encouragement and wisdom for the journey : a devotional

encouragement and wisdom for the journey : a devotional BIG BIG G

Transcript of encouragement and wisdom for the journey : a devotional

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encouragement and wisdom for the journey : a devotional


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Jeannie BlocherPresident, Body & Soul Fitness

live life BIGWhat does it mean to you to “live Life BIG?” Do you find it exciting to think about possibilities and dream big? Or is it a bit scary because you don’t know what the future holds? In the book of Jeremiah God declares this: “I know the plans I have for you…plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

As you listen to the music of this session and think about the bigness of God who has particular plans for you, be encouraged! His plans will prosper you and not harm you. They will give you hope. He may guide you to slow down in order to live life bigger. He may be calling you to love, serve and give. He is the source of a BIG life and he holds the secret to it!

Read on, think and pray. God has something special in mind, just for you.


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Do Life BigNothing in this World

This is our TimeSet Me on Fire

World ChangersMove

VIPTime Stands Still

Same GodI Will Follow

EnergyDifferent Drum

SunshineAll Eyes On You

Shout it OutDay One

EchoWho I AmKeep Goin’

Lay it DownOne Word at a Time

MagneticMore of You

Have EverythingShoulders

Jamie GraceShureePlanetshakersThousand Foot CrutchAudio AdrenalineAudio AdrenalineManic DriveFamily Force 5Sanctus RealJeremy CampHillsong Y&FBlancaSuperchickOBBLincoln BrewsterMatthew WestBlancaBlancaGroup 1 CrewSanctus RealSanctus RealSatellites & SirensColton DixonDavid DunnFor King & Country



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living life Big

Living life BIG is going to look different for each one of us. Some of us are ready right now for something new, something bigger—we long for it, dream of it, are willing to step out in faith-- or in recklessness to get started. If you fall in this category, focus on faith and be wise not to jump in with recklessness. BIGness does not mean foolishness.

For others of us, the whole idea of a BIG life—bigger than we are now living, is daunting, maybe even a little scary. This is where BIG trust and BIG belief are needed. The song “Do Life Big” by Jamie Grace says this: “Spread your wings and fly. Now go and show no fear. You are enough to change the atmosphere. So go --and do life BIG!”

God will guide each of us into just the right BIG life. He know the plans he has for us—for a future and a hope!

Jeremiah 29:11 “...I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

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faith to live a BIG life Living life BIG takes faith.The size of your faith isn’t the key factor, a little dab will do you.1 The object of your faith is of preeminent importance. There is one who can open doors for you like no one else. He has been referred to as “holy and true.” “What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.”2 Sounds exciting doesn’t it? He opens doors of opportunity at the most opportune moment and closes them at the perfect time. An open door can mean “boundless opportunities. ...unlimited choices to do something worthwhile; of grand openings into new and unknown adventures of significant living. Of heretofore unimagined chances to do good; to make our lives count for eterntiy.”3 Counting for eternity, isn’t that the essence of living big?

One pastor preaching on faith said: “You must abandon your old life, believe God’s promises are trustworthy and commit to a new journey.”4 Place your faith in God, who for centuries has given divine opportunities to those who trust him. Ask him to open doors you can’t, that are unexpected and that only he can prepare you for. And when he opens a door you’ll need your faith because ; “To find out what’s on the other side, you’ll have to go through.”4 Don’t be afraid! The God who opened the door will be with you each step of the way!

James 2:22 NLT “You see, he was trusting God so much that he was willing to do whatever God told him to do. His faith was made complete by what he did-by his actions.”

1Mt. 17:20-21 2Rev. 3:7b 3Gerald Hawthorne “Colossians”4“All The Places To Go” John Ortberg pg. 6,10

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Slow downSometimes smaller means bigger. Think about it--would your life be “bigger” if you slowed down in some areas? Slowing down can mean being more productive, less stressed, and more focused on the right priorities. It can mean choosing what’s “best” over choosing what’s “good.” That’s a bigger life! In the song “Time Stands Still” by Family Force 5 it says: “Never gonna get stuck on the past. Never lookin’ back. Let’s slow things down. Life’s moving too fast. Sand through the hour glass.” Let’s decide to look forward, not back. Let’s wisely choose how to spend the hours and days that God has given us. Let’s take a deep breath and really live BIG right here, right now. Then we can look forward to tomorrow with an attitude of trust, hope and belief as God unveils a productive BIG life for each of us!

Psalm 31:14-15 “ But, I trust in you, O Lord; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in your hands…”

1James 1:5,NRSV 2Max Lucado 3Mark Batterson, “Draw the Circle, The 40 Day Prayer Challenge.” pgs.10, 26 4Prov. 16:9 5John Ortberg, “All The Places To Go”, pg. 217

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taking time for What’s Truly Important Slowing down to tell God how much you appreciate him and to seek his help is never a mistake! Take time to savor the brilliant colors of a sunset and thank the God who made it for your enjoyment. Do you want to wisely seize every divine opportunity? “If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you.”1 Do you want things to happen that can only be explained by God’s intervention? Then you must pray! When we pray God opens his ears to us. “Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference.2 When we pray “the goal is to figure out what God wants, what God wills.” “All of us want to do amazing things for God, but that isn’t our job, it is God’s job. Our job is simply to consecrate ourselves by yielding our will to His will. And if we do our job, God will do His job.”3

“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.”4 “Prayer is not an incantation. It is a talk with a Person - a very wise Person. So sometimes God will say no, and thank God he does.”5 Sometimes God will say yes in a way we never would have dreamed of. Slow down long enough to know that God is God. He is all wise, abounds in mercy and loves you unconditionally and without end. Slow down and talk to him, he loves the sound of your voice.

Ps. 34:15,17a “The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry...the righteous cry out and the Lord hears them....” See also: Ephesians 6:18

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Love, Serve and Give How can we best live a BIG life?—by showing love, serving others and giving ourselves away. This is a life that makes a difference! The song “Echo” by Blanca of Group 1 Crew is a cry of the heart to make that difference, to live a life that echoes God in such a way that everything we do is a positive reflection of him. The lyrics say it all: “1441 minutes—every day I gotta decide how am I gonna live it? I’m gonna take a chance to be the difference. Every day I wanna find I’m alive for something more than what I planned, higher than my ways, greater than I am. All for You—I was made to leave a mark, carry fire in my heart. No matter where I go, I want my life to echo You. I was meant to make You shine, be a reflection of Your light in everything I do. I want my life to echo You.”

This song does not talk about us shining for our own renown. It’s not about becoming famous or about personal recognition. It is about being available, ready and committed to love, serve and give with the result of blessing others, making a difference and shining God’s light into the world. That is truly a BIG life!

Matthew 5:16 “…let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”

Isaiah 55:9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

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being a Mercy-Giver A group of people were overtaken by disgust at the magnitude of their own lack of gratefulness to God. They talked among themselves trying to figure out what they could do to make it up to him. Nothing they came up with seemed adequate. Then God spoke: “...the Lord has already told you what is good, and this is what he requires: to do what is right, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.1 Mercy comes so easily to God. Don’t you just love the fact that his mercy is fresh every morning? It’s never moldy, crusty or worn out. That is awe-inspiring good news to all of us who need mercy. God’s words also serve as a call to each of us to be mercy-givers. Mercy is defined as: “willingness to spare or forgive.” Are you willing? In his act of calling us to be mercy givers, God is showing us mercy. He knows that a lack of forgiveness is toxic to our hearts.

Gregg was overcome with bitterness toward the man who molested his little sister. “No matter how justifiable my feelings were, however, in God’s eyes my self-righteous hatred was just as sinful. In the course of time, however, I learned that bitterness never draws us closer to God.”2 It never contributes to living life BIG, in fact, it does just the opposite. Humble yourself and ask the God of mercy to help you be merciful; to forgive the person who has wronged you just as God has forgiven you.3 The choice is “bitter or better.” And God’s way is not only better, it is the best!

Hebrews 12:15a “See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble...”

1Micah 6:8 2Craig Groeschel, “Soul Detox”, pg.93, 3Ephesian 4:31-32

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the source of a BIG life How in the world can we possibly strive for and achieve a BIG life? Well, one thing for sure—we can’t do it on our own. Will it help to “research” big life choices? What about googling “big life?” Is there a “how-to” book on living a BIG life?

Well, maybe there is—have you ever thought of the Bible as the greatest “how-to” book ever? What a wonderful resource for knowing how to live. What a great source of truth. What a powerful group of stories that show life lessons, and parables that make us think. And what is the source of this source? God. Yes—all Scripture is “God-breathed.”1 Through God’s inspiration and guidance, men wrote the truths and told the stories that are so helpful to us today. We may not understand all of it at first reading, but as the Scriptures say—seek wisdom! “Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or swerve from them. Do not forsake wisdom. She will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom…”2

So let’s set out on an every-day quest for wisdom and truth. Let’s search God’s Word. And as we soak it in, our life will grow—it will be a glorious BIG life, not because of what we’ve done, but because of what we’ve learned from THE source! “You are the everlasting God; You’re the one who holds it all. I can’t help but stand in awe. You are my energy.”3

1II Timothy 3:16 2Proverbs 4:5-7a 3”Energy” by Hillsong Young & Free

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getting to know the source How would you like to live a life bigger and better than you’ve ever dreamed of? A life overflowing with all the things that really matter. Can money buy those things? Most of us would agree that it can’t. Jesus told us: “No one serves two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.”1 ”The truth is that happiness, significance, and security are found in Christ [Jesus] alone. Having more of this world never fulfills. Only more of Christ does .”2 He alone is the source of the big life. So, how do you get more of Christ Jesus? In much the same way you get to know a friend: by getting to know all about him and by talking to him often, about everything. “When you open your Bible God opens his mouth.”3 Eyewitnesses tell amazing stories about Jesus in the Bible. Read about how he related to people and how he felt about them. Think seriously about the conversations he had with God the Father. Consider carefully his promises. Ponder the wonders of heaven where his followers will live with him forever. Think about his commands and decide to obey them. Figure out what was important to him and adopt his priorities. Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart. He wants to come in and spend precious time with you. Won’t you spend time with him today, just the two of you? He won’t ask for a cup of Starbucks, he’ll just enjoy the time with you. The time spend with him will be well worth it. After all, who else said: “I have come that they might have life and have it to the full”3?

Ps. 16:11 “You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

1Matt. 6:24 2Craig Groeschel, “Soul Detox” pg.174 3Mark Batterson, “Draw the Circle” Pg. 137 4John 10:10

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the secret to a BIG life Would you shout out a secret? Not normally. It’s a secret after all! However—there is one secret that we want all the world to know—and we must not be afraid to shout it out! “This is freedom! We have a reason to be shouting. Everybody shout it! We’re walking in the light. Our hearts have come alive. We are living now…You make all things new. We are living proof.”1 Whether you want to shout it out on social media or share as you have a conversation over coffee—you can shout, share, or whisper the truth that God sent Jesus to make us new. When we trust in him and believe that he died in our place, we have a brand new BIG life that lies ahead. And after we share and “shout” it out in our own personal way, let’s remember to pray. Pray that the still small voice inside their head and heart will confirm the truth we have shared, so they, too can experience the walking-in-the-light freedom that comes through Jesus.

Romans 10:9-10 “ …if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”

1“Shout it Out” by Lincoln Brewster

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another secret to a BIG life The secret to living the Big life, is serving a BIG God, in a BIG way, by his BIG power, with BIG humility. God put Esther, a beautiful young, humble woman in a place of critical importance to her entire family. She knew her own limitations, but she also knew a God without limitations. She understood that when we have important things to do, prayer is the important thing to do. It’s what humility does. God did his job, Esther followed his leading and because of that the nation of Israel exists today. Esther served a Big God, in a BIG way, by his Big power, with BIG humility. (For the entire story with all of its intrigue read the book of Esther in the Bible) The God who used Esther wants to use you. Do you believe that? He placed Esther exactly where she was when she was, and he has also created you “for such a time as this.”1 He knew all about you when you were being formed inside of your mother. He knew every moment of your life before you even lived it.2 He has designed you to do things that only you can do. He knows about your failures, knows how people have hurt you, knows about what is important to you, knows what you do well, and knows your heart. Today you can change your life for the rest of your life. Do you believe in a BIG God? Do you long to serve him in BIG ways? Can you trust his BIG power to work through you? Will you humble yourself in a BIG way? If you do this, get ready for some big surprises and a life that is BIG in all the important ways.

Ps. 32:8-9 “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you. Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by a bit and bridle or they will not come to you.”

1 Esther 4:14 2Psalm 139:13-14

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Are you living a BIG life or do you feel stuck in a small life with no purpose? If you are feeling like you don’t even deserve a BIG life because of things you’ve done or things you have avoided, there is good news. You can leave your past behind and make a brand new start to a BIG life. You were created to make a positive difference in the lives of others—but first you need to understand the Secret to a BIG life.

The “secret” good news is that God wants you to be one of his VIPs (as the song by Manic Drive says.) You are chosen by him to be part of his family. He has a plan for your life, but you need to make the decision to choose him.

God knows you and loves you. He wants to fill your life with meaning and give you the gift of eternal life— a BIG life of true freedom. In the song “Have Everything” David Dunn recounts the desperate place he was in, acknowledges feeling God’s grace, and then responds with this: “You can have me; You can have everything. I am Yours, not holding onto anything…It’s a new day. It’s a new dawn. I’ve found a place where I belong.”

God offers you grace and mercy—he gives you the opportunity for a second chance—a brand new start, and true freedom, but you have to be brave and make a decision.

Ephesians 2:8-9 “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith— and it is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works so that no one can boast.

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Take a step of faith to ask God to take control of your life and allow him to guide you to a BIG new life of true freedom.

Admit your faults and mistakes— things that have wrapped chains around your heart and kept you from being free.

Accept God’s grace and forgiveness. He offers this grace to you in a supernatural way. He does not ask you to earn it. He knows you don’t deserve it; he offers it as a free gift.

You can be assured of this supernatural grace if you put your faith in God and allow him to take control of your life. He loves you so much that he sent his son to earth to cover your mistakes and open the door to everlasting life. God’s son Jesus bridges the gap between you and God. Intentionally choose, by faith, to believe that Jesus is the only way to ensure your eternal life of true freedom in heaven. Once you have made this decision, your BIG new life will start and you will begin to experience the faithfulness of God, even in hard times.

Galatians 5:1 “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”

The following is a suggested prayer:Dear God, I want a BIG life of true freedom with you. I am taking the step of faith to believe in you. I open the door of my heart and accept you as my Lord. Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me life that is everlasting. Take control of my life. Make me the person you want me to be. Thank you for your grace and your love.

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Devotionals written by: Anne Walchshauser & Jeannie BlocherArt design by: Rebecca Gilbert

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