Embassy Movies j Philharmonic Chance Wagner Program Former ...€¦ · Lisle in Berkshire. Mr....

f Embassy Members Leave London for WW « « nouaay season Peers Entertain Attaches. Senator Edge and Iirido . in England. tpeciat Cal> to Tub Kiw Yosk Ifeur.o. Copyright, lot!, by Tint New Yobk IIbbalo. New York Herald Rurrau, j I.ondoa. Dee. (4. ( The majority of the members of the American Kmbassy are spending tthe holidays outside of London. Mr. and Mrs. Post Wheeler are the guests of Marquis and Marchioness liuntly at Orton-Longuevllle. Mr. Boylston Beale is with Sir Hugo Fitsherbcrt at Kingsione Lisle in Berkshire. Mr. Leslie Reed and Mr. William Young, consuls, arc at Eastbourne playing golf. United States Senator Waiter K. Edge and his bride, who was Miss Camilla Sewall, are at the Rita Hotel. Judge Harry E. Knight of the Claims Commission has gone to Paris with his daughter and his brother, George. Mr. Maxwell Blake, Commissioner to Anatolia, is here on his way to Washington. Mr. O. G. Forrer of the Department of Internal Revenue lias gone to Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Otle T. Grasty of Washington have arrived from Coblenz and are at the Clarldge Hotel. Mr. Charles Editions tone Is spending Christmas at Hanover Lodge with Earl and Countess Beatty, who have with them also Miss GKvcndoiln Fiold of Chicago, Mr. Edmonstone's fiancee. Among thoRe from New York at the Hyde Park Hotel are Mr. and Mrs Park F. Thornley, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Hurley, Mr. D.-fcS. Weil and Mr and Mrs. O. M. Cassatt. Mrs. Charles R. Munn, J. R. Elmore, Mr atiH Mrs ft. Green and Mr. and Mrs. H. X. I.ytton arc at the Olarldge Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. \V. I). Ill ties ar> at the Savoy Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert II. Carr and Mr. George Bingham are at the Berkeley Hotel. Mr. H. W. Slocum of New York and Mr. and Mrs. K. V. R. Nichol are at the Carlton Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Wlnthrop C. Nellson. Mr. A. I'. Desantio, Mr. W. H. (lannett, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Trask, Mr. Sydney 8. Ketch, Mr. Frederick W. Elchorn. Mr. William T. Bryan M'«s Anne (Jiassman, Mr. David P. Howclls, Miss Mary Bryan and Mr. O. H. Gardiner are at the Piccadilly Hotel. Mr. 8. H. Woolworth continues to improve slowly at the Ritz Hotel. His son has arranged to continue his studies while here. AMERICANS ABROAD GATH&K IN fAAia Flock to French Capital for Holidays. Special Cable to Tjib New Vo*k Hbkai.d. Copyright, 19:!, by Tur New York Herald. . Nnv York Hrrald Iturrau. ) Pari*. Deo. 21. i I.»r. and Mm. Richard Pearce of New Tork have returned to the Hotel VVagrarri from Basle. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. MacAfee of New York have arrived at the Hotel Maurice. Mrs. Porter Bowles of New York has left Paris to spend the holidays with friends In Dinard. Mrs. Reuben YVIng Howes and the Messrs. Reuben King Howes 3d and Townsend Howes of New York have arrived In Mentone to pass several weeks at the Hotel dee lids Brittenlques. The following: have arrived at the Ritz: Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rice of New York, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Ehrleh of New York, after spending some time In Nice; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur V. Davtes of New York and Pittsburgh, from Amorlea and Miss Edith Prltchard and Miss Anne N. (ioodrloh, from New York. Mrs. Cleorge I., Carnegie, Mrs. Sara Ely Parsons and Miss Mary Boies Ely, all of New York, have registered at the Crillon. The following are stopping at the Con- tinental: Mrs. A. Simpson of New York, from Home; Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Hookey of New York, from Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. B. Fltman of New York, and Mrs. Edward V. Murphy and Miss Margaret Bergin of Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. 0. N. Simpson of North Chatham, N. Y., have arrived at the Hotel Voulllenjont. DR. WATSON GOING TO BOSTON PULPIT Says There Is Need for Evangelical Ministry. The Rev. Dr. Robert Watson, pastor ®f the Second Presbyterian Church. Ninety-sixth street and Central Park West, announced yesterday hjs resignation to accept a call to the First Prosby- icrian unurcn 01 rvisiim. Dr. Watson exacts to take up liln now duties on the last Sunday In February, going directly from the old congregation to the new. In announcing hie resignation at the regular Sabbath servlce yesterday, he said: "Up to the present time I have rereived, without any effort on my part, a number of calls of one kind or another, all of which, with one exception, that of the call to Qscford Church, where I began my mlnlatry. I found It very easy to decline. But thla time T could not get rid of the Bolton call, try aa I might, for the following reasons: (l> There la a great need In Boston and throughout New England for an evangelical mlnlatry under.the order of the Presbyterian Church. (2) At present Presbyterisnlsm 5s very weak and the work which can he done by the Presbyterian Church Is not being done by any other denomination. (9) Thla ca!l. while made by the First Presbyterian Church of Boston, Is hacked up hy the men In and around Boston, both In a.id out of the Presbyterian Church, who affirm that the call Is to work for the cause of Christ and the building up of the Kingdom of Ood In a field lhat to-day Is even more needy than that of New York. (4) I believe alt of these men In presenting these reasons have led me to^bcllere, whether rightly or wrongly, that I am hy heredity and training, experience and choice, better fitted to lead In thla work than any one else whom they know. "Therefore, with a sad heart, but a firm conviction that Ood hay led and Is leading me T desire to resign from thla church to accept the call to Boston." Dr. Watson was born In Aberdeen, Scotland, In 1999. He received his preliminary training at the University of New Brunswick, Canada, continuing his theological (turtle* at Princeton Theo- logical Seminary, **>frmqt'K IIKTIMK" RRCITAL. f Franoi* Moore will sclvo a piano recital at Sherry'* to-morrow afternoon. Thl* la the tenth in the "Muelque Intime" eerie*, which number* among It* patroneaae* Mr*. (tArrnll L. Walnwrlght. Prlnceaa Roaplglioal. Mr*. Jerome N. Monaparte, Mr*. John U. Ryan. Mr*. Richard T. WI1*on, Mr*. John K*l*er, Mrs. Daniel J. Henn***y. Mr*. Cornellua V. Keller and Mr*. Frank Adair. \ I PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE. NEW YORK. Miss Elisabeth Billings Id a guest or her brother-in-law and slater. Mr and Mrs. John French, In Greenwich, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Townsend will start from New York to make a trip around the world on January 24. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert H. Gary are at the Blackstone Hotel In Chicago for Christmas. Mr. Philip Rheinlander entertained at dinner at 18 West Forty-eighth street last night. Mr. and Mra. Moaes Taylor went yesterday to their home tn Mt. Klsco, N. Y.. for the holidays Mr. an I Mrs. Henry Walters hnvFgons to their home In Wilmington, N. C., to pasa the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Forbes McCreery of Carlton House have gone to Atlantic iJJity, where they will remain until after the New Year. Messrs. John P. and Dyson Duncan are with their par"iits. Mr. and Mr*, Stuart Duncan, at Carlton House (or Christmas. Mrs. Henry M. Alexander and Counti ess Marie Louise Moltke are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Newbold LeRoy Edgar In Tuxedo. Mrs. Henry O. Havemeyer Is a guest of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Peter II. B. Frelinghuysen In Morristown, N. J. Mrs. E. Henry Harrtman has at Arden House, Arden. N. V.. for Christmas Mr. and Mrs. \V. Averlll Harriman, Mrs. Charles Carey Runisey and Mr. and Mrs. K. Roland N. Harrtmuif. Mr. George McKay §chlefielin has come lrotn St. Paul's School, 'Concord. X. 11., to pass the holidays with his parents, Mr and Mrs. George it. 1). Schleffelln. Miss l.oulse Vanderbllt Schleffelin 1 -<s come from Wisconsin University and Is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. "William Jay Schleffelln, 777 Madison avenue, for the holidays. WASHINGTON.' The Minister of Rumania and Princess Bibesco have seturned to the Legation In Washington. The, Minister of Poland and Mme. Wroblewska entertained the Legation staff at a Christmas celebration last night. Assistant' Postmaster General and Mrs. Warren I. Glover and their chili dren are spending Christmas at their home In Englewood. N. J. The Ambassador of Spain and Mme. de Rlano entertained at dinner last night 'for' the Embassy staff, Spanish residents of Washington and a few members of the Spanish colony In New York. The Minister of Sweden anfl Mme. Wallenberg are entertaining a Christmas house party, having among their guests the former's nf^>hew, Mr. Marcus Wallenberg; Mmer. Wallenberg's cousin. Mr. Ullllehook, and Mr. Olar Herminn Utrnn, Swedish Consul-Oenernl at New York. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Black have arrived from New York and nre at the Hamilton Hotel for Christmas. Mr*, Black, who was formerly Miss T»a nolle Mh5\ In the daughter of Colonel and Mrs. Henry May. , Brlg.-fJen. and MA. Henry Taylor have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Margaret Taylor, to Mr. Alfred Craven Bruce of New York, a member of this year's class of the United States Naval Academy. Mm. jvey niiniitn. who imn won < the West, has Joined Senator Pittman at the Wlllard. They will leave Tuesday for a week's visit In Cuba. Then Mrs. Pittman will ten to Florida for the winter and the Senator will return to Washington. hot spniwos, vt. Spertol l)i*i>otrh tn Tor vrw Vosk Mwimp. Hot SrnmnB. Va.. Deo. 1\..Mr. and Mrs. George Ft Case registered 'his mnrnlmr at 'he elubhou«e and. with Mies Mary Case, played golf In the afternoon thev motored to Falling Springs. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Marshall of New York drove to ttie Oaks for luncheon with their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Tate R Pterrett. Miss Muriel Hedges arrived at the Homestead to-day from New York to Join her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Hedges. Arrivals of to-day also Included Mrs. Charles H. Carllng and Miss Carllng of New York, Mrs. Antolne Rournevllte and the Misses Bournevllle of Philadelphia. Mr. Frank Akers has arrived from Harvard to Join hia parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Akers, for the holidays. Mr. Harry P-»ilock la here from Harvard with his father. Mr. James A. Pollock, and Mrs. Pollock at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert G. T-or<l. Jr.. have returned to New York after a fortnight here. Mr* Otto Jaeger has returned to Montolalr, Mr. Jaeger regaining at tha Homestead. ' Mr. and Mrs O'ltsru* Coagrnve have arrived at Three Hills from New York to remain until after January 1. CHRISTMAS AT (AMOKS, H. C. Special Hlhpah'h In Til* n*w York Hera: n Camden. 8. C., Doc. 24..Christmas will he celebrated In Camden by numerous house parties and dinners. The first polo match of the season will be played In the afternoon on Field Number One for trophies, and In the evening a souvlner dinner, followed by dancing. will he held at the Klrkwood. Arrivals at the Court Inn Include Mrs. A. A. Woodruff. Mr. A. Wllllgerod, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Mackle, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Russell and Miss Russell, all of New York; Mr*. William Pickering, England, and Mr. and Mrs. Spotswood Garland of Wilmington. Pel. Mr. and Mr*. James 8. Parker, Mrs. Shepherd and Mrs. A layering of Salem. N. Y.. and Mr. and Mrs. Leonldas Penis of SouthpoTt, Conn. Orvtlls R. Skinner, who Is a atudent at Yale University, has Joined Ills father. Mr, O. C. Skinner, and his slater. Miss Charlotte Skinner, for the bollda?» at the Klrkwood. Other reient arrivals at the Klrkwood are Mr*. William A. Lockwood and John E. Ix>ckwood of New York, George H. Baldwin, of Savannah, and Mlaa Anna A. Ryan, Mlas Laura F. Sickles and Miss Forstti of T«ake Placid and Edward C. Durfoe of New York. Mrs. J. A. Bartow of South Orange. N. J., Is a guest of Mrs. Edward ,C. Bubo* on Fair street, for the winter. PROVIDE NEB SOCIAL NOTF.S. .Sorffnl tHnnnlrh to Tun New Vosa Hbitmo. Mr. and Mrs Philip Cheney of Hart- ford an* li'ro for Christmas with her parent*, Mr. and Mrs. H. Nelson Oimpbell. Mr. and Mrs. Neville .1 Booker of New Vork are visiting her mother. Mre Frank A. ."ayles, at Hsleholtn Mrs David H. Baker of Wlokford la the truest of her eon-ln-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Hinckley, Mr. and Mrs. G. Maurice Oongdnn and Mr. and Mr*. William Grosvenor will »o to Na vport fvmnrrow for a Ohrlstmas dinner with tha mother of Mr. Orosvenor and Mrs. Congdon, Mrs. Wilbur E. Wilder, at Koslyn. \ * THE N1 The New Movies Offer Chance for Merry Christmas Harold Lloyd at Strand Is Particularly Cheery in *L)r. Jack.' HT IIORERT E. SHERWOOD. Wishes for a merry Christmas being the logical order of the day, It is up to us to extend the usual cordial greetings to all our friends and readers (who occasionally overlap) and to express the earnest desire that this Yuletlde season will be festive in the i best sense. As our distinguished for| bear. Tiny Tim, has so aptly phrased it. "God bless us, one and all!" These, however, are mere words. and'therein lies the chief difficulty with seasonal greetings of all kinds. They may be intended in the best spirit, and they may be sincerity it: self. But even the moBt fervent wishes are seldom backed up with construc; tive suggestions. It is all very* we" for us to say, "We hope that you will have a merry Christmas," and somei thing else again for us to tell you Just how you should go about it. Well, we are nothing if not conj structive. So we hasten to advise our readers to obtain their merriment at the Strand Theater, where the Joyous Mr. Harold Lloyd is dispensing large doses of good will through the medium of his latest picture, "Dr. Jack." You will find that "Dr. Jack" Is as gay. sclntlllant aind spontaneous a comedy as you ever saw in your life. Lacking, perhaps, the uproarious quality of "A Sailor Made Man" or the underlying philosophy of "Grandma's Boy," it is, nevertheless, a worthy sue- LTBBUr lu UUUI ui UiCUl, It la the story of a youthful disciple of Dr. Cou£, who believes that medicine went out of fashion alone with the bustle skirt and the horse. He treats his patients with personality rather than prescriptions.and gets away with It. In the hands of any one else but Harold Lloyd this scheme might appear a trifle unconvincing, hut Mr. Lloyd has such a positively cheering effect on the audience itself that his feats seem to be perfectly credible. Harold Lloyd will never be another Charlie Chaplin because he lacks the tremendous profundity and tragic power which is so essential a part of Chaplin's appeal. But in so far as sheer buoyancy is concerned, Lloyd is the peer of them all. He is irreslsitibly, irrepressibly, indomitably cheerful. He picks you up and sweeps you with him.and it is a decidedly pleasant experience. If this Christmas proves to be anything b\it a merry one for you, don't blame tin. Don't sny tfiat we haven't told you about "Dr. .Tack." Sleepy Hollow on the Sereen. There is also considerable gayety the Capitol this week in honor of the holiday »/ason, tint we regret to report that only >\ small portion of It mtrihwted by the feature photoplay. "The legend of Sleepy Hollow" has been converted info a movie, with Will Rogers as Ichahod Crnnc, and It. roves to bo somewhat of a disap- pomuncm. "The Headless Horsemen." an the picture Is known. In a thoroughly Intelligent and faithful reproduction of Washington Irvine's strange tale, but the material for a five reel movie simply isn't there. The actual legend Itself occupies only a short stretch of the film, and the rest is Just padding. Will Rogers, of course. Is exceedingly droll, but Irhnbod Crane was not designed for him. He seems to he a bit unhappy In the part and Is ne ver quite ab'e to let himself go. The scenes of the picture are charming and authentic, and there are many fine shots of the Heddiess Horsemen's chase through the moonlit night. There is "A Christmas Fantasy" on the bill, In which Santa Claus appears and presents a number of highly animated dolls to the audlenca. This Is delightful, as la a dance designed from Confrey's popular composition "Kitten on the Keys." Two kittens. Impersonated by Thalia Zanou and Alexander Oumansky, shimmy vio| lently upon a huge grand piano, while the Capitol orchestra Indulges In a riot of raucous but harmonious Jazz. Booth Tdrklngton's novel, "The Flirt," has been reproduced In film form and fa now on view at the Tilalto. Eileen Percy is the principal young lady, and Hobart Henley directed the production. "B.-.ck Home and Broke," which (Icorgc Ado wrote for Thomas Melghan, Is at the Rlvoli, and "8olj omon in Society" la the feature at the Cameo. "M. A. It. S.," a Teleview picture with a special stereoptlc effect. will come to the Selwyn on Wednesday night, In the meantime don't forget what we said al>out Merry Christmas._ MRS. HARDING WILL BE AT CHRISTMAS TABLE Will Leave Convalescent Room to Preside. Washiisotow, Dec. 24..President Harding attended service* to-day nt Calvary Baptist Church, where the Rev. \V. s. abernethy, the pastor, delivered a Christmas «ermon on the theme "Pence on Earth." * Mr*, Harding, who. prior to lier critical illness last September, Invariably accompanied th^ President, 1* still confined to her robrn. She expects, however, to come downstairs to-morrow to pre! side ai the Christmas dinner table, 'The day will be spent nt the White House, there being no house rural*, and neither the President nor Mrs Harding have made any unusual plans for the day. WIAWAKA MEETING CALLED. Dr. Mires fn *penk on Work of Holiday Honae. A meeting In the Interest of Wlawaka Holiday House, on I-iike (leorre. N. T., a^iome for aelf-supportlnr women, will l>« held next Thursday morning at 11 a' Mr. and Mrs. John Nanford'a house, P East Seventy-second street. There will be an address by the Rev. Dr. Ernest M. St Ires, rector of St. Thomas's Church. Wlawaka Holiday House la open nil the year round and Is taken advantage of by many business women who need a change and rsat. Invitations to the meeting or Tnuranay nave ore it a«ni nut by Mme. Txjui«« Homer, whnae daughter, formerly Mlaa Loulan Homer, now I* Mra. Eugene Van llenaaelaer Stlraa. SW YORK HERALD, 1 ( A PL. *, ^ mcuyc in v^iia.11 Miss Elizabeth Manning, daugr Thomas Manning. She haB been an enterprises of society this winter, season's Parrot ball, which was | Auxiliary of St. Luke's Hospital. NOVELTY DANCE FOR Sr. -VINCENT'S FUNDS Annual Reception to Be Held at Waldorf. A novejty donee entitled "The Animated Bridf?p Game." with musie from the Chftuve Sourls, will be a feature of the annual reception to be held by the Ladles Auxiliary of St. Vincent's Hos' pltal on Wednesday evening, January 3, at the Waldorf-Astoria. Thirty members of tha Junior Auxiliary, Including a number of the debutantes of the sea: son, .will participate In the dance. These are the Misses Mary Lyendecker, Louise Lyendecker, Ruth Lyendecker. Mary Van Kile, Helen Van Ella, Tempe Joy| ner, Helen MacManus, Doris Keptlnger, Bettyl Mulhall, Allene Haggerty. Agnes ByrnS. Ruth Lawrence, Edwlna Shanley. Kathleen K>vln. Antoinette Travera, Mary Anderson. Lucy Doughty. Char! lotto Klngsley, Carrol Masterson. Rosa! llnd Magulre, Lillian Moulton, Gertrude Kelly, Miirian Rices. Anna Sheeb.v, Mauri'1 Hurnslde. Alice Beers and Angela Median. Mrs. Lestfr Cuddlhy. Mrs. Ueorge De Lacy, Mrs. Helen MoIntyre, Mrs. Cornelius Tyson. The annual reception is a benefit (or the t/uilding fund of St. Vincent's, the first Catholic hospital In New York city. The Institution has been open for the sick and Injured of ewery race and creed for seventy years, having grown in face of many hardships And difficulties to one of the leading Institutions of Its kind in the city. The ladles of the auxiliary are coi operating with the sisters of the hos; pltal to raise the necessary funds through the annual reception to meet expenses for the coming year. Tickets may be obtained through Miss Caroline Llnlierr, St. Vincent's Hospital. 153 West Eleventh etreet. New York city. Mrs. De I^ancey Kane Is honorary president of the Ladles Auxiliary. Other olh-ers are Mra. Joseph Sievln, Jr., president ; vice-presidents. Mrs. Thomas Hughes Kelly. Mlns Teresa R. O'Donohue, Countess de Laugler-Vlllars, Mrs. M. nneiiamint' j, ( tounri » u^, Mian Caroline Hlnherr; recording .secretary, Mlsa Teresa G. Harrison ; corresponding secretaries, Mrs, Onorge J. Glllrsplc and Mrs. John Gallagher. BOND ART COLLECTION IS TO BE AUCTIONED January 11 Data Fixed for Sale of PaintingB. The art collection of the late Hugh L. Bond of Baltimore, constating of Important paintings, pastels and watercolors by members of the Barhlson Hchool, together with early Engl tan paintings, la to be sold at auction on {January 11 by the American Art As; si,elation, Mr. Bond, who was a wed Known amateur in Baltimore, was lor many years general counsel for thu BalI tinioro and Ohio railroad. This collection, which comprises nearly one hundred pictures. Include* the following work*: "The Nun," a pastel by Francois Salnt-Bonvln. "A Marine," a water color by J M. W. Turner. R. A. "Child with Boat," a water color by Joaef Israel*; "Edge of Wooda" by Corot: "Flora" by N. V. than; "Famines Romalnea a la Fontaine" by Oerome; "Children at the Seashore" liy B. J. Bloniniere ; "A Farm In Holland" by Theophlle Bock; "Uaboureur du Cot" by A. O. Decanipe. "Sheep and Shepherdess," "I^e Hepoae. ' "Farmer at Work." "L'Abretivolr" iy Charlea Kmlle Jacgue; "Sunset" b> Jules Dupre; '"Hie Ash Tree" and '"River l-aadscape' try Merjiianie*; "ITalrie du Moulin" by Emlle Bastion I.epage ; "St>- Mammrs. t.e Solr" by Ali fl ed Sisl'-v; "Near Trottvllle" by Ku grr.e liourlln: "Hunters in Snow" '»/ .lohh Lewis Brown; "Winter" by Frit* Thaulow; "St. Sepulvada" by ignac.o Znlosga; "Ladles In the Woods" by Adolph Morrtlcelll; "Oold Man's Hut, Colorado" and "Sunset in Autumn" by Ralph A. Blakelock, N. A : "The OchUs. Near Htlrllag," " Kensington Hardens" and "Isle of Arran" by David Young Cameron : "The Whispering* o' v upia by Henri Kantln-Ii*tour; "lift Cote d'Kqnlhen" by Jean Oharlea Caaln "Le Chemlnenu" by Iifton Aoeuate I.'Herniltte; "Orare" by Alphonre I#*rn»; "Portrait of a Yotitig Man" by David Rallty of Tiftydrn : "Portrait of a T/ftd/" a pastel, by Jaoqne* Lonla David: "Portrait of a T.ady" by George Henry Harlow- : an Interesting "Pori trait of Mr*. Rnb<>rt Oltrnor of Psltlmoro" by an early Amerlran artl»f, John Wesley Jarvla: "Portrait of a Gentleman'* tHenry Centhern), an Im portant paste) by John Russell. R. A., and "Muslr" by Angelina Kaufmann. R. A. F.^ltlAtJRMICtfT AS5IOI ycrn. Mr. and Mra. Arnott Presslnger of IBB Wert Klghty-slxth rtreet have innounred the engagement of their daughter, Miss Madeleine Thome Presslnger, to Mr. Theodore Barnard Thompson. Jr. MONDAY, DECEMBER 2 A table Enterprises j 'cpirrlght !))/ Harhrach. iter of the Rt. Rev. and Mrs. William energetic participant in the charitable She was one of the organizers of this jiven for the benefit of the Junior NEW YORKERS THRONG TO ATLANTIC CITY Balmy Weather Adds to Colorful Holiday. Special Dispatch to The New Yo*k HnasU). Atlantic City, Dec. 24..A hundred thousand holiday visitors streamed Into Atlantic City to-day in the greatest lnllux of seasonal guests thus far recorded, according to conservative estimate, - and New York guests jjredomlnatqd. A beaming sun shone all day, making for balmy temperature, and added to an otherwise colorful pano1 rama of Christmas. v The Boardwalk was thronged throughout thd day with Yuletlde visitors on promenade, and the women, bedecked in fura and finery of every description, found thernaelyes outnumbered by the nu n. Hotels are crowded, each hostelry offering some special attraction in keep| ing with the Yuletlde spirit. Kor the first time In history PhllaJ delphla was outdpne in sending visitors. Now York excelling In numbers. New York arrivals to-da.v : Dennis.Mr. and Mrs. A. O. House, Miss E. R. Costello. Nora Costello, J. D. fcvald. R. M. Moses, Mrs. G. B. Smith, Miss G. R. Crow, Miss J. M. Crow, L. M. Nixon, Dr. and Mrs. I,. J. Stanley, Gertrude Sttelllts and Katharine and Anna E. Kant. Marlborough-Blenhelm . Russell C. Northam, Russoll H. Northern, Miss E. S. Guerin. Miss L. Guerln. Mrs. A. B. Ryker, Mlas Helen Ryker, Prank D. Ames, Miss A. K. Ames. Miss Eosena Ellis. Miss Elisabeth H. Ellis and Miss Fred E. Clements. Strand.L. M. McKeron, W. E. Rapp, S R. Elsas and R. .Janett. Traymore.Albert McDougal, Mr. and Mrs. Vess Jones. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Williams. T. J. Anderson. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Mulvey and Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Mc [Cellar. Breakers.Mr. and Mrs. rA. Rornain, Mrs. A. Bennett and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Washerman. M. Cohen, Mr. j and Mrs. J. Barron. William IJyman. Charles Berlin, L. H. Strober. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Newberger and Max Newberger. Ambassador.Mrs. S. Reens and son, Walter Field. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kulla. Harold Kulla, Miss Marie Murphy and Miss Blanche Trlmple. Mine. Caroline and daughter. R. Borda. D. Sweeney. S. Hoahlno, M. Koike. Mr. and Mrs. Yanraguch and child. Rlts-Carlton.Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mason and Miss Carollyn M. Cnckrum. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Jones. Mr. Slgmuhd Heyman, Mr. E. D. Mudd. Mr. J. E. O'Brien, from Albany, N. Y.: Mr. and Mrs. J. Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Y. Tama and son. Mr." end Mr* W. A. Dunlap, Mr. Wllhelrn Schweltaer, Mr. and Mrs. 11, C. Newirth, Miss Florence Harriman, Miss R. Champion. Messrs. Conrad and Charles IX Glierlng. HOTELS OBSERVE CHRISTMAS. Yuletldr Spirit nnd Color I'rrviil In Hoatelrlea. Strangers at New York hotr]* will not be homesick during Christmas. The Hotel Association of New York City. In a statement issued to-day. called attention to Chrlntmao arrangements made at leading New York hotels for transients and their regular guests. who aro remaining In town over the holidays. Holiday attire of red and rreen with Vruces. flra and pntnsettlas predominating. form the background for Christmas trees in many of the hotel lobbies. Special Christmas dinners will be served at many of the leading hostelrles. Home of the hotels are giving to reslj dent children Christmas gifts of candy and toys. One of the hotels la being turned over for a Christmas celebra| tloti to 200 poor children from the neighbor hood. Another Is remembering many of Its patrons with Christmas plants delivered on Christmas morning. The home atmosphere of this horn* hoiI Iday Is ng everywhere preserved. GUIOMAR NOVAES HERE ON HONEYMOON VOYAGE Pianist Arrives as Wife of Dr. Octavio Pinto. The Mtutson liner Southern cfose, from Soutit American porta, docking 'yesterday in Hoireken, brought Oulnmat Novaes. the pianist. on a honeyntoos trip with Dr. Octavlo Pinto, a rlvll engineer at tfao Paulo, who is it musician end composer also. Their wedding followed a love affair begun In childhood. Miss Hedvla K. Hehulfr., oaled the Lillian Oleli of the Argentine movies nnd known also as La Vlvlanne, tvaa a passenger. Col Maurice V. t.lrelte, who has been buying concessions In fold, diamond and ocal properties in Braxll, arrived on business connected with hta acquisitions. Its said there was enouah hard coal In Braxtt to supply moat of Its fuel weeds and eventually to export 't to England. I I >5, 1922. Philharmonic in Wagner Program at Metropolitan Eight Favorite Excerpts From If nutoii'k! \! 11 kJ i <1 1 ifiuin nu Ii'i U-3H I O *T1 UOJly 1/X QlllUtl Given. Josef Btransky, giving an all M'afntr program, led the Philharmonic Orchestra in the society's second Sunday afternoon concert at the Metropolitan Opera House yesterday, with a larfe and enthusiastic audience present. The selections comj prised eight of the favorite excerpts from the master's music dramas. The numbers were the "Rlensi" overture, the "Good Friday Spell," from "Parsifal"; the "Prelude" to "Lohengrin," Mr. Stransky's arrangements of "The Wanderer's Hide," "Siegfried's Passage Through the Magic Fire" and "Dawn and the Rhine Journey,'' from "Slegj fried" and "The Dusk of the Gods," the "Tnnnhaeuser" bacchanale, the "Sounds of the Forest," from "Siegfried"; the "Prelude and Finale," from "Tristan and Isolds," and "The Hide of the Valkyries," from "The Valkyrie." The performance of the orchestra was very fine throughout. Following the Waglior-Btransky exoerp's and the "Trlsj tan and Isolda" music, the applause was shured by both conductor and orchestra. METROPOLITAN WILL GIVE 'WILLIAM TELL' Danise to Sing Title Role in Revival January 5. Oiullo Gattl-Casnr-za, general manage' of the Metropolitan Opera Company, yesterday announced that the "revival" of Rossini's "William Tell," which hns not been given at the Metropolitan for many years, will take place on Friday evening, January 5. The- opera will be sung by Messrs. Danise In the title role. Marttnelli as Arnold, Mardones as Walter, Dldur as Gessler, D'Angelo as Melchtai, Bloch as a fisherman, Bada as Kodolf, Pieco as Leutold and Mines. Vonselle as Matilda, and Perlnl as Edvide. "}'he opera has been rehearsed and will ha conducted by Gennaro Papl. The chorus has been trained by Mr. Qlullo Seltl. The stage management Is In the hands of Samuel Thewman. and the dances have been arranged by August Berger. The scenery has been painted by vittorlo Rota- of the Theater r.Ua Scala of Milan, and the costumes made by Mme. Castel-Bert. VARIED PROGRAM GIVEN. gnnilny Operatic ' Concert Ranges From Anber to Verdi. The sixth of the series of Sunday night concerts at the Metropolitan Opera House took place last evening. The program consisted of the "Fra Dlavolo" overture by Auber; Salnt-Saens's "Samson et Dallla," act two. with Mlsa Gordon singing the Dalila and Mr. Taucher the Samxon (the music of the High Prioet was omitted owing to the indisj position of Mr. Burke, who was to have sung the part) Gounod's "Faust," act two, with Mr. Harrold as Fauet, In place of Mr. Chamlee, Indisposed Mr. Rothler as Mepkiatophelea, Miss Sundellua as Marguerite, Miss Dalossy as Siebrl and Miss Telva as Marltle. and Verdi's "11 Trovatore," art one, scene two, with Miss Peralta singing f,eon ora. Miss Anthony the tner, Mr. Kingston the Ifanriro and Mr. Plcco the Count rli Luna. Hearing the operatic pxncrpts given In concert form gave great pleasure to the large audience, an was iihown by the applause. Mr. Bamboechek was the conductor. MRS. MARY R. CONNESS DEAD. Was Widow of One Time Senatnr of California. Mrs. Alary Itussell Conne»a. aged 77. trMow of .John Conneas, from 18fi3 to 1 8 United !*tntes Senator from California and who was a pallbearer at the funeral of President Ulnroln, died last night In the home of her daughter, Mrs. K. C. Waakoreon. at Hayhlon. I- I. She was born in Springfield. Mass ds^b'fr of Wendell Thornton Davis. She was married to Senator Conness nt Oreenfli.Irl Uu.a ill lSli<4 lie died In 1 {<( < Senator Conn''"* went to California in I Ml* as a miner and entere.l on a political career. He served In the California Legislature for several years. He was in the official party that attended the driving of the golden spike Unking the Union and Southern Pacific railroads. Mrs. Conness leaves two sisters, Mies Caroline W. Davis of Roxbury, Mass., and Mrs. Charles E. Clark, widow of Rear Admiral Clark, who took the I*. S. S. Oregon on its famous voyage around Cape Horn during the SpanishAmerican war and whose death occurred a few days ago; four sons, I, IM.. Thorn] ton IJ., Oeorge ft. and Lehutd S. Connell, the last named of whom is editor of the Milwaukee genMttel, and two daughters, Mrs. Haakenson and l^ady Rich, wife of Sir Almertc E. F. Rich, who served In the Mrltlsh army and w-as promoted to Ijleu tenant-Colonel during the great war. GEORGE G. DUTCHER DEAD. Wall Street Lawyer, 7H. Once Headed Atlantic Dork Co. Oeorge O. Dutcher, lawver at 40 Wall street, died yesterday in his home, .19 Pierrepont street, Brooklyn. He was horn in Wolcott, N. T., and was graduated from the Albany Daw School. He married Miss Mary H Rurchard of Brooklyn. She died In 1907 Mr. Dutcher went to Brooklyn In 1879. He formerly was president of the Atlantic Dock Company. He wss a member of the Strong Place Baptist Church, trustee and a founder of the Baptist Orphanage nhd the Baptist Mtnlaters' Pension Fund and was a member of the hoard of directors of the Baptist Foreign Mission Society and a member of the Hamilton Club. He leaves three children. Rurchard Dutcher, Miss Elisabeth Dutcher and Mrs. Otis S Carroll. CHAR 1>B<8 KDtiAH KIAn. t'harla* Kdrsr Kin*. 80. Katur: day In Ilia hfima ill Allanliurat. N. J., of pamlysta. Since 1808 hnd liaen horoiKrh clark of Atlanhurat. Ha wn horn In fbla city In 1*42. a ami of Kbena*ar A. Kin* t.ncl n dlra.-t d»«condant of Krnnklln Plarra, fovrteanth l*r«aidant o' tha t'nltad flfataa Ha won n first lieutenant In tha Klrat l'nlon Hlfia*. later tha Seventy-flrat New York Re*l, mcnt, and during tha civil war aarvad with Company I, Seventh Naw York ReKiincnt. Ha was n tnambar of tha Pons of tha American Revolution of Monmouth county, Naw .Tarsay Ha laovas hla wifa, tliraa sons and three 'lau*htar». tv. xv, t Rtwronn rAi.i<* dfiaii. Wesley W. Crawford. 43, fall daad Pnturday In tha Pore«t Hills Inn, at Forest Mills, whara ho hud an, apart mant. Ha conducted ri llf" Inauranco agency at 880 Madison avenue. Ha lanvos hia wlfa and (h-dauRhtar. Funeral services will ha hatd In Brooklyn tomorrow afternoon. OHITt' ART 80TK8, CAPT. PHILIP V>B VATRltP. **ed TO, for irony yours on* of tha lar*aat oystar plantar* tn thl« (tiatrlat, died yesterday Iti hla homa. <t»nti Amhoy mad, Plaaaant Plalna, Riaterr tiland. Itw «a« b<>rn on Htatrp Island, and was a vntaran of tha (Ml war. Ha leaves thras sisters. J. H. EDWARDS, FRIEND OF HARDING, DROPS DEAD Former Youngstown Pub-\ Usher Falls in Fifth Ave. J. Howard Edwards, aged 33, formerly a newspaper publisher of Youngstown. Ohio, and said to be a personal friend of President Harding, was seized with a heart at tacit yesterday afternoon while walking at Fifth avenue and Twenty-| eighth street, dying almost Instantly. llis body w&a-Jaken to the West Tlilr-! tieth street police station, where his identity was established from cards he carried. Mr Edwards retired several years' ago and had been living at the Hotel Irvinrr. 26 Gratnercy square. Word of his j death was sent to his two daughters. Mrs. Alfred Newberg and Miss Alice Edwards, living at 3 26 East Nineteenth street. It was said at the hotel that Mr. Edwards had been In ill health for two years and underwent an operation In October. He had been engaged in business for many years in Youngstown stationers. AGNKS MATII1LDB IIRESSLKR. 1 Miss Agnes Mathtide Dressier, pianist and vlolon cellist, died Saturday night in the Fifth Avenue Hospital after a brief illness. 8he was the daughter of W1Uj iam Dressier, musician and composer, who died a few years ago, and was a sister of Louis R. Dressier, organist. She was a pupil Leo Schuiz and for ten years was a< member of the Wo- ( men's String Orchestra. She also painted, and won several prizes at the Art Students' League. Funeral services will be held at 11 o'clock Wednesday morning in the Church of the Holy Com- ( munion, Sixth avenue and Twentieth street. W ILLIAM .1. GIBSON S FUNERAL. 1 Funeral services for William J. Gibson, lawyer, who died Thursday, were held yesterday afternoon in the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and j Mrs. Lome E. Campbell, 101 Vose ave-I nue. South Orange. The Rev. George E. Edmison. pastor of the First Presbyj terian Church of Soutti Orange, conducted the services. Among those who attended the services were Murray Hulbert. President of the Board of Aldermen, who formerly was Mr. Gibson's law partner. t LOST ~AND FO UND. Rate (fc. a line, 40c. a line for threa Issues within a week. Announcements for to-morrow's Herald received until midnight. Telephone Worth 10.000 . * '" |DA(i, gray suede, trimmed with steel bead*. lost, containing $.*M> and 2 letters; reward, j PocwUir av., Uronx. STMT CASE ami also a cardboard dross box 150 reward (positively no Questions «i»kerP for return of black patent leather snltca.ee mid drees box with contents Intact. Lost on Thursday afternoon from automobile, on 43d st. near Sth av. MRS. O. J. AHLSTROM, 40 East 83d. j Jewelry. CUFF BUTTON, large pearl, lost on SaturI dny evening between S and 8:30 probably on Madison av, near Rltr. Hotel. Hinder please return to 701 Park av.: liberal rewaid. DIAMOND SETTING from ring, $30 reward. 3 Mre. Ellott. 20 f<th av. EMERALD . I.IRERAL REWARD: PEAR SHAPED EMERALD. PULROfVPRn BY DIAMONDS. RETURN CASHIER. HOTEL CHATHAM. 4BTH. VANDERI1ILT AV. JEWELRY.At Riviera Theater Tuesday night, chamois bag containing diamond pendant, sapphire pin and diamond cluster rings: liberal reward. Return .339 Dran at..] Brooklyn. PEARLS.String of small pearls, with platl- num mounted diamond clasp, lost Monday, December IB. probably between 37th st. and Alloiton House: reward. Worth 8408. r STRIN'; OF PEARTJt JA 'ST BETWEEN BIST ST. AND STH AV., DEAN S CAKE SHOP AND MAXINE ELLIOTT THEATER, ARODT 1:30 TO 2:30 P. M. RETURN TO H M. CATTI.E. 630 STII AV., OR RHINELANDER 3071. WATCH. Wn" ha m. nn..ioctam: V.th, Broad way. Wednesday night; reward. Murphy, < S. Inn Icr 0730. Wearing Apparel, CHINCHILLA FUR, shawl collar, lined with grav Georgette. A. Jeeckel. maker, lost Thursday evening between WalJorf Hotel land Oramercy Park; |23 reward. Communl- , cate with Mrs. WESTERVKLT, 1 Lexington av. Telephone Oramercy 8147. 5c"aRF (llT-Hudson llay sable, lost Saturday plgbt in 'axl, between 12th and 33th sts.; reward. Circle 4ISL ltogs, t ats and Birds. .. l AIREDALE, lost between 73th st. and 3d av., Brooklyn: brown harness, name 'Raster"; liberal reward. JOHNSTON, 240 73th St.. Brooklyn. Shore Road 1300. __ AIREDALE dog, lost Sunday night, vicinity New York av. and President st.. Brooklyn: reward Return to 340 New York av. uecatur 1B32. HERMAN* police dog, loet, license No. 17214. 2'x years old, answers name Ruddy; good looking, liberal reward. Bryant.3240. T1V- | OU. IPS West 43th St. ENGAGED. * DAVIDSON.ADLER..Mrs. Henry S. Adler of Washington, D. C., announce* the en . aagemerit of her daughter, Johanna, to Atr Irving At. Davidson. son of Mr. and Mr*. M M. Davidson of Red Bank, N\ J. KLKIV.I.FVINR.-Mt «'Mr*. Samuel W. I,evlna of 2.A." Writ litnth at., nnnounoe the engagement of thelt daughter, Dofo- « thea, to Mr. Sldnwy It. Klein of New York city. dTeTd . « Abbott. Anna R Ktintr. Realt,# At. . fta hope k. Mary V. I .a A'atid. flenrv riahnp. Marv M. Alangee. Mary It. Rrennan. Ate rla Milter. Oorf» Bmherg. John A Atoora, Joahua V, Christle. Andrew It. .Nolan. Frank .( Congdon. Mynna V. t>. O'Brien. John f Connaaa. Afary R. O'Mara, Anna At. rv.-nell. Mlnnl- fl 0 rt'grlm. William Crawford( Wesley W. Fray, William T Dene, Charles I'my. Nona Dorta De Water*. Philip T. Rile. Henry E. Doughty, Antoinette tin*. Margaret At. Dreeeler, Agne* M fa*. Florence E. Rutrher. <Jeorge O. F -ott t.iicv fl Fowler, Mather N Smith, flarah C. ftmene. O. 0 Toy. Kleannr At Hoag. F»*|ev T Walter*, t'harle* F. Hungerford. Helen S Williamson, Barah A. Klnr. Chart** Pidgar la Memnrlam Fametr. Flora Ward, John W. Klnghl, Carrie J. ARROTT -At Short It'll*. N .T., December SI. 11SS. Attttb Rowe, widow of Auetln Abbott FunertM services tprhate) on Tueaday. I'er»ntber SB RAF 'hf'K A' t-.h-n H*ad. I. T Frldav. r>» 1 remher 21, Mary I. widow of Alfred r. Rabeo-'lt. Funeral aenrlce* will be held at t'te home of her daughter. Afr*. I,ewt« F. y t< Whit*. at Olen Head, L. I., on Tuaa lav mortihif, December 20, at 10 SO o'clock. , RIBtt'tr..Mary Cdlth. wife of Rrnaaf H. Rlahop. Funeral services at har late home. Weathanipton Reach. Tuesday, !> - ptmhi r 24. 1022. at 2 P M RRENN AN..Maria, Paeember 24, 1922. , RelatlAea ami friend* are reapeetfully In- | ilted lo a'tend th# funeral from har lata horn*. .179 Rayslde ay FkiahlM. mi Tueaitav. Peremher 24. at 9 A. M,, thenoa to Pt. MhihaeFa C'hiiroli. wliera a Requlam Mft«* will he offered for the rat»»ae of her aottl. Inlarment Mount Paint Mary, BROMKno..John A In hla 40th vaar, on peremher 2... at hla reeldenrn, 24 flth at,. TtMaroftcl'l Path. N. .1 Funeral aervlrea Tueedav, Intratubar 2U. .1:30 P.M. CIIRIPTIE At ItaeknneaeP, N. J., I>eermher 31 11022 Andrew B. f'hrlatlw, halovail hnahand of Mary Is IVipert, aaart 47 ytar« Funeral aervlre" at lila lat realdanre, 141 Overlook a*.. Tueaday afternoon. Jvcem- bar i2f. at !:.10 o'elook. Interment New Yorli Cemetery. CONOtNlff."On Punday, IVoember 84. 1922. Mmna Van tleurian Coiiadon, widow of! Ptrwart IT Conrdon. Funeral service* will he hold at th" home of her alatar, Mr* F.. J. ntppe. 229 West 101st at.. New York ejty, Tuaaday eyenlna, Peremher 14. at 4 O'CMcfc. Interment private. i CONNF.PS At Babylon, T,. I., N. Y.. P eemh/r 84. 1922, Mary R. Conness, widow of John Cdnneae, beloved mother of I. M.. T. P., O. 0.. L.. P. Onnneaa, i.ady Rich and Mr«. E C, Maakonaon, at tha ape of of year*. Interment Cedar drove Cemetery, Poreheater, Maaa. Ban Francisco papara please copy. 1 I n DIED. COllNELti-At East Oranft, N. J., December 23, 1022. Minnie Rn 1 Slmrman, wife of the late John B. Cornell. Funeral services at her late home, 03 South Munn «vt. corner t'entral ave., on Tuesday afternoon, December 26. at 2 o'clock.* CRAWFORD..Wesley Wlleon. husband of Clara Craig-Crawford, father of Mildred Crawford Tyrrel, Saturday. December 2.1, I at Koreet Hill. Inn. Funeral services I Tueaday. December 26. at 2 P. M.. at 1 chapel of Harry Pyle, Chirroh and Ocean vs., Brooklyn. ' DUN'S..On Sunday. December 21. Charles. * beinved husband of Adeline J. Dene. Fit- h nerel service, at bis late residence, 21T M F.ast 16th st Flatbueb. Tuesday, Dm- 9 cumber 2fl, at 8 P. M. Interment private, D O ITOHTT..Antoinette. CAHPBELL FUNERAL CHURCH. Broadway. 66th at.. ; Tueaday. 3 P. SI 0E WATERS.On Saturday, December 23. 1822, at 6200 Amhny road. Pleasant Plains. 3 S I., Capt. Philip T.. In his 78th year. i Funeral services at hl» late residence. Tueaday. December 26. at 2:30 P. M. In- t£j torment Bethel Cemetery. LtRESSEKR.. Saturday, Decemher 2.3. Agres I Mathllde, dauithter of William Dressier and Mary L. Hyde. Funeral service at Church of the Holy Communion. 6th av. > and 20th at.. Wednesday, December 27. 11 A. M. Norwich (Conn.) Bulletin plea.se copy. DUTCHER .On Sunday. December 24, 1022. Georife (!., In lils 77tli year, father tif Elizabeth and nurehaid Dutcher and Maty I>. Carroll. Funeral services at his late home, 30 Plerrepont St.. Brooklyn. Wednesday. at 10:30 A. M. it le requested that no flowers be sent. FOWLER.December 2.3. 1!>22, Esther S. Fowler, aired 72 years. Funeral services Stephen Merrltt s Harlem Chapel. 304 W. 126th at., Tueaday morning. 11 o'clock. jjthvimnr..ueorge Sears. jr entered lots rest December 23. In his 89th year. Fu- f neral services at the Church of the Holy Communion. South Orangi on the arrival of the D., L. £ W. train leaving Hobokea at 0:43 A. M. Tuesday. December -tl. JOAO..At Baldwin place, Peeksklll. N. T . 1'eeeniber 24. 1922, Seeley Tompkins Ho a*. Notice of funeral hereafter. itTNOERFORD.At Colorado Sprlnrrs, Colo., on Dec. 22nd, Helen tfttcvenson Hungerford. wife of Victor IV, Hungerford. Funoral services will be held at 1921 Spruce »t.. Philadelphia. fa., on Thursday. Iiecember 2Sth. nt 2 P. M Interment. Philadelphia. KING.At A'lenhurat. X. J., Saturday, Deceniht r 2.'l. 11)22. Charles Edgar, beloved husband of Elizabeth G. King (nee Roche). Services from his Inte resldencu, 238 Allen t avenue, Tuesday. Decemlier 21. 10 o'clock A. M., thence by 11:30 A. M. train to New York Ity. Members of Gen. Ptltl Kearny post No. 8. G. A. R., requested to attend. Interment In family plot Woodlawn cemetery. New York. CFNTZ Reglna M., beloved wife of William H. and devoted mother of Reglna C. and W Vlneent, at her reslilenee, 30" East 20!>th St.. on Friday, December 22. 1922. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. P.renaan's R. C. Church. 207th st. and Perry av , Tuesday, December 20. at JO A. M. .A VAUD..Saturday. December 23, 1922, Henry i.a Vtud of 2430 Richmond road. New Dorp, S. I. Funeral (private) from lils Inte residence Tuesday afternoon. T> vernie r 20. at 3 30 o'clock. intermAit Moravian Cemetery. iIANGKS..Mary Rossman, I'dlrt of Simon Manges, lu loved mother of nnnle Weil, Harry I,. Manges and the late Mamie Livingston. Notice of funeral hereafter. 11I.LKR.-George. CAMPBELL FT NERAL (IU'Rcn, Broadway. 00th at.. until Wednesday. tOORE..On Saturday, December 23. 1922. loshna husband of Sarah I. Moore. Funeral sendees at his la t home, 237 Monroe street, Brooklyn, on Tuesday evening at 0 o'clock. Member- of Puritan J-odgr No. 330. F. and A. M., Invited to attend. JOORB .Joshua V. Puritan I-odge, No. 339. F. and A. M. Brethren are notified of the death of Brother Joshua V. Moore, on Saturday, December 23. Maeonh funeral services e 111 be held at bis late residence, 237 Monroe St.. Brooklyn. Tuesday. December 20. a* 8 P. M. Take Iaixlngton av. elevated nt Brooklyn Brldgu to Nostrand av., I)rouk!>n. Members assemble a* Brower'a, 07th st. and 2d av., at 5:45 P. M. August P. Vlerllng, Master. tJOBAN..Frank .1.. Hge 50. formerly of 33S East 34tli at. Fumral December '-tl. from T. J. Ilatton's. 303 F.ast 37th st. Interment Calvary Cemetery. J'KRIEN.At Mount Vernon. N. Y December 28. 1922. John, beloved husband of Marv A. OTrlen. in hl» Trtti. v..«r vet- nan of (ho civil war. served in tin navy »* landsman on the late I S. H. .Madnvsake. funeral from his late residence, il7 Franklin nv., .Mount Vernon, S. Y.. on Tuesday, December 2(1. at P:.K> A. M.: thence to the Sacred Heart Church. Interment CI rern-Wood Cemetery, llrooklyn, N Y. Hartford (Conn.) papers please copy. )'MARA..On Friday. December 22. 11*22. Anna M. O'Mara. dearly beloved slater of Daniel O'Mara. Relatives and friends are itivitod to attend the funeral from her late residence. 782 Grand at.. Jersey City, on Tuesday. Dei-ember 28, at 9 A M. Solemn 11: s h Requiem Mites at 8t. Patrick's Church at 10 A. M. PILGRIM .Suddenly December 22 1922. William rilerlrn. In his 7PUi year, ilearly heloved husband of Clara and devoted father of Anna. William, Jr Theodore, Paul and Clarissa. (Services Monday evenlna. at A o'clock, at hla late residence, 221 Weat 101st st. Interment private. 'RAY..On Bundav. Dei ember 24. 1922. at td Pier St.. City Island. N V.. the Rev. William T. Pray, In his 79th var. heloved husband of Adelka M. Pray, father of E ale Prav Ileae end I'r. Samuel P. Pray. Methodist eleegyman. New York Mast Conference civil war veteran, hanlaln of 78th and PCd New York Httte. Funeral at St. John's Methodist Kpisconsl Church. New Rochelle, N. Y Tueedav afternoon at 2:.'»0, Train leaves Grand Central Station at 1 Oil. 'IIEY..Sens Doris. CAMPRKLL Kl'NKR. AD CHURCH, Rruadway, tlOth st. Notlca later. 1II.E..At the residence of his eon, I.ovett Rile. 102 Mapb av.. Ifaatlnys on irftdson. N. Y.. Itenrv E.. In his 8,'td year. Funeral aervlces i'ii»-day, Dereniher 28, 1022. at 2 P. M. Int. . #nt Woodlawn. YOE..On Sunday, December 24. 1922. Marcaret M. Hoe, beloved wife of the late Char|e« t Rot funeral services at her late resld»-te. 1.14 Jewett av., Jersey City, on Tueedav December 28, at 8 P. M Interment t'lanehvllle, N. J. JAN..Suddenlv on Sunday. 1 "camber 24. at Iter residence 10s West 8-,th » .. Florense E.. wife of the late Julius Sat and he- loved melher of Alfred 11. and Perclval M. Sn* and Mm. Clia rlea I .on if. Interment private. IOOTT..At Clifton Pr>rln«*. N. Y.. on «* Ill-day. December 23, If>22. I.ury O *V* of the £te William J. Hroit. Private funprnl aervlce will bp hold at tho rea<denco of her daughter. Mra. Edward It. Hrlnley. at nivpmldP. Conn. Interment at Rural CeniPtery. White Plain*. N. Y. IM1TH..At Ptamford. Conn., December 2.1, 1022. Pa rah Carprntpr. wife of William M. Smith. Funeral »*rvli.p» at her lata eeldenre, w Hubbard av., Stamford, on Tucaday. at ! P. M x nOY..Entered Into rr«t. F.lranor Marian, In tho lath yrar of her llfp. beloved daughter of Kneene O. and Marian K. Toy, 3d Cheat nut at.. Nutlpy. N. J. iVALTF.HS..CharlPB F.. *3 Weat 11Wh »t. on Friday. December 22. Funeral tnaaa a", tho Church of St. Thoma* the Apoatle, Weet 11 Hth at., near St. Nlcholaa lee. Tneadav, De<-emiher 2d. at 10 A. M. Automobile cortege tV I l.I.I AM SON..At White rialna, N«w York, Saturday, December 23, 1022. Sarah A . wife of the late Smith WIIMameon. Funeral aervlrea at her lata residence, HI North Hroadway. White Flalna, N. Y., « Tueeday, December 20. at 2 P. M. [N MEMORI AM. IAMFTZ -In memory of Flora who departed thl# life Pee-ember 23. 1813. Mar her eoul reel In peace tlNOHI. -Carrie J., died October II, 1P15. beloved wife and dear mother. In rha«te memory of all the beautiful Fhrletmaaea he planned for ue. Her family. A'ARP .John W. In loving memory of my :s. i»io. Patrtffk Ward. UNDERTAKERS. THE HOME FUNXRAL flfrl Catufum^ iMKpfniMjr A Iff Catl Columbu <200 in li|f WhenDeath Occur* 1 U|| FRANK E.CAMPBEU., M If l| JtV g.-CAdwu at 6 John W.Lyon CEMETERIES, RC. THE WOODLAWN CEMETERY^ B«oH of View* or ILpr***fiUtlW. Telephone Wood lawn 1100.

Transcript of Embassy Movies j Philharmonic Chance Wagner Program Former ...€¦ · Lisle in Berkshire. Mr....

Page 1: Embassy Movies j Philharmonic Chance Wagner Program Former ...€¦ · Lisle in Berkshire. Mr. Leslie Reed and Mr. William Young, consuls, arc at Eastbourne playing golf. United States


Embassy MembersLeave London for

WW « «

nouaay season

Peers Entertain Attaches.Senator Edge and Iirido .

in England.

tpeciat Cal> to Tub Kiw Yosk Ifeur.o.Copyright, lot!, by Tint New Yobk IIbbalo.

New York Herald Rurrau, jI.ondoa. Dee. (4. (

The majority of the members of theAmerican Kmbassy are spending ttheholidays outside of London. Mr. and

Mrs. Post Wheeler are the guests of

Marquis and Marchioness liuntly at

Orton-Longuevllle. Mr. Boylston Bealeis with Sir Hugo Fitsherbcrt at KingsioneLisle in Berkshire. Mr. Leslie Reedand Mr. William Young, consuls, arc at

Eastbourne playing golf.United States Senator Waiter K. Edge

and his bride, who was Miss CamillaSewall, are at the Rita Hotel.Judge Harry E. Knight of the Claims

Commission has gone to Paris with his

daughter and his brother, George.Mr. Maxwell Blake, Commissioner to

Anatolia, is here on his way to Washington.Mr. O. G. Forrer of the Department of

Internal Revenue lias gone to Paris.Mr. and Mrs. Otle T. Grasty of Washingtonhave arrived from Coblenz and

are at the Clarldge Hotel.Mr. Charles Editions tone Is spending

Christmas at Hanover Lodge with Earland Countess Beatty, who have withthem also Miss GKvcndoiln Fiold of Chicago,Mr. Edmonstone's fiancee.Among thoRe from New York at the

Hyde Park Hotel are Mr. and Mrs ParkF. Thornley, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Hurley,Mr. D.-fcS. Weil and Mr and Mrs. O. M.Cassatt.

Mrs. Charles R. Munn, J. R. Elmore,Mr atiH Mrs ft. Green and Mr. and Mrs.H. X. I.ytton arc at the Olarldge Hotel.

Mr. and Mrs. \V. I). Ill ties ar> at theSavoy Hotel.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert II. Carr and Mr.George Bingham are at the BerkeleyHotel.

Mr. H. W. Slocum of New York andMr. and Mrs. K. V. R. Nichol are atthe Carlton Hotel.

Mr. and Mrs. Wlnthrop C. Nellson.Mr. A. I'. Desantio, Mr. W. H. (lannett,Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Trask, Mr. Sydney8. Ketch, Mr. Frederick W. Elchorn. Mr.William T. Bryan M'«s Anne (Jiassman,Mr. David P. Howclls, Miss Mary Bryanand Mr. O. H. Gardiner are at the PiccadillyHotel.

Mr. 8. H. Woolworth continues to improveslowly at the Ritz Hotel. His son

has arranged to continue his studieswhile here.


Flock to French Capital forHolidays.

Special Cable to Tjib New Vo*k Hbkai.d.

Copyright, 19:!, by Tur New York Herald.

.Nnv York Hrrald Iturrau. )Pari*. Deo. 21. i

I.»r. and Mm. Richard Pearce of NewTork have returned to the Hotel VVagrarrifrom Basle. Mr. and Mrs. B. A.MacAfee of New York have arrived atthe Hotel Maurice.

Mrs. Porter Bowles of New York hasleft Paris to spend the holidays withfriends In Dinard.

Mrs. Reuben YVIng Howes and theMessrs. Reuben King Howes 3d andTownsend Howes of New York havearrived In Mentone to pass severalweeks at the Hotel dee lids Brittenlques.The following: have arrived at the

Ritz: Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rice of NewYork, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Ehrleh ofNew York, after spending some time InNice; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur V. Davtes ofNew York and Pittsburgh, from Amorleaand Miss Edith Prltchard and MissAnne N. (ioodrloh, from New York.

Mrs. Cleorge I., Carnegie, Mrs. SaraEly Parsons and Miss Mary Boies Ely,all of New York, have registered at theCrillon.The following are stopping at the Con-

tinental: Mrs. A. Simpson of NewYork, from Home; Mr. and Mrs. K. H.Hookey of New York, from Zurich; Mr.and Mrs. B. Fltman of New York, andMrs. Edward V. Murphy and Miss MargaretBergin of Baltimore.

Mr. and Mrs. 0. N. Simpson of NorthChatham, N. Y., have arrived at theHotel Voulllenjont.DR. WATSON GOING


Says There Is Need for EvangelicalMinistry.The Rev. Dr. Robert Watson, pastor

®f the Second Presbyterian Church.Ninety-sixth street and Central ParkWest, announced yesterday hjs resignationto accept a call to the First Prosby-icrian unurcn 01 rvisiim.

Dr. Watson exacts to take up lilnnow duties on the last Sunday In February,going directly from the old congregationto the new. In announcing hieresignation at the regular Sabbath servlceyesterday, he said:"Up to the present time I have rereived,without any effort on my part, a

number of calls of one kind or another,all of which, with one exception, that ofthe call to Qscford Church, where I beganmy mlnlatry. I found It very easy to decline.But thla time T could not get ridof the Bolton call, try aa I might, forthe following reasons: (l> There la agreat need In Boston and throughoutNew England for an evangelical mlnlatryunder.the order of the PresbyterianChurch. (2) At present Presbyterisnlsm5s very weak and the work which can

he done by the Presbyterian Church Isnot being done by any other denomination.(9) Thla ca!l. while made by theFirst Presbyterian Church of Boston, Ishacked up hy the men In and aroundBoston, both In a.id out of the PresbyterianChurch, who affirm that the callIs to work for the cause of Christ andthe building up of the Kingdom of OodIn a field lhat to-day Is even more

needy than that of New York. (4) Ibelieve alt of these men In presentingthese reasons have led me to^bcllere,whether rightly or wrongly, that I am

hy heredity and training, experience andchoice, better fitted to lead In thla workthan any one else whom they know.

"Therefore, with a sad heart, but afirm conviction that Ood hay led and Isleading me T desire to resign from thlachurch to accept the call to Boston."

Dr. Watson was born In Aberdeen,Scotland, In 1999. He received his preliminarytraining at the University ofNew Brunswick, Canada, continuing histheological (turtle* at Princeton Theo-logical Seminary,

**>frmqt'K IIKTIMK" RRCITAL.f Franoi* Moore will sclvo a piano recitalat Sherry'* to-morrow afternoon.

Thl* la the tenth in the "Muelque Intime"eerie*, which number* among It*patroneaae* Mr*. (tArrnll L. Walnwrlght.Prlnceaa Roaplglioal. Mr*. Jerome N.Monaparte, Mr*. John U. Ryan. Mr*.Richard T. WI1*on, Mr*. John K*l*er,Mrs. Daniel J. Henn***y. Mr*. CornelluaV. Keller and Mr*. Frank Adair.




Miss Elisabeth Billings Id a guest orher brother-in-law and slater. Mr andMrs. John French, In Greenwich, Conn.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen Townsend willstart from New York to make a triparound the world on January 24.

Mr. and Mrs. Elbert H. Gary are atthe Blackstone Hotel In Chicago forChristmas.

Mr. Philip Rheinlander entertainedat dinner at 18 West Forty-eighth streetlast night.

Mr. and Mra. Moaes Taylor went yesterdayto their home tn Mt. Klsco, N. Y..for the holidays

Mr. an I Mrs. Henry Walters hnvFgonsto their home In Wilmington, N. C., topasa the holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Forbes McCreeryof Carlton House have gone to Atlantic

iJJity, where they will remain until afterthe New Year.

Messrs. John P. and Dyson Duncanare with their par"iits. Mr. and Mr*,Stuart Duncan, at Carlton House (orChristmas.

Mrs. Henry M. Alexander and Countiess Marie Louise Moltke are guests ofMr. and Mrs. Newbold LeRoy Edgar InTuxedo.

Mrs. Henry O. Havemeyer Is a guestof her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. andMrs. Peter II. B. Frelinghuysen In Morristown,N. J.

Mrs. E. Henry Harrtman has at ArdenHouse, Arden. N. V.. for ChristmasMr. and Mrs. \V. Averlll Harriman,Mrs. Charles Carey Runisey and Mr.and Mrs. K. Roland N. Harrtmuif.

Mr. George McKay §chlefielin hascome lrotn St. Paul's School, 'Concord.X. 11., to pass the holidays with hisparents, Mr and Mrs. George it. 1).Schleffelln.

Miss l.oulse Vanderbllt Schleffelin 1 -<s

come from Wisconsin University and Iswith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. "WilliamJay Schleffelln, 777 Madison avenue,for the holidays.

WASHINGTON.'The Minister of Rumania and Princess

Bibesco have seturned to the LegationIn Washington.

The, Minister of Poland and Mme.Wroblewska entertained the Legationstaff at a Christmas celebration lastnight.

Assistant' Postmaster General andMrs. Warren I. Glover and their chilidren are spending Christmas at theirhome In Englewood. N. J.

The Ambassador of Spain and Mme.de Rlano entertained at dinner lastnight 'for' the Embassy staff, Spanishresidents of Washington and a fewmembers of the Spanish colony In NewYork.

The Minister of Sweden anfl Mme.Wallenberg are entertaining a Christmashouse party, having among theirguests the former's nf^>hew, Mr. MarcusWallenberg; Mmer. Wallenberg's cousin.Mr. Ullllehook, and Mr. Olar HerminnUtrnn, Swedish Consul-Oenernl at NewYork.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Black have arrivedfrom New York and nre at theHamilton Hotel for Christmas. Mr*,Black, who was formerly Miss T»a nolleMh5\ In the daughter of Colonel andMrs. Henry May. ,

Brlg.-fJen. and MA. Henry Taylorhave announced the engagement oftheir daughter, Miss Margaret Taylor, to

Mr. Alfred Craven Bruce of New York,a member of this year's class of theUnited States Naval Academy.

Mm. jvey niiniitn. who imn won <

the West, has Joined Senator Pittman atthe Wlllard. They will leave Tuesdayfor a week's visit In Cuba. Then Mrs.Pittman will ten to Florida for the winterand the Senator will return toWashington.

hot spniwos, vt.

Spertol l)i*i>otrh tn Tor vrw Vosk Mwimp.Hot SrnmnB. Va.. Deo. 1\..Mr. and

Mrs. George Ft Case registered 'hismnrnlmr at 'he elubhou«e and. with MiesMary Case, played golf In the afternoonthev motored to Falling Springs.

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Marshall ofNew York drove to ttie Oaks for luncheonwith their son-in-law and daughterMr. and Mrs. Tate R Pterrett.

Miss Muriel Hedges arrived at theHomestead to-day from New York toJoin her parents. Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeB. Hedges.

Arrivals of to-day also Included Mrs.Charles H. Carllng and Miss Carllng ofNew York, Mrs. Antolne Rournevllteand the Misses Bournevllle of Philadelphia.

Mr. Frank Akers has arrived fromHarvard to Join hia parents, Mr. andMrs. Frank Akers, for the holidays.

Mr. Harry P-»ilock la here from Harvardwith his father. Mr. James A. Pollock,and Mrs. Pollock at their cottage.Mr. and Mrs. Herbert G. T-or<l. Jr.. havereturned to New York after a fortnighthere.Mr* Otto Jaeger has returned to Montolalr,Mr. Jaeger regaining at tha

Homestead. 'Mr. and Mrs O'ltsru* Coagrnve have

arrived at Three Hills from New Yorkto remain until after January 1.


Special Hlhpah'h In Til* n*w York Hera: n

Camden. 8. C., Doc. 24..Christmaswill he celebrated In Camden by numeroushouse parties and dinners.The first polo match of the season

will be played In the afternoon on FieldNumber One for trophies, and In theevening a souvlner dinner, followed bydancing. will he held at the Klrkwood.

Arrivals at the Court Inn Include Mrs.A. A. Woodruff. Mr. A. Wllllgerod, Mr.and Mrs. Thomas F. Mackle, Mr. andMrs. W. D. Russell and Miss Russell,all of New York; Mr*. William Pickering,England, and Mr. and Mrs. SpotswoodGarland of Wilmington. Pel. Mr.and Mr*. James 8. Parker, Mrs. Shepherdand Mrs. A layering of Salem.N. Y.. and Mr. and Mrs. Leonldas Penisof SouthpoTt, Conn.

Orvtlls R. Skinner, who Is a atudentat Yale University, has Joined Illsfather. Mr, O. C. Skinner, and his slater.Miss Charlotte Skinner, for thebollda?» at the Klrkwood. Other reientarrivals at the Klrkwood are Mr*.William A. Lockwood and John E. Ix>ckwoodof New York, George H. Baldwin,of Savannah, and Mlaa Anna A. Ryan,Mlas Laura F. Sickles and Miss Forsttiof T«ake Placid and Edward C. Durfoeof New York. Mrs. J. A. Bartow ofSouth Orange. N. J., Is a guest of Mrs.Edward ,C. Bubo* on Fair street, for thewinter.

PROVIDENEB SOCIAL NOTF.S..Sorffnl tHnnnlrh to Tun New Vosa Hbitmo.

Mr. and Mrs Philip Cheney of Hart-ford an* li'ro for Christmas with herparent*, Mr. and Mrs. H. Nelson Oimpbell.

Mr. and Mrs. Neville .1 Booker ofNew Vork are visiting her mother. MreFrank A. ."ayles, at HsleholtnMrs David H. Baker of Wlokford la

the truest of her eon-ln-law and daughter.Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Hinckley,Mr. and Mrs. G. Maurice Oongdnn

and Mr. and Mr*. William Grosvenorwill »o to Na vport fvmnrrow for aOhrlstmas dinner with tha mother ofMr. Orosvenor and Mrs. Congdon, Mrs.Wilbur E. Wilder, at Koslyn.




The New MoviesOffer Chance forMerry Christmas

Harold Lloyd at Strand IsParticularly Cheery in

*L)r. Jack.'


Wishes for a merry Christmas beingthe logical order of the day, It is

up to us to extend the usual cordialgreetings to all our friends and readers(who occasionally overlap) and to expressthe earnest desire that thisYuletlde season will be festive in the

i best sense. As our distinguished for|bear. Tiny Tim, has so aptly phrasedit. "God bless us, one and all!"These, however, are mere words.

and'therein lies the chief difficultywith seasonal greetings of all kinds.They may be intended in the bestspirit, and they may be sincerity it:self. But even the moBt fervent wishesare seldom backed up with construc;tive suggestions. It is all very* we"for us to say, "We hope that you willhave a merry Christmas," and someithing else again for us to tell you Justhow you should go about it.

Well, we are nothing if not conjstructive. So we hasten to advise ourreaders to obtain their merriment atthe Strand Theater, where the JoyousMr. Harold Lloyd is dispensing largedoses of good will through the mediumof his latest picture, "Dr. Jack."You will find that "Dr. Jack" Is as

gay. sclntlllant aind spontaneous a

comedy as you ever saw in your life.Lacking, perhaps, the uproarious qualityof "A Sailor Made Man" or theunderlying philosophy of "Grandma'sBoy," it is, nevertheless, a worthy sue-LTBBUr lu UUUI ui UiCUl,

It la the story of a youthful discipleof Dr. Cou£, who believes that medicinewent out of fashion alone withthe bustle skirt and the horse. Hetreats his patients with personalityrather than prescriptions.and getsaway with It. In the hands of anyone else but Harold Lloyd this schememight appear a trifle unconvincing,hut Mr. Lloyd has such a positivelycheering effect on the audience itselfthat his feats seem to be perfectlycredible.

Harold Lloyd will never be anotherCharlie Chaplin because he lacks thetremendous profundity and tragicpower which is so essential a part ofChaplin's appeal. But in so far as

sheer buoyancy is concerned, Lloyd isthe peer of them all. He is irreslsitibly,irrepressibly, indomitably cheerful.He picks you up and sweeps youwith him.and it is a decidedly pleasantexperience.

If this Christmas proves to be anythingb\it a merry one for you, don'tblame tin. Don't sny tfiat we haven'ttold you about "Dr. .Tack."

Sleepy Hollow on the Sereen.

There is also considerable gayetythe Capitol this week in honor of

the holiday »/ason, tint we regret to

report that only >\ small portion of Itmtrihwted by the feature photoplay."The legend of Sleepy Hollow"

has been converted info a movie, withWill Rogers as Ichahod Crnnc, and It.roves to bo somewhat of a disap-pomuncm."The Headless Horsemen." an the

picture Is known. In a thoroughly Intelligentand faithful reproduction ofWashington Irvine's strange tale, butthe material for a five reel moviesimply isn't there. The actual legendItself occupies only a short stretch ofthe film, and the rest is Just padding.Will Rogers, of course. Is exceedinglydroll, but Irhnbod Crane was not designedfor him. He seems to he a bit

unhappy In the part and Is ne ver quiteab'e to let himself go.The scenes of the picture are charmingand authentic, and there are many

fine shots of the Heddiess Horsemen'schase through the moonlit night.There is "A Christmas Fantasy" on

the bill, In which Santa Claus appearsand presents a number of highlyanimated dolls to the audlenca. ThisIs delightful, as la a dance designedfrom Confrey's popular composition"Kitten on the Keys." Two kittens.Impersonated by Thalia Zanou andAlexander Oumansky, shimmy vio|lently upon a huge grand piano, whilethe Capitol orchestra Indulges In a riotof raucous but harmonious Jazz.

Booth Tdrklngton's novel, "TheFlirt," has been reproduced In filmform and fa now on view at the Tilalto.Eileen Percy is the principal younglady, and Hobart Henley directed theproduction. "B.-.ck Home and Broke,"which (Icorgc Ado wrote for ThomasMelghan, Is at the Rlvoli, and "8oljomon in Society" la the feature at theCameo. "M. A. It. S.," a Teleview picturewith a special stereoptlc effect.will come to the Selwyn on Wednesdaynight,In the meantime don't forget what

we said al>out Merry Christmas._


Will Leave ConvalescentRoom to Preside.

Washiisotow, Dec. 24..President Hardingattended service* to-day nt CalvaryBaptist Church, where the Rev. \V. s.

abernethy, the pastor, delivered a Christmas«ermon on the theme "Pence on

Earth." *

Mr*, Harding, who. prior to lier criticalillness last September, Invariably accompaniedth^ President, 1* still confinedto her robrn. She expects, however,to come downstairs to-morrow to pre!side ai the Christmas dinner table,'The day will be spent nt the WhiteHouse, there being no house rural*, andneither the President nor Mrs Hardinghave made any unusual plans for theday.


Dr. Mires fn *penk on Work of

Holiday Honae.

A meeting In the Interest of WlawakaHoliday House, on I-iike (leorre. N. T.,a^iome for aelf-supportlnr women, willl>« held next Thursday morning at 11a' Mr. and Mrs. John Nanford'a house, PEast Seventy-second street. There willbe an address by the Rev. Dr. ErnestM. St Ires, rector of St. Thomas's Church.Wlawaka Holiday House la open nil theyear round and Is taken advantage ofby many business women who need a

change and rsat. Invitations to themeeting or Tnuranay nave ore it a«ni

nut by Mme. Txjui«« Homer, whnaedaughter, formerly Mlaa Loulan Homer,now I* Mra. Eugene Van llenaaelaerStlraa.


( A PL. *,

^ mcuyc in v^iia.11

Miss Elizabeth Manning, daugrThomas Manning. She haB been an

enterprises of society this winter,season's Parrot ball, which was |Auxiliary of St. Luke's Hospital.


Annual Reception to Be Heldat Waldorf.

A novejty donee entitled "The AnimatedBridf?p Game." with musie fromthe Chftuve Sourls, will be a feature ofthe annual reception to be held by theLadles Auxiliary of St. Vincent's Hos'pltal on Wednesday evening, January 3,at the Waldorf-Astoria. Thirty membersof tha Junior Auxiliary, Includinga number of the debutantes of the sea:son, .will participate In the dance. Theseare the Misses Mary Lyendecker, LouiseLyendecker, Ruth Lyendecker. MaryVan Kile, Helen Van Ella, Tempe Joy|ner, Helen MacManus, Doris Keptlnger,Bettyl Mulhall, Allene Haggerty. AgnesByrnS. Ruth Lawrence, Edwlna Shanley.Kathleen K>vln. Antoinette Travera,Mary Anderson. Lucy Doughty. Char!lotto Klngsley, Carrol Masterson. Rosa!llnd Magulre, Lillian Moulton, GertrudeKelly, Miirian Rices. Anna Sheeb.v,Mauri'1 Hurnslde. Alice Beers and

Angela Median. Mrs. Lestfr Cuddlhy.Mrs. Ueorge De Lacy, Mrs. Helen MoIntyre,Mrs. Cornelius Tyson.The annual reception is a benefit (or

the t/uilding fund of St. Vincent's, thefirst Catholic hospital In New York city.The Institution has been open for thesick and Injured of ewery race and creedfor seventy years, having grown in faceof many hardships And difficulties toone of the leading Institutions of Itskind in the city.The ladles of the auxiliary are coioperating with the sisters of the hos;pltal to raise the necessary funds

through the annual reception to meetexpenses for the coming year. Ticketsmay be obtained through Miss CarolineLlnlierr, St. Vincent's Hospital. 153West Eleventh etreet. New York city.Mrs. De I^ancey Kane Is honorary presidentof the Ladles Auxiliary. Otherolh-ers are Mra. Joseph Sievln, Jr.,president ; vice-presidents. Mrs. ThomasHughes Kelly. Mlns Teresa R. O'Donohue,Countess de Laugler-Vlllars, Mrs.

M. nneiiamint' j, ( tounri » u^,

Mian Caroline Hlnherr; recording .secretary,Mlsa Teresa G. Harrison ; correspondingsecretaries, Mrs, Onorge J.Glllrsplc and Mrs. John Gallagher.


January 11 Data Fixed forSale of PaintingB.

The art collection of the late HughL. Bond of Baltimore, constating of Importantpaintings, pastels and watercolorsby members of the BarhlsonHchool, together with early Engl tanpaintings, la to be sold at auction on

{January 11 by the American Art As;si,elation, Mr. Bond, who was a wedKnown amateur in Baltimore, was lormany years general counsel for thu BalItinioro and Ohio railroad.This collection, which comprises

nearly one hundred pictures. Include*the following work*: "The Nun," a

pastel by Francois Salnt-Bonvln. "AMarine," a water color by J M. W.Turner. R. A. "Child with Boat," a

water color by Joaef Israel*; "Edge ofWooda" by Corot: "Flora" by N. V.than; "Famines Romalnea a la Fontaine"by Oerome; "Children at theSeashore" liy B. J. Bloniniere ; "A FarmIn Holland" by Theophlle d« Bock;"Uaboureur du Cot" by A. O. Decanipe."Sheep and Shepherdess," "I^e Hepoae. '

"Farmer at Work." "L'Abretivolr" iyCharlea Kmlle Jacgue; "Sunset" b>Jules Dupre; '"Hie Ash Tree" and

'"River l-aadscape' try Merjiianie*;"ITalrie du Moulin" by Emlle BastionI.epage ; "St>- Mammrs. t.e Solr" by Alifl ed Sisl'-v; "Near Trottvllle" by Kugrr.e liourlln: "Hunters in Snow" '»/.lohh Lewis Brown; "Winter" by Frit*Thaulow; "St. Sepulvada" by ignac.oZnlosga; "Ladles In the Woods" byAdolph Morrtlcelll; "Oold Man's Hut,Colorado" and "Sunset in Autumn" byRalph A. Blakelock, N. A : "The OchUs.Near Htlrllag," " Kensington Hardens"and "Isle of Arran" by David YoungCameron : "The Whispering* o' v upiaby Henri Kantln-Ii*tour; "lift Coted'Kqnlhen" by Jean Oharlea Caaln "LeChemlnenu" by Iifton Aoeuate I.'Herniltte;"Orare" by Alphonre I#*rn»;"Portrait of a Yotitig Man" by DavidRallty of Tiftydrn : "Portrait of a T/ftd/"a pastel, by Jaoqne* Lonla David:"Portrait of a T.ady" by GeorgeHenry Harlow- : an Interesting "Poritrait of Mr*. Rnb<>rt Oltrnor ofPsltlmoro" by an early Amerlran artl»f,John Wesley Jarvla: "Portrait of a

Gentleman'* tHenry Centhern), an Important paste) by John Russell. R. A.,and "Muslr" by Angelina Kaufmann.R. A.

F.^ltlAtJRMICtfT AS5IOI ycrn.Mr. and Mra. Arnott Presslnger of

IBB Wert Klghty-slxth rtreet have innounredthe engagement of their daughter,Miss Madeleine Thome Presslnger,to Mr. Theodore Barnard Thompson. Jr.



table Enterprises j

'cpirrlght !))/ Harhrach.

iter of the Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Williamenergetic participant in the charitableShe was one of the organizers of thisjiven for the benefit of the Junior


Balmy Weather Adds toColorful Holiday.

Special Dispatch to The New Yo*k HnasU).Atlantic City, Dec. 24..A hundred

thousand holiday visitors streamed IntoAtlantic City to-day in the greatest lnlluxof seasonal guests thus far recorded,according to conservative estimate,- and New York guests jjredomlnatqd.A beaming sun shone all day,making for balmy temperature, andadded to an otherwise colorful pano1rama of Christmas. vThe Boardwalk was thronged throughoutthd day with Yuletlde visitors on

promenade, and the women, bedecked infura and finery of every description,found thernaelyes outnumbered by thenu n. Hotels are crowded, each hostelryoffering some special attraction in keep|ing with the Yuletlde spirit.

Kor the first time In history PhllaJdelphla was outdpne in sending visitors.Now York excelling In numbers.New York arrivals to-da.v :Dennis.Mr. and Mrs. A. O. House,

Miss E. R. Costello. Nora Costello, J. D.fcvald. R. M. Moses, Mrs. G. B. Smith,Miss G. R. Crow, Miss J. M. Crow, L.M. Nixon, Dr. and Mrs. I,. J. Stanley,Gertrude Sttelllts and Katharine andAnna E. Kant.Marlborough-Blenhelm . Russell C.

Northam, Russoll H. Northern, Miss E.S. Guerin. Miss L. Guerln. Mrs. A. B.Ryker, Mlas Helen Ryker, Prank D.Ames, Miss A. K. Ames. Miss EosenaEllis. Miss Elisabeth H. Ellis and MissFred E. Clements.Strand.L. M. McKeron, W. E. Rapp,

S R. Elsas and R. .Janett.Traymore.Albert McDougal, Mr. and

Mrs. Vess Jones. Mr. and Mrs. W. R.Williams. T. J. Anderson. Mr. nnd Mrs.J. E. Mulvey and Mr. and Mrs. E. K.Mc [Cellar.Breakers.Mr. and Mrs. rA. Rornain,

Mrs. A. Bennett and daughter. Mr. andMrs. M. R. Washerman. M. Cohen, Mr.

j and Mrs. J. Barron. William IJyman.Charles Berlin, L. H. Strober. Mr. andMrs. Joseph Newberger and Max Newberger.Ambassador.Mrs. S. Reens and son,

Walter Field. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kulla.Harold Kulla, Miss Marie Murphy andMiss Blanche Trlmple. Mine. Carolineand daughter. R. Borda. D. Sweeney. S.Hoahlno, M. Koike. Mr. and Mrs. Yanraguchand child.

Rlts-Carlton.Mr. and Mrs. C. C.Mason and Miss Carollyn M. Cnckrum.Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Jones. Mr. SlgmuhdHeyman, Mr. E. D. Mudd. Mr. J. E.O'Brien, from Albany, N. Y.: Mr. andMrs. J. Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Y. Tamaand son. Mr." end Mr* W. A. Dunlap,Mr. Wllhelrn Schweltaer, Mr. and Mrs.11, C. Newirth, Miss Florence Harriman,Miss R. Champion. Messrs. Conrad andCharles IX Glierlng.

HOTELS OBSERVE CHRISTMAS.Yuletldr Spirit nnd Color I'rrviil

In Hoatelrlea.

Strangers at New York hotr]* willnot be homesick during Christmas. TheHotel Association of New York City. Ina statement issued to-day. called attentionto Chrlntmao arrangements madeat leading New York hotels for transientsand their regular guests. who aroremaining In town over the holidays.

Holiday attire of red and rreen withVruces. flra and pntnsettlas predominating.form the background for Christmastrees in many of the hotel lobbies.

Special Christmas dinners will beserved at many of the leading hostelrles.Home of the hotels are giving to resljdent children Christmas gifts of candyand toys. One of the hotels la beingturned over for a Christmas celebra|tloti to 200 poor children from theneighbor hood. Another Is rememberingmany of Its patrons with Christmasplants delivered on Christmas morning.The home atmosphere of this horn* hoiIIday Is b« ng everywhere preserved.


Pianist Arrives as Wife of Dr.Octavio Pinto.

The Mtutson liner Southern cfose,from Soutit American porta, docking'yesterday in Hoireken, brought OulnmatNovaes. the pianist. on a honeyntoostrip with Dr. Octavlo Pinto, a rlvll engineerat tfao Paulo, who is it musicianend composer also. Their wedding followeda love affair begun In childhood.

Miss Hedvla K. Hehulfr., oaled theLillian Oleli of the Argentine moviesnnd known also as La Vlvlanne, tvaa a

passenger.Col Maurice V. t.lrelte, who has been

buying concessions In fold, diamondand ocal properties in Braxll, arrivedon business connected with hta acquisitions.Its said there was enouah hardcoal In Braxtt to supply moat of Itsfuel weeds and eventually to export 'tto England.



>5, 1922.

Philharmonic inWagner Program

at MetropolitanEight Favorite Excerpts From

If nutoii'k! \! 11 kJ i <1 1 ifiuin nuIi'iU-3H I O *T1 UOJly 1/X QlllUtl


Josef Btransky, giving an all M'afntrprogram, led the Philharmonic Orchestrain the society's second Sunday afternoonconcert at the Metropolitan Opera Houseyesterday, with a larfe and enthusiasticaudience present. The selections comjprised eight of the favorite excerptsfrom the master's music dramas. Thenumbers were the "Rlensi" overture, the"Good Friday Spell," from "Parsifal";the "Prelude" to "Lohengrin," Mr.Stransky's arrangements of "The Wanderer'sHide," "Siegfried's PassageThrough the Magic Fire" and "Dawnand the Rhine Journey,'' from "Slegjfried" and "The Dusk of the Gods," the"Tnnnhaeuser" bacchanale, the "Soundsof the Forest," from "Siegfried"; the"Prelude and Finale," from "Tristan andIsolds," and "The Hide of the Valkyries,"from "The Valkyrie."The performance of the orchestra

was very fine throughout. Following theWaglior-Btransky exoerp's and the "Trlsjtan and Isolda" music, the applause wasshured by both conductor and orchestra.


Danise to Sing Title Role inRevival January 5.

Oiullo Gattl-Casnr-za, general manage'of the Metropolitan Opera Company, yesterdayannounced that the "revival" ofRossini's "William Tell," which hns notbeen given at the Metropolitan for manyyears, will take place on Friday evening,January 5.

The- opera will be sung by Messrs.Danise In the title role. Marttnelli asArnold, Mardones as Walter, Dldur asGessler, D'Angelo as Melchtai, Bloch asa fisherman, Bada as Kodolf, Pieco asLeutold and Mines. Vonselle as Matilda,

and Perlnl as Edvide."}'he opera has been rehearsed and

will ha conducted by Gennaro Papl. Thechorus has been trained by Mr. QlulloSeltl. The stage management Is In thehands of Samuel Thewman. and thedances have been arranged by AugustBerger. The scenery has been paintedby vittorlo Rota- of the Theater r.UaScala of Milan, and the costumes madeby Mme. Castel-Bert.


gnnilny Operatic ' Concert RangesFrom Anber to Verdi.

The sixth of the series of Sundaynight concerts at the Metropolitan OperaHouse took place last evening. Theprogram consisted of the "Fra Dlavolo"overture by Auber; Salnt-Saens's "Samsonet Dallla," act two. with Mlsa Gordonsinging the Dalila and Mr. Taucherthe Samxon (the music of the HighPrioet was omitted owing to the indisjposition of Mr. Burke, who was to havesung the part) Gounod's "Faust," acttwo, with Mr. Harrold as Fauet, In placeof Mr. Chamlee, Indisposed Mr. Rothleras Mepkiatophelea, Miss Sundellua as

Marguerite, Miss Dalossy as Siebrl andMiss Telva as Marltle. and Verdi's "11Trovatore," art one, scene two, with MissPeralta singing f,eonora. Miss Anthonythe tner, Mr. Kingston the Ifanriro andMr. Plcco the Count rli Luna. Hearing theoperatic pxncrpts given In concert formgave great pleasure to the large audience,an was iihown by the applause.Mr. Bamboechek was the conductor.

MRS. MARY R. CONNESS DEAD.Was Widow of One Time Senatnr

of California.

Mrs. Alary Itussell Conne»a. aged 77.trMow of .John Conneas, from 18fi3 to1 8 United !*tntes Senator from Californiaand who was a pallbearer at thefuneral of President Ulnroln, died lastnight In the home of her daughter, Mrs.K. C. Waakoreon. at Hayhlon. I- I. Shewas born in Springfield. Mass ds^b'frof Wendell Thornton Davis. She wasmarried to Senator Conness nt Oreenfli.IrlUu.a ill lSli<4 lie died In 1 {<( <

Senator Conn''"* went to California inI Ml* as a miner and entere.l on a politicalcareer. He served In the CaliforniaLegislature for several years. Hewas in the official party that attendedthe driving of the golden spike Unkingthe Union and Southern Pacific railroads.

Mrs. Conness leaves two sisters, MiesCaroline W. Davis of Roxbury, Mass.,and Mrs. Charles E. Clark, widow ofRear Admiral Clark, who took theI*. S. S. Oregon on its famous voyagearound Cape Horn during the SpanishAmericanwar and whose death occurreda few days ago; four sons, I, IM.. Thorn]ton IJ., Oeorge ft. and Lehutd S. Connell,the last named of whom is editor of theMilwaukee genMttel, and two daughters,Mrs. Haakenson and l^ady Rich, wife ofSir Almertc E. F. Rich, who served Inthe Mrltlsh army and w-as promoted toIjleutenant-Colonel during the great war.

GEORGE G. DUTCHER DEAD.Wall Street Lawyer, 7H. Once

Headed Atlantic Dork Co.Oeorge O. Dutcher, lawver at 40

Wall street, died yesterday in his home,.19 Pierrepont street, Brooklyn. Hewas horn in Wolcott, N. T., and was

graduated from the Albany Daw School.He married Miss Mary H Rurchard ofBrooklyn. She died In 1907Mr. Dutcher went to Brooklyn In 1879.

He formerly was president of the AtlanticDock Company. He wss a memberof the Strong Place Baptist Church,trustee and a founder of the BaptistOrphanage nhd the Baptist Mtnlaters'Pension Fund and was a member of thehoard of directors of the Baptist ForeignMission Society and a member of theHamilton Club. He leaves three children.Rurchard Dutcher, Miss ElisabethDutcher and Mrs. Otis S Carroll.


t'harla* Kdrsr Kin*. 80. Katur:day In Ilia hfima ill Allanliurat. N. J.,of pamlysta. Since 1808 h« hnd liaenhoroiKrh clark of Atlanhurat. Ha wnhorn In fbla city In 1*42. a ami of Kbena*arA. Kin* t.ncl n dlra.-t d»«condantof Krnnklln Plarra, fovrteanth l*r«aidanto' tha t'nltad flfataa Ha won n firstlieutenant In tha Klrat l'nlon Hlfia*.later tha Seventy-flrat New York Re*l,mcnt, and during tha civil war aarvadwith Company I, Seventh Naw YorkReKiincnt. Ha was n tnambar of thaPons of tha American Revolution ofMonmouth county, Naw .Tarsay Halaovas hla wifa, tliraa sons and three'lau*htar».

tv. xv, t Rtwronn rAi.i<* dfiaii.

Wesley W. Crawford. 43, fall daadPnturday In tha Pore«t Hills Inn, atForest Mills, whara ho hud an, apart

mant.Ha conducted ri llf" Inaurancoagency at 880 Madison avenue. Halanvos hia wlfa and (h-dauRhtar. Funeralservices will ha hatd In Brooklyn tomorrowafternoon.


CAPT. PHILIP V>B VATRltP. **ed TO, forirony yours on* of tha lar*aat oystar plantar*tn thl« (tiatrlat, died yesterday Iti hla homa.<t»nti Amhoy mad, Plaaaant Plalna, Riaterrtiland. Itw «a« b<>rn on Htatrp Island, andwas a vntaran of tha (Ml war. Ha leavesthras sisters.

J. H. EDWARDS, FRIENDOF HARDING,DROPSDEADFormer Youngstown Pub-\Usher Falls in Fifth Ave.

J. Howard Edwards, aged 33, formerlya newspaper publisher of Youngstown.Ohio, and said to be a personal friendof President Harding, was seized with aheart at tacit yesterday afternoon whilewalking at Fifth avenue and Twenty-|eighth street, dying almost Instantly.llis body w&a-Jaken to the West Tlilr-!tieth street police station, where hisidentity was established from cards hecarried.Mr Edwards retired several years'

ago and had been living at the HotelIrvinrr. 26 Gratnercy square. Word of his jdeath was sent to his two daughters.Mrs. Alfred Newberg and Miss AliceEdwards, living at 3 26 East Nineteenthstreet. It was said at the hotel thatMr. Edwards had been In ill health fortwo years and underwent an operationIn October. He had been engaged inbusiness for many years in Youngstown



Miss Agnes Mathtide Dressier, pianistand vlolon cellist, died Saturday night inthe Fifth Avenue Hospital after a briefillness. 8he was the daughter of W1Ujiam Dressier, musician and composer,who died a few years ago, and was asister of Louis R. Dressier, organist.She was a pupil Leo Schuiz and forten years was a< member of the Wo- (men's String Orchestra. She alsopainted, and won several prizes at theArt Students' League. Funeral serviceswill be held at 11 o'clock Wednesdaymorning in the Church of the Holy Com- (munion, Sixth avenue and Twentiethstreet.


Funeral services for William J. Gibson,lawyer, who died Thursday, wereheld yesterday afternoon in the homeof his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and jMrs. Lome E. Campbell, 101 Vose ave-Inue. South Orange. The Rev. George E.Edmison. pastor of the First Presbyjterian Church of Soutti Orange, conductedthe services. Among those whoattended the services were Murray Hulbert.President of the Board of Aldermen,who formerly was Mr. Gibson'slaw partner. t

LOST ~AND FOUND.Rate (fc. a line, 40c. a line for threa

Issues within a week. Announcementsfor to-morrow's Herald received untilmidnight. Telephone Worth 10.000

. *'"

|DA(i, gray suede, trimmed with steel bead*.lost, containing $.*M> and 2 letters; reward, j

PocwUir av., Uronx.STMT CASE ami also a cardboard dross box150 reward (positively no Questions «i»kerP

for return of black patent leather snltca.eemid drees box with contents Intact. Lost onThursday afternoon from automobile, on 43dst. near Sth av. MRS. O. J. AHLSTROM,40 East 83d. j


CUFF BUTTON, large pearl, lost on SaturIdny evening between S and 8:30 probablyon Madison av, near Rltr. Hotel. Hinderplease return to 701 Park av.: liberal rewaid.DIAMOND SETTING from ring, $30 reward. 3Mre. Ellott. 20 f<th av.



night, chamois bag containing diamondpendant, sapphire pin and diamond clusterrings: liberal reward. Return .339 Dran at..]Brooklyn.PEARLS.String of small pearls, with platl-num mounted diamond clasp, lost Monday,

December IB. probably between 37th st. andAlloiton House: reward. Worth 8408.


WATCH. Wn" ha m. nn..ioctam: V.th, Broadway. Wednesday night; reward. Murphy, <

S. Inn Icr 0730.Wearing Apparel,

CHINCHILLA FUR, shawl collar, lined withgrav Georgette. A. Jeeckel. maker, lost

Thursday evening between WalJorf Hotelland Oramercy Park; |23 reward. Communl- ,

cate with Mrs. WESTERVKLT, 1 Lexingtonav. Telephone Oramercy 8147.5c"aRF (llT-Hudson llay sable, lost Saturdayplgbt in 'axl, between 12th and 33th sts.;

reward. Circle 4ISLltogs, t ats and Birds.

.. l

AIREDALE, lost between 73th st. and 3d av.,Brooklyn: brown harness, name 'Raster";

liberal reward. JOHNSTON, 240 73th St..Brooklyn. Shore Road 1300.


AIREDALE dog, lost Sunday night, vicinityNew York av. and President st.. Brooklyn:

reward Return to 340 New York av. uecatur1B32.HERMAN* police dog, loet, license No. 17214.

2'x years old, answers name Ruddy; goodlooking, liberal reward. Bryant.3240. T1V- |OU. IPS West 43th St.


DAVIDSON.ADLER..Mrs. Henry S. Adlerof Washington, D. C., announce* the en .

aagemerit of her daughter, Johanna, toAtr Irving At. Davidson. son of Mr. andMr*. M M. Davidson of Red Bank, N\ J.

KLKIV.I.FVINR.-Mt «'Mr*. Samuel W.I,evlna of 2.A." Writ litnth at., nnnounoethe engagement of thelt daughter, Dofo- «

thea, to Mr. Sldnwy It. Klein of New Yorkcity.

dTeTd .


Abbott. Anna R Ktintr. Realt,# At. .

ftahope k. Mary V. I .a A'atid. flenrvriahnp. Marv M. Alangee. Mary It.Rrennan. Ate rla Milter. Oorf»Bmherg. John A Atoora, Joahua V,Christle. Andrew It. .Nolan. Frank .(Congdon. Mynna V. t>. O'Brien. John fConnaaa. Afary R. O'Mara, Anna At.rv.-nell. Mlnnl- fl 0 rt'grlm. WilliamCrawford( Wesley W. Fray, William TDene, Charles I'my. Nona DortaDe Water*. Philip T. Rile. Henry E.Doughty, Antoinette tin*. Margaret At.Dreeeler, Agne* M fa*. Florence E.Rutrher. <Jeorge O. F -ott t.iicv flFowler, Mather N Smith, flarah C.ftmene. O. 0 Toy. Kleannr AtHoag. F»*|ev T Walter*, t'harle* F.Hungerford. Helen S Williamson, Barah A.Klnr. Chart** Pidgar

la MemnrlamFametr. Flora Ward, John W.Klnghl, Carrie J.

ARROTT -At Short It'll*. N .T., DecemberSI. 11SS. Attttb Rowe, widow of AuetlnAbbott FunertM services tprhate) onTueaday. I'er»ntber SB

RAF 'hf'K A' t-.h-n H*ad. I. T Frldav. r>» 1remher 21, Mary I. widow of Alfred r.Rabeo-'lt. Funeral aenrlce* will be held att'te home of her daughter. Afr*. I,ewt« F. yt< Whit*. at Olen Head, L. I., on Tuaa

lavmortihif, December 20, at 10 SOo'clock. ,

RIBtt'tr..Mary Cdlth. wife of Rrnaaf H.Rlahop. Funeral services at har latehome. Weathanipton Reach. Tuesday, !> -

ptmhi r 24. 1022. at 2 P MRRENNAN..Maria, Paeember 24, 1922. ,

RelatlAea ami friend* are reapeetfully In- |ilted lo a'tend th# funeral from har latahorn*. .179 Rayslde ay FkiahlM. miTueaitav. Peremher 24. at 9 A. M,, thenoato Pt. MhihaeFa C'hiiroli. wliera a RequlamMft«* will he offered for the rat»»ae ofher aottl. Inlarment Mount Paint Mary,

BROMKno..John A In hla 40th vaar, onperemher 2... at hla reeldenrn, 24 flth at,.TtMaroftcl'l Path. N. .1 Funeral aervlreaTueedav, Intratubar 2U. .1:30 P.M.

CIIRIPTIE At ItaeknneaeP, N. J., I>eermher31 11022 Andrew B. f'hrlatlw, halovailhnahand of Mary Is IVipert, aaart 47 ytar«Funeral aervlre" at lila lat realdanre, 141Overlook a*.. Tueaday afternoon. Jvcem-bar i2f. at !:.10 o'elook. Interment NewYorli Cemetery.

CONOtNlff."On Punday, IVoember 84. 1922.Mmna Van tleurian Coiiadon, widow of!Ptrwart IT Conrdon. Funeral service*will he hold at th" home of her alatar,Mr* F.. J. ntppe. 229 West 101st at.. NewYork ejty, Tuaaday eyenlna, Peremher 14.at 4 O'CMcfc. Interment private. i

CONNF.PS At Babylon, T,. I., N. Y.. Peemh/r84. 1922, Mary R. Conness, widow

of John Cdnneae, beloved mother of I. M..T. P., O. 0.. L.. P. Onnneaa, i.ady Richand Mr«. E C, Maakonaon, at tha ape ofof year*. Interment Cedar drove Cemetery,Poreheater, Maaa. Ban Franciscopapara please copy.



DIED.COllNELti-At East Oranft, N. J., December23, 1022. Minnie Rn 1 Slmrman, wife

of the late John B. Cornell. Funeralservices at her late home, 03 South Munn«vt. corner t'entral ave., on Tuesdayafternoon, December 26. at 2 o'clock.*

CRAWFORD..Wesley Wlleon. husband ofClara Craig-Crawford, father of MildredCrawford Tyrrel, Saturday. December 2.1, Iat Koreet Hill. Inn. Funeral services ITueaday. December 26. at 2 P. M.. at 1chapel of Harry Pyle, Chirroh and Oceanvs., Brooklyn. '

DUN'S..On Sunday. December 21. Charles. *

beinved husband of Adeline J. Dene. Fit- hnerel service, at bis late residence, 21T MF.ast 16th st Flatbueb. Tuesday, Dm- 9cumber 2fl, at 8 P. M. Interment private,

D O ITOHTT..Antoinette. CAHPBELLFUNERAL CHURCH. Broadway. 66th at.. ;Tueaday. 3 P. SI

0E WATERS.On Saturday, December 23.1822, at 6200 Amhny road. Pleasant Plains. 3S I., Capt. Philip T.. In his 78th year. iFuneral services at hl» late residence.Tueaday. December 26. at 2:30 P. M. In- t£jtorment Bethel Cemetery.

LtRESSEKR..Saturday, Decemher 2.3. Agres IMathllde, dauithter of William Dressierand Mary L. Hyde. Funeral service atChurch of the Holy Communion. 6th av. >and 20th at.. Wednesday, December 27. 11A. M. Norwich (Conn.) Bulletin plea.secopy.

DUTCHER .On Sunday. December 24, 1022.Georife (!., In lils 77tli year, father tifElizabeth and nurehaid Dutcher and MatyI>. Carroll. Funeral services at his latehome, 30 Plerrepont St.. Brooklyn. Wednesday.at 10:30 A. M. it le requested thatno flowers be sent.

FOWLER.December 2.3. 1!>22, Esther S.Fowler, aired 72 years. Funeral servicesStephen Merrltt s Harlem Chapel. 304 W.126th at., Tueaday morning. 11 o'clock.

jjthvimnr..ueorge Sears. jr entered lotsrest December 23. In his 89th year. Fu- fneral services at the Church of the HolyCommunion. South Orangi on the arrivalof the D., L. £ W. train leaving Hobokeaat 0:43 A. M. Tuesday. December -tl.

JOAO..At Baldwin place, Peeksklll. N. T .1'eeeniber 24. 1922, Seeley Tompkins Hoa*.Notice of funeral hereafter.itTNOERFORD.At Colorado Sprlnrrs, Colo.,on Dec. 22nd, Helen tfttcvenson Hungerford.wife of Victor IV, Hungerford. Funoral

services will be held at 1921 Spruce »t..Philadelphia. fa., on Thursday. Iiecember2Sth. nt 2 P. M Interment. Philadelphia.KING.At A'lenhurat. X. J., Saturday, Decenihtr 2.'l. 11)22. Charles Edgar, belovedhusband of Elizabeth G. King (nee Roche).Services from his Inte resldencu, 238 Allen tavenue, Tuesday. Decemlier 21. 10 o'clockA. M., thence by 11:30 A. M. train toNew York Ity. Members of Gen. PtltlKearny post No. 8. G. A. R., requestedto attend. Interment In family plotWoodlawn cemetery. New York.

CFNTZ Reglna M., beloved wife of WilliamH. and devoted mother of Reglna C. andW Vlneent, at her reslilenee, 30" East20!>th St.. on Friday, December 22. 1922.Solemn Requiem Mass at St. P.renaan'sR. C. Church. 207th st. and Perry av ,Tuesday, December 20. at JO A. M..A VAUD..Saturday. December 23, 1922,Henry i.a Vtud of 2430 Richmond road.New Dorp, S. I. Funeral (private) fromlils Inte residence Tuesday afternoon. T>

vernier 20. at 3 30 o'clock. intermAitMoravian Cemetery.iIANGKS..Mary Rossman, I'dlrt of SimonManges, lu loved mother of nnnle Weil,Harry I,. Manges and the late Mamie Livingston.Notice of funeral hereafter.

11I.LKR.-George. CAMPBELL FT NERAL(IU'Rcn, Broadway. 00th at.. untilWednesday.

tOORE..On Saturday, December 23. 1922.loshna husband of Sarah I. Moore.Funeral sendees at his la t home, 237Monroe street, Brooklyn, on Tuesday eveningat 0 o'clock. Member- of PuritanJ-odgr No. 330. F. and A. M., Invited toattend.

JOORB .Joshua V. Puritan I-odge, No. 339.F. and A. M. Brethren are notified ofthe death of Brother Joshua V. Moore, onSaturday, December 23. Maeonh funeralservices e 111 be held at bis late residence,237 Monroe St.. Brooklyn. Tuesday. December20. a* 8 P. M. Take Iaixlngton av.elevated nt Brooklyn Brldgu to Nostrandav., I)rouk!>n. Members assemble a*Brower'a, 07th st. and 2d av., at 5:45P. M. August P. Vlerllng, Master.

tJOBAN..Frank .1.. Hge 50. formerly of 33SEast 34tli at. Fumral December '-tl. fromT. J. Ilatton's. 303 F.ast 37th st. IntermentCalvary Cemetery.

J'KRIEN.At Mount Vernon. N. Y December28. 1922. John, beloved husband ofMarv A. OTrlen. in hl» Trtti. v..«r vet-nan of (ho civil war. served in tin navy»* landsman on the late I S. H. .Madnvsake.funeral from his late residence, il7Franklin nv., .Mount Vernon, S. Y.. onTuesday, December 2(1. at P:.K> A. M.:thence to the Sacred Heart Church. IntermentCIrern-Wood Cemetery, llrooklyn,N Y. Hartford (Conn.) papers pleasecopy.

)'MARA..On Friday. December 22. 11*22.Anna M. O'Mara. dearly beloved slater ofDaniel O'Mara. Relatives and friends areitivitod to attend the funeral from her lateresidence. 782 Grand at.. Jersey City, onTuesday. Dei-ember 28, at 9 A M. Solemn11: s h Requiem Mites at 8t. Patrick'sChurch at 10 A. M.

PILGRIM .Suddenly December 22 1922. Williamrilerlrn. In his 7PUi year, ilearly helovedhusband of Clara and devoted fatherof Anna. William, Jr Theodore, Paul andClarissa. (Services Monday evenlna. at Ao'clock, at hla late residence, 221 Weat101st st. Interment private.

'RAY..On Bundav. Dei ember 24. 1922. attd Pier St.. City Island. N V.. the Rev.William T. Pray, In his 79th var. helovedhusband of Adelka M. Pray, fatherof E ale Prav Ileae end I'r. Samuel P.Pray. Methodist eleegyman. New YorkMast Conference civil war veteran, hanlalnof 78th and PCd New York Httte.Funeral at St. John's Methodist KpisconslChurch. New Rochelle, N. Y Tueedavafternoon at 2:.'»0, Train leaves GrandCentral Station at 1 Oil.

'IIEY..Sens Doris. CAMPRKLL Kl'NKR.AD CHURCH, Rruadway, tlOth st. Notlcalater.

1II.E..At the residence of his eon, I.ovettRile. 102 Mapb av.. Ifaatlnys on irftdson.N. Y.. Itenrv E.. In his 8,'td year. Funeralaervlces i'ii»-day, Dereniher 28, 1022. at2 P. M. Int. . #nt Woodlawn.

YOE..On Sunday, December 24. 1922. MarcaretM. Hoe, beloved wife of the lateChar|e« t Rot funeral services at herlate resld»-te. 1.14 Jewett av., Jersey City,on Tueedav December 28, at 8 P. MInterment t'lanehvllle, N. J.

JAN..Suddenlv on Sunday. 1 "camber 24. atIter residence 10s West 8-,th » .. FlorenseE.. wife of the late Julius Sat and he-loved melher of Alfred 11. and PerclvalM. Sn* and Mm. Clia rlea I .on if. Intermentprivate.

IOOTT..At Clifton Pr>rln«*. N. Y.. on «*Ill-day.December 23, If>22. I.ury O *V*

of the £te William J. Hroit. Private funprnlaervlce will bp hold at tho rea<dencoof her daughter. Mra. Edward It.Hrlnley. at nivpmldP. Conn. Interment atRural CeniPtery. White Plain*. N. Y.

IM1TH..At Ptamford. Conn., December 2.1,1022. Pa rah Carprntpr. wife of WilliamM. Smith. Funeral »*rvli.p» at her lataeeldenre, w Hubbard av., Stamford, onTucaday. at ! P. M x

nOY..Entered Into rr«t. F.lranor Marian, Intho lath yrar of her llfp. beloved daughterof Kneene O. and Marian K. Toy, 3dCheat nut at.. Nutlpy. N. J.

iVALTF.HS..CharlPB F.. *3 Weat 11Wh »t.on Friday. December 22. Funeral tnaaaa", tho Church of St. Thoma* the Apoatle,Weet 11 Hth at., near St. Nlcholaa lee.Tneadav, De<-emiher 2d. at 10 A. M. Automobilecortege

tV I l.I.IAMSON..At White rialna, N«w York,Saturday, December 23, 1022. Sarah A .

wife of the late Smith WIIMameon. Funeralaervlrea at her lata residence, HINorth Hroadway. White Flalna, N. Y., «Tueeday, December 20. at 2 P. M.

[N MEMORIAM.IAMFTZ -In memory of Flora who departedthl# life Pee-ember 23. 1813. Mar

her eoul reel In peacetlNOHI. -Carrie J., died October II, 1P15.beloved wife and dear mother. In rha«tememory of all the beautiful Fhrletmaaeahe planned for ue.

Her family.A'ARP .John W. In loving memory of my

:s. i»io.Patrtffk Ward.


THE HOME FUNXRALflfrl Catufum^ iMKpfniMjr AIff Catl Columbu <200 inli|f WhenDeath Occur* 1U|| FRANKE.CAMPBEU., MIf l|JtV g.-CAdwu at 6


THE WOODLAWN CEMETERY^B«oH of View* or ILpr***fiUtlW.

Telephone Woodlawn 1100.