Emerging and Re Emerging Disease Community Healty Nursing Ppt

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  • 8/18/2019 Emerging and Re Emerging Disease Community Healty Nursing Ppt


  • 8/18/2019 Emerging and Re Emerging Disease Community Healty Nursing Ppt



    • Disease burden is colossal

    • Cause heavy mortality, disability and

    economic loss

    • Result in widespread epidemics

    • Immense suffering to the man ind

    • Disturb International trade and economicdevelopment 

  • 8/18/2019 Emerging and Re Emerging Disease Community Healty Nursing Ppt



    !merging infectious diseases are #New

    diseases$ new problem %New threats&'(

     )n emerging infectious disease is a one

    that is caused by a newly discovered

    infectious agent or by a newly identified

    variant of a nown pathogen, which hasemerged and whose incidence in

    humans has increased during the last

    two decades and is threatening to

    increase in the near future(

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    • Re+emerging infectious diseases are #old

    diseases, new problem( %New threats&'(

    •  ) re+emerging infectious disease is a one

    which was previously controlled but once

    again has risen to be a significant health

    problem( This term also refers to thatdisease which was formerly confined to one

    geographic area, has now spread to other


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    Transmission of communicable





    Agents Human 

       I  n  d   i  r  e  c


    Direct contact 

    C   o  n  

    t   a  c  t    

    •  Number of  agents•  Caracteristics of agents

    •  !atogenicit"

    •  Defense mechanisms

    •  Immunity


  • 8/18/2019 Emerging and Re Emerging Disease Community Healty Nursing Ppt


    -ost Reaction Infectious agents 

    !nter human host 

    roduces  inapparent infection  -ost recovery

    .ild disease  -ost fights or  

    with treatment

    /evere disease with treatment  Disability


  • 8/18/2019 Emerging and Re Emerging Disease Community Healty Nursing Ppt


    The "actors Responsible 

    #m$ro$er $%anning of te to&nsi$

    !o$u%ation e'$%osion

    !oor %i(ing con)itions

    *(er cro&)ing



    ac of ea%t care ser(ices 

    Migration of $o$u%ation

    #ntense internationa% tra(e%


  • 8/18/2019 Emerging and Re Emerging Disease Community Healty Nursing Ppt


    Cont*• Indiscriminate use of antibiotics and

    development of resistance 

    • Increase in contact with animals

    • Insecticide resistance

    •  )lterations in micro+organisms

    • !nvironmental degradation with changingweather pattern( 

    • Illiteracy and ignorance

    • Natural disasters

  • 8/18/2019 Emerging and Re Emerging Disease Community Healty Nursing Ppt


    redisposing "actors for the

    !pidemic• 0efore the on set of


     – !arth 1uae %2u3arath+4556&

    • During the epidemic

     – .igration of the people

     – !ruption of slums

     – Collection of garbage

     – /carcity of antibiotics

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    !merging Diseases in India and


    • Diseases due to new agents %!g()ID/&

    • Diseases due to new variants of nown pathogens%!g()vian "lu&

    • Diseases caused by an infectious agent butresulting in non+communicable diseases(%!g(-ep(C results in liver cancer&

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      /%oba% e'am$%es of emerging an)

    re-emerging infectious )iseases 

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    E'am$%es of ne& an) Reemerging


  • 8/18/2019 Emerging and Re Emerging Disease Community Healty Nursing Ppt


    !merging "ood borne water borne


    •  )ccounts for 78 million cases in the world

    annually %T(D( Chugh+7889& 

    • Incidence is increasing

    • -alf of all nown food borne pathogens

    discovered during the past 7: years

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    Cont*((!ntero hemorrhagic !scherichia coli 

     – Causes no signs of illness

     – ;ow infections dose in humans causes

    hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic uraemic


     – Consumption of undercooed beef and

    contaminated vegetables, fruits and water for


     – Reported in 4(olata %.inistry of -ealth and ?elfare788@&(

     – Detection of potential pathogenic O4:AB-A in river

    water %2anges by -amner et al 788A& is alarming(

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    Cont*(ibrio cholerae 

    • Cholera is one of the oldest recorded infectiousdiseases(

    • ohn /now demonstrated the spread by infected water 

    • acini in 49:och in 4996, showed the causative agent (Cholerae(

    • Das and 2upta +788: reported the diversity of (Cholerae(

    • Narang et al %7889& described the changing patterns of (Cholerae(

  • 8/18/2019 Emerging and Re Emerging Disease Community Healty Nursing Ppt


    isteria monoc"togenes

    ;isterosis is an emerging Eoonotic disease 

    79= deaths due to food borne illnesses in U/)

    Organism is robust and survive food+processing and

    contaminated refrigerated meat and dairy products(

    In India, 0hu3wala et al in 45A8 reported the presence ofthis organism in cervical secretions of 4(6+6= of cases

    with very bad obstetrical history(

    Thomas et al %4594& in a prospective study of 4688

    newborns found the pathogen in 7 cases

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    Cam$"%obacter s$$ 

     )re signiFcant Eoonotic poultry pathogens;eading cause of gastro enteritis in the world

     )round 7(: million human infections are

    reported annually in the United /tates( In developing countries the presence of the

    organism was reported in :+78= in child hooddiarrhoea

    ain et al %788:& reported isolation of 3e3uni in46(:= of the diarrhoea patients

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  • 8/18/2019 Emerging and Re Emerging Disease Community Healty Nursing Ppt



    /taphylococcus aureus is the #modern 2hengis>han' %Chugh 788A&( the most fre1uently identiFeddrug+resistant pathogen(

    /inghal et al %788A&reported ciproHoGacin+resistantmeningococci in an outbrea in Delhi(

    Resistance of /almonella typhi and /( paratyphito chloramphenicol, ampicillin and cotrimoGaEole iswidespread(

       ).R in /higella resistance to aEithromycin,ceftriaGon and ciproHoGacin on the increase

    Rational use of antibacterial to contain ).R

  • 8/18/2019 Emerging and Re Emerging Disease Community Healty Nursing Ppt


    .elioidosis• The causative pathogen is 0urholderia


    • It is an environmental saprophyte in rice

    paddies, wet soil, mud and pooled surface


    • It causes suppurative chronic infection

    characteriEed by septicemia and focal

    abscesses in liver, spleen and other viscera(

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    • -as been documented from Tamilnadu and>arnataa(

    The association of the disease withdiabetes mellitus is high(

    • idyalashmi et al %788A& reviewed thedisease in India

    • The first culture proven case in India was achild in .aharashtra in 4558(

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    Chronic and Neoplastic Diseases

    .icrobe Disease-elicobacter pylori eptic ulcer, gastric


    -uman papilloma virus Cervical, anal, vulvarcarcinoma

    -epatitis 0C viruses ;iver cirrhosis,hepatocellular carcinoma

    !pstein J0ar irus 0+cell lymphoma,nasopharyngeal carcinoma

    -uman T lymphotropicvirus type 4

     )dult T+cell leuemia

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    Cont*(Microbe Disease

    -uman herpes virus 9 >aposiKs sarcoma

    0orrelia burgdorferi ;yme arthritis

    Tropheryma whippelii ?hippleKs disease



  • 8/18/2019 Emerging and Re Emerging Disease Community Healty Nursing Ppt


    Cont*( • Ramarishna %788@& discussed the high prevalence of

    -( pylori infection in India(

    • The high prevalence of resistance to metronidaEole,clarithromycin and amoGicillin is the failure to eradicate-( pylori infection(

    •The resistance is higher in south than north India(

    • -igh rate of re infections in Indian sub3ects %@8=&(

    • Chlamydia pneumoniae is associated with pathogenesis

    of coronary artery disease( %ha et al 788A&(

    C t l f ! i d

  • 8/18/2019 Emerging and Re Emerging Disease Community Healty Nursing Ppt


    Control of !merging and

    Re+emerging Diseases 

    • Controlling the reservoir• Interrupting the transmission 

    • rotecting the susceptible host

    • /trengthening of the disease surveillancesystem

    • !ncouraging research initiations fortreatmentregimens and diagnostics

    • !ncouraging research for new methods ofcontrol measures

    • !stablishment of drug resistance

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    Res$onse to H0N1 a(ian inf%uen+a

    outbrea in Hong Kong.

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    Emerging #nfectious Diseases2

    a Researc A$$roac 

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    Benefits of Emerging Diseases


  • 8/18/2019 Emerging and Re Emerging Disease Community Healty Nursing Ppt


    Emerging Diseases 3un)ing 4Nationa%

    #nstitute of A%%erg" an) #nfectious Diseases5. 

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    Role of Nurses in revention 

    Increase nowledge and sill

    !ncourage partnerships with consumers and otherdisciplines to identify needs, set priorities, developstrategies and evaluate progress

    /upport health care legislation

    Involve in research

    !ncourage using multidisciplinary efforts(

    Influence local and National economic and political

    optionsContinue to advance nursing concern

    !ducate the public

    0enefits of Community revention

  • 8/18/2019 Emerging and Re Emerging Disease Community Healty Nursing Ppt


    0enefits of Community revention


    *$$ortunit" to reac te masses an) effect &i)es$rea)canges in socia% norms

    #ncrease) $ub%ic a&areness of an) commitment

    #ncrease) cost efficienc" of grou$ inter(ention

    Abi%it" of te $rogramme to $romote te )e(e%o$ment of anen(ironment of socia% su$$ort

    *$$ortunit" of e(a%uate te effecti(eness of ea%t $romotion$rogramms

    Enance) a$$roac to&ar) $romoting ea%t in %arge$o$u%ation

    A))itiona% resources for information e'cange an) socia%su$$ort.

  • 8/18/2019 Emerging and Re Emerging Disease Community Healty Nursing Ppt


    Role of ublic -ealth )uthorities 

    • Nationa% $rogramme for $re(ention an) contro%of (ector borne )iseases

    • egis%ations for e%imination

    • Communities a&areness of te )isease

    • Minimi+ing transmission of infection2 B"

     – Ris communication to te fami%" members

     – Minimi+ing (ector $o$u%ation

     –Minimi+ing (ector 6 in)i(i)ua% contact

    • Re$orting to te nearest $ub%ic ea%t autorit"

  • 8/18/2019 Emerging and Re Emerging Disease Community Healty Nursing Ppt


    ublic health measures to prevent

    infectious diseases• /afe water

    • /ewage treatment and disposal

    • "ood safety programme

    •  )nimal control programme

    •accination programme

    • ublic health organiEation 

  • 8/18/2019 Emerging and Re Emerging Disease Community Healty Nursing Ppt


    Response of the ?-O 

    • Developing global and regional strategies 

     )ppointing Tas "orce• 2enerous grant from ?-O regular


    • /upport the ?orld 0an grant

  • 8/18/2019 Emerging and Re Emerging Disease Community Healty Nursing Ppt


  • 8/18/2019 Emerging and Re Emerging Disease Community Healty Nursing Ppt


    Conclusion• The true prevalence of many diseases is not

    nown( /ince we live in a global village, weconnot afford to be complacent about thetremendous economic, social and public healthburden of these diseases( !ffective surveillance isthe ey to their early containment(

    • There is a need to develop epidemiologyimproved diagnostic facilities, a strong publichealth structure, effective ris communication,epidemic preparedness and rapid response(

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    Tae -ome .assage 

    • Community health is the pivot of 2lobalhealth( ;et us 3oin our hands on creating

    an awareness to the individual family andcommunity through effective riscommunication(

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