Employment Routes Adviser Handbook Published:...

Employment Routes Adviser Handbook Version: 13 Published: October 2017

Transcript of Employment Routes Adviser Handbook Published:...

Employment Routes Adviser Handbook Version: 13 Published: October 2017


Employment Routes Map Page 1

Introduction Page 2

Skills Gateway Page 3

Engagement Route Programmes

Active Inclusion Page 4

Bridges into Work 2 Page 6

Communities First Page 8

Communities for Work Page 11

Cynnydd Page 13

Employability Skills Programme Page 17

Inspire to Achieve Inspire 2 Work

Page Page

19 21

Lift Page 23

Opus Page 25

Out of Work Service Page 27

PaCE Sova Achieving Change Through Employment (ACE)

Page Page

29 31

TRAC 11-24 Page 33

Workways+ Page 35

Preparing for work Route Programmes

Engage to Change Page 37

Jobs Growth Wales Page 39

Pre-Employment Contact Centre Page 41

Traineeships Page 43

Upskilling Route Programmes

Access to Work Page 45

Apprenticeships Page 47

GO Wales Achieve through Work Experience Page 49

Into Work Service Page 51

New Enterprise Allowance Page 53

Princes Trust Enterprise Page 55

Wales Union Learning Fund (WULF) Page 57

Reskilling Route Programmes

Agile Nation 2 Page 59

In-Work Support Page 61

ReAct 3 Page 63

SEE (Support for Employer and Employee) Page 64

Skills for Industry 2 (SO1) Page 66

Skills for Industry 2 (SO2) Page 68

Working Skills for Adults Page 70

Higher/ Technical Skills Route Programmes

20Twenty Leading Business Growth Page 71

GWLAD Page 73

Higher Level Apprenticeships Page 75

ION Leadership Page 77

KESS 2 Page 79

Materials and Manufacturing Academy Page 81

METaL 2 Page 83

STEM 2 Cymru 2 Page 85


Employment Routes – Approved Programmes for Individuals


Introduction The Skills Implementation plan was published in July 2014, detailing the Welsh Government’s ambition for skills in Wales. The ambition remains to develop a skills system in Wales to support future competitiveness, help the country evolve into a highly skilled society whilst tackling poverty and is sustainable against a backdrop of ever scarcer resources. The primary focus will be to raise productivity, reduce barriers into work and support people into sustainable employment. The long term outlook for the skills system in Wales focuses on:

Skills for jobs and growth

Focusing on higher levels of skills development across the workforce, ensuring that vocational routes are valued and supporting employers to work collectively in responding to their skills needs.

Skills that respond to local needs

Providing an integrated, streamlined and accessible skills and employment offer for individuals and employers and devolving responsibility to delivery partners to develop flexible responses based upon the needs within local communities.

Skills that employers value

Working with employers to develop adult vocational qualifications and apprenticeship frameworks and supporting them fully to utilise the skills of the workforce through developing a culture of high performance working and investment in skills alongside government.

Skills for employment

Supporting individuals to enter employment through access to skills information and work experience opportunities and aspiring that all working adults have a minimum level of literacy, numeracy and ICT skills to support their career progression.


Skills Gateway The Skills Gateway has been introduced to provide a consistent brokerage function for accessing skills and employment support. The support will operate online, telephone and face to face, and can be accessed by individuals and employers. For employers, the Gateway offers a Skills assessment to develop a training plan and direct employers to relevant skills provision on a national, regional or local level. For individuals, there is also an assessment of skills and job readiness to aid job matching and brokerage.


The Skills Gateway is a single engagement, assessment and referral system which provides a seamless service for businesses and individuals seeking skills support in Wales. The core function of the Gateway is to assist clients in determining their employment and skills needs and ensuring they receive the right support to meet those needs.


The key objective is to provide a single engagement, assessment and referral system which serves to support all businesses and individuals in Wales. In doing so, the Skills Gateway seeks to improve participation in, and relevance of, all national, regional and local employment and skills support programmes.


Employers looking to recruit to and/or up skill their existing workforce

Individuals who are unemployed, work ready and wish to enhance their employment prospects, as well as employed individuals looking to up skill in order to progress within employment.

How to Access:

The Gateway can be accessed in the following ways:

Online via http://www.careerswales.com/en/skills-gateway/

By telephone via Careers Wales (0800 028 4844)

Face-to-face for individuals via Careers Wales, where the need for this level of support has been identified.


Welsh Government (Access & Intelligence Branch) will manage the programme through a Service level Agreement with Business Wales and a Memorandum of Understanding with Careers Wales


Engagement Route

Active Inclusion Programme Outline

The Active Inclusion programme is managed by the Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA). It is aimed at reducing economic activity in Wales and improving the employability of disadvantaged people.

Programme Details

Active Inclusion is split into a series of individual projects which are operational across Wales and specific for individual needs. Active Inclusion targets two groups of individuals based on their age. 16-24 year olds who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) and 25+ year old individuals who are long term unemployed or economically inactive. Programmes are delivered through two strands: Strand 1 Include: Is first step interventions helping people gain motivation, confidence and skills to move closer to the labour market. Strand 2 Achieve: Is a supported employment opportunity where individuals gain skills in a 16 or 26 week work placement which hopefully leads to progression into full time employment. The Active Inclusion fund aims will support participants to:

achieve full time sustainable employment;

progress to further education and/or training that will enhance their employability;

gain qualifications and skills that enhance their employability;

undertake job search and employability skills;


What’s in it for the client? Opportunity to gain skills for employment and training specific to their needs.

Skills/qualifications that can be obtained by the individuals are appropriate for their specific needs and tailored to the particular project content

Future progression opportunities

All participants in a Strand 1 project are encouraged to progress into Strand 2 supported employment and ultimately opportunities for full time employment. Completing the programme will develop the individual’s employability skills.

Who is eligible?

Eligibility for each project differs and further checks are required but the main criteria’s are: 16-24 - specifically the 18+ age range is targeted (NEET) 25+ - who are long term unemployed or economically inactive also have the following barriers:

Have low skills

Have a work limiting condition

Have caring responsibilities

Are over 54 years old

From a BME background

Are from a jobless household

Who is not eligible?

Participants will not be eligible to join any Active Inclusion project if they;

Are engaged on the PaCE project.

Are engaged on the Work Programme or Work Choice project.

Location National

Duration of programme/support

Average project length is 12 months but this does this vary from project to project.

Next Steps/how to apply

For more information visit: http://www.wcva.org.uk/funding/wcva-funding/active-inclusion-fund and click on ‘Current Projects’ link to see what projects are available and eligibility required for each.

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – On-going

Ownership WCVA

Funding ESF

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Engagement Route

Bridges into Work 2 Programme Outline

Bridges into Work 2 will address economic inactivity across 5 Local Authority areas in South East Wales (West Wales and the Valleys). Through a collaborative approach, the operation aims to engage, support and prepare the economically inactive, including those who are long-term unemployed, in the most deprived areas outside of the Communities First clusters, to acquire the appropriate skills to become job ready and to gain sustainable employment. The changes sought through the delivery of the operation are:

Reducing unemployment amongst those at risk of poverty and discrimination

Reducing economic inactivity, worklessness and number of workless households

Increasing social inclusion through sustainable employment

Reducing barriers to sustaining employment and full time working.

Programme Details

Eligibility and Assessments will ensure participants will be assigned a case worker for appropriate level of support.

A case worker will act as an advocate and refer to specialist provision where necessary.

Specialist Health and Wellbeing Officers within the team for low level mental ill-health and stagnant lifestyles.

What’s in it for the client?

Progress participants through a series of interventions to bring them closer to employment.

Access to a range of activities to build confidence, raise motivation levels and develop knowledge to engage in the job market.

Equip participants with skills and qualifications.

Encourage participants to actively take part in job search activity.

Working in partnership with other


professionals and operations to maximise the impact of Bridges into Work 2.

Support participants by providing childcare and transport solutions. 1:1 bespoke support Free courses in Personal and career

development Work experience placements and work

tasters. Continued support if/when the

participant starts work

Future progression opportunities

To gain sustainable employment

Who is eligible?

Long term unemployed

Economically inactive

Aged 25+

Who is not eligible? People living in Community First Areas


Regional – 5 Local Authorities:


Blaenau Gwent


Merthyr Tydfil


Duration of programme/support

Flexible no set time limit

Next Steps/how to apply

For further information please contact: Nerys Hall Regional Operations Support Officer E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 01633 646907

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering - 30th April 2018

Ownership Torfaen is the lead accountable authority

Funding ESF

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Engagement Route

Communities First Programme Outline

Communities First is a community focused Programme, supporting the Welsh Government’s Tackling Poverty agenda. The programme has three strategic outcomes: Healthier Communities, Learning Communities and Prosperous Communities.

Communities First Delivery Teams, funded by the Welsh Government, work with residents, community organisations, business and other key agencies in 52 areas, called Communities First Clusters. Cluster Delivery Teams are hosted by Lead Delivery Bodies, accountable for managing the performance of the Clusters they host. Much of the work is led by local people, often acting as volunteers. The involvement of local people in all aspects of this work is an essential feature of the programme. Importantly, the Communities First Programme infrastructure is also the delivery platform for the employment programs, LIFT and the Communities for Work.

Programme Details

Communities First Clusters provide activities/projects/courses in each individual Cluster area, free of charge to the most disadvantaged individuals of that area.

What’s in it for the client?

Each Communities First Cluster Team produces a detailed delivery plan. Plans vary according to the identified needs of each Cluster, but, under the Prosperous Communities and Learning Communities activity strands, projects focus on the skills, experience and qualifications needed to enter employment and support to find a job. Examples include basic skills such as numeracy, literacy and using IT, as well as CV writing and support with on line job searches. Training courses are provided and have included health and safety, First Aid and Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) cards. Individuals can benefit from specific training matching the needs of local


employers. Work placements and volunteering as a route to work have also been included in a number of areas.

Future progression opportunities

The individual’s confidence and experience will have grown and they may have gained qualifications and skills to help them overcome the barriers to finding a job.

Who is eligible?

Individual’s resident within a Communities First Cluster area.

Who is not eligible?

Anyone living outside of a Communities First Cluster area.


The programme concentrates on the 10% most deprived communities as defined by the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation 2011.

Duration of programme/support

Support is available for the duration of the programme.

Next Steps/how to apply

Further information and contact details are listed below and also available at http://gov.wales/topics/people-and-communities/communities/communitiesfirst/clusters/?lang=en Lead Delivery Bodies can provide further information, their contact details are as follows:

Jenny Whiston – Anglesey CBC [email protected]

Lynne Berry – Bridgend CBC [email protected]

Tina McMahon – Caerphilly CBC [email protected]

Jane Thomas – Cardiff City Council [email protected]

Amy Hawkins – Carmarthenshire CBC [email protected]

Helen Morgan – Conwy CBC [email protected]

Marianne Jackson – Conwy CBC [email protected]

Niall Waller – Flintshire CBC [email protected]

Amanda Davies – Gwynedd CBC [email protected]

Ian Benbow – Merthyr Tydfil CBC [email protected]


Ian Isaac – New Sandfields and Aberavon [email protected]

Angeline Spooner Cleverly – Neath Port Talbot [email protected]

Karen Williams – Newport City Council [email protected]

Nicola Lewis – Rhondda Cynon Taff CBC [email protected]

Karen Grunhut - City and County of Swansea Council [email protected]

Emma Cambray-Stacey – Torfaen CBC [email protected]

Bob Guy – Vale of Glamorgan CBC [email protected]

Andrew Harradine - Wrexham CBC [email protected]

Rhys Burton – The Co-operative Group [email protected]

Martin Featherstone – Gwent Associations for Voluntary Organisations [email protected]

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – Ongoing

Ownership Welsh Government

Funding Welsh Government

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Engagement Route

Communities for Work Programme Outline

Communities for Work provides specialist employment support working with people in the 52 Communities First Clusters across Wales, to increase the employability of economically inactive, long term unemployed adults who have complex barriers to employment and 16-24 year old NEET’s. Underpinning the advisory service is access to a suite of pre-employment training to support those with no or low employment skills. The programme seeks to provide innovative ways to deliver packages of training in those communities where provision is restricted, based on the local labour market, working closely with the local community, Regional Learning Partnerships and employer networks.

Programme Details

Communities for Work provides individual support for participants through Community Employment Advisers, Youth Mentors and Adult Mentors based within existing Communities First premises, Integrated Children’s Centres or similarly appropriate venues within Communities First clusters to reach those people furthest away from the labour market. They provide support, encouragement, motivation and confidence building, promoting training and employment opportunities as part of the individual’s journey to secure sustainable employment and in the long term lift them out of poverty. Underpinning the advisory service, Communities for Work offers access to a discretionary fund to overcome barriers to training or employment, it also offers a shelf of training provision to provide the skills required to respond to labour market demand.

What’s in it for the client?

Individual support for participants is available through specialist Community Employment Advisers. Intensive one to one support through Adult and Youth Mentors with the objective of moving them closer to the labour market.


A discretionary fund to overcome barriers to training and employment as well as a shelf of training provision, providing essential skills, motivational and confidence building courses and vocational courses responding to the demand of the local labour market.

Future progression opportunities

To assist participants to secure employment through having an increased level of confidence and motivation.

Who is eligible?

Economically inactive and long term unemployed adults:

over 25 who have complex barriers to employment

16-24 year olds who are not in employment education or training (NEET)

Living within a Communities First Clusters in Wales

Who is not eligible?

Anyone living outside of a Communities First Cluster area

Location National

Duration of programme/support

Support is available for the duration of the programme.

Next Steps/how to apply

For further information please contact: E-mail: [email protected] and the individual will be put in touch with a local team.

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – April 2018


Department for Local Government and Communities (LGC), Welsh Government co-sponsored by Department for Work and Pensions.

Funding ESF

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Engagement Route

Cynnydd Programme Outline

Providing a full range of engagement, learning and training activities for 11 – 19 year olds in order to reduce the number of young people who are at risk of becoming NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training). Also to increase the attainment levels of 11 – 16 year olds who are at risk of becoming NEET.

Programme Details

Multi-agency working to identify vulnerable young people as early as possible using Local Authority and other Vulnerability Assessment Profiles and additional data/information, including the Careers Wales IO Database for Post-16 learners. Once identified, multi-agency panels will convene to assess the specific support and provision needs of young people in each Key Stage, and an intervention plan will be agreed with the young person. A Lead Worker will be assigned to manage the Young Person’s plan and relevant support and appropriate provision/activities will be commissioned from a procured framework of specialist providers. The Lead Worker will track and monitor progress against the plan which will be systematically reviewed by the multi-agency panel.

What’s in it for the client?

For 11-13 Year olds Learner Support:

To provide Lead workers in formal, non-formal and informal settings to engage with young people and monitor individual development plans

To provide specialist targeted support to help learners overcome barriers presented, which may include behaviour, social skills, confidence, self-esteem, geography, family, health and cultural issues.

Specialist support to offer individually tailored programmes to promote engagement, attainment and progression.


To provide learners with impartial advice and guidance linked to their individual circumstances

To provide specific impartial careers information advice and guidance to raise awareness of the world of work and to raise aspiration to enable successful transition.

To provide learning coach support to develop “learning to learn” skills.

To provide support to enable successful transition from Key Stage 2 and from Key Stage 3 into 4.

To offer advocacy where necessary. Learner Engagement Activities:

To provide opportunities to engage in wider curricula to meet individual needs in formal, non-formal and informal settings.

To provide a range of accredited courses related to the young person’s needs and to aid progression.

To raise standards in literacy and numeracy (including financial literacy) to aid.

Progression and to increase self-esteem, motivation and aspiration.

To provide work-focussed opportunities to raise awareness of the world of work, aspiration and motivation. Work focussed tasters will enable young people to trial individual career pathways and to raise awareness of necessary vocational skills development.

To aspire young people to consider pathways into self-employment.

For 14-16 Year Olds Learner Support: The same barriers may still exist at Key Stage 4, and similar support will be offered. In addition there will be the need to offer young people:

Youth Volunteering Advocates to support to access volunteering to build confidence, self-esteem, essential and employability skills.

Support workers to enable access to, and help sustain Work placements (including extended


placements) to develop further understanding and experience of the world of work and essential and employability skills.

Support to develop examination skills to improve confidence and self-esteem, and to raise standards of attainment.

To provide specific impartial careers information, advice and guidance to raise awareness of post-16 options and to raise aspiration to enable successful transition.

Youth Outreach workers to support Tier 4 young people in formal, non-formal and informal settings to sustain and re-engage young people.

Learner Engagement Activities: The same barriers may still exist at Key Stage 4, and similar engagement activities will be offered. In addition there will be the need to offer young people:

Volunteering opportunities to build confidence, self-esteem, employability and essential skills.

Work placements (including extended placements) to develop further understanding and experience of the world of work and work-ready skills.

Opportunities to participate in additional examination preparation/revision activities.

For 16-19 Year olds (Not Powys) Learner Support: The same barriers may still exist for 16-19 year olds, and similar support will be offered. In addition there will be the need to offer young people:

Youth Outreach workers to support Tier 4 young people in formal, non-formal and informal settings to sustain and re-engage young people and to aid successful transition into further EET.


Future progression opportunities

With improved life skills, better grades and more understanding of the world of work, a young person taking part in this programme will be better prepared for employment and will be able to develop a career in an area of work suited to their individual needs and abilities.

Who is eligible?

Young people most at risk of becoming NEET aged 11 to 19.

Who is not eligible? Anyone Age 20+







Neath Port Talbot.

Powys (11-16 year old)

Duration of programme/support

Support for learners is available in line with Key Stage durations.

11-13 Year old

14-16 Year old

16-19 Year old (Not Powys)

Next Steps/how to apply

For more information please contact your students/young people services through your own school or pastoral services within Further Education colleges.

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – June 2020

Ownership Pembrokeshire Local Authority (lead)

Funding ESF

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Engagement Route

Employability Skills Programme Programme Outline

Employability Skills Programme gives unemployed people, including offenders in the community, support to help them get a job and keep it.

Programme Details

This programme is designed to help Individuals improve their work skills by giving them the opportunity to experience a good quality work placement, as well as work preparation training. The programme is tailor made and flexible, which means they can concentrate on the areas that will benefit them most. For example, if the individual feels ready, they can go straight to the work placement. If they feel they need to learn some work skills first, they’re able to start with skills training. The training and support available includes:

Job search techniques

CV writing to raise their chances of getting an interview

Interview preparation to help them secure a job

Job interview practice

Stress management If the individual is an offender in the community then they are able to join the programme to take part in the essential skills element.

What’s in it for the client?

By taking part in the programme the individual will benefit from accredited training, enabling them to achieve a qualification up to Level 2. They will also take part in meaningful work experience that will allow them to develop the kind of workplace skills that future employers will want to see on a CV. Individuals will be able to pick up practical


qualifications in areas like Health and Safety, First Aid and Fire Awareness.

Future progression opportunities

After the programme ends they will receive three months of in job coaching, and be able to apply for jobs with confidence before moving into full-time employment.

Who is eligible?

Over 18 Un-employed Individuals, registered with JCP

Who is not eligible? Aged under 18. Employed adults. Individuals not registered with JCP and not claiming benefits. Most disengaged people who require very intensive support. Those who already have level 2 qualifications, skills and experience needed to find work themselves. Ineligible oversea nationals. Those in full-time education. Those is custody or in remand in custody

Location All Wales

Duration of programme/support

6 Months (excluding any in-work coaching) made up from 120-140 hours work placements and 2-8 weeks employer specific training

Next Steps/how to apply

To make enquiries or apply to take part in this programme, please contact your local Jobcentre Plus Work Coach, or Lift Mentor. If you are an offender in the community contact the National Probation Service or Wales Community Rehabilitation Company.

Programme start/end date September 2016 - March 2019

Ownership Welsh Government

Funding Non ESF

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Engagement Route

Inspire to Achieve Programme Outline

Inspire to Achieve has been devised to provide preventative support to those who are most at risk of falling out of main stream education and training. Participants will be offered a tailored programme of support to help them address barriers to their continued participation in education and training.

Programme Details

Inspire to Achieve will work with 11-25 year olds who have been identified as being at risk of becoming NEET. The local authorities will support 11-16 year olds and the Colleges of Further Education will support those in the 16-25 year old age range.

What’s in it for the client?

Individuals will receive a tailored package of support to help them address barriers that are starting to undermine their participation in education and training. These barriers will include: Personal & Emotional, Health & Social, Educational or Skills and Training. Skills/qualifications that can be obtained by the client For participants with low skills or qualifications, a bespoke curriculum of learning will be offered, to meet the participant’s needs and allowing for progression and support, including qualifications and awards that can enhance and supplement mainstream curriculum delivery. The Operation will also support Pre-16 learners in gaining the minimum of the level 1 threshold. Post16/FE learners will be supported with a package that will identify qualifications and skills to enhance their learning and participation experience within the course that they are studying. Skills and qualifications offered through the FE provision will be additional to the core delivery/activity. Ensuring value is added to the route they have chosen.


Future progression opportunities

To continue in education or training in order to benefit future or present employability. Participants progressing into further learning will be offered course advice and guidance, taster sessions in appropriate subject areas and on-going mentoring until they have settled into their destination, whether this is FE, HE, or other training (non ESF funded activity). Reviews will be undertaken quarterly, at the end of each term, to monitor progress, until it’s no longer required. This will be on a case by case basis, dependent upon the needs of individual participants.

Who is eligible?

Inspire to Achieve will work with 11-25 year olds who have been identified as being at risk of becoming NEET. The local authorities will support 11-16 year olds and the Colleges of Further Education will support those in the 16-25 year old age range.

Who is not eligible? Age 25+



Blaenau Gwent CBC

Bridgend CBC

Caerphilly CBC

Merthyr Tydfil CBC

Monmouth CBC

Newport City Council

Torfaen CBC

Newport City Council

Rhondda Cynon Taff CBC

Vale of Glamorgan CBC

Duration of programme/support

Length of support is variable dependent on need

Next Steps/how to apply Participants should consult with their Youth Engagement Progression Co-ordinator (Key Worker) through their school or college

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering - 31st January 2019


The project is being managed by Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council and Newport City Council on behalf of Joint Beneficiaries

Funding ESF

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Engagement Route Programme

Inspire 2 Work Programme Outline

Inspire 2 Work supports young people aged 16-24 who are not in education, training or employment.

Programme Details

The Inspire 2 Work programme introduces an individual to a Support Worker who will provide one-to-one mentoring to overcome obstacles that may be preventing them from being in education, training or employment. Through a variety of activities, tailored specifically to their need, they will increase confidence, develop new skills and gain new qualifications helping them to progress further in education or to secure a Job. The programme also offers support to improve literacy, numeracy and digital skills. It can provide volunteering opportunities and a minimum of two weeks work experience placements which aim to help the individual choose a career path.

What’s in it for the client?

Individuals will receive one-to-one support through their lead worker to help:

Build confidence and overcome obstacles to getting a job or progressing further in education

Develop a range of skills that could be used if moving to another job

Access to tailored training specific to their needs

Be Involved in work experience and volunteering placements

Get guidance on becoming self-employed secure a Job or chose a college/University


Future progression opportunities

By taking part in this programme and learning new skills, individuals will be able to re-enter education, training or employment.

Who is eligible?

Individuals aged 16-24 and not in education, employment or training.

Who is not eligible?

Individuals Under 25 age range and in education or employment.



Regional – 5 Local Authorities

Blaenau Gwent


Merthyr Tydfil

Rhondda Cynon Taff


Duration of programme/support

The length of support received will depend on individual needs.

Next Steps/how to apply

Individuals are referred onto the programme, via partner programmes (Inspire 2 Achieve) and other service providers, including Local Authorities, Social Services, Job Centre Plus and others

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – 30th June 2019

Ownership Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council

Funding ESF

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Engagement Route

Lift Programme Outline

Lift aims to transform the lives of people living in workless households by giving then the chance to gain vital skills and gain employment. Whilst giving advantages to businesses as well. Lift aims to provide 5,000 training and employment opportunities for local people living in jobless households in Wales.

Programme Details

In each Lift area, employment brokers work within the local community to identify people who could benefit from the programme. The broker’s job is to establish what has been stopping the individual from finding work and then work closely with that person to overcome those barriers. Businesses are asked to offer work placements for a minimum of 16 hours per week for at least 2 weeks or actual employment.

What’s in it for the client?

Get dedicated, trained workers with access to a personal mentor to guide them through the programme.

Get ahead of the competition in the search for new talent.

Create a rich and diverse workforce.

Lower training and recruitment costs.

Reduced staff turnover.

Future progression opportunities

To assist participants to secure suitable opportunities for training or employment

Who is eligible?

Businesses located within one of the following areas:

Afan Valley (NPT)


Blaenau Gwent





Swansea North West

Taff West (RCT)

Who is not eligible? Under 16’s not living in a jobless household



Lift is being delivered in 9 areas across Wales based on 12 Communities First Clusters.

Duration of programme/support

Work placements for 2 weeks with a minimum of 16 hours work, or employment

Next Steps/how to apply

For further information please contact:

Afan Valley – Vicky Prosser - [email protected]

Anglesey – Gary Williams – [email protected]

Blaenau Gwent – Mark McCrossen – [email protected]

Caerphilly – Andrew Griffiths – [email protected]

Cardiff East – Natalie Pillinger – [email protected]

Carmarthenshire – Alex J Morgan – [email protected]

Flintshire – Debbie Barker – [email protected]

Swansea North East – Juliet Rees – [email protected]

Taff West – Lesley McBride – [email protected]

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering - up to end 2017

Ownership Welsh Government

Funding Welsh Government

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Engagement Route

OPUS Programme Outline

OPUS provides support to help unemployed people in areas of North Wales get back to work.

Programme Details

The programme provides individuals with range of programmes to help improve their job skills, plus training opportunities and job placements. If an individual has experienced mental health problems, has a disability or a lack of basic skills, this programme is designed to help them. By taking part in the programme, they can expect to receive:

One-to-one support meetings with one of the OPUS team

A tailored action plan to match their needs

Group activities to improve their confidence

Training sessions to improve skills

Volunteer placements to build confidence in the workplace

Work placements to give work experience

Help with a CV

Help with job searches

Help with their interview technique All of these things are designed to help them reach their potential and find work.

What’s in it for the client?

By taking part in the programme individuals can benefit by:

Accessing relevant training

Building your confidence

Overcoming obstacles to getting a job Accessing accredited training up to a level 2, which could include Health & Safety, IT, First Aid, Work Ready Skills

Future progression opportunities

With the new skills learnt on this programme they can seek a job with confidence and get back into employment.


The opportunities that could be accessed dependent needs include:

Volunteer placements

Volunteering to employment

Training to volunteering and then into employment

Training to employment Work placements

Who is eligible?

Long term unemployed over 12 months or economically inactive over the age of 25

Who is not eligible? Participants not living in the county of Conwy, Denbighshire, Gwynedd or Isle of Anglesey.

Unemployed for less than 12months AND in receipt of JSA

In education, training or employment.

Clients in Community first areas in all counties.

Those with childcare as their only barrier

Location Conwy, Denbighshire, Gwynedd, Isle of Anglesey

Duration of programme/support

There is no time limit within the life span of the project, but the project would expect the participant to show progression and commitment.

Next Steps/how to apply

To make enquiries or apply to take part, please contact the OPUS team in the county you live in. Denbighshire 01824 706707 / 01824 712838 [email protected] Conwy 01492 576360 [email protected] Gwynedd 01286 679810 [email protected] Anglesey 01407 721925 [email protected]

Programme start/end date September 2016 – August 2019

Ownership Conwy County Borough Council

Funding ESF

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Engagement Route

Out of Work Service Programme Outline

The Out-of-Work Service will support long-term unemployed and economically inactive people (aged 25+) or not in education, employment or training (aged 16-24) recovering from substance misuse and/or mental health conditions back into employment and/or education and training.

Programme Details

To individual participants, the service will offer:

Peer mentoring sessions with an assigned peer mentor

Specialist employment support with a focus on practical aspects

Transitional support for up to three months to individuals who have secured employment

Referrals and help to overcome barriers to education and/or employment as identified through a detailed needs assessment.

What’s in it for the client?

A dedicated peer mentor with direct experience of substance misuse and/or mental health conditions

Employment support from the specific perspective of people recovering from such issues

Advocacy i.e. practical support in taking up referrals which will lead to additional support (for example helping to overcome problems with housing, finance management, how to search for jobs, how to develop a support network or access existing support) and opportunities to improve education, training, practical experience of employment or voluntary work

Attainment of both accredited an unaccredited qualifications

Future progression opportunities

A focus on personal potential and development aimed at moving towards employment.

Who is eligible?

To be eligible, people must fulfil all of the following conditions:

Aged 16-24 NEET

25+ - Unemployed 12 months +


Resident in Wales

Long-term unemployed or economically inactive

Recovering from substance misuse and/or mental health condition(s).

Who is not eligible? Age 16-24 and in employment

Location All Wales

Duration of programme/support

Support is variable dependent on the individuals needs

Next Steps/how to apply

For information please contact: [email protected] Tel: 03000 25 5000

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – August 2018


Lead - Welsh Government Department for Health and Social Services.

Funding ESF

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Engagement Route

PaCE Programme Outline

PaCE will support parents who are out of work into sustainable work, where childcare is their main barrier.

Programme Details

Eligible parents will receive individualised help via a Parent Employment Adviser (PEA) in their local community. PaCE will be delivered across Wales; it will be geographically targeted to support concentrations of out of work parents. PaCE will support:-

Lone parents

Couple parent – workless household

Couple parent – one parent working PaCE will be delivered via a network of PEAs who will offer individual support and agree a plan of action for parents to undertake opportunities to help them move closer to and into the labour market. Parents will be offered advice and support which will include options for overcoming childcare barriers, help with improving employment skills and confidence to help them to enter the labour market. Parents will be able to choose which CSSIW registered childcare provider meets their needs, whilst undertaking any work related activities via PaCE. Childcare will only be funded where opportunities have been agreed in interventions with their PEA and are detailed in the action plan as the most appropriate support for the parent within the PaCE operation.

What’s in it for the client?

PaCE supports the Welsh Government’s objectives for tackling poverty in Wales, by reducing the number of workless households and supporting people into sustainable employment. PaCE will provide opportunities for parents to, undertake training, gain qualifications, work on a voluntarily basis and/or permanent employment.

Future progression opportunities

Financial support and training support could help you find and secure work.


Who is eligible?

Parents who are out of work and childcare must be their main barrier to accessing work related training or employment.

Who is not eligible? Employed parents

Parents who live within a Communities First area

Parents who do not have childcare as a barrier to accessing work related training or employment

Location National but outside of Communities First areas.

Duration of programme/support

Support available for the duration of the programme.

Next Steps/how to apply

For further information please contact: Tel: 0800 028 48 44 E-mail: [email protected]

Programme start/end date July 2015 – 31 March 2018


Welsh Government is the lead beneficiary with DWP as joint beneficiary.

Funding Joint ESF funded with WG.

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Engagement Route

Sova Achieving Change through Employment (ACE)

Programme Outline

The Sova Achieving Change through Employment (ACE) projects overall aim is to enable economically inactive and long term unemployed black and minority ethnic (BAME) and migrant individuals to gain sustainable employment. The project will focus delivery of training and support to people from BAME and migrant background to raise their participation and progression in the labour market. This will complement and add value to statutory provision and extend services to groups not engaging with the provision, which include a high proportion of the economically inactive, particularly women.

Programme Details

Delivery staff will develop individually tailored action plans for eligible participants to overcome barriers to employment, address and increase employability skills such as CV writing, job searching and interview readiness, as well as utilising a list of training organisations as preferred providers to facilitate access to learning opportunities to develop qualifications and work place certificates and a procured on-line communications package to support employability related communications.

What’s in it for the client?

The project provides one to one mentoring support for eligible participants through the following activities:

Outreach to engage BME people through statutory providers and through community groups and organisations

Active labour market measures to build confidence and give experience

Skills development involving signposting to existing provision, direct provision and development of new provision to fill gaps.


Future progression opportunities

Clients are provided with 1:1 mentoring that helps them to work towards goals that are set by them. With improved skills and confidence the individual will have the tools to find and apply for jobs, get back into employment and progress up the job ladder.

Who is eligible?


Long Term Unemployed 12months +

Economically Inactive

Black, Minority Ethnic (BME) or Migrant background

Eligible to live and work in the UK

Who is not eligible? Referrals to Sova ACE will not be eligible if they:

Are not from a Black, Minority Ethnic (BME) or Migrant background

Are under 25 years of age

Are not eligible to live & work in the UK

Have been on JSA for under 12 months

Are currently on the Work Programme

Are Economically Inactive (can be claiming ESA or HB but not JSA) but do not have 1 of the additional barriers.

Additional barriers are:

Being from a jobless household,

Having qualifications on or below CQFW Level 2,

Having a work limiting health condition or disability,

Having care or child care responsibilities or

Being aged over 54.

Location National

Duration of programme/support

Support is available for the duration of the programme.

Next Steps/how to apply

For further information and to download a referral form please visit the website: http://www.sova.org.uk/project/ACE

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – December 2018

Ownership SOVA

Funding ESF

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Engagement Route

TRAC 11-24 Programme Outline

TRAC 11-24 is a project supporting young people aged 11-24 disengaging with education, and at risk of becoming NEET. TRAC 11-24 will improve attainment and will support the development of an appropriately skilled, agile and resilient workforce within the region.

Programme Details

TRAC 11-24 has 2 Core elements; Provision of an Enhanced Alternative Curriculum

Provision of targeted vocational courses

extended work placements for young people identified

Courses to be provided to ensure meaningful attainments for young people within the region.

Enhanced Support Package – Wider Health and Wellbeing support for young people at risk of becoming NEET, including

Counselling services,

Lead Worker support,

Coaching and Mentoring,

Enhanced Health Services Support. This is particularly important for those young people identified as facing multiple barriers to engagement.

What’s in it for the client?

A young person taking part will benefit from health and wellbeing support which will support their continued engagement in education, and access to an alternative curriculum which will allow them to undertake accredited qualifications linked to Local Labour market opportunities which will improve their attainment.

Future progression opportunities

Participants will continue in education or training which will benefit future or present employability.

Who is eligible?

Young people identified by a regional Early Identification Tool as being most at risk of becoming NEET will be eligible for support through TRAC 11-24.

Who is not eligible? Anyone Aged 24+


Location Regional – North Wales.

Duration of programme/support

Support is available for the duration of the programme.

Next Steps/how to apply

For further information please contact: https://www.denbighshire.gov.uk/en/your-council/strategies-plans-and-policies/education-and-schools/trac-11-24-project.aspx Anglesey - 01248 752966 Conwy - 01492 574297 Denbighshire - 01824 708025 Flintshire - 01352 704124 Gwynedd - 01286 679470 Wrexham - 01978 367100

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering - 2020.

Ownership Denbighshire County Council.

Funding ESF.

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Engagement Route

Workways+ Programme Outline

The aim of the programme is to increase the employability of Economically Inactive and Unemployed people aged 25 and over who have complex barriers to employment.

Programme Details

Workways+ will provide:

Integrated and personalised support aimed at

achieving sustainable employment through a

Mentoring provision.

A co-ordinated engagement and assessment

provision to establish links with existing and

proposed provision and innovative outreach.

Support through Employer Liaison Officers to

provide employment opportunities aligned to

labour market trends; utilising LMI to assist

with employment supply and meeting

employment demands.

Each participant with a suitable action plan of

support, a multi-agency approach to include

work experience, paid employment.

Placements, volunteering and training, with the aim of progression into employment.

What’s in it for the client?

Access to personalised Mentoring & Support.

Support and help to address barriers which the individual may face including care responsibilities.

Access to sustainable employment opportunities, particularly in areas of economic and employment growth, including job search, CV writing and interview skills.

Access to work experience or work focus volunteering to enhance the individual’s employability skills and as a pathway to employment or self employment.

Support to enhance skills levels, including essential sills through gaining qualifications or work relevant certification.


Support to help develop self confidence and perception of work as meaningful and realistic.

Future progression opportunities

Access to employment opportunities and support in your job search could lead to finding sustainable employment.

Who is eligible?

Eligible participants are individuals who are:

Economically inactive – not in education or

training and who have low or no skills; a work

limiting health condition or disability; care

responsibilities or are from a jobless


Unemployed participants who have low or no skills; a work limiting health condition or disability; are from a BME group; or from a jobless household.

Who is not eligible? Under 25’s

No complex barriers to employment.

In employment


Regional programme covering non-Communities First areas of:



Neath Port Talbot.


Swansea. It is anticipated a similar programme will be delivered in Powys.

Duration of programme/support

Support is available for the duration of the programme.

Next Steps/how to apply

For further information please contact: The delivery partner for each relevant local authority area: Carmarthenshire – 01269 224211 Ceredigion - 01545 574193 Neath Port Talbot - 01639 684250 Pembrokeshire - 01437 7676609 Swansea – 01793 637112

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – November 2018


The programme will be managed by Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council as lead beneficiary, with delivery teams in each of the five joint sponsor local authority.

Funding ESF.

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Preparing for work Route

Engage to Change Programme Outline

The project will enable young people aged 16 to 25, with learning disability or autism, to access employment through specialist support and training.

Programme Details

The project engages young people aged 16 to 25, with learning disability or autism, to employers, through the provision of a six month paid placement, with the aim of creating sustainable employment that benefits both the young person and employer. The project can provide appropriate levels of accreditation to the young person and a range of support measures to the employer, including Disability Equality training for them and their staff.

What’s in it for the client?

Initial engagement with the project will enable a young person, aged 16 to 25, with learning disability or autism to participate in a specialised vocational assessment that is person centred, identifying their needs, abilities, requirements and employment aspirations. Young people will be appropriately matched to employment environments that meet their choice, abilities and which enable development. Participants will be supported and trained by a Jobcoach on a one to one basis, at the workplace, to enable their vocational development and progression to sustainable employment. This will usually be through the provision of a 6 to 12 month paid placement, where both the business and the participant are supported to enable the creation of sustainable employment. Throughout this period, participants will be enabled to become independent in the workplace, demonstrating their abilities and contribution within the work force. Their Jobcoach will include employer negotiations as part of their support mechanism to enable the young person to achieve sustainable employment at the end of their participation within the project. This will also include, where identified necessary, the support to progress from welfare dependency to financial independence.


During their time on the project, participants will also have the opportunity to gain vocational accreditation and also a range of independent skills, including safe use of public transport and money handling. Their employer will also be supported through a range of provision including Equality Policy and practice development to appropriate training for their existing staff.

Future progression opportunities

With work experience and accreditation under their belt, they’ll be able to demonstrate to future employers that they have what it takes to prosper in the workplace. After the individual has completed their placement, they’ll be able to confidently target other jobs that are looking for the same or similar skills to the ones that have been developed.

Who is eligible?

Individuals aged 16-25 with a Learning Disability or Autism, who are NEET or at risk of becoming NEET.

Who is not eligible?

Anyone without a Learning Disability or Autism.

Age 26+, who is NOT NEET or at risk of becoming NEET.

Location National

Duration of programme/support

6-12 Months.

Next Steps/how to apply

For further information please contact: South, East and West Wales E-mail: [email protected] Tel:01443 226664 North Wales E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 01248 361392

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – 2019.

Ownership Learning Disability Wales.

Funding Welsh Government, administered by Big Lottery Fund.

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Preparing for work Route

Jobs Growth Wales Programme Outline

Jobs Growth Wales (JGW) provides young people aged 16-24 who are ‘job ready’ with a 6 month job opportunity paid at or above the National Minimum Wage for between 25 and 40 hours per week. The Programme will support young people into job opportunities. The intention of the programme is that young people will be sustained in the job opportunity after the 6 months has been completed.

Programme Details

The European Social Fund (ESF) through the Welsh Government (WG) will subsidise 50% of the cost of a 6 months job opportunity to an employer for a contract of between 25 and 40 hours per week at the National Minimum Wage.

What’s in it for the client?

Individuals will be employed and have their wages subsidised for the first 6 months. They will receive on the job training and have the opportunity to progress to a more permanent position at the end of the period.

Future progression opportunities

6 month work placement, with the employer then an option to become employed.

Who is eligible?

Job ready young people

Based in Wales aged 16-24 and who

Do not hold a contract of employment. Young people will need to evidence that they will meet the eligibility requirements prior to being appointed a job opportunity through JGW.

Who is not eligible? In employment

In full time education.

Location National

Duration of programme/support

A 6 month placement. There may be a possibility to stay in the role if the employer offers a permanent role. If not, the individual can continue to apply for new opportunities using this experience and the CV boost.


Next Steps/how to apply

Individuals can view vacancies online through the Careers Wales website https://ams.careerswales.com/Public/Default.aspx?mode=vacancy There are management agents that help with the recruitment process, and will ensure that vacancies are filled openly and fairly.

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering -2020.

Ownership Welsh Government.

Funding Part funded by ESF.

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Preparing for work Route

Pre-Employment Contact Centre Programme Outline

The Welsh Contact Centre Forum provide a training package to aid employers in the sector to recruit staff and to get individuals retrained or upskilled to move into the sector. The Forum supports 200 employers, and these businesses will guarantee interviews for individuals that successfully complete the programme. The Forum work with trusted employment agencies including:


Prince’s Trust.

The Shaw Trust.

Job Centre Plus. A selective vetting process and comprehensive training is designed to get people into the workplace.

Programme Details

The course itself takes place in 2 phases.

Phase 1 - is an initial introduction to the nature of contact centre work. This allows the participant to see if it is the right area for them before the progress to the next stage.

Phase 2 - is a week-long course which covers everything from excellent customer service to conflict management. The Courses are delivered by industry professionals and are supported by training tool “Phone Coach”.

What’s in it for the client?

Individuals can get a taster of the work involved and to increase skills. If they complete the programme they will be guaranteed an interview with a sector business.

Future progression opportunities

Guaranteed interviews for individuals that successfully complete the programme

Who is eligible?

Individuals need to be resident in Wales. Individuals can be referred to the programme by any of the agencies involved in the programme as detailed in the Programme Outline.

Who is not eligible? 11-16 Year olds not living in Wales.


Location National.

Duration of Programme/support

Phase 1 - Variable Phase 2 - 1 Week

Next Steps/how to apply

For further information please contact: The Welsh Contact Centre Forum: Tel: 02920 709 800 E-mail: [email protected] Alternatively individuals engaged with any of the agencies mentioned can speak to them about the potential for taking part in the programme.

Programme start/end date Currently delivering - Ongoing

Ownership Welsh Contact Centre Forum.

Funding Non ESF.

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Preparing for work Route

Traineeships Programme Outline

Traineeships give young people aged 16-18 the skills they need to get their first job or progress to further training. They’re very flexible. But mainly include work preparation training, English and Maths - for those who need it – and high quality work experience.

Programme Details

The Business designs a programme that’s right for them and the placement. Together with a training provider, they work out a timetable for work and how the training is delivered. The length of the traineeship varies depending on the individual learner. All trainees receive a training allowance.

What’s in it for the client?

The Traineeships Programme supports 16-18 year olds to gain confidence and motivation, and improve work-ready skills (e.g. interview techniques, CV writing). It also aids transition into employment or further learning through the delivery of generic soft skills, NVQ vocational training and qualifications in a chosen occupational area as well as valuable work experience (Interaction with Employers) and, where appropriate, Essential Skills Wales qualifications. The Programme will also help tackle any complex barriers or issues that prevent a young person entering employment or learning. The learner will also receive a training allowance of the following:- Engagement Strand - £30 a week (which is non-means tested)

Bridge to Employment - £50 a week when the individual progresses to the next stage of the programme.

Both allowances are reduced proportionately for part-time attendance

Future progression opportunities

After paid work placements the individual can work towards an NVQ. Making them more employable thanks to new skills and help writing a professional CV, with tips to help impress at interviews.


Who is eligible? 16-18 Years old and not in education or employment

Who is not eligible?

11-16 & 19+ years of age in education or employment

Location National

Duration of programme/support

The length of Traineeship varies depending on the needs of the individual learner.

Next Steps/how to apply

Individuals can access the programme through Careers Wales and the approved network of providers.

Programme start/end date Currently delivering – April 2019


Welsh Government via a procured Network of Providers


Traineeships is part-funded by the European Social Fund through the Welsh Government

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Upskilling Route

Access to Work Programme Outline

Access to Work is a specialist disability service delivered by Jobcentre Plus, which gives practical advice and support to disabled people, whether they are working, self employed or looking for employment. Access to Work is provided where someone needs support or adaptations beyond the reasonable adjustments which an employer is legally obliged to provide under the Equality Act. Accesses to Work grants are only available if the employer is based in Wales, England or Scotland

Programme Details

The level of grant will depend on:

Whether the person is employed or self employed.

How long they have been in their job, and the type of help required

Grants of up to 100% will be considered for:

Self-employed people.

People who have been working for less than 6 weeks when they first apply for Access to Work.

The Mental Health Service.

Providing support workers.

Additional travel to work and travel in work costs, or Communication support at interviews.

The employer may have to share the cost with Access to Work if the person has been working for them for more than 6 weeks when they apply for Access to Work for:

Special aids and equipment.

Adaptations to premises or equipment.

What’s in it for the client?

Access to Work can help:

An employee who develops a disability or long term condition remains in employment (keeping their valuable skills and saving both time and money recruiting a replacement).

Support employees who have a mental health


condition. The type of help that Access to Work can offer:

Special aids and equipment.

Adaptations to equipment.

Travel to work.

Travel in work.

Communication support at interviews.

A wide variety of support workers, and the Mental Health Support Service.

Access to Work does not provide the support itself, but provides a grant to reimburse the cost of the support that is needed.

Future progression opportunities

Builds confidence and gives practical advice and support to help the individual secure or stay in employment.

Who is eligible?

It is the actual employee who receives the support and to be eligible for help, that person must:

Have a disability or health condition that has a long term substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out their job.

Be in, or about to start paid employment (including self employment).

Normally live and work in Great Britain and,

Not be claiming Incapacity Benefit or Employment Support Allowance once they are in work

Who is not eligible? Under 16’s.

Anyone without a disability.

Location National

Duration of programme/support

Ongoing support for individuals throughout the duration of the programme.

Next Steps/how to apply

For further information please contact: Telephone: 0345 268 8489 Textphone: 0345 608 8753 Website: www.gov.UK Email: [email protected]

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – Ongoing.

Ownership Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)/ Jobcentre Plus.

Funding Non ESF.

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Upskilling Route

Apprenticeships Programme Outline

Apprenticeships are designed around the needs of employers. In fact they cover more than 150 different business sectors. The training is always directly relevant to the business – and the employees reach a high level of competence and performance. Better still apprentices continue to be productive in the business while they learn. And often go on to hold senior management roles, resulting in a significant return on investment.

Programme Details The Welsh Government funds a group of approved training providers to allow them to offer funded places on apprenticeship courses. The business covers their wages but Welsh Government pay for most of their training. The individual will learn while they learn, and work towards nationally recognised qualification at one of three levels:

Foundation Apprenticeship (Level 2)

Apprenticeship (Level 3)

Higher Apprenticeship (Level 4) Individuals can use the Apprenticeship Matching Service from Careers Wales They can view the opportunities that exist in their area and for their preferred career path

What’s in it for the client? Training that's tailored to the type of work so they learn the skills the business needs.

An opportunity to gain a formal qualification while earning.

A work placement with an employer, with potential to progress to a full time employment after the apprenticeship is complete.

Future progression opportunities

Apprenticeships are 2 to 3 years long, and will lead to a recognised qualification and a career in the field the individual is interested in. An apprenticeship will improve employability and get them started in a career earlier than if they stayed in higher/full time education.


Who is eligible?

Apprenticeships are for people aged 16 and over, who are living, and or working in Wales. The funded apprenticeship frameworks can be undertaken by a new starter or used to develop the existing skills of an employee.

Who is not eligible? Under 16’s.

Location All Wales.

Duration of programme/support

2 to 3 years depending on the type of apprenticeship and the level of qualification being worked towards.

There are three types, Foundation Apprenticeship, Apprenticeship and Higher Apprenticeship.

Applications are available for the duration of the programme.

Next Steps/how to apply

Individuals can explore their options with Careers Wales.

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – April 2019.


Welsh Government via a procured Network of Providers.

Funding Part ESF funded

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Upskilling Route

GO Wales Achieve through Work Experience

Programme Outline

Provide tailored work experience and associated support designed to enhance the employability of those students on Higher Education courses in Wales who are most at risk of being NEET on leaving.

Programme Details

Students will receive one to one support from an adviser who will broker work experience on their behalf and will support them to gain the maximum learning from their experience as well as help them to make appropriate decisions about their next steps.

What’s in it for the client?

Tailored, flexible work experience.

One to one support.

Enhanced employability.

Future progression opportunities

Individuals will be able to progress into employment.

Who is eligible?


Under 25’s

Undertaking Higher Education courses in Wales

Have a disability

From a Black and/ or Minority Ethnic background.

Have caring responsibilities

A care leaver

From a low Higher Education participation neighbourhood

Have barriers to employability.

Who is not eligible? Under 25’s.

Don’t have a disability.

Not from a Black and/or Minority Ethnic background, don’t live in a neighbourhood that has low participation rates of Higher Education.

Don’t have barriers to employability.

Location National, delivered via universities in Wales.

Duration of programme/support

Support is available for the duration of the programme.


Next Steps/how to apply

For further information please contact: Higher Education Funding Council for Wales [email protected]

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – 31/03/2019.

Ownership Higher Education Funding Council for Wales.

Funding ESF.

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Upskilling Route

Into Work Service Programme Outline

The Into Work Service provides free help and advice for Cardiff residents searching for work, or for people who are looking to upskill to improve their chances of employment. The Into Work Service team can assist with:

CV Writing. Application forms and covering letters. Universal Job Match. Job search. Using email and the internet. Job Clubs. Access to drop in computer facilities. Work skills training. Computer training. Volunteering.

Programme Details

The Into Work Service is available daily from:

The Advice Hub @ Cardiff Library Hub,

3rd Floor, St Mellons Enterprise Centre

Ely & Caerau Hwb, there are also outreach sessions in 10 other locations around Cardiff. The Into Work Advice Service also provides a variety of short job-related training courses free to Cardiff residents. Accredited courses such as:

Food Safety.

Retail & Customer Care.

Health & Safety.

First Aid. and also non-accredited courses such as:

COSHH Awareness (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health).

Interview Skills.

Cooking on a budget. Also provided are short training sessions on the Universal Job Match website; a half day course which


helps teach learners the basics of the UJM website, from logging on to applying for jobs.

What’s in it for the client?

To become more job ready through a tailored, Into Work programme, including:

Digital inclusion/help with getting online

CV writing

Work Skills training course.

Future progression opportunities

To improve their chances of finding and sustaining employment

Who is eligible?

Residents of Cardiff looking to upskill to improve their chances of employment

Unemployed and searching for work,

Who is not eligible? Anyone living outside of Cardiff

Anyone in employment.

Location Cardiff.

Duration of programme/support

Support available for the duration of the programme.

Next Steps/how to apply

For further information please contact: Into Work Advice Service Tel: 029 2087 1000 E-mail: [email protected]

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – Ongoing.

Ownership The City of Cardiff Council.

Funding Non-ESF.

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Upskilling Route

New Enterprise Allowance Programme Outline

New Enterprise Allowance can provide money and support to help an individual to start their own business if they're getting certain benefits.

Programme Details

A Jobcentre Plus Work Coach can refer to the scheme as soon as a qualifying benefit is in payment. A specialist will assess the business idea. If it has potential it’ll be signed up to the scheme and get a business mentor. The claimant will be able to claim financial support if:

The business plan is approved. the claimant has started working at a business for 16 hours or more per week

What’s in it for the client?

A weekly allowance paid for up to 26 weeks (up to a total of £1,274).

Apply for a loan to help with start-up costs.

The loan has to be paid back, the allowance doesn’t. Any money received doesn’t affect Housing Benefit, tax credits, Income Tax, Universal Credit or Access to Work grant. A business mentor who will:

Help to develop the business idea.

Support the business to start trading.

Future progression opportunities

Financial support and expert advice could help launch the individuals business and grow into a success.

Who is eligible?

Must be aged 18 or over, have a business idea and receiving one of the following benefits:

Jobseeker’s Allowance.

Income Support as a lone parent.

Employment and Support Allowance, if you’re in the work-related activity group

Who is not eligible?

Under 18’s,

Individuals who are part of the Work Programme

Individuals not interested in starting their own business

Location National


Duration of programme/support

Support available for the duration of the programme.

Next Steps/how to apply

Contact a Job Centre work coach – they will explain how the NEA scheme could help the individual. They will also give information about the support, volunteer business mentors offer in the early months of trading.

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – Ongoing.


Department for Work and Pensions DWP – Provider PeoplePlus.

Funding Non ESF

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Upskilling Route

Princes Trust Enterprise Programme Outline

The Prince’s Trust Enterprise Programme supports unemployed young people aged 18 to 30 to work out if their business idea is viable and whether self employment is the right option for them. It is targeted towards those young people who:

Have a business idea they want to explore.

Are aged 18 to 30.

Are unemployed or working less than 16 hours a week.

Programme Details

There is a 1 hour information session and then a 4 day course to attend. Participants can get financial support of between £1,000 and £7,000, in the form of a loan.

What’s in it for the client?

Participants will receive :

Training to show them what they need to know to start their own business.

One to One support to explore their business plan and test their ideas.

Mentoring to help develop their business or access alternative opportunities (education, training work, volunteering etc).

Future progression opportunities

The expert advice could help launch the individuals business and grow into a success. The individual could gain a Level 2 certificate once their business plan is finished

Who is eligible?

18-30 year old entrepreneurs, Unemployed or working less than 16 hours a

week Not in full time education

Who is not eligible?

The following people are NOT eligible for the programme:

Employed individuals

Gap Year students

Recent graduates (last 6 months)

Those with a post graduate degree

Location National


Duration of programme/support

A one hour information session, followed by a four day course. Prince’s Trust Enterprise will give flexible one-to-one support to get started with:

Market research. Writing a business plan. Considering finance.

Next Steps/how to apply

For further information please contact: Tel: 0800 842842 www.princes-trust.org.uk

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – Ongoing.

Ownership The Prince’s Trust.

Funding Non ESF.

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Upskilling Route

Wales Union Learning Fund (WULF) Programme Outline

The fund aims to encourage and support learning in the workplace and recognises the important role of Trade Unions and their Union Learning.

Programme Details

Trade unions can bid into the fund for 2/3year projects that deliver learning and skills in unionised workplaces. The main focus of the projects is to focus on Trade Unions developing the employability and essential skills of the workforce, with a particular emphasis on removing barriers for non-traditional learners, in partnership with employers and others.

What’s in it for the client?

Flexible funding may be available to an individual who is working in a unionised workplace. By contacting their union branch rep or Union Learning Representative (ULR), subject to available funding may get access to free or part funded courses. In addition, the client can be supported by the branch/ULR to overcome any barriers in or out of work that may prevent the client’s access to learning and skills. WULF can fund a huge variety of courses depending on the particular project available in the client’s workplace. Typically WULF funds employability and essential skills learning but can also often provide funding for vocational qualifications and bespoke workplace skills. WULF typically provides support from Entry L3 up to L4.

Future progression opportunities

WULF projects are designed to compliment and integrate with other forms of funding. The strength of WULF support is that it comes directly from the workplace trade union. This ensures that any funding support comes with one to one learner support, advice and guidance. Signposting learners to available courses either provided by the employer through internal workforce development opportunities or from other funded programmes. The focus is to ensure the client progresses onto higher and further learning.


Who is eligible?

All employees working within WULF supported workplaces are eligible to enquire through the representative trade union.

Who is not eligible? Unemployed individuals Clients seeking HE qualifications are not


Location National

Duration of programme/support

Support is available for the duration of the programme.

Next Steps/how to apply

For further information please contact: The Wales TUC: Tel: 02920 347 010

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – 31st March 2018

Ownership Trade Unions.

Funding Non ESF.

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Reskilling Route

Agile Nation 2 Programme Outline

The programme is designed for women from all backgrounds, ages and stages to gain the knowledge, confidence and skills to support their career development. The programme offers:

Support in identifying goals.

Advice on overcoming barriers.

Institute of Leadership & Management qualifications at levels 2, 3 & 5.

Access to mentoring services

Opportunities to network with other individuals on the programme and share experiences.

Enable learners to claim university credits

Programme Details

Fully funded programme. No cost to the individual or their employer.

What’s in it for the client?

ILM Qualification.

Career development support.


Additional training allowance (criteria applies).

Opportunity to become a mentor.

Future progression opportunities

Individuals can Advance their career and gain new skills

Chance to apply for an additional training allowance.

Progress to Institute of Leadership & Management qualifications at Levels 2, 3 and 5.

Who is eligible?

Women age 16+ working in one of the 9 priority sectors as identified by the WG Economic Renewal Programme.

Who is not eligible?

Women under the age of 16.

Women 16+ not working in one of the 9 priority sectors as identified by the WG Economic Renewal Programme.

Location National.

Duration of programme/support

Typically 6 – 9 months, depending on the type of skills you are working towards.


Next Steps/how to apply

For further information please contact: http://www.agilenation2.org.uk/for-women Contact one of our participation partners Tel: 0300 365 0445 E-mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – March 2018.

Ownership Chwarae Teg.

Funding ESF.

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Reskilling Route

In-Work Support Programme Outline

The In-Work Support service provides free and confidential support to help people who are struggling at work, or who are on a sickness absence, due to a musculoskeletal problem (like back or hip pain), a mental health problem (like stress or anxiety) or as a consequence of drug and alcohol misuse.

Programme Details

The service provides rapid access to tailored therapy services designed to help people return to work, or to manage a health condition in work. Employees who are currently in work but struggling due to a health issue can contact the service and speak directly to a specialist adviser in the In-Work Support service.

What’s in it for the client?

Rapid access to free, confidential tailored occupational therapy, physiotherapy and psychological therapy services.

Help employees with health problems return to or remain in work.

Reduce the risk of long-term sickness absence, of unemployment, and of a health condition worsening.

Future progression opportunities

The Service is designed to help people to return to work or to manage their health condition.

Who is eligible?

If you are currently in work but struggling due to a health issue, you can contact the service and speak directly to a specialist adviser. If you are currently off work on, or at risk of, a four-week sickness absence, you should contact your GP or employer and request a referral to Fit for Work, a UK-wide scheme that will provide an occupational health assessment and signpost to our In-Work Support service for further support. The service is primarily aimed at SMEs in the private and third sector.


Who is not eligible?

Unemployed individuals not living in the following areas : North Wales Conwy Denbighshire Gwynedd Anglesey South West Wales Bridgend Neath Port Talbot Swansea


North Wales Conwy Denbighshire Gwynedd Anglesey South West Wales Bridgend Neath Port Talbot Swansea

Duration of programme/support

Support available for the duration of the programme

Next Steps/how to apply

For further information please contact: If you live or work in the North Wales Area Tel: 01745 336442. If you live or work in the South West Wales area Tel: 0845 601 7556. Website: http://gov.wales/topics/health/improvement/work/support/?skip=1&lang=en

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – September 2018.


Welsh Government. The programme is currently being delivered in partnership with RCS in North Wales Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board in South West Wales.


Primarily ESF (West Wales & The Valleys Convergence area).

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Reskilling Route

ReAct 3 Programme Outline

The ReAct 3 programme offers funding for individuals to access training to get them back into the job market and an incentive to employers to recruit an eligible redundant worker.

Programme Details

ReAct 3 can provide a possible:

a contribution of £1,500 towards training costs.

Assistance with travel and childcare costs to support the training.

A wage subsidy of £3,000 towards the wage of an eligible worker paid to the new employer.

What’s in it for the client?

ReAct 3 can:

Help someone back into work.

Allow someone to change career paths.

Help with the cost of job-related training.

Future progression opportunities

Individuals could progress immediately back into work after redundancy, and through subsidisation could train and gain new skills.

Who is eligible?

Individuals who have been made redundant in the last 3 months, or are currently under notice of redundancy.

Who is not eligible? Under 16’s and Individuals in employment and not under notice of redundancy.

Location National

Duration of programme/support

Support available for the duration of the programme

Next Steps/how to apply

Individuals would need to go through the application process with Careers Wales. The Welsh Government ReAct team can answer programme specific queries on: Tel: 01792 765 888

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – March 2017


The programme is run by the Welsh Government, working in collaboration with Careers Wales and Jobcentre Plus.

Funding Part funded by ESF.

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Reskilling Route

SEE (Support for Employer and Employee)

Programme Outline

Through approval from employer the project enables employees to up-skill, develop and progress their skills and knowledge through work related qualifications.

Programme Details

SEE will support employed individuals working within a North Wales based organisation to upskill, develop and progress their skills through work related qualifications up to Level 7. The project targets the following priority groups:

Food Sector.

Digital Economy – support for business to

access training and development to improve

ICT Capability.

Advanced Manufacturing.

Life Sciences and health.

Tourism recreation and Leisure.

Care Sector.


Energy and Low carbon sector

What’s in it for the client?

Accredited qualifications provided to enhance and develop skills and knowledge.

Opportunity for progression through qualifications and

Full support from the college to help individuals succeed.

Future progression opportunities

Individuals can increase their skillset and qualifications to help them in the pursuit of a promotion or a new role.

Who is eligible?

Paid employees over the age of 16 years in North Wales businesses who have the support of their employer.

Who is not eligible?

Anyone unemployed outside of the North Wales Area.

Location North Wales all 6 counties


Duration of programme/support

Support available for the duration of the programme

Next Steps/how to apply

Initially discuss your interest with your employer then email the ESF team at Coleg Cambria E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cambria.ac.uk Tel: 01244 831531 ext 4056 or 6115

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – 31/10/2018.


Partnership of Coleg Cambria, Grŵp Llandrillo Menai and WEA.

Funding ESF.

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Reskilling Route

Skills for Industry 2 (SO1) Programme Outline

Skills for Industry (SO1) will help individuals gain or improve their skills and qualifications. The project will target employed individuals, including self-employed participants with no or low formal qualifications and help them gain essential skills and technical or job specific qualifications up to and including level 2 upon leaving.

Programme Details

If the individual doesn’t have any qualifications yet, they will get the opportunity to develop job specific skills at Levels 1 and 2. If they already possess qualifications at Levels 1 and 2, they will be able to upgrade their skills so that they are relevant to the needs of the employer. The individual will have the opportunity to progress in specific sectors, including:



Creative industries.


Advanced manufacturing,


Automotive engineering.

Financial and professional services.




What’s in it for the client?

The individual will be able to improve their skills and career prospects by:

Getting support on how to use new digital technologies.

Learning the best ways to approach and access online work opportunities.

Future progression opportunities

Individuals will be able to develop their career with the kind of essential skills that will help them access online job opportunities and/or demonstrate to employers that they’re ready to take the next step.


Who is eligible?

Aged 16+ Employed/self employed to be eligible for the


Who is not eligible? Under 16’s Unemployed individuals.


The programme’s activities will be aimed at the South West Wales Region.

Ceredigion. Pembrokeshire. Carmarthenshire. Swansea. Neath Port Talbot.

Duration of programme/support

Support is available for the duration of the programme.

Next Steps/how to apply For further information please contact: SFI Regional team: E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 01792 284054 / 284209

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – August 2018.


The programme will establish a joint sponsorship arrangement between Gower College Swansea (as the lead sponsor) and the five other colleges that make up the South West Wales region:

Coleg Sir Gar Coleg Ceredigion Neath Port Talbot Pembrokeshire College WEA Cymru.

Funding ESF

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Reskilling Route

Skills for Industry 2 (SO2) Programme Outline

Providing participants with existing qualifications at Level 2 and above with the opportunity to improve their skills. The operation will aim to develop the skill levels of employed individuals, including self-employed participants.

Programme Details

The Skills for Industry (SO2) programme will provide the individual with the opportunity to gain qualifications at Level 3 and above, helping them upgrade their skills so they’re relevant to the specialist skills employers need. It will give the individual the opportunity to help them progress in specific sectors, including:



Creative industries.


Advanced manufacturing,


Automotive engineering.

Financial and professional services.




What’s in it for the client?

The programme will assist individuals by raising their skill levels, allowing them to progress further in their careers. It will support employees in:

Gaining qualification and skills that are demand led and relevant to your company and industry.

Acquiring knowledge and skills on new and emerging techniques and technologies.

Future progression opportunities

The programme will provide individuals with key skills to help them progress further in their career.

Who is eligible?

Employed individuals who are qualified to Level 2 and above are eligible for the programme.

Who is not eligible? Under 16’s Unemployed Individuals



The programme’s activities will be aimed at the South West Wales Region.

Ceredigion Pembrokeshire Carmarthenshire Swansea Neath Port Talbot Bridgend

Duration of programme/support

Support is available for the duration of the programme.

Next Steps/how to apply For further information please contact: SFI Regional team E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 01792 284054 / 284209

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – August 2020


The operation will establish a joint sponsorship arrangement between Gower College Swansea (as the lead sponsor), the four other colleges that make up the South West Wales region

Coleg Sir Gar Coleg Ceredigion Neath Port Talbot Pembrokeshire College Swansea University University of Wales Trinity St David.

Funding ESF.

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Reskilling Route

Working Skills for Adults 2 Programme Outline

Supporting employed individuals to increase their skills levels, including work relevant skills, so that they are best placed to progress while in employment.

Programme Details

Through a series of initial assessment, support and training, WSFA 2, through community based provision, will focus on supporting people to engage with learning opportunities outside of the workplace, and will offer a range of provision, including literacy, numeracy , ICT and other generic transferable skills.

What’s in it for the client?

Through community based outreach, WSFA will engage with employees at a time and place most convenient to them. WSFA 2 will improve the skills levels of employed people.

Future progression opportunities

Progression would be within the individuals own workplace dependent on the qualifications worked towards.

Who is eligible?

Residents in, Torfaen Caerphilly, Blaenau Gwent and Merthyr

Aged 16+

Employed/self employed

Have no formal qualifications or are qualified up to level 2.

Who is not eligible? Under 16’s

Unemployed Individuals,

Anybody living outside of Torfaen, Caerphilly, Blaenau Gwent, Merthyr Tydfil.


WSFA 2 is led by Torfaen and operates in Torfaen, Caerphilly, Blaenau Gwent and Merthyr.

Duration of programme/support

Courses will vary in length, dependent on the qualification being worked towards.

Next Steps/how to apply

For further information please contact: Nerys Hall, Regional Operations Support Officer [email protected] Tel: 01633 646907

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – 1st March 2018.

Ownership Torfaen County Borough Council.

Funding Part funded by ESF

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Higher/ Technical Skills Route

20Twenty Leading Business Growth Programme Outline

20Twenty Leading Business Growth focusses on promoting Business Growth. A range of optional recognised leadership qualifications are offered from Level 3 to Level 7 all of which are accredited by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI). All sizes of businesses including large organisations are eligible to apply.

Programme Details

Participants attend a series of workshops (up to 15 days) over a period of 10 months. During that time, they are exposed to a variety of tools and techniques to develop their business including :

Leadership skills.




Managing finance.

Operational efficiency through lean and business innovation.

The only programme in Wales to offer a progression route from CMI Level 3 to Level 7, leading towards a Post Graduate Certificate, Executive MBA and Chartered Manager.

What’s in it for the client?

A range of accredited leadership qualifications ranging from Level 3 to Level 7. For those that receive a level 7 qualification, they are also eligible for a postgraduate Certificate in Leadership which is equivalent to a third of an MBA at Cardiff Metropolitan University.

Future progression opportunities

Individuals will be able to boost both business performance and their own career by developing leadership skills to help them adapt effortlessly to change, take advantage of new trends and become a role model for others in their team.


Who is eligible?

Owner, Director or employee of a business.

Main residence or business must be located in the competitiveness area of East Wales.

Potential participants must have an aspiration to develop themselves and grow their business.

Who is not eligible? Those not living in South East Wales

Unemployed Individuals

Location Workshops will be available across East Wales

Duration of programme/support

10 Months

Next Steps/how to apply

For further information please contact: Christopher Byrne Email: [email protected] Tel: 02920 416300 www.20twentybusinessgrowth.com

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering– December 2018


Welsh Government via Cardiff School of Management at Cardiff Metropolitan University

Funding ESF

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Higher/ Technical Skills Route

GWLAD Programme Outline

This programme will support and facilitate learning at an intermediate and higher level. The programme will enable employees:

To claim higher level academic credit for accredited in-company staff development programmes,

Enable learners to claim university credit for prior experiential learning

Benefit from an extensive range of modules leading to qualifications (from one module to a Certificate Higher Education up to and including Masters) in Professional Practice.

Programme Details

The programme will provide subsidised learning through negotiation with the individual’s employer. The programme will enable employees to study variety of topics, which can contribute towards a qualification in professional practice such as • Digital Marketing • Finance and Planning • Human Resources • Leadership • Marketing • Mentoring and Coaching • Mindfulness • Project Management • Sustainability • Recognition and Accreditation of Learning and much more

What’s in it for the client?

This programme will provide a range of opportunities to gain higher level University qualifications from a Certificate Higher Education through to a Masters in Professional Practice.

Future progression opportunities

Individuals will have the chance to impress potential employers through work experience, and this experience and advice will make individuals more employable, thus increasing their chances of finding sustainable work.


Who is eligible?

Employed individuals who have the agreement of their employer to participate in the programme.

Who is not eligible?

Unemployed Individuals

Anyone living outside of the following areas: Carmarthen, Ceredigion, Swansea, Pembrokeshire, Neath Port Talbot.






Neath Port Talbot.

Duration of programme/support

The length of support will vary depending on the course.

Next Steps/how to apply

For further information please contact: [email protected] [email protected] Tel: 01267 676882

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – October 2015.


This programme is run by the Wales Institute of Work based Learning at University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

Funding ESF.

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Higher/ Technical Skills Route

Higher Level Apprenticeships Programme Outline

Higher Level Apprenticeships allow employees to develop their careers further and contribute to filling higher level skill gaps for Welsh businesses. Higher apprenticeships are available at a range of levels, from the equivalent of a foundation degree to a bachelor’s degree. They provide individuals with the skills to make the step up to more technical or managerial roles within the workplace.

Programme Details

In keeping with the Welsh Government ambition to increase the skill level of the Welsh workforce, the network of funded Work Based Learning providers can offer places on NVQ Level 4 frameworks to allow individuals to progress in their careers. Individuals can access these frameworks and gain the qualifications alongside their day to day work

What’s in it for the client?

Increasing their range of qualifications.

Gaining the tools to carry out more technical roles

Gaining the tools to perform at a more senior managerial role.

Career progression.

Future progression opportunities

With increased skills the individual could see them able to move into more technical or management roles.

Who is eligible?

Individuals living, and or working in Wales can access funded, or part funded places on Higher Level Apprenticeship courses through the Welsh Government’s network of approved Work Based Learning providers.

Who is not eligible? Under 16’s

Unemployed Individuals

Location All Wales.

Duration of programme/support

The duration of the learning programme depends on the course chosen.


Next Steps/how to apply

For further information please contact: http://www2.careerswales.com/coursesinwales/default.asp?page=LCD_WBL&menuid=4&namevote The Careers Wales course search carries details of the available frameworks.

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – April 2019.


Welsh Government through an approved network of providers.

Funding ESF.

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Higher/ Technical Skills Route

ION Leadership Programme Outline

ION Leadership helps develop leadership, management and business skills across Wales. It is an agile Leadership development programme solution, capable of bespoke delivery relevant to a diverse range of industry sectors

Programme Details

The programme has 4 main elements; Interactive Master Classes - present delegates with theory and best practice around four major themes:

Leading Self.

Leading People.

Leading Organisations.

Leading Growth. These are designed to build the delegates’ knowledge, skills and confidence. Action Learning Sets - allow delegates to discuss organisational development, growth challenges and opportunities. The sessions give time to develop action plans and discuss ideas with a group of constructive peers. Workplace Implementation - allows delegates to develop a Personal Development Plan and a Business Growth Plan. The programme places emphasis on the implementation of ideas generated on the programme. Time is given for delegates to plan and implement changes to their leadership behaviour. Assignments - encourage delegates to capture and articulate their individual leadership development and detail plans for their organisational development strategy. Delegates can complete between 1 and 3 modules as part of the programme.


What’s in it for the client?

Enhanced knowledge and skills.

Access to a Leadership Network.

Development of a business.

Growth of turnover.

97% of delegates report the programme has had a significant impact on them and the way in which they work.

Future progression opportunities

Improved leadership skills and Institute of Leadership and Management Award could further progress the individuals career

Who is eligible?

As a minimum;

The business should have been operating for 12 months.

Individuals must live or work in a Welsh convergence area and have line management responsibility.

Programmes are designed for business owners, directors and leaders.

Who is not eligible?

Unemployed Individuals.

Anyone that doesn’t have line management responsibility.


The programme covers the convergence areas of Wales.

Duration of programme/support

One day a month for eight months (After initial two day overnight experiential event)

Next Steps/how to apply

For further information please contact: The ION Leadership team Tel: 01792 606733

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – December 2018.

Ownership Swansea and Bangor University.

Funding ESF.

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Higher/ Technical Skills Route

KESS 2 Programme Outline Supporting students by providing them with

opportunities to work on projects with local companies.

Programme Details

As a participant of the KESS programme you will have an opportunity to work with local companies, enhancing your employability and allowing you to see your research applied in real situations. The programme pays a monthly stipend and provides a budget to support the delivery of your projects, for example against things like equipment, consumables, travel and training and development.

What’s in it for the client?

The benefits you will receive will include: Your university fees are waived.

Monthly stipend and KESS budgets are paid to you – on submission of timesheets and completion of the KESS Postgraduate Skills Development Award (PSDA).

You will receive a range of training and development opportunities, tailored to your needs.

Future progression opportunities

Participating individuals will have better skills for employment and be able to target a career based on areas of interest discovered during the programme.

Who is eligible?

Participating individuals in Higher Education must:

Reside within the Convergence area of Wales

Be able to work in the Convergence area on completion.

Who is not eligible? Individuals not residing within the convergence area of Wales

Individuals not in Higher Education


Location Convergence Areas of Wales:

Isle of Anglesey








Neath Port Talbot


Rhondda Cynon Taff

Merthyr Tydfil

Blaenau Gwent



Duration of programme/support

The duration of the programme depends on each individuals requirements:

Maximum of 3 years for PhD.

12 months for Research Masters

Next Steps/how to apply For further information please contact: https://www.bangor.ac.uk/doctoral-school/kess/index.php.en Dr Penney Dowdney (KESS Wales Project Manager) [email protected] Tel: 01248 382266

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering - 2020


The Welsh Government and the Welsh European Funding Office

Funding ESF

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Higher/ Technical Skills Route

Materials and Manufacturing Academy

Programme Outline

The Materials and Manufacturing Academy (M2A) is a demand led, industry focused operation that will produce 124 high calibre individuals trained to masters and doctoral level to go on and lead our advanced engineering and materials sector. This operation seeks to increase the number of people with higher-level skills engaged in research and innovation in the advanced materials and manufacturing sector. The M2A will provide a pipeline of high calibre individuals who are furnished with technical, leadership and management skills critical to the success of the Welsh high value manufacturing and materials sectors

Programme Details

Companies involved in materials or manufacturing are able to put forward one year masters or four year doctorate research projects based on a their business processes or products. Graduates are recruited to undertake the industrially led projects under the joint supervision of an academic and a representative from the sponsoring company. Doctoral researchers are paid an annual stipend of £20,000 and have their fees paid by the M2A. The partnering company is required to make a £9,000 annual contribution

What’s in it for the client?

An opportunity to work with an established business in the sector, and demonstrate suitability for further employment

Future progression opportunities

High chance of employment after the completion of the course.


Who is eligible?

Students enrolled on the M2A must have:

A residential address in the Convergence area of Wales.

Must have a UK passport or permanent right to stay

A minimum of a 2:1 degree in a science or engineering subject.

Who is not eligible?

Anyone not living in a convergence area.

Does not have a 2.1 degree in a science or engineering subject.


Based at Swansea University or at the partner company (if within Convergence area of Wales).

Duration of programme/support

Masters – One Year

Doctorate – Four Years

Next Steps/how to apply For further information please contact: Dr Ian Mabbett E-mail: [email protected]

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – 30th September 2019.

Ownership Swansea University.

Funding ESF.

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Higher/ Technical Skills Route

METaL 2 Programme Outline

The Materials and Manufacturing Education Training and Learning (METaL) project from Swansea University is an industry focused, demand led project aiming to up skill over 360 people in the field of Advanced Materials and Manufacturing through the provision of short technical courses. Swansea University Credit Qualifications will be awarded on successful completion of each course. Examples include:

Introduction to Materials


Manufacturing Technology.

Computer Aided Design.

Corrosion and Coatings.

Practical Metallurgy.

Analytical Chemistry. METaL also aims to work with industry to develop courses around technical skills gaps and shortages.

Programme Details

METaL offers part funded short courses for £200-£250. Courses are timetabled over the year and can also be run at the request of industry. Courses are run over 3 days – either 3 days consecutively or 1 day a week over 3 weeks

What’s in it for the client?

Increased Skill Set – The increased skill set will improve the employee’s ability to do their job thus increasing their chances of progression within their company. This will also act to set examples to other employees of the benefit of training Improved Employability – The training offered will provide higher skills that will result in being more employable and forming a pool of skilled people in the manufacturing sector that are able to apply their knowledge from one industry to another. Academic Progression – The training offered by METaL offers a clear progression from initial engagement up to doctorates.


Future progression opportunities

Increased skillset and academic progression, may lead to a promotion or employment opportunity in the field of Advanced Materials and Manufacturing.

Who is eligible?

Employed Individuals

Anyone living or working within the West Wales and the Valleys ESF Area

Who is not eligible?

Unemployed Individuals

Anyone not living or working within the West Wales and the Valleys ESF Area.


Based at Swansea University but can deliver throughout West Wales and the Valley’s ESF

Duration of programme/support

3 Consecutive days Or 1 day a week over 3 weeks

Next Steps/how to apply

For further information please contact: Dr David Warren E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 01792 606541 www.project-metal.co.uk for more information and to book onto courses.

Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – 31st August 2018.

Ownership Swansea University.

Funding ESF.

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Higher/ Technical Skills Route

STEM2 Cymru 2 Programme Outline

Stem Cymru 2 will build on the work of the current Stem Cymru project to develop STEM skills in 11-19 year old pupils through engagements with a range of exciting practical activities. The activities raise awareness of the opportunities in STEM careers and develop a range of employability skills. All participants are encouraged to enter for CREST awards and the 6th form students can gain part of their Welsh Baccalaureate qualification through involvement with the industry related project. The project will target the following groups:

Young people aged 11-14 prior to their GCSE choices

Young people aged 15-16 prior to their Level 3 choices

Young people aged 17-19 prior to their further or higher education choices

Females aged 11-19 at all key stages of education

Programme Details

Through consultation with schools groups of pupils are identified to engage with a range of STEM activities

What’s in it for the client?

Improved understanding of opportunities in STEM careers.

Involvement in exciting and worthwhile activities to improve STEM skills and improve numeracy, literacy and digital literacy.

Improved employability levels

Future progression opportunities

A career in STEM subjects (Science. Technology. Engineering. Manufacturing).

Who is eligible?

Pupils/students aged 11-19 in schools and colleges in Wales.

Who is not eligible? Anyone 19+.

Location National

Duration of programme/support

Support available for the duration of the programme.

Next Steps/how to apply For further information please contact: [email protected]


Programme start/end date Currently Delivering – June 2020

Ownership Engineering Education Scheme Wales Ltd.


ESF – West Wales & Valleys. Welsh Government – East Wales.

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