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  • 8/22/2019 EMPRES WATCH Volume 28 African swine fever in the Russian Federation: risk factors for Europe and beyond (F



    VOL 28 May 2013 [email protected] | www.fao.org/ag/empres.html

    African swine fever in the

    Russian Federation: risk factors

    for Europe and beyond

    Contributors:Sergei Khomenko a, Daniel Beltrn-Alcrudo a, Andriy Rozstalnyya, Andrey Gogin b, Denis Kolbasovb, Julio Pinto a, Juan Lubroth a , Vincent Martin a

    a Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)b All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Virology and Microbiology (Pokrov, Russian Federation)


    African swine fever (ASF) is one of

    the most severe viral pig diseases.Some genotypes can cause up to100 percent mortality in pigs and

    wild boar, such as the genotype II virusintroduced into Georgia in 2007 (Chapman et

    al., 2011), which spread throughout theCaucasus (Beltran-Alcrudo et al., 2008) into

    the Islamic Republic of Iran (Rahimi et al.,2010), the Russian Federation (Beltran-Alcrudo et al., 2009) and, in July 2012, into

    Ukraine (Dietze et al., 2012). Without theavailability of effective vaccines or treatment,outbreaks of ASF have been controlled insome countries by stamping out and throughthe implementation of strict movement bansof swine and their products. However, thesemeasures are difficult to implement unless theveterinary services are well-equipped, havereliable, trained personnel and sufficient andtimely access to funds (for operations and

    adequate compensation). In addition,

    extensive culling implies economic losses andshortfalls in available food, particularly for thepoorest farmers and households. One of themost important challenge is to get theoutbreaks reported by the farmers.








    In the Russian Federation, ASF haspersisted since 2008 and continues tospread. The disease is endemic in most of thesouth and is on its way to becoming endemicin Tverskaya Oblast, not far from Moscow,

    where some of the highest pig and wild boardensities are found. Over 600 000 pigs havedied or have been culled from 2007 to mid-2012 due to ASF. Overall losses, includingindirect ones, were estimated at around 30billion roubles or US$ 1 billion (Anonymous,2012).

    Since 2008, the Food and AgricultureOrganization of the United Nations (FAO)has repeatedly warned of the high risk of ASF

    spreading to neighboring countries and thelikelihood that it will then establish in thesenewly infected areas (Beltran-Alcrudo et al.,2008 and 2009; FAO, 2010; Dietze et al.,2012). Such developments could lead to theexpansion of ASF into Eastern Europe andbeyond.

    The analysis of the situation in the RussianFederation and its production and marketingsystems here presented, allows us to better

    understand the epidemiology and spread

    patterns of the disease in the region, and toidentify critical areas for improved diseasemanagement. FAO, in collaboration with theAll-Russian Scientific Research Institute ofVeterinary Virology and Microbiology (NationalReference Laboratory on ASF) in Pokrov, hasprepared a comprehensive overview on thesubject. This technical publication is basedlargely on those findings. The knowledge

    provided here will better inform veterinaryservices, animal health professionals, pigproducers and decision-makers in Europe,and in other countries around the globe.

    Countries immediately bordering theRussian Federation, particularly Ukraine,Republic of Moldova, Kazakhstan and Latvia,are most vulnerable to ASF introduction andendemic establishment, largely because thebiosecurity of their pig sector is predominantlylow. The prevention of ASF spread into

    Ukraine is particularly critical for the wholepig production sector in Europe. Given theworrisome developments in the RussianFederation, European countries have to bealert. They must be ready to prevent and toreact effectively to ASF introductions into

    their territories for many years to come.


    Introduction 1

    Overview on key production

    systems affected by ASF 2

    ASF main epidemiological

    features 3

    Challenges in ASF detection

    and control 7

    Risk assessment for

    the region 9

    Risk management options

    for at-risk countries 10

    Conclusions 12

    References 13

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    Overview on keyproduction systemsaffected by ASF

    Pig production systems

    Pig production in the Russian Federationmeets only 63.8 percent of the domesticpork demand (as of 2010). In 2009, 85.4

    percent of the 17.2 million pigs in the countrywere concentrated in four federal districts:the Central (28.8 percent), the Volga (25.4percent), the Siberian (17.2 percent) and the

    Southern (14.0 percent), with pig densitieshigher than 4 animals/km2. The remainingfour federal districts (the Urals, the NorthWestern, the North Caucasian and the FarEastern) accounted for only 14.6 percentof the national herd with just a few regions

    where pig density exceeds 4 animals/km2(Figs. 2 and 3). Some free-range productionis practised seasonally in North Ossetia Alania and parts of the North Caucasian andSouthern federal districts.

    According to biosecurity standards, pigproduction systems of the Russian Federation

    can be divided into three main categories: a)specialized (industrial) production units withgenerally high biosecurity (HB) (61 percent

    of the total population); b) small commercialfarms (5 percent); and c) backyard

    subsistence production (34 percent). Thelast two categories have typically low tonon-existent biosecurity and will be hereafterreferred to as the low biosecurity (LB)sector. These LB sectors are generally moresusceptible to incursions of ASF and otherpathogens. In terms of population size,particularly with regard to backyard pigs, theLB sector is comparable to the HB sector in

    many parts of the Russian Federation, and islarger than the HB sector in some areas (Figs.2 and 3). The geographical distribution of theLB sector (b + c) is depicted in Figure 2.

    In the Russian Federation, the LBproduction systems do not receive or haveaccess to much institutional support to dealwith animal diseases. Moreover, diseaseprevention and control is most challengingin these settings due to a number of factors,

    including: lower levels of awareness andbiosecurity, poor compliance to livestockrelated regulations (reporting, movementcontrol, certifications and inspection,vaccination, etc.) and lack of animalidentification and traceability.

    Wild boar distribution andnumbers

    In the European part of the Russian

    Federation, where outbreaks of ASF havebeen reported from 2007 to 2012, wild boar

    populations are distributed continuouslyacross space. However, wild boar populationdensity is relatively low and only seldomexceeds 0.43 heads/km2 even in the forestedareas, where numbers are highest (Fig. 4).According to official data (Volodina, 2011),in 2010, wild boar numbers in the RussianFederation reached their highest levels in30 years (404 400 heads). However, in

    most areas, the rapid growth of wild boarpopulations observed in the last eightyears (inserted graph in Fig. 4) appears tobe leveling off. One third of the wild boar

    population (129 400) is concentrated in theCentral Federal District, followed by Volga (85400) and Siberian (53 500) federal districts.These three districts account for 66.3 percentof the national wild boar population.



    Over most of their range in the RussianFederation, wild boar are sedentary and highlyterritorial. However, some populations show

    certain degrees of mobility, such as seasonalvertical migrations into the mountains

    Figure 1. Yearly detections of ASFV in the Russian Federation shown separately for wild boar (left) and domestic pigs (right)

    from 14 November 2007 to 29 December 2012.

    Figures in parenthesis next to the year represent the number of outbreaks or virus detections in meat/carcasses. Crossed circle indicates thefirst known incursion of ASF into the Russian Federation. The only outbreak of ASF (31 July 2012) in Ukraine is also shown.

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    (Caucasus, Altai), or seasonal movements insemi-arid areas (southern Russian Federation,

    Kazakhstan) and at the extreme north ofits distribution range in the northwest ofthe Russian Federation (Sludskiy, 1956;Danilkin, 2002). Critical weather events,natural disasters (floods, fires) as well asdirect encroachment and hunting by man,

    can stimulate unprecedented movements ofanimals, too, and in an unpredictable manner.The issues of wild boar health status

    control and population management

    become increasingly relevant with the recentexpansion of ASF into temperate forestsof European Russia. The implementationof disease control measures in wild boaris complicated by the conflict of interestbetween different stakeholders, gaps inlegislation and logistical challenges inimplementing surveillance and control.

    ASF main epidemiologicalfeatures

    Descriptive analysis of the20072012 epidemic

    ASF was introduced in the RussianFederation in November 2007, most likely

    through movements of infected wild boarfrom Georgia to the Chechen Republic.

    The following year, ASF spread rapidlyinto six new administrative areas of theRussian Federation. Initially, infectionwas limited to wild boar (Chechen andIngush Republics, Figs. 1 and 2) and thefree-range pig production systems (North

    Ossetia), but after 2008, it expanded toall pig production sectors, particularly thebackyard sector. During 2009 and 2010,ASF progressively established itself in thesouth of the Russian Federation with a few

    occasional introductions outside this area.In 2011 to 2012, the disease spread rapidlyto new areas in the north. Currently, the roleof wild boar in disease spread seems to besecondary. As a result of spillover infectionsfrom domestic pigs, they act as sentinels ofthe presence of the disease. Outside of theCaucasus region, the infection in wild boar

    goes hand in hand with outbreaks in domesticpigs (Fig. 1, see account on epidemiology).

    By the end of 2012, there were a total 426ASF detections in the Russian Federationsince the beginning of the epidemic. From2008 to 2012, the country reported anaverage of 58 (4368) ASF detections indomestic pigs and 27 (1549) cases in wild

    boar, annually. Epidemiological trends donot indicate improvement, and the disease

    has been endemic in the southern part of thecountry for several years.

    The epidemiological situation in and aroundTver Oblast (Fig. 1) is particularly worrisome.After the original detection of the disease inbackyard pigs in April 2011, the virus fatallyinfected wild boar multiple times: four timesthroughout the rest of 2011; and 25 times

    from January to August 2012. In June toAugust 2012, 22 ASF outbreaks in domestic

    pigs (including several large specializedfarms) were reported again, suggestingthe existence of an endemic cycle. TheASF progressive geographical expansionin the region also involves Novgorod (inwild boar), Yaroslavl (in domestic pigs) and

    Figure 2. Proportion (A) and density (B) of pig population in low biosecurity sectors (b + c) in the Russian Federation.

    The Table on the right summarizes the yearly ASF occurrence in 20072012 (at the second level of administrative division of theRussian Federation) for wild boar and domestic pigs in chronological order. Data: Federal State Statistics Service (FSSS), 2009.


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    Figure 3. Pig population (in thousands) and sector classification (where A = industrial production units; B = small

    commercial and small farms; and C = backyard production) by federal districts of the Russian Federation ordered by total

    pig population sizes. Data: FSSS, 2009.

    Figure 4.Wild boar density in 2010.

    Data: numbers 20032010 in the Russian Federation (Volodina, 2011); range represented as shaded areas (Saulich, 2007). Note that density

    is per total area of the administrative unit classified by the method of quintiles without accounting for actual distribution range.

    Moscow Oblasts. The high number of wild

    boar outbreaks in the area with the highestdensity in the Russian Federation (Figs. 1and 4) may mark the beginning of a new

    epidemic pattern, with the potential year-round transmission in wild boar at temperate

    latitudes. Should it become the case, the

    continuous wild boar distribution in Easternand Central Europe may provide the perfectpath for ASF spread into the European Union

    (EU) and its 3.5 million wild boar (Putmenet al., 2011). The high wild boar densities in

    Central Europe would make ASF eradication

    considerably difficult.The areas where ASFV has been detected

    can be classified into three categories:

    endemic (ASF reported t 3 years), sporadic(ASF reported for 2 consecutive years) and

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    occasional introductions (single detections ofASF with no secondary spread). The wholeof the North Caucasian and Southern Federaldistricts can be considered ASF endemic(roughly below 50 N), although the disease

    was not recorded in every oblast for threeyears. So far, outside of the endemic zone,ASF occurred sporadically in Astrakhan andTver Oblasts. Everywhere else (15 out of 30administrative units affected), ASF occurredonly occasionally with no or only limited localspread (Fig. 2, right side Table, highlightedin red).





    An analysis of all ASF outbreaks untilmid-2012, revealed that most outbreakswere reported in the backyard pig productionsector (37 percent), followed by cases in wildboar (29 percent), outbreaks on specialized

    pig production units (16 percent), detectionsof the virus in infected objects (9 percent) andoutbreaks on small farms (7 percent). Infectedobjects (n = 31) refer to illegally disposed

    carcasses (61.3 percent), slaughterhousesor meat processing plants (22.6 percent) andother (16.1 percent). ASF activity in 2012reached its maximum since the beginning ofthe epidemic with 121 detections (61 in pigs,45 in wild boar and 15 infected objects).

    Considering that 44.3 percent of thesusceptible population is kept in thebackyard sector (compared to 49 percent inspecialized farms, 5.5 percent in small farmsand 1.3 percent wild boar), and the small sizeof backyard herds (usually under ten pigs),we can conclude that well over 90 percent

    of ASF-susceptible epidemiological units arebackyard holdings. However, despite the highsusceptibility of those holdings due to low

    biosecurity, the backyard sector only reports41.6 percent of outbreaks, thus suggesting

    that outbreaks in this sector are grosslyunder-reported. This statistic implies that alarge proportion of infected animals will endup being illegally disposed of or slaughteredand sold. Inefficient disease control efforts

    and compensation strategies are to blame.Moreover, this under-reporting in the

    backyard sector seems to be increasing asthe epidemic evolves. In 2008 and 2009 (n =116), small backyard holdings (15 heads),medium-sized farms (< 1000 heads) andlarge farms (> 1000 heads) were affectedin the proportion 83:11:6, which changed tonearly equal ratios of 35:34:31 in 2012 (n =68). These figures also suggest an increasingrisk of infection in medium and large farms, asASF progressively establishes and spreads

    in the LB sector. This shift can be partially

    explained by considering that in the RussianFederation, unlike in Ukraine or Belarus(FAO, 2010), LB and HB farms are notspatially segregated. This shift of disease tocommercial units implies a dramatic increasein the number of slaughtered animals, andconsequent economic losses. In wild boar, onthe other hand, most outbreaks seem to bedetected (based on the total number of ASF-affected animals) and readily reported (32.8

    percent of outbreaks and only 1.3 percent ofthe susceptible population).



    The route of ASF introduction into newpig populations (primary outbreaks) remainsunidentified in 28.3 percent of cases (45 out

    of 159). The source of infection is mostlythrough contaminated swill (97 percent ofall the identified sources of infection, n =109) and rarely through contact with wildboar (2 percent; exclusively in North Ossetia)or fomites such as contaminated vehicles(1 percent). The route of secondary spread

    remains unidentified in 58.1 percent of cases(25 out of 43). When identified, spreadusually occurs through contaminated vehicles

    (62.1 percent), direct contact with pigs orpeople from holdings nearby (33.3 percent),

    or through the introduction of new pigs inthe herd during the incubation period (5.6percent).

    SeasonalityOverall, ASF in the Russian Federation isparticularly active during the main backyardpig production season, with three-quarters

    of all ASF events reported from June throughNovember; the peak incidence in October(17.4 percent) and the minimum diseaseactivity in April (Fig. 5). In the backyard sector

    alone, the virus is most active in July (18.8percent) and October (22.4 percent), with themajority of outbreaks (44.6 percent) takingplace in summer. Seasonal patterns observedboth in the small farms and specializedsectors, are similar to each other and to thebackyard sector, though outbreaks in thesetwo sectors are delayed by one month andbiased towards the period from September

    to November. These three months accountfor 45.7 percent of all outbreaks on farms.

    ASF incidence in wild boar stays high fromNovember through February (43 percent),with a maximum in December (14 percent). Itpeaks again in May (15 percent) and June (9percent). These two months account for onequarter of all wild boar outbreaks. In pork (andother pig by-products) and illegally disposedcarcasses, ASFV is most often found inSeptember (21.4 percent) and October (32.1percent) with a secondary peak in December

    (17.1 percent). Interestingly, the seasonal

    ASF incidence in wild boar is negativelycorrelated with that of all domestic pigs, aswell as with backyard pigs (Pearsons r=-0.70and -0.68, respectively; p=0.01; degrees offreedom -df=10). Contrary to this result, ASFseasonality in small and specialized farms waspositively correlated with that of the backyardsector (r =0.65 and 0.59, respectively;p

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    the Russian Federation. These holdingscommonly use swill as supplementary feed,

    often including untreated ASF-contaminatedpork or pig products. Often, the infectedmeat may have been stored chilled, frozen orafter treatment and kept over long periods oftime, thus acting as the true ASFV reservoir,since low temperatures and some non-heat

    treatments do not inactivate the virus. Virusintroduction and amplification mainly takesplace in the backyard pigs and then ASFseasonally spills over first to small farms and

    then to the specialized pig farms.




    The lowest ASF incidence is observed fromDecember through May, when most adult pigs

    in the LB sector have been slaughtered forthe Christmas celebrations and the remainingpopulation consists mainly of sucking piglets.Once the disease is introduced in the LBsector, its prevalence starts to increasetowards the middle of the production season(June to August), when pig population densityand activities both increase. It seems that theearly cases in juvenile pigs (April to May) gounder-reported and are disposed of into theenvironment, which would explain the springpeak in wild boar ASF incidence. The further

    increase in virus load results in a higher

    involvement of all pig production sectors: first,the backyard and small farms and then, thespecialized farms. This involvement leads tothe second seasonal peak in ASF incidence(October to November), with between farm R


    ranging between two and three (Gulenkin etal., 2011). This results in the massive disposalof infected carcasses into the environmentand the distribution of infected meat through

    the informal market chains. The LB sectoris the primary source of illegally disposedcontaminated carcasses (particularlybackyard) and contaminated pork and other

    pig by-products (mainly small farms). Theincentive for selling the meat, rather thandisposing of carcasses or reporting thedisease, grows together with the weight (andmarket value) of pigs, which is greatest at theend of the production cycle (December).

    Catering cycle

    The ASF-infected meat (including frozen orsalted products) enters the market at the timewhen seasonal pork offer is high (Novemberto February). Infected pig products may thenbe distributed outside affected (quarantined

    and trade restricted) areas, travellinglarge distances (thousands of km) withinthe country, particularly to pig-deficient

    areas, usually found further north. Over 20such long-distance jumps were recorded

    (Dudnikov et al., 2011). Wholesale buyers,

    particularly the military food supply system,have been implicated multiple times in theillegal distribution of contaminated meat, e.g.the repeated outbreaks in Leningrad Oblast.During the winter season, ASF incidence inthe backyard sector strongly declines due to

    low pig populations, while the catering cyclegains priority towards the beginning of spring.As the meat procured in autumn and storedthrough the winter gets gradually consumed(swill fed to pigs), small subsistence urbanfarms established close to the source ofabundant food leftovers (army canteens and

    catering facilities, prisons or educationalinstitutions, which are mainly found in urbanareas) are affected. Out of 14 ASF casesreported outside of the endemic zone, 10

    (71 percent) took place during the months of

    March through July (Dudnikov et al., 2011).

    Epidemiological investigations reveal that inall such cases the source of infection wasrelated to swill feeding. The urban farms actas sentinels, most clearly demonstrating thewide geographical reach of the illegal trade incontaminated pork in the Russian Federation.

    ASF in wild boarWild boar experience 27 percent ofall reported outbreaks of ASF. Usually,infection begins when wild boar populationsscavenge on illegally disposed ASF-infectedpig carcasses from the domestic sector.

    The timing of carcass disposal into theenvironment coincides with the arrival ofnegative temperatures and snow (October) in

    forested areas. At this time, wild boar gatherat the places where supplementary food is

    Figure 5. . Seasonality of ASF events in the Russian Federation from November

    2007 to June 2012 corrected for n of observation months.

    A) months above the expected average incidence (8.3 percent) in all domestic pigs,wild boar and infected objects; B) Overall seasonality of all virus detections (n=330); C)Outbreaks in backyard pigs (n=122); D) Outbreaks in wild boar (n=96); E) Outbreakson large (n=51) and small (n=24) farms; F) ASFV detections on infected objects (n=31).Figures in red are the average monthly incidences in percent.

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    provided for them by hunters. Once ASFVenters the wild boar population it spreads

    rapidly thanks to active social interactionsleading to localized epidemics (fromNovember to February) where most of thewild boar population dies.

    Another potential mechanism of viruspersistence occurs through animalsscavenging on wild boar carcasses in spring,since ASFV may be able to survive in thosecarcasses during the cold period between

    the two seasonal incidence peaks. In addition,transmission through direct contact withinfected free-ranging pigs cannot be ruled outwhere free ranging occurs.

    Wild boar are capable of sustaininglimited transmission for several monthswhen there is a high population densityand favourable timing for virus introduction(rut or reproduction periods, snow andsubzero temperatures, etc.). Nonetheless, an

    independent year-round ASF transmissioncycle in wild boar is most likely not yetestablished. However, there are someseasonal disease flare-ups during the rutperiod (November to January, when malesactively move from one female group toanother) and after the farrowing (May to

    June, when population reaches its seasonalmaximum), which suggests that a year-roundtransmission cycle could be established if

    the virus survived through spring and passedto the next generation. With the current high

    mortality rates (i.e. most affected wild boar

    die), it is unlikely that wild boar can act as

    a suitable reservoir. In fact, wild boar seemto act as sentinels for unreported ASFVcirculation in the LB pig production sector.In wild boar, incidence of ASF is lowest inOctober (2.5 percent), prior to onset of therut period, and in March (5.0 percent), whenpopulation is at its minimum. These statisticsreflect the effects of social interactionsand population density dynamics in ASFincidence.



    Challenges in ASF detectionand control

    The short viremia and high mortalityassociated with ASF make it virtuallyimpossible to detect the disease throughactive surveillance. For this reason, diseasedetection relies strongly on passivesurveillance. An effective passive surveillance

    requires the trust of pig owners that reportthe disease to the veterinary authorities,a rapid laboratory diagnosis and a sound

    compensation strategy. Due to the existenceof confounding diseases such as classical

    swine fever (CSF), clinical diagnosis needs

    to be confirmed in a laboratory. ASF does

    not transmit that rapidly from pig to pig,so changes in mortality rates at the largecommercial farms are not necessarily evidentenough to signal ASF arrival to the herd. Also,unusual clinical presentations may mislead thediagnosis, especially if the disease is new andunexpected in the region. All of these factorssuggest that timely detection of new ASFintroductions in whichever sector is tricky and,

    most often, significantly delayed. In 2009 to2011, an average of 4.6 days and up to 11days (Dudnikov et al., 2011) passed fromthe first sign of disease (usually indicated

    by death) before the ASF diagnosis wasconfirmed. This delay allows for unnoticedASF spread, slaughter of infected animalsand transportation of contaminated productsoutside the outbreak site, sometimes to longdistances. Implementation of quarantine

    restrictions and other disease controlmeasures are even more delayed from thetime of diagnosis, mainly due to the highassociated economic costs. Althougha ban on movements of all agriculturalproducts out of the ASF-affected area hasto be immediately introduced according to

    legislation in the Russian Federation, localauthorities and stockholders are very reluctantto invoke this measure without sufficientevidence, and decisions sometimes take

    weeks and months. One important lesson

    Figure 6.Transmission cycles of African swine fever in the Russian Federation involving low biosecurity pig production

    systems and wild boar.

    Solid arrows indicate the main transmission routes as revealed by epidemiological investigations.Dotted arrows are suspected transmission pathways.

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    Figure 7. Densities of wild boar in Europe.

    Data: various statistical data 2005-2011, FAO/EMPRES.

    Figure 8. Densities of domestic pigs in the low biosecurity sector in Europe.

    Data: various statistical data 2008-2011, FAO/EMPRES.

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    learned from this epidemiological study is thefact that disease control measures have to

    account for the distinct seasonality of ASF.It is clear that the main risk periods for itsintroduction and spread are summer and fallmonths for domestic pigs, and spring andwinter months for wild boar.

    Risk assessment for theregion

    Given the current unfavourable ASF dynamics(Rosselkhoznadzor, 2012) and recentpredictions (Dudnikov et al., 2011), the oddsof rapid eradication of the disease from theRussian Federation are poor. ASF will likelycontinue to threaten the food security of thewhole of Eastern Europe for years, if notdecades, to come. Countries in the region,particularly those that border the Russian

    Federation, must prepare for a long-termdefense of their pig production systems from

    potential ASF incursions.Both spatial and seasonal patterns of ASF

    incidence in the Russian Federation suggestthat pig density in the LB sector is the leadingfactor in sustaining disease transmission. Forthis reason, those countries bordering theRussian Federation with LB-dominated pigproduction systems are the most vulnerableto ASF introduction and establishment.Those countries most at risk are Republic

    of Moldova, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Latvia,

    with 5583 percent of pigs in the LB sector(Table 1) and, to a lesser extent, Lithuania,Belarus and Estonia, with predominantlyindustrial pig production systems and only927 percent of their pigs in LB systems. Allex-USSR countries have strong economicand cultural links with each other and share

    porous borders (in terms of veterinary controlof private goods), in particular Belarus andKazakhstan, which are a part of the Customs

    Union with the Russian Federation. All thesecountries should be given the highest priorityfor investment in disease prevention.




    In terms of ASF establishment afterintroduction into a new area, pig and wildboar population mapping done by EMPRESand risk maps (based on Gulenkin et al.,2011; map not shown here) suggest that thepotential ASF agro-ecological niche, i.e. theLB pig production systems in Europe, is fairlyextensive (Fig. 8). The model classified muchof Eastern Europe as a medium to high ASF

    establishment risk area based on pig densitiesand production systems, road network

    density and other risk factors identified insouthern Russian Federation. Provided witha similar epidemiological cycle and undersimilar disease control interventions afterintroduction (which may not necessarily holdtrue), the Balkan States, southeast Germany,Republic of Moldova, western Ukraine andRomania are at the highest risk of becomingenzootic. Since other factors may start playingan important role in the disease dynamics as

    ASFV colonizes new areas, it is difficult to

    predict the virus introduction paths to specificcountries and its evolution.In countries where the density of wild boar

    is higher than in the Russian Federation, i.e.Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine(Table 1 and Fig. 7), the epidemiological roleof wild boar may differ from what has been

    observed so far in the Russian Federation.A higher involvement of wild boar in thetransmission cycle can be expected, and

    perhaps even a continuous (year-round)transmission cycle. Although wild boarcomprise only 1.9 percent of the susceptiblepopulation in the region at risk (Table 1), theirwild and free-living nature makes prevention

    and control in those populations particularlychallenging.The potential role of Ornithodoros ticks

    has not been taken into account in thisassessment. The distribution and density

    of the different Ornithodoros tick species,whether they feed on pigs or wild boar,and their ability to transmit ASFV within thetick population and to suids are all largelyunknown. Only some old publications on thesubject are available for the region (Galuzo,1957; Filippova, 1966), but Ornithodorosticks are known to be present in the southern

    latitudes of the ex-USSR. There is an urgentneed for more research in those areas.

    There is no reason to expect that themechanisms and routes of possible ASFintroduction to the countries at risk will bedifferent from what has been observed in theRussian Federation. Movement of infectedmeat that is then swill-fed to pigs is the mostlikely introduction route, not just into theRussian Federations neighboring countries,but also much further, as was proven inJuly 2012 in Ukraine (Dietze et al., 2012).However, one cannot ignore the possibility

    of wild boar carrying the ASFV acrossborders. This route was how ASFV spreadfrom Georgia into the Russian Federation(Chechen Republic).

    Table 1. Total population and density of domestic pigs and wild boar in the countries already affected by ASF and in those

    that are not, but share borders with the Russian Federation. Countries are ordered by the prevalence of low biosecurity pig

    production sector in the population. Data: (FAO/EMPRES: 20002011).


    Domestic pigs

    5 300 100









    176 100

    113 688

    342 000

    1 343 864

    8 183 842

    820 286

    17 640 570

    1 010 681

    3 910 900392 385

    1 448 44010 984 720

    7 500

    5 000

    1 080

    5 000

    17 564

    48 982

    67 200

    404 570

    54 608

    56 001

    22 650

    400690 155



    3.7 (0.69.1)


    0.6 (0.0012.2)

    8.8 (3.025.0)


    1.2 (05.6)4.6 (1.79.9)

    5.0 (2.87.4)0.8

    0.03 (00.1)2.7 (025.0)



    0.037 (0.0030.068)



    0.118 (0.0140.704)


    0.082 (00.435)0.84

    0.267 (0.2110.358)

    0.511 (0.3180.651)

    0.0010.148 (01.039)

    Population Population% LB% LB Pig density

    (heads/km sq)* Density (heads/km sq)*

    * when available, the range of density variation at the subnational level is provided in parenthesis.** countries already affected by ASF







    Russian Federation**



    FinlandGrand total

    Wild boar

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    A focus on Ukraine

    Ukraine, with its 32 percent rural population

    and 8.2 million pigs (of which 56.1 percentare under LB conditions), is the key countryin terms of preventing further westwardexpansion of ASF (Beltrn-Alcrudo et al.2010). Luckily, in the area of eastern Ukrainethat borders the Russian Federation, the

    proportion of rural population is low andmost of the pig production concentratesin specialized farms (Fig. 9; FAO, 2010).However, there is a strong and gradual

    westward increase in LB pig production atthe Oblast level, both in terms of proportionand density (Fig. 9). This pattern implies thatASF control would be much more difficult ifit arrived at the central and western parts ofthe country, which are dominated by the LBpig production sector. This control would befurther complicated if wild boar (Fig. 9) orticks became involved. Measures undertaken

    by the Ukrainian veterinary authoritiesfollowing the July 2012 outbreak were

    sufficient to limit any further spread of ASF,but with the unfavourable disease dynamics inthe Russian Federation, similar introductionsinto the country are expected.




    Ukraines porous 2 295 km border withthe Russian Federation allows for movementof potentially infected material. It is verychallenging to prevent infected meat enteringthe country through the 43 main Russian-Ukrainian border control posts (26 roads, 16railways and 1 ferry), and 21 local controlposts, crossed only on foot by the people

    who live close to the border (State BorderGuard Service of Ukraine, http://www.dpsu.gov.ua). The maritime border (321 km)between Russia and Ukraine in the Azov

    Sea has not been delineated, thus posingan additional challenge for the control ofmovement and smuggling of goods acrossthe sea. Also, the extensive legal and illegalmovement of people across borders needsto be seriously taken into account, i.e. labour

    migrants, tourists, refugees and displacedpeople. For example, Ukraine alone exportsunofficially an estimated 2 to 7 milliontemporary workers to the Russian Federationand the EU Member States. Other estimatesby Markov et al. (2009) put this figure at 4.5million, of which 2 million work in Russia and

    1.7 million in the EU. These millions of peoplecarry the cheapest locally available food everytime they travel between these countries and

    they regularly receive parcels with foodstuffsfrom home.

    Risk management optionsfor at-risk countries

    It is particularly important that ASF-free areasremain free by preventing the introductionof the disease and by swiftly respondingto it when it occurs. All applicable controland eradication measures are based on

    classical disease control methods, includingsurveillance, epidemiological investigation,tracing and stamping out of infectedherds. They are to be combined with strict

    quarantine and biosecurity measures(particularly in relation to swil l-feeding) andanimal movement control. More details canbe found in Beltrn-Alcrudo et al. (2009) andFAO/OIE/World Bank (2010). Specific issuesthat need to be analysed more carefully,based on the lessons learned from theRussian Federation, include the following:

    Prevention and early detection

    t Raising awareness is critical at all levels.The current scenario in the RussianFederation suggests that it should beparticularly stressed at the often informalbackyard level and should involve not

    just the pig keepers, but all actors alongthe whole value chain, i.e. butchers,middlemen, slaughter houses, etc. Theyneed to be aware of how to preventand recognize the disease, and mustunderstand the importance of reporting

    outbreaks to the national authorities. Their

    cooperation in reporting is the only way todetect outbreaks promptly.




    t Biosecurity should also carefully addressthe issue of the LB sector, which is

    characterized by poor biosecurity. Free-range pig production practices poseadditional challenges as such systemsdefy all biosecurity principles. A deeplyentrenched tradition, free-rangingallows the raising of pigs with almost

    no feed inputs. Therefore, enforcingpig enclosure would go against thepurpose of free-ranging and would bedifficult to implement. Similarly, swill

    feeding provides a cheap (sometimesfree) feed source for the pigs, so itseffective banning is not easily achievable.Alternative, viable solutions would beawareness campaigns that encourageproducers not to use pork or other pig by-products and to boil the swill prior to use.

    t Wild boar involvement in ASFtransmission represents an additional

    challenge. It is important to ensure thathunters are well informed of the disease

    and aware of the importance of reportingsick or dead wild boar. Also, passivewild boar surveillance along the borderswith infected areas will allow for the earlydetection of the disease.

    t Large numbers of temporary workers,diaspora, tourists and inhabitants nearborder areas who live or travel to ASF-infected countries, represent the largestrisk of introduction of the disease.

    These people carry with them (or mail)

    potentially infected pork products.Awareness of the general population, butparticularly of these groups, will be keyto minimizing ASF introductions. Posters,leaflets and other awareness materials,particularly at the borders and other portsof entry are powerful prevention tools, asare strict border controls, sanctions andfines.

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    Figure 9.Distribution of ASF-susceptible populations and location of the most recent virus introduction in Ukraine in 2012.

    Left side, top to bottom: density of pigs in the LB sector (2011); density and numbers of wild boar (2007); and density of pigs in the HB sector(2011) by Oblast. Figures are population estimates (thousands). Right side, top to bottom: density of pigs at the resolution of the secondadministrative division level in eastern Ukraine in the LB sector with 150 km risk zone and in the HB sector with border control posts. The two rightside maps include the districts and municipalities of Sumy, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetzk, Zaporizhzhya and Crimea Autonomous Republic.Data: National Authorities, 2010. Note that all classification schemes on the maps are different.

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    Preparedness and control of the

    first ASF introductions

    t Detailed information on pig and wildboar distribution patterns arranged intodatabases (pig farm registers, backyardholding surveys, mapping of wild boarpopulation and feeding locations, etc.)greatly helps to evaluate risks, to estimate

    resource allocations or economicallosses, to assess the epidemiologicalsituation and to better plan diseasecontrol measures.

    t In terms of preparedness, it is key to planin advance how to deal with ASF in wildboar, by creating the necessary links withthe government agency that deals withwild boar, and with hunters (possiblythrough hunters associations).

    t Have a thorough understanding of thebackyard sector to better predict thespecial and seasonal pattern of the

    disease, to identify the actors and themost vulnerable points along the pig

    and pork market chains, and to developrealistic prevention and control measuresfor LB settings.

    t The first hours that follow an outbreak arecritical and the swift implementation ofcontrol measures following an outbreak isoften the only way to contain the disease.Containment requires quick resourcemobilization, swift information flow andprecise distribution of responsibilities,

    which are clearly described in the

    outbreak response plans.t For stamping out to be effective, it

    must be linked to proper and timelycompensation. In the absence of afair and timely compensation plan, theimplementation of stamping out willencounter a strong opposition fromthe farming community. Without aneconomic incentive, when confronted to

    an outbreak, farmers will slaughter theinfected animals (and sell the meat) orillegally dispose of the carcasses rather

    than reporting these outbreaks to thenational authorities. It is also important toensure that the culling of animals is done

    in a humane way.



    t ASF prevention and control in wild boaris a complicated and potentially polemic

    issue that requires careful consideration.Preventive population control (beforethe virus enters the population) canbe applied to reduce risk of wild boarinvolvement when densities are too high.It requires proper evaluation by wildlifeprofessionals (kill rates and huntingpressure, seasons and demographicgroups targeted). Emergency population

    control, i.e. wild boar depopulationafter ASF introduction, is likely to becounterproductive and can lead to thedispersal of infected individuals. On theother hand, suspension of supplementaryfeeding of animals could help reducecontact and virus transmission rates.


    Since 2008, ASF persists endemically and

    continues to spread into new areas of theRussian Federation. Half of the 30 affected

    administrative units are either endemic oron the way to becoming endemic, includingTverskaya Oblast, where some of the highestwild boar densities are found. The analysis ofoutbreak data from the Russian Federation inthis study, provides valuable lessons for at-risk countries in the region and beyond.

    In the Russian Federation, the high-riskperiods for disease introduction and spread

    are summer and fall for domestic pigs, andthe end of spring and winter for wild boar.The LB sector remains the main risk factor for

    disease introduction and endemicity, almostexclusively through swill-feeding of infected

    pork. The long resistance of ASFV in porkand other pig products represent the mainreservoir of the disease. In the absence ofadequate control measures, LB productionsystems can sustain ASF transmissionindefinitely, seasonally leaking to higher

    biosecurity sectors, i.e. semi-commercial andeven industrial pig farms. Timely detection ofASF can be complicated and often delayed,thus allowing further spread through themovement of pig products within, and often

    outside, the affected region. ASF also spillseasily from LB systems to wild boar, usuallythrough the illegal disposal of contaminatedcarcasses into the environment. So far,circulation of ASF observed in wild boarpopulations has been limited in space andtime. However, the role of wild boar couldchange into a year-round transmission

    cycle, should denser populations beaffected. In addition, the role of wild boar in

    transboundary spread cannot be neglected.The worsening of the epidemic in the

    Russian Federation, with an increased ASFVload and circulation and the establishmentof the disease in central European Russia,imply an exponential increase in the risk ofASF to further expand westwards through theincreasingly dense populations of LB pig andwild boar populations into Eastern Europeand beyond. Countries bordering the Russian

    Federation with large LB pig populations,

    particularly Ukraine, Republic of Moldova,Kazakhstan and Latvia are most vulnerable toASF introduction and endemic establishment.At-risk countries should be on high alert andshould learn from the Russian experience,investing in ASF preparedness and improvingtheir early detection and response capacity.Sporadic introductions are bound to occur,so a swift response to outbreaks to preventfurther spread is critical.

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    Recommended citation

    FAO. 2013. African swine fever in the

    Russian Federation: risk factors for Europe

    and beyond. EMPRES WATCH, Vol. 28, May

    2013. Rome.

    Cover Photo: 2010/Christian Martnez Kempin