ENERGY DEPOSITS - The Alexandrian Deposits.pdf ·...

405 ENERGY DEPOSITS ''All the ener that has been used rou e st millennium has been e resounnt, rebouncing reflection of e energies alrea occurrent on e globe ear wiout use of e. " Across the continent on which you exist are several energy deposits, each being represented by a large nal rock cstal f o ation deep within the bosom of the earth. These have been in operation throughout all time but have only been activated in several precise time eles of histo by those that ew at that time how to oper@e them, these being primaly those of the Hierarchy or the space brothers themselves, and those of other planetoid sources that have come h in different epoches of histo to suffice in helping the earth people. They have and have had the knowledge as to how to tap and draw the energy om these depots or deposits of energy. By drawing om them, Atlantis itself was sen and raised to a gre@ height and destroyed by the same energy, lase r ically. For the energy of these fields blended with negativi is disastrous, liken to one blending nitro and nitric contents with glyce r in oil quality. As long as they are separated, even though in the same coainer, the oil separating itself om the other element, all is well. But when they are xed, they are deadly, disastrous. Thus Atlantis was built and destroyed in the time of the great need to record and lay upon earth a record of all por history on the suace and globing of the earth, nning it ard unto the ve end, the need r this historic thing to be done, filled and laid upon the eah. In the day of the pyramids again the space brothers tapped r humanity and civilization itself one of these, thus the energy was used to constct, as I have specified, finish and allow it to be. In the days biblically and within you r Scriptures of undefined denominational occences insor as transcripral differences, negligences and myths, interetations, many of the phenomenalistic happenings and displays of energy, oects that appeared to be bing but never consumed; 1 the miracle of waters separ@ing and then closing;z of wate solidified and as ice or stone, even, though in the land there could not be a climate r it;3 when water clear and beail and sparkling as cstal murked and then became blood; 4 many times through your pieced together Scripral passages, consciousness of ceain individuals beneath the level of awakened noal consciousness, tapped one of these deposits of energy. Exodus 3:2-3 Exodus 14:16, 21-22, 26-28 3 Exodus 9: 19-24 4 Exodus4:9;7:17-21 3-

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Page 1: ENERGY DEPOSITS - The Alexandrian Deposits.pdf · 2018. 5. 21. · ENERGY DEPOSITS 407 becomes a stimulator ofthe heart centre in his



''All of the energy that has been used through the last millennium has been the

resoundant, rebouncing reflection of the energies already occurrent upon the globe earth

without use of these. "

Across the continent upon which you exist are several energy deposits, each being represented by a large natural rock crystal formation deep within the bosom of the earth. These have been in operation throughout all time but have only been activated in several precise time elements of history by those that knew at that time how to operate them, these being primarily those of the Hierarchy or the space brothers themselves, and those of other planetoid sources that have come forth in different epoches of history to suffice in helping the earth people. They have and have had the knowledge as to how to tap and draw the energy from these depots or deposits of energy.

By drawing from them, Atlantis itself was risen and raised to a great height and destroyed by the same energy, laserically. For the energy of these fields blended with negativity is disastrous, liken to one blending nitro and nitric contents with glycerin oil quality. As long as they are separated, even though in the same container, the oil separating itself from the other element, all is well. But when they are mixed, they are deadly, disastrous. Thus Atlantis was built and destroyed in the time of the great need to record and lay upon earth a record of all prior history upon the surface and globing of the earth, running it forward unto the very end, the need for this historic thing to be done, fulfilled and laid upon the earth.

In the day of the pyramids again the space brothers tapped for humanity and civilization itself one of these, thus the energy was used to construct, as I have specified, finish and allow it to be. In the days biblically and within your

Scriptures of undefined denominational occurrences insofar as transcriptural differences, negligences and myths, interpretations, many of the phenomenalistic happenings and displays of energy, objects that appeared to be burning but never consumed; 1 the miracle of waters separating and then closing;z of waters solidified and as ice or stone, even, though in the land there could not be a climate for it;3 when water clear and beautiful and sparkling as crystal murked and then became blood;4 many times through your pieced together Scriptural passages, consciousness of certain individuals beneath the level of awakened normal consciousness, tapped one of these deposits of energy.

Exodus 3:2-3 Exodus 14:16, 21-22, 26-28

3 Exodus 9: 19-24 4 Exodus4:9;7:17-21


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They have not been tapped in the last millennium. All of the energy that has been used through the last millennium has been the resoundant, rebouncing reflection of the energies already occurrent upon the globe earth without use of these. It has been used, reused and reused and loses its power of strength. In this time, as I have told and specified, when the Spirit of the Most High shall pour out upon all peoples the power, it shall be a combination, positively, of these energy deposits and all that they hold, with that of the power from out of the cosmic known existent spheres, that shall blend in positivity to be utilized. Thus many shall be touched and many shall manifest the gifts.s

Among the true beloved ones shall be the false prophets, blessed just as abundantly, or seemingly so, as those of righteousness and of true seeking. And as the power negatively was blended in Atlantis, the balance will be given in the forthcoming millennium by allowing the power to be blended with positivity. This is not, however, all consuming, for it is pointed. Very great and positive is the laser and it has been for some time. When misdirected, it can be disastrous. And to the eyes of those that seek to hold onto materiality, the positiveness of this blending that shall come forth in the coming millennium shall appear just as disastrous, for it is the same blessing that shall change the earth by the same way and/or mode. But I tell you that you can draw, if you seek, in your meditation and can attune the consciousness into fragmented, divisional aspects holding their continuity and unity and sending but one element out. This one element can reach and will go as if magnetically employed to the nearest point of the crystaloid source to draw vital life energy.

"He must study the laws of transmutation and be a student of that divine alchemy which will result in a knowledge of how to transmute the lower force into the higher, of how to transfer his consciousness into the higher vehicles, and of how to manipulate energy currents so that his own nature is transformed. He will then become a channel for the light of the Ego, and for the illumination of buddhi to pour through for the saving of the race, and the lighting of those who stumble in dark places. He must demonstrate the laws of radioactivity in his own life on the physical plane. His life must begin to radiate, and have a magnetic effect upon others. By this I mean he will begin to influence that which is imprisoned in others, for he will reach--through his own powerful vibrations--the hidden centre in each one. I do not mean by this the physical or magnetic effect that many quite unevolved souls have upon others. I refer to that spiritual radiation that is only responded to and realised by those who themselves are becoming aware of the spiritual centre within the heart. At this stage the man is recognised as one who can speak occultly 'heart to heart.' He

l Corinthians 12: 1-10


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becomes a stimulator of

the heart centre in his brother, and one who arouses men into activity for others.

The second hint is that as the aspirant becomes progressively radioactive, and as the energy of the inner God demonstrates more and more through the lower personality, the 'heat radiations' become so powerful that very definite results are produced of a personal, and also of an environal, nature ...

The final hint which can be given, may be summed up in the words that as the aspirant progresses, he not only balances the pairs of opposites, but the secret of his brother's heart becomes revealed to him. He becomes an acknowledged force in the world, and is recognised as one who can be depended upon to serve. Men turn to him for assistance and help along his recognised line, and he begins to sound forth his note so as to be heard not only in human but in deva ranks as well. This he does, at this stage, through the pen in literature, through the spoken word in lecturing and teaching, through music, painting and art. He reaches the hearts of men in some way or another, and becomes a helper and server of his race. " 6

Many upon the other side of your globing where there are other energy points and/or spots have operated in ignorance for centuries, their philosophy of founded evidentiality but without the basic true reality of how it is accomplished, is being taught and is rampant throughout the land, and I am speaking of those that know of the movement, the use, and the partakence by intaking of the prana force.

"3. Prana is the name given to the energy which is drawn upon the physical plane from the etheric aspect of all phenomenal life. That etheric aspect of the divine energy is a synthesis of energies. If the energy in which an individual primarily lives and moves and has the focus of his being is, for instance, predominantly astral, then the major expression of energy in his equipment will be astral or emotional feeling energy. He will react all the time to physical energy or prana and to astral energy or the many sentient emotional forces. These work out pre-eminently through the spleen, the solar plexus and the throat, and affect in different ways the physical spleen, the stomach and the thyroid gland. "

''Prana is fivefold in its manifestations, thus corresponding to the five states of mind, the fifth principle, and to the five modifications of the thinking principle. Prana in the solar system works out as the five great states of energy

Bailey, Alice A. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire pp. 863-866. 7 Bailey, Alice A. Esoteric Healing Volume IV A Treatise on the Seven Rays p. 328.


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which we call planes, the medium of consciousness . . . . The five differentiations of prana in the human body are:

1. Prana, extending from the nose to the heart and having special relation tothe mouth and speech, the heart and lungs.

2. Samana extends from the heart to the solar plexus; it concerns food andthe nourishing of the body through the medium of food and drink and has special relation to the stomach.

3. Apana controls from the solar plexus to the soles of the feet; it concernsthe organs of elimination, of rejection and of birth, thus having special relation to the organs of generation and of elimination.

4. Upana is found between the nose and the top of the head; it has a specialrelation to the brain, the nose and the eyes, and when properly controlled produces the coordination of the vital airs and their correct handling.

5. Vyana is the term applied to the sum total of pranic energy as it isdistributed evenly throughout the entire body. Its instruments are the thousands of nadis or nerves found in the body, and it has a peculiar definite connection with the blood channels, the veins and arteries." s

It exists within the air and within conditions about you truly, but it has not its source there nor its end there, and it is not out of the Divine Principle that it comes unendingly but indirectly it does so, but the vital life force that you draw into your body, that you can take through the skin, through the mouth and the nostrils, or through the mind, is the energy and vital energy stored within the nearest deposit to you that you have found a way through your meditative consciousness and level to attune to. Thus any that seeks it and will open into the cosmic awareness of consciousness can fragment and hold all the fragments unified, and send but one out to tap into these energy cells.

The same operation on a lesser scale is transpiring within this grouping. Though you will scoff at many things said, you are given the opportunity of free will and choice. You can challenge the I, for many years, for many times, by many souls, in the flesh and out I have been challenged, challenged as to the validity of certain things, and you will find not a statement made that is not fulfilled, without occurrence, without question. Only shall it differ slightly if, when it is told unto you, you accept it wrongly and add to the wrongness of it, negativity. Then it changes somewhat the course of the continuation of that happening. But only several times has it reversed itself, and I have explained

s Bailey, Alice A. The Light of the Soul pp. 329-330.


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unto those wherein and with that this happened, why it was reversed, being the exact opposite of that that I specified unto. Then you are given the right to do this as all souls have the right, but you shall spend your time futilely in trying to destroy that that the Hierarchs have built and lowered to touch the earth. But as I have spoken and you have scoffed, as I have said and given unto those as it was intended to, such things as energy demands. For energy as we are working with it to complete and compile, and build forth and bring forth up and out Alexandria, and to allow Alexandria to be the focus and in time to be the center of all incoming ray changes and the point upon the earth where the etheric touches it, the spiritualistic contact that I have had to limit primarily to those two that are leading and guiding you in flesh, that they not separate in distance more than a mileage given or for a greater time than I have laid and allotted for them, this holds true and will for a great length of time.

You call forth saying, unfortunately so, compare this inconvenience then to the blessings you have been given, to the rights you have been given, to the place and position that you have been given, to the knowledge and wisdom you have been given, to the accessibility to even greater knowledge that you are given and is shared with you, and it will seem but nothing, for each and every time you are confronted with a difficulty, Daniel, in it, so will the alternative answer be applicable and in your favor. And in explanation of why, I cannot tell you, for technically you could not comprehend. It would have to be shown unto you, for I could not even describe it, so indescriptive is the process.

But, lo, as we have worked with these two, so shall we start now to work upon other individuals. In the night many of you will notice that you are being worked with. Fear it not, for they are but the doctors and the minds of scientifiology and technology and etherealology working with you, purifying you, changing your consistency, hopefully, in the end result from corporeal being into light being, for children of light, in the end result, shall be liken to the Atlanteans in this relation, they shall be light beings of lesser density, of finer vibration. You know of that that I am speaking. You must tell this gathering, in the time allotted for the telling of them, of the difference in the density of the Atlantean peoples, and the peoples of the world now. And watch and within a given number of time elements and seasons the density primarily of my two sons but of the whole shall be markedly changed. Near the time that the White One steps upon the earth, Alexandria itself, the beautiful lady herself, shall be such a light essence that her ethereal nature shall transcend all the world has seen of ethericism. So fear not when you know you are being touched, manipulated and worked with in the nocturnal hours and when your dreams are erratic. Those that are to be pillars will be worked with firstly, then the others.


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And this is the subject categorized, called memory bank, the how that we receive our information, the source point from the knowledgeable pool of interdimensional play is the memory bank. All that are not in flesh, when transition occurs, the soul carrying a duplicate of every thought, theorem of technology, scientifiology, medicine, the arts, the crafts, the soul carries a duplicate of the knowledges that one contains and holds of these and a duplicate is made permanently in the memory bank. When that soul returns, they can manifest these same things but ordinarily do not do so quite so readily, because in duplicating twice they have lost part of their consciousness and memory upon it themselves, and it is a protectoric device unto many as well as a necessity. Thus the greatest minds as they have transcended in physical death have been duplicated, their memory and their knowledge to be used.

The minds of all time are recorded in the memory bank. Those things, these knowledges, these wisdoms are a part of that that has been compiled and given to you already, but the greatest majority have not and cannot be shared with you until you reach a few steps closer in harmony, until there are more within the family than now stands, and until each one that has a gift is willing to use it, to speak about it, and to show the Hierarchs that they are using the precious thing given unto them, for you have been fed forth enough. You have been given enough. You have been brought forth this far. When you show that you are in appreciation of that that has been given unto you, then shall you be carried even further.

Look through that that has transpired unto this point. More than ever could you absorb has already been spoken, more truths, more insights, more counseling, knowledges and confidences that can anyone in the rest of the life given unto you in this walk ever know or absorb, for it is given in many, many ways, each word and each sentence is symbolic, is relative, is literal, is poetic, is blank, is energized and depleted, all of these things. It serves as many purposes and many of the sentences go out to as many people as it has purposes, though it was given and meant unto one only. Thus who among you could fathom these things?*

* From TaPa's February 23rd 1972 dissertation.