Emily dance is the hidden language of the soul

“Dance is the hidden language of the soul.” -Martha Graham

Transcript of Emily dance is the hidden language of the soul

Page 1: Emily dance is the hidden language of the soul

“Dance is the hidden language of the soul.”

-Martha Graham

Page 2: Emily dance is the hidden language of the soul

Martha Graham (1894-1991) is well-known among the

dance community as both a dancer and choreographer.

Aside from her actual dancing, Martha was able to

transfer the feelings one felt while dancing into words

(something difficult to do for many dancers today). She

spoke in various interviews and was able to verbally

capture the feelings and impacts dance can have on an

individual. Martha Graham’s responses are as follows in

this series/collection of pictures.

**All photos are personal photos taken over the course of my life**

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“When you start with an idea, or something hits you, then

you have to follow that through to the end, and it's the

following through to the end that makes the pattern.”

Growing up , my mother would always tell me that I was dancing

before I was walking, so when she signed me up for my first dance

class it was a perfect fit for me. Little did I know that 16 years later,

dance would still be only impacting, but sometimes on a daily

occurrence. Starting off dancing around in my grandparents living

room, to taking classes, to performing on stage, to now teaching, I

can honestly and wholeheartedly say that I am glad I have been

been able to see all sides of dance, as well as, the various ways it

can impact both my life and the lives of others. In relation to the

words of Martha Graham, I have followed dance over a such a long

period of my life that without it, I believe I would be lost.

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“There is only one of you in the world, just one, and if

that is not fulfilled then something has been lost.”

Throughout the years, dance has allowed me to find the best

mentor and role-model I could have ever asked for. The woman

in the middle of this picture, Kim Dailey, was one of my

instructors for over 10 years and today I am proud to call her not

only my boss, but also my friend. Through some of the toughest

times of my life, she was able to find a way to show me the light

in the darkness of times. I have for many years aspired to

become half the woman she is today and I hope that I will be

able to have an impact on some of my students in the way that

she had on me. It is crazy how something as simple as learning

to dance has been able to create a bond I now couldn’t live

without. Over the course of my life thus far, I have been able to

develop a relationship that without dance wouldn’t be present.

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“People have asked me why I chose to be a dancer. I

did not choose: I was chosen to be a dancer, and, with

that, you live all your life.”

When I was younger, I oftentimes had to skip certain things

my friends would go to for the reason that “I had to go to

dance” and while my friends would get mad I wasn’t always

around, I knew deep down that I wasn’t just going to learn

how to dance. I was making these sacrifices as a young girl

because I wanted my life to be centered around this passion

that was continuing to grow throughout my life. This passion

has led to many opportunities and experiences that have

allowed me to develop more and more as a unique

individual. By living my life, with dance at the center, I was

able to, each day, find a new way of expressing myself. I was

able to break out of my personal bubble and let people in

and let people to get to know me through my dancing.

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“Art is eternal, for it reveals the inner landscape,

which is the soul of man.”

Dance is one of the few things in life that has really allowed

myself to completely express myself and let people see who I

really am. When dancers are performing on stage, we are

showing you the 100% of who we are inside. There are no

lies, no fakeness, and no secrets being kept, but rather the

real and true person beneath the looks comes across under

the lights on the stage. When I am performing I want people

to enjoy watching my story unfold as the lights come up.

When I am performing, I have learned to let go of all my

worries and stresses. This has allowed me to feel as though I

can see everything. I feel as though I can see my parents

from the audience, my grandpa watching from heaven, and

even my students that have looked up to me. Once dance

surrounded every aspect of my life, dance truly became my

life. As Martha Graham describes, dance has been a physical

landscape that has allowed my soul to show through over


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“I think the reason dance has held such

an ageless magic for the world is that it

has been the symbol of the performance

of living.”

Dance has always been one of the only ways

for myself to show who I am. I think the

emotions of people are able to better come

across beneath the stage lights. These

performances are so raw and so true because

the lighting can allow individuals, such as

myself, to feel as though they are dancing

while no one is watching. This feeling allows

for me to build up the love I have for

performing. This love has been carried and

passed down over the years from dancer to


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“Great dancers are not great because of their

technique, they are great because of their passion.”

Over time, I have learned that the best dancers will not be

the ones that are able to execute the movements perfectly,

but rather the best dancers are the ones that dance and

leave their heart on the floor. The dancers that have the

drive and passion are what make dance not only an art and

activity, these two components are what take dancing to the

next level. Drive, compassion, and love are what can allow

dance to become a lifestyle. I am well aware that I will never

be seen as the best dancer, but if I am able to transfer my

passion and love for dance into my everyday life

experiences, I know that I will be able to be the best I can be

as an individual.

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“Dancing appears glamorous, easy, delightful.

But the path to paradise of the achievement is

not easier than any other.”

Like everything in life, dance is just another thing that

I’ve learned that sometimes its necessary to fake it til’

you make it. Almost every dancer at some point in

their lives have heard things, such as: you’re too

short, too skinny, too fat, too muscular, too pale, too

dark, and so on and so forth. This is a tough thing to

learn, but the sooner I realized no one is perfect and

people are going to judge you no matter what, things

become easier to care less about other and focus on

what you love to do. These comments are harsh, but

the dancers that succeed, don’t let it get them down,

but rather they rise above and grow each day to

become stronger and more confident to prove people

who once doubted them wrong. I have allowed these

challenges push me and help me to lead me to where

I am now.

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“To me, the body says what words cannot.”

In the end, the rehearsals practiced and the

performances danced are not what is going to matter,

but rather the connections that I’ve made along the way.

Dance have helped me to express more than words have

ever able to. After all, if its the thought that counts, then

are all the words we use each day as important as we

want to make them out to be? I have made it a

challenge to allow my body to express what words can’t.

Every chance I have to dance, I’m going to take it and

not let it pass me by. Without dance I wouldn’t have

grown and developed into the person I am today. I

wouldn’t have the same ideals and goals I have today.

These connections will be ever growing and this journey

I’m on is not over, but rather just beginning in each step

and transition I’ve made within the dance world.