End-to-end Model-driven Development of Applications with Eclipse using the MDD Toolsuite WebRatio

End-to-end Model-driven Development of Applications with Eclipse using the MDD Toolsuite WebRatio Emanuele Molteni , WebRatio Chief Product Officer Marco Brambilla, WebRatio Scientific Advisor Ludwigsburg- EclipseCon 2012– October, 24 2012

Transcript of End-to-end Model-driven Development of Applications with Eclipse using the MDD Toolsuite WebRatio

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End-to-end Model-driven Development of Applications with Eclipse using

the MDD Toolsuite WebRatio

Emanuele Molteni, WebRatio Chief Product Officer Marco Brambilla, WebRatio Scientific Advisor

Ludwigsburg- EclipseCon 2012– October, 24 2012

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What is WebRatio

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An enhanced Model-Driven Development environment for building enterprise Web/SOA applications

based on MDD techniques and code generation

with a special focus to User Interaction

offering the highest possible level of layout customization

supporting the BPMN standard for Process Modeling

What is WebRatio

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A specific modeling language for defining applications

Based on a set of components (Units)

“Content Units” for content publishing

“Operations Units” for business logic

Connection to a content model for data retrieval and management

Smart use of links for user interactions management, data flow between units and business logic workflow definition

Page computation algorithms for execution semantics

Users can add their own components:

Write complex business logic or integration directly in Java and “encapsulate” it in an abstract component

WebML, at the core of WebRatio

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How WebRatio works

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... for designing, building and maintaining your custom enterprise applications

A fertile environment ...

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Capture business requirements in abstract, technology independent models

WebRatio – Step 1

Business User

WebRatio Modeler

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Application Model

Define data, services, logic, presentation details and user interaction

WebML Notation > IFML(*)

Process Model

Define business processes managed by the application

BPMN notation

Step 1 – Design the model

(*) the standardization process of the language is in progress within

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WebRatio Built-in Components

WebRatio Store Components

DB Social Legacy SOA Content E-




… … … … … … … …

Custom Components

Model components

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Customize the environment by defining your own generation rules

WebRatio – Step 2

Designer Java Programmer

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Layout templates

for a perfectly fine-tuned layout, tailored to your visual identity

Custom components

for implementing any kind of business logic, integration or complex task

Step 2 – Customize the generation rules

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Get a tailored, yet standard, Java Web application with no proprietary runtime

WebRatio – Step 3

WebRatio Modeler

Business User

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Standard Web App

Step 3 – Get the application

Mobile Desktop

User Interface

DBM System MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle,

DB2, etc.

Legacy System

SAP, IBM Host, AS400

BPM Engine

TIBCO (*), JBPM (*)



Integration Layer

On-premises In the cloud

… …

Standard Java Application



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Standard Java Application

Step 3 – Application architecture

Code generators (Groovy and Java)

Struts actions mapping and form


Hibernate configuration files and Java classes

JSP Pages

Web application and logs configuration files

WebRatio IDE

WebML and BPM Customized rules

Commons libraries

WebRatio Runtime Java


Custom components Java Services

WebRatio BPM Java


WebRatio components descriptors

Struts Java actions

AJAX Runtime framework

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ported from an AWT/Swing to Eclipse 3.2 in 2007 (currently under Eclipse 3.6.2)

based on GEF

in 2007 EMF/GMF was not mature enough for our purposes (in particular in terms of performances)

based on an architecture similar to EMF/GMF

a meta-model (WebML )

automatic generation of domain models, palettes and tools

tree based model-driven compare (a-la EMFCompare)

code generation based on a template based generation through Java and Groovy

a set of built-in generators to generate application logic, parameters propagation, AJAX features and so on

A set of user defined templates in particular to define custom visual identities and custom components

WebRatio IDE Architecture

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The Standardization Effort: towards IFML

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Create a language able to define for the front-end of applications belonging to diverse domains these aspects

Content of interfaces

User events and interaction

Binding to business logic

IFML - Objectives

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With a particular focus on the View part of a software application

view components

view modules


interaction between components

interaction between the user and the components (events)

the distribution of view components and referenced data and business logic at the different tiers of the architecture

IFML - Focus

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IFML concrete syntax by example

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IFML concrete syntax by example

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IFML concrete syntax by example

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A real example.. The complete Gmail UI

Messages [L D]

GMAIL top [X]

Mbox List

<<XOR>> Message Management


Message notification

<<XOR>> Message Reader


Message Index

Message details

<<L>> Settings

<<P>> Tag chooser




Tag/Folder Index

Associate to tag / Move to folder

<<M>> Tag creator

New Tag/Folder

Create Tag/


Message toolbar

OUT: NewTagIN: ATag

OUT: NewTagNameIN: TagName

OUT: SelectedTagIN: ATag

OUT: SelectedMessagesIN: MessageSet





Create New

Select Tag




OUT: AllMessagesIN: MessageSet


<<XOR>> Message search

<<D>> Search

Message keyword search

<<P>> FullSearch

Message full search

Show search options

Search mail

OUT: KeywordIN: SearchKey

<<L>> Message writer

<<form>> Message Writer

Send Action

{Self.MessageRecipients >1}

OUT: MessageIDIN: MessageID

<<field>> To

<<field>> Cc

<<field>> Bcc

<<field>> Subject

<<field>> Body

<<field>> Attachment

OUT: Subject, From, Cc, Body, “ReplyAll”IN: “Re:”+ Subject, To, Cc, Body, State

OUT: Subject, From, “”, Body, “Reply”IN: “Re:”+ Subject, To, Cc, Body, State

OUT: Subject, “”, “”, Body, “Forward”IN: “Fw:”+ Subject, To, Cc, Body, State

State =”Reply” OR ”Forward”


State =”Forward” OR ”ReplyToAll”

<<parameter>> State

State = ”NewMessage” OR“Forward”




Add Bcc

Add Cc

Edit subject

Add attachment

Send Save




State =”Reply” OR ”ReplyToAll”

State =”Reply” OR ”ReplyToAll”

OUT: Keyword, From, To., ...IN: SearchKey, FromKey, ToKey, ..


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The IFML metamodel - 1


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The IFML metamodel - 2

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WebRatio will provide a first open-source implementation of the IFML editor

published first on Eclipse Labs

later on, after gathering interest and partecipation from the community, transformed to a project of the Eclipse Foundation

a full solution based on EMF/GMF

The initial Ecore model for the core part of IFML

The EMF-based IFML editor

Integration with open source UML editors (Papyrus)

The Alf and fUML execution engines

IFML – Open-source editor

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Architecture overview

You are welcome to comment on IFML at OMG and to contribute!

IFML – Open-source editor (2)

IFML Editor UML Editor

(class, activity, … from Papyrus)

Front-end code

Alf + fUML interpreter

fUML + Alf

Alf Editor

Code generator

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Thank you! [email protected] emanuelemolteni emanuelemolteni

[email protected] marcobrambi marcobrambi