Employee Recommendation Letter Example

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Transcript of Employee Recommendation Letter Example

  • 8/18/2019 Employee Recommendation Letter Example


    Joe Smith

    Main St. Company

    123 Main St.

    Philadelphia, PA 19103

    [email protected] , 200!

    Mr. Joe "o##


     Acme Company

    %& Main St.

    Philadelphia, PA 123%

    'ear Mr. "o##,

    (t i# my plea#ure to recommend Mi)e Applicant, hi# performance *or)in$ a# a con#ultant for 

    Main St. Company pro+ed that he *ill e a +aluale addition to any company.

    ( ha+e )no*n Mi)e for t*o year# in my capacity a# A##i#tant Mana$er at Main St. Company.

    Mi)e *or)ed for me on +ariou# pro-ect# a# a con#ultant, and a#ed on hi# *or), ( *ould ran)

    him a# one of the e#t con#ultant# *e ha+e e+er had.

    (f ( can e of any further a##i#tance, or pro+ide you *ith any further information, plea#e do not

    he#itate to contact me.

    our# Sincerely,

    Joe Smith