Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System...

Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3

Transcript of Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System...

Page 1: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


Page 2: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• Variousglandslocatedthroughoutthebody• Someorgansmayalsohaveendocrinefunctions• Endocrineglands/organssynthesizeandreleasehormones• Hormonestravelinplasmatotargetcells

Page 3: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• Differentiationofnervousandreproductivesystemduringfetaldevelopment• Regulationofgrowthanddevelopment• Regulationofthereproductivesystem• Maintainshomeostasis• Respondstochangesfromrestingstate

Page 4: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• Hormoneshavedifferentratesandrhythmsofsecretion

• Hormonesareregulatedbyfeedbacksystemstomaintainhomeostasis

• Receptorsforhormonesareonlyonspecificeffectorcells

• Excretionofhormonesvaryforsteroidhormonesandpeptidehormones

Page 5: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• Releaseofhormonesoccursinresponseto• A changefromrestingconditions• Maintainingaregulatedlevelofhormonesorsubstances

• Hormonereleaseisregulatedby• Chemicalfactors(glucose,calcium)• Endocrinefactors(tropichormones,HPA)• Neuralcontrols(sympatheticactivation)

HPA =Hypothalamic-PituitaryAxis

Page 6: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine



• Negativefeedback• Feedbacktoonelevel

• Long-loopNegativeFeedback• Feedbacktotwolevels• Hypothalamus-Pituitary-GlandAxis



Page 7: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine

NegativeFeedbackShort-LoopNegativeFeedback Long-LoopNegativeFeedback

Page 8: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• Circulateinfreeforms(unbound)• Shorthalflife• Degradedbycirculatingenzymes

• Examples• Insulin:t ½ =3-5minutes• Hypolthalamic hormones• Pituitaryhormones• ParathyroidHormone(PTH)


• Circulateboundtocarrierortransportproteins(albumins)• Remaininbloodfromhourstodays• Examples

• Androgens• Estrogen,progesterone• Glucocorticoids• Mineralcorticoids• VitaminD• Thyroidhormone• Arachidonicacidderivatives

Page 9: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• Ahormonereleasedintoplasmacirculatesthroughouttheentirebody• Onlycellswiththereceptorsforthosehormonescanrespond• Cellreceptorshave2functions• Recognizeandbindtohormonewithhighaffinity• Initiateasignaltointracellulareffectors

Page 10: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• Sensitivityisrelatedtothenumberofreceptors• Plasmamembranereceptorsareconstantlybeingsynthesizedanddegraded

• Regulationasaresponse• Changesin[receptor]mayoccurwithinhours

• Physiologicalconditionsaffectreceptornumberandaffinity• pH• Temperature• Ionconcentration• Diet• Otherchemicals(drugs)

Page 11: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


2nd Messenger AssociatedHormonescAMP Adrenocorticotropic Hormone(ACTH)


cGMP AtrialNatriureticPeptide(ANP)

2nd Messenger AssociatedHormones

Calcium AngiotensinIIGonadotropin-Releasing Hormone(GnRH)AntidiureticHormone(ADH)

IP3 andDAG AngiotensinIIAntidiureticHormone(ADH)



Page 12: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• Bindingofhormonesttheirreceptorstrigger3typesofresponses1. Actsonpre-existingchannel-formingproteinstochangemembranepermeability2. Activatingpre-existingproteinsbya2nd messenger3. Activatinggenesresultinginproteinsynthesis

• DirectEffects• Changesincellfunctionresultfromhormonebinding• Insulin causescellularglucose/aminoaciduptake

• PermissiveEffects• Hormoneinducedchangesthatfacilitatethemaximalresponseofacell• Insulin hasapermissiveeffectonmammaryglandcells,facilitatingtheirresponsetoprolactin

Page 13: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• SteroidHormoneExcretion• Excreteddirectlybythekidneys• Metabolized(conjugated)bytheliverwhichinactivatesthemandmakesthemmorewatersoluble

• PeptideHormoneExcretion• Deactivatedbyenzymesandexcretedinurineorfeces

Page 14: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• Neurosecretorycellsinthehypothalamuscommunicatewithendocrinecellsintheanteriorpituitary• Hypothalamo-pituitaryportalvessels• Endocrinecellsoftheanteriorpituitarysecretetheirhormonesintogeneralcirculation


• Hypothalamicneuronsextendintotheposteriorpituitary• Hypothalamohypophysial nervetract

• NeuronsoftheSupraoptic NucleusandParaventricularNucleus• Hormonesarestoredandreleasedfromtheposteriorpituitaryintogeneralcirculation

Page 15: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine








Hypothalamohypophysial NerveTract

Page 16: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• Neuralinputtotheneurosecretorycellsofthehypothalamuscontroltheiractions• Neuronsfromotherpartsofthebrain• Sensoryfeedbacktothehypothalamus

• Neurosecretorycellssecretereleasingandinhibitinghormones

• Hypophysiotropic Hormones• Tropichormonescauseotherhormonestobeproduced• TropicHormonesreleasedbythehypothalamusthatcausehormonestobereleasedbytheanteriorpituitary


Page 17: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine

HypothalamusHormone TargetTissue Actions

Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone(TRH) AnteriorPituitary (+)ThyroidstimulatingHormone(TSH)

Gonadotropin-ReleasingHormone(GnRH) AnteriorPituitary (+)FollicleStimulatingHormone(FSH)(+)LuteinizingHormone(LH)


AnteriorPituitary (+)GrowthHormone(GH)

Somatostatin AnteriorPituitary (-)GrowthHormone(GH)(-)ThyroidStimulatingHormone(TSH)

Corticotropin-ReleasingHormone(CRH) AnteriorPituitary (+)Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)(+)βendorphin

SubstanceP AnteriorPituitary (+)GrowthHormone (GH)(+)FollicleStimulatingHormone(FSH)(+)LuteinizingHormone(+)Prolactin(-)AdrenocorticotropicHormone(ACTH)

Prolactin-Releasing Factor(PRF) AnteriorPituitary (+)Prolactin

Dopamine(DA) AnteriorPituitary (-)Prolactin


Page 18: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• Alsocalledadenohypophysis• Chromophils arethesecretorycellsoftheanteriorpituitary• 7differentsub-types

• Secretestropichormones• Causestargetglandstosecretehormones

• Regulationoftheanteriorpituitary• Feedbackofthereleasing/inhibitinghormones• Feedbackfromtargetglandhormones• Directeffectsofneurotransmitters

Anterior Pituitary

Page 19: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine

AnteriorPituitaryHormone TargetOrgan Actions

Adrenocorticotropic Hormone(ACTH) AdrenalCortex (+)Cortisol,DHEA

MelanocyteStimulatingHormone (MSH) AnteriorPituitary (+)Secretion ofmelatonin

GrowthHormone(GH) Liver(andMuscle,Bone) (+)Insulin-Like GrowthFactor(IGF-1)

Prolactin MammaryGlands (+)production ofmilk

Thyroid-StimulatingHormone(TSH) ThyroidGland (+)ThyroidHormone(T3,T4)(+)iodideuptake

LuteinizingHormone(LH) GonadsWomen – granulosacellsMen– Leydig cells

(+) progesteroneOvulation(+)testosteroneTesticulargrowth

FollicleStimulatingHormone (FSH) GonadsWomen– granulosacellsMen– Sertoli cells


β-Lipotropin Adipocytes Lipolysis

β-Endorphins Adipocytes(Brainopioid receptors)

Analgesia, foodandwaterintake,bodytemperatureregulation

Anterior Pituitary

Page 20: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• Alsocalledneurohypophysis• Secretes2peptidehormones• Oxytocin• AntidiureticHormone(ADH)

• Secretedfromthehypothalamus• Supraoptic nucleus• Paraventricularnucleus

Posterior Pituitary

Page 21: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine

PosteriorPituitaryHormone TargetGland Actions

Oxytocin UterinesmoothmuscleMammaryGlands


AntidiureticHormone (ADH) Kidney tubules Controlsplasmaosmolality

Posterior Pituitary

Page 22: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• ContainsphotoreceptorcellsthatsecreteMelatonin• Synthesizedfromtryptophan• tryptophan→serotonin→melatonin

• Melatoninrelease:• Stimulatedbyexposuretodark• Inhibitedbyexposuretolight

• Melatoninregulatescircadianrhythmsandreproductivesystems

Pineal Gland

Page 23: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• NeuronsoftheANS terminateonbloodvesselsofthethyroid• ACh• Catecholamines

• Thyroidglandsecretes2hormones• Thyroidhormone• Calcitonin

ActionsofTSH ontheThyroid1. Immediatereleaseofstoredthyroid

hormone2. Increasediodideuptakeandoxidation3. Increaseinthyroidhormonesynthesis4. Increaseinthesynthesisandsecretionof

prostaglandinsbythethyroid5. Stimulatesthegrowthandmaintenance


Thyroid Gland

Page 24: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• Regulationofthyroidhormonebylong-loopnegativefeedback• StimulusforsecretionofTRHfromthehypothalamus• Sleep• Extremecold• Exercise• Stress• Lowplasmaglucose


Thyroid Gland

Page 25: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• Follicularcellsformthyroidfollicles• ThyroidHormoneissynthesizedinsidethefollicles• Triiodothyronine(T3)• Thyroxine(T4)

• Iodideisattachedtotyrosineringsboundtothyroglobulininsidethefollicle• MIT+DIT =T3• DIT+DIT =T4



Thyroid Gland

Page 26: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• Inthetissues,T4 isconvertedtoT3 whichbindstonuclearhormonereceptors• Thyroidbetareceptor(THβ1,THβ2)• Liver,brain• Modulatescholesterolandtriglyceridelevels

• Thyroidalphareceptor(THα1)• Heart• Modulatesheartrate,contraction

Thyroid Gland

Page 27: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• Regulatescellmetabolism• Proteinmetabolism• Triglyceridemetabolism• Glucosemetabolism

• Increasedcellularmetabolismincreases• Oxygenconsumption• Heatproduction

• Maintains• Healthymetabolicprocesses• Normalgrowthandmaturation• ActivityofNa+/K+/ATPasepumps


• Stimulatesboneresorption• Fetalneurologicdevelopment• Neurologicfunctioninginadults• Growthhormonesecretion• Skeletalmaturation• Andmore………

Thyroid Gland

Page 28: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• Withinphysiologicalranges,thepermissiveeffectsaremodest• ThepermissiveeffectsofTHbecomepronouncedwhentherearehigh/lowcirculatinglevels• Hyperthyroidism• Hypothyroidism

Thyroid Gland

Page 29: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• Parafollicular Cells(CCells)• SecreteCalcitonin• Causesserumcalciumlevelstodecrease• Inhibitsosteoclasts

• Usedtotreat• Osteoporosis• Osteoarthritis• Pagetbonedisease• Hypercalcemia• Metastaticbonecancer

Thyroid Gland

Page 30: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• ProduceParathyroidHormone(PTH)• WorkswithvitaminDtoincreaseserumCalciumlevels• Concomitantdecreaseinserumphosphatelevels

• Watersolublehormone• GPCR +cAMPreceptors

• Actsonbone• Osteoclastactivity,proliferation

• Actsonkidneys• ActsonDCT toincreasecalciumreabsorption

Parathyroid Gland

Page 31: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• IsletsofLangerhanshave4secretorycelltypes• Pancreatichormonesregulatecarbohydrate,fatandproteinmetabolism• Alphacells

• Glucagon• Betacells

• Insulin• Deltacells

• Somatostatin• Fcells

• Polypeptideregulatingdigestion


Page 32: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• Apeptidehormone• Secretionisregulatedby• Chemicalcontrol:serumglucose,aminoacids• Neuralcontrol:ANS• Hormonalcontrol:GIhormones

• Insulin(feedback)• Glucagon• Gastrin• Cholecystokinin• Secretin


• Facilitatestherateofglucoseandaminoaciduptake• Cellularglucoseuptakebyglucosetransporters• GLUTtransporters• Primarytransporter:GLUT4

• Cellularaminoaciduptakebyaminoacidtransporters


Page 33: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• TyrosineKinasereceptor• Receptorsonliver,muscle,adipocytes• Receptoractivationleadstotheinsertionofglucosetransportersinthecellmembrane• Celltakesinglucose• Promotesalloftheactionsonglucose


Page 34: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


Actions LiverCells MuscleCells Adipocytes

Glucoseuptake Increased Increased Increased

Glycogenesis Increased Increased ------

Glycogenolysis Decreased Decreased ------

Glycolysis Increased Increased Increased

Gluconeogenesis Increased ------ ------

Other ↑ fattyacidsynthesis↓ketogenesis↓ureacycleactivity




Page 35: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• ProducedbypancreaticαcellsandcellsliningtheGItract• Stimulusforglucagonrelease• Lowserumglucose• Sympatheticstimulation• Someaminoacids• Proteinrichmeal

• Inhibitionofglucagonrelease• Highserumglucose


• Liver• ↑glycogenolysis• ↑gluconeogenesis

• Adipocytes• ↑lipolysis


Page 36: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• Essentialincarbohydrate,fatandproteinmetabolism• Homeostasisofingestednutrients• Regulatespancreaticalphaandbetacells

• NOTthesameashypothalamicsomatostatin


Page 37: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


RegionofAdrenalCortex %ofCortex HormonesReleased Example

ZonaGlomerulosa 15% MineralCorticoids Aldosterone*ZonaFasciculata 78% Glucocorticoids Cortisol


Mineral CorticoidsAndrogensGlucocorticoids


Adrenal Glands





Page 38: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• Glucocorticoids• Directeffectoncarbohydratemetabolism

• Glucocorticoidshavevariouseffects:• Metabolicactions• Neurologicactions• Anti-inflammatoryactions• Growth-suppressingactions

RegulationofACTH• Serumcortisollevels• Diurnalrhythms• People.Withregularsleep/wakepatterns,ACTHpeaks3-5hoursaftersleepbeginsanddeclinesthroughouttheday

• Psychologicandphysiologicstress

Adrenal Glands

Page 39: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• Mostpotentglucocorticoid• Mainsecretoryproductoftheadrenalglands• Necessaryforthemaintenanceoflifeandforprotectionfromstress• Halflifeof90minutes• Deactivatedbytheliver

ActionsofCortisol• Increasebloodglucoselevels

• Promotegluconeogenesisintheliver• Decreasinguptakeofglucosebymuscleandlymphaticcells

• Ultimateeffectonthebodyisproteinbreakdown

• Suppressionofimmunesystem• (-)boneformation• (-)ADH secretion• (+)gastricacidsecretion• Depressnervecellfunction

Adrenal Glands

Page 40: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


Adrenal Glands

Page 41: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine

AdrenalGlandsCortisol– StressResponse

Adrenal Glands

Page 42: Endocrine System WS19 - Mt. SAC · Endocrine System Human Physiology Unit 3. Endocrine System •Various glands located throughout the body •Some organs may also have endocrine


• Someorganshaveendocrinefunctioninadditiontotheirroleaspartofanorgansystem

Organ Hormone Hormone Actions

Liver Insulin-likeGrowthFactor (IGF1)Thrombopoietin (THPO)Hepcidin

Postnatal growthPlateletproductionIron homeostasis

GastrointestinalOrgans(Entetric endocrinesystem)

MANYHormones Regulationofmotility

Kidneys ErythropoietinCalcitriol


Heart AtrialNatriureticPeptide (ANP) Decreasesbloodpressure

Adipocytes Leptin Energybalance