Endangered Mangroove

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Transcript of Endangered Mangroove

  • 7/30/2019 Endangered Mangroove


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    By: Shikha Rahangdale

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    Structure of leaf

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    Structure of flower

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    Include tropical herbs, shurbs

    0r even small trees

    Zygomorphic & sympetalousflowers with 2 oe 5 stamens.

    Prominent bracts & bractiole




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    ebracteatus Vahl.

    Herb/ shrub growing in

    brackish water;

    Leaves mature ones darkgreen with serrate margins

    armed with spines,

    young leaves brown;

    Flower white;

    Fruit green and oblong.

    IUCN status of species: EN

    Rare in A&N & Kerala.

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    Family Pteridaceae

    True ferns

    Having sporongia covering the undersurface

    of pinna.

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    speciosum Willdenow Shrub growing in just above the

    normal high tide, tolerant to drying and salinity;

    Fronds are

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    Leave coriaceous (like leather, especially in texture)

    Corolla convolute or inflexed in bud

    Stamens 8 or many

    Anthers one celled

    Ovary inferior

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    Tree growing in soft mud along the

    intertidal creeks & channels and in

    sheltered mangroves under

    estuarine influence; Aerial rootsextensively developed

    stilt roots; Bark yellow orange

    inside with large bark scale on

    outside; IUCN status of species: EN

    Rare in TN.

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    Leavessimple, opposite, broadly obovate, darkish green,

    leathery, black dots plenty;

    Flower few flowered creamy white, axillary cyme on slightshort peduncle in the axils of fresh leaves;

    Calyx 4 lobed, campanulate, adnate at base, ovate;

    Corolla 4, white hairy, lanceolate, fleshy;

    Stamens 8, up to 14 occurring in 2 rows inner small ones,outer large ones

    style upto 2.2 mm;

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    Rhizophora stylosa

    This species can be identified from other

    species ofRhizophora by its relatively long

    style and top portion of ovary seated on the


    Prop roots have a peculiar octopus-leg

    appearance. Rare in Orissa.

    IUCN status of species: EN

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    Rhizophora lamarckii

    Rhizophora x lamarckii(below): style long

    like R. stylosa; sepal width broad like R.


    The claw ofR. x lamarckii(located at the

    distal end of the sepal) is prominently

    sharper to the touch than R. stylosa.

    R. x lamarckiiis known to be vegetatively

    robust and vigorous.

    IUCN status of species: EN

    Rare in A&N.

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    Rhizophora stylosa: style long; sepal width

    narrow to lanceolate.

    Rhizophora x lamarckii: style long like R.

    stylosa; but sepal width broad.

    The claw ofR. x lamarckii(located at the distalend of the sepal) is prominently sharper to the

    touch than R. stylosa.

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    Lumnitzera littorea

    Tree growing landward fringe, and in

    estuarine river banks under fresh

    water influence; Aerial roots small buttresses &


    Bark grey to dark brown, grooved;


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    Flower terminal, spike inflorescence.

    Leaves simple, alternate, brittle, leaf tip rounded to


    shortly pedicellate, distinct red; Calyx 5 lobed,green; Corolla 5, red

    The species can be easily recognized from L.

    racemosa by its redflowers.

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    The family is characterized by berry or drupe & in

    case of drupe the endosperm usually united to one


    Phoenix sp. Nypa fruticansaerial root absent

    fruit small medium

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    Nypa fruticans

    Palm growing in low saline,

    sheltered intertidal creeks and

    channels in the mangrove forests;

    Aerial roots no prominent aerial


    Leaveslanceolate, palm leaf,

    arising from root stock, yellow when

    young, leaflet tip acute;

    IUCN status of species: EN

    Rare in WB.

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    Flowerfemale in globose head, male in catkinlike,

    brick red to yellow.

    Fruit dark brown or brick red, globose, singleseeded carpel, pericarp fleshy, fibrous.

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    Sonneratia griffithii

    Tree growing intertidal estuarine

    low saline areas;

    Aerial roots very prominent,

    conical pneumatophores, corky;

    Bark smooth;

    This species can be distinguished

    from other species by its obovate

    leaves, large solitary, white flowerswith white stamens and larger

    globose fruits flattened or depressed

    at apex.

    Family: Sonneratiaceae

    IUCN status of species: EN

    Rare in Orissa, WB & A&N.

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    Cynometra ramiflora

    This is an erect, small tree up to ca.

    10 m tall.

    The leaves are alternate and

    smooth, and consist of 2 to 6leaflets.

    The leaflets are leathery, about 10

    centimeters long, and one third as

    wide. The flowers are yellowish white, &

    subtended by large bracts.

    The fruit is hard, scurfy brown, and 2

    to 4 centimeters long. IUCN status of species: EN

    Rare in Orissa & A&N.

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    hydrophyllacea Gaertn.f.

    Shrub growing in high saline, muddy areas

    of inner mangroves;

    Aerial rootsoccasionally stilt roots;

    Bark rough brown;

    Leavessimple, opposite, obovate, leaf tip

    rounded, long petiole;

    Floweraxillary, condensed cyme, up to 20


    Calyx 4, obscure lobed; Corolla 4, white or slightly red

    Stamens 4;

    Fruit green to brown glabrous surface,

    deeply grooved.


    IUCN status of species: EN

    Rare in WB & AP.

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    Excoecaria indica

    A small evergreen to semi-

    deciduous, tree with milky juice.

    Leaves 2.5-10 cm long, oblong to

    elliptically oblong, serrulate orcrenate-serrulate, glabrous.

    Flowers small, yellowish, forming

    glabrous racemes at the end of the

    branchlets or of the axillary shoots. IUCN status of species: EN