Energy challenge team_outreach_presentation

29 100 Clinton Square, Suite 200, 126 North Salina Street, Syracuse, NY 13202 phone: (315)422-8276 fax: (315)422-9051 mail @ Climate Showcase Communities Local Climate and Energy Program Funding provided by the U.S. EPA through the Local Climate and Energy Climate Showcase Communities Program

Transcript of Energy challenge team_outreach_presentation

  1. 1. 100 Clinton Square, Suite 200, 126 North Salina Street, Syracuse, NY 13202 phone: (315)422-8276 fax: (315)422-9051 mail @ Climate Showcase Communities Local Climate and Energy Program Funding provided by the U.S. EPA through the Local Climate and Energy Climate Showcase Communities Program
  2. 2. to summon to a contest of skill, strength, or prolonged concentration: asinhowmuchmoneycanyousaveby monitoringyourhouseholdenergyuse for6weeks.Wellprovideyouwiththetips -youtestyourskillandshowustheresults. Youcouldsaveover$1,000inthe nextfewyears.Nice.
  3. 3. Not to mention all of the electricity that is wasted by certain appliances when we are NOT even using them. The challenge is for you to implement simple actions to reduce energy waste in your home. Sadly, the average home in Central New York is wasting about 30% of the energy used just to heat and cool it.he average wasting about 30%the average homeaverage home t 3 NOT even using them.ed by cered by ce What can you do? The Challenge?
  4. 4. Not to mention all of the electricity that is wasted by certain appliances when we are NOT even using them. The challenge is for you to implement simple actions to reduce energy waste in your home. Sadly, the average home in Central New York is wasting about 30% of the energy used just to heat and cool it.he average wasting about 30%the average homeaverage home t 3 NOT even using them.ed by cered by ce What can you do? The Challenge?
  5. 5. Not to mention all of the electricity that is wasted by certain appliances when we are NOT even using them. The challenge is for you to implement simple actions to reduce energy waste in your home. Sadly, the average home in Central New York is wasting about 30% of the energy used just to heat and cool it.he average wasting about 30%the average homeaverage home t 3 NOT even using them.ed by cered by ce What can you do? The Challenge? Eliminate drafts and cold spots Turn off/ unplug appliances when not in use Have your furnace and AC inspected and tuned up Improve insulation and air sealing Turn down your hot water heater (for every degree, save 3% on energy consumption) Replace old light bulbs with new energy efficient CFLs or LEDs. Replace older appliances, especially your refrigerator, with new ENERGY STAR models A few ideas:
  6. 6. to summon to a contest of skill, strength, or prolonged concentration: asinhowmuchmoneycanyousaveby monitoringyourhouseholdenergyuse for6weeks.Wellprovideyouwiththetips -youtestyourskillandshowustheresults. Youcouldsaveover$1,000inthe nextfewyears.Nice. Whats Included? Heres the basics: - FREE workbooks and a guidebook for each team - access to some neat gadgets like a Kill-A-Watt. - FREE support from the Energy Challenge - and More!
  7. 7. Whats Included? Heres the basics: - FREE workbooks and a guidebook for each team - access to some neat gadgets like a Kill-A-Watt. - FREE support from the Energy Challenge - and More! to summon to a contest of skill, strength, or prolonged concentration: asinhowmuchmoneycanyousaveby monitoringyourhouseholdenergyuse for6weeks.Wellprovideyouwiththetips -youtestyourskillandshowustheresults. Youcouldsaveover$1,000inthe nextfewyears.Nice. -Learn about how you use energy in your home, get a FREE* comprehensive home energy assessment, enhance your comfort, and save serious money on your utility bills. What will I do?
  8. 8.
  9. 9. 33% 11% 14% 13% 12% 4% 11% Heating Cooling Water Heating Lighting Appliances Electronics Other
  10. 10. 33% 11% 14% 13% 12% 4% 11% Heating Cooling Water Heating Lighting Appliances Electronics Other If every American replaced just one lightbulb with a light bulb that has earned the ENERGY STAR we would save enough energy to light 3 million homes for one year - equivalent to the emissions from about 800,000 cars. -U.S.DepartmentofEnergy
  11. 11. 33% 11% 14% 13% 12% 4% 11% Heating Cooling Water Heating Lighting Appliances Electronics Other If every American replaced just one lightbulb with a light bulb that has earned the ENERGY STAR we would save enough energy to light 3 million homes for one year - equivalent to the emissions from about 800,000 cars. -U.S.DepartmentofEnergy Get this: Your cable-box can draw an average of 446 kilowatt-hours of power per year: slightly higher than that of a new Energy Star- branded refrigerator (415), or the TV itself (Energy Star-branded 42-inch LCD, at 275 kilowatt-hours)
  12. 12. a number of persons associated in some joint action: likemeetingto reducetheirhomeenergyfootprint- savingmoney,learninghowtolivemore comfortably,sharingtheirexpericences withothers,andultimatelymaking theirhomes(andlives)better.Wow.
  13. 13. a number of persons associated in some joint action: likemeetingto reducetheirhomeenergyfootprint- savingmoney,learninghowtolivemore comfortably,sharingtheirexpericences withothers,andultimatelymaking theirhomes(andlives)better.Wow. ...[W]evebeenverysurprisedat(our)energy usage...ifIhadthemoneyavailable,Iwould lookintoupdatingsomeofmyappliances,like thewasheranddryer.Howmuchenergytheyuse isalotmoreonmymindthanbefore. -BetsyBurton, EnergyChallengeTeamParticipant
  14. 14. a number of persons associated in some joint action: likemeetingto reducetheirhomeenergyfootprint- savingmoney,learninghowtolivemore comfortably,sharingtheirexpericences withothers,andultimatelymaking theirhomes(andlives)better.Wow.
  15. 15. a number of persons associated in some joint action: likemeetingto reducetheirhomeenergyfootprint- savingmoney,learninghowtolivemore comfortably,sharingtheirexpericences withothers,andultimatelymaking theirhomes(andlives)better.Wow. Why Teams? To provide you with the support you need to learn about and take action to improve your energy performance at home; and because - come on, working in teams is way better than doing it on your own!
  16. 16. a number of persons associated in some joint action: likemeetingto reducetheirhomeenergyfootprint- savingmoney,learninghowtolivemore comfortably,sharingtheirexpericences withothers,andultimatelymaking theirhomes(andlives)better.Wow. Why Teams? To provide you with the support you need to learn about and take action to improve your energy performance at home; and because - come on, working in teams is way better than doing it on your own! Meet your Neighbors, Colleagues, Whomever -Share experiences, get support from your peers, and, who knows, maybe find some new people to invite to your next barbeque.
  17. 17. To prevent the waste or loss of; conserve.
  18. 18. To gain (a habit, mannerism, etc.) by experience, exposure to example, or the like; acquire: Shelearnedhowto readherutilitymeter,foundoutwhich appliancesconsumedthemostenergy,and sealedairleaksinherhome(wow).
  19. 19. To associate or mingle sociably with others: tosocializewithone'sfellowworkers, neighbors,friends,oranyoneelsethatyouwant togetfriendlywith(theymetduringlunch and foundmoretodiscusswiththeirco-workersthan justtheweather).
  20. 20. to increase the value of (your home) by betterments:Weaddedhome insulation,upgradedappliances,and sealedleaks;havesavedatonand aremorecomfortable!
  21. 21. It works! This is an experiment, and so far our hypotheses are spot on. Nice. Results (utility data) Methods are randomized control (true experiment) Results show reduced electricity consumption for the treatment group, relative to the control. Following the 3-month program (March, April, May), in the month of June the treatment used 29% less electricity than the control - (744kWh compared to 1146kWh) Prior to treatment (February) only 4% difference between treatment and control
  22. 22. Treatment effects (kWh) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 February March April May June July Treatment Control Reported means are adjusted for January baseline usage. Error bars show 95% confidence interval of the mean. It works! This is an experiment, and so far our hypotheses are spot on. Nice.
  23. 23. It works! This is an experiment, and so far our hypotheses are spot on. Nice. Treatment effects (kWh) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 February March April May June July Treatment Control Reported means are adjusted for January baseline usage. Error bars show 95% confidence interval of the mean. What a Team! Special thanks to the supportof NYSERDA and ourconsultant team at ActionResearch. The results shownhere were presented at the2012 Behavior, Energy, andClimate Change Conferencein Sacramento, CA!
  24. 24. What now? We need motivated individuals to serve as Energy Challenge Team Facilitators. Interested?
  25. 25. What now? We need motivated individuals to serve as Energy Challenge Team Facilitators. Interested? Want to form a Team?-Contact: Energy Challenge TeamCoordinator Amanda Sopchak @:e-mail: [email protected] phone: (315)422-8276 ext.215
  26. 26. What else? We have developed a website, a travelling display, and other materials to help get the word out in your community.
  27. 27. What else? We have developed a website, a travelling display, and other materials to help get the word out in your community.
  28. 28. What else? We have developed a website, a travelling display, and other materials to help get the word out in your community. a number of persons associated in somejoint action: likemeetingtoreducetheirhomeenergyfootprint-savingmoney,learninghowtolivemorecomfortably,sharingtheirexpericenceswithothers,andultimatelymakingtheirhomes(andlives)better.Wow. ...[W]evebeenverysurprisedat(our)energyusage...ifIhadthemoneyavailable,Iwouldlookintoupdatingsomeofmyappliances,likethewasheranddryer.Howmuchenergytheyuseisalotmoreonmymindthanbefore. -BetsyBurton, EnergyChallengeTeamParticipant If you answered "yes", then now is the timeto join other area residents to explore andimplement successful energy conservationmeasures for your home. Our team will meet every other Tuesdayevening between June 19 and August 21from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Location: TBD.Participation is FREE and a workbook isincluded. Sessions will be facilitated byJohn Pumilio (Director of Sustainability atColgate University) and Paul Crovella(Instructor at SUNY ESF and Madisonresident) . Meeting Schedule June 19: Kick-off meeting June 26: Meeting 1 July 10: Meeting 2 July 24: Meeting 3 August 7: Meeting 4 August 21: Meeting 5 September 25: Final Follow-up Meeting If you are interested in joining this groupor have any questions, contact JohnPumilio by email at [email protected] by phone at 315.228.6487. Participationis limited to the first 16 registrants. AreyouahomeownerintheHamiltonorMadisonarea? Doyouwanttosavemoneyonyourenergybillsandreduceyour carbonfootprint?
  29. 29. 100 Clinton Square, Suite 200, 126 North Salina Street, Syracuse, NY 13202 phone: (315)422-8276 fax: (315)422-9051 mail @ Climate Showcase Communities Local Climate and Energy Program Funding provided by the U.S. EPA through the Local Climate and Energy Climate Showcase Communities Program