Transcript of ENERGY AND EMPLOYABILITY LOCAL SOLUTIONS FOR NEW … · Energy & Employability Glossary 3...

Page 1: ENERGY AND EMPLOYABILITY LOCAL SOLUTIONS FOR NEW … · Energy & Employability Glossary 3 INTRODUCTION The glossary here has been conceived, not only as the end product of Comenius



Page 2: ENERGY AND EMPLOYABILITY LOCAL SOLUTIONS FOR NEW … · Energy & Employability Glossary 3 INTRODUCTION The glossary here has been conceived, not only as the end product of Comenius

Energy & Employability Glossary

Page 3: ENERGY AND EMPLOYABILITY LOCAL SOLUTIONS FOR NEW … · Energy & Employability Glossary 3 INTRODUCTION The glossary here has been conceived, not only as the end product of Comenius

Energy & Employability Glossary



The glossary here has been conceived, not only as the end product of Comenius multilateral project Energy and Employability - local solutions for new challenges, but also as a necessity of understanding the essential terms of the different types of renewable energy.

Our goal in making this paper was to bring together words from the languages of the countries involved in this great endeavor of making students aware of the need for alternative sources of producing electricity. The common denominator was English, the language in which the project was conducted.

The glossary includes alphabetically ordered terms, related to the main areas of green energy production: biomass, hydro-energy, solar energy, wind energy, to which are added economic terms and technical parameters used during the project.

The result of a joint effort of all partners, the glossary is a testimony over time

of student involvement in the selection of terms, translation and layout, the final

product (the outcome) being useful to all.

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Energy & Employability Glossary



EN acid

FR. acide

DE. Säure

EL. νμύ

ES. ácido

TR. asit

RO. Acid

EN agitator

FR. agitateur

DE. Agitator

EL. ηαξαρνπνηόο

ES. agitador

TR. karıştırıcı

RO. agitator/centrifugă

EN agricultural wastes

FR. déchets agricoles

DE. landwirtschaftlichen Abfällen

EL. γεσξγηθά απόβιεηα

ES. desechos agrícolas

TR. tarımsal atıklar

RO. deşeuri agricole

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EN Agriculture

FR. agriculture

DE. Landwirtschaft

EL. γεσξγία

ES. agricultura

TR. tarım

RO. agricultură

EN alcohol

FR. alcool

DE. Alkohol

EL. αιθνόι

ES. alcohol

TR. alkol

RO. alcool

EN animals

FR. animaux

DE. Tiere

EL. δώα

ES. animales

TR. hayvanlar

RO. animale

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EN aquatic plants

FR. les plantes aquatiques

DE. Wasserpflanzen

EL. πδξόβηα θπηά

ES. plantas acuáticas

TR. su bitkileri

RO. plante acvatice

EN bacteria

FR. bactéries

DE. Bakterien

EL. βαθηήξην

ES. bacterias

TR. bakteri

RO. bacterie

EN bark

FR. écorce

DE. Rinde

EL. θινηόο

ES. ladrido

TR. ağaç kabuğu

RO. scoarţă

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EN biodegradable

FR. biodégradable

DE. biologisch abbaubar

EL. βηναπνηθνδνκήζηκν

ES. biodegradable

TR. bakterilerle ayrışabilen

RO. biodegradabil

EN biogas

FR. biogaz

DE. Biogas

EL. βηναεξίνπ

ES. biogás

TR. biyogaz

RO. biogaz

EN biogas system

FR. système de biogaz

DE. Biogasanlage

EL. βηναέξην ζύζηεκα

ES. sistema de biogás

TR. biyogaz sistemi

RO. sistem pe biogaz

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EN biomass

FR. biomasse

DE. Biomasse

EL. ε βηνκάδα

ES. biomasa

TR. biyokütle

RO. biomasă

EN burning

FR. combustion

DE. Brennen

EL. θαύζε

ES. ardor

TR. yakici

RO. ardere

EN carbon

FR. carbone

DE. Kohlenstoff

EL. άλζξαθαο

ES. carbono

TR. karbon

RO. carbon

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EN coal

FR. charbon

DE. Kohle

EL. άλζξαθαο

ES. carbón

TR. kömür

RO. cărbune

EN corn

FR. maïs

DE. Mais

EL. θαιακπόθη

ES. maíz

TR. mısır

RO. porumb

EN crops

FR. cultures

DE. Kulturen

EL. θαιιηέξγεηεο

ES. cultivos

TR. ürün

RO. culturi

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EN decompose

FR. décomposer

DE. zersetzen

EL. απνζπληίζεληαη

ES. descomponer

TR. Çürütmek

RO. a descompune

EN ecology

FR. écologie

DE. Ökologie

EL. νηθνινγία

ES. ecología

TR. ekoloji

RO. ecologie

EN electricity

FR. électricité

DE. Strom

EL. ειεθηξηζκόο

ES. electricidad

TR. elektrik

RO. electricitate

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EN engine

FR. moteur

DE. Motor

EL. κεραλή

ES. motor

TR. motor

RO. motor

EN extractives

FR. extractives

DE. Extraktstoffe

EL. εθρπιίζκαηα

ES. extractivos

TR. çıkarıcılar

RO. extractive

EN feedstock

FR. charge

DE. Ausgangsmaterial

EL. πξώηε ύιε

ES. materia prima

TR. hammadde

RO. materii prime

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EN fermenter

FR. fermenteur

DE. Fermenter

EL. κε βιαπηηθόο ραξαθηήξαο

ES. fermentador

TR. fermentör

RO. ferment

EN fertilizer

FR. engrais

DE. Dünger

EL. ιίπαζκα

ES. fertilizante

TR. gübre

RO. fertilizator

EN foliage

FR. feuillage

DE. Laub

EL. θύιισκα

ES. follaje

TR. yapraklar

RO. frunziş

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EN food waste

FR. déchets alimentaires

DE. Lebensmittelabfälle

EL. απόβιεηα ηξνθίκσλ

ES. residuos de alimentos

TR. atık gıda

RO. deşeuri alimentare

EN fossil fuels

FR. combustibles fossiles

DE. fossilen Brennstoffen

EL. νξπθηά θαύζηκα

ES. combustibles fósiles

TR. fosil yakıtlar

RO. combustibili fosili

EN fuel

FR. carburant

DE. Kraftstoff

EL. θαύζηκα

ES. combustible

TR. yakıt

RO. combustibil

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EN gas

FR. gaz

DE. Gas

EL. αέξην

ES. gas

TR. gaz

RO. gaz

EN gasify

FR. gazéifier

DE. vergasen

EL. αεξηνπνηώ

ES. gasificar

TR. gaz haline getirmek

RO. gazeifica

EN grain

FR. grain

DE. Getreide

EL. ζηηεξά

ES. grano

TR. tahıl

RO. cereale

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EN heat

FR. chaleur

DE. Wärme

EL. ζεξκόηεηα

ES. calor

TR. ısı

RO. căldură

EN hydrogen sulfid

FR. sulfure d'hydrogène

DE. Schwefelwasserstoff

EL. ην πδξνγνλό sulfid

ES. sulfuro de hidrógeno

TR. hidrojen sülfit

RO. sulfid de hidrogen

EN incinerator

FR. incinérateur

DE. Verbrennungsanlage

EL. θιίβαλνο

ES. incinerador

TR. çöp yakma fırını

RO. crematoriu

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EN industrial waste

FR. déchets industriels

DE. Industrieabfälle

EL. βηνκεραληθά απόβιεηα

ES. desechos industriales

TR. endüstriyel atık

RO. deşeuri industriale

EN landfill gas

FR. gaz d'enfouissement

DE. Deponiegas

EL. αέξην ρώξνπ ηαθήο απνξξηκκάησλ

ES. gas de relleno sanitario

TR. çöp gazı

RO. gaz de depozit

EN living organisms

FR. les organismes vivants

DE. lebenden Organismen

EL. δσληαλνύο νξγαληζκνύο

ES. organismos vivos

TR. canlı organizmalar

RO. organisme vii

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EN methan

FR. méthane

DE. Methan

EL. κεζαλίνπ

ES. methan

TR. metan

RO. metan

EN methanol

FR. méthanol

DE. Methanol

EL. κεζαλόιε

ES. metanol

TR. metanol

RO. metanol

EN mix

FR. mélanger

DE. mischen

EL. κείγκα

ES. mezclar

TR. karışım

RO. amestec

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EN molecules

FR. molécules

DE. Moleküle

EL. κόξηα

ES. moléculas

TR. moleküller

RO. molecule

EN oil

FR. huile

DE. Öl

EL. ιάδη

ES. aceite

TR. petrol

RO. petrol

EN organic waste

FR. déchets organiques

DE. Organischer Abfall

EL. νξγαληθά απόβιεηα

ES. residuos orgánicos

TR. organik Çöpler

RO. deşeuri organice

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EN pit

FR. fosse

DE. Grube

EL. ιάθνο,θνπθνύηζη,ππξελ

ES. pozo

TR. çukur

RO. groapă

EN plants

FR. plantes

DE. Pflanzen

EL. θπηά

ES. plantas

TR. bitkiler

RO. plante

EN renewable energy

FR. énergies renouvelables

DE. erneuerbare Energie

EL. αλαλεώζηκεο πεγέο ελέξγεηαο

ES. Energías Renovables

TR. yenilenebilir enerji

RO. energie regenerabilă

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EN restoration

FR. restauration

DE. Restaurierung

EL. απνθαηάζηαζε

ES. restauración

TR. restorasyon

RO. restaurare

EN sawdust

FR. sciure

DE. Sägemehl

EL. πξηνλίδηα

ES. aserrín

TR. talaş

RO. rumeguş

EN silviculture

FR. sylviculture

DE. Waldbau

EL. δαζνθνκία

ES. silvicultura

TR. ağaçlandırma

RO. silvicultură

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EN softwood

FR. bois tendre

DE. Weichholz

EL. καιαθό μύιν

ES. madera blanda

TR. kozalaklı ağaçlar

RO. răşinoase

EN stir

FR. émoi

DE. umrühren

EL. ζαιεύσ,ηαξαρή

ES. conmoción

TR. karıştırmak

RO. agitaţie

EN tar

FR. goudron

DE. Teer

EL. πίζζα

ES. alquitrán

TR. katran

RO. gudron

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EN tree

FR. arbre

DE. Baum

EL. δέληξν

ES. árbol

TR. ağaç

RO. copac

EN wood

FR. bois

DE. Holz

EL. μύιν

ES. madera

TR. odun

RO. lemn

EN yeast

FR. levure

DE. Hefe

EL. δύκε

ES. levadura

TR. maya

RO. Drojdie

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Economic terms


EN. amortization

FR. amortissement

DE. Amortisation

EL. απνζβέζεηο

ES. amortización

TR. amortisman

RO. amortizare

EN. annual

FR. annuel

DE. jährlichen

EL. εηήζηνο

ES. anual

TR. yıllık

RO. anual

EN. capital

FR. capital

DE. Kapital

EL. θεθάιαην, πξσηεύνπζα

ES. capital

TR. anapara

RO. capital

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Economic terms


EN. competitiveness

FR. compétitivité

DE. Wettbewerbsfähigkeit

EL. αληαγσληζηηθόηεηα

ES. competitividad

TR. rekabet

RO. competitivitate

EN. costs

FR. frais

DE. Kosten

EL. δηθαζηηθά έμνδα

ES. costos

TR. maliyet

RO. costuri

EN. earnings

FR. bénéfices

DE. Ertrag

EL. θέξδε

ES. ganancias

TR. kazançlar

RO. câştiguri

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Economic terms


EN. economic terms

FR. termes économiques

DE. Wirtschaftliche Begriffe

EL. από νηθνλνκηθή άπνςε

ES. términos económicos

TR. ekonomik terimler

RO. termeni economici

EN. economy

FR. économie

DE. Wirtschaftlichkeit

EL. νηθνλνκία

ES. economía

TR. ekonomi

RO. economie

EN. education

FR. éducation

DE. Ausbildung

EL. εθπαίδεπζε

ES. educación

TR. eğitim

RO. educaţie

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Economic terms


EN. efficiency

FR. efficacité

DE. Leistungsfähigkeit

EL. απνδνηηθόηεηα

ES. eficiencia

TR. verim

RO. eficienţă

EN. energy market

FR. marché de l'énergie

DE. Energiemarkt

EL. αγνξά ελέξγεηαο

ES. mercado de la energía

TR. enerji piyasası

RO. piaţa de energie

EN. energy prices

FR. prix de l'énergie

DE. Energiepreise

EL. ησλ ηηκώλ ηεο ελέξγεηαο

ES. precios de la energía

TR. enerji fiyatları

RO. preţul energiei

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Economic terms


EN. globalization

FR. la mondialisation

DE. Globalisierung

EL. παγθνζκηνπνίεζε

ES. globalización

TR. küreselleşme

RO. globalizare

EN. green certificates

FR. certificats verts

DE. grüne Zertifikate

EL. πξάζηλα πηζηνπνηεηηθά

ES. certificados verdes

TR. yeşil sertifikalar

RO. certificate verzi

EN. gross national product

FR. produit national brut

DE. Bruttosozialprodukt

EL. αθαζάξηζην εζληθό πξντόλ

ES. producto nacional bruto

TR. kişi başına düşen gelir

RO. produsul intern brut

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Economic terms


EN. income

FR. revenu

DE. Gewinn

EL. εηζόδεκα

ES. ingresos

TR. gelir

RO. venit

EN. investment

FR. investissement

DE. Investition

EL. επέλδπζε

ES. inversión

TR. yatırım

RO. investiţie

EN. long-terms benefits

FR. avantages à long termes

DE. Lang Begriffe Vorteile

EL. καθξνπξόζεζκεο παξνρέο

ES. largo plazos beneficios

TR. uzun dönem faydaları

RO. beneficii pe termen lung

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Economic terms


EN. market economy

FR. économie de marché

DE. Marktwirtschaft

EL. νηθνλνκία ηεο αγνξάο

ES. economía de mercado

TR. Pazar ekonomisi

RO. economie de piaţă

EN. performance

FR. performance

DE. Leistung

EL. επίδνζε

ES. rendimiento

TR. performans

RO. performanţă

EN. price liberalized

FR. prix libéralisé

DE. Preis liberalisiert

EL. ηηκή ειεπζεξσζεί

ES. precio liberalizado

TR. serbest fiyat

RO. preţ liberalizat

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Economic terms


EN. productivity

FR. productivité

DE. Produktivität

EL. παξαγσγηθόηεηα

ES. productividad

TR. üretim

RO. productivitate

EN. profitability

FR. rentabilité

DE. Rentabilität

EL. απνδνηηθόηεηα

ES. rentabilidad

TR. kar

RO. profit

EN. rationalization

FR. rationalisation

DE. Rationalisierung

EL. εμνξζνινγηζκνύ

ES. racionalización

TR. rasyonelleştirme

RO. raţionalizare

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Economic terms


EN. regulated price

FR. prix réglementé

DE. geregelt Preis

EL. ξπζκηδόκελε ηηκή

ES. precio regulado

TR. düzenlenmiş fiyat

RO. preţ reglementat

EN. sales

FR. ventes

DE. Umsatz

EL. πσιήζεηο

ES. Venta

TR. satışlar

RO. vânzări

EN. social market economy

FR. économie sociale de marché

DE. Soziale Marktwirtschaft

EL. θνηλσληθή νηθνλνκία ηεο αγσξάο

ES. economía social de mercado

TR. sosyal Pazar ekonomisi

RO. economie socială de piaţă

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Employability terms


EN. announcement (employability)

FR. annonce (employabilité)

DE. Ankündigung (Beschäftigungsfähigkeit)

EL. αλαθνίλσζεο (απαζρνιεζηκόηεηα)

ES. anuncio (empleabilidad)

TR. duyuru (istihdam)

RO. anunţ (de angajare)

EN. assessment grid

FR. grille d'évaluation

DE. Bewertungsraster

EL. ζύζηεκα αμηνιόγεζεο

ES. tabla de evaluación

TR. değerlendirme sistemi

RO. grila de evaluare

EN. career

FR. carrière

DE. Karriere

EL. θαξηέξα

ES. carrera

TR. kariyer

RO. carieră

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Employability terms


EN. career plans

FR. carrière plaint

DE. beschwerte Karriere

EL. παξαπνλέζεθε θαξηέξα

ES. carrera quejado

TR. kariyer planları

RO. planuri de carieră

EN. communication

FR. communication

DE. Kommunikation

EL. επηθνηλσλία

ES. comunicación

TR. iletişim

RO. comunicare

EN. counseling

FR. conseil

DE. Beratung

EL. ζπκβνπιεπηηθή

ES. asesoramiento

TR. danışmanlık

RO. consiliere

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Employability terms


EN. creativity

FR. créativité

DE. Kreativität

EL. δεκηνπξγηθόηεηα

ES. creatividad

TR. yaratıcılık

RO. creativitate

EN. department

FR. département

DE. Abteilung

EL. ηκήκα

ES. departamento

TR. bölüm

RO. departament

EN. direct jobs in the field

FR. emplois directs dans le domaine

DE. direkte Arbeitsplätze im Bereich

EL. άκεζεο ζέζεηο εξγαζίαο ζηνλ ηνκέα

ES. empleos directos en el campo

TR. alanında doğrudan işler

RO. locuri de muncă directe în domeniul…

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Employability terms


EN. emergency situations

FR. Situations d'urgence

DE. Notfallsituationen

EL. θαηαζηάζεηο έθηαθηεο αλάγθεο

ES. Situaciones de emergencia

TR. acil durumlar

RO. situaţii de urgenţă

EN. employed

FR. occupée

DE. beschäftigt

EL. κηζζσηόο

ES. empleado

TR. istihdam

RO. angajat

EN. employment interview

FR. entrevue d'emploi

DE. Beschäftigung Interview

EL. ζπλέληεπμε εξγαζίαο

ES. entrevista de empleo

TR. iş görüşmesi

RO. interviu de angajare

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Energy & Employability Glossary

Employability terms


EN. employment jobs

FR. emplois d'emploi

DE. Beschäftigung Arbeitsplätze

EL. ζέζεηο απαζρόιεζεο

ES. puestos de trabajo de empleo

TR. istihdam işleri

RO. ocuparea forţei de muncă

EN. equipment serviced

FR. travaux de maintenance

DE. Ausrüstung gewartet

EL. εμνπιηζκό πνπ εμππεξεηνύληαη

ES. reparar el equipo

TR. hizmet ekipmanları

RO. echipamente de service

EN. Human Resources

FR. Ressources humaines

DE. Human Resources

EL. Αλζξώπηλν Δπλακηθό

ES. Recursos Humanos

TR. İnsan Kaynakları

RO. Resurse Umane

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Energy & Employability Glossary

Employability terms


EN. indirect jobs / the related field

FR. emplois indirects / le domaine connexe

DE. indirekte Arbeitsplätze / das Bezugsfeld

EL. έκκεζεο ζέζεηο εξγαζίαο / ην ζρεηηθό ηνκέα

ES. empleos indirectos / el campo relacionado

TR. dolaylı iş / ilgili alan

RO. locuri de muncă indirecte / domeniu conex

EN. information

FR. information

DE. Informationen

EL. πιεξνθνξίεο

ES. información

TR. bilgi

RO. informaţii

EN. interview form

FR. forme d'entrevue

DE. Interviewform

EL. κνξθή ζπλέληεπμεο

ES. formulario de entrevista

TR. görüşme formu

RO. formular de interviu

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Energy & Employability Glossary

Employability terms


EN. job description

FR. Description de l'emploi

DE. Tätigkeitsbeschreibung

EL. πεξηγξαθή ηεο ζέζεο εξγαζίαο

ES. descripción del trabajo

TR. iş tanımlaması

RO. fişa postului

EN. jobs

FR. emplois

DE. Arbeitsplätze

EL. ζέζεηο εξγαζίαο

ES. puestos de trabajo

TR. işler

RO. locuri de munca

EN. jobs available

FR. emplois disponibles

DE. Arbeitsplätze zur Verfügung

EL. δηαζέζηκεο ζέζεηο εξγαζίαο

ES. puestos de trabajo disponibles

TR. mevcut işler

RO. locuri de munca disponibile

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Energy & Employability Glossary

Employability terms


EN. jobs in green energy

FR. emplois dans les énergies vertes

DE. Arbeitsplätze in grüne Energie

EL. ζέζεηο εξγαζίαο ζηελ πξάζηλε ελέξγεηα

ES. puestos de trabajo en la energía verde

TR. yeşil enerji işleri

RO. locuri de muncă în domeniul energiilor verzi

EN. jobs in renewable energy

FR. emplois dans les énergies renouvelables

DE. Jobs in Erneuerbare Energien

EL. Εξγαζίεο ζε Αλαλεώζηκεο Πεγέο Ελέξγεηαο

ES. Trabajo en Energía Renovable

TR. Yenilenebilir Enerji İşleri

RO. locuri de muncă în domeniul energiei regenerabile

EN. labor market

FR. marché du travail

DE. Arbeitsmarkt

EL. αγνξά Εξγαζίαο

ES. mercado de trabajo

TR. işgücü piyasası

RO. piaţa forţei de muncă

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Energy & Employability Glossary

Employability terms


EN. labor market insertion

FR. insertion dans le marché du travail

DE. Arbeitsmarkteinführungs

EL. εηζαγσγή ζηελ αγνξά εξγαζίαο

ES. La inserción laboral

TR. işe girme

RO. inserţia pe piaţa forţei de muncă

EN. letter of intent

FR. lettre d'intention

DE. Absichtserklärung

EL. επηζηνιή πξνζέζεσλ

ES. carta de intención

TR. niyet mektubu

RO. scrisoare de intenţie

EN. occupational classification

FR. classification des professions

DE. Berufsklassifikation

EL. επαγγεικαηηθή θαηάηαμε

ES. clasificación profesional

TR. mesleki sınıflama

RO. clasificarea locurilor de muncă

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Energy & Employability Glossary

Employability terms


EN. qualification

FR. qualification

DE. Qualifikation

EL. πξνζόλ

ES. calificación

TR. yeterlik

RO. calificare

EN. qualification in the field of green energy

FR. Qualification dans le domaine de l'énergie verte

DE. Qualifikation im Bereich der grünen Energie

EL. πξνζόλησλ ζηνλ ηνκέα ηεο πξάζηλεο ελέξγεηαο

ES. Capacitación en el campo de la energía verde

TR. yeşil enerji alanında Yeterlilik

RO. calificare în domeniul energiei verzi

EN. research

FR. recherche

DE. Forschung

EL. έξεπλα

ES. investigación

TR. araştırma

RO. cercetare

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Energy & Employability Glossary

Employability terms


EN. responsibilities

FR. responsabilités

DE. Aufgaben

EL. αξκνδηόηεηεο

ES. Responsabilidades

TR. sorumluluklar

RO. responsabilităţi

EN. selection questionnaire

FR. sélection questionnaire

DE. Auswahl-Fragebogen

EL. εξσηεκαηνιόγην επηινγήο

ES. cuestionario de selección

TR. seçim anketi

RO. Chestionar de selecţie

EN. skills

FR. compétences

DE. Fähigkeiten

EL. δεμηόηεηεο

ES. habilidades

TR. beceriler

RO. abilităţi

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Energy & Employability Glossary

Employability terms


EN. specialization

FR. spécialisation

DE. Spezialisierung

EL. εηδίθεπζε

ES. especialización

TR. uzmanlaşma

RO. specializare

EN. subordination relationship / hierarchy / cooperation

FR. relation de subordination / hiérarchie / coopération

DE. Unterordnung Beziehung / Hierarchie / Kooperation

EL. Τπαγσγή ζρέζε / ηεξαξρία / πλεξγαζία

ES. relación de subordinación / jerarquía / Cooperación

TR. yardımcı kişiler / hiyerarşi/ İşbirliği

RO. relaţie de subordonare / ierarhie / cooperare

EN. team

FR. équipe

DE. Team

EL. νκάδα

ES. equipo

TR. takım

RO. echipă

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Energy & Employability Glossary

Employability terms


EN. team work

FR. travail d'équipe

DE. Teamarbeit

EL. Η νκάδα εξγαζίαο

ES. trabajo en equipo

TR. takım çalışması

RO. lucru în echipă

EN. the employer

FR. l'employeur

DE. der Arbeitgeber

EL. ν εξγνδόηεο

ES. el empleador

TR. işveren

RO. angajatorul

EN. the evolution trend of employment in the area

FR. la tendance de l'évolution de l'emploi dans la région

DE. die Entwicklung Trend der Beschäftigung in der Region

EL. ε ηάζε εμέιημεο ηεο απαζρόιεζεο ζηελ πεξηνρή

ES. la tendencia de la evolución del empleo en la zona

TR. çalışma alanlarındaki yenilikler

RO. tendinţa de evoluţie a ocupării forţei de muncă din zona

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Energy & Employability Glossary

Employability terms


EN. unemployment

FR. chômage

DE. Arbeitslosigkeit

EL. άλεξγνο

ES. desempleo

TR. işsizlik

RO. şomaj

EN. unemployment rate

FR. taux de chômage

DE. Arbeitslosenquote

EL. Σν πνζνζηό αλεξγίαο

ES. tasa de desempleo

TR. işsizlik oranı

RO. rata şomajului

EN. work safety

FR. sécurité au travail

DE. Arbeitssicherheit

EL. Αζθάιεηα Εξγαζίαο

ES. Seguridad en el Trabajo

TR. iş Güvenliği

RO. protecţia muncii

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Energy & Employability Glossary

Employability terms


EN. working style

FR. style de travail

DE. Arbeitsstil

EL. εξγαζίαο ζηπι

ES. estilo de trabajo

TR. çalışma tarzı

RO. stil de lucru

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Energy & Employability Glossary

Energy parameter


EN electric current (electrical current in A = Ampere)

FR. courant électrique ( l'intensité de l'électricité dans A = ampère)

DE. Strom (elektrischer Strom in A = Ampere)

EL. ξεύκα (ειεθηξηθό ξεύκα ζε A = Ampere)

ES. corriente (corriente eléctrica en A = amperios)

TR. elektrik akımı (amper olarak)

RO. curent electric ( A = Ampere)

EN electricity frequency (Hz = Hertz)

FR. la fréquence de l'électricité (Hz = Hertz)

DE. Strom-Frequenz (Hz = Hertz)

EL. ζπρλόηεηα ηεο ειεθηξηθήο ελέξγεηαο (Hz = Hertz)

ES. frecuencia de la electricidad (Hz = Hertz)

TR. elektrik frekansı (Hz = Hertz)

RO. frecvenţa energiei electrice produse (Hz = Hertz)

EN electricity voltage (V = V)

FR. tension électrique (V = V)

DE. Stromspannung (V = V)

EL. ειεθηξηθή ηάζε (V = V)

ES. voltaje de la electricidad (V = V)

TR. elektrik voltajı (V = V)

RO. tensiunea energiei electrice produse (V = Volt)

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Energy & Employability Glossary

Energy parameter


EN energy production (MW * h)

FR. la production d'énergie (MW * h)

DE. Energieproduktion (MW * h)

EL. παξαγσγή ελέξγεηαο (MW * h)

ES. la producción de energía (MW * h)

TR. enerji üretimi (MW * h)

RO. producţie de energie (MW*h)

EN fall (m = meters)

FR. chute (m = mètres)

DE. Herbst (m = Meter)

EL. πηώζε (m = κέηξα)

ES. caída (m = metros)

TR. Sonbahar (m = metre)

RO. cădere (m = metri)

EN flow rate (m3 / s = cubic feet / second)

FR. débit (m3 / s = pieds cubes / seconde)

DE. Durchfluss (m3 / s = Kubikmeter / Sekunde)

EL. ηαρύηεηα ξνήο (m3 / s = θπβηθά πόδηα / δεπηεξόιεπην)

ES. caudal (m3 / s = pies cúbicos / segundo)

TR. akış hızı (m3 / s = ayak küp / saniye)

RO. debit de curgere( m3/s = metri cub /secundă)

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Energy & Employability Glossary

Energy parameter


EN flow turbinate

FR. cornet de débit

DE. Flussmuschel

EL. θόγρεο ξνήο

ES. cornete flujo

TR. kıvrımlı akış

RO. debite turbinate

EN heat

FR. chaleur

DE. Wärme

EL. ζεξκόηεηα

ES. calor

TR. ısı

RO. căldură

EN installed capacity (MW = megawatt)

FR. capacité installée (MW = MW)

DE. installierte Kapazität (MW = Megawatt)

EL. εγθαηεζηεκέλεο ηζρύνο (MW = κεγαβάη)

ES. capacidad instalada (MW = megavatios)

TR. kurulu kapasitesi (MW = megawatt)

RO. putere instalată(MW = megawatt)

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Energy & Employability Glossary

Energy parameter


EN kilowatt

FR. kilowatt

DE. Kilowatt

EL. θηινβάη

ES. kilovatio

TR. kilovat

RO. kilowatt

EN kinetic energy

FR. énergie cinétique

DE. kinetische Energie

EL. θηλεηηθή ελέξγεηα

ES. energía cinética

TR. kinetik Enerji

RO. energie cinetică

EN potential energy (MW)

FR. énergie potentielle (MW)

DE. potentielle Energie (MW)

EL. δπλακηθό ελέξγεηαο (MW)

ES. energía potencial (MW)

TR. potansiyel enerji (MW)

RO. potenţial energetic (MW)

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Energy & Employability Glossary

Energy parameter


EN power (W = Watt)

FR. puissance (W = watt)

DE. Macht (W = Watt)

EL. δύλακε (W = βάη)

ES. potencia (W = vatios)

TR. güç ( W = Watt)

RO. putere ( W = Watt)

EN the density of water

FR. la densité de l'eau

DE. die Dichte von Wasser

EL. ε ππθλόηεηα ηνπ λεξνύ

ES. la densidad del agua

TR. suyun yoğunluğu

RO. densitatea apei

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN. adduction / of the supply gallery

FR. adduction / de la galerie d'alimentation

DE. Adduktion / der Versorgungs Galerie

EL. πξνζαγσγήο / ηεο γθαιεξί πξνζθνξάο

ES. aducción / de la galería de suministro

TR. indirme aduksiyonu

RO. aducţiune/galerie de aducţiune

EN. accumulation lake

FR. lac d'accumulation

DE. Stausee

EL. ζπζζώξεπζε ιίκλε

ES. acumulación lago

TR. birikim göl

RO. lac de acumulare

EN. anchorage ground

FR. ancrage au sol

DE. Ankergrund

EL. αγθύξσζεο εδάθνπο

ES. fondeadero

TR. demirleme yeri

RO. teren de ancorare

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN. artificial barrier

FR. barrière artificielle

DE. künstliche Barriere

EL. ηερλεηό θξάγκα

ES. barrera artificial

TR. suni bariyer

RO. barieră artificială

EN. automatic coupling

FR. couplage automatique

DE. automatische Kopplung

EL. απηόκαηεο δεύμεο

ES. acoplamiento automático

TR. otomatik bağlantı

RO. cuplare automată

EN. automatic function

FR. fonctionnement automatique

DE. Automatischer Betrieb

EL. απηόκαηε ιεηηνπξγία

ES. funcionamiento automático

TR. otomatik çalışma

RO. funcţionare automată

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN. biological continuity

FR. Continuité biologique

DE. biologische Kontinuität

EL. βηνινγηθή ζπλέρεηα

ES. continuidad biológica

TR. biyolojik süreklilik

RO. continuitate biologică

EN. capture / capture threshold

FR. seuil de capture / capture

DE. Capture / Capture-Schwellenwert

EL. όξην ζύιιεςεο / ζύιιεςε

ES. umbral de captura / captura

TR. yakalama / yakalama eşik

RO. captare/prag de captare

EN. coils

FR. Bobines

DE. Spulen

EL. πελία

ES. bobinas

TR. bobinleri

RO. bobine

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN. consumption

FR. consommation

DE. Verbrauch

EL. θαηαλάισζε

ES. consumo

TR. tüketim

RO. consum

EN. compensation basin

FR. bassin de compensation

DE. Ausgleichsbecken

EL. ιεθάλεο απνδεκίσζε

ES. cuenca de compensación

TR. telafi havzası

RO. bazin de compensare

EN. control room / control panel

FR. panneau salle de contrôle / commande

DE. Control Room / Bedienfeld

EL. πίλαθα αίζνπζα ειέγρνπ / ειέγρνπ

ES. panel de sala de control / Control

TR. Kontrol odası / kontrol paneli

RO. cameră de comandă/tablou de comandă

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN. dam

FR. barrage

DE. Damm

EL. θξάγκα

ES. presa

TR. baraj

RO. Stăvilar/baraj

EN. Dam structure

FR. Structure du barrage

DE. Dammaufbau

EL. δνκή ηνπ θξάγκαηνο

ES. estructura de la presa

TR. baraj yapı

RO. structura barajului

EN. dike

FR. digue

DE. Deich

EL. αλάρσκα

ES. dique

TR. hendek

RO. dig

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN. dispatcher

FR. répartiteur

DE. Dispatcher

EL. απνζηνιέαο

ES. despachador

TR. tahliye memuru

RO. dispecerat

EN. doors

FR. Portes

DE. Türen

EL. πόξηεο

ES. puertas

TR. kapiılar

RO. uşi

EN. Drought

FR. Périodes de sécheresse

DE. Dürre

EL. μεξαζία

ES. sequía

TR. kuraklık

RO. secetă

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN. electric energy

FR. énergie électrique

DE. elektrische Enegie

EL. ειεθηξηθή ελέξγεηα

ES. energía eléctrica

TR. elektrik enerjisi

RO. energie electrică

EN. electric generator

FR. générateur électrique

DE. Elektrischen Generator

EL. ειεθηξνγελλήηξηα

ES. generador eléctrico

TR. elektrik jeneratörü

RO. generator electric

EN. electrical transformer

FR. transformateur électrique

DE. elektrischen Transformator

EL. ειεθηξηθό κεηαζρεκαηηζηή

ES. transformador eléctrico

TR. elektrik transformatörü

RO. transformator electric

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN. emptying

FR. Vidange

DE. Entleerung

EL. θέλσζε

ES. vaciado

TR. boşaltma

RO. golire

EN. engine room

FR. la chambre de moteur

DE. Maschinenraum

EL. Υώξνο θηλεηήξα

ES. sala de máquinas

TR. makine dairesi

RO. sala maşinilor

EN. falls

FR. tomber

DE. Stürze

EL. πηώζεηο

ES. caídas

TR. çağlayan

RO. căderi

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN. floating turbine

FR. turbines flottantes

DE. schwimmende Anlagen

EL. θπκαηλόκελν αλεκνγελλήηξηεο

ES. turbinas flotantes

TR. yüzen türbinler

RO. turbină plutitoare

EN. frequency control

FR. commande de fréquence

DE. Frequenzsteuerung

EL. έιεγρν ηεο ζπρλόηεηαο

ES. control de frecuencia

TR. frekans kontrolü

RO. reglaj frecvenţă

EN. generating unit

FR. unité de génération

DE. generierenden Einheit

EL. κνλάδα παξαγσγήο

ES. unidad de generación

TR. üretim birimi

RO. grup generator

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN. hydroelectric

FR. Ouvrages hydroélectriques

DE. hydroelektrisch

EL. πδξνειεθηξηθόο

ES. hidroeléctrico

TR. hidroelektrik

RO. hidroelectric

EN. hydroelectric power station

FR. centrale hydroélectrique

DE. Wasserkraftwerk

EL. πδξνειεθηξηθό ζηαζκό ηζρύνο

ES. central hidroeléctrica

TR. hidroelektrik güç santrali

RO. centrală hidroelectrică

EN. hydropower

FR. L'hydroélectricité

DE. Wasserkraft

EL. Η πδξνειεθηξηθή ελέξγεηα

ES. La energía hidroeléctrica

TR. hidroelektrik

RO. hidroenergie

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN. irrigation

FR. Irrigation

DE. Bewässerung

EL. άξδεπζε

ES. riego

TR. sulama

RO. irigare

EN. kinetic energy

FR. énergie cinétique

DE. kinetische Energie

EL. θηλεηηθή ελέξγεηα

ES. energía cinética

TR. kinetic enerji

RO. energie cinetică

EN. energie cinetică

FR. turbine cinétique

DE. kinetische Turbine

EL. θηλεηηθή ηνπξκπίλα

ES. turbina cinética

TR. kinetik türbin

RO. turbină cinetică

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN. Landscaping hydrographic


DE. Landschaftsbau HYDRO



TR. baraj peyzajı

RO. amenajare hidrografică

EN. local control / from distance

FR. contrôle local / distance du

DE. lokale Steuerung / Entfernung von

EL. ηνπηθό έιεγρν / απόζηαζε από

ES. control local / distancia de

TR. yerel kontrol / uzaktan kontrol

RO. comandă locală/la distanţă

EN. Low-voltage network

FR. Réseau basse tension

DE. Niederspannungsnetz

EL. Δίθηπν ρακειήο ηάζεο

ES. Red de baja tensión

TR. Alçak gerilim şebekesi

RO. reţea de joasă tensiune

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN. National Energetic System

FR. Système national de l'énergie

DE. National Energy Systems

EL. Εζληθό ύζηεκα Ελέξγεηαο

ES. Sistema Nacional de Energía

TR. Ulusal Enerji Sistemi

RO. Sistem Energetic Naţional

EN. of pipelines

FR. de pipelines

DE. Pipelines

EL. ησλ αγσγώλ

ES. de tuberías

TR. boru hatlarının

RO. conductă de aducţiune

EN. on dam reservoirs in aroncamente

FR. sur les réservoirs de barrages dans aroncamente

DE. auf Stauseen in aroncamente

EL. γηα θξάγκαηα ζηελ aroncamente

ES. en embalses en aroncamente

TR. beton baraj duvarı

RO. baraj din aroncamente

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN. pillars

FR. Piliers

DE. Säulen

EL. ππιώλεο

ES. pilares

TR. sütunlar

RO. piloni

EN. pipe

FR. Tuyau

DE. Rohr

EL. ζσιήλαο

ES. tubo

TR. boru

RO. țeavă

EN. porous rock

FR. Roche poreuse

DE. porösem Gestein

EL. πνξώδε πεηξώκαηα

ES. roca porosa

TR. gözenekli kaya

RO. rocă poroasă

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN. power plant

FR. Centrale électrique

DE. Triebwerk

EL. ζηαζκνύ

ES. central eléctrica

TR. elektrik santralı

RO. centrală electrică

EN. propeller

FR. Hélice

DE. Propeller

EL. πξνπέια

ES. hélice

TR. pervane

RO. elice

EN. pumped-storage power plant

FR. usine de pompage-turbinage

DE. Pumpspeicherkraftwerk

EL. ζηαζκνύ αληιεζηνηακίεπζεο

ES. planta de energía de almacenamiento por bombeo

TR. pompalı depolama güç ünitesi

RO. staţie de pompare

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN. pumps

FR. pompes

DE. Pumps

EL. γόβεο

ES. bombas

TR. pompaları

RO. pompe

EN. regularization /regularization of river courses

FR. régularisation / régularisation des cours d'eau

DE. Regularisierung / Regularisierung von Flussläufen

EL. λνκηκνπνίεζε / ηαθηνπνίεζε ησλ πνηακώλ

ES. regularización / regularización de cursos de agua

TR. Nehir derslerin düzenlileştirmeye/ düzenlileştirmeye/ Nehir yataklarının


RO. regularizare/ regularizarea cursurilor râurilor

EN. river basin

FR. bassin de la rivière

DE. Flussbecken

EL. ιεθάλεο απνξξνήο πνηακνύ

ES. cuenca del río

TR. Havza/ akarsu havzası

RO. bazin hidrografic

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN. river continuum

FR. continuum fluvial

DE. Fluss-Kontinuum

EL. πνηάκη ζπλερέο

ES. continuum fluvial

TR. nehir devamlılık/ nehir akışı

RO. fluvial continuu

EN. river hydropower plant

FR. Centrale hydroélectrique de la rivière

DE. Flusswasserkraftwerk

EL. πνηάκη πδξνειεθηξηθή Plant

ES. del río Central Hidroeléctrica

TR. Nehir Hidroelektrik Santrali

RO. hidrocentrală pe firul apei

EN. rotor

FR. Rotor

DE. Rotor

EL. ζηξνθείν

ES. rotor

TR. rotor

RO. rotor

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN. sea-flow

FR. mer-débit

DE. Meeresströmung

EL. ξνή ζάιαζζαο

ES. flujo mar

TR. deniz akıntısı

RO. flux

EN. sealed plates

FR. Plaques étanches

DE. flach dichtend

EL. ζθξαγηζκέλν επίπεδε

ES. sellado plana

TR. sızdırmaz katman

RO. plăci etanșe

EN. sediment

FR. Sédiments

DE. Sediment

EL. ίδεκα

ES. sedimento

TR. tortu

RO. sediment

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN. speed controller

FR. régulateur de vitesse

DE. Drehzahlregler

EL. ξπζκηζηήο ηαρύηεηαο

ES. controlador de velocidad

TR. hız kontrolörü

RO. regulator de turaţie

EN. spherical valves

FR. vannes sphériques

DE. Kugelschieber

EL. ζθαηξηθέο βαιβίδεο

ES. válvulas esféricas

TR. küresel vanalar

RO. vane sferice

EN. stator

FR. Stator

DE. Stator

EL. ζηάησξ

ES. estator

TR. stator

RO. stator

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN. step fall (small)

FR. étape chute (petite)

DE. Schritt Herbst (klein)

EL. βήκα πηώζε (κηθξή)

ES. paso otoño (pequeño)

TR. adım sonbahar (küçük)

RO. treaptă de cădere(mică)

EN. storage hydroelectric

FR. hydroélectrique de stockage

DE. Speicherkraft

EL. πδξνειεθηξηθά απνζήθεπζεο

ES. hidroeléctrica de almacenamiento

TR. hidroelektrik depolama

RO. hidrocentrală cu acumulare

EN. switchgear and of force

FR. l'appareillage et de la force

DE. Schaltanlagen und Kraft

EL. δηαθνπήο θαη ηεο δύλακεο

ES. de conmutación y de la fuerza

TR. şalter

RO. aparataj de forţă

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN. synchronization

FR. synchronisation

DE. Synchronisation

EL. ζπγρξνληζκόο

ES. sincronización

TR. senkronizasyon

RO. sincronizare

EN. synchronous generator

FR. générateur synchrone

DE. Synchrongenerator

EL. ζύγρξνλε γελλήηξηα

ES. generador síncrono

TR. senkronize jeneratör

RO. generator sincron

EN. the force of water

FR. la force de l'eau

DE. die Kraft des Wassers

EL. ε δύλακε ηνπ λεξνύ

ES. la fuerza del agua

TR. suyun kuvveti

RO. forţa apei

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN. tidal power plants

FR. centrales marémotrices

DE. Gezeitenkraftwerke

EL. παιηξξντθή ζηαζκνύο παξαγσγήο ειεθηξηθήο ελέξγεηαο

ES. las plantas de energía de las mareas

TR. gelgit güçsantrali

RO. centrale mareomotrice

EN. transforming station

FR. poste de transformation

DE. Umspannwerkes

EL. ζηαζκό κεηαζρεκαηηζκνύ

ES. estación transformadora

TR. dönüştürme istasyonu

RO. staţie de transformare

EN. turbine

FR. turbine

DE. Turbine

EL. ηνπξκπίλα

ES. turbina

TR. türbin

RO. turbină

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN. unit / hydraulic aggregate

FR. unité / groupe hydraulique

DE. Einheit / Hydraulikaggregat

EL. κνλάδα / πδξαπιηθό άζξνηζκα

ES. unidad / agregado hidráulico

TR. ünitesi / hidrolik agrega

RO. agregat/agregat hydraulic

EN. Water discharge line

FR. Conduite d’évacuation d’eau

DE. Wasserdruckleitung

EL. Γξακκή εθθέλσζεο ηνπ λεξνύ

ES. Tubería de descarga de agua

TR. Su tahliye hattı

RO. Linie de gospodărire a apelor

EN. water intakes

FR. prises d'eau

DE. Wasserfassungen

EL. πδξνιεςίεο

ES. tomas de agua

TR. su alımı

RO. prize de apă

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN . water level

FR. niveau de l'eau

DE. Wasserspiegel

EL. ζηάζκε λεξνύ

ES. nivel del agua

TR. su seviyesi

RO. nivelul apei

EN. water retaining structure

FR. Structure de maintien de l'eau

DE. Stauanlage

EL. ζπγξάηεζεο δνκήο λεξνύ

ES. estructura de retención de agua

TR. su tutma yapısı

RO. structura de reţinere a apei

EN. Water tank

FR. Réservoir d’eau

DE. Wassertank

EL. δεμακελή λεξνύ

ES. El tanque de agua

TR. su tankı

RO. rezervor de apă

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Hydro energy


EN. water wheel

FR. roue à eau

DE. Wasserrad

EL. πδξνθίλεηνο ηξνρόο

ES. rueda de agua

TR. su çarkı

RO. roată de apă

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Solar energy


EN active solar

FR. solaire actif

DE. aktive Solar

EL. ελεξγεηηθά ειηαθά

ES. solar activa

TR. aktif güneş

RO. solar activ

EN artificial photosyntesis

FR. photosyntesis artificielle

DE. künstliche Photosynthese

EL. ηερλεηή θσηνζύλζεζε

ES. fotosíntesis artificial

TR. yapay fotosentez

RO. fotosinteză artificială

EN light

FR. lumière

DE. Licht

EL. θσο

ES. luz

TR. ışık

RO. lumină

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Solar energy


EN mirrors

FR. miroirs

DE. Spiegel

EL. θάηνπηξα

ES. espejos

TR. aynalar

RO. oglinzi

EN passive solar

FR. solaire passive

DE. passive Solar

EL. παζεηηθά ειηαθά

ES. solar pasiva

TR. pasif güneş

RO. solar pasiv

EN photoelectric cell

FR. cellule photoélectrique

DE. Photozelle

EL. θσηνθύηηαξν

ES. célula fotoeléctrica

TR. fotoelektrik hücresi

RO. celulă fotoelectrică

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Solar energy


EN photosynthesis

FR. photosynthèse

DE. Photosynthese

EL. θσηνζύλζεζε

ES. fotosíntesis

TR. fotosentez

RO. fotosinteză

EN photovoltaic

FR. photovoltaïque

DE. Photovoltaik

EL. θσηνβνιηατθά

ES. fotovoltaica

TR. fotovoltaik

RO. fotovoltaic

EN photovoltaic conversion

FR. conversion photovoltaïque

DE. Photovoltaic

EL. θσηνβνιηατθέο κεηαηξνπέο

ES. conversión fotovoltaica

TR. fotovoltaik dönüşüm

RO. conversie fotovoltatică

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Solar energy


EN photovoltaic industry

FR. industrie photovoltaïque

DE. Photovoltaik-Industrie

EL. βηνκεραλίαο θσηνβνιηατθώλ

ES. industria fotovoltaica

TR. fotovoltaik endüstrisi

RO. industrie de fotovoltaice (echipamente)

EN roof mounting

FR. montage sur toiture

DE. Aufdachnmontage

EL. ηνπνζέηεζε ζηέγεο

ES. montaje de techo

TR. çatıya monteli

RO. montaj pe acoperiş

EN self-sufficient power

FR. puissance autonome

DE. Eigenstrom

EL. απηάξθεο δύλακε

ES. poder autosuficiente

TR. kendi kendine yeten güç

RO. putere auto-suficientă

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Solar energy


EN semiconductor layer

FR. couche semi-conductrice

DE. Halbleiterschicht

EL. ζηξώκα εκηαγσγώλ

ES. capa semiconductora

TR. yarı iletken tabaka

RO. strat termoconductor

EN solar air conditioning

FR. climatisation solaire

DE. Solar-Klimaanlage

EL. ν ειηαθόο θιηκαηηζκόο

ES. aire acondicionado solar

TR. güneş enerjili klima

RO. aer condiționat solar

EN solar architecture

FR. architecture solaire

DE. Solararchitektur

EL. ειηαθή αξρηηεθηνληθή

ES. arquitectura solar

TR. güneş mimarisi

RO. arhitectură a panoului solar

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Solar energy


EN solar cell

FR. pile solaire

DE. Solarzelle

EL. ειηαθή θπςέιε

ES. célula solar

TR. güneş pili

RO. celulă solară

EN solar chimney

FR. cheminée solaire

DE. Aufwind

EL. ειηαθήο θακηλάδα

ES. chimenea solar

TR. güneş bacası

RO. horn solar

EN solar cooker

FR. cuiseur solaire

DE. Solarkocher

EL. ειηαθή θνπδίλα

ES. cocina solar

TR. güneş ocağı

RO. aragaz solar

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Solar energy


EN solar desalination

FR. dessalement solaire

DE. Solar-Entsalzung

EL. ειηαθήο αθαιάησζε

ES. desalinización solar

TR. güneşle tuzdan arındırma

RO. desalinizare solară

EN solar energy company

FR. société d'énergie solaire

DE. Solarenergie-Unternehmen

EL. εηαηξεία ειηαθήο ελέξγεηαο

ES. empresa de energía solar

TR. solar enerji şirketi

RO. Companie de energie solară

EN solar heating

FR. chauffage solaire

DE. Solarheizung

EL. ειηαθή ζέξκαλζε

ES. calefacción solar

TR. güneş ısıtması

RO. încălzire solară

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Solar energy


EN solar oven

FR. four solaire

DE. Solar-Ofen

EL. ειηαθόο θνύξλν

ES. horno solar

TR. güneş fırını

RO. cuptor solar

EN solar pond

FR. bassin solaire

DE. Solarteich

EL. ειηαθή ιίκλε

ES. estanque solar

TR. güneş havuzu

RO. iaz solar

EN solar power

FR. énergie solaire

DE. Solarenergie

EL. ειηαθή ελέξγεηα

ES. energía solar

TR. güneş enerjisi

RO. energie solară

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Solar energy


EN solar radiation

FR. le rayonnement solaire

DE. Sonnenstrahlung

EL. ειηαθή αθηηλνβνιία

ES. la radiación solar

TR. güneş radyasyonu

RO. radiația solară

EN solar system

FR. système solaire

DE. Sonnensystem

EL. ειηαθνύ ζπζηήκαηνο

ES. sistema solar

TR. güneş sistemi

RO. sistem de solare

EN solar technology

FR. la technologie solaire

DE. Solartechnik

EL. ειηαθή ηερλνινγία

ES. tecnología solar

TR. güneş enerjisi teknolojisi

RO. tehnologie solară

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Solar energy


EN solar water disinfection

FR. la désinfection solaire de l'eau

DE. solaren Wasserdesinfektion

EL. ειηαθή απνιύκαλζε ηνπ λεξνύ

ES. desinfección solar del agua

TR. güneş enerjili su dezenfeksiyonu

RO. dezinfecţia solară a apei

EN solstice

FR. solstice

DE. Sonnenwende

EL. ειηνζηάζην

ES. solsticio

TR. gündönümü

RO. solstițiu

EN sun

FR. soleil

DE. Sonne

EL. ήιηνο

ES. sol

TR. güneş

RO. soare

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Solar energy


EN sunlight

FR. soleil

DE. Sonnenlicht

EL. ειηαθό θσηόο

ES. luz del sol

TR. güneş ışığı

RO. lumina soarelui

EN thermal

FR. thermique

DE. Wärme-

EL. ζεξκηθή

ES. térmico

TR. termal

RO. termic

EN thermal mass

FR. masse thermique

DE. thermische Masse

EL. ζεξκηθή κάδα

ES. masa térmica

TR. termal kütle

RO. masa termică

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Solar energy


EN thermophotovoltaic device

FR. dispositif thermophotovoltaïque

DE. Kollektoren*

EL. ζεξκν θσηνβνιηατθή ζπζθεπή

ES. dispositivo termofotovoltaica

TR. fotovoltaik cihaz

RO. instalaţie termovoltaică

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Wind energy


EN blades

FR. lames

DE. Rotorblätter

EL. πηεύγην , ιεπίδεο

ES. cuchillas

TR. pervaneler

RO. elice

EN convert

FR. convertir

DE. umwandeln

EL. κεηαηξέπσ

ES. convertir

TR. dönüştürmek

RO. a converti

EN feeding into power supply system

FR. alimentation dans le système d'alimentation

DE. Einspeisung ins Stromnetz

EL. ζίηηζε ζην ζύζηεκα ειεθηξηθήο ηξνθνδνζίαο

ES. la alimentación en el sistema de fuente de alimentación

TR. besleyici güç sağlama sistemi

RO. alimentare în Sistemul Energetic

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Wind energy


EN nacelle

FR. nacelle

DE. Werksgondel

EL. θαιάζη αεξνζηάηνπ

ES. góndola

TR. motor yeri

RO. nacelă

EN Off-Shore

FR. Off-Shore

DE. Off-Shore

EL. εηαξεία κε έδξα ζην εμσηεξηθό

ES. Off-Shore

TR. kıyıdan uzak

RO. în afara ţărmului/pe apă

EN On-Shore

FR. Sur la Rive-

DE. On-Shore

EL. εηεξεία κε έδξα ζην εζσηεξηθό

ES. On-Shore

TR. kıyıda

RO. pe ţărm/pe uscat

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Wind energy


EN power connection

FR. connexion d'alimentation

DE. Netzanschluss

EL. ζύλδεζε ηξνθνδνζίαο

ES. conexión de alimentación

TR. güç bağlantısı

RO. conexiune

EN propel sth.(to)

FR. propulser qc. (à)

DE. antreiben

EL. λα σζήζεη θάηη

ES. propulsar algo. (a)

TR. itmek

RO. a propulsa

EN tower

FR. tour

DE. Turm

EL. πύξγνο

ES. torre

TR. kule

RO. turn

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Wind energy


EN wind farm

FR. éolien

DE. Windfarm

EL. αηνιηθό πάξθν

ES. parque eólico

TR. rüzgar santrali

RO. ferme eoliene

EN wind flow

FR. l'écoulement du vent

DE. Windströmung

EL. ξνήο ηνπ αλέκνπ

ES. flujo de viento

TR. rüzgar debisi

RO. curent de aer

EN wind force

FR. la force du vent

DE. Windstärke

EL. έληαζε αλέκνπ

ES. la fuerza del viento

TR. rüzgar gücü

RO. forţa vântului

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Energy & Employability Glossar

Wind energy


EN windturbine

FR. éolienne

DE. Windturbine

EL. αλεκνγελλήηξηα

ES. aerogenerador

TR. rüzgar türbünü

RO. turbină eoliană

Page 94: ENERGY AND EMPLOYABILITY LOCAL SOLUTIONS FOR NEW … · Energy & Employability Glossary 3 INTRODUCTION The glossary here has been conceived, not only as the end product of Comenius


Page 95: ENERGY AND EMPLOYABILITY LOCAL SOLUTIONS FOR NEW … · Energy & Employability Glossary 3 INTRODUCTION The glossary here has been conceived, not only as the end product of Comenius


Team of Romania


Dumitru Mătăcuță – director al

Colegiului Energetic

Ana Maria Udrescu – limba romană–

coordonator proiect

Irinel Ioana Filip – electrotehnică Mariana Marica – electrotehnică

Monica Popescu – automatizări

Rodica Tilivea – limba engleză

Iuliana Simeanu – limba engleză

Alina Cioculeasa – limba engleză

Carmen Diaconescu – matematică

Ion Florescu - matematică

Cristina Ceaușu – informatică

Codruta Țenea – informatică

Parteneri :








Florin Alexandru Olteanu

Ionuţ Gabriel Costache

Vlad Encea

Marius Bonciu

Eduard Andrei Manasia

Alexandru Prunel

Bogdan Pripor

Daniel Pruteanu

Eduard Roşoga

Daniel Chirculescu

Mihai Feydieu

Bogdan Cârstinoiu

Alexandra Cioacă

Alexandru Fota

Oxana Adriana Fara

Ileana Florina Dina

Vlăduţ Ştefan

Cătălin Idu

Adrian Ţambrea

This project has been funded with support from the European

Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author,

and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which

may be made of the information contained therein.

Page 96: ENERGY AND EMPLOYABILITY LOCAL SOLUTIONS FOR NEW … · Energy & Employability Glossary 3 INTRODUCTION The glossary here has been conceived, not only as the end product of Comenius