End of the world presentation

End of the World on May 21 Doomsday: Is Harold Camping Right? By: Lester Soto World News Analyst and Writer http://yourfreemusicvideos.info/end-of-w orld/

Transcript of End of the world presentation

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End of the World on May 21 Doomsday:

Is Harold Camping Right?

By: Lester Soto World News Analyst and Writer


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==> Shocking Video reveals How he Predicts the End of the World<==

Many people are talking about the end of the world on May 21st. We are just about three days from that to happen and the world is getting crazy right now with that news. There still a lot to do here in this planet.

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There are many people that really think that is going to happen but me as a responsible person can’t actually say that Christ is coming that day. The Bible clearly states that the day for the World to End is a lot of time ahead. A lot of things may happen but the End of the World is not the same and isn’t going to happen yet. This world has become hysteric since the news was revealed from this group of people and this person giving his revelation.

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You know what? If that happens a lot of people is going to be in panic because they actually know they are not living the way God wants them to live. That should be a good wakeup call to those who are living a crazy life but still want to improve and go to heaven one day.

The rapture is something that surely is going to happen but it will come way before the end of the World and the truth is that the Bible has outline this moment and will happen very soon.

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The world has been doing many things and have just forget about God and all He does for Us every day and just kick him out of our lives and called good what is bad and bad what really is good. But He is just and he will give us what we deserve and chose!

The day that preacher Harold Camping has set to be Judgment Day is just 3 days away. Should we all be worried for the words of this man?

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= = > See Harold Camping Interview on May 21

st Doomsday < = =

We better think more in the Word of God and not in the word of a man. So the answer to that question is, Not at all.

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Since the beginning of history, people have been trying to establish a day for the end of the World. Of course, we are not God and we don’t know the answer for that question because it is in HIS hands only. But again, the Bible is the one that tells us when that is going to happen and to tell you the truth: We are far of the truth! Why people continue to predict doomsday? Most of these predictions are either religious and/or ambiguous in nature.

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The day of Rapture and doomsday is not the same and people tend to confuse it. Still you

need to be more interested in the rapture than doomsday to tell you the truth.

Many people just talk about the truth that the Bible has on it but not many want to follow them or either believe on it. Things that happen in the Bible are not only real things; most of them have also been proven by modern science. So either way you believe in it or not, God has put His words on it and he never lies about anything. Certainly the book of Revelation talks a lot about doomsday but you need more than just read to understand all that lies in that book.

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To get this video CLICK this link to see what he has to say about it!

Predicting the end of the World is not so intelligent but the Bible also said that a lot of people where going to lie about this and a lot of people were going to believe in them.

We have in exclusive a video interview that some reporter did to this man called Harold Camping who predicts the end of the world in May 21st.