Encephalopathy Thiamine Deficiency: Studies …...boxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle) and the hexose...

Encephalopathy of Thiamine Deficiency: Studies of Intracerebral Mechanisms DAVID W. MCCANDLESS and STEVEN SCHENKER with the technical assistance of MARTHA COOK From The Liver-Gastroenterology Unit, The Department of Internal Medicine, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, Texas 75235 A B S T R A C T Thiamine-deficient encephalopathy is characterized by morphologic lesions in the brainstem and less extensively in the cerebellum, but the early neurologic signs reverse rapidly and fully with thiamine, indicating a metabolic dis- order. The suggested causal mechanisms of the encephalopathy involve two thiamine-dependent enzymes: (a) impairment of pyruvate decarboxy- lase activity with decreased cerebral energy (ATP) synthesis, and (b) reduction of trans- ketolase activity with possible impairment of the hexose monophosphate shunt and subsequent de- crease in NADPH formation. The latter may be important in maintaining glutathione in a reduced form (GSH), which apparently functions by keep- ing enzymes in a reduced (active) conformation. To examine some of these postulated mecha- nisms, in this study we measured pyruvate decar- boxylase and transketolase activity, lactate, ATP and GSH levels in the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and brainstem, and thiamine concentration in whole brain of rats with diet-induced low thiamine encephalopathy. Pair-fed and normally fed asymp- tomatic control animals were similarly investi- gated. To assess the functional importance of some of our results, we repeated the studies in rats, immediately (16-36 hr) after reversal of the neurological signs with thiamine administration. Mr. McCandless' present address is the Department of Anatomy, George Washington University, Washington, D. C. Address requests for reprints to Dr. Steven Schenker, Department of Internal Medicine, The Uni- versity of Texas Southwestern Medical School, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, Tex. 75235. Received for pulblication 18 April 1968 and in revised form 19 June 1968. The data obtained led to the following conclu- sions: (a) Brain contains a substantial reserve of thiamine in that thiamine level has to fall to below 20% of normal before the onset of overt enceph- alopathy and an increase in brain thiamine to only 26%o of normal results'in rapid reversal of neuro- logic signs. (b) Both cerebral transketolase and pyruvate decarboxylase activities are impaired in low thiamine encephalopathy and the abnormality in the pyruvate decarboxylase is reflected in a rise in brain lactate. These biochemical abnormalities occur primarily in the brainstem and cerebellum, the sites of the morphologic changes. (c) Although the fall in cerebral transketolase is about twofold greater than that of pyruvate decarboxylase activ- ity during encephalopathy, both enzymes rise on reversal of neurologic signs and the degree of the transketolase rise is slight. Accordingly, this study cannot ascertain the relative functional importance of these two pathways in the induction of the encephalopathy. The data suggest, however, that the depression of transketolase is not functionally important per se, but may only be an index of some other' critical aspect of the hexose mono- phosphate shunt. (d) The normal cerebral ATP concentration and small GSH fall during enceph- alopathy, with little GSH rise on reversal of neurologic signs, suggest that a depletion of neither substance is instrumental in inducing thiamine- deficient encephalopathy. INTRODUCTION Thiaminle deficiency in man may induce Wernicke's disease (1, 2) and in experimental animals causes 2268 The Journal of Clinical Investigation Volume 47 1968

Transcript of Encephalopathy Thiamine Deficiency: Studies …...boxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle) and the hexose...

Page 1: Encephalopathy Thiamine Deficiency: Studies …...boxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle) and the hexose monophosphate shunt (HMP shunt), utilize thiamine-dependent enzymes, and an impairment

Encephalopathy of Thiamine Deficiency:

Studies of Intracerebral Mechanisms


From The Liver-Gastroenterology Unit, The Department of Internal Medicine,The University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, Texas 75235

A B S T R A C T Thiamine-deficient encephalopathyis characterized by morphologic lesions in thebrainstem and less extensively in the cerebellum,but the early neurologic signs reverse rapidly andfully with thiamine, indicating a metabolic dis-order. The suggested causal mechanisms of theencephalopathy involve two thiamine-dependentenzymes: (a) impairment of pyruvate decarboxy-lase activity with decreased cerebral energy(ATP) synthesis, and (b) reduction of trans-ketolase activity with possible impairment of thehexose monophosphate shunt and subsequent de-crease in NADPHformation. The latter may beimportant in maintaining glutathione in a reducedform (GSH), which apparently functions by keep-ing enzymes in a reduced (active) conformation.

To examine some of these postulated mecha-nisms, in this study we measured pyruvate decar-boxylase and transketolase activity, lactate, ATPand GSHlevels in the cerebral cortex, cerebellum,and brainstem, and thiamine concentration inwhole brain of rats with diet-induced low thiamineencephalopathy. Pair-fed and normally fed asymp-tomatic control animals were similarly investi-gated. To assess the functional importance of someof our results, we repeated the studies in rats,immediately (16-36 hr) after reversal of theneurological signs with thiamine administration.

Mr. McCandless' present address is the Department ofAnatomy, George Washington University, Washington,D. C. Address requests for reprints to Dr. StevenSchenker, Department of Internal Medicine, The Uni-versity of Texas Southwestern Medical School, 5323Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, Tex. 75235.

Received for pulblication 18 April 1968 and in revisedform 19 June 1968.

The data obtained led to the following conclu-sions: (a) Brain contains a substantial reserve ofthiamine in that thiamine level has to fall to below20% of normal before the onset of overt enceph-alopathy and an increase in brain thiamine to only26%o of normal results'in rapid reversal of neuro-logic signs. (b) Both cerebral transketolase andpyruvate decarboxylase activities are impaired inlow thiamine encephalopathy and the abnormalityin the pyruvate decarboxylase is reflected in a risein brain lactate. These biochemical abnormalitiesoccur primarily in the brainstem and cerebellum,the sites of the morphologic changes. (c) Althoughthe fall in cerebral transketolase is about twofoldgreater than that of pyruvate decarboxylase activ-ity during encephalopathy, both enzymes rise onreversal of neurologic signs and the degree of thetransketolase rise is slight. Accordingly, this studycannot ascertain the relative functional importanceof these two pathways in the induction of theencephalopathy. The data suggest, however, thatthe depression of transketolase is not functionallyimportant per se, but may only be an index ofsome other' critical aspect of the hexose mono-phosphate shunt. (d) The normal cerebral ATPconcentration and small GSHfall during enceph-alopathy, with little GSH rise on reversal ofneurologic signs, suggest that a depletion of neithersubstance is instrumental in inducing thiamine-deficient encephalopathy.


Thiaminle deficiency in man may induce Wernicke'sdisease (1, 2) and in experimental animals causes

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a similar type of encephalopathy consisting ofataxia, loss of righting, opisthotonos, and drowsi-ness (3, 4). Both conditions are characterized bymorphologic lesions primarily located in the brain-stem, and to a lesser extent in the cerebellum,but the early neurologic signs reverse rapidly andfully with thiamine administration suggesting thatthe encephalopathy is a metabolic disorder (1,3-5).

Two areas of cerebral metabolism, the tricar-boxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle) and the hexosemonophosphate shunt (HMP shunt), utilizethiamine-dependent enzymes, and an impairmentof these metabolic pathways has been suggested asthe mechanism of thiamine-deficient encephalo-pathy (6). As regards biochemical reactions vitalfor the TCA cycle, thiamine pyrophosphate is anessential coenzyme of pyruvate decarboxylase, anenzyme that catalyzes the oxidative conversion ofpyruvate to acetyl coenzyme A.' This high energycompound has a number of biologic functions, ofwhich condensation with oxalacetate to form citricacid, a key initial substrate of the TCA cycle, isperhaps paramount. Another thiamine-dependentenzymatic reaction of the TCA cycle is the decar-boxylation of alpha ketoglutarate to succinate,although this step is apparently less affected bythiamine deficiency (7). Thiamine pyrophosphatealso serves as a coenzyme for transketolase whichcatalyzes reactions necessary for the operation ofthe HMPshunt. The relative importance andfunctional significance of impaired pyruvate de-carboxylation vs. transketolation as a cause of theencephalopathy in thiamine-deficient animals arestill unsettled, although most authors currentlyfavor the latter mechanism (9, 10). The subjectis discussed extensively in recent publications(9-12).

The manner in which an impairment of the TCAcycle or the HMPshunt may induce the signsof encephalopathy is conjectural. Since, however,the TCA cycle is the principal means of cerebraloxidative synthesis of energy, ultimately in theform of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), it has beenpostulated that impairment of this pathway bydecreased pyruvate oxidation may result in a de-

1 This enzymatic process. requires the cooperation ofseveral enzymes and cofactors, and the sum of these hasalso been designated as pyruvic acid dehydrogenase (8).

crease of available ATP (6, 13, 14).2 Accordingto current concepts of nerve impulse propagation,such an event may in turn disrupt the orderlyintegration of cerebral energy-dependent cationflux which is believed essential for normal cerebralfunction (15, 16). One of the major roles of theHMPshunt is believed to be the generation ofreduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phos-phate (NADPH) (17). This substance apparentlyis required to maintain cerebral glutathione in areduced state (GSH) (18, 42). Since GSH isbelieved to function by maintaining metabolicallyimportant thiol compounds in the reduced formto assure their function as coenzymes and en-zymes (18), a decrease in NADPHsynthesis maycause a fall in GSHand thus impair cerebral func-tion. This hypothesis is strengthened by theobservations that erythtrocyte and heart GSHcon-centrations were reduced in animals with thiaminedeficiency (19). Regional cerebral analyses ofATP, NADPH, and GSH in thiamine-deficientanimals have not yet been carried out.

In order to elucidate some of the hypothesesadvanced above, this study of cerebral metabolismin rats with thiamine-deficient encephalopathy hadthe following objectives: (a) to determine the rela-tive magnitude of impairment of pyruvate decar-boxylase and transketolase activity in various re-gions of the brain; (b) to assess the functionalsignificance of any enzyme impairment noted byreassaying for these immediately after thiamine-induced neurologic recovery; (c) to determine ifcerebral regional ATP and GSH concentrationsare decreased in the encephalopathy of thiaminedeficiency; and (d) to determine if, as would beanticipated from the morphologic data (4, 5), ratbrainstem and cerebellum, as compared to cortex,show a selective biochemical sensitivity (rise inlactate, fall in transketolase and pyruvate decar-boxylase activity) to thiamine depletion.


Experimental procedure. Sprague-Dawley female lit-termate rats weighing 50-60 g were individually placedin metabolic cages. One member of each pair was givendaily 20 g of a special synthetic thiamine-deficient diet,sa

2 This hypothesis implies that cerebral C02-fixing reac-tions in thiamine deficiency are unable to sustain the nor-mal function of the TCA cycle.

3a Thiamine deficient diet: sucrose 68%o, vitamin-freecasein 18%, vegetable oil 10%o, salt mixture USP XIV

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while the second animal (control) was pair fed withthe same diet supplemented with thiamine (control diet).3bThe daily food intake of the pair-fed control rat de-pended on the previous day's measured food consunmptionof the first animal. It has been calculated that 1 g of thecontrol diet provides more than twice the minimum dailyrequirement of thiamine for rats (9), and the pair-fedcontrols, although partly starved toward the end of theexperimental period, ate at least 1.5 g of the diet perday. A third group of female rats of equal weight wasplaced on ad lib. regular laboratory diet and served asthe "normally fed" control group. All animals weregiven free access to water. The pair-fed animals wereweighed every day and the normally fed rats at leastevery other day.

The thiamine-deficient rats were sacrificed upon onsetof definite neurological signs (described under Results),usually after 4.5-5 wk of thiamine deprivation. Someanimals, assayed for brain thiamine, were sacrificed atweekly intervals. Appropriate pair-fed and normally fedcontrol rats were killed at the same time as the corre-sponding experimental animals. To assess the functionalimportance of thiamine deficiency on the cerebral pro-cesses investigated, we gave other thiamine-deficient ratswith overt but brief (duration 24-96 hr) neurologicsigns 10 Aug of thiamine hydrochloride i.p. Occasionally,a second thiamine injection after 24 hr was required.This resulted in a virtually complete abolition of neuro-logic signs in all animals within 16-36 hr. Identical thia-mine injections were given to the pair-fed controlswhich were asymptomatic throughout.

The manner in which the animals were sacrificedvaried with the purpose of the experiment. For measure-ment of cerebral regional thiamine, lactate, pyruvate,ATP, GSH, and protein concentrations, and in someinstances transketolase activity, the unanesthetized ratswere frozen rapidly in a mixture of dry ice and acetone.The frozen brain was then chiseled out and separatedinto the appropriate regions, while frozen on dry ice,before assay. For measurement of cerebral pyruvate de-carboxylase activity, which decreases by 80% on freezing(9), the animals were decapitated, and the unfrozen brainwas subdivided into the required areas for assay, whileblood was collected from the torso into heparinizedtubes for blood transketolase estimation. For greatercomparability of results, some cerebral transketolasedeterminations were also carried out on the same tissuesutilized for the pyruvate decarboxylase activity. In some

4%; vitamins in g/100 lb. diet-vitamin A 4.5 (200,000U/g), vitamin D concentrate 9.25 (400,000 U), alphatocopherol 5.0, ascorbic acid 45.0, inositol 5.0, cholinechloride 75.0, menadione 2.25, p-aminobenzoic A 5.0,niacin 4.5, riboflavin 1.0, pyridoxine hydrochloride 1.0,calcium pantothenate 3.0, and in mg/100 lb. diet-biotin20, folic acid 90, vitamin B-2 1.35.

3b Control diet in addition to the above contained thia-mine hydrochloride 1 g/100 lb. diet. Both diets were ob-tained from Nutritional Biochemicals Corp., Cleveland,Ohio.

instances pyruvate decarboxylation and transketolase ac-tivity were measured in unfrozen liver, kidney, andheart.

The areas of brain assayed consisted of parietal cor-tical gray matter, the cerebellum, and the brainstem,which comprised mainly the pons but also sometimes in-cluded both rostral medulla and caudal midbrain. Theapproximate landmarks for the brainstem were anteriorlythe level of posterior colliculi and caudally the level ofthe vermis. In five normal animals transketolase and py-ruvate decarboxylase activity were also assayed in otherregions of the brain (see Results). For heart assay asection of either ventricle, free of blood, was used. Livertissue was chosen without regard to site. Both cortex andmedulla of kidney were assayed.

Methods of analysis. Whole blood transketolase ac-tivity and the thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) effect weremeasured by the technique of Dreyfus (20). Brain thia-mine (combined free and phosphorylated moieties) wasassayed by the method of Lewin and Wei (21) in whichthe thiochrome produced is read fluorometrically. Non-specific tissue fluorescence was excluded utilizing a tis-sue blank treated with benzenesulfonyl chloride as de-scribed by Haugen (22). Each brain sample was as-sayed in quadruplicate and the results averaged. Re-covery of weighed quantities of thiamine and thiaminepyrophosphate added to whole brain were between 90 and100% in 10 instances. Lactate was assayed in frozenbrain enzymatically and in duplicate by the procedure ofHohorst (23). In a few instances, brainstem pyruvatewas estimated enzymatically according to Butcher, Czok,Lamprecht, and Latzko (24). The details and validationof these assays have been presented in a prior publication(25). Cerebral ATP concentration was measured induplicate in the rapidly frozen brain by the luciferin-luciferase luminescence reaction, as described previouslyfrom this laboratory (26). Reduced glutathione (GSH)in brain was estimated in triplicate by the procedure ofBeutler, Duron, and Kelly (27). Protein concentrationwas determined by the method of Lowry, Rosebrough,Farr, and Randall (28).

Cerebral regional, heart, and liver pyruvate decarboxyl-ase activity was measured by the procedure of Dreyfusand Hauser (9). In this assay the decarboxylation ofpyruvate-1-"4C is estimated from the evolution of '4CO2,with the tissue as the source of the decarboxylase. Thedecarboxylation of pyruvate increased linearly with in-crease in tissue weight, over the range of tissue weightassayed. The reaction also proceeded at a linear rateduring the first 60 min of incubation, with a given brainsample; hence incubation periods of 45 min were used.Each sample was assayed in triplicate.

Cerebral regional, heart, and liver transketolase ac-tivity was measured by the method of Dreyfus and Moniz(29). In this procedure excess ribose-5-phosphate is in-cubated with tissue as the source of transketolase and therate of sedoheptulose-7-phosphate formation, estimatedby a modified Dische technique (29, 30), is determinedspectrophotometrically. This method is believed to assessprimarily transketolase activity in that the rate of sedo-

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heptulose formation closely parallels ribose utilization,the reaction proceeds linearly over the first 30 min, andsedoheptulose formation both proceeds linearly with in-creasing concentrations' of enzyme (quantity of tissue)and is depressed substantially when tissues from thiamine-deficient animals are employed (29). Since this proceduremeasures part of a coupled reaction sequence, the possi-bility that the assay may also reflect other subsequentenzymatic steps has not been wholly eliminated (31).Recent studies (32), however, strongly suggest that theassay accurately measures transketolase activity. Practicalassays for tissue transketolase activity by noncoupledmicromethods have not been described as yet. In ourstudies, sedoheptulose elaboration proceeded linearly for60 min of incubation; hence a 45 min incubation periodwas chosen. All samples were assayed in triplicate. Re-covery of known amounts of sedoheptulose in five in-stances was between 95-104%. Reproducibility of the as-say, when measured in nine contiguous sections of the

same cerebral cortex, was within ± 2.5% of the mean.Freezing the brain for at least 1 month did not affectthe assay.

Statistical analysis. Most of the data for thiamine-de-ficient and appropriate pair-fed controls were analyzedby the sign test (33) (for five pairs) or the Wilcoxonmatched-pairs signed-ranks test (33) (for more thanfive pairs of animals). Regional cerebral distribution ofpyruvate decarboxylase and transketolase activity wasalso compared in each animal by these techniques. Thesestatistical tests are ideally suited to assess differencesbetween tissues in matched pairs of animals or betweenbrain areas, when the small number of experiments doesnot permit one to assume a normal distribution of values.Making such an assumption and utilizing tests such asthe t test or disregarding the matched pairing and usingthe nonparametric Mann Whitney U test (33) increasedthe level of significance in every instance where alreadyobserved by the sign test.

Controls -normal diet

Controls -t pair fed

Thiamine deficient


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Days on Diet

FIGURE 1 The effect of diet-induced thiamine deficiency on the growth ofrats. Each point for each group of rats is the mean of three rats. This growthpattern is typical of other groups studied.

Encephalopathy of Thiamine Deficiency




140 _

120 _-

100 -E(9




80 _

60 k


20 H



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Neurologic observations. The weight curve ofthiamine-depleted, pair-fed control, and normallyfed control rats is shown in Fig. 1. Both controlgroups remained asymptomatic throughout thecourse of the experiments. The thiamine-depletedexperimental animals reached a peak weight atabout 2 wk and thereafter consumed progressivelyless food and lost weight. At about 2-2.5 wk somehair loss became evident, but the animals ap-peared neurologically intact until 4.5 wk of low-thiamine diet. Thereafter they developed in rapidprogression (1-4 days) slight incoordination onwalking, slight impairment of righting reflex, re-luctance to walk, walking backward or in circles,severe imbalance on any locomotion, opisthotonicposturing, virtually total loss of righting activity,rolling movements on being picked up by the tail,and drowsiness. Convulsions were not seen. Thesefindings are very similar to those described byDreyfus for rats placed on the same diet (4).Previous studies have shown that these neuro-logic signs are the result of central nervous systemdysfunction and not of peripheral neuropathy (3).An i.p. injection of 10 ,tg of thiamine hydro-chloride, in a few instances repeated at 24 hr,resulted in reversal of the symptomatic animals

to an apparently normal or near-normal neuro-logic state within 16-36 hr.

Brain thiamninie. As shown in Table I, the meanbrain thiamine concentration in the normally fedcontrol rats was 3.72 ,ug/g of brain and this wasnot significantly diminished in the pair-fed controlsover 4.5 wk. This finding then attests to the ade-quacy of the control diet, in the amounts con-sumed, in maintaining a normal brain thiamineconcentration. By contrast, the rats placed on thethiamine-deficient diet lost 15.1, 43.8, 59.1, 73.1,and 84.3% of control brain thiamine concentrationafter 1, 2, 3, 3.5, and 4.5 wk, respectively. Sig-nificantly, however, the brain thiamine concentra-tions had to be reduced to less than 20%o ofnormal before onset of neurologic signs and areversal of the animals to a normal neurologicstate occurred with the brain thiamine rising toonly 26%o of normal.

Pyruvate decarboxylase and lactate. Table II Ashows the regional cerebral distribution of pyru-vate decarboxylase activity in normally fed controlrats. The lowest activity was noted in the brain-stem and the highest in the cerebellum. Similarfindings were seen in the pair-fed controls (TableIII). In five normal rats the mean pyruvate de-carboxylase activity in subcortical white matter


Whole Brain Thiamine Concentration in Thiamine-Deficient Rats

41-5 wk

Symptomatic* Reversed*Duration of experiment... . 1 wk 2 wk 3 wk 3j wk stage stage

Pair-fed controls 3.81 4z 0.09§ 4.02 i 0.10 3.80 :i 0.17 3.53 i 0.07 3.56 i 0.15 3.54 i 0.11(3) (3) (3) (3) (5) (10)

Thiamine deficient 3.21 4d 0.11 2.26 i 0.07 1.55 4 0.06 0.95 :1 0.05 0.56 ±i 0.07 0.91 i 0.06(3) (3) (3) (3) (5) (10)

%Decrease from 15.711 43.811 59.111 73.111 84.3¶ 74.3**control

* Symptomatic and "reversed" stages are described in the text under Results.Brain thiamine concentration in 7 normal controls, not pair fed, was 3.72 i 0.08 ;&g/g. This value is not significantly

different from results obtained in the pair-fed controls (p > 0.05) (33).§ Mean ± SE of number of animals indicated in parentheses. The results are given in p&g/g whole brain, wet wt. Eachdetermination represents the mean of quadruplicate assays.

11 Because of the small sample, statistical analysis was carried out by paired t test which assumes a normal distribution.The values in thiamine-deficient animals at 1 wk were not significantly decreased whereas at 2, 3 and 3.5 wks the brainthiamine was significantly (P < 0.01) lower.¶ Significant at p < 0.04. Data analyzed by nonparametric sign test (33) (see Methods.)** Significant at p < 0.001 (33).

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TABLE I IRegional Cerebral Pyruvate Decarboxylase and Transketolase Activity in Normal Rats

Cortex Cerebellum Brainstem

A. Pyruvate decarboxylase activitypmoles pyruvate decarboxyl- 132.9 ± 10.3* 163.3 :L 14.3 106.4 4h 9.1ated /45 min per g brain wetwt

/moles pyruvate decarboxyl- 1.18 4- 0.15 1.41 + 0.15 9.92 4 0.13ated /45 min per mg brainprotein

B. Transketolase activity;smoles sedoheptulose /45 min 11.63 + 1.01* 21.52 i 1.18 18.97 :1 1.53per g brain wet wt

jumoles sedoheptulose /45 min 65.5 A 6.1 123.1 : 8.0 116.3 1 9.9per g brain protein

* Mean i SE of five rats. Each brain sample was assayed in triplicate for the decarboxylase and in quadruplicate for thetransketolase measurements and the results were averaged.

For the decarboxylase study the differences among the three brain areas are all statistically significant (p < 0.04), bothwhen expressed per g brain wet wt and per mgbrain protein.

For the transketolase study, on the basis of tissue wet wt and protein the cortical value is significantly (P < 0.04)below both the cerebellar and brainstem values which are comparable (P > 0.05).

Statistics were carried out by the nonparametric sign test wherein the brain areas from each animal are comparedto each other (33).

was 19.4%o below that of the cortex (P < 0.04).In the thiamine-deficient symptomatic rats corticalpyruvate decarboxylase activity was not signifi-cantly depressed while that in cerebellum de-creased by 35.8%o and in the brainstem by 28.67%

(P < 0.04) (Table III A). On reversal of theencephalopathy, the depression of the pyruvatedecarboxylase activity in the thiamine-deficientanimals in both cerebellum and brainstem was sub-stantially reduced (Table III B). The measure-

TABLE IIIEffect of Thiamine Deficiency on Regional Cerebral Pyruvate Decarboxylase Activity

A. Thiamine deficient symptomatic group

Pair-fed controls Thiamine-for symptomatic deficient

thiamine deficient symptomatic %De-group group crease P value

Cortex 119.9 4 5.3* 105.1 4 7.1 12.0 >0.05Cerebellum 158.9 20.3 96.5 4 7.9 35.8 <0.04Brainstem 84.3 1 7.9 58.6 :1 2.6 28.6 <0.04

B. Thiamine deficient "reversed" asymptomatic group

Pair-fed controls "Reversed'for "reversed" thiamine deficient

thiamine-deficient group. %De-group asymptomatic crease P value

Cortex 130.9 ± 20.4* 130.0 1 10.9 0.8 >0.05Cerebellum 184.1 4 23.3 148.6 d 21.4 19.2 <0.04Brainstem 93.7 i 5.1 79.8 d 5.3 15.0 <0.04

* Mean 4 SE of five animals in each group. All values are the means of triplicate assays. The results are expressed in,smoles of pyrtivate decarboxylated/45 mim per g brain wet wt. The symptomatic and "reversed" groups are defined inResults.

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TABLE IVEffect of Thiamine Deficiency on Regional Cerebral

Lactate Concentration

Cortex Cerebellum Brainstem

Normal control 16.534±1.76* 27.79:h2.18 27.4943.42(6) (12) (12)

Pair-fed control for symp- 23.70 i±1.80 28.03 :12.54 25.78 1 1.81tomatic thiamine- (9) (9) (9)deficient group

Thiamine-deficient 25.43 41.78 37.01 4t4.08§ 43.534-5.0211symptomatict (9) (9) (9)

Pair-fed control for "re- 20.62 43.90 - 22.0641.49versed" thiamine-de- (5) (5)ficient group

Thiamine-deficient "re- 21.87±t2.56 - 31.75 43.27s$versed"' (5) (5)

* Mean ± SE of number of animals given in parentheses. Values ex-pressed in mg/ 100 g brain, wet wt. From assay of blood lactates in asmaller group of control and thiamine-deficient animals and from dataon brain blood content (25), it was calculated that correction of brainlactate for the trapped blood lactate would not significantly alter thevalues given above, hence such a correction was not carried out.$ Symptomatic and "reversed" groups defined in Results.§ Significantly higher than appropriate pair-fed control group (P< 0.03).

U Significantly higher than appropriate pair-fed control group (P< 0.01).¶ Significantly higher than appropriate pair-fed control group (P< 0.04).

ments of cerebral regional lactate concentrations(Table IV) were generally consistent with theabove considerations. Thus, in the thiamine-deficient symptomatic animals cortical lactate wasnormal while lactate in both cerebellum and brain-stem rose significantly by 32 and 68.9%o, re-spectively (P < 0.03). The lack of quantitativecorrelation between the degree of pyruvate decar-boxylase depression and lactate rise in these tworegions may not be surprising since different setsof animals were used for each assay. On reversalof neurologic signs brainstem lactate in thethiamine-deficient animals was still elevated,though only by 43.9% (P < 0.04), while the cor-tical value remained unaltered (Table IV). In afew instances brainstem pyruvate concentrationwas measured in pair-fed and thiamine-deficientsymptomatic rats. The pyruvate concentration inthe symptomatic animals was invariably elevatedand the degree of rise paralleled that observed withlactate measurements. Pyruvate decarboxylase ac-tivity in liver, heart, and kidney cortex of the thia-mine-deficient symptomatic animals was depressed68, 80, and 52o, respectively, below that noted inpair-fed controls (P < 0.04).

ATP. Table V depicts the regional cerebralATP concentration in normally fed and pair-fedcontrols as well as thiamine-deficient symptomaticrats. In all areas of the brain studied the ATPvalues in the animals with various stages of lowthiamine encephalopathy were comparable to thoseof the asymptomatic controls (P > 0.05).

Transketolase. The regional cerebral distribu-tions of transketolase activity in normally andpair-fed control rats are shown in Tables II andVI, respectively. The data for both groups of ani-mals are quite similar and confirm the studies ofDreyfus (39) in showing a significantly lowertransketolase activity in the cerebral cortex thanin the cerebellum and brainstem. Cortical samplesobtained from the frontal, parietal, and occipitalcortex in five normal rats gave almost identical re-sults. Transketolase activity in the cerebellar hemi-spheres and vermis was also similar (P > 0.05)and comparison of medulla, lateral pons, medialpons, and midbrain in five rats likewise demon-strated no differences (P > 0.05) among theseareas. Furthermore, transketolase activity in thecortex and subcortical white matter of five othernormal rats was virtually identical for each ani-mal (P > 0.05) both on the basis of wet weight,dry weight, and tissue protein concentration. Inthe thiamine-deficient rats a significant depressionof transketolase activity was seen in the cortex,cerebellum, and brainstem, in that order of in-creasing magnitude (Table VI, group 1). Wholeblood, heart, and liver transketolase in the samesymptomatic animals was decreased by 88.2, 65.8,

TABLE VEffect of Thiamine Deficiency on Regional Cerebral

ATP Concentration

Cortex Cerebellum Brainstem

Normal controls 2.69 ±0.04* 2.40 ±0.03 1.924±0.10(6)

Pair-fed controls for thi- 2.49 ±0.07 2.51 ±0.05 2.02 ±0.06amine-deficient group (10)

Thiamine-deficient moder- 2.52 ±0.06 2.50 ±0.11 2.02 ±0.06ate: (6)

Thiamine-deficient severe 2.46 ±0.02 2.59 ±0.12 2.00 ±0.11(4)

* Mean ±4 SE. Values expressed in ;smoles/g brain, wet wt. Numberof animals used is shown in parentheses. None of the values in any one

area of the brain are significantly different.T Animals showing moderate loss of righting reflex and incoordinationon walking were termed moderate. Those exhibiting opisthotonos,virtually total loss of balance and drowsiness, were termed severe (seeResults).

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TABLE VIEffect of Thiamine Deficiency on Regional Cerebral Transketolase Activity

Pair-fed controls Thiamine-for symptomatic deficient

thiamine-deficient symptomatic %De-group group crease P value

Group 1$ Cortex 11.78 ± 1.49* 6.56 41 0.66 44.3 <0.04(5) Cerebellum 22.09 i 2.15 9.68 41 1.25 56.2 <0.04

Brainstem 19.66 d 3.40 6.94 4 0.73 64.7 <0.04

Group 21 Brainstem 11.94 4 2.50 4.58 i 0.31 61.6 <0.04(5)

Pair-fed controls "Reversed"for "reversed" thiamine-

thiamine-deficient deficientgroup asymptomatic %De-

group crease P value

Group 3t Brainstem 12.56 i 1.01 5.81 i 0.45 53.7 <0.01(7)

* Mean + SE of the number of animals shown in parentheses for each group. Each section of brain is the mean of tripli-cate determinations. The values are expressed as pmoles sedoheptulose/45 min per g brain wet wt.I Group 1 refer to animals sacrificed by freezing in dry ice and acetone. Groups 2 and 3 refer to other litters of ratssacrificed by decapitation. The pyruvate decarboxylase activity (Table III) was measured in the same brains utilizedfor the transketolase assay in groups 2 and 3. Pyurvate decarboxylase is decreased by freezing of the tissues, (9) hence theneed for a variation in experimental technique.

and 55%o, respectively (P < 0.04). In the kidneycortex and medulla of the symptomatic animalstransketolase activity decreased by 52 and 80%,respectively (P < 0.04). The TPP effect on bloodtransketolase in the thiamine-deficient rats was77.5 %, as compared to 13 % in the pair-fed con-trols. In the second group of animals (Table VI),killed by decapitation and employed also for assayof pyruvate decarboxylase activity (Table III), avery similar degree of fall in brainstem trans-ketolase activity occurred in the symptomatic rats.The differences in the absolute values for brain-stem transketolase between groups 1 and 2, sacri-ficed by freezing or decapitation, respectively(Table VI), may represent variation between ani-mal groups, method of sacrifice, or both. It isevident, however, from comparison of the datain Tables III and VI, that the transketolase fallwas about 2.5 times greater than that for pyruvatedecarboxylase activity. Surprisingly, on reversalof neurologic signs, mean brainstem transketolasein seven animals was still depressed by 53.8%o(Table VI, group 3). This then represents asmaller improvement, as compared to controls,than was noted in the same animals for the brain-stem pyruvate decarboxylase activity (Table III).

GSH. As shown in Table VII, the concentra-tion of GSHin the brain of normally fed rats wasslightly higher than in that of the pair-fed controls.This presumably reflects the effect of semi-starva-tion in the latter group. In the symptomaticthiamine-depleted rats cortical and cerebellar GSHconcentration was comparable to that noted in the

TABLE VIIEffect of Thiamine Deficiency on Regional Cerebral

Glutathione* Concentration

Cortex Cerebellum Brainstem

Normal control (6) 636.1 412.3t 625.04-29.0 512.44±15.0

Pair-fed controls for symp- 579.14±12.6 529.5±25.8 465.3424.4tomatic thiamine-defi-cient group (6)

Thiamine-deficient symp- 553.14±22.5 519.14±21.4 382.3-+10.2§tomatic group (6)

Pair-fed controls for "re- - - 447.5 ±22.1versed" thiamine-defi-cient group (8)

Thiamine-deficient "re- - - 387.2-411.9iversed" group (8)

* Glutathione refers to the reduced moiety, GSH.1 Mean ± SE. Values expressed in mg/100 g brain, wet wt. Num-bers of animals used are shown in parentheses.§ Significantly lower than appropriate pair-fed control value (P< 0.03) (33).

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asymptomatic pair-fed controls while brainstemGSHwas lower by only 18% (P < 0.03). Onreversal of neurologic signs brainstem GSH inthe thiamine-deficient animals was still lower by13%o (P<0.03).

Protein. Protein concentrations in cortex, cere-bellum, and brainstem of five sets of thiamine-deficient symptomatic rats and in the same areasin five pair-fed controls were comparable (P <0.05), justifying the expression of the results interms of tissue wet weight.


The present study defines the critical range ofbrain thiamine concentrations necessary for theinduction and the subsequent resolution of neuro-logic signs in rats with diet-induced thiamine de-ficiency. Contrary to some published data (34,35), whole brain thiamine in the experimentalanimals began to fall at 1 wk and decreased by44%o after 2 wk on a thiamine-deficient diet (TableI), despite lack of neurologic signs and a growthcomparable to that of the pair-fed control animals(Fig. 1) which maintained a normal brain thia-mine concentration. Furthermore, the whole brainthiamine concentration had to be reduced to lessthan 20%o of normal before the onset of overtencephalopathy and a reversal of the animals to anessentially normal neurologic state occurred withthe brain thiamine rising to only 26%o of normal(Table I). Subtle neurologic changes may occurwith a somewhat lesser depletion of thiamine (3).These results are quite comparable to the data ofDreyfus (4) and of Balaghi and Pearson (36),and indicate both that brain thiamine does de-crease in the early stages of a thiamine-deficientstate, and that brain contains a substantial reserveof thiamine, in that only a severe depletion of thevitamin to less than four-fifths of normal results ina neurologic dysfunction. The validity of these ob-servations is reinforced by available data thatduring the induction of a thiamine-deficient statethe whole brain thiamine level accurately reflectsits regional concentration (8) and its subcellulardistribution (36). Furthermore, the rapid reversalof the encephalopathy with thiamine administra-tion, of course, confirms the metabolic origin of thisdisorder.

There has been considerable discussion whethera significant depression of cerebral pyruvate de-

carboxylase activity occurs in the encephalopathyof thiamine deficiency. In the classical studies ofthis "biochemical lesion," Peters demonstratedimpaired oxidation of pyruvate and lactate bybrain of thiamine-deficient pigeons and rats invitro and an accumulation of pyruvate and lactatein the brain of these animals (37). In thethiamine-deficient pigeons the morphologic andbiochemical alteration were most striking in thebrainstem whereas in the rats a definite localizationof the biochemical defect was not obtained (37,38). In these earlier investigations, the brain pyru-vate and lactate estimations were necessarily car-ried out by nonspecific techniques. Subsequently,Gubler using whole brain (7) and Dreyfus withbrainstem, but not cortex or cerebellum (8), founda statistically significant decrease in pyruvate de-carboxylase activity in rats showing neurologicsigns of thiamine deficiency. Both authors, how-ever, felt that the decrease in this pathway wastoo small, especially as compared to the fall inbrainstem transketolase activity (39), to qualifyas an important cause of the encephalopathy. Theselatter arguments were reiterated by some investi-gators who found a normal oxidation of infusedlabeled pyruvate to 14CO2 in thiamine-deficient rats(10) and others who postulated a normal decar-boxylation of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA in theseanimals on the basis of the isotopic pattern ofcerebral glutamate after administration of labeledglucose (11).

The present study confirms the observations ofDreyfus and Hauser (9) that pyruvate decarboxy-lase activity is significantly decreased in the brain-stem of rats with low thiamine encephalopathy,while the enzyme in the cortex is unaltered. Inaddition, these studies (Table III) show thatcerebellar pyruvate decarboxylase activity in thesymptomatic animals is also depressed by about35% (P < 0.04). This demonstration of impairedpyruvate entry into the TCA cycle in these two

brain areas is supported by the observations thatlactate, and in a few instances pyruvate, measuredby specific enzymatic techniques, also accumulatedin these two sites, but not in the cortex of thethiamine-deficient rats with neurologic signs (Ta-ble IV) .4 This localization of these biochemical

4 This interpretation assumes that the abnormal brainlactate and pyruvate concentration in thiamine deficiency

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abnormalities is consistent with the observationsthat morphologic lesions in these animals also arepresent in the brainstem and cerebellum, withsparing of the cerebral cortex (4, 5).

It is not possible from currently available datato evaluate conclusively the functional importanceof impaired cerebral pyruvate decarboxylation, ascompared to decreased transketolase, for the in-duction of the neurologic dysfunction seen in thethiamine-deficient animals. First, a normal elabo-ration of 14CO2 from labeled pyruvate injected intothiamine-deficient animals (9) depends on theover-all pyruvate decarboxylation in various tis-sues, and may not necessarily reflect regional cere-bral metabolism of pyruvate. Second, the previ-ously cited study (10), based on differentiallabeling of cerebral glutamate after infusion ofglucose-14C, was carried out assaying only wholebrain. Finally, although Dreyfus observed anearlier and greater fall in brainstem transketolasethan pyruvate decarboxylase activity in thiamine-deficient rats (9) and logically related the trans-ketolase fall to the observed morphologic abnor-malities in oligodendrocytes and myelin in thebrainstem of these animals (12, 14), these obser-vations do not rule out the possibility that a smallbut perhaps critical depletion of the pyruvate de-carboxylase pathway may be of considerablesignificance in the induction of the low thiamineencephalopathy.

In an attempt to delineate more precisely therelative importance of these two enzymatic path-ways in inducing low thiamine encephalopathy, wecompared regional cerebral transketolase and pyru-vate decarboxylase activity first in rats with overtencephalopathy, and then in other animals imme-diately after rapid reversal of their neurologicsigns with thiamine. Inasmuch as the recoveryfrom encephalopathy ensued within only 16-36 hrafter administration of the thiamine, it was hopedthat the activity of one of the enzymes, more likelythe pyruvate decarboxylase, might remain fullyabnormal allowing one to disregard it as a primaryfactor in the onset of the encephalopathy. Ourstudies in rats with overt encephalopathy corrobo-rate those of Dreyfus (9, 39) in that (a) trans-ketolase activity is significantly depressed in allrepresents an impaired utilization of these substancesand not an alteration in their synthesis, i.e. increasedglycolysis, for which there is at present no evidence.

areas of the brain studied (Table VI), (b) thegreatest decrease occurs in brainstem and the leastin the cortex, and (c)the brainstem transketolasedepletion is about 2.5-fold greater than pyruvatedecarboxylase. This strikingly greater depressionof transketolase than of pyruvate decarboxylaseactivity in the thiamine-deficient rats is apparentlyunique for the brain since the decrease in bothenzymes was quite similar in liver, heart, and kid-ney (see Results). Surprisingly, immediately onreversal of the neurologic signs, pyruvate de-carboxylase activity increased substantially towardnormal in both brainstem and cerebellum (TableIII). This improvement in the metabolism ofpyruvate was reflected in a similar decrease inbrainstem lactate on recovery (Table IV), which,however, still remained significantly elevated ascompared to normal. In contrast to the effect of"reversal" on cerebral pyruvate decarboxylaseactivity, brainstem transketolase in these asymp-tomatic animals rose very little from the valuesobtained in rats with overt encephalopathy (TableVI). As a matter of fact, although the meanbrainstem transketolase activity in the "reversed"group was decreased by 53.7%o from normal vs. a61.6%o fall in the symptomatic animals, in fourof the seven "reversed" animals the degree oftransketolase decrease overlapped with the valuesobtained in the rats with encephalopathy. Thesedata differ from the admittedly preliminary resultsof Dreyfus (39), obtained in two animals, whichshowed a more substantial improvement in brain-stem transketolase on reversal of neurologic signs.Inasmuch as both pyruvate decarboxylase andtransketolase activity in brain rose with reversalof neurologic signs, it is evident that this approachwill not allow a differentiation of the relative im-portance of these individual pathways in thegenesis of the encephalopathy. The very small risein transketolase on recovery from encephalopathydoes not rule out the possible significance of thispathway since a small increase in a critical sub-strate or enzyme, as shown clearly for brain thia-mine (Table I), may reverse neurologic dysfunc-tion and since the depression of transketolasecould not be determined in the same animal duringencephalopathy and after recovery from it. Thedata here presented, however, revive the possibleimportance of the pyruvate decarboxylating path-way as a factor in low thiamine encephalopathy

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and conversely raise some question concerningthe functional significance of the depressed braintransketolase per se. One may speculate that thelatter enzyme rather serves as an index of other,as yet undefined, HMPshunt-dependent reactionswhich on specific testing may show much greaterchange on recovery from encephalopathy, andwhich may have been responsible for its induction.

Pyruvate oxidation in the TCAcycle is the mainsource of energy, ultimately in the form of ATP,for cerebral function (6). It is therefore generallypostulated that if impaired pyruvate decarboxyla-tion is an important factor in the initiation of lowthiamine encephalopathy, this effect is mediatedvia decreased synthesis, resulting in reduced avail-ability, of cerebral ATP (6, 13, 14). The presentstudy suggests that this concept is incorrect, sincein all areas of the brain studied, the ATP concen-trations in the symptomatic thiamine-deficient ani-mals were normal (Table V). Current methodsdo not permit assessment of the rates of synthesisand utilization of regional cerebral ATP in vivo,and these data refer to the net available cerebralATP. However, since the ATPvalues were normalat various stages of neurologic dysfunction, thiseither means that (a) the high energy phosphatewas synthesized normally, (b) that its utilization inbrain was impaired exactly equally to a decreasedrate of its formation, or (c) that both synthesisand utilization were equally increased. There are atpresent no theoretical or factual data to implicateabnormal cerebral ATP utilization in thiaminedeficiency and it seems most reasonable to suggestthat the normal cerebral ATP levels are the resultof its normal synthesis. This study, therefore, indi-cates that if impaired pyruvate decarboxylation isa significant cause of the encephalopathy of thia-mine deficiency, this effect is not mediated viadecreased cerebral ATP and other mechanismsshould be investigated.

The importance and role of the HMPshunt incerebral metabolism and the effect of decreasedtransketolation on its function are still undefined,although it is believed that this pathway is mostactive in the oligodendroglia of white matter (12,40, 41). With regard to the possible mechanismby which an impaired HMPshunt in thiaminedeficiency may induce neurological signs, mostattention has focused on a decreased synthesis ofNADPH(13). Such an abnormality, if present,

might impair fatty acid synthesis which may beessential for maintenance of normal brain myelin(17). Alternately, diminished NADPHmay im-pair the conversion of oxidized glutathione to itsreduced form (GSH) which is believed to main-tain metabolically important compounds in theirreduced, i.e. active form (18, 19). In this study,regional cerebral GSHmeasurements were carriedout in normally and pair-fed controls as well as inthe thiamine-deficient rats with encephalopathyand after reversal of the neurologic signs (TableVII). The pair-fed asymptomatic controls hadlower GSHconcentrations than the normally fedanimals in each area of the brain assayed. Thispresumably reflects the state of semi-starvation inthe former group. By contrast, the thiamine-defi-cient symptomatic animals, as compared to thepair-fed controls, manifested a statistically signifi-cant depression of GSH only in the brainstem.One may tentatively postulate that this reflects theselectively greatest impairment of the HMPshuntand NADPHproduction in this brain area, ahypothesis which needs to be confirmed by directlymeasuring the NADPH/NADPconcentrations.Regardless of cause, it is evident that the decreasein brainstem GSH in the symptomatic animals,although statistically significant, was quite smalland to a large extent persisted after reversal ofneurologic signs. It seems most likely, therefore,that the small brainstem GSH decrease duringencephalopathy is a manifestation of the under-lying dysfunction in the HMPshunt and is notof itself a cause of the neurologic signs. Thisinterpretation, as well as those concerned withbrain ATP and the enzyme assays, presumes thatmore significant alterations in these substances donot occur in some vital localized cerebral areasor subcellular pools, not assayed in this study,

Our data also provide information on the distri-bution of transketolase and pyruvate decarboxylaseactivity in normal rat brain. In agreement withthe data of Dreyfus (9, 39), normal brain trans-ketolase activity is higher in brainstem than inthe cortex (Table IIB) and the opposite is truefor pyruvate decarboxylase activity (Table II A)whether expressed in terms of tissue wet weight orprotein. Pyruvate decarboxylase activity of cortexlikewise exceeds that of the subcortical white mat-ter. These results suggest that transketolase de-notes primarily the HMPshunt of white matter

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and pyruvate decarboxylase correlates with neu-ronal metabolism of gray matter. This hypothesis,however, is clouded by the observations that rat,and apparently human (39), subcortical whitematter and cortical gray tissue exhibit a similartransketolase activity (see Results) and that theactivity of this enzyme in rat cerebellum (a com-posite of white and gray matter) is equal to that ofthe brainstem (Table II B). Similarly, pyruvatedecarboxylase activity in the cerebellum signifi-cantly exceeded that of the cortex (Table II A).These data, therefore, suggest rather that variousareas of the brain exhibit their own intrinsic enzy-matic activity, at least for these two enzymes andin the sites assayed, and that this activity corre-lates only in part with the distribution of white andgray matter.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe gratefully acknowledge the interest and technicaladvice of Dr. Pierre Dreyfus, the technical assistance ofMrs. Mary Akers, Mrs. Katherine Nemec, and MissRhetta Qualls, and the secretarial help of Mrs. GeneThomas.

This work was supported in part by Research GrantNB-05841 from the United States Public Health Service.Dr. Schenker is a John and Mary R. Markle Scholar inAcademic Medicine and recipient of Research Career De-velopment Award No. 1 K3 NB 13,746-01.


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