Emotional Intelligence2

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  • 8/21/2019 Emotional Intelligence2



    Emotional Intelligence

    -K.sekar -Officer (T& D)

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    What is an Emotion?

    A moving of the mind or soul;

    excitement of the feelings,

    whether pleasing or painful;

    Disturbance or agitation of mind caused by a

    specific exciting cause and manifested by

    some sensible effect on the body

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    Types of Emotions

    • Happiness !appiness is a positive emotion" It is anexpression of pleasure, contentment, goodluc# or good


    Increases blood pressure Increases heart rate

    $hanges breathing

    %educes levels of certain neuro chemicals &rovides a boost to the immune system

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    • Surprise An expression used when something unexpectedor sudden occurs" Positive

    dropped 'aw, with mouth open lifted and curved eyebrows

    eyes, opened wide

    hori(ontal wrin#les spanning across the forehead Disgust ) Disgust is a strong feeling of disli#e" Negative wrin#le your nose up raise your chee#s

    raise your upper lip lower your brow form lines below your lower eyelid

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    • Fear A feeling that something dreadful or dangerous isabout to happen" Negative

    eyebrows become drawn and raised

    lips slightly drawn bac# with an opened mouth upper eyelids show wrin#les in the middle of their forehead

    Anger Anger is a strong feeling of annoyance and

    displeasure" Negative• the brows become drawn together and lower• their lips will become set in a s*uarish shape, and pressed

    together firmly

    • their eyes will become bulgy• their nostrils will flare their upper and lower eyelids will tense

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    • Sadness + he state of being sad, unhappy, sorrowful, ormournful" Negative

    he corners of the lips droop, and thebottom lip may tremble he inner corners of the eyebrows aredrawn upwards

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      Emotional Intelligence   is very important for

    all employees as it is one of the important

    deciding factor for relationship management

    resulting in motivation, retention , self

    management . managing others"


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    Emotional Intelligence

    Emotional Intelligence is,• the ability of an

    individual to dealsuccessfully with otherpeople,

    • to manage one/s self,• motivate other people,•

    understand one0s ownfeelings and• appropriately respond to

    the everydayenvironment 

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    Emotional Intelligence

    • Emotional Intelligence doesn0t mean being soft ) itmeans being intelligent about emotions  ) a differentway of being smart"

    Bosses and leaders, in particular, needhigh EQ  because they represent theorganization to the public, they interact with the highest number of people withinand outside the organization and they setthe tone for employee morale

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    1eaders with empathy are able to understand theiremployee0s needs and provide them with constructivefeedbac#

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    Why Emotional Intelligence isnecessary

    !elps managers handle adversity . set bac#

    eaches managers cope whenchange . uncertainty hitsorganisation or their personal lives"

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    Why Emotional Intelligence isnecessary

    !elp to manage effectiverelationship"

    !elp them being focussedand stay on trac# byremembering purpose .vision"

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    It also provides them with the

    courage to push against the systemto ma#e necessary changes for theirpeople"

    All employees want asupportive, caring

    2upervisor or 3anagerwho has their bestinterests at heart

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    Upon graduating from college,Debra believed that if she worked hard, she wouldachieve her career success goals

     he racked up a list ofaccomplishments

    !owever, "ust two

     years into her careershe was fired#

    Example to illustrate how E4 canpositively or negatively impactone0s career and the organi(ation$

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    Wor#ing with people means wor#ing withEmotions

    •   When people are

    wor#ing at a common place

    , emotions will play a role"

    •   5Don/t bring yourpersonal problems to wor#6

    is one variation of the

    argument that emotionsare inappropriate in the


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    Developing EI in the wor#place

    • Developing EI  in thewor#place means

    ac#nowledging that

    emotions are always

    present, and doing

    something intelligent

    with them"

    • &eople derail because

    of classic emotional

    failings, not the lac# of

    technical s#ills

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    $omponents of Emotional Intelligence

    here are five parts to it"

    • 7nowing what you0re feeling"

    • 3anaging your feelings, especially distressingfeelings"

    • 2elfmotivation

    • Empathy and

    • 3anaging relationships

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    &robabilities of not having an 8ood EmotionalIntelligence and their conse*uences

    • While people have shown they can produce better results atwor#place, many of us lac# emotional intelligence"

    • We simply don/t #now how to perceive, understand,express andmanage our emotions effectively"

    here are adverse conse*uences to have low emotionalintelligence" hese includes+

      %elationship &roblems

      %age in the Wor#place

      &oor decision ma#ing capability

      failure to advance in career

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    %elationship &roblems

    %age in the workplace

    &oor decision making capability 

    failure to advance in career

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    !ow E4 succeeds I4

    • Emotional Intelligence explains why inspite of e*ualintellectual capacity, educational bac#ground,trainingor experience some people excel while others of samecalibre and high educational degree lag behind"

    • Emotional Intelligence is the dimension of intelligenceresponsible for our ability to manage ourselves andour relationship with others"

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    E4 versus I4

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    9 ips to control your emotions

    a#e : bellybreaths

    8et good #nowledge

    %edirect your mind

    Don/t forget to eat

    As# yourself+ is this useful?

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    4uestion . Answers