Emily the stranger


Transcript of Emily the stranger

Page 1: Emily the stranger







Page 2: Emily the stranger

Mr. Bailey was driving down the road. Then there was a thump, he thought he hit a deer. But it was not a deer, i t was a man. He tr ied to run but fel l down again, but this t ime Mr. Bailey got him in the car.

Page 3: Emily the stranger

• Mr. Bailey said ” He might be a hermit”. They called the doctor, the doctor said “ He has lost his memory “. He had a bump on his back. The doctor said “ he would be fine in a few days”. They thrown out the temperature stick because the mercury was stuck at the bottom.

Page 4: Emily the stranger

The family gave him clean clothes, he was confused about the button and buttonholes. The bailey had soup for dinner .He saw katy blew the soup on the spoon. He did the same. Then Mrs. Bailey said “Brrr there would be a draft here tonight ”while shivering.

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The next morning katy saw the Stranger from her bedroom, two bunnies didn’t went to the woods. They went to his way, he picked one up and pet it . Then the bunnies toke one hop and look back, to expected to fol low them. Mr. Bailey went to the fields the Stranger went along, Mr. Bailey would have to rest but the Stranger didn’t rest or sweat.

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Katy sat with the stranger when the sun is sett ing. There was a f lock of geese in a v shape. The stranger look l ike he was hypnotized. Weeks past he sti l l could not remember who he was. But the bailey didn’t mind having him.

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Days past ,the bailey couldn’t help of the weather has been. Not so long fal l was coming ,but now it is sti l l summer. I t made the pumpkins grow larger and the leaves is sti l l green. One day the stranger cl imbed the highest hil l on the farm, he saw a weird sight, the trees for away was fal l colors.

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But there were just green ,the stranger seemed it was ugly i t would be better if it was fal l colors. The stranger feel ing grew bigger the next day. He ran to a tree pul led a leave out and blew it with al l his might.

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At dinner the stranger had his old clothes, the tears on his eyes bailey know he was leaving. When the stranger was gone the air turned cold and the leaves were not green. Every fal l the stranger came and the same thing happen when he leave the brightest colors of fal l is the Baileys trees. Etched in frost says ” see you next fal l .“

Page 10: Emily the stranger

At dinner the stranger had his old clothes, the tears on his eyes bailey know he was leaving. When the stranger was gone the air turned cold and the leaves were not green. Every fal l the stranger came and the same thing happen when he leave the brightest colors of fal l is the Baileys trees. Etched in frost says ” see you next fal l .“