Employment Opportunity - President & CEO - EN AND FR FINAL 2017 - ICCRC... · du Québec, or ICCRC....

5500 North Service Road, Suite 1002 Burlington, Ontario L7L 6W6 www.iccrc-crcic.ca T: 1-877-836-7543 F: 1-877-315-9868 5500 North Service Road, bureau 1002 Burlington (Ontario) L7L 6W6 Employment Opportunity PRESIDENT AND CEO Reports to: Board of Directors Location: Burlington, Ontario Language requirement: Bilingual preferred ICCRC is the national regulatory body designated by the government of Canada to safeguard consumers of Canadian immigration and citizenship services provided by Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs) and Regulated International Student Immigration Advisors (RISIAs). Federal law requires that anyone who provides Canadian immigration or citizenship advice for a fee or other consideration must be a member in good standing of a law society in Canada, the Chambre des notaires du Québec, or ICCRC. Reporting to the Board of Directors, the President & CEO oversees the operations, administration, organization, and efficiency of the Council and leads the execution of its strategic direction. He or she will manage the Council’s departments and staff through strong leadership, expert communication and thorough people skills. The President & CEO is the face of the organization to the public, federal and provincial governments, the professionals it regulates, and other critical stakeholders. As the ideal candidate, you are a respected leader whose background and experience will be diverse and may reflect an understanding of immigration consulting practices, a strong working knowledge of English and French, and significantly advanced management practices. You should also possess extensive experience working in progressively responsible roles in a regulatory environment. Finally, you will demonstrate an understanding and track-record of not-for-profit leadership and regulatory governance and compliance, and will be able to set priorities to influence and negotiate solutions. If you are interested in leading one of Canada’s national regulatory bodies, please submit your application and related materials to Jona Morton at [email protected] and state the title of the position in the subject line of your e-mail. Deadline is January 27, 2017. We thank all applicants for their interest, however only those under consideration for the role will be contacted.

Transcript of Employment Opportunity - President & CEO - EN AND FR FINAL 2017 - ICCRC... · du Québec, or ICCRC....

Page 1: Employment Opportunity - President & CEO - EN AND FR FINAL 2017 - ICCRC... · du Québec, or ICCRC. Reporting to the Board of Directors, the President & CEO oversees the operations,





PRESIDENTANDCEOReportsto: BoardofDirectorsLocation: Burlington,OntarioLanguagerequirement:BilingualpreferredICCRCisthenationalregulatorybodydesignatedbythegovernmentofCanadatosafeguardconsumersof Canadian immigration and citizenship services provided by Regulated Canadian ImmigrationConsultants (RCICs) and Regulated International Student Immigration Advisors (RISIAs). Federal lawrequires that anyone who provides Canadian immigration or citizenship advice for a fee or otherconsiderationmustbeamemberingoodstandingofalawsocietyinCanada,theChambredesnotairesduQuébec,orICCRC.Reporting to the Board of Directors, the President & CEO oversees the operations, administration,organization,andefficiencyoftheCouncilandleadstheexecutionof itsstrategicdirection.HeorshewillmanagetheCouncil’sdepartmentsandstaffthroughstrongleadership,expertcommunicationandthoroughpeople skills.ThePresident&CEO is the faceof theorganization to thepublic, federalandprovincialgovernments,theprofessionalsitregulates,andothercriticalstakeholders.As the ideal candidate, youarea respected leaderwhosebackgroundandexperiencewill bediverseandmayreflectanunderstandingof immigrationconsultingpractices,astrongworkingknowledgeofEnglish and French, and significantly advanced management practices. You should also possessextensive experienceworking inprogressively responsible roles in a regulatory environment. Finally,you will demonstrate an understanding and track-record of not-for-profit leadership and regulatorygovernanceandcompliance,andwillbeabletosetprioritiestoinfluenceandnegotiatesolutions.If you are interested in leading one of Canada’s national regulatory bodies, please submit yourapplicationandrelatedmaterialstoJonaMortonatjmorton@boyden.com andstatethetitleofthepositioninthesubjectlineofyoure-mail.DeadlineisJanuary27,2017.Wethankallapplicantsfortheirinterest,howeveronlythoseunderconsiderationfortherolewillbecontacted.

Page 2: Employment Opportunity - President & CEO - EN AND FR FINAL 2017 - ICCRC... · du Québec, or ICCRC. Reporting to the Board of Directors, the President & CEO oversees the operations,








Le CRCIC est l’organisme de réglementation national désigné par le gouvernement du Canada pourprotéger les consommateursde servicesen immigrationetencitoyennetécanadienne fournispar lesconsultants réglementés en immigration canadienne (CRIC) et les conseillers réglementés enimmigrationpourétudiantsétrangers(CRIEE).Laloifédéralestipulequequiconquefournitdesconseilsen immigrationouencitoyennetécanadiennemoyennantdesfraisouuneautreformederétributiondoitêtremembreenrègled’unbarreaucanadien,delaChambredesnotairesduQuébecouduCRCIC.

Relevant du conseil d’administration, le président et chef de la direction supervise les activités,l’administration, l’organisation et l’efficience du Conseil et mène la mise en œuvre de l’orientationstratégique. Le candidat dirigera les services du Conseil et son personnel en faisant preuve d’unleadershipsolide,d’excellentesaptitudesdecommunicationetd’aisancepourentretenirdesrelationshumainesétroites.Leprésidentetchefdeladirectionreprésentel’organismederéglementationauprèsdu public, des gouvernements fédéral et provinciaux, des professions qu’il réglemente et d’autrespartiesprenantesd’importance.

À titredecandidat idéal,vousêtesun leader respectéà l’expériencediversequi témoignesipossibled’unecompréhensiondespratiquesdeconsultationenimmigration,decompétencessolidesenanglaiset en français et de connaissances enmatière de pratiques de gestion de pointe. Vous devriez aussiposséderunevasteexpériencedansdesorganismesderéglementationenayantprogressivementgravileséchelons.Enfin,vousmanifesterezunecompréhensionetaurezuneexpérienceavéréeduleadershipdansdesorganismesàbutnon lucratifetde lagouvernanceetde laconformitédans lesecteurde laréglementation, et vous aurez la capacité d’établir des priorités pour influencer et négocier dessolutions.

Sivoussouhaitezdirigerundesorganismesderéglementationnationauxdepremier rangauCanada,veuillez soumettre votre demande et les documents s’y rapportant à Jona Morton à[email protected] le titre du poste dans l’objet du courriel. La datelimitededépôtestle27janvier2017.
