been

    harnessed on land since the first windmill was developed by the ancient Persians in the 7th century AD.Windmills have since been used to mill grain, pump water, saw timber, and provide other forms of

    mechanical energy.

    Because wind is a clean and renewable source of energy, modern wind turbines have been installed in

    many countries, including such nations as Germany, Denmark, India, China, and the United States, tosupplement more traditional sources of electric power, such as burning coal. Design improvements such

    as more efficient rotor blades combined with an increase in the numbers of wind turbines installed, havehelped increase the worlds wind energy generating capacity. In 2008 the United States was capable of

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    generating more than 25,000 megawatts of electricity using wind power, with about a third of that

    capacity located in the state of Texas.


    The energy of tides has been harnessed to produce electricity. In the summer of 1966, a tidal

    power plant with a capacity of 240,000 kilowatts (kw) went into operation on the Rance River, an estuaryof the English Channel in northwestern France. The incoming tide of the river flows through a dam,driving turbines, and then is trapped behind the dam. When the tide ebbs, the trapped water is released

    and flows back through the dam, again driving the turbines. Such tidal power plants are most efficient if

    the difference between high and low tides is great, as in the Rance estuary, where the difference is 8.5 m

    (28 ft). The highest tides in the world occur in the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia, Canada, where thedifference between high and low tide is about 18 m (about 60 ft). The Annapolis Royal tidal-power

    project came into service in 1984 and harnesses the massive water movement in the Bay of Fundy to

    generate electricity.


    Biofuel, fuel made from organic material produced by living things, in contrast to fossil fuels such ascoal, petroleum, or natural gas that come from long-dead plants and microorganisms. Biofuel includes

    any solid, liquid, or gaseous fuel produced either directly from plants or indirectly from organic industrial,

    commercial, domestic, or agricultural wastes. In principle, burning biofuels adds less carbon to theenvironment than burning fossil fuels because the carbon atoms released by burning biofuel already

    existed as part of the modern carbon cycle. Burning fossil fuels, on the other hand, always adds extracarbon because the carbon they contain comes from a buried source that was not part of the modern

    carbon cycle.

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    Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas thought to contribute to global warming. Biofuels are seen as

    one way to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide gas added to the atmosphere. Plants used for biofuelstake up the same amount of carbon dioxide as they grow as was released by burning biofuels made from

    an earlier crop.

    Biofuels produced and used

    within the same country are a way to reduce dependence on foreign sources of oil and other fuels,providing energy security and an economic boost for agriculture and industry. Biofuels are also a type of

    renewable energy resource, unlike fossil fuels, which cannot be grown or created. Other renewable energy

    sources include solar energy and wind energy.

    Biofuel use.

    The most widely used liquid biofuel in industrial countries is ethanol

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