EmpowerMen Readme

EmpowerMen Welcome to EmpowerMen. I’m excited to see that you’ve decided to take control and start moving towards the life you deserve. You account is being set up as you read this, but before you get stuck into the program, there are a few quick things you need to know. In case you haven’t already worked it out, EmpowerMen isn’t like any other program available. It’s not about developing more complicated and intricate ways to blame your life situation on other people. It’s not about helping you take less responsibility for where you are right now and feeling better about your lack of success. It’s about giving you the kick up the arse that you need to start breaking out of your shell and taking control. What’s inside?



Transcript of EmpowerMen Readme


Welcome to EmpowerMen.

Im excited to see that youve decided to take control and start moving towards the life you deserve.

You account is being set up as you read this, but before you get stuck into the program, there are a few quick things you need to know.

In case you havent already worked it out, EmpowerMen isnt like any other program available.

Its not about developing more complicated and intricate ways to blame your life situation on other people. Its not about helping you take less responsibility for where you are right now and feeling better about your lack of success.

Its about giving you the kick up the arse that you need to start breaking out of your shell and taking control.

Whats inside?

The structure of EmpowerMen is simple 7 modules delivered over 7 days with each module building on the work you completed in the previous module.

Its the step-by-step progression that leads you to a deeper and more empowered understanding of how you live your life and how you can create the life you want.

Each of the 7 modules are made up of 4 key elements:

1. 1. An article

2. 2. A written exercise

3. 3. A physical exercise

4. 4. A concentration and awareness exercise

The article is simply a piece of information designed to help you develop a new understanding of the underlying currents in your situation. Similar to what youll find on the Attraction Institute blog, theyre designed to help you look at a concept from a different perspective.

The written exercise takes the information youve learned from the article and helps you go deeper with it. In the written exercise, youll look at specific situations from your life and apply the logical information youve learned in the article to those situations.

This step is important because having more information is useless unless youre able to see how it can help you overcome the challenges you face.

The physical activity is designed to get you up, out of the house, and pushing your boundaries.

Nothing, I repeat, nothing, changes until you take action. You can sit around in your living room, theorizing till your hearts content but unless you get out and apply what youre learning, you will not experience any more strength, power, or determination.

Finally, the concentration and awareness exercise will help you amplify the power of all the other elements of EmpowerMen.

You might not know this, but one of the HUGE barriers thats preventing you from becoming empowered and confident is your ability to control your focus.

If youve got a million different thoughts running through your head in every minute of every day, its hard enough to remember what you were doing, let alone trying to remember to do it in a new and different way.

This concentration and awareness exercise is designed to help you stay focused and on track so applying these new concepts and ideas is simpler, faster, and easier.

Do I need to do everything, every day?

Every part of each module is as important as any other part.

If you just read the article but didnt do the exercise or activity or concentration and awareness exercise, all you will have gained is new information.

If you read the article and completed the written exercise but didnt do the physical activity or the concentration and awareness exercise, you will have more information and understand how it relates to your world but not have made any changes to your life.

If you read the article, do the exercise, and complete the activity, but dont do the concentration and awareness exercise, you wont retain the lessons and gains anywhere near as effectively as if you did the exercise. In saying that, if you find that you can't find the time to get everything done in one day, it's ok to stretch it out to 2 or 3 days. Just as long as you get everything in that module done before moving on to the next module.

One thing: A few guys have mentioned that they're having issues completing the physical activity progression throughout the program. If you find that it's too challenging for you, that's totally fine. It's a quick progression and one that is designed to be challenging.

If you find that the physical exercises are too challenging for where you are, right now, just dial it back to a level that's challenging but achievable. Push yourself over the edge a little so that you feel afraid, but are still able to take action. Whatever you do, don't just skip the activities. In order for you to feel like you have control over your life, you need to be taking action.

What time of day is the best to do this?

The best time of day to start your EmpowerMen module is first thing in the morning.

Wake up 20 minutes earlier than you normally would, read through your article, written assignment, your physical activity, and then do your concentration and awareness exercise.

This will mean youll understand what you need to contemplate throughout the day as well as starting off your day in a powerful way with the concentration and awareness exercise.

You dont have to do the written exercise just yet, just read through it and have it stewing over in your mind as you go through your day.

That way, itll have time to really sink in and youll be able to come up with a detailed and thorough response when you write it later that night.

This will also mean you can take time out during the day to complete your physical activity. Theyre all quite quick and simple exercises but by doing them every day, youll start to gradually shift your mindset towards empowered and strong. All in all, each day will take you about 45 minutes to an hour but that will be spread out over the course of the day.

Is this going to be easy?

You are going to discover things in EmpowerMen that are hard to admit to yourself.

There are going to be concepts you discover that might even make you angry at yourself and other people.

If youre working through EmpowerMen and you come up against something you resist heavily, thats ok.

Sit with it, feel that resistance, accept that its there, and keep moving forward.

That anger and frustration is just a sign that what youre working on is very important to you and you need to deal with the core issue behind it.

Slow down cowboy

As youre working through EmpowerMen, you might notice a desire to push through it faster and get to the end.

You might also notice yourself getting frustrated by the fact that you can only access one module per day.

If you do, thats fine, but the program has been set up with a drop feed access for two very good reasons.

The first reason is that the more time you spend thinking about the concepts and ideas in EmpowerMen, the more time they have to sink in to your psyche.

If you just log in, rush through the program, then walk outside and forget everything youve just done, you will have wasted your time. By making you slow down and access only one lesson at a time, youre forced to continually contemplate the work from the previous day and thus, the lessons will sink deeper.

The second reason is so you dont cheat and check what you have to do on the next day.

The 7 lessons youll be working through are built as a gradual progression with each lesson building on the previous days work. They're designed to lead you through a specific journey and achieve specific realizations at the end of each lesson.

If you know what youre going to be using information in each exercise for in the subsequent exercises, youre much more likely to filter that information, thus potentially avoiding having to admit things to yourself that you dont want to in the future.

In other words, if you have no idea whats in store, youre going to be much more honest and open.

This is why you cant access all of EmpowerMen in one go. Its protection from your own self-protection mechanisms.

When can I expect big realizations?

The progression you will be working through might seem a little slow at first. Thats fine. Youre not expected to have deep realizations or profound mental overhauls at the start of this program.

Due to the nature of the journey youre about to go on, there is a gradual build-up to the key concepts.

The first few days are simply used to collect background information that you will be using later in the program. With the big realizations and discoveries coming in the later part of the program (around module 3 and 4).

So, if youre finding the exercises slow to work through, just do you best to complete the exercises and youll get to see just how necessary they are as you progress.

And just a quick word of warning, Module 3 is quite a long module with a lot of in-depth explanation in it so it will take you a little while to work through it. Its also the module that youll get the most out of and so the effort is worth it.

Trust me :-)

And one more thing...

You're going to hate this, and probably hate me at the same time, but for the duration of EmpowerMen, you are not allowed to masturbate. Sorry, it's the rules.

The reason for this is that your levels of testosterone have a major impact on your drive and determination to move forward with your life. When you ejaculate, your testosterone levels drop significantly, thus killing your drive.

This is why you're not allowed to do it.

If you do find yourself feeling 'the itch', get up and do something physical. Do some pushups, go for a run, compete at something physical and push yourself beyond what you thought was possible.

But whatever you do, you're not allowed to choke the chicken for the next 7 days.

And no, you can't quickly rub one out before you start. Your 7 days started when you first read this.

Other than that, good luck!

Your first EmpowerMen article is activated and ready to go. All you need to do is hover over 'EmpowerMen' in your menu bar and click on 'EmpowerMen Mod 1' to access it.

Im excited to see what you can achieve though EmpowerMen.

Leigh and The Attraction Institute team