E*mEFr /JUB|LEE ffir

m-FI HGz[ /Ref. No.d .6.1 lHl2021 | _ l: gr-(or 1l -27667s01 27667725-1722 EffiFftT /JUBILEE HALL frdl fuqf _{qmq/University of Delhi ftdvDelhi-f !ooore / 1l0007 Emai I : provost@j ubi leehal L in fiaio/Date: october 7, 2021 IMPORTANT NOTICE, Many residents of this Hall have not taken re-admission for the session 2021-2022 despite the office notification dated 26'n JuIy 2021. As per rule 3.1 of Hand Book if readmission is not taken within 10 days after declaration of result or within due date. whichever is later, the student will be charged Rs. 5/- per day as late admission fee and after one month of this period the student's right to re-admission will stand forfeited and he will be evicted from the Hall. However, taking cognizance of late declaration of results of P.G. students/ non-availability of supervisors of research students/technical glitches of University fee portal, the Hall Administration has unanimously decided to extend the last date of taking readmission latest by 15th October 2021 with late fine as applicable. Furthermore, the students may note that re-admission process in the Hall involves submission of duly filled in form along with required documents and payment of re-admission fee. Therefore the concerned residents are hereby directed to take re- admission on orbefore the above deadline, failing which the Hall Administration will be constrained to act as per Rule 3.1 of Hand Book of Information and Rules of the Hall. \\J$" Wry RESIDENT TUTOR PROVOST

Transcript of E*mEFr /JUB|LEE ffir

Page 1: E*mEFr /JUB|LEE ffir

m-FI HGz[ /Ref. No.d .6.1 lHl2021 | _

l: gr-(or 1l -27667s0127667725-1722

EffiFftT /JUBILEE HALLfrdl fuqf _{qmq/University of Delhi

ftdvDelhi-f !ooore / 1l0007

Emai I : provost@j ubi leehal L in

fiaio/Date: october 7, 2021


Many residents of this Hall have not taken re-admission for the session

2021-2022 despite the office notification dated 26'n JuIy 2021. As per

rule 3.1 of Hand Book if readmission is not taken within 10 days afterdeclaration of result or within due date. whichever is later, the studentwill be charged Rs. 5/- per day as late admission fee and after one monthof this period the student's right to re-admission will stand forfeitedand he will be evicted from the Hall.

However, taking cognizance of late declaration of results of P.G.

students/ non-availability of supervisors of research students/technicalglitches of University fee portal, the Hall Administration has

unanimously decided to extend the last date of taking readmission latest

by 15th October 2021 with late fine as applicable. Furthermore, thestudents may note that re-admission process in the Hall involvessubmission of duly filled in form along with required documents andpayment of re-admission fee.

Therefore the concerned residents are hereby directed to take re-admission on orbefore the above deadline, failing which the HallAdministration will be constrained to act as per Rule 3.1 of HandBook of Information and Rules of the Hall.


Page 2: E*mEFr /JUB|LEE ffir

l: gt-(or1) - 27667s0127667725-1722


ftdr Bqdf{Aqrg/University of Delhi

ffiil Delhi -f f ooog / 110 007

Email: provost@j ubi leehal l.i n

, f{di-+- /Date: Monday , July 26,2021qq qi6q1 /Ref. No,{ .d.l JHl2021 I

Admission Fee

Annual Charsesa) Crockery & Utensilsb) Furniturec) Sanitationd) Students Unione) Identity Cardf) Hot/Cold Water Chargesg) T.V. fundh) Tube Light Chargesi) Development Fundj) Annual Function Chargesk) Cultural & Movies Club Chargesl) Sports Chargesm) W.U.S. Health Centre Membershipn) Common Roomo) Computer Maintenance Chargesp) Electricity Chargesq) Gym Maintenance

Monthly Chargesa) Room Rent*b) Room Maintenance Chargesc) Establishment Charges*d) Electricity Chargese) Water Chargesf) Fax/Telephoneg) Sanitationh) Computer Room Fee

i) Maintenance Charges

*Waived off in case blind students


Rs.050.00Rs.050.00Rs.100.00Rs.l 00.00Rs.005.00Rs.100.00Rs.050.00Rs.150.00Rs.500.00Rs.750.00Rs.500.00Rs.200.00Rs.240.00Rs.500.00Rs.400.00Rs.500.00Rs.100.00




It is notified to all the residents that re-admission forms for the session 2021-22 are

available in Hall Office on payment of Rs.l0/- (Rupees ten only) w.e.f.28'" July 2021. Re-

admission form duly compleie ln all respect shouid ieach the Hall Office latest by 23'd August

2021. Re-admission will be subject to the clearance of all previous Hall dues by the resident

concerned, if any.


Page 3: E*mEFr /JUB|LEE ffir

iF-4 €EqT /Ref. No.GI .6. I JHt2021 |

Mess Charges

a) Monthly (Mess Charges)(Subject to adjustment depending on actual costs)

Value of fellowshipUpto Rs. 3000Rs. 3001/- to 8000/- per monthRs. 8001/- and above per month

E: sr-(orr) -2t667s0127667725-1722

E*mEFr /JUB|LEE HALLffir fr ?dftqq?rq/Uni versity o f De lh i

Ratri Delhi -f f ooo[e | 110 007

Email: provost@j u b i leehal l. in

; frqf6 /Date: Monday , Juty 26,2021

Rs.l 500.00



I ' Beside above charges, a fee of Rs.6,500/- would be charged from foreign students.2' PwD students shall be exempted from payment of above fee/charges, except Admission,

Student Union Fee & 50%o of Mess Fee (Basic & Deficit) suiject to submission ofundertaking duly forwarded by the concerned Head of the Depart"ment as per fbllowingconditions:

Exemption of fee waiverFee waiver+s\Yo Mess SubsidyFee waiver but no Mess SubsidyNo fee waiver and no hostel subsidy

3' As per rule 3.1 of Hand Book if readmission is not taken within l0 days after declarationof result or within due date, whichever is later, student will be charged Rs. 5/- per day aslate admission fee and after the expiry of one month of this p.iioa his right for re-admission will stand forfeited and he will be evicted from the Hall.

Self Attested copies of mark sheet/s of last examinations.

Self Attested copy of university Fee Receipt of current session.

Self Attested copies of online Anti-Ragging Affidavits.


Page 4: E*mEFr /JUB|LEE ffir


l: sr-(orr) -27662s0127667725-1722

gilfr6frr /JUB|LEE HALLffif fredFfiqrilq/University of Delhi

Email: provost@j ubi Icclral l.in

s-#I tTsqr /Ref. No.{ .6.t JHt2021 I Baio /Date: Mtay 24,2A.' '

IMPORTANT NOTICEAll the concerned residents of this Hall whose outstanding dues ar,:) nrore

than Rs. 6000/- are hereby directed to make payment of their outstanding duesimmediately for the smooth functioning of the Hall Mess, failing which action willbe taken as per rules.

It is fui'ther notified that residents who have left for their hometown ..,,iiJrout

making payment of their dues will not be allowed to join the Hall until thc;, clcartheir dues' They may note that no excuse will be entertained by thc llallAdministration in this regard.


Page 5: E*mEFr /JUB|LEE ffir




As per the notice No. CB-ll/Hostels/2020lnil dated 20'r' October 2020 issued by the

Assistant Registrar (Colleges) University of Delhi, the following are allowcd to stay in the

Hall from Friday, 23'd October2020 on the folJowing terms and conditions:

l. The entry of the residents in the Hall will be sub.ject to clcarancc o1'all prcrious ducs

i.e. till September 2020. Therefore the concerned residents are advised to makepayment of their outstanding dues before coming to the [lall.

2. The student after screening at the main gate of the Flall will have to marrdatory fbllow07 days self-quarantine in their respective hostel rooms.

3. During the quarantine period the resident will only be allowed to leave the hostel

premises in case of medical emergency/reasons.

4. During quarantine period if any resident feels symptonrs of CIOVID-19 like cough.cold, fever etc. he will inform contact the Hall Office immediately.

5. Students having cough/cold/fever will not be allowed to enter the Uall untilproduction of medical fitness certificate from'WUS, Health Centre.

6. The entry of the guests and outsiders will be strictly prohibited in thc l'lall till lurthcrorders.

1. I)uring the quarantine period the resident mav contact the tJall Ol-fice orr tclcphotrefbr essential items.

8. The coupon sale for the Mess facility will remain suspended till turther orders.

9. After'completion of quarantine period. the resident will be allowcd to availthe lacilityof Computer Room & Reading Room and

-fV room only. -l'hey nlay note that the

Gym will remain closed till further order.

l0.After completion of quarantine period residents are advised not to visit crowdedareas/public places and take all precautions when they go outside fbr academic work.

ll. All the students during their stay in the Hall will wear mask and tbllou' socialdistancing norms to contain the spread of Corona Virus disease.

12.All students who will be allowed to stay in the Hall will have to abidc b;" Mtlnguidelines of COVID 19 or any other guidelines issued by'thc competcnt authorilr,olthe University from time to time.

13. All the residents will co-operate to maintain saf-e and hygienic atmosphere in the llall.

14. All the residents during their stay in the Hall will also prioritiz-c the rvcll-bcing t'f'allthe supporl staff.

15. Residents whowill re-join hostel between 23'd and3l'' October2020 r,r'ill be charged

half month Mess Charges as per rules.


Page 6: E*mEFr /JUB|LEE ffir

16. Students who have become non-bonafide will vacate the Flall latest bv 3l'' October2020 as per the directions of the University.

17. After re-joining hostel all eligible bonafide students must take rc-adnrissior.r latcst bv30'r' November 2020, failing which they will be charged finc as per rules. l'hcdeadline of taking re-admission in the Hall will also be applicable fbr Ph.D. students

who have been allowed to ioin hostel vide our earlier notices iri this regard


M.Sc. (l)) l:nvirorrnrcrrtal Sttrcl ies

l.t..B. lst Ycar

1.1.. B. I st Ycar

M.Sc. (P) Geol

LL.B. lst Year

t-L.8. lst Year

LL.M. lst Year

M.Sc. (P) Botan

LL,B. lst Year

Ll-.B. lst Year

M.Sc. (P) Physics

M.Sc. (l') Clrerristrv

M.Phil. Parr I l:rrglish

M.Sc. (I']) ACIIR

M.Sc. (P) Chernistrv

l.l..B.2nd Year

M.Sc. (P) Ant

MCA lst Year

M.Sc. (P) Geology

LL.B. lst Year

M.Sc. (P) Ant (f's)M.Sc. (P) Geo

LL.M. lst Year

l-L.B. 2nd Year

LL.B. lst Year

l-l-.M. lst Year

M.Sc. (P) Botan,r'

M.Sc. (P) /.oolog1

Priyam Agarwal LL.B. lst Ycar'

1.1..[].2nd Ycar

LL.B. 2nd Year

Ravi Kurnar

Avinash Meena

M.Phil Parr 2 Hist

M.Sc. (P) Zool

M.A. (P) Mrr.

LL.B. 2nd Year

MBA HR Commerce Part I

Arnit Kumar

l-hutan Wanschu

Shiwang Goel

Prakaslr Ojha

Arva Tilak

Shubhneet Sinsh Sarao


Rashav Rashavendra

Anubhav Sahu

Jatin A

Manyank Joshi

Vikrarn Sineh Nirwan

Prashant Kurnar Prarlanu

Hitesh Nahar49


L,eimakhuiam Bikram

Abhinav Rasto

Prasoon Shukla

Banoth Santhosh

Avish Kurnar Rathour

Solomon Jedidiah Syiern

Molramrnad Kasim


Rohan Pathania

Gaurav Si


Shashank Shekhar

Aarrand Kumar Vashistha

Judewin Elson J

Page 7: E*mEFr /JUB|LEE ffir



Vishal Malik


Yudhveer Hooda

l-1.. B. I st Ycar

M.A. (P) ['.cr.rnornics

LL.B, 2nd Year

M.Sc. (P) Zoology

LL.B. 2nd Year

t34 Shivam Goyal)t Shailender Sinsh44 Anerai Hirnanshu LL.B. lst Year

t45 Saurabh Meena M.Sc. ( P) Plrvsics+o Mandeeo Jakhar M.Sc. (P) Phvsics

l48 Shaurya Gupta LL.B. lst Year

50 Raghav Coyal LL.B. lst Year

5l Shashwat Asrawal LL.B. 2nd Year

52 Amit Rai M,Sc. (P) Geolog

58 Md.Amil Hasan LL.B. 2nd Year

M.Sc. (P) Zoologl

M.Sc. (P) Phvsics

M.A. (P) Sociologl

M.A. (P) [:.conornics

M.Sc. (P) Chemistry

59 Logsang Tlrinlal60 Ankit Dandrival

o/. Rai aharru man Dhudapar<a

63 Prapanj R

t64 Dileshwar Beherat65 Dev Sehgal M.Sc. (P) Chernist166 Anshul Kumar LL.B. 2nd Year

LL,B. lst Year

LL.B. lst Year

69 Mohit Kumar

10 Anil Kumar Kasana

7l Wungchipui Hungyo M.A, (P) IrAS74 Bhanu Sharma MBA lst Year

78 Jatin Patra M.Sc. (P) Chernist

79 Mainak Chakrabortv M.Sc. (P) Zoolog,v

M.Sc. (P) Chemistry

M.Corn. (P) Conrrncrcc

M.Sc. (P) Zoolog,r

I-1..8. 2nd Year

t-1..B. 2nd Year

LL.B. lst Ycar

LL.B. 2nd Year

M.Sc. lP) Ph)sics ___ __L.,M.Sc. (P) Anthropor"gy llsl - K

8l Rishioal Sharma

82 Arshpreeet Sinsh Saluia85 Pankai Yadav87


Aditendra Singh

Naveen Kharb

194 Ashwani Kumar196 Abhimanvu Sinsh

t91 Srinivas M RaoF-6 Abhi lash Chandrashekhar

nnsrnilr ruroR




l. Discrepancy, if any, in the above list may please be bror-rght to the notice of tlre HallAdministration.

). Residents irrterrdiirg to rc--join hostel rrtust cnsLlrc that Ilrct arc still rncctirrg tlre cliLlihilitrcriteria given in the Hand Book of Inforrration and Rulcs o1'thc llall.

Page 8: E*mEFr /JUB|LEE ffir

E: gr-(ott) -2766750127667725-1722z

Ashish AenihotriPh.D. HindiAbid Hussain


ftdl fredF{flrffi/University o f Del h i

frr-dv Delhi -f f ooo$ / 110 007

Email: Provost@jubileehall' i n

frai* /Date: SePtember 16' 2020


held on 16th SePtember 2020 has

f 06 months to stay in the Hall w'e'f'

University rule to grant 6 months extension

IID-L},to the following students'

Therefore, the following are advised to send an application along with a copy of

extension letter issued/given b-y their respective department so that they can be allowed

entry in the Hall to complete their pending research work'


*-q €sqr lnef . No.{ .6. I Jll2o2ol


Page 9: E*mEFr /JUB|LEE ffir

l: gr-(orr) -27662s0127667725-1722

ffi ft qdFdfrqrilq/Univers ity o f D e lhi

ft."fr1Delhi -f f ooog | 110 007

Emai I : provost@j ubi leehal l. i n

s-rr€Eqr/Ref, No.q .6 tJHt2019l c\ ,^I44Ifi /Date: September 7 ,2020

RE-ADMISSION NOTICE(Applicable only for Bonafide Ph.D. Students)

It is notified to all the residents that re-admission forms for the session 2020-21 areavailable in Hall Office on payment of Rs.l0/- (Rupees ten only) w.e.f. 08-09-2020. Re-admission form duly complete in all respect should reach the Hall Office latest by 30.0g.2020.Re-admission will be subject to production of medical fitness certificate from the CMO.WUS Health Centre and the clearance of all previous dues.

Admission Fee

Annual Charqes

a) Crockery & Utensilsb) Furniturec) Sanitationd) Students Unione) Identity Cardf) Hot/Cold Water Charsesg) T.V. fundh) Tube Light Chargesi) Development Fundj) Annual Function Chargesk) Cultural & Movies Club Chargesl) Sports Chargesm) W.U.S. Health Centre Membershipn) Common Roomo) Computer Maintenance Chargesp) Electricity Chargesq) Gym Maintenance

Monthlv Charses

a) Roory Rent*b) Room Maintenance Chargesc) Establ ishment Charges*d) Electricity Chargese) Water Chargesf) Fax/Telephoneg) Sanitationh) Computer Room Feei) Maintenance Charges

*Waived off in case blind students



Rs.050.00Rs.050.00Rs.100.00Rs.100.00Rs.005.00Rs. 100.00Rs.050.00Rs.150.00Rs.500.00Rs.750.00Rs.500.00Rs.200.00Rs.240.00Rs.500.00Rs.400.00Rs.500.00Rs.100.00


Page 10: E*mEFr /JUB|LEE ffir

l: sr-1orry -27667s0127667725-1722


Mess Charges

a) Monthly (Mess Charges)(Subject to adjustment depending on actual costs)

Value of fellowshipUpto Rs. 3000Rs. 3001/- to 8000/- per monthRs. 8001f and above per month


Exemption of fee waiverFee waiver*50% Mess SubsidyFee waiver but no Mess SubsidyNo fee waiver and no hostel subsidv


1. Beside above charges, a fee of Rs.6,500/- would be charged from foreign students.

2. PwD students shall be exempted from payment of above fee/charges, except Admission, StudentUnion Fee & 50oh of Mess Fee (Basic & Deficit) subject to submission of undertaking dulyforwarded by the concerned Head of the Department as per following conditions:

3. As per rule 3.1 of Hand Book if readmission is not taken within l0 days after declaration of resultor within due date, whichever is later, student will be charged Rs. 5/- per day as late admission feeand after the expiry of one month of this period and his right for re-admission will stand forfeitedand he will be evicted from the Hall.

List of enclosures to be attached with re-admission form:

{ Self Attested copies of mark sheet of last examinations.

./ Self Attested copy of University Fee Receipt of current session.

,/ Self Attested copies of online Anti-Ragging Affidavits.


E-sr6ffi /JUBTLEE HALLfrdl frqdtfifldq/University of Delhi

frdV Delhi -f f ooog / llo 007

Email : provost@j u bileehal l. in

Eaiq'/Date: September 7 ,2020



Important Note:The Hand Book of Information & Rules for the session 2020-2021 along with the feestructure will be approved by the competent authority in due course of time. Therefore inview of the present circumstances and to avoid inordinate delay in the process, the re-admissions in the Hall will be done by charging the old fee i.e. for the session 20L9-2O20.The residents will be liable to make payment of enhanced fee by the Competent Authority, ifany, later.

Page 11: E*mEFr /JUB|LEE ffir

l: st-(ott) -2TGG7sol27667725-1722


qm rircqr /Ref. No.{ .6.1 Jll2o19l.

frF-dl ft edfrqqrilq/University o f D e lh i

ftr-fi1 Delhi'-f I ooo$ / 1 l0 007

Email : provost@jubi leehal l.in

fuai+-/Date: September 7 ,2020


It is informed to all the concerned that in view of the Assistant Registrar

(Collages) notification No. CS-I/I16/Hostelsl2020l255 dated 19'h August 2020 the

compeient authority of this Hall has decided to charge only 50% of the Electricity

and Water Charges who vacated the Hall as per earlier notice of the University

dated 19th March2020.

It is further to inform that cornpetent authority has also decided to waive offLate fee fine from 1't April 2020 to 3l't August 2020 i.e. for 05 months and hereby

gives one time opportunity t ut:.uldiee till August 2020 latest will be

charged late fee fine w.e.f. ed as a

special case not to be quoted as preceden created

by Covid-I9 due to which the hostel remained closed. Those residents who have

puid lut. payment fee for above period will be adjusted in subsequent fee to be paid

by them.

Therefore all the concerned residents are hereby advised to make payment oftheir outstanding dues on or before the above deadline to avoid late fee flne. Fee

link has been sent to registered mobile numbers of the residents. In case the same

has not been received by any resident due

through e-mail will in time to resolve the i


Page 12: E*mEFr /JUB|LEE ffir

Juerr,nn HellUxrvnnslTY or DEr,nI


31't August2020

NOTICE(Second Phase)

In continuation of this office Notice dated 21" August2020 the following bonafideph.D. students of the Hostel are allowed to stay in the Hall from today afternoon of 31"

August 2020 onthe following terms and conditions:

L The student after screening at the main gate of the Hall will have to mandatory

follow l4 days self-quarantine in their respective hostel rooms followed by

their screening by the WUS health Centre for issue of medical fitness


2. The resident will only be allowed to leave the hostel premises in case ofmedical emergency/reasons.

3. Ph.D. Students having cough/cold/fever may not be allowed to enter the Hall

until production of medical fitness certificate from WUS, Health Centre.

4. The entry of the guests and outsiders will be strictly prohibited in the Hall tillfuither orders.

5. During the quarantine period the resident may contact the Hall Office on

telephone fbr essential items.

6. The coupon sale for the Mess facility will remain suspended till further orders.

l. In case of less than 10 residents the food may be arranged from the Adjacent

Hostel(s) (as per the printedlactual meal charges) to minimize expenses ofstudents.

8. On the basjs of a medical fitness certificate issued by the CMO, WUS Health

Centre the rcsident will be allowed to avail the facilily of Computer Room &Reading Room only. They may note that the Common Room and Gym willremain closed till further order.

g. The student will be required to submit a certificate from their respective

research s, ,ltervisor stating therein that they are regularly visiting their

respective r',--search laboratories for continuation of their further stay in the


10.All the stuclcnts during their stay in the Hall, if permitted, will wear mask and

follow soci.rl clistancing norms to contain the spread of Corona Virus disease.

Page 13: E*mEFr /JUB|LEE ffir

1 1. All students who will be allowed to stay in the Hall will have to abide by MHA

guidelines of Covid 19 or any other guidelines issued by the competent

authority of the University from time to time.

12.AlIthe residents will co-operate to maintain safe and hygienic atmosphere in

the Hall.

13.All the residelts during their stay in the Hall will also prioritizethe well-being

of all the support staff.


R.NO. NAME Date ofRegistrationin Ph.D.

Present Course

F-5 Amit Prakash 21-Dec-2018 Ph.D PsychologY

F-4 Mandeep Kumar 28-Oct-2019 Ph.D. Mathematics

20 Viresh Pratap Singh 19-Dec-2018 Ph.D Hindi

28 Chetan Meena 1 1-Nov-2019 Ph.D. German & Romance Studies

24 Shreesh Chandra Dwivedi 12-Oct-2018 Ph.D. Music

?6 Amit Kumar 'l '1-Dec-2018 Ph.D. Physics

43 Mukesh Kttmar 08-Oct-2018 Ph.D. Music

44 FancV Jamatia O6-Dec-2018 Ph.D. SociologY

Shravan Kumar 22-Mar-2019 Ph.D. Buddhist Studies

oz+ lmtiyaz Ahmed 06-Dec-201 8 Ph.D. Arabic

70 Praveen KLrmar Patel 19-Nov-2019 Ph D. AnthroPologY

72 Atul Kumar Shukla O8-Nov-2019 Ph D. Sanskrit

72 Prem Prakash 15-Nov-2018 Ph.D. GeograPhY

79 Parveen Kumar 1-7-Dec-2018 Ph.D. Physics

81 Jitender Singh 30-Oct-2018 Ph.D. Ooerational Research

82 lshwar Singh 04-Nov-201 9 Ph.D. Physics

88 Mohammad Salman 27-OcI-201,8 Ph.D. Mathematics

Parmeet Kumar Vinit 31-Oct-2018 Ph.D. Statistics

oq Yogeshprio Badhei 09-Mar-2020 Ph.D. African Studies

133 Sanjeev KLtmar 10-Dec-2018 Ph.D. Chemistry

135 Deepak KumEr 06-Dec-2018 Ph.D. Chemistry

143 Vaibhav Vishal 16-Nov-2018 Ph.D. African Studies

155 Basant Kt mar Bindhani 05-Dec-2018 Ph.D. AnthroPologY

156 Arvind 21-Oct-2019 Ph.D. Sanskrit

180 Aashish 07-Dec-2018 Ph.D. Chemistry

10n Tanweer Aiam 13-Jan-2020 Ph.D. PhilosophY \

Note: Discrepancy, if an1, in the above list may please be brought to the notice of Hall Administration'


Page 14: E*mEFr /JUB|LEE ffir

Jubilee HallUniversity of Dethi


. 24th August 2020


In continuation to this Office notice dated 2l't August 2020, the name of Mr. KumarSaurabh, Room No. F-3' registered under Ph.D. course in Department of African Studies,University of Delhi pn 27th April 2018 and admitted to the Hall on lgth March 2020 isincludedin senior Ph'D' students list. He is allowed to stay in the Hall on the terms and conditions of theaforementioned notice.




Page 15: E*mEFr /JUB|LEE ffir

Jubilee HallUniversity of Delhi


August 21,2020


As per the notice No. CS-VI16/Flostels 120201255 dated 19'n August2020 issued by

the Assistant Registrar (Colleges) University of Delhi, the following senior Ph.D.

bonafide students of the Hostel are allowed to ;tay in the Hall from Monday, 24th August

2020 onthe followins terms and conditions:

1. The studerrt after screening at the main gate of the Hall will have to mandatory

follow 14 days self-quarantine in their respective hostel rooms followed by their

screening by the WUS health Centre for issue of medical fitness certifrcate.

2. The resident will only be allowed to leave the hostel premises in case ofmedical emergency/reasons.

3. Senior Ph.D. Students having cough/cold/fever may not be allowed to enter the

Hall until production of medical fitness certificate from WUS, Health Centre.

4. The entry of the guests and outsiders will be strictly prohibited in the Hall tillfurthcr olders.

5. During the quarantine period the resident may contact the Hall Office on

telephone for essential items.

6. The coupon sale for the Mess facility will remain suspended till further orders.

l. In case of less than 10 residents the food may be ananged from the Adjacent' Hostel(s) (as per the printed/actual meal charges) to minimize expenses of


8. On the basis of a medical fitness certificate issued by the CMO, WUS Health

Centre 1he resident will be allowed to avail the facility of Computer Room &Reading Room only. They may note that the Common Room and Gym willremain closed till further order.

g. The student will be required to submit a certifrcate from their respective

research supervisor stating therein that they are regularly visiting their

respecti\/e research laboratories for continuation of their fuither stay in the Hall.

10. All the students during their stay in the Hall, if permitted, will wear mask and

follora, social distancing norms to contain the spread of Corona Virus disease.

1 1. All stuclents who will be allowed to stay in the Hall will have toguidclinc's of Covid 19 or any other guidelines issued by

author,ity of the University from time to time.

abide by MHAthe competent

Page I

Page 16: E*mEFr /JUB|LEE ffir



12. All the residcnts will co-operate to maintain safe and hygienic atmosphere in

thc Hall.

13.All the resiclents during their stay in the Hall will also prioritize the well-being

of all the support staff.

NAME Date of PhD



p t2-OcI-2017 Ph.D. Socioloqv


n Sur

12-Dec-2017 Ph.D Persian

06-Sep-2016 Ph.D. Zooloqy

.enus Piuthaimei 19Jan-2016 Ph D. Geology

Sana 30-Aue-2016 Ph.D. Botanv

umar Durqa 30-Mav-2017 Ph.D. History

Pa 08-Nov-201 7 Ph D. Chemistry

Hrrqsain 11-Aug-2016 Ph.D. Economics

hs 26-Feb-2018 Ph.D. Pol Science

ssain Shah 24-Oct-201'6 Ph D Urdu

dra K 10-Aue-2017 Ph.D. Botany

Alok 25-Jan-2O16 Ph.D. Geology

)h [uEsIMittal

07-Dec-2016 Ph.D. Phvsics

2t-Sep-2017 Ph.D. Mathematics

K 01-Jan-2015 Ph.D. Hindi

(umar Sharma 25-Jan-2016 Ph.D Physics

n Pandev 03Jan-2018 Ph.D. Psychology

K 07-Nov-2017 Ph.D. Chemistrv

Saurabh 08-May-2018 Ph.D. GeoqraPhY

rbhav 20-Dec-2015 Ph.D. Hindi

r Chandra Keshavam 06-Nov-2017 Ph.D. Zoology

irivastava 13-Sep-2017 Ph D. Statistics

r hakur L9-Sep-2017 Ph D. Mathematics

29-Sep-2016 Ph D. Operation Research

Kumar' 26-Sep-2017 Ph.D. Mathematics

Jubair Aalam 16-Apr-2018 Ph.D. Chemistry

Ba nsruwa 04-Apr-2018 Ph.D Phvsics

06Jun-2018 Ph.D. ChemistrY

Palra 15-Sep-2017 Ph.D. Education

Ma a 07-Feb-201 8 Ph D. Buddhist Studies

Khan 16-Mav-2016 Ph.D. Urdu

K'rrnar Sinoh 02-Mar-2016 Ph.D. Pol. Science

n Kumar 28-Sep-2oI7 Ph.D. Pol Science

'la nd Gatttam 02-Nov-2016 Ph.D. Psychology

K 06-Nov-2017 Ph.D ChemistrY

--.r-l 12-Oct-2017 Ph.D History

15-Nov-2017 Ph.D. Phvsics

\rq<.hic,th L4-Jan-201,6 Ph.D Env.Studies

a Kant Sinoh 13-Apr-20!bz./ Ph.D. Zooloqy

Page2 P




1?I Sachin





Arfat H

52 Dharmen

66 Apurva74 Saurabh75 Sumit






98 Kanul101 KC Lalro102


136 Gaurav

I to



I Sartaj HLrfu',t,t"t




111 | Ganesh114. I RamVr116 lvonilo -l-^ -,

l AfUn I

4rEi,138 Chandr

Page 17: E*mEFr /JUB|LEE ffir






18-Dec-2017 Ph. D. Sanskrit


I Ankit Chaursiva

i Santo_sh Kumar Diwakar

I ch. vit<ar Ahmad


an Kumar

Vivek Prajapati

198 Gret Gulshan



The entry of above named residents in the Hall will be subject to clearance of alldues till March 2020. Therefore the concerned residents are requested to makepayment of their outstanding dues before coming to the Hall.





Ph.D. Chemi

Ph.D. East Asian Studtes03-Oct-2016




Page 18: E*mEFr /JUB|LEE ffir

CS -ll 1't SIH osteXsl20?0/255

lurther ordcr.

Dated 19.08.2A2a


1. The Ur-rlversity of Delhi recognizes that it is very essential ta interact with thehoste{ residents on e regular basis for an updale on their dlfficullies and boost theirn":orale. Therefore, Hostel Ar"rthorities are advised to devise e method to ensure theavailability of at least one person for reguiar interaction with the residents.

2. The hostel residsnts n"lay be encouraE€d to walk, play, practise yoga and sperrdtime together witilin tl':e hostei prernises in limited nunrber by foilowing the socialdistancing norrns.

3. i.lcstels may open Conrputer Room, TV Roonl, Library and ReadinCI Room for thebenefit of the resirJents but must ensure safe distancing between lhe residerrts whilethey use such facilities, However, Conrmon Roorr and Gynr shall remain closed till

4. l-lostels ai"e a<ivised not io altow residents to learre tire hostel prernises except forn:eCical emers*ncylreasolr s.

5. Hostels ere advised tc arrange n:eCicines and otner essenrial iterls far theirresidents througfr allernate resources I staff inciudrng onLine stores :rr r:rder lo avordlheir re:ldtlrrts leaving the hcstel premises frequently.

S. ihe entry of the quests and outsi<jers io remain restricted in all llre hostels, tillfuflher order, The co..rporr sale for the Mess Facility to remair: restrtcted in ali theircslels, tilf {Lrrther *rd*r.

7. tlasiels elr* advised to nrinintize their rurrning expenses lorvards staff I nlanpowerin view cf the vsry few residenls actuaily living in lhe hostels. l*lcsteis which areloraied within a csn"rf]'lon hostel complex or locatr,'d ,:ery close by nray cpt for thecentralized security, sanitation, garclen and cffice stalf / servicas to rnininrize theirrunr:ing expenses

fi. Hoslels ,ruith a r'*ry few residents n')ay affangc 'Fack<:d Frcd' or 'Tiffin' from thoariiacenl hostels {as per the printedlac{ual nreel chargcs) in srder lo nrlnimrz* Inessr:perating expenses for the limiled number cf ihe residu:.s

!J Hosiels ore advrsEd rrct to charge \,.tess Fees and orrly charge 5tl,l.''* of the monthly*ientricily and waler charges from the resldenis for the entire ciuralion of theirabsence from the hostel wiro vacated their rconis ,.,ide the Universily of Dellri

Page 19: E*mEFr /JUB|LEE ffir

10. The Final Y*ar stucients wtro wisft to vacate their hostel rocnr: may be allov;eej

ta visit their hostel roorns to eollect their belongings under the striet supervision of

the hostel auihoiities" Sueh residents must pay their dues and take the ctearance

fronr the hostel" Thoy must foflaw the MHA guide{ines for COVID-19, ln addition, jf

any resident wishes to vacate hostel rcon"l" for whatsoever reason, they may be

ailowecj to surrerrder their rogrns after clearing the dues, if any.

11. Hostels are advised that the wetl-being of all supporl staff should also be equally


12. Hostels are advised to sanllize the hostel premises on a rcqtllar basfs and to

mainlain safe and hygienic atmosphere wiitrin the premtses.

13. Hostels are advised to foliow various Notifications' released by the l-)niversity of

Delhi time from lo time.

Phased €q1try of thg- *ona-.fide PhD Slq{ents to the Hosfg:ls:

14. Hostels are advised to allow only registered bona-fide PhD students to corne

back tr: the hostels in a pl'lasecl maRner The first preference rnay be given to the

senior PlrD students fc:llowed by other PhD students in a phaseci manner, l-lowever,

sulci.r residents will have to nendatory fotlow 14-days self-quaranline in {helr

respective hostel roonrs followed by their screening by the WUS Health Cenler'

15. After the cornpletiorr of the quarantine time. lrosteis are advrsecl to allow'such

PhD stt-.ldents to ettend their respective research laboratories, Such residerrts shottld

provlde evldenee ti-lat they are visiting their respective research laborslories only irt

the form of a tetter from their research supervisors..18. Such PhE studenls shall alsc foflow guidelines tleing circulated for the phaseel

entry of the trhD students.

Assistant Registrar


University of Def hi