EMEA COMPLIANCE SUMMIT 2017 - Citibank · 2017-04-24 · EMEA COMPLIANCE SUMMIT 2017 . Hot topics...

Compliance & AML AML: The realities of the risk-based approach Peter Drake, EMEA Head, AML Compliance Risk Management, Treasury & Trade Solutions, Citi Citi Transaction Banking Academy for Financial Institutions Professionals | 4 - 5 April 2017 EMEA COMPLIANCE SUMMIT 2017

Transcript of EMEA COMPLIANCE SUMMIT 2017 - Citibank · 2017-04-24 · EMEA COMPLIANCE SUMMIT 2017 . Hot topics...

Page 1: EMEA COMPLIANCE SUMMIT 2017 - Citibank · 2017-04-24 · EMEA COMPLIANCE SUMMIT 2017 . Hot topics AML: The realities of the risk-based approach ... self-sustaining economy across

Compliance & AML

AML: The realities of the risk-based approach

Peter Drake, EMEA Head, AML Compliance Risk Management, Treasury & Trade Solutions, Citi

Citi Transaction Banking Academy for Financial Institutions Professionals | 4 - 5 April 2017


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Hot topics

AML: The realities of the risk-based approach

• Panama Papers & Offshore Entities


• Source of Wealth

• Tax evasion

• Foreign Correspondent Banks

• De-risking

• Financial Inclusion

• KYC requirements (RMA key exchanges; Trade Finance)

• Payment Service Providers

• MSBs, Exchange Houses, Bureaux de Change

• Acquiring, Payment Intermediaries, eCommerce

• FinTech

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Global Governance and Risk

Provides strategic direction and

drives execution of the AML Program

in the businesses

Business Level

Ensures AML program requirements are properly executed and AML risks are

monitored and controlled

Geographic risk – more RED than GREEN

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Current and Emerging AML Risks in EMEA Ukraine/Russia (Political Crisis): The events in Ukraine

during the course of the past year have changed the

political landscape in Europe by inducing economic

sanctions against Russia, including a new model of sectoral

sanctions. Although designed to target Russian interests

with limited impact on the West, they have also increased

the complexity of compliance. In response, Russia has

imposed certain counter-measures against the West and

drafted others, stressing the ‘protective’ nature of Russia’s

actions, aimed at safeguarding the country’s infrastructure.

Iraq/Syria (Political Crisis): The Islamic

State’s (IS) expanding presence across

Syria and Iraq and recent acts of

brutality have pushed the West to

intervene militarily in Iraq. IS is receiving

considerable revenues from a range of

sources, leading to the development of a

self-sustaining economy across seized

territory and creating the possibility that

the surrounding region’s financial

systems could be exposed to terrorist

financing activity.

Turkey (Drug transit): The vast majority of

heroin in the EU transits through Turkey; 80% of

heroin trafficked to Europe is transited through

the country and originates from Afghanistan.

Recent assessments demonstrate the amount of

drugs transiting through Turkey is increasing.

Turkey & UAE (Gold Scandal): The rapid

growth of Turkey’s gold sector and government

backed monetisation of the commodity in the

context of weak AML and sanctions controls. A

continuously evolving Iranian-Turkish

partnership with expected involvement of the

UAE represent an increased risk of exposure to

money laundering and sanctions evasion of the

Turkish and UAE financial sector.

Africa (Illicit Pharmaceutical

Trade): Nearly 200 tonnes of fake

or illicit medicines worth approx.

$25m were seized in West Africa,

leading to a call for greater

collaboration of the private sector

and law enforcement to address the


UK (Moldovan Organized Crime

Syndicate): A Moldova-based crime

syndicate is alleged to have

laundered $20bn of criminal

proceeds with the use of UK-based

front companies, leading to

increased criticism of the strength of

UK corporate regulation.

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Citi’s Global AML Program and Lifecycle

Governance and Enterprise-wide Controls


Policies & Standards



Governance & Management

Issues Management

Risk Assessment

Metrics / Analytics


Staff / Talent

Training & Communications

Roles and Responsibilities


Program Management

Compliance Testing

Independent Testing

AML Lifecycle

AML Screening

(Name Screening, Red Flag, Senior Public


Customer Risk Scoring




Know Your Customer







Monitoring & Investigations



Global Investigations

(Inputs from internal and external sources)


Escalations Suspicious Activity Reporting (SARs)

Currency Transaction Reporting



Account Restrictions and Closures

Feedback Loop





nce R

isk M



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Panama Papers: The importance of establishing beneficial ownership

Detection Prevention Reporting

140 politicians and public


Thirty-three sanctioned people and companies

Brink-Mat robbery

11.5 million leaked records 214,000 offshore entities

US$2 trillion

FIFA-related alleged corruption

Lava Jato Medellin cartel

$60 million investment fraud

Russian bribery

Prolific use of nominee shareholders and directors

200 countries & territories

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High Risk Clients: Correspondent Banking

Detection Prevention Reporting

Where a respondent bank is offering correspondent banking services to other downstream financial


This adds another layer and means the correspondent bank is even further removed from knowing the

identities or business activity of these sub-respondents, or even the types of financial services provided.

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Detection Prevention Reporting

Money Service Businesses Key Risks

• May lack ongoing customer relationships, require minimal/no KYC or maintain limited/inconsistent records of customers or transactions;

• May engage in frequent currency transactions, and operate in cash and cash equivalent (e.g. money orders, travellers cheques) obscuring origin of funds;

• Inconsistent levels of regulatory requirements and oversight globally;

• Can quickly change their product mix and location, quickly enter or exit an operation and agents may be unevenly trained and/or supervised; and

• May conduct bulk transactions accumulating numerous individual transactions from many sources, hiding the ultimate originators.

PEPs/Embassies Key Risks

• By definition, embassies are run by PEPs;

• Position may make PEPs vulnerable to corruption or put PEPs in a position to embezzle public funds;

• Risk extends to PEPs families and close associates;

• Embassy accounts may be used for PEP-driven money movements (risks as above); and

• Diplomatic immunity and “diplomatic bag” movements of cash may be used for money laundering and/or to fund terrorist activity.

Correspondent Banking Key Risks

• Transactions on behalf of customers of another institution;

• Correspondent bank has neither verified identities nor obtained any first-hand knowledge of instructing parties;

• Process large volumes of transactions for their customers’ customer – potentially including nested relationships; and

• More difficult to identify whether transactions are normal or suspect.

Respondent Bank

Correspondent Bank

Clients of the Respondent Bank

Risk mitigation

• Specific AML Standards

• Compliance calls/visits

• Periodic Transaction Review (PTR)

• Correspondent Banking Oversight Committee (CBOC)

• Quality Assurance

Risk mitigation

• Specific AML Standards

• Compliance calls/visits

• Periodic Transaction Review (PTR)

• Money Service Business Oversight Committee (MSBOC)

• Quality Assurance

Risk mitigation

• Specific AML Standards

• Periodic Transaction Review (PTR)

• Embassy Banking Oversight Committee (EBOC)

• Quality Assurance

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To be effective, an AML and sanctions screening and compliance programme requires more

than just minimal data, existing policies and an regular solution. Instead, a truly effective

programme requires developing a comprehensive, risk-based approach, powered by:

• the right data

• technology solutions, and

• trained experts

to maximise AML and sanctions compliance, and to minimise risk.

The institution should be able to demonstrate to its regulators that:

• It fully understands the AML risks presented by their business, products & clients;


• It is comfortable that existing controls are sufficient to manage AML risk.


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