
Effects Of Energy Drinks



Transcript of Energy

  • 1. Side Effects of Drinks Tremor Shaking Agitation Restlessness Gastrointestinal upset Chest pain Dizziness Insomnia Respiratory distress Headache

2. Caffeine is the most common energy drinkingredient and causes restlessness. Consuming over 200-300mg causes restlessness. High in sugar More than 35mg of Niacin B3 can cause flushingof the skin. consuming 3000mg or more canresult in liver toxicity. More than 100mg of B6 can cause sensory nerveproblems burning sensation or skin lesions 3. Energy drinks boost blood pressure and maymake the heart more susceptible to electricalshort circuits. At issue are the caffeine-laden drinks that havebecome popular among people looking to stayalert, stay awake or get a jolt. Sixteen-ounce cansof drinks like Monster Energy Assault andRockstar pack in about 160 milligrams of caffeine,compared with roughly 100 milligrams in a 6-ounce cup of coffee. 4. The number of annual hospital visits involving the drinksdoubled from 2007 to 2011, the latest year for which dataare available, according to a report by the Substance Abuseand Mental Health Services Administration. In 2011, there were 20,783 reported emergency room visitsin which an energy drink was cited as the primary cause ofor a contributing factor to a health problem, comparedwith 10,068 in 2007. Such problems, which are typicallylinked to excessive caffeine consumption, can includeanxiety, headaches, irregular heartbeats and heart attacks. 5. Effects of Commercial Energy DrinkConsumption on Athletic Performance andBody Composition (Book) 6. What are some side effects of energy drinks? What are energy drinks high in? What do energy drinks contain highconcentration of? What can energy drinks do to your body? Q: How much caffeine do energy drinkstypically contain? 7. Meier, Barry. "More Visits to Hospital Linkedto Energy Drinks." The New York Times. TheNew York Times, 12 Jan. 2013. Web. 09 May2013. Http://, n.d. Web.