Employee management Sample

EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT Type of Documents : Assignment No of Words : 3500 Disclaimer: This is a sample document prepared by assignmentprime.co.uk and has been submitted on turning. To order the similar paper please contact at: Email: [email protected] Phone: (UK) +44 203 3555 345 Website: www.assignmentprime.co.uk

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Human Resource Management is an accession towards employee staffing which distinguishes

peoples as a credit (human capital) whose existing financial worth sounds steady and whose expected

appraisal can be appreciated with help of investment. Human Resource Management guides to manage

an organization and its employees for the need to them to accord eloquently in the overall productivity

of an organization. In the terms of a common man the management of workforce of any organization

is stated as Human Resource Management. The term Employee Engagement often cited as “Worker

Engagement” is a theory of business management which implies the extent to which employees think,

feel, and act in ways that represent high levels of commitment to their organization. Engaged employees

are motivated to contribute 100% of their knowledge, skills, and abilities to help their organization

succeed. They care deeply about their company, want to contribute to its success, and regularly have

peak experiences at work (Employee Involvement, 2013).

Engagement represents the motivational capital that exists within an individual, a unit, or an

organization. It is a valuable resource that can boost company performance. Our research shows that

engagement is linked to a number of important business outcomes. In the below reference we are

discussing about Food Fiesta Organization which is famous for its sweet products and savory biscuits.

This organization has a strength of around 1000 employees which work together to deliver the best

services as per the standard norms of the organization (Employee Involvement, 2013).

Employee Engagement:

Employee engagement is conceptual approaches which is crafted to confirm that every worker

is committed towards its organization’s ethics and goals, and are being motivated to success of

organization and at the same instance are also able to embellish their own thought of self help.

According to David Macleod “Employee Engagement is the process by which the organization

encapsulates condition in the presence of which employees are able to propose their competence and

imagination (Jane, 2013). There are dissimilarities among attitude and behavior and consequence in the

agreements of Employee Engagement. A worker must carry a sense of pride and adherence, and must

be an immense scripter of his company to the clients or must reach out of bounds to conclude any

project (Shiksha, 2012). Outcome compromises of curtailed accident rates, enhanced production, lesser

issues and more focus on research and also very less number of leaves or sickness ratio. But in

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aggregation these all three are associated with Employee Engagement. This is quite similar to ethical

scenario of employee engagement and when all these three feature of employee engagement activate

and correspond we can achieve the desired result (Brim, 2013).

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In more conceptual effort, Employee Engagement is bipartite technique: organization should

employ methods to engage the employee; in return the employee is having preference about the status

of engagement which he hands over to the employer. Both are inter-dependent on each other. Employee

who are having an experience of fusion of job comfort, commitment towards the organization and are

convoluted and having a sense of authorization are able to give more and more effort in the outcome.

It is a theory which is much higher than the entity of its portions (Saks, 2006).

Employee engagement is the alignment of obligation and entanglement which a worker

possesses about his organization and its policies. An employee who is engaged is having knowledge

about business ambience and coordinates with fellow workers to boost accomplishment inside the work

to avail advantages for the organization. It is an optimistic character possessed by employees in relation

to the organization and its principles (Phillips, 2009).

Basically at work place employees seek 3 fundamental points which are shared below:

1. Achievement: An ample number of employees desire to learn and grab something which is

meaningful and can be utilized. They want to enhance their capabilities and talent and wish to

be praised and rewarded for their endeavor (Welbourne, 2007).

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2. Friendship: We all are socially connected. Employees take pleasure in working jointly with

colleagues and developing healthy relationships. The interaction of managers with their team

members is much vital in motivating employee in performing up to the levels.

3. Equity: Employees demand a fair treatment when the subject is their pays and benefits and

other source of emoluments. This consists of the Three Factor Concepts of Human Motivation

at Work Place. When all the three are take care of, employees stay engaged and are more

enthusiastic at work environment.

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Benefits of Employee Engagement:

There are ample benefits of employee engagement in an organization. Employee Engagement

provides advantages both to the organization as well as the staff. When employees are in state of

engagement they are focused and inspired and it helps in increasing productivity of the organization.

Secondly the competency level of employees is increased and experience can bring soft skills in their

nature which cannot be nurtured in any training environment. The employee generates confidence

through all phases of their lives and it makes then enthusiastic at their jobs. Improvements can be

visualized in segments such as communication, team formation, analytical approach and solution of

conflicts and issues and problem solution. Adjoining the personal values of an employee with those of

company can be a great inspiration for retention process of an organization. It also helps in enhancing

a commitment to thorough development introducing a feeling of pride. Investments in orientation

programs result in sending a true impact that employee development is on high nodes within the

organization. Internal performers can be identified and placed at higher or subsequent positions which

could be done by any emoluments or pays. Employees are able to identify much about various types of

challenges and what is the value of sustainability at work place. New talent and skills could be

developed through various training modes. The widened approach gets generated as peoples from

various nationalities, backgrounds and cultures meet all together and create lifelong bond. Leadership

can be developed through the organization by identifying potential leaders. Various learning solutions

can be incorporated by hands on and meeting the experience persons. Vision from the end of employee

should be refreshing and stimulating (Robbins, 2003).

Employee Engagement in Food Fiesta

As an Employee is vital part of any organization same goes for Food Fiesta which is a leading

sweets and savory biscuits producer not apart from it. The policies which are practiced in Food Fiesta

for employee engagement are shared and discussed here.

1. Appreciation and Awards for the respective Employee: In Food Fiesta stress is focused on

recognizing and rewarding those employees who have been outstanding performers and have

contributed in growth of the organization. The management here has tried to develop a more

personal relationship and has tried to bring in which manner the employee wishes to reward to

accelerate employee engagement (Mitchell and Jolley, 2012).

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2. Highlight Concern and Admiration: This task is quite easier. If you desire to show enthusiasm

and dedication in your organization we need to show them the same heights of commitment and

interest in respect to them. Food Fiesta management works n this policy and remembering name

of team members and providing a feeling of moistness can prove to leap higher steps. It also

draws attention as this organization recalls any special occasion related to any employee and

treats them like humans and not force them to work like machines. This results in increased

levels employee engagement in Food Fiesta (Pring, 2000).

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3. Devise a Higher Level Of Anticipation and Liability: This method is utilized with utmost

attention in Food Fiesta as it can have a great impact on the staff but if it is implemented in

wrong format may lead to disaster. There is a need of strong relationship between the

management and the employees for effectiveness of this method. In a strong relationship as like

Food Fiesta forwarding and motivating an employee and inviting them in taking initiative can

result in strengthen an employee’s work environment. Being a bit hard towards the employee

and asking him to do any work again which has not been executed in a proper framework and

at times showering appreciation and praising the quality of work are some policies followed at

Food Fiesta. The above stated method helps employees in reaching their desired and expected

potential and raises their work capabilities and standards (McKenna, 2006).

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4. Managing Expectations like a Manager: Employees engaged in Food Fiesta wish there

managers to be engaged in work as well. As he is holding the authorized position it becomes

his responsibility to make sure each and every expectation are fulfilled. It compromises of

managing work efficiently, dealing with those who are under performers and keeping his

attention. Under performers are identified in Food Fiesta so that the other employees do not

think and develop an ideology that they should not work hard. Inter personal relationship should

be nurtured to fulfill the requirements (Pring, 2000).

5. Do not leave work for tomorrow: In Food Fiesta the leader or the manager has also the

responsibility on his shoulders to check thoroughly and must make sure no task is left pending

by any employee. This is also in association with showing sympathy and knowing the exact

reason why they are not bothering about the task today. Making these checks at regular intervals

enhance the productivity of the organization and also the quality of work improves (Robbins,


6. Enhance Skills and develop new potential: Every employee carry the wish to achieve success

and progress in the organization, no single staff want to stick at lower level. The same situation is

in Food Fiesta. Food Fiesta focuses on enhancing new skills and potentials and also targets what

their employees desire to achieve in their career path. Food Fiesta mentoring programs help its

employees to achieve various objective like personal or financial or health soundness and are

diverted on a new path to lead in all responsibilities (Nawaz, 2011).

7. Assist Employee in Arranging Feedbacks and Pay Attention to their views: Any organization

is well identified by its employees who are working at the base level. Similarly is Food Fiesta

which is not an exception. Feedbacks at regular intervals are issued to every employee in Food

Fiesta which helps them to identify their strengths or weakness or anything in particular whom

they desire to share about the organization. It helps Food Fiesta to make an image of such an

organization that cares about their employees and they must not hesitate in submitting their

opinions or concepts (Piersol, B., 2007)

8. Accumulate Clarity: Various organizations are not having a clear view as it must be which

leaves their employees in a state of ambiguity and employees feel detached and finds no place

in organization. This is not in the case of Food Fiesta. Food Fiesta lays a foundation by which

employees are able to know the impact of their efforts on the goals to achieve. By acquainting

employees how to develop and gain any sort of knowledge statements and realize the essential

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measures which can be used in cost deduction and improving efficiency. The more amount of

transparency in an organization the more the employee feels connected with the organization.

If the employees are blocked at any certain level in the organization then they will not be able

to connect with objectives, motives and values of the organization (Robbins, 2003).

9. Probe Fresh Concepts and Frame Warrior: The basic concept is to create an ample amount of

think tank which is full of ideas and which can lead to improvise business and carry an

interaction with customers and asks for feedbacks related to the betterment of the products.

Food Fiesta allows employees to avail this opportunity to propose in which way the organization

should be headed so that it focus in scenario of employee engagement. Food Fiesta provides

environment to employees to be treated as Champions for their quality work and thus makes a

string bonding with its employees (Reynolds and et.al., 2003).

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10. Applaud Healthy Discussion and Dissidence: There are instances where employees are having

a hesitation in sharing certain ideas and opinions which they have in their plan or strategy. This

may result in folding of great idea or opinion. In Food Fiesta each employee is free to present

his views and there are reduced amount of social barriers which lead in a healthy work place

and prompt discussions are carried out. The internal discussions and arguments should be

promoted inside an organization and allow to weave a path suitable for the growth of

organization and its employees (Pring, 2000).

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Barriers in Employee Engagement:

Despite being a prominent organization, they face the barrier of employee engagement. Which

et the organization to stay backward in the race of competition. Some time it is being found that,

organization have allowed the open door policy but still employee’s faces the problem in the

engagement. Well to discuss this topic this part in this essay has generated. To discuss the barrier of

employee engagement, following pints are considered: researcher have studied the survey reports

conducted on employee engagement and then approached each author who made that report. Their aim

was to know that what barriers they have found in employee engagement and from them researcher

found two barriers that act as a barrier in employee engagement is: (Ramsay and et.al., 2002).

Lack of engaging leadership

Changing teams

Not transforming the ideas

It’s an HR issue

1. Lack of engaging leadership: Employees fail to participate fully in the participation programme

because they feel that whenever they need our help they call us else employees are not being

remembered. They think that their leader and their management are not considering their

emotions and are exploiting them. These things in their mind leave them to think so. Though

there is open door policy in the organization but if leaders and management are not

concentrating their employees other than decision making process then they will not participate

in the programme. This act as a barrier in employee engagement (Newman and Benz, 1998).

2. Changing teams: In this part, employees some time are switched from one group to another

group on the ground of either low engagement or high engagement. In both the situation

employee feel so dishearten that they are not stable in the organization. They are being changed

every now and then. Without their interest they are being putted to some other group. This

switching let them to put a full stop in decision making process. That’s why this point acts as a

barrier for organization for employee engagement (Nawaz, 2011).

3. Not transforming the ideas: Sometimes it may possible that employee that come up with some

idea but every time there ideas are not being considered and are not transformed, then they feel

demotivated and thinks that their ideas are not given any respect and their efforts are going vein.

This raises the feeling of not being engaged in decision making next time (Piersol, B., 2007)

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4. HR issue: This is also act as a employee engagement barrier, because the employees seems

employee engagement as an human resource issue not a business issue, so as to participate in

that. They were least bothered about the employee engagement. they perception is that they are

happy with the present condition and present work and process. They don’t want to highlight.

This reserved nature becomes the barrier for the organization in employee engagement

(Robbins, 2003).

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Every organization wants their employee to engage in decision making process, because of this

engagement employee feel motivated and their productivity increases. But the problem is that what

steps or measure should an organization should take to promote the employee engagement, these steps

are being discussed following:

1. Communicate clear goals: Goals are the way on which employee reach their given objective.

This have to be so clear in context of what is to be done, how it is to be done, under whom it

has to be done? If the employee is very much clear about their goals and their process, they will

be less confused are will be free from congestion in mind. This let them to participate in other

decision making process for the organization (Phillips, D.A., 2009).

2. Personal attachment: Other than the office work, organization should conduct some seminar

where every employee are invited to tell some of their interesting stories which is very much

close to them or they can also share their bad stories. So that they feel light and can able to make

good relation with others (Mone and London, 2009).

3. Feedback: whatever the work that a employee do, feedback for their work should be given

instantly only if they had done something good in there. Negative feedback should not be given

(Mitchell and Jolley, 2012).

4. Support for future: To promote the employee engagement, management must try to inculcate

some managerial skills or to provide them some training in respect of how to become a leader.

This efforts will be seen as a positive efforts from the employee end and this feels them

motivated and they participate in other decision making process.

5. Solving problem: In this part, whenever an employee face any problem related with any subject

or aspect, whether related to personal or with official. Their problem should be solved

collectively from the side of management. By doing so, employee feels secure and is motivated

and this let them to engaged in decision making programme (Miner, 2005).

6. Incentives: It is one of the best and universally applied method to motivate the employees.

Giving incentive to employee for their best effort let them to think that if they continue to put

that efforts will definitely get more incentive in future and hence they participate in decision

making process (McKenna, 2006).

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Many organization are comprises of trade unions which let the employees to work as per their

conditions, despite of employee wants to participate but still they have to perform as per the trade union


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